Final Kofale-Kore-Bekoji Feasibility Report
Final Kofale-Kore-Bekoji Feasibility Report
Final Kofale-Kore-Bekoji Feasibility Report
and Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Resettlement Action Plan, and Final Feasibility Report,
Tender Document Preparation & Engineering Cost Estimation of Kofele – Kore –
April 2022
Bekoji and Arsi Negele – Bilalo Junction
Table of contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................. xiii
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Contract Data and Management ..................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope of Services and Objectives................................................................................... 3
1.4 Project Description .......................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Accessibility of the project site ........................................................................................ 8
1.6 Project Location map ...................................................................................................... 9
2 CONSULTATIONS ..................................................................................... 11
2.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Stakeholder Consultation process ................................................................................. 11
3 TRAFFIC DATA AND ANALYSIS .............................................................. 15
3.1 Traffic Data ................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1 General .................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.2 Traffic Count (TC) .................................................................................................. 15
3.1.3 Vehicle Classification ............................................................................................. 16
3.1.4 Estimation of Motorized Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) ............................... 17
3.1.5 Total Number of Motorized Traffic Counted ........................................................... 18
3.1.6 Night Time Motorized Traffic Count........................................................................ 19
3.1.7 Night Factor ........................................................................................................... 19
3.1.8 Motorized Average Daily Traffic ............................................................................. 21
3.1.9 Estimation of Non-Motorized Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) ....................... 22
3.1.10 Night Time Non-Motorized Traffic Count ................................................................ 23
3.1.11 Night Factor (NF) ................................................................................................... 24
3.1.12 Non-Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) ........................................................... 26
3.1.13 Modal Shift (from Non-Motorized to Motorized Traffic) ........................................... 27
3.1.14 Summary of Normal Traffic .................................................................................... 29
3.1.15 Seasonal Conversion Factor .................................................................................. 29
3.1.16 Generated Traffic ................................................................................................... 31
3.2 Traffic Growth and Forecast .......................................................................................... 33
3.2.1 General .................................................................................................................. 33
4 ROUTE SELECTION .................................................................................. 44
4.1 Identification of Alternatives Route ................................................................................ 44
4.2 Characteristics Of The Identified Routes ....................................................................... 45
4.3 Multi Criteria Analysis Of The Alternative Routes .......................................................... 47
4.3.1 Engineering Assessment ....................................................................................... 47
4.3.2 Environmental Assessment.................................................................................... 49
4.3.3 Social Assessment................................................................................................. 52
4.3.4 Economic Analysis of the Alternative Routes ......................................................... 58
4.3.5 Administrative Considerations ................................................................................ 59
4.3.6 Evaluation And Recommendation .............................................................................. 59
5 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN ................................................... 64
List of Figures
List of Pictures
Picture 5-1: Start of the project (SOP), Kofele town roundabout .................................................. 94
Picture 5-2: Existing gravel road (deteriorated road with poor riding quality), at Km-6+000 ......... 94
Picture 5-3: Existing gravel road (deteriorated road with poor riding quality), at km-17+200........ 94
Picture 5-4: Existing gravel road (very deteriorated road, difficult to access), at km-54+000 ............................. 94
Picture 5-5: Typical brown silty clay (Km-6+500) ......................................................................... 96
Picture 5-6: Dark brown high plastic silty clay (Km-40+500) ..................................................................... 96
Picture 5-7: Pockets of weathered rock & boulders (Km-41+200) .............................................................. 96
Picture 5-8: Light grey moderately weathered rock (Km-62+400) .............................................................. 96
Picture 5-9: Light grey moderately weathered rock (Km-61+800) .............................................................. 96
Picture 5-10: Black silty clay (Black cotton soil) at Km-63+150 ................................................................. 96
Picture 5-11: Site investigation works (Km-2+000 and Km-5+000) ............................................................ 97
Picture 5-12: Borrow pits Photo-1 ............................................................................................. 100
Picture 5-13: Borrow pits Photo-4 ............................................................................................. 100
Picture 5-14: Rock Quarry Photo-1 ........................................................................................... 100
Picture 5-15: Rock Quarry Photo-3 ........................................................................................... 101
Picture 5-16: Sand Source Photo-1 ........................................................................................... 101
Picture 5-17: Sand Source Photo-2 ........................................................................................... 102
Picture 5-18: Water Source Photo-1.......................................................................................... 102
Picture 5-19: Water Source Photo-3.......................................................................................... 103
Picture 5-20: Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock back slope formation @ Km-56+000 ................. 118
Picture 5-21: Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock back slope formation @ Km-62+000 ................. 118
Picture 5-22: Eroded black silty caly soil, from Km-62+300 to Km-63+250 ................................................ 122
List of Tables
Table 3-11: Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Kofele - Kore- Shire ..................................... 21
Table 3-12: Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Shire – Kersa ............................................... 21
Table 3-13: Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Shire – Qubsa.............................................. 22
Table 3-14: Day Time Non-Motorized Traffic survey result Kofele - Kore- Shire .......................... 22
Table 3-15: Day Time Non-Motorized Traffic survey result Shire - Kersa .................................... 22
Table 3-16: Day Time Non-Motorized Traffic survey result Shire - Qubsa ................................... 23
Table 3-17: Night Time Non-motorized Traffic survey result Kofele - Kore- Shire ........................ 23
Table 3-18: Night Time Non-motorized Traffic survey result Shire – Kersa ................................. 23
Table 3-19: Night Time Non-motorized Traffic survey result Shire – Qubsa ................................ 24
Table 3-20: Night Factor Determination for Kofele - Kore- Shire................................................ 24
Table 3-21: Night Factor Determination for Shire - Kersa ............................................................ 25
Table 3-22: Night Factor Determination for Shire – Qubsa .......................................................... 25
Table 3-23: Non-Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Kofele - Kore- Shire ............................. 26
Table 3-24: Non-Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Shire – Kersa ....................................... 26
Table 3-25: Non-Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Shire – Qubsa ...................................... 26
Table 3-26: Modal shifts are calculated as follows: ..................................................................... 28
Table 3-27: Modal shift Traffic ..................................................................................................... 29
Table 3-28: Summary of Normal Traffic – Kofele - Kore- Shire.................................................... 29
Table 3-29: Summary of Normal Traffic Shire – Kersa ................................................................ 29
Table 3-30: Summary of Normal Traffic Shire – Qubsa ............................................................... 29
Table 3-31: Seasonal Conversion Factor .................................................................................... 30
Table 3-32: Travel time to estimate Generated Traffic Factor...................................................... 32
Table 3-33: Estimate of Generated Traffic Factors from the travel time Kofela-Shire Bekoji ........ 32
Table 3-34: Potential Generated Traffic for Project Road Koffela-Shire....................................... 32
Table 3-35: Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of the Project Road at 2021 ........................... 33
Table 3-36: Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of the Project Road at 2021 Shire – Kersa ....... 33
Table 3-37: Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of the Project Road at 2021 Shire – Qubsa ...... 33
Table 3-38: Income Elasticity of Demand for Transport ............................................................... 35
Table 3-39: Selected Performance and Forecasted Growth Rates of Ethiopia ............................ 36
Table 3-40: Consultant’s Estimate for Elasticity of Demand ........................................................ 38
Table 3-41: Average Annual Traffic Growth-Low Scenario .......................................................... 39
Table 3-42: Average Annual Traffic Growth-Medium Scenario .................................................... 39
Table 3-43: Average Annual Traffic Growth-High Scenario ......................................................... 40
Table 3-44: Base year Traffic (at 2025) – AAD from Kofele - Kore- Shire .................................... 40
Table 3-45: Base year Traffic (at 2025) – AADT from Shire – Kersa ........................................... 41
Table 3-46: Base year Traffic (at 2025) – AADT from Shire – Qubsa .......................................... 41
Table 3-47: Traffic forecast for Kofela-Shire ................................................................................ 41
Table 3-48: Traffic forecast for Shire – Kersa .............................................................................. 42
Table 3-49: Traffic forecast for Shire- Qubsa .............................................................................. 42
Table 3-50: Design Standard for sections of the Project Road .................................................... 43
Table 4-1: Alternative Routes ......................................................................................................... 44
Table 4-2: Key Features ................................................................................................................. 45
Table 4-3: Scores for Engineering Assessment Section B ................................................................... 48
Table 4-4: Levels of Environmental Risk with Corresponding ECA Value for each alternative. .............. 50
Table 4-5: Calculation of Aggregate ECA Risk Numbers ................................................................... 51
Table 4-6: ECA Value and MCA Scores .......................................................................................... 51
Table 4-7: preliminary comparison for route options .......................................................................... 54
Table 4-8: Scores for Social Assessment Section B .......................................................................... 57
Table 4-9: Comparison of Economic Consideration of Section B......................................................... 58
Table 4-10: Scores for Economic Assessment Section B .................................................................... 58
Table 4-11: Administrative Considerations Section B ........................................................................ 59
Table 4-12: Aggregate results of the alternative routes ....................................................................... 59
Table 5-1: EMA Control Point...................................................................................................... 66
Table 5-2: List of Stations Surveyed for Kofele-Kore-Bekoji Road ............................................... 66
Table 5-3: Road functional Classification verses Design Period .................................................. 68
Table 5-4: AADT along the road sections ................................................................................... 69
Table 5-5: Project terrain classification for design standard consideration................................... 69
Table 5-6: Geometric Design Standard Parameters for DC5 Road ............................................. 70
Table 5-7: Town Sections along the Project ................................................................................ 72
Table 5-8: Slope Ratio Table – Vertical to Horizontal .................................................................. 73
Table 5-9: Basic Roadway Features in Towns, and Developing Towns,...................................... 76
Table 5-10: Guide post Spacing .................................................................................................. 79
Table 5-11: Design standard /class and recommended return period .......................................... 84
Table 5-12: Region B2 design rainfall (ERA DDM,2013) ............................................................. 85
Table 5-13: Land cover and Hydrologic soil group for project watershed..................................... 90
Table 5-14: Number of collected subgrade samples ................................................................... 98
For clarity and precision in presentation, many abbreviations of technical words and
agencies/organizations are mentioned through this report. Below, they are listed, abbreviated, and
defined as follows:
a.m.s.l Above Mean Sea Level
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
The Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) on behalf of FDRE has selected Consultant to
provide Consultancy Services for Concept Design, Risk Assessment, Feasibility and
Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Resettlement Action Plan, and Tender
Document Preparation & Engineering Cost Estimation of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji and Arsi
Negele – Bilalo Junction.
Accordingly, the Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia (the Employer) signed an Agreement with Beles Consulting Engineers PLC on
March 30, 2021 for Concept Design, Risk Assessment, Feasibility and Environmental
Impact Assessment Studies, Resettlement Action Plan, and Tender Document
Preparation & Engineering Cost Estimation of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji and Arsi Negele –
Bilalo Junction.
The Kofele – Kore – Bekoji road project starts from Kofele town which is located from
Shashemene about 25km and from Addis Ababa about 260km and the project end at Koji
Katara 15km from Bekoji on Gobesa - Bekoji - Kersa road design project based on the final
route selection assessments. The total project length of this project is approximately 69.3 km.
Traffic Volume(AADT)/Design
A traffic count conducted on Kofele - Kore- Shire, Shire – Kersa(Bekoji ) and Shire – Qubsa
road project on the first week of June 2021, which represent one of the traffic count cycle of
ERA, [i.e. on Cycle three]. The consultant sought it is better to see the project’s significance in
terms of creating connections towns such as Kofele - Kore- Shire, Shire – Kersa(Bekoji ) and
Shire - Qubsa has a great socio-economic as well as political importance. Meanwhile, the
consultant conducted a survey on both motorized and non-motorized traffic count on selected
road sections, from Kofele - Kore- Shire (TC-1), Shire – Kersa(Bekoji ) (TC-2) and Shire –
Qubsa (TC-3) on the existing roads are currently serving both traffics . The following table gives
the summary of the motorized traffics.
Year Car 4 WD S/ Bus M/ Bus L/ Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T TOTAL
2025 0 30 46 25 4 55 16 5 3 183
2026 0 32 50 27 4 60 17 6 4 200
2027 0 35 55 29 4 66 19 6 4 218
2028 0 38 60 31 5 73 21 7 4 239
2029 0 42 65 34 5 80 23 8 5 260
2030 0 45 71 37 5 88 25 9 5 284
2031 0 49 77 39 6 96 27 9 6 311
2032 0 54 83 43 6 106 30 10 6 339
2033 0 58 90 46 7 116 33 11 7 368
2034 0 63 98 50 7 126 36 12 8 399
2035 0 68 105 54 8 137 39 13 8 432
2036 0 73 114 58 8 150 42 14 9 469
2037 0 79 123 63 9 163 46 16 10 509
2038 0 85 133 68 10 178 50 17 11 552
2039 0 92 143 73 11 194 55 19 12 598
Source; Consultant
The design standard of a road is determined by the volume of traffic on the project road at the
mid of the design period. The following shows the design standard of the road sections with
respect to mid-year traffic volume. As it is stipulated in below in the table 2-50 Kofele - Kore-
Shire has 681 AADT, Shire – Kersa 339 and Shre – Qubsa has 266 AADT. In hindsight the
consultant adopted the highest traffic volume [AADT 681] of the road corridor as design traffic
volume for the proposed road project.
Route Selection
In accordance with the Terms of Reference, the main purpose of project road is to create
connections between the major towns in the area; i.e, Kofele, Kore and Bekoji towns while
providing access to villages, towns and surrounding areas along the project road. Considering
these and term of refrence , Kofele, Kore and Bekoji towns are identified as the control points
of the project road and their specific coordinates are shown in the table below. However
considering the project area road network, construction and design project and the
consultation with Woreda and zones administration and ERA, the project end control points
,Bekoje, has been changes to Qubsa, Koji Katara, Kersa and their coordinate is shown in the
table below.
Table 0-9: control points
Considering different factors and woreda, Zone and Oromia Region requests, the whole road
corridors divided into Two Major Section, Section I only have one alternatives, Section II which
have three alternatives as listed below.
The first section i.e Kofele - Kore - Shire does not have any alternatives. And the second
section has three alternative which ends at different location. Therefore the second section
which have route alternative has been evaluated. The MCA of each alternative in the section
B for this particular project is shown in table below.
Based on the multi-criteria comparative assessments carried out for the identified alternative
routes as outlined in the sections above, it is concluded that Alternative 2 are the most preferred
alternative routes.
The primary reasons for the selection of Alternative 2 is the highest social and strategic values
when it compares with the other option. This alternative route has significant strategic benefits
based on Consultation with Oromia road authority in addition to maximize traffic connectivity
and access to economic resources and market.
Considering the foregoing, the Consultant recommends Alternative 2 which comprise Kofele -
Kore - Shire - Koji Katara for Concept design and subsequent construction works.
Topographic Surveying
For carrying the survey work the consultant request and collected EMA control point called
KUYR within the Project Corridor and deployed high and precision instruments like GPS, Total
station, and Auto level in compliance to the TOR.
The scope and methodology of the topographic surveying works conducted in the specified
sections (20% of the road segments) mainly undertook based on international standards and
ERA manuals.
Soil And Materials Investigation
Site survey and investigation works have been conducted to assess the overall condition of the
project road corridor and to collect the relevant information required for the concept design
purpose. The subgrade soil investigation was aimed to assess the actual condition of the
alignment soil which includes soil extension survey, sampling, logging and testing.
Accordingly, a total of seventy (70) test pits were excavated for the Kofele – Kore - Bekoji road
project and the subgrade samples were collected for complete test (every 3km interval) and
indication test (every 1km interval). Complete test includes CBR, Moisture-Density relation,
Atterberg Limits and Classification tests, whereas indication test includes Atterberg Limits and
Classification tests
Potential sources of construction materials were identified and located, which include possible
sources of rock, natural gravel sources, embankment source, natural sand and water.
Representative samples were collected from these sources for further investigation of their
quality test as stated in the ToR and design standard.
Type of Number of
SN Intended Purpose
sources Identified sources
1 Soil Borrow Areas For fill and embankment 9
2 Gravel Borrow Pits For natural subbase course and granular backfill 4
3 Hard Rock Quarry For Crushed aggregate 4
4 Masonry Source For Masonry stone 6
5 Sand For fine aggregate of concrete works 3
6 Water For compaction and concrete works 7
For all collected soil and materials samples of Kofele-Kore-Bekoji road proejct, subsequent
laboratory testing were carried out in two central materials laboratories (ICT Engineering Plc
for Kofele – Kore – Shire road section and STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc for Shire
– Bekoji road section), based on the proper test order given by the senior Material / Pavement
Engineer of the project.
Thus, in terms of strength, CBR and swell test result conducted on the Kofele-Kore-Bekoji road
implies that 50% of the subgrade soil can be categorized as weak subgrade soil (with CBR less
than 5%) to be used as road bed of the road formation.
Out of the six subgrade groups, S1 (CBR <3%) and S4 (CBR: 8% - 14%) have got the highest
proportion having 29.2% each of the subgrade materials tested in the laboratory. S2 (CBR: 3%
- 4%) and S3 (CBR: 5% - 7%) subgrade covers the remaining portion having 20.8% each of
the collected subgrade soils. Hence, 50% of the collected subgrade soils have S1 and S2
subgrade soil with CBR less than 5%, hence indication for presence of weak subgrade soil.
Hydrological and Hydraulic Analysis
The project is passes through plain and rolling sections dissected by minor and major streams
and flow concentration drainage lines. Defined major streams mostly provided by existing
structures that need to be maintained with some improvement works. Plain section of the road
characterized by spatially distributed shallow depth flow often overtops existing at grade access
road. However, most existing minor cross drainage structures are found to be hydraulically
insufficient and required to be replaced by appropriate size cross drainage structures.
At this preliminary drainage structures design stage, pipe, slab/box culverts and bridges cross
drainage structures need to be in place for improved road drainability. Road Side flow collection
and guide drainage facilities also proposed on the road segments both at rural and town
sections as required. A total of 129 cross drainage structures (6 bridges ,20 slab/box and 103
pipe culverts) recommended at concept design stage on Kofele-Shire- Bokojie (Koji katara)
Road segment. As the hydraulic preliminary design has been made by large based on coarse
resolution satellite data, all recommendations need to be revaluated and designed properly
employing the right and better-quality data.
Geometric design
The preliminary geometric design of the project road has been conducted using DEM resolution
of 30m*30m, detailed topography surveying data (20%) and finding of the traffic count for
design standard which shows DC5.
As discussed above owing to applying uniformity in the design of the project road, the ERA
design standard has been adopted. The recommended ERA Geometric design parameters for
DC5 (Paved) design standard have been used for the geometric design of the roads.
Road safety
The burden of road traffic injuries and fatalities is huge in Ethiopia. Road safety philosophies
generally express a long-term vision of an ideal road traffic system where accidents and serious
personal injury are virtually eliminated.
The following Road safety design principles and strategies employed in the project road to
improve the road safety and to reduce the accidents.
Incorporating safety features into road design
Pavement Design
Analysis of the traffic characteristics of the project area was carried out to determine the design
traffic; and relevant data regarding the soil foundation and construction material were assessed
to determine the bearing strength of the sub grade materials and construction material
specification. The best economical combination of pavement layers (in relation to both
thickness and type of materials) that suit the underlying sub grade materials and the cumulative
traffic to be carried during the design life of the road is then determined. The appropriate
pavement structures are selected from the structural catalogue of ERA Pavement Design
Manual 2013. Problematic soil stretches are also treated with appropriate treatment measures.
And the forecasted cumulative standard axle loads of the project for selected design period (15
years) equals to 3.16 million which falls under T5 traffic class as per ERA Pavement Design
Manual, 2013. Accordingly, following pavement thickness has been recommended
Table 0-14: Pavement Thickness for Carriageway, Kofele-Kore-Shire Section
Road section Pavement Section, from Km-0+000 to Km-30+000
Subgrade Class before treatment
S1 (CBR: <3%)
(natural ground)
Subgrade Class after treatment
S3 (CBR: 5% - 7%)
(improved subgrade)
Design Standard DC5
Traffic Class / Loading T5 (3 – 6 million esa)
Surfacing (wearing course) AC (Asphalt concrete)
Asphalt thickness 50 mm
Base course type Granular road base, GB1
Base course thickness 175 mm
Subbase type Granular subbase, GS
Subbase Thickness 325 mm
Geotechnical Design
The geological formation of the Kofele – Kore – Bekoji junction road comprises mainly two
types of geological formation (nazreth series and chilalo formations).
From the overall site findings, it is possible to observed that, majority of the local geology of the
route alignment is covered by high plastic silty clay which is the residual and weathering effect
of the parent Quaternary Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocks.
Foundation conditions of major crossing sites along the project route have been briefly
assessed in conjunction with soil and construction material survey. These are crossing sites
with total openings of 6m and above believed to be major crossings that require the
construction of bridge structure.
Structural Design
To obtain first-hand information regarding the condition of existing structures and to look for
alternative options for drainage crossings, a site visit was taken to the project site. Accordingly,
the project team has collected relevant data to compile the concept deign report.
After driving through each road alignments, only three bridges are proposed to be retained after
analysing visual inspection. It is observed that these structures are under construction and their
carriage way width satisfies the current roadway standard requirement.
ERA’s bridge design manual shall be used, along with AASHTO LRFD bridge design
specification 2013 (or latest), for the structural design of bridges.
The culvert size and shape selected is to be based on Hydraulic and economic criteria related
to site conditions. Absolute minimum sizes of 1006mm for cross culverts shall be used to avoid
maintenance problems and clogging of culverts as observed in the existing road section of the
Economic Evaluation
The approach for the economic feasibility study of the proposed roads was based on the
evaluation of costs and benefits, comparing the base case/ the “without project” case or the do
minimum case against the “with-the project” scenario (AC and DBST) to the selected route.
The appropriate input data and information for the road has been collected through field visit
conducted in the project area and secondary data. The economic analysis of the road project
is undertaken to understand the importance of the project under study. The project has been
designed to meet a certain level of traffic demand. This design in turn has an impact on the
cost of the project. However, economic analysis brings the two together–costs and benefits
and weighs them to assess the returns on the investment made.
The project cost and benefit streams for each of the alternatives under with the project scenario
have been computed for each year of the project life. Each of these cost/benefit streams were
compared with the corresponding streams of Base Case Alternative (without the project
scenario) and economic internal rate of returns (EIRRs) have been worked out using
discounting technique. In addition, net present value (NPV) has been computed at 10.23% rate
of discount; opportunity cost of capital used for public project appraisal in Ethiopia.
The economic appraisal has been carried out for the entire project road (i.e. Kofele - Kore-
Shire - Bekoji) HDM IV model output containing summary results of economic appraisal,
detailed cost and benefit streams are presented in Annex. Summary results of the economic
appraisal are presented in the table below.
From the economic appraisal indicators set out in table above, both the alternative 1 (AC
Pavement) and alternative 2 (DBST) are economically viable; the EIRRs being much higher
than the cut-off rate of 10.23%.
Results of the sensitivity analysis below Table shows for Alt -1 (AC) and Alt - 2 (DBST) indicate
that the project is economically viable even if the project cost increases by 20% or project
benefits decrease by 20% or both taken together.
The HDM IV Model Software is used for the analysis of the study. Based on this the result illustrates
accordingly the EIRR of 18.5% for AC and 17.4 DBST options for the upgrading the proposed road
Kofele - Kore- Shire - Bekoji respectively. The Net Present Value of the proposed road project also
indicates the economic viability of the project options have NPV of 1,647.355 million ETB for AC
and 838.366 million ETB for DBST options Kofele - Kore- Shire - Bekoji respectively.
The economic evaluation with the EIRR, NPV, and BCR, shows the AC pavement option is higher
than DBST pavement options. Accordingly, the Consultant recommends the AC option for this road
Benefit Cost Ratio
1.1 Background
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has launched Road Sector Development
Program (RSDP) to enhance development objectives and the living standard of the population
all over the country. Accordingly, Ethiopian Roads Administration , on behalf of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) is implementing various road projects including new
road construction, rehabilitation or upgrading of main trunk, link and rural roads to expand the
Roads Network all over the country.
The Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) has been given the mandate for the restoration,
expansion and maintenance of Ethiopia’s Federal Road Network. Its goal is to improve
transport operating efficiency and reduce road transport costs, provide access to rural,
neglected and food-deficit areas, and develop institution capacity of the sector.
ERA is responsible to the public for ensuring that all road projects are designed and
constructed to a high quality that provides best value for money. However, the history from
previous projects shows that significant and unnecessary cost overruns on construction
projects are common. It has been observed that most of this cost overruns are as a result of
errors or omissions either in the design outputs and the topographic survey or site
As result of this, ERA as the executing agency, now requires that all designs and bidding
documents for construction are prepared to the highest quality in accordance with ERA’s
Design Manuals, Quality Manuals and Standard Specifications, and that all consultants
providing services for ERA abide by ERA Code of Professional Conduct an Ethics.
The Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) on behalf of FDRE has selected Consultant to
provide Consultancy Services for Concept Design, Risk Assessment, Feasibility and
Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, Resettlement Action Plan, and Tender
Document Preparation & Engineering Cost Estimation of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji and
Arsi Negele – Bilalo Junction.
Accordingly, the Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia (the Employer) signed an Agreement with Beles Consulting Engineers PLC on
March 30, 2021 for Concept Design, Risk Assessment, Feasibility and Environmental
ERA and the Financiers with all the necessary information to assess the proposed
project in technical, economic, environmental and social terms,
Preliminary project costs and benefits.
Even though the project is multi segments which is composed of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji and
Arsi Negele – Bilalo Junction and the report shall cover both project segments. This report
covers the Kofele – Kore - Bekoji project Road section only since Arsi Negele – Bilalo Junction
project road has been submitted separately.
i) Study the project setting in relation to alignment and construction work items
at desk top level supplemented by field assessment so as to produce quantities
of major work items coupled with preliminary cost estimate to an acceptable
degree of accuracy that may be indirectly used to frame the contract on a
design and build mode of contracting;
ii) Review the ERA 2013 and other applicable Standard Specifications and
ensure that project specific Requirement’s stated in the Employer’s
Requirement including the key departures from Standards are well addressed
in the Employer’s Requirement which will form the basis; together with the ERA
2013 Standard Specifications for quality control.
iii) Prepare separate documents of Concept Feasibility and Environmental
Impact Assessment, Resettlement Action Plan, Risk Assessment and Engineer’s
Estimate for both projects.
The Consultant shall submit his activity plan and time schedule to ERA before
starting any work of his consultancy service or within 3 working days from
commencement date of the service.
The Consultant shall confirm the project’s beginning and end control points and
determine intermediate control points of the project that are acceptable from social
point of view and fits the purpose of the project;
Using latest topographic maps and/or satellite imagery (with higher degree of
resolution), select at least three alternate alignments that pass through the control
points and preliminarily choose the preferred alignment with full justifications based
generally on quantifiable parameters supplemented by quantifiable ones where
possible and also in close consultation with the stakeholders (Region, Zone, Woreda
and local people, etc.…)
From the above alignment supplemented by other components of the desktop study;
determine the approximate length of the preferred option;
The Consultant shall carryout identification of town sections along the alignment
(population size, master plan of the town, length of the town sections with X and Y
coordinates of the start and end points) in close consultation with local administrative
The Consultant shall identify the project terrain condition (Detail terrain classification
with station (km) based).
The Consultant shall carry out detailed ground survey for 20% of the project length
by giving priority in the order of escarpment, mountainous, rolling and flat terrains of
the road.
The Consultant shall conduct seven days Traffic count OD Survey, traffic forecast
and axle load survey (axle load data may be obtained or estimated from the nearby
road network traffic data and potential traffic sources along the alignment).
The Consultant shall identify the project locations where it is impossible to implement
ERA’s Design Standards especially on very flat (especially Min gradient), mountains
and escarpment terrains and propose to what extent the design criterion can be
relaxed on such problematic areas.
The Consultant shall conduct site visit, preliminary (soil extension survey), sub grade
soil investigation and identification/assessment of construction material sources.
Sub grade identification test shall be conducted at 1 km interval and CBR of sub
grade soils shall be conducted at every 3km.
Conduct preliminary identification of problematic areas (giving special attention for
problematic areas such as landslide prone areas, extent of expansive soil and
swampy area, etc.) and shall give possible recommendation to take remedial
measure on these areas.
Conduct preliminary assessment of the Hydrology and Hydraulics component of the
preferred alignment from topographic maps and other relevant documents, including
the previous design documents (if any) so as to form a basis for the selection of the
type, size and number of drainage structure.
From desk studies; compile a list of major initial findings and critical items to be
further investigated in the field by reconnaissance survey
Scrutinize the alignment, drainage crossings, sub-grade, delineations, material
source locations and other components of the study;
Assess the condition of the existing major drainage structure and recommend the
appropriate actions to be taken while construction;
Make detailed study of ongoing and previously executed Design and Build projects
in order to eliminate the chance of recurrence of past undesirable experience as well
as to incorporate in the tender document any acceptable remedial measures;
Produce the Employer’s Requirements component of the tender document from the
above preliminary study; design manuals, and supplemented by internationally
recognized standards to fill the gaps (if any) in the manuals and standards;
Estimate the duration of the Project which is sufficient to execute the workload of the
project with optimum cost – time relationship and propose subdivision of project into
two contracts in the case that one project may happen to have got large workload
for one project to be implemented. In this case, the Consultant shall prepare
separate tender documents, engineering design report, risk assessment report and
cost estimates.
Complete Cost Estimate for the Design and Build works Contract based on current
market prices.
Prepare the performance requirement to be used for the warranty period and
maintenance scheme of the project;
The Consultant shall conduct Roadway surfacing and geotechnical consideration
Kofele – Kore – Bekoji road project is located in the Central part of the Ethiopia, and lies
entirely in Oromia National Regional State of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,
particularly in West Arsi and Arsi Zone as shown in the location map below. The Kofele –
Kore – Bekoji road project traverses through Kofele woreda, Kore woreda and Gedeb Asasa
woreda of West Arsi Zone and Munesa and Limuna Bilbilo woreda from arsi zone
The Kofele – Kore – Bekoji road project starts from Kofele town which is located from
shashemene about 25km and from addis ababa about 260km and the project end at Koji
Katara 15km from Bekoji on Gobesa - Bekoji - Kersa road design project based on the final
route selection assessments. The total project length of this project is approximately 69.3 km.
The project road mainly passes through farm land of Aris plane land of rolling and flat terrain
except some section which is mountainous at the end of the project section and some
settlements. The first road section from Kofele to Shire has 5-6m all weathered road and the
section from Shire to Koji Katara is not fully accessible road due to big rivers which could not
be crossed during rainy season.
Based on the TOR and site assessment the following point are considered as control points
The project road has been assessed during the site visit and the following accessibility options
has been noted:
Option 1: the start of the project could be accessed from Addis Ababa travelling 285km
following the main road from Addis Ababa shashemene Bale road.
Option 2: the end point could be accessed following the main roads from Addis Ababa Adama
Asela Bokoji road then turn to right west south direction following the road from Bekoji to Kersa
which is constructed by URRAP.
The Accessibility of the road project from the main road is elaborated in the figure here below.
The location map and general layout of the project road along with the project control
points is shown in Figure below
2.1 General
Consultation is very important to make the proposed road project acceptable by all the
stakeholders and to create ownership of the project among the concerned parties. It will allow
getting advice and local knowledge that will help the project to be more sustainable and useful.
Therefore, the project consultant carried out the consultation with government officials and
experts, and representatives of communities at region, zone and Woreda levels during the
project alternative route selection process.
The objective of the consultations was to discuss the project alternative routes with
stakeholders and the public to get feedback on the proposed alternative routes as well as to
know their preference and to address their concern in the route selection process and get
their environmental and social concerns during the road construction activities. Accordingly,
the proposed Alternative Routes were presented and briefed for the consultation meeting
participants to discuss and select the preferred alternative for the road project construction.
The Kofele – Kore – Bekoji road project traverses through Kofele woreda, Kore woreda and
Gedeb Asasa woreda of West Arsi Zone and Munesa and Limuna Bilbilo woreda from arsi
1. The importance of the road. The road is important to access to the public and has
tourism potential details are explained in the positive and negative impact of the road.
2. An alternative route of the road. This road has only one route in section one and three
alternatives in the second section. The purpose of the project is to upgrade the existing
road that plays important role for the socioeconomic development of the area. Well
discussed in the alternative section. As a result of all consultation meetings, the
participants are in favor of the improvement/ or upgrading of the existing route that
passes through their woredas with minor modifications. The main reason is that the road
has economic potential to access the existing inaccessible resources; like protected
forest for tourism, different types of cereals including cereal grain barley important for
brewed beer, for animal farm like sheep, and for public transportation accessibility to
large people residing in this area.
3. The role and responsibility of the stakeholders. At each meeting, the role and
responsibility of each institution were discussed. Accordingly, the active involvement of
all officials and communities in the surrounding area pivotal as it is discussed in all
meetings. In both four consultations meeting both with the kebele, woredas, and zone
administration officials and community representatives the importance of the road and
alternative routes are given high emphasis. The opinion and interest expressed by the
respective stakeholders and community representatives are highly important in the
selection of the route with regards to area, the services the road provided to the
community, and so on. In the consultation made with the four respective stakeholders'
roads improving the existing road were given high priority to reduce displacement and at
the same time in terms of its importance to the local people.
Table 2-1:- Responsibilities of Stakeholders
1 Zonal Administration - Coordination of the whole road construction and resettlement issues,
3 Wereda Agricultural - Preparation of cost estimation with other committee members for affected
Offices /desk crops, fruit trees, and other individually owned vegetation.
4 Representatives of PAP Ensuring the well-being of PAPs and represent them in all meetings. They
are expected to have a strong role and work together with ERA's right-of-
way branch and other stakeholders
6 Urban Water Supply -Responsible for the restoration of affected water supplies and
Construction of new lines in areas where PAP relocated/ housed.
7 Telecommunication - Restoration of telephone lines and construction of new ones for PAPs.
And on the road project if available
8 EEPC -Restoration and relocation of electric line and provisions of its services for
relocated PAPs. And along the road
3.1.1 General
For effective planning and design of road projects, the knowledge of past, present and future
traffic movement on the proposed project road is essential. The volume and loading pattern
of the current and forecasted future traffic on any proposed road project constitutes the most
important factor in determining the feasibility of any planned road project, and in fixing design
standards and in estimating the construction and maintenance costs of road projects, as well.
Hence, estimate of current traffic and forecast of future traffic need to be carried out before
any planning and design work is undertaken.
The current traffic identified by the consultant team during the traffic survey period, it was low
business season cycle based on the ERA seasonal counts. Accordingly, the traffic count
considered both normal motorized and non-motorized traffic for this project road.
A traffic count conducted on Kofele - Kore- Shire, Shire – Kersa(Bekoji ) and Shire – Qubsa
road project on the first week of June 2021, which represent one of the traffic count cycle of
ERA, [i.e. on Cycle three]. The traffic survey was conducted on the existing roads in the project
road corridor. The consultant sought it is better to see the project’s significance in terms of
creating connections towns such as Kofele - Kore- Shire, Shire – Kersa(Bekoji ) and Shire -
Qubsa has a great socio-economic as well as political importance. Meanwhile, the consultant
conducted a survey on both motorized and non-motorized traffic count on selected road
sections, from Kofele - Kore- Shire (TC-1), Shire – Kersa(Bekoji ) (TC-2) and Shire – Qubsa
(TC-3) on the existing roads are currently serving both traffics (motorized and non-motorized).
The counts were made for 12 hours, from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, for seven days and night counts
were made for two days from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am, one of which is on a market day the other
on weekend.
Therefore, for the roadside [TC] surveys, nine vehicle categories listed below, were used and
the fleet classification system adopted was based on physical and operating characteristics
as shown below.
Seven days day time traffic (from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm) count of each class of vehicle
is summed up,
Two days night time traffic (from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am) count of each class of vehicle
is summed up,
The sum of day time and night time traffic count of each class of vehicle are divided
by seven and two to get the average day time and night time traffic, respectively.
The night factor is calculated by summing up the average day time and night time
traffic of the two days on which night traffic count was conducted, and then divided
the sum by average day time traffic of the same days.
The average day time traffic is multiplied by the night factor to get the Average Daily
Traffic (ADT) for 24 hours.
OD survey data is analysed and percent of traffic diversion calculated.
Diverted traffic is computed from the OD survey and traffic volume of the adjacent
Generated traffic at the opening year of the project is estimated.
The ADT of the normal, diverted and generated traffic volumes summed to get a total
The seasonal adjustment factor is computed from the past traffic counts conducted
at different seasons of the year. (Obtained from ERA seasonal traffic count data)
The ADT is then multiplied by seasonal adjustment factor to arrive at the AADT.
Table 3-5: Night Time Traffic Count Surveys Kofele - Kore- Shire
Date Cars LDV S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
04/06/21 0 7 11 6 2 27 14 3 2 72
06/06/21 0 3 5 3 0 16 5 0 0 32
Source: consultant
Date Cars LDV S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
04/06/21 0 2 4 3 3 11 7 2 0 32
06/06/21 0 1 2 0 0 7 4 1 0 16
Source: consultant
Date Cars LDV S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
04/06/21 0 1 2 2 3 7 4 2 0 22
06/06/21 0 1 1 0 0 4 2 1 0 10
Table 3-11: Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Kofele - Kore- Shire
Determination of Average Daily Traffic
Cars LDV S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Average Day Time 0 21 24 34 3 49 14 3 1 149
Traffic (7day)
Night Factor 1.00 1.17 1.24 1.10 1.33 1.38 1.46 1.33 3.00
Average Daily Traffic 0 25 30 37 3 67 20 4 4 192
Source: consultant
Table 3-14: Day Time Non-Motorized Traffic survey result Kofele - Kore- Shire
Table 3-15: Day Time Non-Motorized Traffic survey result Shire - Kersa
Pack Animal Motor cycle Animal
Date Pedestrian (Donkey/Horse/ and Bajaj Bicycle Cart Total
Mule /Camel)
2021/06/03 302 176 333 2 85 897
2021/06/04 312 193 446 0 172 1124
2021/06/05 760 387 502 0 304 1952
2021/06/06 395 218 340 0 144 1097
2021/06/07 319 181 396 0 165 1062
2021/06/08 845 648 1070 0 652 3214
2021/06/09 109 59 179 0 25 371
Total 3042 1862 3265 2 1546 9717
Average 435 266 466 0 221 1388
Source: consultant
Table 3-16: Day Time Non-Motorized Traffic survey result Shire - Qubsa
Pack Animal
Date Pedestrian (Donkey/Horse/ Motor
Bajaj Bicycle Animal
Cart Total
Mule /Camel)
2021/06/03 130 75 143 1 36 385
2021/06/04 134 83 191 0 74 482
2021/06/05 326 166 215 0 130 837
2021/06/06 169 94 146 0 62 470
2021/06/07 137 78 170 0 71 455
2021/06/08 362 278 459 0 279 1378
2021/06/09 47 25 77 0 11 159
Total 1304 798 1399 1 663 4165
Average 186 114 200 0 95 595
Source: consultant
Table 3-17: Night Time Non-motorized Traffic survey result Kofele - Kore- Shire
Night Date Pedestrian Pack Animal Motor cycle Bicycle Animal Total
(Donkey/Horse/ and Bajaj Cart
Mule /Camel)
2021/06/05 119 0 0 1 102 222
2021/06/09 149 0 0 11 167 327
Source: consultant
Table 3-18: Night Time Non-motorized Traffic survey result Shire – Kersa
Night Date Pedestrian Pack Animal Motor Bicycle Animal Cart Total
(Donkey/Horse/ cycle
Mule /Camel) and
2021/06/05 13 16 5 0 1 36
2021/06/09 13 6 0 0 0 19
Source: consultant
Table 3-19: Night Time Non-motorized Traffic survey result Shire – Qubsa
Nigh Date Pedestria Pack Animal Motor Bicycle Animal Cart Tota
t n (Donkey/Horse cycle l
/ Mule /Camel) and
2021/06/0 4 2 4 1 2
5 14
9 3 2 1 1 1 7
Source: consultant
Table 3-23: Non-Motorized Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Kofele - Kore- Shire
Freight Traffic
Pack animals and animal carts are commonly used in the project area to transport various
freight products to market centres. Most of this traffic will transfer to vehicular traffic once the
proposed road is opened to traffic. Considering the fact that the proposed road project is
upgrading project and the community in the project area had been using the gravel standard
road infrastructure, it is assumed that a portion of the current non-motorized mode of transport
will be diverted to motorized mode of transport as a result of the upgrading. It is therefore
assumed that 30% of the current non-motorized freight traffic may shift to motorized freight
traffic within one to two years of opening of the project road.
It is also assumed that a national average of 50 kg for a unit of animal-based freight transport
(ABFT) and 200kg for a unit of animal cart freight (ACFT) can be considered for the prediction
of the volume of motorized freight traffic.
Furthermore, even though the traffic composition of the adjacent road should be used for the
traffic composition of the mode diverted traffic on the proposed road, since the overall freight
load in the project area is small, it is assumed that small trucks will be the main means of
freight transport.
Passenger Traffic
Similarly, considering the facts mentioned above for freight transport, it is assumed that 30%
of the current non-motorized passenger movement (pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, etc.)
may shift to motorized traffic within one to two years of opening of the project road.
In estimating number of passengers, the motorcycles are assumed to carry 1.5 passengers
per motorcycle, as some motorcycles are observed to carry 1 passenger and some carry 2
passengers. It is also assumed that since the project road is short in length, and the consultant
assumed about 30% small buses 12 seats and 70% medium buss with a capacity of 27 seats
will be the main means of passenger transport.
its carrying
NMT capacity [C]
= B/its
Kofele Motor cycle 665 199 5 5 26
- Bicycle 0 0 0 0
Kore- Pedestrian 1059 318 8 8
Shire 169
Pack Animal 702 211 0 0 0
Animal Cart 755 227 907 [B/4Q) 0 0
Shire Motor cycle 470 141 4 4 14
– Pedestrian 451 135 3 4
Kersa Bicycle 0 0 0 0
Pack Animal 280 84 67 0 0 6
Animal Cart 17473 5242 20968 6 6
Shire - Motor cycle 203 61 2 2 6
Qubsa Bicycle 0 0 0 0
Pedestrian 191 57 1 1
Pack Animal 117 7011 5609 2 2 8
Animal Cart 96 5777 23108 7 7
Source: Consultant
Using the above assumptions, the volume of motorized traffic has been computed as shown
in the following table.
is the average of the medium and high seasons to adjust the ADT. Table below shows the three
cycle traffic data Kofele- Dodola road starting from 2014 to 2020 by vehicle class.
Table 3-31: Seasonal Conversion Factor
2014 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 19 75 440 20 107 319 219 145 1344
Cycle 2 2 149 219 77 182 209 130 79 1047
Cycle 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AADT 2013 7 75 220 32 96 176 116 75 797
2015 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 29 170 539 9 262 135 112 21 1277
Cycle 2 23 64 107 45 61 66 78 43 487
Cycle 3 19 43 235 16 48 55 29 5 450
AADT 2014 24 92 294 183 214 145 73 23 1048
2016 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 37 59 101 38 70 81 75 61 522
Cycle 2 37 59 101 38 70 81 75 61 522
Cycle 3 37 59 101 38 70 81 75 61 522
AADT 2015 37 59 101 38 70 81 75 61 522
2017 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 34 53 78 28 59 67 69 55 443
Cycle 2 46 68 94 28 78 83 87 64 548
Cycle 3 41 64 96 53 59 69 62 51 495
AADT 2016 40 62 89 36 65 73 73 57 495
2018 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 17 46 101 65 60 64 66 60 479
Cycle 2 27 46 140 36 60 70 59 50 488
Cycle 3 37 45 179 7 60 76 52 39 495
AADT 2017 27 46 140 36 60 70 59 50 487
2019 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 59 212 437 170 259 395 378 196 2106
Cycle 2 26 43 269 51 77 110 69 39 684
Cycle 3 42 74 121 32 74 82 76 72 573
AADT 2018 42 110 276 84 137 196 174 102 1121
2020 Cars LDV S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Cycle 1 30 72 327 60 109 149 94 56 897
Cycle 2 36 61 722 45 78 227 98 58 1325
Cycle 3 17 29 407 22 47 180 68 49 819
AADT 2020 28 54 485 42 78 185 87 54 1014
AADT Average Cycle-1 32 98 289 56 132 173 145 85 1010
AADT Average Cycle-2 28 70 236 46 87 121 85 56 729
AADT Average Cycle-3 28 45 163 24 51 78 52 40 479
AADT 29 71 229 65 103 132 94 60 783
SCF = Av. AADT/Av.
Cycle 1&2 traffic2 1.03 1.18 1.15 0.78 1.06 1.11 1.22 1.17
The existing road along the project route is in very poor condition. Considering the current
situation, the construction of the project road is expected to stimulate generation of trips in
vehicular transport which will enhance access to markets and various service centres in the
vicinity of the project.
However, Handy and Boarnet (2014) performed a critical evaluation of various induced travel
studies and found that short-run elasticity effect of road development generally range from 0.3
to 0.6. (Generated Traffic and Induced Travel Implication for Transport Planning, 2015).
The estimation of generated traffic is based on estimating the shape of the demand function,
which is expressed as an elasticity of demand. It shows the responsiveness of demand to a
change in cost, which in turn is a response of change in the travel time. In the case of
generated traffic, the demand for transport is related to expected reductions in journey costs
and travel time. For this analysis, savings in travel time is used to determine the percent of
generated traffic based on travel time with and without the project using the formula: seasonal
β is the elasticity;
Cijp is the with-project travel cost;
Cijb is the base case, without project travel cost;
Table 3-33: Estimate of Generated Traffic Factors from the travel time Kofela-Shire Bekoji
The above shows that the generated traffic factor for Kofele - Kore - Bekoji is 0.10 for low
scenario, 0.15 for medium scenario and 0.20 for high scenario.
Traffic generation also depends on the economic activity in the area, and the level of
development and the status of the living condition of the people in the area. If the economic
activity is low, and the development and living condition of the people in the area is in low
level, the demand for transportation will be less. Considering the current development level of
the project area, it is envisaged that the level of traffic generation falls in the medium to high
scenario. Hence, it is assumed that 15% of normal traffic volume will generate within one to
two years of the opening of the project for Kofele - Kore - Bekoji and 15% of normal traffic
volume will generate within one to two years of the opening of the project for Kofele - Kore-
Shire -Bekoji. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of the Project Road at 2021
The volume of traffic on the project road at the time of the traffic survey (2021) is therefore the
sum of the normal traffic on the road obtained by physical counting (motorized and non-
motorized), the diverted traffic that can shift from the adjacent roads to the new road and the
generated traffic as a result of the new road. The following table gives the ADT on the project
road at the year 2021.
Table 3-35: Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of the Project Road at 2021 Kofele - Kore- Shire
NT + Ms + DT + GT
Vehicle Type Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Normal Traffic 0 30 34 36 3 72 23 5 5 207
Modal Shift 0 0 13 13 0 1 0 0 0 27
Generated Traffic 0 4 5 5 0 10 3 1 1 29
ADT(NT+DT+GT) 0 34 47 60 3 82 26 6 6 265
Source; Consultant
Table 3-36: Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of the Project Road at 2021 Shire – Kersa
NT + Ms + DT + GT
Vehicle Type Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Normal Traffic 0 18 22 10 2 27 9 3 2 94
Modal Shift 0 0 7 7 0 6 0 0 0 20
Generated Traffic 0 3 3 1 0 4 1 0 0 14
ADT(NT+DT+GT) 0 21 32 18 2 37 10 3 2 125
Source; Consultant
Table 3-37: Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of the Project Road at 2021 Shire – Qubsa
NT + Ms + DT + GT
Vehicle Type Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Normal Traffic 0 13 16 8 2 19 7 2 1 69
Modal Shift 0 0 2 4 0 8 0 0 0 14
Generated Traffic 0 2 2 1 0 3 1 0 0 9
ADT(NT+DT+GT) 0 15 20 13 2 30 8 2 1 91
Source; Consultant
3.2.1 General
A general traffic forecasting approach is considered to be reasonable as compared to a road-specific
projection, for a road with a strategic rather than specific function such as the project road. In general,
transport demand (and hence traffic) is a derived demand driven by growth in population, economy
and personal income. Forecasts of these factors are therefore required to make accurate traffic
forecast. Traffic growth can also be related to the growth in fuel consumption and vehicle fleet; trends
are therefore developed for these parameters.
Moreover, estimates of income elasticity, relating to traffic growth directly to forecast changes in
national income, are often applied in making forecasts; this approach will also be adopted for this
specific project.
3 The Ethiopian Economic Association 2018 Annual report on the Ethiopian Economy.
4 Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia (2018) A, Summary and Statistical Report of the 2007 Population
and Housing Census Results, 2008.
the relative change in travel/transport demand due to change in income, overtime. Income
elasticity is a measure of responsiveness of travel demand; generally, a given rise in per capita
income can be expected to result in a more than proportionate increase in demand for travel,
since travel demand is usually found to be income elastic. In addition, income elasticity tends
to decrease overtime as the economy and/or personal income grows.
The Network Analysis Study (2003) provides an estimate of income elasticity of demand for
transport for different vehicles categories. Based on the findings of the study, estimates of
income elasticity have been derived (with upwards adjustments) for the project under
consideration to estimate traffic growth rates. Generally, elasticity of demand for transport with
respect to economic growth is assumed initially to reflect recent trends, but to decline over
Income Elasticity
Vehicle type
2018-2027 2028-2061
Passenger Transport
Passenger cars/4WD 1.3 1.2
Small Buses 1.2 1.2
Large Buses 1.1 1.1
Passenger Transport total 1.20 1.17
Freight Transport
Small Trucks 1.2 1.1
Medium Trucks 1.2 1.1
Heavy Trucks 1.3 1.2
Articulated/truck & trailer 1.4 1.3
Freight Transport total 1.28 1.18
Source: Network Analysis Study (2003)
estimated the correlation of income and transport demand; and the transport demand
elasticity, accordingly.
Official reports indicate that, average road network growth of 8.2 percent for the year 1997-
2016 and traffic growth rate along main roads in the country for the same period, on average,
was 9.2 percent (ERA, RSDP 19 years Performance Assessment, Oct 2016). As road
transport is the main mode of transport in the country, there has been a continuous increase
in the vehicular population. Fuel import trends of Ethiopia during the 2010-2015 period grew
on average by 17.6 percent. Traffic growth rate is closely related to socio-economic
development indicators in the country and in the project area. Hence, Table below presents
GDP and transport performance and plan growth rates. This growth rates provide the basis
for the project traffic forecast.
The above economic performance and forecast growth rates of the country, gives clue as to
which transport growth rate to adopt in the country and the project area. Growth Trends of
GDP (10.1 percent) derived for past years seems high to use for the future 20 years as
compared to IMF’s forecasted 8.5 percent for 2017-2018 and 7.5 percent for the coming 2019-
2022 years, for the country. So, the consultant has adopted the expected national GDP growth
7.1, 8.1, and 9.1 percent as low, medium and high GDP growth scenarios, respectively for the
project under study.
Demand for transport depends upon growth in income measured by the GDP. The elasticity
of transportation demand relative to GDP has been estimated with respect to vehicle fleet
growth estimates considered as proxies for the potential transportation demand. Income
elasticity of demand as the change in volume of trips in response to change in income,
overtime empirically demonstrated that, elasticity coefficients tend to vary by type of transport
demand. Studies like (TRL, 1993) reveal transport income elasticity varies between 1 and 2.
For the country, average traffic growth in response to change in GDP growth rate for the last
five year (2017-2020) shows transport income elasticity of 1.7 - 4.7. Due to high growth rate
of vehicle population for the last five years (in fact low vehicle population and erratic growth
rate before five year), this figure is high in comparison to international and sub-Saharan
African practice. So, the following income elasticity of transport demand (Table below) for this
study has been established after adjustment considering international experiences and recent
feasibility studies in the country.
In specifying traffic growth rates for the projection of stream of freight traffic using the road in
the future, a simple model has been used that expresses the effect of GDP growth on travel
demand for freight vehicles. On the other hand, forecast growth rates for passenger traffic
were computed using a model that combines the effect on travel demand of population growth
and of changes in per capita incomes.
ΔT = ΔP + e (ΔC)
Based on the model relationship specified above, estimate of traffic growth rates for
passenger and freight vehicles category (for three scenarios) are presented in tables below
corresponding to the forecast traffic growth periods.
The consultant has estimated three different traffic growth scenarios; low, Medium, and high,
which are depicted in the above tables. For this specific road project, the consultant
considered the medium scenario of traffic growth rate. The Planning Horizon
Evaluation of the road project investment program requires specification of ranges of
forecast parameters including traffic growth rate and economic analyses period (i.e.
schedule of years over which the stream of costs/benefits are spread, depending on the
design life).
Following completion of construction works over a period of three years, the project-life of
the project will be about 15 years the road will function as main access road. The road
project construction is expected to start by the beginning of 2022 and will be accomplished
at the end of 2024. The project, plausibly, will be opened for traffic by the beginning of 2025.
As the service year (design life) of the project is 15 years, since the road functions as main
access road and the traffic demand is projected to the year 2039. See table below for detail.
Table 3-44: Base year Traffic (at 2025) – AAD from Kofele - Kore- Shire
Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
AADT0 2021 0 34 47 60 3 120 26 6 6 265
Growth rate 9.72 9.72 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.99 9.99 9.99 10.11
AADT@ 2025 0 48 67 82 4 120 38 9 8 377
Source: Consultant
Table 3-45: Base year Traffic (at 2025) – AADT from Shire – Kersa
Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
AADT0 2021 0 21 32 18 2 37 10 3 2 125
Growth rate 9.72 9.72 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.99 9.99 9.99 10.11
AADT@ 2025 0 30 46 25 4 55 16 5 3 183
Source: Consultant
Table 3-46: Base year Traffic (at 2025) – AADT from Shire – Qubsa
Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
AADT0 2021 0 15 20 13 2 30 8 2 1 91
Growth rate 9.72 9.72 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.99 9.99 9.99 10.11
AADT@ 2025 0 21 37 38 3 32 12 4 2 148
Source: Consultant
The purpose of this Route Selection Section is to present the Employer ( ERA) with possible
alternate routes for the project road, together with an evaluation of each in technical,
economic, environmental and social and strategic terms in accordance with the Term of
Based on the above factors three potential and comparable routes has been proposed for
route selection assessment and evaluation
Key features of each alternative route have been summarized in the following table.
Culverts and bridges
and 4 4 100.16 3.44 86.17 4.00 108.61 3.17
cost (Birr*106)
Presence of Geo
Geo Hazard 6 6 I 5 I 5 I 5
Availability of natural
Materials 3 construction materials 3 M 2 G 3 G 3
cost 5 Total Cost (Birr x 106) 5 662.88 5.00 949.46 3.49 1,115.08 2.97
Possible synergies and conflicts between the road project and the valued environmental
components in the area
Extent of flooding and soil erosion hazards, sites prone to land slide and collapse
Area of virgin land to be occupied,
Flora and fauna resources to be affected
Possibility of construction period safety hazards due to the ragged topography of the area
and extent of workers’ exposure to risks
Natural and manmade Heritages preservation and protection
Resettlement requirement;
From desk studies, site observation conducted and comments from public consultations as well as
subsequent analysis, most of the expected impacts are local in their level of impacts, short term in
their duration, reversible with proper mitigation measures and are non-cumulative. The impact
significance indicated in table below is used to calculate the aggregate ECA risk number and
corresponding MCA scores for each alternative route.
Table 4-4: Levels of Environmental Risk with Corresponding ECA Value for each alternative.
The corresponding ECA value and MCA scores for each alternative route are shown in the table
ECA Value ECA Value ECA Value
5 4 3 3 1 5 4 3 3 1 5 4 3 3 1
None 0 0 0 0 0
Minimum 1 0 0 3 3
Moderate 2 8 6 14 10 8 6 6 30 8 2 10
High 3 3 3 0 15 9 24
Very High 4 12 12 4 4 0
Critical 5 0 0 0
Total Risk
0 8 12 6 3 29 10 8 6 6 4 34 15 8 3 9 2 37
The corresponding ECA value and MCA scores for each alternative route are shown in the table
Considering ERA Route Selection Manual-2013 sub-parameters and expert judgment made after
field visit of the aforementioned alternative routes, the computed ECA value and MCA score
obtained for the routes. As it is indicated in the above tables Alternative Route 1 (Alt 1) is become
the preferred route or ranked the first in that this route will relatively cause less harm or damage to
the environment; or compared to the other route options adverse impacts on environmental aspects
is less. However, development activities like road constructions do have a significant adverse
environmental effect or impact on the physical and socioeconomic environment of the surrounding;
which require a detail ESIA study in order to identify the positive and negative impacts, to devise
enhancement and mitigation measures and prepare environmental and social management plan
that assists during supervision of the project implementation. Thus, if this environmentally preferred
route is selected when summed up with other criteria such as engineering, social, economic and
others; the detail ESIA study must be conducted for the route.
1. Community Access
2. Development
3. Public Transport
4. Resettlement
5. Severance
6 Cultural Heritage
7 Road Safety
8 Pollution
Under each criterion, different factors are taken into considerations
Community access under this criterion the following points are included
A. The population served which implied access to the greatest number of potential road
users and access to the greatest range of community services, such as education and health
care is taken as an important variable.
B. Road importance is given by local consultation or consensus of respective woreda
administration and the community.
C. Number of kebeles connected (the road traversed). The road is varied in terms of km
covered based on the alternative given. However, the local communities, the local
officials, including public representative and the regional bureau have their preference
in terms of the alternatives given. In addition the woreda administration and the zone
administration approved the local authorities’ choice while the regional administration
mainly taken the importance of the route from the development potential of the local and
the region as a whole.
Development Potential
A. Increased economic activity (Tourism activity, access to Market and other economic
B. Important for Urban expansion and Investment opportunity
C. Fittingness for future road development that is whether it is marginal land and easily
expands in the future or terrain that is not easily developed.
On the bases of this criteria a comparison is made between the alternatives given
The number of people displaced and cost incurred due to the road construction
Severance. The extent to which the road dissolves and has a negative impact on the people
living around. Road which passed in the settlement has more severance and has less score
and the one which bypass the settlement has high score
Cultural site. Road which have a negative impact on the cultural site has low score compare
to road which have no negative consequence on the cultural site.
Road Safety
A. Safety to the pedestrian
B. Whether the road passes through dense settlement or not
A. the volume of heavy traffic;
B. the number of steep grades; and
C. The proximity of settlements.
Accordingly, the assessment and subsequent evaluation carried out by the Consultant is
summarized herein under the table below.
Table 4-7: preliminary comparison for route options
Access to In terms of number of Alternative 2 starts at the Alternative 3 is similar to the other
Communit kebels connected this same point with alternative 1. two both started from Shire
y Service road is less compared However, in terms of the Kebele(Town), in terms of Km the
to the other two, it is number of kebeles it traversed length it covers greater area than
less importance given greater than that of A1 and the other two. Since this route
to this road by the less than A3. Road traversed more kebeles than the
local community importance given during other two it is more accessible to
during consultation, consultation is varied; the large community. Road importance
1 and the number of woreda & Zone administration given during consultation the
kebels along this road give less concern compared woredas Administration and the
is less than the other to A3. However, the regional zone give high emphasis for this
two alternatives administration gives high road. However, the Oromia
concern to this route than A3. regional Administration gives less
concern to this road. The reason is
that there are other routes under
construction which is connected to
this route.
Developm The road has less Provide key investment for It Has the same advantage with A2
ent potential for economic urban renewal, metropolitan but since along this route there is
potential development. It and regional development another route under construction. It
traversed less number because along this route is, therefore, important to give
of population and protected forests are found priority for the area which is not
jumped important which is important for accessible to any road but has
places which is investment. development potential to exploit the
important for advantage that the people of the
2 Provide access to existing
investment and tourist project area and government can
inaccessible resources; like
attractions. It is less gain.
protected forest for tourism,
demanded for the
different types of cereals
future development of
including cereal grain barley
the area for marketing
important for brewed beer, for
of products to both the
animal farm like sheep
zone, regional and
central market.
Public It improved road Public transport will be Since it crossed greater number of
transport access only for part of facilitated to the majority of kebeles the provision of public
the community living people living around the transport for the project area is high
around the project project area . since the the only problem is due to additional
3 circle hence potential number of people settled road under construction on the root
for public transport around this project is high and . However, its impact for the
uptake is low no alternative road as of A3 . potential public transport uptake is
Therefore, its importance is high
Resettlem Less displacement More impact compared to the High compare to A1 and A2 since
ent compared to A2, and first one and less compared it traversed many kebeles
A3 since it is passed to A3 and so the impact is compared to the others.
on short distance in moderate
length and the number
of people resides on
Negative It has less negative Moderate impact compared High impact because it traversed
effects on effect compared to the to A3 but high impact many kebeles / settlement areas
other others since it compared to A1 more since it compared to the other two
communit traversed small traversed many settlement alternatives
y services kebeles and short areas
,including distant
Cultural The route traversed Though the cultural heritage is Since it crossed lots of kebeles
heritage through the existing not as such reveled in the compared to others the possibility of
6 road. So that the area the possibility of affecting affecting cultural heritage is high
impact it has is less cultural heritage compare to compared to others but this impact
compare A1 is high is not clearly reveled in this project
Road The road does not The road traversed many The route t crossed large number of
safety crossed many settlement areas compared to kebeles or settlement areas
settlement areas so A1 but less compared to A3, compared to A1 & A2 so its impact
that its impact on the so its impact is intermediate on the safety of the pedestrian is
safety of pedestrian is high
Pollution the volume of heavy The volume of heavy traffic; The impact it has in terms of
traffic; the number of steep grades; polluting the environment is high
The proximity of settlements. since it crossed many settlement
the number of steep
Which resulted in Air and areas compared to the other two
grades; and The
water pollution in the area is
proximity of the road
settlements is low
NB: High (H), Moderate (M) and Low (L), the ranking calculation has been done based on ERA`s proposed
Weights for MCA as per Route Selection Manual-2013.
The economic evaluation carried out suggests the viability of the project since Economic Net Present Value
(ENPV) is positive and Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is greater than the opportunity cost (10.23%
discount rate) for all alternatives. In prioritizing the routes result of each HDM-4 Model is used. Model inputs
that are common to all routes are used as discussed. Unique parameters such as terrain, cost, length, speed,
roughness and the like are considered. Accordingly, the routes are evaluated in this economic consideration
and then weighted, evaluated and prioritized (based on ERA Route Selection Manual-2013) with other
parameters such as engineering, qualitatively evaluated parameters of socio-economic and administrative as
well as environment in the next section. Comparison of Economic Consideration of Route Alternatives of the
road project is presented below.
Table 4-9: Comparison of Economic Consideration of Section B
AC Option
Economic Description
Parameters Unit Route 1 Route 2 Route 3
NPV 3 Mil.Br 2,203.038 1,577.02 2194.092
IRR 7 Percent 21.2 19.9 20.4
Total 10
section II
Primary Secondary
Weight tertiary Criteria Sub
Criteria Criteria Alt 1 Score Alt 2 Score Alt 3 Score
Road length 6 Road Length(km)* 6 29.7 6 39.2 4.55 37.86 4.71
Flat Terrain(%) 4 25% 0.99 7% 0.28 0% 0.00
Rolling Terrain(%) 2.66 69% 1.84 54% 1.43 71% 1.89
Topography 4
Mountain Terrain(%) 1.32 6% 0.08 39% 0.52 29% 0.38
Escarpment Terrain(%) 0 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 0% 0.00
Earthwork 4 Total Earthwork Cost (Birr*106) 4 168.11 4.00 357.41 1.88 410.46 1.64
section II
Primary Secondary
Weight tertiary Criteria Sub
Criteria Criteria Alt 1 Score Alt 2 Score Alt 3 Score
potential 3 Development potentials 3 P 1 G 3 M 2
Public transport
4 Potentials for public transport uptake 4 P 1 G 4 G 4
Resettlement The likely number of households to be
4 4 F 4 I 3 M 2
(F/I/M) displaced
2 Potential for water and air pollution 2 L 2 L 2 L 2
Sub-total 25 17.50 23.50 21.50
section II
Primary Secondary
Weight tertiary Criteria Sub
Criteria Criteria Alt 1 Score Alt 2 Score Alt 3 Score
From Chapter
20 12.75 11.5 10.75
Environmental Fou
Sub-total 20 12.75 11.5 10.75 Recommendation
Based on the multi-criteria comparative assessments carried out for the identified alternative routes
as outlined in the sections above, it is concluded that Alternative 2 are the most preferred alternative
The primary reasons for the selection of Alternative 2 is the highest social and strategic values when
it compares with the other option. This alternative route has significant strategic benefits based on
Consultation with Oromia road authority in addition to maximize traffic connectivity and access to
economic resources and market.
Considering the foregoing, the Consultant recommends Alternative 2 which comprise Kofele - Kore
- Shire - Koji Katara for Concept design and subsequent construction works.
5.1.1 Introduction
Topographic survey is one of the most important and crucial field tasks that form the base data
for the project design. The topographic survey is basic pre - requisite to capture all the physical
futures along the project corridor to enable the selection of feasible and most useful alignment
and later to design and to facilitate the establishment of final centreline of the project road and
land acquisition requirements. The topographic survey work methodology consists of following
main tasks.
Establishment of geodetic control points using the most important technological advance
in surveying that is the Global Positioning System (GPS)
Setting up of permanent beacons to serve as a reference system during road design and
Development of control traverse-line and geometric level-line.
Detailed field survey using electronic Theodolite with EDM (Total Stations) and digital
Levels, which will have a different precision according to the topographic operations.
Data Processing and CAD;
Development of Land acquisition plan; and
Delivery of survey Report including Diagrams and Monographs
Ground surface and Structural location survey
For carrying the survey work the consultant approached EMA (Ethiopian Mapping Authority) and
collected EMA control points within the Project Corridor and deployed high and precision
instruments like GPS, Total station, and Auto level in compliance to the TOR.
Collection of data for route selection, route location and detail topographic surveying on the
field for 20% of the total segment.
Route location and marking of the preferred route on the field.
Establishing GPS points at every 3km interval of the road and tying it to the National Grid
System for selected section.
Installation of permanent benchmarks at a maximum of 100m to 300m intervals.
5.1.3 Establishment of Geodetic Control Points Using Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global positioning system (GPS) observations were determined within approximately about 3.0 KMs
interval along the road length. The geodetic GPS points were placed in highly accessible sites with
appropriate bench marks protected against impact to guaranty their stability and integrity.
The established GPS points are couple and inter visible to each other at a minimum distance of 100m
and were tied with national coordinates system found within the section selected to be surveyed along
the project road.
Accordingly For Kofele-Kore-Bekoji Road section, a total of 3 couples of GPS points are established
Namely GPS 001, GPS 101... GPS 002, GPS 102 and GPS 003, GPS 103
All the above GPS points are established with concrete Monument painted yellow and the description
is marked in red colour.
To reach Narrative:-To reach the station, from Shashemene towards to Addis Ababa asphalt
road 13 km to the place called Gumruk
Monument Description sketch and measurement: - the station is a concrete monument drilled
at the centre and surrounded by a chiselled triangle shape.
A clear and intelligible monograph of the vertexes with a brief description of the location, photograph
and diagram for each of this were prepared.
For Kofele-Kore-Bekoji Road Project, from the total 69.3km, 16.2 km detail survey has been
conducted in addition to that cross-section survey also conducted at town section of Kofele Kore and
The consultant uses computerized system whilst carrying out investigation and survey activities. This
permits an easier, more efficient and rapid management and guarantees a continuous control of all
activities and aspects of the work.
Specific programs are used to transfer and process field data into computers. Computer programs
such as AutoCAD are used for preparation of drawings and graphics, using software modules that
operate inside AutoCAD that are specifically designed for maps and for road projects.
The electronic field books and other topographic data are placed in ASCII and / or DXF formats or
MS Excel files.
5.2.1 Introduction
The overall process of the road alignment (horizontal and vertical) design in different terrain condition
to meet the need of the road users is generally known as geometric design. The main geometric
features are:
The horizontal alignment;
Vertical alignment; and
Cross Section
Besides these main features, geometric design involves design of road furniture and safety
enhancing structures and elements
The process of geometric design usually encompasses multi-disciplinary dimensions that need
thorough assessment, investigation, analysis and optimizations. Considering these, each project
needs unique studies following Context Sensitive Design Approach.
Thus, geometric design must aim at combining various geometric design elements to produce a
sound and harmonious design which
Provide the most simple geometry attainable, consistent with the physical constraints,
Provide a design that has a reasonable and consistent margin of safety at the expected design
Provide a facility that is adequate and convenient to all the road users at the expected traffic
Provide a facility that is in harmony with the community and preserves environmental, scenic,
aesthetic, historic, and built and natural resources of the area.
Provide a facility that has acceptable economic returns
Design Period
A design life of 15 to 20 years is recommended for paved roads and 10 years for unpaved roads.”
Based on ERA geometric design Manual 2013 the design period of the project may range from 15 to
20 years.
Based on the ERA Pavement design Manual 2013, the determination of the design period should
consider different factors such as Functional importance of the road, Traffic volume, Location and
terrain of the project, financial constraints and difficulty in forecasting traffic. The manual provides the
general guide line for selecting the design period as shown in the table below.
is shown in the traffic part of this report. Since the traffic count has been done in 2021, 2021 is
selected as the base year and it is assumed that the road will be opened for the traffic by 2025. The
summary of the traffic count is shown below.
Year Car 4 WD S/ Bus M/ Bus L/ Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T TOTAL
2025 0 48 67 82 4 120 38 9 8 377
2026 0 52 73 88 5 133 42 10 9 412
2027 0 57 80 95 5 146 46 10 10 450
2028 0 62 87 103 5 160 51 11 11 492
2029 0 67 94 111 6 175 56 13 12 533
2030 0 73 102 120 6 191 61 14 13 579
2031 0 78 110 129 7 208 66 15 15 628
2032 0 85 119 140 7 226 72 16 16 681
2033 0 91 129 151 8 247 78 18 17 739
2034 0 99 140 163 8 269 85 19 19 802
2035 0 107 151 176 9 293 93 21 21 870
2036 0 115 163 190 10 320 102 23 22 944
2037 0 124 176 205 11 348 111 25 24 1024
2038 0 134 190 222 11 380 121 27 27 1111
2039 0 145 205 239 12 414 132 30 29 1206
The design standard applicable for the forecasted AADT‘s at mid-life of the design period is 681 at
2032 and would be DC5 for all road sections as per ERA Geometric Design Manual 2013.
The terrain of the project road is another factor considered in selection of design class. Based on our
site observation and the desk study, the following terrain classification has been identified.
Kofele-Kore-Bekoji Junction
Urban/ Peri-
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Width of Running
m 7.0 As per typical
Width of Shoulders m 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5
Urban/ Peri-
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Transition Curves
Yes Yes No No No
Maximum Gradient
% 4 6 8 8 7
Maximum Gradient
% 6 8 10(4) 10(4) 9
Maximum Super-
% 8 8 8 8 4
Minimum Crest
K 55 30 17 10 10
Vertical Curve(1)
Minimum Sag
K 18 12 9 7 7
Vertical Curve
Right of Way m 50 50 50 50 50
-way (m)
No. Length width Description Category
From To
Kofele – Kore – Bekoji(Koji Katara)
1 0+000 3+000 3000 7 7 2.5 5 21.5 Kofele Woreda seat
2 3+000 4+100 1100 7 0 5 17 Kofele Kebele
3 10+800 11+300 500 7 0 5 17 Gobe Village Kebele
4 20+700 25+200 4500 7 7 2.5 5 21.5 Kore Woreda seat
5 28+500 29+800 1300 7 0 5 17 Shire Kebele
6 29+800 30+700 900 7 0 5 17 Shire Kebele
Tsogeta Developing
7 39+300 40+100 800 7 0 5 17 Beseko Kebele
Waji Developing
8 44+800 46+000 1200 7 0 5 17 Asharige Kebele
9 50+200 51+200 1000 7 0 5 17 Shunegoro, Kebele
10 57+800 59+800 2000 7 0 5 17 Shunewachu Kebele
11 68+000 69+340 1340 7 0 5 17 Koji Katara, Kebele
The typical cross sections used for the project are included in Annex-3
When the cut depth is greater than 7m, provide back slope of 1(V):1(H) in
combination with minimum bench of 3m wide at 7m vertical interval to ensure
the stability of the slope. Provide lower bench, with width of 3m at cut depth of
(2) When the cut depth is greater than 15m, provide back slope of 4(V):1(H) in
combination with minimum bench of 2m wide at 15m vertical interval to ensure
the stability of the slope.
(3) When the cut depth is greater than 10m, provide back slope of 2(V):1(H) in
combination with minimum bench of 3m wide at 10m vertical interval to ensure
the stability of the slope.
(4) Move ditch away from fill at least 4m
(5) Fill benching shall be provided as shown on the typical drawing where the
ground cross fall exceeds 20% to protect the fill material from sliding and
increase the bondage between the ground and the fill material.
Note: The above recommended side and back slope ratio shall be used as a guide only, particularly,
because applicable standards in rock cuts are highly dependent on environments impacts. Also
certain soil slopes that may be present at subgrade level may be unstable at 1:2 side slopes, therefore,
a higher standard will need to be applied for these soils. Slope configuration and treatments in areas
with identified slope stability problems should be addressed on specific finding obtained during
construction stage.
In line with these principles, a road traffic system that is safe and sustainable will have the
following features:
its infrastructure will have been adapted to take into account human limitations, using proper
road design;
its vehicles will be equipped to make the task of driving easier and to provide a high standard
of protection in crashes;
Its road users will be provided with adequate information and education and, where
appropriate, will be deterred from undesirable or dangerous behaviour.
A key objective of safety engineering is to make drivers naturally choose to comply with the speed
limit. In line with this, a range of engineering measures are designed to encourage appropriate
speed and make hazards easily perceptible. These measures include:
improved vertical alignment;
advisory speed limits at sharp bends;
regular speed-limit signs;
When designing a project that includes curbs and adjacent sidewalks, proper attention
should be given to the needs of persons with disabilities whose means of mobility are
dependent upon wheelchairs and similar devices. Such curb ramps shall be provided at
all crossing location for safe and comfortable operation of wheel chairs.
At speeds below 30 km/h pedestrians can coexist with motor vehicles in relative safety.
Speed management and traffic-calming include techniques such as discouraging traffic
from entering certain areas and installing physical speed-reducing measures, such as
roundabouts, road narrowing, chicanes and road humps. These measures are often
backed up by speed limits of 30 km/h, but they can be designed to achieve various levels
of appropriate speed.
Speed humps in towns, developing towns and villages shall be designed for 26km/hr to
35km/hr to ensure safety for vulnerable road users and especially pedestrians. At zebra
crossings, the speed humps shall be designed and constructed with a flat top with suitable
pavement markings.
The rumble strips shall be of type B in accordance with section 9510 of ERA Standard
Technical Specifications, 2013
Bus Lay-Bys shall be provided at selected locations in developing towns and villages.
They are not needed in town sections, as buses can stop on section of the parking lane
marked as “Bus Stop”.
They should be located at the existing established locations of bus hip on and hip off
locations but should be at least 75m away from junctions and at locations which have
adequate sight distance for stopping.
accidents. Widely used and the most common types of traffic guide devices and furniture
for road projects are:-
Traffic sign,
Road (Pavement) Marking
Guide posts (Marker Posts) and Guard Rail
Km post
The design of these facilities will be done in accordance with ERA guideline.
Traffic Signs
Warning signs should be provided where there are unexpected changes in the driving
conditions, for example where:
The geometric standards for a particular class of road have been changed along a
short section of road, for example a sharp bend, a sudden narrowing of the road, or an
unexpectedly steep gradient;
A bend occurs after a long section of straight road;
There is an unexpected school crossing;
A drift or other structure is not clearly visible from a safe distance;
The driver is approaching traffic calming measures such as speed hump.
Traffic signs have been provided, depending on the requirement, as per ERA's Standard
Specification 2014 and ERA's Standard Drawings 2014. Retro-reflective material
engineering grade material shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 4956 or BS 873
Part 6,
Marker Posts (Guide Posts)
. Guideposts are intended to make drivers aware of potential hazards such as abrupt
changes in shoulder width, abrupt changes in the alignment, and approaches to structures
etc. For changes in shoulder width and approaches to structures, guide posts should be
placed at appropriate intervals.
The required spacing of guideposts on curves according to ERA’s Geometric Design
Manual-2013 is shown in Table below.
500 35
200 20
100 12
50 8
30 5
Marker posts (guide posts) shall be installed for high fill embankments between 3m
and 6m at intervals of 25m. If the guard rail installed for fill heights in excess of 6m is
not going to have illuminative reflectors, guide posts shall be installed at every 20m.
KM posts are provided as per ERA standards at 1Km interval.
Road Traffic Markings
Pavement markings include centreline markings, edge line markings, lane line
markings in towns, developing towns, villages and rural footpath sections, zebra
crossing markings, speed hump markings, yield line markings, chevron markings and
pavement symbols and letters markings.
Curb markings are pavement markings painted adjacent to the curb to ensure curb
delineation and visibility.
Object markers are used to mark obstruction within or adjacent to the roadway.
Safety barriers/Guardrails
Where appropriate, provision has been made to construct safety barriers from heavy
masonry or concrete or steel guardrails. High quality masonry work is found in Ethiopia
and local communities may benefit as a result of the labour-intensive construction
method, wherever such barriers are to be constructed. Safety barriers with illuminative
reflectors are recommended to be installed
on bridge approaches at least for 30m on either ends
In addition, concrete safety barrier “New Jersey barrier” may be used as required during
detail design in selected sections. Concrete and masonry guardrail details are included in
figure below.
Steel Guard rail are recommended on all bridge approaches for a length of 50m on
approaching side and 25m on leaving side on both sides.
5.4.1 Introduction General
Following the contract agreement, the consultant has made all the necessary preparation
and undertaken concept design activities including onsite physical survey and preliminary
desk analysis giving a special consideration to project major features. The project is
passing through plain ,ridge and rolling sections often dissected by minor and major
streams and flow concentration drainage lines. Defined major streams mostly provided by
existing structures deserving upgrading work due to hydraulic, structural and other design
requirements. Plain section of the road characterized by localized flow that needs to be
collected and relived at appropriate position either in the form of cross drainage structure
or turnout .All minor cross drainage structures are found to be hydraulically insufficient
and substandard and proposed to be replaced by appropriate size cross drainage
structures. Section of the road segment from Kofele to Shire with an estimated length of
30km characterized by ridge or divide plain section where the general slope dominated to
both right and left hand side but side flow required to be relived either to the left or right
direction. But section after Km 30 (Shire ) by large drains towards left direction and
dissected by major and minor streams showing rolling topographic land forms
predominately . Raised road level with minimum height 0.8m required to be maintained
on plain/divide sections to guide side generated localized flow longitudinally till appropriate
positions. Otherwise the road required to be provided by well serving safe side drainage
facility despite plain nature of the topographic land forms .
Watershed area of the project located on the upper reach of Rift Valley basin and acts as
a sub basin to rift Valley River basin.
Figure 5-2: Projected road basin category map (Rift Valley basins) Climate
The ITCZ influences the rainfall formation on Rift Valley valley basin where Kofele-Shire-
Bekojie Junction Road watersheds located respectively acts as a sub basin to this major river
basin of the country. Kofele and Bekojie stations are identified on the project roads and used
to characterize project climate features.
Mean annual rainfall for Kofele and Bekojie stations are around 1170mm and 1080mm
respectively showing Weyna Dega Climate features.
Rainfall pattern of the area depicts that, extended bimodal rainfall seasons for Kofele
station and unimodal but long and extended rainfall distribution to Bekojie station thereby
creating moist condition on the area .
in drainage facilities preliminary design work. No departure has been considered in designing
road drainage facilities.
Side Ditches 5 10
Ford/Low-Water Bridge - -
Culvert, pipe (see Note) 10 25
Culvert, 2m<span <6m 25 50
Short Span Bridges 6m<span<15m 25 50
Medium Span Bridges 15m<span<50m 50 100
Long Span Bridges 50 100
Good hydraulic recommendation of all drainage structures crossing the road largely depends
on the reliability of hydrological analysis and site characterizations.
All the available data and documents are collected and systematic investigation, assessment
and analysis approach followed on the project under consideration. Identification of major
flood sources, characterize the flow pattern and estimate the flood volume/rate are the major
steps carried out in hydrological study of the project at preliminary level. Apart from
major/minor flood sources, localized flows are also analyzed as required by evaluating
potential impact on the road.
The procedures and recommendation given in ERA DDM,2013 has been used to make
hydrological analysis along with recent automated watershed modelling tools (WMS, QGIS
and HEC HMS).
Land cover map of project watershed has been extracted from 1:1000,000 Scale National
Land cover map and verified based on physical inspection. Intensively cultivated land forms
with open land and distributed forest constitute the over all land cover condition of the
Major soil coverage map of the project has been prepared from 1:1000,000 Scale National
Soil Coverage Map where a range of major soils cover the project watershed categorized
under hydrological soil group B and D.Chromic Luvisols,Eutric Nithosols and Orthic Luvisols
under hydrological soil group B and Pellic Vertisols under hydrological soil group D .
With land use and major soil coverage physiographic features, curve number table has been
prepared and weighted average curve number to each watershed has been computed
employing GIS tool.
Table 5-13: Land cover and Hydrologic soil group for project watershed
ID Land Cover A B C D
3 "OPEN WOODLAND" 48 67 77 83
WMS Based SCS Method – This method is used for peak discharge determination from
greater size catchments (greater than 50 ha. Hence, HEC-1 built in SCS method is used to
compute peak discharge for identified limited watersheds of area size greater than 0.
5km2.Peak discharge estimate and corresponding hydrograph for 15 watersheds has been
made using HEC-1 SCS method
magnitude. Size shall be var with respect to detail design analysis finding. Apart from,
adjoining lad flow contribution collecting ditch provision, urban section needs to be provided
by side drain on both sides (rectangular masonry ditch with minimum size 0.8n bed width and
0.8m height).
Design criteria limiting the potential maximum backwater rise on the immediate upstream
section of the bridge (< 0.5m), keeping the upstream bridge approach flow contraction and
down stream flow expansion stretch length a bit relaxed to avoid any impact-oriented flow
condition at bridge inlet-outlet section has been considered in bridge hydraulic effiency
evaluation. Hydrological data from hydrological analysis and geometric data from ground
survey work has been used as a sole analysis input.
Accordingly, 6 new bridges are identified and evaluated under concept design stage where
some of the existing structures hardly meets hydraulic ,structural and other requirements.
Making the road corridor drainage enough and creating hydraulically stable condition should
be the main drainage objective of the project addressing both hydrological analysis and
hydraulic designs. As road segment significantly passing through plain section proper
drainage management integrating cross and longitudinal drainage facility with sufficient road
level raising required to be in place .
Appropriate drainage outlet selection depending upon the land use and onsite property
condition is found to be critical. In this regard drainage outlet selection has to be made properly
with due and integrated management option to drainage and resource importance.
Cross drainage structures from pipe to bridge proposed to be used on the road. For localized
flow discharging condition on plain section with no probable silt load condition, 42” pipe can
be used otherwise minimum 48” pipe proposed to be used.
As the hydraulic preliminary design has been made by large based on coarse resolution
satellite data , all recommendations need to be revaluated and designed properly employing
the right and better quality data .
Hence, this section addresses the general features of the route alignment with respect to
identification of type, extent and properties for the native subgrade soils, existing road
condition, available construction materials, problematic soil identification, and in general all
the geotechnical investigations conducted to characterize the soils and materials along the
Primary data of the project includes those data that were directly collected from site (field work)
and laboratory testing following the project work methodology, as stated in ERA Site
Investigation Manual, 2013 and the project Terms of Reference (ToR).
The Soils and Materials field investigation works mainly comprised of the following activities:
Existing Road condition survey
Visual Soil extension survey, test pit digging, logging and taking of representative
samples from the pits at regular intervals,
Prospecting and locating of potential construction material sources, visual inspection
of quality, estimation of volume of reserve and/or available material and taking of
representative samples for laboratory tests
After completion of the field works, all the collected subgrade and construction materials
samples were submitted to two central laboratories (ICT Engineering Plc for Kofele – Kore –
Shire road section and STADIA Engineering Works Conusltant Plc for Shire – Bekoji road
section), and all required tests were carried out based on test order given by the senior
Materials/Pavement Engineer of the project.
Picture 5-1: Start of the project (SOP), Kofele Picture 5-2: Existing gravel road
town roundabout (deteriorated road with poor riding quality),
at Km-6+000
Picture 5-3: Existing gravel road (deteriorated Picture 5-4: Existing gravel road (very deteriorated
road with poor riding quality), at km-17+200 road, difficult to access), at km-54+000
The existing road sections (Kofele – Kore – Shire and Wolkite-Shona-Koji road sections) are
highly deteriorated with very thin gravel wearing course, and severe pavement distresses such
as corrugation, rutting, potholes and depression are the main ones observed during the site
Generally, the existing road sections of the project have very poor riding quality and
considered as substandard to be considered in the new pavement design. Hence, the project
will be treated as new road in design of the project road.
From the subgrade investigation results, it is possible to see that the subgrade
materials for Kofele-Kore-Shire are predominantly composed of reddish brown
medium to high plastic silty clay soil, which is classified as unsuitable soil to be used
as road bed of the project. Reddish brown medium plastic silty clay soils are also dominantly
encountered from Shire to Koji (Bekoji junction) section of the project. Significant sections are
also covered by black silty clay expansive soils (black cotton soils). Pockets of rocky sections
(light grey to brown moderately weathered rock) are also encountered from Km-55+400 to
Km-56++200, Km-61+300 to Km-62+400 and Km-63+500 to Km-64+900 respectively.
Picture 5-5: Typical brown silty clay (Km-6+500) Picture 5-6: Dark brown high plastic silty clay (Km-40+500)
Picture 5-7: Pockets of weathered rock & boulders (Km- Picture 5-8: Light grey moderately weathered rock (Km-
41+200) 62+400)
Picture 5-9: Light grey moderately weathered rock (Km- Picture 5-10: Black silty clay (Black cotton soil) at Km-63+150
For concept design stage, to examine engineering behaviour of the indigenous sub-grade
soils, test pits were excavated at 1km interval for the Kofele – Kore – Bekoji junction road
project. Test pits of approximately 1.0m by 1.0m size were dug at the centreline on the
alignment route, and the depth of excavation was with minimum of 1.5m.
After test pits excavation, the soil strata were measured, lithological soil formations were
properly logged and required subgrade materials were sampled properly. Sample bags which
has 50kg capacity were used collect the samples. The sample bags were labelled with the
project name, material type, sample date, test program for the sample. Besides, paper tags
containing the project name, material type and description, laboratory test program, sampling
date and other relevant information were inserted in each of the sample bags. Each of the test
pits was backfilled, properly compacted and levelled off to their original level after sampling
and logging.
Accordingly, a total of seventy (70) test pits were excavated for the Kofele – Kore - Bekoji road
project and the subgrade samples were collected for complete test (every 3km interval) and
indication test (every 1km interval). Complete test includes CBR, Moisture-Density relation,
Atterberg Limits and Classification tests, whereas indication test includes Atterberg Limits and
Classification tests.
As per the test order of the Senior Material and Pavement Engineer of the project, all subgrade
materials were submitted to the laboratory to be tested as per the given standard test
Table 5-14: Number of collected subgrade samples
Number of
SN Test Descriptions Test
Materials sampled
for Test
1 Liquid Limit AASHTO T89 70
2 Plastic Limit & Plasticity Index AASHTO T90 70
Particle Size Distribution – Wet AASHTO 70
sieving T311
4 Compaction, Modified Proctor
CBR (3-point, soaked) and AASHTO 24
CBR-swell T193
The potential construction material sites have been identified and sampled for laboratory
testing. Each potential site has been examined in terms of material type, overburden
thickness, access, estimated quantity and vegetation cover, and finally accompanied by
colored photographs showing these features of the site. Coordinates of each material location
has also been marked by handheld GPS. The available quantity has been estimated by
measuring the aerial extent of the outcrops and estimating the depth of occurrence from the
condition of the site geology. For existing sources the depth has also been measured from
exposed face of pits. The depth of overburden thickness on the other hand is estimated from
the exposed faces of open pits and by pitting to the depth of material sources for the case of
new sites.
Taking into account the above factors potential sources of construction materials were located,
which include possible sources of rock, natural gravel sources, embankment source, natural
sand and water. Representative samples were collected from these sources for further
investigation of their quality test as stated in the ToR and design standard.
Table 5-15: Summary of Identified Construction Materials, Kofele-Kore-Bekoji
Type of Number of
SN Intended Purpose
sources Identified sources
Soil Borrow
1 For fill and embankment 9
Gravel Borrow For natural subbase course and granular 4
Pits backfill
Hard Rock 4
3 For Crushed aggregate
4 Masonry Source For Masonry stone 6
5 Sand For fine aggregate of concrete works 3
6 Water For compaction and concrete works 7
The project road shall be constructed to asphalt concrete road standard which requires
adequate quantity of strong lower pavement layers at reasonable intervals. Special attention
is therefore given to locate borrow materials for fill (embankment construction) and natural
gravel sources for lower pavement layers (i.e., natural subbase and capping layers) and hard
rock quarry for upper pavements and wearing course. For construction of drainage structures
and retaining walls, masonry stone, sand and water source were also assessed during field
investigation periods.
(The above pictures show borrow sources located at Ashoka area, 12km from Kofele and
10km from Kofele respectively)
Four (4) potential rock quarry sources were assessed, and sampled for laboratory testing.
Similarly, six (6) masonry sources were identified during field investigation, and sample was
collected for all necessary laboratory testing.
(The above pictures show rock quarry located at Km-55+600 offset 6m RHS and Km-31+900
offset 30m RHS respectively)
Sand Sources
From site investigation, it is possible to notice that good quality of sand source is obtained
from langano area. In addition, sand source from Bole and Halaba town area is also identified.
Accordingly, three potential river sand sources are identified, and sampled for further checking
for their suitability to be used as source of fine aggregate for concrete mixes.
(The above pictures shows sand source located at Langano area, 32km from
The investigation finding revealed that water is readily available in the project especially on
major crossings of the project. A total of seven (7) possible water sources were identified and
sampled for further checking for their suitability to be used as source of water for concrete and
compaction purpose.
(The above pictures show water source located at Km-23+100 offset 2.1km LHSand Km-
30+000 offset 720m LHS respectively)
The objective of structural pavement design is to provide a road surface which can withstand
the expected traffic loading over the design period without deteriorating below a predetermined
level of service. And, this is achieved by providing a pavement structure whereby stresses on
the subgrade–induced by traffic are reduced to acceptable levels. This requirement places
particular emphasis on the need for sufficient bearing capacity of the pavement structure and
provision of drainage and sufficient earth works in flood or problematic soil areas.
A commonly used pavement structure in the country is the flexible pavement type whereby a
surface treatment or a bituminous mix is placed over a base course made of granular
Regarding departure, no departure has considered while adopting the design manual. The
pavement components suitable for the sub-grade and the anticipated cumulative axle load are
selected based on ERA Flexible Pavement Design Manual (2013) catalogue.
Homogenous sections are determined for the project road section (Kofele-Kore-Bekoji) using
AASHTO V1 -1993, appendix J, pavement design manual, “analysis of unit delineation by
cumulative difference method”. The cumulative variables were determined on the CBR values
and plotted against length in km.
The fairly homogeneous section of the project with in the road section, from Km-0+000 to Km-
69+731 is obtained by the main slope variances in graph as shown in table below;
Table 5-16: Laboratory Test Results and CUSUM
No Sample Test Results Diff =
of Station CBR at 95% (Avg CBR - CUSUM
Swell, %
Test (km) of MDD CBR)
1 0+000 3.10 2.36 2.91 2.91
2 3+000 3.30 2.31 2.71 5.62
3 6+000 3.00 2.41 3.01 8.63
4 9+000 5.60 1.57 0.41 9.04
5 12+000 4.00 1.86 2.01 11.05
6 15+000 3.70 1.89 2.31 13.36
7 18+000 5.30 1.62 0.71 14.07
8 21+000 3.80 1.87 2.21 16.28
9 24+000 2.50 2.46 3.51 19.79
10 27+000 6.30 1.37 -0.29 19.50
11 30+000 3.50 1.92 2.51 22.01
12 30+200 9.50 1.43 -3.49 18.52
13 33+000 13.50 1.12 -7.49 11.03
14 36+000 12.00 0.81 -5.99 5.04
15 39+000 3.10 4.74 2.91 7.95
16 42+000 8.80 1.43 -2.79 5.16
17 45+000 11.80 1.56 -5.79 -0.63
18 48+000 4.40 2.65 1.61 0.98
19 51+000 1.10 5.01 4.91 5.89
20 54+000 7.70 0.63 -1.69 4.20
21 57+000 8.20 1.40 -2.19 2.01
22 60+000 6.00 1.31 0.01 2.02
23 63+000 12.80 1.13 -6.79 -4.77
24 66+000 1.20 8.20 4.81 0.04
Average CBR,
From the CUSUM diagram, two uniform sections are identified as listed below; however, there
are pockets sections in the second uniform section that will be treated separately.
Accordingly, the 90 percentile and the design CBR value for each section are determined. The
determination of design CBR for each identified homogenous section of the project is depicted
in the following charts.
Design CBR for the Kofele-Kore-Bekoji road, for the road section from Km-0+000 to Km-
30+000 (Kofele – Kore – Shire) is computed and summarized as shown below;
Design CBR for the Kofele-Kore-Bekoji road, for the road section from Km-30+000 to Km-
69+371 (Shire – Bekoji junction) is computed and summarized as shown below;
Table 5-19: Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of the Project Road at 2021, kofele-Kore-Shire
Vehicle Type Car 4WD S/Bus M/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Normal Traffic 0 18 22 10 2 27 9 3 2 94
Modal Shift 0 0 7 7 0 6 0 0 0 20
Generated Traffic 0 3 3 1 0 4 1 0 0 14
ADT(NT+DT+GT) 0 21 32 18 2 37 10 3 2 125
Design Period
The functional classification of the project road is classified as Main Access Road; hence, the
design period is taken as 15 years. For the subject project a design period of 15 years from
the year the road is opened to traffic i.e. (2025 - 2039) is considered for geometric design. The
project road is expected to be opened to traffic in the year 2025.
Traffic Forecast in the Design Period
Traffic projection has been made for 15 and 20 consecutive years of the design period from
the opening of the road to traffic by applying the growth rates. The detail traffic forcast is
presented in chapter 3
Design Standard
The design standard of a road is determined by the volume of traffic on the project road at the
mid of the design period. The following shows the design standard of the road sections with
respect to mid-year traffic volume.
The following shows the design standard of the road sections with respect to mid-year traffic
volume. As it is stipulated in table below Kofele - Kore- Shire has 681 AADT, Shire – Kersa
339 and Shre – Qubsa has 266 AADT. In hindsight the consultant adopted the highest traffic
volume [AADT 681] of the road corridor as design traffic volume for the proposed road project.
Traffic Loading
Table 5-21: Equivalency factors, ESA/Vehicle type
S/ L/ S/ M/ H/
Year Car 4 WD Bus Bus Truck Truck Truck T & T
Typical Values 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.50 1.10 3.75 7.75 12.75
The estimated ESAs for a design periods of 15 and 20 years is then computed as shown in
the following tables.
Table 5-22: Estimation of Cumulative Design ESA, for 15 design period
Vehicle Class Car Utility S/B L/B S/T M/T H/T T/T
Composition, % 0 13 18 23 31 10 2 2
AADT, 2025 Opening 0 48 67 87 120 38 9 8
Growth Rate 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10
Cum No of Vehicle 0.00 495,920.77 692,222.74 862,215.38 1,189,262.59 424,709.22 100,589.03 89,412.47
Equivalent Factor 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.50 1.10 3.75 7.75 12.75
Cum ESA, two dir 0.00 0.00 207,666.82 1,293,323.07 1,308,188.85 1,592,659.59 779,564.96 1,140,008.97
Dir Factor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Design Cum ESA 0.00 0.00 103,833.41 646,661.53 654,094.42 796,329.79 389,782.48 570,004.48
Design Cum ESA, in 0.00000 0.00000 0.10383 0.64666 0.65409 0.79633 0.38978 0.57000
millions Total ESA = 3.16 Million
From the above analysis, the forecasted cumulative standard axle loads of the project for
selected design period equals to 3.16 million for Kofele – Kore - Bekoji road project. Referring
to the available traffic classes, their ESA’s values, falls under T5 traffic class as per ERA
Pavement Design Manual, 2013.
Note: Up to 100mm of sub-base may be substituted with selected fill provided that the sub-
base is not reduced to less than the roadbase thickness or 200mm whichever is the greater.
The substitution ratio of sub-base to selected fill is 1 to 1.3.
Considering the site condition, i.e topography as well as the rain condition, two types of
shoulder surfacing is recommended as show below;
For Flat and Rolling sections, double surface dressing with 1.5m width on both sides
For Mountain and Escarpment section, 50mm asphalt concrete with 0.5m width on
both sides
Table 5-28: Recommended Shoulder and Walkway
Carriageway Shoulder Footway
Surface Surface Surface
AC Concrete tiles
Flat and rolling DBST (Note 1)
(double layers) (Note 2)
AC Concrete tiles
and AC (Note 1)
(double layers) (Note 2)
1) Extend the pavement structure of the carriageway
2) Provide 200mm sub base and 40mm crushed sand bedding.
Hence, this section presents the overall geotechnical assessments of the project that includes
geological setting of the area, seismic condition, slope stability of the area, problematic soil
conditions, design of cut and fills slopes and foundation condition for major crossing structures
as required for conceptual design of the project.
5.7.2 Methodology
The geotechnical methodology used for the concept design includes desk study of remotely
sensed data like google images, reviewing existing information like topographic maps,
geological maps and site visit findings. During the field visit an initial observation of the
geology, topography / geomorphology, the sub-grade, slopes, drainage and construction
materials were made. The stability of the existing slopes was also observed to help in analysis
of slope stability.
A visual observation of bridge foundations on both abutments and river bed was also made to
help in the recommendation for bridge foundation investigation. Coordinates will be measured
using hand held “GPS” instrument. The methodology, design philosophies and standard that
will be adopted during Geotechnical Investigation works, will be based on the selected design
The geology of the area describes the composition of the rock encountered along the project
routes and the processes by which they change over time. The geological formation of the
Kofele – Kore – Bekoji junction road comprises mainly two types of geological formation
(nazreth series and chilalo formations).
Referring to the general geological map of Ethiopia (Source: Geological survey of Ethiopia,
Ministry of Mines, second edition, 1996) and supplemented by specific site findings, the
general geological setting of the project area has been described in detail.
The geological setting of the project area is presented in Figure below whereas simplified
geological formation along the project route is presented in the table below
According to the mentioned Geological map, the regional geological formation of the project route corridor
of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji JUnction, is composed of Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rock , with specific
of Nazreth series (Nn) and some portion of Chilalo formation (Nc and Ncb).
Table 5-32: Simplified Regional Geology
Project Station Geological formations
From the overall site findings, it is possible to observed that, majority of the local geology of the route
alignment is covered by high plastic silty clay which is the residual and weathering effect of the parent
tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rock.
Figure 5-13: Geology of the project area (Kofele – Kore- Bekoji road)
According to the mentioned Geological map, the regional geological formation of the project
route corridor of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji Junction, is composed of Tertiary volcanic and
sedimentary rock , with specific of Nazreth series (Nn) and small portion of Chilalo formation
From the overall site findings, it is possible to observed that, majority of the local geology of
the route alignment is covered by high plastic silty clay which is the residual and weathering
effect of the parent tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rock.
Among them Awasa earthquake, Kara Kore earthquake, Serdo earthquake, Wendo Genet
earthquake, Langano earthquake and Dobigraben earthquake were the significant ones and
some of them were fatal. The current volcanic activities and the resulting geologic
phenomena’s in Afar and Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) are good manifestations for tectonically
dynamic nature of the zone.
Figure 5-14: Earthquake record in the Horn of Africa region from 1900 to 2010
According to Seismic Hazard Map of Ethiopia as per Ethiopian Standards based on Euro
Norms (ES EN 1998:2015), the Seismic hazard map is divided into 5 zones and the project
site, Kofele – Kore- Bekoji junction is located within seismic zone 3 with ground acceleration
ranging from 0.10 to 0.15. In this seismic sensitive zone, it is generally the case that extreme
events of load combination, taking into account the seismic load effects, may govern the major
drainage structures design.
Therefore, the stability of the structures against seismic effects and appropriate seismic design
considerations shall be taken into account by following the seismic design procedure as
specified in ERA Bridge Design Manual or AASHTO LRDF Bridge Design Specification and
other relevant specifications.
Figure 5-15: Ethiopia Seismic Hazard Map in terms of Peak Ground Acceleration (ES EN
Table 5-33: Bed rock acceleration ratio α0 as per ES EN 1998:2015
Zone 5 4 3 2 1 0
During site survey, a back slope formation of the alignment route has been inspected and as concept
design finding, the back slope materials with possible soil classification are summarized.
Generally, major part of the back slope formations is covered with soil, having pockets of
weathered rock as summarized below;
Table 5-34: Black slope formation for Kofele – Kore – Bekoji junction
Soil Extension Survey
Major Materials Formations Back slope
From to
0+000 55+400 Reddish brown medium to high plastic silty clay soil
55+400 56+200 Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock Weathered rock
56+200 61+300 Reddish brown medium to high plastic silty clay soil
61+300 62+400 Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock Weathered rock
62+400 63+500 Black silty clay soil Soil
63+500 64+900 Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock Weathered rock
64+900 69+731 Reddish brown sandy silty clay mixed with few gravels soil
Picture 5-20: Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock back slope formation @ Km-56+000
Picture 5-21: Light grey to brown moderately weathered rock back slope formation @ Km-62+000
The overall site condition of Kofele – Kore – Bekoji junction road shows most of the natural
slopes along the alignment route are stable under current condition, except very few local
sections where slide of the top overburden materials was shown due to excess erosion.
However, the current stability will be expected to be disturbed by slope excavation of the
construction activity. Such excavation combined with other influences such as rainfall,
materials weathering, blasting, external loading and toe erosion will also trigger the slope
As topography is the major indictor of the anticipated slope instability, the geotechnical
hazards are rated with respect to topography in addition to the other geological factors. From
the terrain classification analysis of the project, some part of the proposed alignment route traverse
through mountainous section such as from Km-30+040 to Km-30+600, Km-41+600 to Km-45+100, Km-
53+800 to Km-57+800, Km-59+300 to Km-61+600 and Km-63+600 to Km-65+900. And in such
mountainous sections, possible deep cuts is expected during construction to attain the required design
standard (DC-%) of the project road, and will possibly result unstable slopes or landslides on sections
where a natural slope is over steep or where cut slopes in weathered rock and soil encounter ground
water. Hence, during excavation and construction of the project, proper design slope and appropriate
protection measures that will address the specific site condition is mandatory.
(1) When the cut depth is greater than 7m, provide back slope of 1(V):1(H)
in combination with minimum bench of 3m wide at 7m vertical interval
to ensure the stability of the slope.
(2) When the cut depth is greater than 15m, provide back slope of 4(V):1(H)
in combination with minimum bench of 2m wide at 15m vertical interval
to ensure the stability of the slope.
(3) When the cut depth is greater than 10m, provide back slope of 2(V):1(H)
in combination with minimum bench of 3m wide at 10m vertical interval
to ensure the stability of the slope.
Length, Material
From To Remark
km Description
0+000 4+500 4.5 Reddish brown medium to high plastic silty clay Low CBR and high plasticity
47+350 53+310 5.96 Reddish brown silty sandy soil Low CBR and high swell
Length, Material
From To Remark
km Description
There are several mitigation measures being followed in practice. Some of them are site
specific and require judicious selection to encounter the damaging effects of the swell
potential. Considering the availability of sufficient borrow materials, excavation and
replacement method is appropriate mitigation measures recommended for the project.
The treatments required for those sections with expansive soils characteristics are “excavation
and replacement method” and recommendation is depend on fill height as summarized below;
o Where the finished road level is designed to be less than 2m above the ground
level, remove the expansive soil to a minimum depth of 1000mm over the full width
of the road, or where the finished road level is designed to be greater than 2m
above the ground level, remove the expansive soil to a depth of 1000mm below
the ground level under the unsurfaced area of the road structure or where the
expansive soil does not exceed 1m in depth, remove it to the full depth.
o Stockpile the excavated material on either side of the excavation for subsequent
spreading on the fill slopes so as to produce as flat a slope as possible.
o The excavation should be backfilled with a plastic non-expansive soil of CBR value
greater or equal to 5% and compacted to a density of 93% modified AASHTO.
Picture 5-22: Eroded black silty caly soil, from Km-62+300 to Km-63+250
Considering the project road site condition (which is medium to high plastic light weigh soil), the following
mitigation measures are recommended as remedial measures;
o If gullies are already formed, they need to be backfilled layer by layer with borrow materials.
o The side drains (longitudinal ditches) in these sections shall be lined irrespective of the
longitudinal slope.
o Turn outs shall be constructed in short possible intervals to avoid concentrated flow of water.
Secondary ditches and check dams shall be constructed to dissipate the energy of storm water
running parallel to the road.
o Proper protection works shall be constructed at culvert inlets and outlets and at approaches.
Foundation conditions of major crossing sites along the project route have been briefly
assessed in conjunction with soil and construction material survey. These are crossing sites
with total openings of 6m and above believed to be major crossings that require the
construction of bridge structure.
Accordingly, preliminary site inspection and foundation investigation were tried to conduct on
the abutments locations of the new and existing structures. Visual inspection of the foundation
formations has been conducted in bridge structure’s locations. The allowable bearing pressure
was considered from presumptive values provided in standard codes and literatures. In this
regard, reference is made to AAHSTO LRFD 2007.
Table 5-38: Preliminary Foundation Recommendation, Summary
Foundation Materials Foundation Presumptive
Station Depth, m Bearing
Light grey highly weathered rock (in to silty clayey 2.5m below the
Br-1 31+895 gravel( mixed with boulders (both sides)
770 KPa
lowest river bed
Soil gravel matrix, light brown silty clay soil mixed 2.5m below the
Br-3 41+300 570 KPa
with few gravels (both sides) lowest river bed
42+363 Reddish brown silty clay soil mixed with few 3m below the
Br-4 gravels (both sides)
190 KPa
lowest river bed
As the above selected major crossings are bridge structures, and the load transfer is extending
minimum up to twice of the proposed width (2B) from footing level, and for this, for purpose of
evaluation and confirmation, deep investigation using core drilling should be conducted during
construction stage to investigate all the geotechnical layers & foundation conditions within the
influence zone formations. Hence, deep foundation investigation using core drilling is
recommended for all bridge locations during construction stage.
Sufficient free board shall be provided from hydraulic point of view and appropriate finished
road grade shall be provided considering the optimum approach road grade from geometric
requirement. Thus, whichever design requirement governs shall be applied.
The structural computation of substructure and superstructure components of the river bridges
shall be performed as per ERA’s bridge design manual.
ERA’s Standard drawings of minor drainage structures including, but not limited to, Slab RC
box, and RC pipe culvert shall be used.
The project requires masonry retaining walls on few sections of the road side embankments.
Accordingly, appropriate measurement was taken and the quantities of class ‘B’ masonry
retaining wall volume is estimated.
Classes of concrete
Recommended uses
Concrete Grade fck (MPa) (150mm cube)
C30/20 30 All Reinforced concrete
C35/20 35 Precast RC Pipes
C20/40 20 Plain concrete footing
and lined drains
C15/20 15 Blinding for box /slab
culverts Class “A”
bedding for pipes
Cyclopean mass Mixture of mass of stones To improve foundation
concrete (if and class 20 concrete in 3:1 soil beneath foundation
needed) ratio by volume respectively structure as shown on
the drawing
b) Reinforcement
ERA’s 2013 Standard Technical Specification is considered while selecting grades of
reinforcement bars to be used for design and construction of minor and major drainage
structures. Reinforcing bars considered for the design are stated as below,
Grades of Reinforcement used for minor and major Structures
Minimum concrete cover indicated in ERA’s bridge design manual is considered for the design
except that the absolute minimum value is 35mm.
c) Stone Masonry
According to ERA Standard Technical Specification - 2013, stone masonry is divided into three
classes. For this project implementation, it is recommended to use Class “B” masonry grades
for pipe culvert end structures, substructures of slab culvert, retaining walls and substructures
of Bridges.
d) Gabions
The procurement of materials for gabions cages is recommended to comply with the
requirement stated in ERA’s 2013 standard technical specifications
All wires used in the fabrication of gabions shall be galvanized in accordance with the
provisions of section ERA’s 2013 Standard Technical Specifications. The geo-textile filter
fabric which is to be used along with the gabions shall meet the requirements of the same
Project costs are estimated considering the preliminary engineering design of the road
and its components. Based on the preliminary investigations and design carried out the
existing road conditions have been characterized and scope of planned project is
determined. During the preliminary design work items are identified and quantified,
taking into consideration experience of similar projects and applying engineering
Current completed and construction projects near to the project has been considered for
unit rate computations. On the basis of the characteristics of the selected project,
average rates have been computed and applied for the project road which are believed
to be reasonably accurate for the preparation of the project cost estimates for the
purposes of feasibility study.
Table 5-39: Grades of Reinforcement used for minor and major Structures
The purpose of economic analysis is to gauge the viability of the investment on the proposed
upgrading of the project road duly taking into account the various benefits likely to accrue to
the road users as well as the different types of stakeholders in the project influence area.
The investments as well influence the condition of pavement over time and road maintenance
cost. HDM IV model predicts traffic speed`s and consumption of the Road User Effect (RUE)
components, such as fuel, tyres, etc. Multiplying these by the unit costs of the individual
components gives the RUE over time comparing the cost out puts from various investment
alternatives allows assessment of the relative merits, cost savings and benefits of the different
alternative using economic principles.
concerned different agencies. Moreover, various time series and other data were also
extracted from recent related studies and sources such as Statistical Abstracts from CSA and
other publications of Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), during the
desk study. In addition, government offices and private companies such as the main vehicle
and tyre dealers, fuel and lubricant distributors were also consulted.
The observations and findings during the reconnaissance fieldwork indicated that the level of
existing traffic and the prospect for future development in the project influence area could allow
the use of the HDM IV analytical Model in the economic evaluation of the proposed project.
The Highway Development and Management tool (HDM 4) Model has been used in the
economic evaluation comparing the existing road without any intervention or the base case
and the proposed intervention or project case. The approach for the economic feasibility study
of the proposed road was based on the evaluation of costs and benefits, comparing the base
case or the without-project case against the with-project case scenario.
One of the finding during field survey is traffic survey result. It is analyzed in traffic analysis
section. In the analysis the normal, generated6 as well as diverted traffic implemented
separately in an applicable place. Accordingly the traffic is considered in the HDM IV model to
evaluate economic viability.
The major inputs required for the Model to estimate the VOC are the prices of vehicles, tire,
fuel and lubricants, maintenance and crew cost, annual overhead and interest rate, passenger
working and non-working time practiced by ERA, current feasibility studies and market prices
are briefly described below and presented in the following.
The price elasticity of demand for transport is set to 1.0, for all vehicles, meaning that a one percent
decrease in transport costs yields a one percent increase in generated traffic due to reduction in
transport costs.
In converting the financial prices to economic values, these tax components are removed, as
they represent transfer payments introducing distortion on to real resource values.
Consequently, only the dealers' commission or the profit margins are shadow priced by the
standard conversion factor based on National Economic Parameters and Conversion Factors
for Ethiopia (2008, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development) to arrive at the final
economic prices of the vehicles.
Table 6-1: Unit Prices of Vehicles
Vehicle Description/ Financial
Category Vehicle Type
Model Capacity Built
CF7 Economical
of Origin
Local Car
Car Mitsubishi Attrage 5 seats 2020 Japan 1,600,000 0.83 1,328,000
2020 Hyundai MOENCO Sh
4WD 1.5 EX 6 seats 2020 Indeia 3,050,000 0.83 2,531,500
Creta Co
S. Bus 23seats 2020 Japan 5,500,000 0.83 4,565,000
Coaster BGMRS Co
L. Bus Daewoo Bus 62seats 2020 Korea 7,500,000 0.83 6,225,000
HFC1035K, AbayTech &
S.T ruck JAK-Light Truck 2 ton 2020 China 2,400,000 0.83 1,992,000
Eicher10.80 Nyala Motors
M.Truck Eicher Truck 5 ton 2020 India 4,000,000 0.83 3,320,000
Cargo Sh Co
Daewoo 4x2 HAGBES
H. Truck F4CBF 10 ton 2020 S. Korea 4,600,000 0.83 3,818,000
Cargo T. PLC
IVECO 6x4 Cargo
T.Trailer AT380T38H 37 ton 2020 ITALIA 11,000,000 0.83 9,130,000 AMCE
Source: Vehicles Current Market Prices
Economic Conversion Factor
Table 6-3: The value of time in Economic Unit Costs (Eth Birr)
Vehicle Resources Car 4WD S/B L/B S/T M/T H/T T/T
Tyre Price (Birr) 11,155 26,494 52987.2 15936 6623.4 14118.4 15936 26,061
Fuel (Birr) 21 21 21 19.87 19.87 19.87 19.87 19.87
Lubricants (Birr) 149 149 149.4 224.1 224.1 261.45 261.45 261
Maintenance Labour (Birr/hr) 79 79 79.35 92.58 92.58 105.54 105.54 106
Crew Wages (Birr/hr.) - 12 83.05 83.05 113.33 145.71 145.71 146
Annual Overhead (ETB) 23,814 66,150 165375 165,375 165,375 198,450 198,450 198,450
Annual Interest Rate (%) 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23
Time Value
Passenger Working Time 3 26 31.6 37.9 45.5 45.5 68.2 171
Passenger non-working time 1 1 0.52 0.52 0.79 0.79 0.79 1
Cargo - - - - 0.13 0.3 0.36 1
Source: Consultant [Current Market Prices and Other ERA Feasibility Studies,
Vehicle Type Car 4WD S/B L/B S/T M/T H/T T/T
Number of Wheels 4 4 4 6 4 6 10 18
Number of Axles 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 5
Annual Run (km) 20000 40000 50000 60000 50000 60000 65000 65000
Working Hours 500 900 1600 1800 1600 1800 2100 2100
Average Service Life (yrs.) 12 12 15 15 12 15 15 15
Private Use (present) 85 20 15 - - - - -
Passengers (no.) 3 3 20 45 2 2 2 2
Work Related Trips 15 80 85 100 100 100 100 100
Source: ERA Practice and Recent Feasibility Study
Investment Phasing
Based on construction period investment phasing of the project has been scheduled three and
half to three years, in 40% 2022, 40 % in 2023, and 30% in 2024.
Table 6-5: Investment Cost of Project Road Project [ETB]
Pavement Financial Cost (ETB) CF Economic Cost (ETB)
Project Road Upgrade
Options Project Cost Cost Per Km Project Cost Cost Per Km
Kofele - Kore- AC 1,608,886,387.49 23,216,253.79 0.83 1,335,375,701.62 19,269,490.65
Shire - Bekoji DBST 1,450,016,392.68 20,923,757.47 0.83 1,203,513,605.92 17,366,718.70
Source: Consultant Estimate, 2021
The maintenance standards for gravel and bituminous pavements include both responsive
and scheduled operations. These are as per the standard practice followed in such
improvement projects. Frequency of periodic maintenance depends on various factors, such
as, type of surface, type of material used during construction, traffic using the road,
geographical location, terrain type, climate, etc. The frequency of periodic maintenance varies
from 3 to 10 years; 3-4 years in case of gravel roads; around 5 years in case of DBST; 5-7
years in case of AC; and 8-10 years in case of Rigid Pavement (RP) (ERA, 2011). For the
project under reference, the maintenance strategy for routine maintenance has been set as
every year, while periodic maintenance yearly base for Ac and every five/ ten year respective
to the type of maintenance implemented, as well Rigid Pavement has adopted the same way
used as an input for the Analysis.
Costs of the above stated maintenance strategies have been worked out at financial prices
and converted to economic prices as shown in the following Table.
Costs of the above stated maintenance strategies have been worked out at financial prices
and converted to economic prices as shown in the following Table.
Do-Minimum Routine
(Without Project Km 110,250 117,287 Every Year
Case 0) Maintenance
Routine Km 126,000 134,043 Every Year
Project Case ) Potholes M2 270 287
Patching Preparatory
Routine Works
Edge Repair M2 159 169
Source: Adjusted by the consultant for the Analysis Based on Current Cost of ERA Asset Management
The project cost and benefit streams for each of the alternatives under with the project
scenario have been computed for each year of the project life. Each of these cost/benefit
streams were compared with the corresponding streams of Base Case Alternative (without
the project scenario) and economic internal rate of returns (EIRRs) have been worked out
using discounting technique. In addition, net present value (NPV) has been computed at
10.23% rate of discount; opportunity cost of capital used for public project appraisal in
The economic appraisal has been carried out for the entire project road (i.e. Kofele - Kore-
Shire - Bekoji) HDM IV model output containing summary results of economic appraisal,
detailed cost and benefit streams are presented in Annex. Summary results of the economic
appraisal are presented in Table 6-7
Table 6-7: Result of Economic Evaluation
Sections Options NPV B-CR8 EIRI
AC 1,647.355 2.440 18.5
Kofele - Kore- Shire - Bekoji
DBST 838.366 1.798 17.4
Source: consultant
From the economic appraisal indicators set out in table above, both the alternative 1 (AC
Pavement) and alternative 2 (DBST) are economically viable; the EIRRs being much higher
than the cut-off rate of 10.23%.
Results of the sensitivity analysis below Table shows for Alt -1 (AC) and Alt - 2 (DBST) indicate
that the project is economically viable even if the project cost increases by 20% or project
benefits decrease by 20% or both taken together.
Table 6-8: Results of Sensitivity Analysis
Kofele - Kore- Shire - Bekoji
1. 20% increase in Capital Cost (Scenario I) 1,422.075 2.038 16.6 633.016 1.492 15.0
2. 20% decrease in Project Benefits (Scenario II) 1,097.132 1.959 16.2 502.245 1.478 14.7
3. Scenarios I and II combined (Scenario III) 865.677 1.632 14.4 405.416 1.323 13.3
Source: Result of HDM IV Analysis, 2021
Benefit Cost Ratio
The consultant also considered a sensitivity analysis to measure the responsiveness of the
proposed road project in the case of project analysis for the change in cost, benefit and both
cost and benefit. The sensitivity analysis results show the proposed upgrading road project for
both sections AC and DBST improvement options are also viable for 20% increase in cost,
20% decrease in benefit, 20% increase in cost and 20% decrease in benefit at a time.
The economic evaluation with the EIRR, NPV, and BCR, shows the AC pavement option is
higher than DBST pavement options. Accordingly, the Consultant recommends the AC option
for this road project.