Vayishlach - Haftarah & Translation

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Vayishlach: Haftarah: (Obadiah 1:1-1:21)


(1)1: The vision of Ovadyah. This is what the Lord fðÀòCÇîÈÐ ä¬ÈòfîFÐ í׫ãÁàÆì ä}ÄåäÀé é¬ÈðãHÉ Âà ´ øÇîÈàÎäÍÉl ä²ÈéãHÀ ÇáÍÉò ï×±æÂç (1) :1
God says about Edom. We have heard news from

Èäé±ÆìÈò äÈîf °÷ÈðFå fîf ¸÷ ç½ÈmËÐ íǞé×cÇb G øéÄöFå G äÈåäÀé úµÅàÅî

the LORD,
and an ambassador is sent among the nations,
saying, Arise, and let's rise up against her in battle.

2: Behold, I have made you small among the ï×µãFæ ÏãßÉàFî ä±È{Çà éf°æÈb í²Äé×cÇb Õé±Ä{ÇúFð ïȨ́è È÷ ä°ÅqÄä ÏäßÈîÈçÀìÄoÇì
:3 :2
nations. You are greatly despised. 3: The pride of

é°Äî ×½bÄìFb øÅ̄îÉà ײ{ÀáÄÐ íׯøFî òÇì±ÆñÎéÅåÀâÇçFá é°ÄðFëÉÐ Õ½ÆàéÄÒÄä G ÕFbÄì

your heart has deceived you,
you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose
habitation is high, who says in his heart, Who will

Õ²Æq Ä÷ íéǞÑ íé±ÄáÈë×Íl ïé°ÅbÎíÄàFå øÆнÆqÇl ÇeéǞbÀâÇ{ÎíÄà ÏõHøÆ ßÈà éÄðã±HÅ øHÄ ×é
bring me down to the ground?
4: Though you mount on high as the eagle, and :4
though your nest is set among the stars,

I will bring you down from there, says the LORD. 5: éHãÅ ãHF ׯÐÎíÄà G ÕFìÎfÍàÈb íéµÄáÈqÇcÎíÄà ÏäßÈåäÀéÎíËàFð ±ÕãHF éÍøHÄ ×à í°ÈÒÄî
If thieves came to you, if robbers by night,

oh, what disaster awaits you! wouldn't they only Ô½Èì fàÈ̄b G íéHøÄ FöÍÉbÎíÄà í²ÈjÇd f±áFðÀâÄé à×°ìÂä äÈúé½ÅîãHÀ Äð ÔéÅ̄à äÈìÀé½Çì
steal until they had enough? If grape pickers came

ÏåéßÈðËuÀöÇî f±òÀáÄð å½ÈÑÅò f¯ÑFuÀçÆð ÔéÅà § Ïú×ßìÅìÉò føé°ÄàÀÐÇé à×±ìÂä

to you,
wouldn't they leave some gleaning grapes? 6: How :6
Esav will be ransacked! How his hidden treasures

±ÕFì f°ìFëÍÈé Õf¸àéÄÒÄä Õ½ÆúéHøÄ Fá éÅ̄ÐÀðÇà ìÉl § Õf«çFmÄÐ ìf¯áFcÇäÎãÍÇò

are sought out!
7: All the men of your alliance have brought you :7
on your way, even to the border. The men who

Ï×ßb ä±ÈðfáF{ ïé°Åà Õé½Æ{ÀçÇ{ G ø×æÈî fîéµÄÑÈé «ÕFîÀçÇì Õ²ÆîØFÐ éÅ̄ÐÀðÇà

were at peace with you have deceived you, and
prevailed against you. Friends who eat your bread
lay a snare under you. There is no understanding
in you.
8: Won't I in that day, says the LORD, destroy the í×½ãÁàÍÅî G íéÄîÈëÂç éµÄ{ãHÀ ÇáÂàÇäFå ä²ÈåäÀéÎíËàFð àf±äÇä í×°jÇb à׸ìÂä :8
wise men out of Edom,

and understanding out of the mount of Esav? 9: ÐéÄ̧àÎúHøÆ ÍÈlÄé ïÇò»ÇîFì ï²ÈîéÅ{ Õé±øHÆ ×bÄâ f°{ÇçFå ÏåßÈÑÅò ø°ÇäÅî ä±ÈðfáÀúf
Your mighty men, Teman, will be dismayed, to the

È{ø±HÇ ÀëÄðFå ä²ÈÐfá ¯ÕFrÇëF{ áÉ ±÷ÂòÇé Õé°ÄçÈà ñÇ̧îÂçÅî ÏìÆè ßÈxÄî å±ÈÑÅò ø°ÇäÅî
end that everyone may be cut off from the mount
of Esav by slaughter. 10: For the violence done to :10
your brother Yaakov, shame will cover you, and
you will be cut off forever.
11: In the day that you stood on the other side, in íé®øHÄ ÀëEðFå ײìéÅç íé±øHÄ Èæ ú×°áFÐ í׸éFb ãÆâ½ÆqÄî ¯ÕãHF ÍÈîÂò G í×éFb ÏíßÈì×òFì :11
the day that strangers carried away his substance,

ã°ÇçÇàFl ä±È{ÇàÎíÇc ì½øHÈ ×â f¯dÇé G íDGÇìÈÐføFéÎìÇòFå åé«øHÈ ÈòFÐ fàÈ̄b

and foreigners entered into his gates,
and cast lots for Yerushalayim, even you were like ×øÂòÇÐ
one of them.

12: But don't look down on your brother in the day ç°ÇîÀÑÄ{ÎìÇàFå ×½øÀëEð íׯéFb G ÕéGÄçÈàÎí×éFá àHøÆ µÅ{ÎìÇàFå :12 ÏíßÆäÅî
of his disaster, and don't rejoice over the children

ÏäßøHÈ Èö í×°éFb Õé±Äu ì°ÅdÀâÇ{ÎìÇàFå í²ãHÈ ÀáEà íׯéFb ä±ãHÈ fäFéÎéÍÅðÀáÄì

of Yehudah in the day of their destruction.
Don't speak proudly in the day of distress.

13: Don't enter into the gate of My people in the äȨ̀{ÇàÎíÇâ àHøÆ »Å{ÎìÇà í½ãHÈ éÅà íׯéFb G éÄoÇòÎøÇòÍÇÐFá à×µáÈ{ÎìÇà :13
day of their calamity. Don't look down on their

Ï×ßãéÅà í×°éFb ×±ìéÅçFá äÈðÀç°ÇìÀÐÄ{ÎìÇàFå ײãéÅà íׯéFb ×±úÈòøHÈ Fb

affliction in the day of their calamity,
neither seize their wealth on the day of their

Vayishlach: Haftarah: (Obadiah 1:1-1:21): [1] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
14: Don't stand in the crossroads to cut off those ø°ÅcÀñÇ{ÎìÇàFå åé²ÈèéÄìFuÎúÆà úé±øHÄ ÀëÇäFì ÷HøÆ ½ÆuÇäÎìÇò G ãÉîÂòÇ{ÎìÍÇàFå :14
of his who escape. Don't deliver up those of his

í²Äé×cÇäÎìElÎìÇò ä±ÈåäÀéÎí×é á×°ø È÷ÎéÍÄl ÏäßøHÈ Èö í×°éFb åé±ãHÈ éHøÄ FÑ

who remain in the day of distress.
15: For the day of the LORD is near all the nations! :15

As you have done, it will be done to you. Your øµÆÐÂàÍÇl é«Äl :16 ÏÕßÆÐàHøÉ Fb áf°ÐÈé ±ÕFìÍËîFc Ô½Èm äÆÑÈ̄òÅé G ÈúéGÄÑÈò øµÆÐÂàÇl
deeds will return upon your own head. 16: For as

f½òÈìFå f¯úÈÐFå ãé²ÄîÈ{ í±Äé×cÇäÎìÍEë f°{ÀÐÄé é½ÄÐãHÀ E÷ øÇ̄äÎìÇò G íÆúéÄúFÐ

you have drunk on My holy mountain,
so will all the nations drink continually. Yes, they
will drink, swallow down,

and will be as though they had not been. 17: But in ÐHãÆ É ²÷ äÈéÈ̄äFå ä±ÈèéÅìFô ä°ÆéÀäÄ{ ï׸jÄö ø°ÇäÀáf :17 ÏfßéÈä à×°ìFl f±éÈäFå
mount Tziyon, there will be those who escape, and

Ð}Åà áÉ ¬÷ÂòÇéÎúéÅá ´ äÈéÈäFå ÏíßÆäéÅÐøÍHÈ ×î ú±Åà áÉ ½÷ÂòÍÇé úéÅ̄b G fÐøHF ÍÈéFå

it will be holy.
The house of Yaakov will possess those who :18
dispossessed them. 18: The house of Yaakov will

íf²ìÈëÂàÇå í±ÆäÈá f°÷FìãÍHÈ Få нÇ÷Fì G åÈÑÅò úéµÅáf ä«ÈáÈäÆì óÅ̄ñ×é úé»Åáf

be a fire, the house of Yoseph a flame,
and the house of Esav for stubble. They will burn
among them, and devour them.

There will not be any remaining to the house of áÆâCÆqÇä f¬ÐøHF ÍÈéFå :19 ÏøßÅbÄd ä±ÈåäÀé é°Äl å½ÈÑÅò úéÅ̄áFì G ãéHøÄ ÈÑ äµÆéÀäÍÄéÎàÍØFå
Esav. Indeed, the LORD has spoken. 19: Those of

ä¯ãHÅ FÑÎúÆà G fÐøHF ÍÈéFå íé½Ä{ÀÐÄìFuÎúÆà G äÈìÅôFÒÇäFå å«ÈÑÅò øÇ̄äÎúÆà

the South will possess the mount of Esav,
and those of the lowland, the Philistines. They will
possess the field of Ephrayim,

and the field of Shomron. Binyamin will possess úË̄ìÈâFå:20 ÏãßÈòÀìÄcÇäÎúÆà ï±ÄîÈéÀðÄáf ïײøFîÉÐ ä¯ãHÅ FÑ ú±ÅàFå íÄéø½HÇ ÀôÆà
Gilad. 20: The captives of this host of the children

ú°ËìÈâFå ú½ÇôøHF È̄öÎãÇò G íéÄðÂòÇðFlÎøÍÆÐÂà ìµÅàøHÈ ÀÑÄé é¬ÅðÀáÄì ä³ÆgÇä³ ÎìÅçÍÇä

of Yisrael, who are among the Canaanites, even
unto Tzarephath, and the captives of Yerushalayim,
who are in Sepharad,

will possess the cities of the Negev. 21: Saviors will G íéÄòÄÐ×Íî fµìÈòFå ÏáÆâßÆqÇä é°øHÅ Èò ú±Åà f¹ÐøHF ÍÄé ã²øHÇ ÈôÀñÄb øǢÐÂà íD±ÇìÈÐføFé
go up on mount Tziyon

to judge the mount of Esav, and the kingdom will ÏäßÈëfìFoÇä ä±ÈåäéÍÇì ä°ÈúFéÍÈäFå å²ÈÑÅò øÇ̄äÎúÆà è±ÉuÀÐÄì ï×½jÄö øÇ̄äFb
be the LORD's.

Vayishlach: Haftarah: (Obadiah 1:1-1:21): [2] - © Copyright 2001-2018 Kinnor Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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