Criminal Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Community Modality
Criminal Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Community Modality
Criminal Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Community Modality
1. Retribution
• refers to the act of setting punishment for someone that fits
the crime
• It
focuses on the punishment of and the compensation of
• severity
of punishment is proportionate to the seriousness of
the crime
2. Incapacitation
• refers to the act of making an individual
1 . Rehabilitation as Anti-Recidivism
- Rehabilitation, incapacitation and specific deterrence aim of
preventing people from committing a crime.
5. Rehabilitation as Restoration
- Rehabilitation is a matter of restoring the offender’s social or moral
standing in society.
Rehabilitation and Reformation of PDL
is a program of activity directed to restore a PDL self
respect and sense of responsibility to the community.
means of improving by changing an inmate’s
behavior and attitude. It is the act of bringing back
an inmate to such a sense of justice, so that he may
live in a society without any detriment to it.
History of Rehabilitative and Reformative Approach