DM Prathameshwadnerkar92
DM Prathameshwadnerkar92
DM Prathameshwadnerkar92
Feature selection is a critical step in big data analysis, helping to
identify the most relevant and informative variables for a given
task. This introductory section provides an overview of the
importance of feature selection and the key techniques used
across various big data scenarios.
MADE BY: Prathamesh Wadnerkar(92)
MENTOR: DR.Vrushali Ahire
What is Feature Selection?
1 Identifying 2 Dimensionality 3 Improving
Relevant Reduction Model
Features Performance
By selecting the
Feature selection is most informative Focusing on the
the process of features, feature most relevant
determining which selection helps features can lead to
input variables or reduce the improved model
features are the dimensionality of accuracy,
most relevant and the dataset, making interpretability, and
important for a it more manageable generalization, as
particular data and efficient for irrelevant or
analysis or machine analysis. redundant features
learning task. are removed.
Importance of Feature Selection in
Big Data
High Computational Improved Insights
Dimensionality Efficiency
Big data often has a Reducing the number of By focusing on the most
large number of features can important features,
features, many of which significantly improve the feature selection can
may be irrelevant or computational efficiency lead to better
redundant. Feature of data processing and understanding of the
selection helps manage machine learning underlying relationships
this high-dimensional algorithms. in the data.
Feature Selection Techniques
Filter Methods Wrapper Methods
These methods use statistical These methods use a specific model
measures to rank features based on or algorithm to evaluate the
their relevance, without considering performance of different feature
the specific model or algorithm. subsets and select the most
important ones.
Clustering Algorithms
Feature selection can improve the performance of clustering
algorithms by focusing on the most relevant variables for group
Anomaly Detection
In anomaly detection tasks, feature selection can help identify the
most discriminative features for distinguishing normal from
abnormal patterns.
Feature Selection in Time Series
3 Unlocking Insights
Feature selection can provide valuable insights into the underlying
relationships and drivers within big data, leading to better understanding
and decision-making.