2023-09-10 Slides (4-6)

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Oak Park Temple

Jewish School T’fillot

Hinei Mah Tov – How good it is!

Hinei mah tov ‫ּטֹוב‬-‫ִהֵּנה ַמה‬

umah na‘im ‫ָּנִעים‬-‫ּוַמה‬
shevet achim ‫ֶׁשֶבת ַאִחים‬
gam yachad. .‫ָיַחד‬-‫ַּגם‬
Hinei Mah Tov – How good it is!

How good it is,

How sweet it is,
To be together
on this day.
Hinei Mah Tov – How good it is!

Hinei mah tov ‫ּטֹוב‬-‫ִהֵּנה ַמה‬

umah na‘im ‫ָּנִעים‬-‫ּוַמה‬
shevet achim ‫ֶׁשֶבת ַאִחים‬
gam yachad. .‫ָיַחד‬-‫ַּגם‬
Hinei Mah Tov – How good it is!

Shalom aleichem ‫ָשׁלוֹם ֲעֵליֶכם‬

Salaam aleikum. ‫ַסְלָאם ֲעֵלּכּום‬
Hinei Mah Tov – How good it is!

How good it is,

How sweet it is,
To be together
on this day.
Hinei Mah Tov – How good it is!

Hinei mah tov ‫ּטֹוב‬-‫ִהֵּנה ַמה‬

umah na‘im ‫ָּנִעים‬-‫ּוַמה‬
shevet achim ‫ֶׁשֶבת ַאִחים‬
gam yachad. .‫ָיַחד‬-‫ַּגם‬
Boker tov! — ‫!ֹּב ֶקר טֹוב‬
Good morning!
Halleluyah – Praise God!
Hallelu! !‫ַהְללּו‬
Kol hanshema ‫ֹּכ ל ַהְּנָׁשָמה‬
T’hallel yah! !‫ְּתַהֵּלל ָיּה‬
Hallelu, halleluyah! !‫ ַהְללּוָיּה‬,‫ַהְללּו‬

Praise God! Let all that breathes praise God!

Barchu – Call to Prayer
Am I awake?
Am I prepared?
Are you listening to my prayer?
Can you hear my voice?
Can you understand?
Am I awake?
Am I prepared?
Barchu et Adonai ‫ָּבְרכּוֶאת ְיָי‬
Ham’vorach :‫ַהְמֺבָרְך‬
Baruch Adonai ham’vorach ‫ָּברּוְך ְיָי‬
L’olam va‘ed
L’olam va‘ed ‫ַהְמֺבָרְך‬
:‫ְלעוָֹלם ָוֶעד‬
.‫ְׁשַמע ִיְשָׂרֵאל ְיָי ֱאֺלֵהינּוְיָי ֶאָחד‬
.‫ָּברּוְך ֵׁשם ְּכבוֹד ַמְלכּותוֹ ְלעוָֹלם ָוֶעד‬
Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem k'vod malchuto l'olam va-ed.
Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One!
Blessed is God's glorious majesty forever and ever.
V’ahavta – And you shall love God

V'ahavta ‫ְוָ֣א ַהְבָּ֔ת‬

et Adonai Elohecha, ‫ֵ֖א ת ָ֣יְי‬
b'chol l'vav'cha, ‫ֱאֹלֶ֑ה יָך‬
uv'chol nafsh'cha, ‫ְּבָכל־ְלָבְבָ֥ך‬
uv'chol m'odecha. ‫ּוְבָכל־ַנְפְׁש‬
And you shall love Adonai your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your might.
V’ahavta – And you shall love God

V’hayu ‫ְוָה֞י ּו‬

had’varim ha-eileh ‫ַהְּדָבִ֣ר ים‬
asher anochi ‫ָהֵ֗א ֶּלה‬
m’tzav’cha ‫ֲאֶׁ֨ש ר ָאֹנִ֧כ י‬
hayom al l’vavecha. ‫ְמַצְּוָ֛ך‬
‫ַהּ֖י ֹום‬
And these words that I command you this day
shall be on your heart.
V’ahavta – And you shall love God

V'shinantam l'vanecha, ‫ְוִׁשַּנְנָּ֣ת ם ְלָבֶ֔נ יָך‬

v'dibarta bam ‫ְוִדַּבְר ָּ֖ת ָּ֑ב ם‬
b'shivt'cha b'veitecha, ‫ְּבִׁשְבְּתָ֤ך ְּבֵביֶ֙תָ֙ך‬
uv'lecht'cha vaderech ‫ּוְבֶלְכְּתָ֣ך ַבֶּ֔ד ֶרְך‬
uv'shochb'cha ‫ּֽוְבָׁשְכְּבָ֖ך‬
uv'kumecha. ‫ּוְבקּוֶֽמָך׃‬
And you shall teach them to your children and speak of them
when you dwell in your house and when you go on your way,
when you lie down and when you rise up.
V’ahavta – And you shall love God
Uk'shartam l’ot ‫ּוְקַׁשְר ָּ֥ת ם‬
al yadecha ‫ְל֖א ֹות‬
v'hayu l'totafot ‫ַעל־ָיֶ֑ד ָך‬
bein einecha. ‫ְוָה֥י ּוְלֹטָטֹ֖פ ת‬
Uch'tavtam ‫ֵּ֥ב ין ֵעיֶֽניָך׃‬
al m'zuzot beitecha ‫ּוְכַתְבָּ֛ת ם‬
uvish'arecha. ‫ַעל־ְמזּות‬
‫ֵּביֶ֖ת ָך‬
And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand
And they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.
V’ahavta – And you shall love God
L’maan tizk’ru ‫ְלַ֣מ ַען ִּתְזְּכ֔ר ּו‬
vaasitem et kol ‫ַוֲעִׂשיֶ֖ת ם‬
mitzvotai viyitem ‫ֶאת־ׇּכל־ִמְצֺוָ֑ת י‬
k’doshim ‫ִוְהִייֶ֥ת ם‬
leiloheichem. ‫ְקֹדִׁ֖ש ים‬
Thus you shall remember to observe all My commandments
and to be holy to your God.
V’ahavta – And you shall love God
Ani ‫ֲאִ֞נ י‬
Adonai Eloheichem, ‫ָ֣יְי ֱאֹֽלֵהיֶ֗כ ם‬
asher hotzeiti et-chem ‫ֲאֶׁ֨ש ר הֹוֵ֤צ אִתי‬
mei-eretz Mitzrayim ‫ֶאְתֶכ֙ם‬
lih'yot lachem l'Elohim ‫ֵמֶ֣א ֶרץ ִמְצַ֔ר ִים‬
Ani Adonai Eloheichem.‫ִלְה֥י ֹות ָלֶ֖כ ם ֵלאֹלִ֑ה ים‬
‫ֲאִ֖נ י ָ֥יְי ֱאֹלֵהיֶֽכם׃‬
I am the Eternal your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God.
I am the Eternal your God.
Mi Chamocha – Freedom
Mi chamocha ba’eilim Adonai! !‫ִמי ָכֺמָכה ָּבֵאִלם ְיָי‬
Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh ‫ִמי ָּכֺמָכה ֶנְאָּדר ַּבֺּקֶדשׁ‬
Nora t’hilot, oseih fele! !‫ ֺעֵשׂה ֶפֶלא‬,‫נוָֹרא ְתִהֺּלת‬

Who is like You, O God

Among the gods that are
Who is like You, majestic in
Awesome in splendor, working
Adonai Sefatai – Open up my Lips

Adonai, (repeat) ‫ֲאֺדָני‬

s’fatai tiftach (repeat) ‫ְשָׂפַתי ִּתְפָּתח‬
Ufi yagid (repeat) ‫ּוִפי ַיִּגיד‬
t’hilatecha. (repeat) .‫ְּתִהָּלֶתָך‬

Adonai, open up my lips

that my mouth may declare your praise.
Sim Shalom – Give Us Peace

Sim shalom ‫ִשׂים ָׁשלוֹם‬

tovah uv’rachah. .‫טוָֹבה ּוְבָרָכה‬

Give us peace, goodness, and blessing.

Silent prayer
Oseh Shalom – Maker of Peace
Oseh shalom bimromav ‫ֹעֶשׂה ָשׁלֹום ִּבְמרֹוָמיו‬
hu yaaseh shalom aleinu. ‫הּוא ַיֲעֶשׂה ָׁשלֹום‬

May the One,

May the One who makes peace
bring peace down, bring peace down.
Story time!
Eitz Chayim – A Tree of Life
It is a tree of life
To those who hold fast to it,
And all of its supporters are happy.

Eitz chayim hi ‫ֵעץ ַחִּיים ִהיא‬

La-machazikim bah ‫ַלַּמֲחִזיִקים ָּבּה‬
V’tomcheha m’ushar..‫ְוֹתְמֶכיָה ְמֻאָּׁשר‬

Shalom, shalom! !‫ָׁשלוֹם‬

Have a great day!

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