Research Instrument - 6

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Dr. Intan
Farahana Kamsin
• Instrument – a tool used to collect data
• Research instruments are simply devices for obtaining information
relevant to the research project and there are many alternatives from
which to choose
Focus Group

Closed questions Multiple-choice

Open-ended questions
These type of questions allow for the
recording of any response to a These type of questions allow
These are questions to which all question provided by the respondent for the recording of any
possible answers are provided. Each response must be recorded and response to a question
analyzed or coded to reveal the provided by the respondent
meaning of the response Each response must be
recorded and analyzed or coded
to reveal the meaning of the
Which of the following are
important attributes of an
‘Do you wear employee? (Please tick all that
glasses?’ apply)
( ) Good timekeeping
( ) Yes ( ) Well developed customer ‘Tell us about the
( ) No relation skills area you live in’
( ) Good numerical skills
( ) Ability to liaise with other
staff in other departments
Open Ended Questions
 Questions that give the Close Ended Questions
respondent freedom to answer.  The questions are structured
 Eg: what?, how?, why? and the respondent only
 Real answers from non- chooses the specified answer.
researcher respondents.  Give enough time to answer.
 Respondents are free to give  Easy to answer because the
answers based on the issues answer is provided.
presented.  The answer is easy to analyze
Survey Features Advantages of Disadvantages of Surveys
 Easy to  The time to prepare
understand and  A simple way to questions is quite long.
not obscure. get information.  A long time to answer
 Fulfills the  Enables wider for long surveys.
purpose of the coverage (via  Lack of cooperation
research. post). from respondents for
 Has high validity real information.
and reliability.  The questions that are
 Terminology must received back are
be precise. usually few,
 so the results are not

Interview has long been used in research as a way of obtaining detailed information about a topic or

1) Unstructured interview
• The unstructured interview is a very flexible approach
• This is an interview which does not use any set questions.
• Instead the interviewer has a topic area and talks to the interviewee in a conversational way.
• Open ended questions
• People’s views on the decline of marriage and rising cohabitation. CONSIDER: Possible advantages
and disadvantages.
2) Semi structured interview
Semi structured interviews have lists of questions or areas of interest that the interviewer uses to
direct the interview but the interviewer can ask other questions.
3) Structured interview
• Structured interview is where the interviewer has a pre prepared set of questions (in the form of a
questionnaire) which he/she reads out to the interviewee.
• They are not allowed to deviate from the set questions except to clarify the meaning of the
• Structured interviews are lists of questions which are focused on rigidly.
Steps in constructing an interview :

1.1. Define the Purpose of the Interview

2.2. Select the Sample
3.3. Designing the Interview Format
4.4. Developing Questions
5.5. Selecting and Training
6.6. Pilot-testing
7.7. Conducting the Interview
8.8. Analyzing Interview Data
Advantages of Interviews Disadvantages of Interviews
 Able to get more accurate,  Involves a lot of cost and time.
complete and in-depth  Requires an interviewer who is
information. proficient in the language of
 A good relationship will get communication.
more valid and reliable  Need training for many
information. interviewers
 Suitable for use as a review  avoid error or bias.
of information.  The subject may behave only to
the satisfaction of the
Document analysis
• Using relevant documents as a source of information (data).
• Document analysis is the process of reviewing or
evaluating documents both printed and electronic in a
methodical manner.
• The document analysis method, like many other
qualitative research methods, involves examining and
interpreting data to uncover meaning, gain
understanding, and come to a conclusion.
Steps To Increase Validity and Reliability of Observation Method:
1. Human behavior to be observed must be clearly defined and measurable.
2. Using the help of modern technology tools such as videos, recorders.
3. The way of observation without and is better.
4. Observation should only be on events or behaviors that should be observed.
5. Avoid conducting single observations.
6. The time of observation is made randomly
7. Observation results should be recorded as soon as possible.
Advantages Observation Disadvantages Observation

 Observations on the study sample  The possibility of bias arises due to

are more detailed, clear and more differences in race, religion, gender
accurate. and so on
 Information from observations can  Sample treatment may be contrived
be used as reference material. (not original), may even be
 The information is really provided embarrassing.
by the sample studied.  Unsystematic and inconsistent
observations make the findings less

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