Rickettsia Revised
Rickettsia Revised
Rickettsia Revised
Like viruses-
1. obligate intracellular parasites
2. cannot be cultivated in bacteriological media;
3. grow only in cell cultures & embryonated eggs
4. and different in genetic properties
But, rickettsiae are considered to be true bacteria,
adapted to obligate intracellular parasitism
Like bacteria
1. Gram negative bacilli
2. possess cell wall
3. multiply by binary fission
4. susceptible to antibiotics
5. possess both RNA and DNA
6. held back by bacterial filters
Coxiella burnetti
Q fever
Fam: Bartonellaceae
Bartonella (Rochalimaea
Trench fever
Genus Rickettsia
Brill-Zinsser disease - -
(recrudescent typhus)
2. R.typhi (R.mooseri) Endemic typhus Rat flea flea bite or flea feces scratched
into skin
3. R.rickettsi Rocky mountain spotted Ixodid ticks tick bite
4. R.conori Boutonneuse fever Ixodid ticks tick bite
(African, Kenyan, Indian
tick typhus fever)
5. R.australis Australian tick typhus Ixodid ticks tick bite
Q fever
• Q Fever is a disease of cattle, sheep and poultry
caused by Coxiella burnetii
• Infection is transmitted among them by ticks
• Bacilli are shed in milk and conception products
• zoonotic disease; Man acquires infection due to
consumption of infected milk, handling of infected
wool, hides etc.
• The bacilli enter through skin, mucus membranes, lungs
and GI tract
• Coxiella burnetii is pleomorphic, filterable, Gram
negative, but appears Gram positive when alcoholic
iodine is used as mordant
• It is relatively resistant to physical and chemical agents
and survives the Holder method in pasteurization
• It grows well in yolk sac of chick embryos and in cell
• It exhibits phase variation
• Fresh isolates are phase I; on repeated passage into yolk
sac, become phase II
• The sera from Q fever patients does not react with
rickettsial antigens or Proteus antigens
Replication of C. burnetii
Bartonella (Rochalimaea) quintana
Trench fever
• Trench Fever is a five day fever transmitted by louse
• The causative agent is Bartonella (Rochalimaea)
quintana and it differs from Rickettsia in the following
• a) Occurs extracellularly in vector
• b) Grows poorly in yolk sac of chick embryos
• c) It does not cause experimental infections in any
animal except monkeys
• d) Can grow on bacteriological media like blood agar
• e) Sera from patients cannot react with rickettsial or
Proteus antigens