Energy Lecture 8
Energy Lecture 8
Energy Lecture 8
Nuclear Energy
QA 16
• The EAST (Experimental Advanced
Superconducting Tokamak) nuclear fusion
reactor maintained a temperature of 158 million
degrees Fahrenheit (70 million degrees
Celsius) for 1,056 seconds, according to the
Xinhua News Agency.
QA 17
QA 18
Chinese "artificial sun" Sets New
World Record
• The ultimate goal of EAST, located at ASIPP in Hefei, is
to create nuclear fusion like the Sun, using deuterium
abound in the sea to provide a steady stream of clean
• As opposed to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural
gas, which are in danger of being exhausted and pose a
threat to the environment, raw materials required for the
"artificial sun" are almost unlimited on earth. Therefore,
fusion energy is considered the ideal "ultimate energy"
for the future of humanity.
QA 19
Purification of Uranium
• Each ton of Uranium ore
produces 3-5 lbs of Uranium
compound(0.1-0.2 percent)
• Uranium ore is processed
near the mine to produce
“yellow cake”, a material rich
in U3O8.
• Only 0.7% of U in yellow
cake is 235U.
• Most of the rest is 238U which
does not work for fission
Fuel Pellets
• The enriched UF6 is
converted into UO2
which is then made into
fuel pellets.
• The fuel pellets are
collected into long
tubes. (~12ft).
• The fuel rods are
collected into bundles
(~200 rods per bundle
~175 bundles in the core)
• Dry cask storage is a method of storing high-level
radioactive waste, such as spent nuclear fuel that has
already been cooled in the spent fuel pool for at least
one year and often as much as ten years.
• Casks are typically steel cylinders that are
either welded or bolted closed.
• The fuel rods inside are surrounded by inert gas.
• Ideally, the steel cylinder provides leak-tight containment
of the spent fuel.
• Each cylinder is surrounded by additional
steel, concrete, or other material to provide radiation
shielding to workers and members of the public.
• Neutrons are used to
slow down by colliding
them with light atoms
(like Water in US
• Highest level of
energy transfer occurs
when the masses of
the colliding particles
are equal (i.e neutron
and hydrogen)
Control Rods
• Control rods are
made of a material
that absorbs excess
neutrons (usually
Boron or Cadmium).
• By controlling the
number of neutrons,
we can control the
rate of fissions
Controlling Chain Reaction
Control rods
Steam generators are heat exchangers used to convert water into
steam from heat produced in a nuclear reactor core.
Either ordinary water or heavy water is used as the coolant.
The coolant pump pressurizes the coolant to pressures of 155
The pressure of the coolant loop is maintained almost constant
with the help of the pump and a pressurizer unit.
A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal
energy from pressurized steam, and converts it into useful
Various high-performance alloys and superalloys have been
used for steam generator tubing.
Steam coming out of the turbine, flows through the condenser for
condensation and recirculated for the next cycle of operation.
The feed pump circulates the condensed water in the working fluid
Condenser is a device or unit which is used to condense vapor into
The objective of the condenser are to reduce the turbine exhaust
pressure to increase the efficiency and to recover high quality feed water
in the form of condensate & feed back it to the steam generator without
any further treatment.
Other Options
Other option use different reactor designs.
Some use heavy water (D2O) as a moderator. Some
use Graphite as a moderator.
Some are designed to use pure yellow cake without
further enrichment
Liquid metal such as sodium or gases such as helium
are possibilities to use for coolants.
A big problem with nuclear power is the creation of
Plutonium in the reactor core.
This is a long-lived radioactive element that is difficult to
Nuclear Power Development in Pakistan
16.2% Hydro
Hydro 32.0%
13.4% Nuclear
Nuclear 3.0%
Gas Gas
5.1% Oil
0% 0.1%
Pakistan-2010/11 World-2009
High risks