2 Splitting
Based on the selected feature, the algorithm splits the data into
subsets, creating branches in the tree.
3 Termination
The process continues until a stopping criterion is met, such as a
maximum depth or a minimum number of samples in a leaf node.
Advantages of Decision Trees
1 Interpretability
Decision trees are easy to interpret and explain, making them a popular choice for many
2 Flexibility
Decision trees can handle both numerical and categorical features, making them a
versatile algorithm.
3 Robustness
Decision trees are relatively robust to outliers and can handle missing values in the data.
4 Feature Selection
Decision trees can automatically select the most important features, making them useful
for feature engineering.
Disadvantages of Decision Trees
Feature Selection
Identify the most relevant features that can best split the data
into distinct classes or values.
Tree Construction
Recursively split the data based on the selected feature,
creating a tree-like structure of decisions and their
Pruning and Overfitting
Pruning Overfitting Hyperparameter Tuning
To address the problem of Decision trees can easily overfit Adjusting hyperparameters,
overfitting, decision tree models the training data, leading to poor such as the maximum depth of
can be pruned to simplify the performance on new, unseen the tree or the minimum number
tree structure and improve data. Techniques like cross- of samples in a leaf node, can
generalization performance. validation and regularization can help find the right balance
help mitigate this issue. between complexity and
Evaluating Decision Tree
Measure the overall correctness of the model's predictions.