Mineral Exploration
Mineral Exploration
Mineral Exploration
(Geol 4123)
• What is Economic Geology? Study of earth materials
that have economic value to human being.
• Underground developments
• Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation
• evaluations/Feasibility study and mining project design
Mineral Exploration
1 Introduction to Mineral Exploration and Resource
1.1 Course definition and aim
• The glue was made out of red hematite and acacia gum. But making
the glue wasn't easy for the ancient Africans.
• Over 7000 years ago Egypt sent out expedition in search of gold,
turquoise, silver, tin, and lead.
1.3 Definition of Common Terms:-
• Complex
• Capital intensive
• Time taking
• Risky and
• It involves:
- Detailed geologic mapping, Detailed geochemical sampling,
Activities include:
• Site construction
• After the mining life is over, the extraction activity will cease
unless more reserve is discovered through exploration efforts
around the discovered ore. This phase includes:
• Dismantling equipments
• Reduce number of workers, and
• Install/implement environmental rehabilitation &
protection measures.
2. Geological Prospecting/Exploration
1.Large scale – maps with a small scale ratio 1:1000, 1:2500, etc
(>1:5000-Detail maps)
2. Small scale – maps with large scale ratios 1:100,000; 1:250,000 etc
(<1:5000-Reconnaissance Maps)
determining the areas of ore in each section and computing the final volume
• The most common traditional way has been in the form 042/23 NW
is a surface with strike of 42◦ that dips at 23◦ to the northwest- for
the attitude of a planar surface (i.e. such as a bedding plane,
cleavage, joint, vein etc., )
1. Planning
2. Sampling
3. Chemical analysis
4. Interpretation
5. Follow-up
• The field geologist is involved more in phases 1, 2, 4 and 5 while the
3rd phase is done by a chemical laboratory.
1. Planning
• It is a mater of adopting the most effective techniques for the
commodity sought in the area of search – “Orientation Survey”.
2. Sampling
• Surveys may be either reconnaissance or detailed
Soils Survey
Rock Sampling
2.1 Stream Sediment Sampling/surveying:-
Sieved samples are usually stored in small Kraft paper envelopes. All
samples should be clearly labeled by pens containing nonmetallic ink.
• The sample collected for assay is usually the fine silty or clayey (<120
μm).The sample is normally taken from clay rich, B soil horizons.
• Drying:- it generally dried (at 110 °C) either in the sun, in low
temperature ovens, or freeze dried.
• Sample shipment and packing:- Packing, labeling and Fill out and
enclose an analytical requisition form.
CRU-31 Fine crushing of rock chip samples to 70% Standard preparation procedure for 13 (i.e. all rock samples & DIR- $3.00
passing 2mm. samples 01, Ar-R-01 and Ar-R-03) + $0.55 /kg
SPL-21* Split sample using a riffle splitter. Standard splitting procedure. 13 (i.e. all rock samples & DIR- $2.00
01, Ar-R-01 and Ar-R-03) + $0.40 /kg
PUL-21 Pulverize entire sample to 85% Appropriate for samples up to 3kg. 13 (i.e. all rock samples & DIR- $10.90
01, Ar-R-01 and Ar-R-03)
ME-XRF26* Fused disc XRF, LOI by furnace or TGA for the major rock-forming elements 10 (i.e. all rock samples ) $33.15
ME-MS81™ Fused bead, acid digestion and ICP-MS For Rare Earth & Trace Elements 10 (i.e. all rock samples) $33.25
ME-4ACD81 Four acid digestion and ICP-AES For base metal and others 10 (i.e. all rock samples) $7.95
Add-on only
ME-XRF26* Fusion, XRF Industrial minerals 7 (i.e. TB-02,03&04; Dr-03, $33.15
DIR-02, DuR-01, and Ar-R-04)
ME-ICP86 Fusion, ICP-AES For calcite and agate 4 (i.e. DR-01B, DIR-01, Ar-R-01 $46.80
and Ar-R-03)
ME-IR06a Organic carbon and sulfide sulfur by HCI C (Organic) and S (Sulfide) 3 (i.e. TB-02,03&04A) $29.65
(25%) leach of carbonates and sulfates, Leco
S-GRA07 Solvent leach, gravimetric finish. S (Elemental) 1 (Dur-01) $35.80
XRDMP Mineral / Phase XRD- Specific mineral phase identification & 6 ( i.e. TB-02,03&04; Dr-03, By Quotation
High precision quantitative XRD DIR-02 & Ar-R-04)
Typical detection limits of elemental analysis
3.7 Geochemical Results-Rocks
Interpretation the geochemical- data
• The object of geochemical exploration is to define significant
• Background Values
• Anomalous Values:
Geochemical results
Anomalous Maps-
• Geologists are used to thinking in terms of maps and the most useful
end product to compare geochemical data with geology and
• Most measurements are made on the surface of the land or sea, but
some are taken from airborne, and still others are made underground.
• Gravity measurements define anomalous density within the Earth;
Seismic and
Geophysical survey application
• Gravity measurements define anomalous density within the Earth;
• ore bodies are thus often denser than their surroundings (Table 2)
- And can also be used for the direct location of those ore bodies that
have a distinct magnetic signature.
Common problems
• Magnetic storms:
• Latitude
These and other limitation of magnetic prospecting: often has to be
carried out along with gravity and other methods.
(A) Nuclear proton precision magnetometer in
(B) Cesium vapour magnetometer
Aeromagnetic and gravity anomaly profiles along a Line
across SE of the Lizard.
4.3 Electrical Methods
• Electrical methods are used to map/locate variations in the electrical
properties (resistivity or conductivity?) of the subsurface materials.
• They are more popular because they are successful in dealing with
varieties of problems like groundwater studies, subsurface structures
sulfide minerals and many others.
• So, Electrical method work best in the upper few hundred metres of
the surface with fresh unweathered rocks.
Categories of Electrical Methods
• Different Techniques employed under this
1.Resistivity (DCR)
• For this reason, EM surveys have had most success in locating ore in
those parts of the world where fresh, unoxidized rocks occur close to
the surface- (best works 0-200).
airborne electromagnetic survey
The coloured mesh shows
the topographic variation of
the ground surface.
• Electrical and radioactive bore hole logging are most commonly used
at present.
Natural radioactive decay produces α, β, and ϒ.
Types of
5. Remote Sensing and GIS methods of Exploration
• Any system which can record the intensity and wavelengths of the
reflected light and reproduce the data as an image is known as
reflectance imagery/remote sensing imagery
(aerial photographs, satellite and radar imageries)
Aerial photography
• Aerial photography has been used for much longer than satellite
imagery and increasing use of satellite imagery is being made
because it shows large areas on the surface of the earth.
panchromatic aerial photograph s(B&W) Differen types of stereoscope.
Satellite imagery:
• Two approaches are used to extract geological information from
satellite imagery
Spectral and Photo-geological approach
• Scales from 1:50 to 1:500 are appropriate for (trench and pit?)
• There are a variety of drilling techniques ( i.e. auger drilling, rotary percussion
drilling and diamond drilling) which can be used to sink a borehole into the
ground. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, in terms of the
• Dual-tube RC drilling,
• Diamond rigs need to drill slowly to lengthen the life of drill bits and
rods, which are very expensive.
Cutaway section through a diamond drill bit, drill rods and
core barrel
Drilling of an Inclined Diamond
Cement Marker Denoting the Location of
Drill Hole Collars
Well logging/borehole logging
• It is the practice of making a detailed record (a well log)
of the geologic formations penetrated by a borehole.
• At a drill site initial logging is done and then the core is moved
to a field base, where a more detailed examination of the core
takes place at a later date.
- Geologist emphasis on structure, lithology, alteration
and mineralization
- Other details such as core recovery and the location of
excessive core loss (when say >5%) has to be examined too.
*Measured – is that part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage, densities, shape,
physical characteristics, grade and mineral content can be estimated with a high level of
** Indicated – is that part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage, densities, shape,
physical characteristics, grade and mineral content can be estimated with a reasonable
level of confidence.
*** Inferred – is that part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage, densities, shape,
physical characteristics, grade and mineral content can be estimated with a low level of
• Mineral Reserve: “the economically mineable part of a Measured
or Indicated Mineral Resource demonstrated by at least a
Preliminary Feasibility Study.
• This includes the volume of the pore spaces and moisture content. It
is obtained by laboratory measurement of field samples (fig).
• The study should support the raising of finances for the project
from banks or other sources, and provide a basis for detailed
designs and construction.
Mineral processing:
It is important that the treatment process be designed to handle
maximum concentrations of minerals.
• Infrastructure requirements will need to be assessed and designed to
a level in keeping with the study accuracy, and usually addresses the
• Power supply • Water supply
• Internal roads • Plant infrastructure
• Permitting and authorities.
• The development of any mine will require an environmental impact
assessment (EIA).
• Cash flow = cash into the project (revenue) minus cash leaving the
project (expenditure)
• The study should support the raising of finances for the project from: