Vayishlach - Haftarah & Translation
Vayishlach - Haftarah & Translation
Vayishlach - Haftarah & Translation
(1)1: The vision of Ovadyah. This is what the Lord fðÀòCÇîÈÐ ä¬ÈòfîFÐ í׫ãÁàÆì ä}ÄåäÀé é¬ÈðãHÉ Âà ´ øÇîÈàÎäÍÉl ä²ÈéãHÀ ÇáÍÉò ï×±æÂç (1) :1
God says about Edom. We have heard news from
2: Behold, I have made you small among the ï×µãFæ ÏãßÉàFî ä±È{Çà éf°æÈb í²Äé×cÇb Õé±Ä{ÇúFð ïȨ́è È÷ ä°ÅqÄä ÏäßÈîÈçÀìÄoÇì
:3 :2
nations. You are greatly despised. 3: The pride of
Õ²Æq Ä÷ íéǞÑ íé±ÄáÈë×Íl ïé°ÅbÎíÄàFå øÆнÆqÇl ÇeéǞbÀâÇ{ÎíÄà ÏõHøÆ ßÈà éÄðã±HÅ øHÄ ×é
bring me down to the ground?
4: Though you mount on high as the eagle, and :4
though your nest is set among the stars,
I will bring you down from there, says the LORD. 5: éHãÅ ãHF ׯÐÎíÄà G ÕFìÎfÍàÈb íéµÄáÈqÇcÎíÄà ÏäßÈåäÀéÎíËàFð ±ÕãHF éÍøHÄ ×à í°ÈÒÄî
If thieves came to you, if robbers by night,
oh, what disaster awaits you! wouldn't they only Ô½Èì fàÈ̄b G íéHøÄ FöÍÉbÎíÄà í²ÈjÇd f±áFðÀâÄé à×°ìÂä äÈúé½ÅîãHÀ Äð ÔéÅ̄à äÈìÀé½Çì
steal until they had enough? If grape pickers came
and understanding out of the mount of Esav? 9: ÐéÄ̧àÎúHøÆ ÍÈlÄé ïÇò»ÇîFì ï²ÈîéÅ{ Õé±øHÆ ×bÄâ f°{ÇçFå ÏåßÈÑÅò ø°ÇäÅî ä±ÈðfáÀúf
Your mighty men, Teman, will be dismayed, to the
È{ø±HÇ ÀëÄðFå ä²ÈÐfá ¯ÕFrÇëF{ áÉ ±÷ÂòÇé Õé°ÄçÈà ñÇ̧îÂçÅî ÏìÆè ßÈxÄî å±ÈÑÅò ø°ÇäÅî
end that everyone may be cut off from the mount
of Esav by slaughter. 10: For the violence done to :10
your brother Yaakov, shame will cover you, and
you will be cut off forever.
11: In the day that you stood on the other side, in íé®øHÄ ÀëEðFå ײìéÅç íé±øHÄ Èæ ú×°áFÐ í׸éFb ãÆâ½ÆqÄî ¯ÕãHF ÍÈîÂò G í×éFb ÏíßÈì×òFì :11
the day that strangers carried away his substance,
12: But don't look down on your brother in the day ç°ÇîÀÑÄ{ÎìÇàFå ×½øÀëEð íׯéFb G ÕéGÄçÈàÎí×éFá àHøÆ µÅ{ÎìÇàFå :12 ÏíßÆäÅî
of his disaster, and don't rejoice over the children
13: Don't enter into the gate of My people in the äȨ̀{ÇàÎíÇâ àHøÆ »Å{ÎìÇà í½ãHÈ éÅà íׯéFb G éÄoÇòÎøÇòÍÇÐFá à×µáÈ{ÎìÇà :13
day of their calamity. Don't look down on their
Vayishlach: Haftarah: (Obadiah 1:1-1:21): [1] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
14: Don't stand in the crossroads to cut off those ø°ÅcÀñÇ{ÎìÇàFå åé²ÈèéÄìFuÎúÆà úé±øHÄ ÀëÇäFì ÷HøÆ ½ÆuÇäÎìÇò G ãÉîÂòÇ{ÎìÍÇàFå :14
of his who escape. Don't deliver up those of his
As you have done, it will be done to you. Your øµÆÐÂàÍÇl é«Äl :16 ÏÕßÆÐàHøÉ Fb áf°ÐÈé ±ÕFìÍËîFc Ô½Èm äÆÑÈ̄òÅé G ÈúéGÄÑÈò øµÆÐÂàÇl
deeds will return upon your own head. 16: For as
and will be as though they had not been. 17: But in ÐHãÆ É ²÷ äÈéÈ̄äFå ä±ÈèéÅìFô ä°ÆéÀäÄ{ ï׸jÄö ø°ÇäÀáf :17 ÏfßéÈä à×°ìFl f±éÈäFå
mount Tziyon, there will be those who escape, and
There will not be any remaining to the house of áÆâCÆqÇä f¬ÐøHF ÍÈéFå :19 ÏøßÅbÄd ä±ÈåäÀé é°Äl å½ÈÑÅò úéÅ̄áFì G ãéHøÄ ÈÑ äµÆéÀäÍÄéÎàÍØFå
Esav. Indeed, the LORD has spoken. 19: Those of
and the field of Shomron. Binyamin will possess úË̄ìÈâFå:20 ÏãßÈòÀìÄcÇäÎúÆà ï±ÄîÈéÀðÄáf ïײøFîÉÐ ä¯ãHÅ FÑ ú±ÅàFå íÄéø½HÇ ÀôÆà
Gilad. 20: The captives of this host of the children
will possess the cities of the Negev. 21: Saviors will G íéÄòÄÐ×Íî fµìÈòFå ÏáÆâßÆqÇä é°øHÅ Èò ú±Åà f¹ÐøHF ÍÄé ã²øHÇ ÈôÀñÄb øǢÐÂà íD±ÇìÈÐføFé
go up on mount Tziyon
to judge the mount of Esav, and the kingdom will ÏäßÈëfìFoÇä ä±ÈåäéÍÇì ä°ÈúFéÍÈäFå å²ÈÑÅò øÇ̄äÎúÆà è±ÉuÀÐÄì ï×½jÄö øÇ̄äFb
be the LORD's.
Vayishlach: Haftarah: (Obadiah 1:1-1:21): [2] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved.