General Geology chapter Eight
General Geology chapter Eight
General Geology chapter Eight
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Stratigraphy is a branch of Historical Geology which studies the vertical
and lateral relationships of stratified rocks.
studies the arrangement and succession of strata
Stratigraphy has three systematic phases:
1. Description- of strata as they occur in sequence in local areas,
2. Correlation- stratigraphic relations of various localities. It is the
establishment of equivalency among sediments of one locality with those of
other localities.
Correlation can be carried based on:
physical sedimentary features
index fossils, or
combination of both
3. Interpretation - stratigraphic record, i.e. both rocks and their contained
fossils, in terms of the past history of the earth.
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There are five basic principles of stratigraphy.
1. Original Horizontality
layers of sediment are generally deposited in a horizontal position.
Sedimentary layers found tilted at an angle to the horizontal some force must
have acted on them after they were deposited.
2. Superposition
This principle states that sedimentary layers are stacked/ load one on top of
another, the oldest layers are found at the bottom.
3. Crosscutting Relationships
This is applied to rock units and geological structures that are not necessarily
A fault that cuts a rock layer, for example, must be younger than that layer.
4. Included Fragments
this states that a fragment of one rock included within another must be older
than the rock that contains it. E.g. A pebble in a conglomerate must be older
than the conglomerate.
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5. Fossil Succession
in thick sequences of sedimentary rock the fossils they contain change in a
systematic fashion.
This pattern is repeated throughout the world, and thus by finding
distinctive fossils geologists can correlate rocks in widely separated areas
and determine that they have the same relative age.
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Geological time and dating
The time scale provides a framework for arranging events of geologic past.
fundamental importance in understanding the geologic history of ancient
geologic events.
to understand ancient rocks and geologic events, we must understand
present day processes and their results. This concept is generalized in
Uniformitarianism: stated that processes that operated in the past are still
operating at present, and later modified as " the present is the key to the
Geologic history is determined from interpretation of the way rocks were
formed and the dating of these events.
Rocks and events can, then be placed on a time scale.
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Fig, geological time scale
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Unconformities represent a long period during which deposition ceased/
ended, erosion removed previously formed rocks, and then deposition
angular unconformity
Uncoformity where the older strata dip at an angle different from that of the
younger beds.
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Disconformities are breaks in the rock record where the strata on both sides
of the unconformity are essentially parallel.
Nonconformity where the break separates older metamorphic or igneous
rocks from younger sedimentary rocks.
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2. Absolute dating method
is the actual age of an event stated in specific years and refers to specific
dates of rock units using radioactive dating.
Radioactivity is the transformation of one element into another by the
emission of particles or radiation from the atomic nuclei.
Radioactive elements usually develop from magma, which contains
solution of elements. Certain chemical elements such as U and Th have
unstable nuclei which undergo constant, spontaneous disintegration that
eventually results in various more stable end products.
as a result of radioactivity, the radioactive parent element change into
daughter element which have lower energy level than their respective
parent nuclides.
The amount of radioactive nuclide which decays within any period of time
is proportional to the amount of the elements (nuclides) present. The rate is
dependent only on the number of the radioactive atom present, regardless of
the physical conditions (temperature, pressure or chemical environment).
3 types of radioactive decay: alpha, beta and electron capture
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In the process of radioactive decay, the nucleus of parent radioactive atom
emits either an alpha particle (He nucleus), or beta particle (electron or
energy in the form of gamma radiation), and transformed into stable
daughter isotope or new element.
Example U23892 + alpha Th23490 + He42
Each individual atom of a particular radioactive isotope (element) has the
same probability of decaying within a given time period.
The rate of disintegration or the rate of decay of isotopes is usually
expressed in terms of half-life. Halve-life is the time required for one half of
the nuclei in a sample to decay to stable daughter nuclides.
After one half-life, half of the radioactive atoms have decayed to the stable
daughter product. The number of radioactive parent atoms and stable
daughter product atoms are the same.
For example, if the ratio of radioactive parent to stable daughter product in a
given sample is 1:1 and the half-life is 5 million years, the age of the sample
becomes 5 million years. However, for the same hypothetical isotope if …...
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the parent-daughter ratio is 1:7, the age of the sample becomes 15 million.
And if the parent-daughter ratio is 1:15, the age of the sample becomes 20
Sedimentary rocks can seldom /rarely be dated directly by radiometric
because the particles composing most sedimentary rocks come from
rocks of diverse ages.
By contrast, the crystals in an igneous rocks all form at about the same time.
Absolute dates for sedimentary layers are usually determined by examining
their relationship to igneous rocks.
We use an instrument called mass spectrometer to count the isotopes.
radioactive elements with a fast rate of decay are used to date young rocks
and events (e.g. C14 with a half-life of 5730years), while those with a slow
rate are used for old rocks and events (e.g. Rb87 with a half-life of 47
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isotopes Half-life of Effective dating range Minerals and other materials that can be
parent (yrs) dated
parent daughter
K-40 Ar-40 1.3 billion 50,000 - 4.6 billion Muscovite, biotite, hornblende, whole
volcanic rocks
Rb-87 St-87 47 billion 10million - 4.6 billion Muscovite, biotite, K-feldspar, whole
metamorphic or igneous rocks
C-14 N-14 570m 100 - 70,000 Wood, charcoal, peat; bone and tissue;
shell and other calcium carbonate;
ground water, ocean water and glacier
ice containing dissolved carbon dioxide.
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Thank you
wish you the best!!!
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