Newtec M6100 R2.6
Newtec M6100 R2.6
Newtec M6100 R2.6
Newtec’s next
The Newtec M6100 Broadcast Satellite Modulator is the new Maximum symbol rates up to 72 MBaud generation Broadcast
generation DVB compliant modulator specifically designed for and modulations up to 256APSK (DVB-
Broadcast Direct-To-Home, Primary Distribution to Head-Ends and S2X standard) combined with VCM
Satellite Modulator is
Contribution of Television and Radio Content. This single Transport (Variable Coding and Modulation) not just a modulator.
Stream modulator supports the updated DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X, next allow for maximum throughput of It’s a platform that
up to six transport streams in large
to the legacy DVB-S and DVB-DSNG standards, as well as Newtec takes a vital role in your
S2 Extensions in order to achieve barrier-breaking efficiency. The contribution links. The powerful MPE
M6100 can be used in conjunction with set-top boxes, professional encapsulator gives access to dual networks, performs the
IRD’s or professional satellite demodulators such as the MDM6100. stream communication where live best on the market and
video is combined with file transfer, a helps you evolve your
service channel or video streaming.
Delivering the Highest Uptime for Vital Links business through
At the output of the Broadcast Satellite ongoing market and
Uptime and reliability are essential in the design of the modulator,
which plays a vital role in the satellite network. Input source
Modulator, the signal is available in technology innovations.
IF or extended L-band (950 MHz-
redundancy and the shortest redundancy switch-over times
2150 MHz), providing a compact and
of modulators, operating both in 1+1 and N+1 topologies, are
cost-effective solution. A switchable 10 MHz reference signal and
setting the standard in our industry.
optional 24 Vdc or 48 Vdc for an outdoor BUC is multiplexed on the
L-band interface.
Advanced capabilities are built in, such as an MPEG Transport
Stream analyser, support of SMPTE 2022 FEC at the GbE inputs
The Broadcast Satellite Modulator can be easily monitored and
(for distributed IP headends), and native support of Carrier ID,
controlled via a comprehensive front panel menu and advanced
according to the new DVB standard, as well as in the transport
web GUI, as well as via SNMP protocol. This enables easy integration
stream NIT Table. Special care was taken to cope with jittery
into any industry-standard EMS/NMS system.
transport stream over IP inputs. Two input ASI ports can be used
as redundant interfaces while the two output ASI ports provide
monitoring. Evolve Towards Tomorrow’s Technology
Get the Best Performance and Lower Your Costs Built upon flexible and latest generation programmable
technology, the M6100 Broadcast Satellite Modulator is a future-
The Broadcast Satellite Modulator performs among the best, proof building block that lets any satellite network evolve to the
offering unmatched bandwidth efficiency optimization options, next level of capabilities. A scalable, pay-as-you-grow, licensing
thereby lowering overall Total Cost of Ownership. The fully and software upgrade mechanism facilitates the launch of
automated operation of Newtec´s field-proven Equalink® 3 pre- new services, or last minute network design changes, without
distortion technology with its seamless calibration is now available rebuilding the entire network infrastructure. Migration from ASI
for any satellite transmission application providing up to 10% to GbE and IF to L-band or an upgrade to the new DVB-S2X
bandwidth gains for single carrier per transponder constellations. standard or Newtec S2 Extensions is facilitated by simple in-field
Clean Channel Technology®, in combination with DVB-S2X or installation of license keys.
Newtec S2 Extensions, improves satellite efficiency by up to 15%,
thereby enabling much smaller carrier spacing. The brand new DVB-CID carrier identifier is already available as
a software option on the M6100 and DSNG profiles, as defined
by WBU-ISOG, can be easily selected. These profiles define the
basic parameters for the most common use cases including the
new DVB-S2X standard.
Care Pack Basic and Care Pack Enhanced are the Newtec Clean Channel Technology
service and support packages protecting your Newtec Fully Automated Equalink 3
equipment over a three-year period. Newtec S2 Extensions and DVB-S2X
stream • Roll-off : 5% -10% -15% -20% - 25% - 35% • Stability: +/- 2 ppb over 0 to 65°C
• Max 20 Mbit/s • Optimum carrier spacing • Ageing: +/- 500 ppb/10 year
• Advanced filter technology
Select 1 option
Hardware Platform Chassis Type 01 (Modulator) CH-01
Select 1 option
Operating Software M6100/MDM6100 Software R2.6* MS-26
Select 1 option
PSU Single AC 110/240 V PS-00
Mains Power Supply Unit
PSU Dual Redundant AC 110/240 V** PS-01
Select 1 option
Video Package Video TS, Carrier-ID(NIT), TS Analyser* VP-01
Select 1 option
GbE TSoIP, SMPTE-2022 FEC (req. VP-01)* VI-01
Video Interface ASI (6 connectors) (req. VP-01) AS-02
GbE TSoIP + ASI(6) (req. VP-01) VI-02
Select 1 option
L-band with switchable 10 MHz output* OU-00
IF (50-180 MHz)* OU-01
Modulator Output Interface IF+ L-band with switchable 10 MHz out* OU-02
L-band + 10 MHz output + 24/48 V BUC** OU-05
IF+L-band + 10 MHz output + 24/48 V BUC** OU-06
Select 1 option
DVB-S/S2 Q/8PSK* SC-03
DVB-S/S2 Q/8PSK 16QAM 16/32APSK* SC-05
DVB-S/S2/Ext Q/8PSK* SC-06
Modulation Standard
DVB-S/S2/Ext Q/8PSK 16QAM 16APSK* SC-07
and Coding
DVB-S/S2/Ext Q/8PSK 16QAM 16/32APSK* SC-08
DVB-S/S2/Ext Q/8PSK 16QAM 16/32/64APSK* SC-09
DVB-S/S2/Ext/S2X Q/8PSK* SC-10
DVB-S/S2/Ext/S2X Q/8PSK 16QAM 16APSK* SC-11
DVB-S/S2/Ext/S2X Q/8PSK 16QAM 16/32APSK* SC-12
DVB-S/S2/Ext/S2X Q/8PSK 16QAM 16-256APSK* SC-13
Select 1 option
Modulation Symbol Rate 5 MBaud* SR-05
Modulation Symbol Rate 15 MBaud* SR-15
Modulation Maximum
Modulation Symbol Rate 36 MBaud* SR-36
Symbol Rates
Modulation Symbol Rate 54 MBaud* SR-54
Modulation Symbol Rate 72 MBaud* SR-72
Select 1 option
Standard 10 MHz IR-00
Internal Reference Clock
Very High Stability 10 MHz IR-02
Additional Options
Max. 1 option per category
Reference Clock Output 10 MHz Reference Output (BNC) RO-01
Max. 1 option per category
Modulator Output Connector L-Band output N to SMA output adapter OU-10
Max. 1 option per category
Clean Channel Technology for 5 MBaud* CC-05
Clean Channel Technology for 15 MBaud* CC-15
Clean Channel Technology Clean Channel Technology for 36 MBaud* CC-36
Clean Channel Technology for 54 MBaud* CC-54
Clean Channel Technology for 72 MBaud* CC-72
Max. 1 option per category
Predistortion Automated Equalink * AE-01
Max. 1 option per category
DVB Carrier Identifier DVB RF Carrier Identifier* ID-01
Max. 1 option per category
MPE Insertion MPE Data insertion in TS (req. VP-01)* VM-01
Max. 1 option per category
Encryption BISS (0-1-E) Single TS (Req. VP-01)* CA-01
Category (*) Selectable via license key
Max. 1 option per category (**) Dual PSU option PS-01
cannot be combined with
Care Pack 3 Basic GA-08 OU-05 nor OU-06
Support Contact your sales representative
Care Pack 3 Enhanced GA-09 for details ([email protected]).