Course Code:-NaRM362
1.1. Natural Resources
Any portion of our natural environment- soil, water, air, vegetation/forest, shrubs, gasses,
wildlife, minerals, etc.- that man can utilize are regarded as natural resources.
These resources may vary in their quantity, quality, reusability and permanency which
depends upon the method of use by man.
But their quality may be lowered due to improper use as with air- pollution.
Example: wind, solar energy, atmospheric air, etc.
2. Exhaustible: either the total quantity is static or the permanency of a given resource
depends up on the method of use by man. Which can further be classified as:
Renewable: natural resources that tend to replace themselves but improper use may
lead to complete exhaustion, e.g. soil, vegetation, animals, water.
In this case the sustainability of a particular land use depends both on the
properties of the resource and the way it is managed.
Poor soil and water management is one of the main responsible causes for severe
land degradation, which again affect the successful development of a nation.
A process that lowers the current and /or potential capability of the land
(quantitatively and qualitatively) to produce goods such as food, fibber, fuel, etc.
and other services.
A temporary or permanent decline in the productive capacity of the land which
then leads to the reduction / destruction of the land's biological potential.
1.3. Types of Land Degradation
1. Soil degradation
Although, soil is technically renewable resource, its slow rate of
formation makes it practically irreplaceable .
Reduction of population
Change of species composition
Extinction of species
Low biological activity
1.4. Causes of land degradation
Therefore, Soil and water management refers to those activities at the local
level which maintain or enhance the productive capacity of the land
including soil, water and vegetation in areas susceptible to degradation.
Prevention or reduction of soil erosion, compaction, salinity, etc.;
Conservation or drainage of water
Maintenance or improvement of water quality and soil fertility
It is an integral part of Watershed Management.
• Soil erosion:-
Detachment: This is when
is defined as the removal of the
the top layer
topsoil is ofactually
the soil due various actions of
“detached” fromagents,
the rest ofthat is, water, ice (glaciers),
the ground.
snow, air (wind), plants, animals and humans.
Transport: This is when
• Soil erosion composes of three parts.
the soil is moved to another
i. Erosion results when the power of water or wind applied exceeds the
ability of the soil to dissipate and absorb it.
In broad sense, there are basically two types of soil erosion:- geologic
and accelerated erosion.
Caused by temperature change, wind, water, and biological activity
without the influence of man.
When soil erosion does not keep harmony with the soil
formation and it is much faster than the latter, it is called
accelerated soil erosion.
2.3. Damages Caused by Erosion
Loss of top soil
Loss of plant nutrients
Soil structure deterioration
Disease and public health hazard (water and air pollution)
Frequent Floods leads to Silting of rivers, irrigation channels and
water resource depletion
Damage to sea coast and formation of sand dunes.
Spent of money on water purification
Problems in crop irrigation
Damages on engineering structures
Change in soil texture
Loss of vegetation
2.4. Factors of Erosion
The key climatic characteristics influencing erosion processes in a given
territory include atmospheric precipitation, wind, air temperature, air and
Though, erosion factors combine and interact, it may happen under actual
conditions that the effect of one factor or a group of factors will prevail
and become a factor (factors) of key importance.
2.5. Soil Erosion by Water
Water erosion is the detachment and removal of soil
material by water. The process may be natural or accelerated
by human activity.
1. Rain drop erosion
It Is the first stage in the erosion process.
Studies have shown that splashed particles may rise as high as 0.6
meters above the ground and move up to 1.5 meters horizontally.
2. Sheet erosion
When rainfall exceeds the infiltration rate of the soil, water
starts flowing in thin more or less even or discontinues film over
the ground.
Gully erosion happens when runoff concentrates and flows strongly enough to
detach and move soil particles .
For example, a waterfall may form, with runoff picking up energy as it
plunges over the gully head. Splash back at the base of the gully head
erodes the subsoil
5.Tunnel erosion
• Tunnel erosion is the removal of subsoil. When water penetrates through a
soil crack or a hole, the soil disperses and is carried away with the flow to
leave a small tunnel.
• Initially, the surface soil remains relatively unbroken but, with every
flow, the tunnel becomes larger and the soil may eventually collapse and
form a gully.
1. Rainfall : Rainfall contributes to soil loss in its two forms, raindrop and
running water (runoff).
Raindrops mainly have detaching power when striking the soil surface
while run-off mainly acts as transporting agent of the detached soil
The other condition is, when the rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration
rate of the soil. 27
2. Soil Erodibility
Soil erodibility is defined as the vulnerability or Susceptibility of soil to
both detachment and transportation (i.e. is the combination of its
detachability and transportability).
3. Slope Effect
The slope of the land surface over which runoff flowing influences the
velocity and volume of the runoff: which in turn affects erosiveness.
Slope length: - is the distance from the top of a hill to the point where either
slope steepness decreases enough so deposition of transported material starts
or the runoff enters a natural or prepared waterway.
It intercept rainfall and reduce the impact of the raindrop on soil particles, it act as
a barrier and reduce the velocity of the running water and thereby increase the
infiltration rate.
5. Human- induced factor
Some of man induced factors or an activity which increases/favor erosion could be:
Removal of trees and shrubs, i.e deforestation
Poor tillage exercises such as cultivation up and down hill
Bad farm, management practices such as
Planting same crop without fallow
No rotation of crops
Poor fertilization/ organic matter, which results in poor crop stand
Overstocking of animals in grassland, which causes:
Development of gullies along cattle tracks
Burning of vegetation
Poorly designed, sited and constructed engineering structures
Badly designed and constructed soil conservation structures
2.5.3. Control measures of water erosion
1. Biological components
1 2 3
Agronomic or Soil mag’t Maintain/
Crop-Husbandry practices restore Vegetative
Preventive and provide Recycling of
Adequate cover Preventative
or curative
Space time Extend time of
Ground cover
Structural stabilization
Crop residues
Enrichment plantation
Intercropping farmyard manure
Relay cropping Stabilization of fragile
Under sowing Green manure
Double cropping lands
increase Compost, etc.
Cover cropping Vegetative barriers, etc
fertilization Mulching, etc.
All those are important for SWM, mainly through the provision
of adequate ground cover in space and time. 31
I-Agronomic Conservation Measures
1. Crop rotations
2. Intercropping
3. Strip cropping
4. Ley cropping
5. Alley cropping
6. Cover/green manure crops
7. Relay/double cropping
8. Mulching/crop residue management
9. Contour cultivation
10. Fertilization/manuring
a) Crop rotation:
It is a practice of growing different crops one after another on the
same piece of land in different season.
Various Roles
Crop rotation Plays controls Pests & disease through breaking the
life cycle of pests/diseases as well as weeds
Increase infiltration
Reduce runoff (soil erosion)
Improves soil conditions
Increase productivity
b) Strip Cropping
Is a cropping practice where strips of two or more crops are alternately grown on the
Strip cropping is the cultivation of different crops in alternate strips of uniform width
and on the same field
Example:- The growing of corn in strips alternating with strips of a grass (as hay)
arranged to follow an approximate contour of the land and minimize erosion.
Certain layers of plants will absorb minerals and water from the soil more
effectively than others.
When water reaches the weaker soil that lacks the minerals needed to make it stronger,
it normally washes it away.
When strips of soil are strong enough to slow down water from moving through them,
the weaker soil can't wash away like it normally would. Because of this, farmland stays
fertile much longer.
Typically, crops are organized in parallel long, narrow strips that are oriented normal
to the direction of coming runoff.
c) Ley farming
It is the rotation of legume based pasture with food crops
also known as improved fallow practice
The practice seem to be compatible with traditional fallowing
d) Alley cropping: is a cropping practice where crops are grown in
alleys b/n Hedgerows of shrubs/trees.
e) Cover crops
Cover-crops: are crops grown as ground protection under row/or
plantation crops.
A cover crop is a crop of a specific plant that is grown primarily for the
benefit of the soil rather than the crop yield.
Cover crops are commonly used to suppress weeds, manage soil erosion,
help build and improve soil fertility and quality, control diseases and
pests, and promote biodiversity
Are crops grown as conservation measure on fallow lands during off-
f) Intercropping: is a cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously
on the same field with a row arrangement in one season.
The practice is not similar with mixed cropping many crops are grown on
same piece of land (all mixed up) without any pattern.
Thus, the difference between the two is the presence and absence of
g) Relay cropping:
is a practice of growing two or more crops during the same growing
season with certain overlaps between planting of the 2nd crop and
harvesting of the 1st crop.
Purpose of Relay cropping:
is to take the advantage of residual moisture and space in between
the rows of the first crop.
h) Contour Cultivation; is a practice of cultivating and planting crops along the
• Evenly spreads moisture along the contour.
• Reduces loss of soil & moisture.
• Found to reduce soil loss by 50% compared with up-and down cultivation
Soil limit : Recommended on well drained soils and in wet areas should be
Organic Fertilizers
Improve the soil physical properties
Improve the biological properties
Build fertility of the soil
Green manure crops; are Crops grown for some time before the main
crops and incorporated in-situ.
c) Conservation tillage (Zero tillage)
Is any method of soil cultivation that leaves the previous year's crop residue
(such as corn stalks or wheat stubble) on fields before and after planting the
next crop to reduce soil erosion and runoff or other benefits like carbon
2. Physical components
Hill side terrace
Bench terraces
This reduces erosion and allows water to infiltrate slowly into the
the riser acts as a catchment/collector
Applicable in steep and degraded hillsides (max slope 50%) and for
community closures .
• This allows storing rainwater and using it for small-scale tree planting,
enabling increased growth of plants if there is a moisture deficit.
Diameter MBs: Min 1 m and • MBs are constructed in staggered
max 1.5 m. position between rows .
Micro Trenches
MTRs are rectangular and deep pits constructed along the
contours - main purpose and effects are same as for trenches
Can support the growth of trees, shrubs, and cash crops.
Is a simple hole dug into the ground and facilitates groundwater
recharge through infiltration of surface runoff into the soil or rock.
Constructed on any topography with excess runoff.
The pit can be circular
or take the shape of the
available land. Excavate a
50 cm deep pond of any
shape with either sides
ranging from 2.5-10
Bunds are structural measure with an embankment of soil or stones, or soil and
Level bunds are formed along the contour with the intention of holding runoff
water so that it gradually infiltrates into the soil, and stabilized with vegetative.
They are important to reduces and stops the velocity of runoff and
consequently reduces soil erosion.
Intended to retain all rainfall, and hence, increase the moisture retention
capacity of the soil profile and water availability to plants.
Through their water retention effect, the bunds may allow some crop yield
even in drought years.
Soil bunds are entry points for further stabilization and application of organic
residues or compost (especially if applied in the first meters behind the bund
where soil is deeper).
Graded soil bund
• When a grade is provided along the bund for safe disposal of runoff water
over the area between two consecutive bunds, they are called graded bund.
• Graded bunds are adopted in case of high or medium annual rainfall (>600
mm) and relatively less permeable soil areas.
• In this type of bund, the entire spacing between two consecutive bunds acts as
a channel to safely dispose excess runoff with out harm.
• The major difference between level bund and graded bund is that, level bund
are constructed for water conservation whereas, in addition to water
conservation, graded bunds are constructed for safe disposal of excess runoff.
Stone Bunds
• The stone bund is an embankment stone constructed along the contour
to prevent runoff damage, minimize soil erosion and increasing
• They increase the moisture retention capacity of the soil profile and
water availability to plants, and increase the efficiency of fertilizer
applications if any.
• Through their water retention effect the stone bunds may allow some
crop yield even in drought years. 65
Stone bunds are entry points for application of organic residues or
compost, especially in the first 2-3 meters behind the bund where soil is
Build the wall with stones until you reach the desired height
Fill voids between walls with smaller stones
Sealing of the upper side with soil as required
Reinforcement of depression points
• In moisture stressed areas where limited biological options are
available to retain and accumulate water in ditches dug behind the
• The stone faced bunds are reinforced soil bunds in one or both their
• It has the same objectives of soil and stone bunds. Provided they are
well constructed stone faced soil bunds offer strong resistance
against runoff. Stone faced bunds are suitable in areas with high
stoniness and stable soils.
Fanya Juu Bund
They are impermeable structures intended to retain rainfall, and hence, increase
soil moisture, water availability to plants, and increase the efficiency of fertilizer
application if any.
Fanya juus make bench quicker than soil bunds but are not as efficient in
moisture conservation and more prone to breakages/ overtopping.
The fanya juu terrace is a structural method of soil conservation that has been
widely practiced on small, labor-intensive farms in Kenya.
The term refers to the practice of digging a ditch on the contour and throwing the
soil uphill to form an embankment, which is subsequently stabilized by planting
Cultivation becomes easier as the terraces spread out to make the land more70level
2.6. Soil erosion by Wind
Wind erosion is the process of detachment, transportation, and
deposition of soil material by the action of wind.
These includes:-
Loose (weak soil cohesive force) and finely divided dry soil
Steady and strong prevailing wind at all levels, from the upper air
to the ground level
Processes in wind erosion
Wind is responsible for three types of soil movement. These are as
(i) saltation (ii) suspension and (iii) surface creep
1. Suspension:- tiny particles less than 0.1 mm in diameter can be
moved into the air by suspension, forming dust storms when taken
further upwards by turbulence.
This causes them to collide with, and dislodge other particles.
• The major portion of soil carried out by the wind erosion is moved in
a series of short bounces called “saltation”.
Climatic factors
The climatic factors that affect wind erosion include precipitation
(humidity), wind erosivity (wind speed), evaporation, transpiration
and temperature.
Soil factor
Texture, structure, density of particles, soil moisture and organic
matter are the important soil related factors affecting wind erosion.
Surface roughness
Vegetation covers
Generally, wind Erosion (E) = f(IKCLV).
E:- is the estimation of the average annual soil loss in tons per hectare.
F:- indicates the equation includes functional relationships that are not
straight-line mathematical calculations.
I :-is the soil erodibility index.
K :-is the ridge roughness factor. It is a measure of the effect of ridges
formed by tillage and planting implements on wind erosion.
C:- is the climatic factor.
L :-is the unsheltered distance
V :- is the vegetative cover
1. Vegetative measures
2. Tillage measures
A. Increase soil resistance: Increasing the soil roughness by
preparing seedbed, mulching, leaving clods while plouhging,
adjusting tillage activities.
Assessment of soil erosion is useful in planning and conservation works in a
small farm, watershed or basin .
5.1. Generalized Soil erosion Hazard Assessment
Hazard is a situation or potential condition to harm or threat to life, health
or damage to property or the environment.
The soil erosion hazard influences the landscape processes such as land
productivity, hydrological processes and eventual human wellbeing.
Therefore, understanding the potential risk or susceptibility to soil erosion
is very important for mitigation and risk minimization and in order to
select an effective method for soil conservation.
1. Physical-Based Models
Physical-based models are built on field-based research and simulate
climate, runoff, infiltration, water balance, plant growth and tillage.
These models are on the basis of the physics of flow and sediment
transport processes and their interaction on the transfer of mass,
momentum and energy.
It can be applied for a range of experiments such as from a field plot scale
to small watersheds.
2. Empirical Models
Empirical models are simplified natural processes based on experimental
Empirical models are frequently employed for soil erosion modeling and useful
for identifying the sources sediments and quantifying the source of sediments.
The universal soil loss equation (USLE), revised universal soil loss
equation(RUSLE) and modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) are
commonly employed empirical based models.
Where, We will see
A = Estimated gross soil loss in ton/ha/yr detail in the
R= rainfall erosivity factor, computed on the basis of next chapter
rainfall energy and the maximum 30-min intensity of a rainfall,
K= soil erodibility factor
S= slop percent
L= slop length factor
C=Crop cover/ crop management factor 91
P=Supporting conservation practices
Empirical models have wide application because of the fewer computations
involved and the fewer amount of data required.
3. Conceptual Models
Geo-informatics technology provides a platform with advanced
capabilities and potentials of real-time hazard detection with a
spatiotemporal distribution and soil erosion hazard predictions.
Therefore, the data used for soil erosion modeling are gathered
from remote sensing and GIS
5.2. Semi Detailed Soil erosion Hazard Assessment
Land capability is the ability of the land to sustain a type of land use
The concept is matching the type and intensity of land use with its natural
The grouping of lands into capability units, subclasses, and classes is done
primarily on the basis of their capability to produce common cultivated 94crops
Capability classes
Capability class is the broadest category in the land capability
classification system and it indicates degree of limitations for cultivation.
Class codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 that have relatively different degree of
hazards or limitations.
Class 3: Soils in this class severe limitations that restrict the range of
cultivation or require special conservation practices. The limitations are
more severe than class 2 soils.
Class 4: Soils in this class have very severe limitations that restrict the
range of cultivation or require special conservation practices.
Class 5: Soils have little or no hazard of erosion but have other limitations
(wetness, stoniness, continuous overland flow ) not capable for cultivation.
Class 6: Soils have severe limitations that make them generally not capable
for cultivation.
Class 8: Soils have limitations that preclude their use of cultivation, grazing
and forestry.
May be suitable for wildlife and recreation
The risk of erosion and requirement of conservation practices
increases from classes i to iv and vi to viii.
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Slope (L); The range of slopes given below, are those currently
used for Soil Conservation purposes.
Sloping 8-15 L3
Steep 30-50 L5
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Soil Depth (D); The soil depth includes the total depth of the soil to a
contrasting layer significant for soil conservation requirements.
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Past erosion (E); The past erosion assessment must be objective by observing
the features described above and not by a subjective assumption of the facts .
Nil - No erosion noticeable E0
Slight - Some surface wash and small rills. Slight topsoil loss, no subsoil E1
exposed. Tree/plants roots slightly exposed. Micropedestals observed
in upper parts of the field.
Moderate -Rills cover most of the surface at regular intervals (after rain showers E2
of medium/high intensity). Bleached spots in several parts of the field
surface, much topsoil removed in upper portions of the field (coarser
materials left). Pedestals 1-5 cm frequent. Occasionally, small patches
of subsoil exposed. Double slopes observed as a result of continuous
ploughing of rills. Tree/plant roots well exposed.
Severe - Shallow gullies frequent (occasionally deep ones). Most or all top E3
soil removed, the surface layer almost entirely subsoil. Small areas of
top soil remaining exposed. Occasionally, large stones on top of 10-50
cm pedestals. Tree roots almost completely exposed.
Very severe - Most of the land is dissected by gullies. Only small areas of top soil E4
and upper subsoil are still present between the gullies. The land
consists of exposed parent material or rock resulting from the
complete removal of topsoil and subsoil. 104
Texture (T); Soil texture refers to the physical composition of the soil
defined in terms of the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay.
The textural classes listed in the table below are defined from field
Sand T1
COARSE Sandy loam T2
Loam T3
Silt loam T4
MEDIUM Clay loam T5
Clay, Silt clay T6
FINE Heavy clay T7
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Infiltration (I)
The infiltration rate is function of the permeability, condition of soil surface
(liability to capping, crusting, sealing) and the soil moisture content.
The infiltration is influenced by the soil structure, salinity, sodicity and bulk
density. The following descriptions will help the technicians to assess the
infiltration in the field.
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Slope (L) 1 2 3 4 1- 4 5 6 1- 6 1-6
Soil Depth (D) 1 1 -2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-3 1-4 1–5 1-5
Topsoil Texture (T) 3-5 3-6 3-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 1-7 1-7
1. Slope (L) 10 % L3
2. Past erosion (E) Moderate E2
3. Soil depth (D) 90cm D3
4. Water logging (W) No W0
5. Infiltration (I) Good I0
6. Texture (T) Clay loam T5
7. Stoniness (S) Moderate S1
Soil Depth (D) 1 1 -2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-3 1-4 1–5 1-5
Topsoil Texture (T) 3-5 3-6 3-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 1-7 1-7
Land use Land capable for annual Land capable for Land Land Swampy
crops grazing perennial capable capable for areas,
crops for grazing….. river
grazing bed.
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An area has the following conditions
1. Slope (L) 17 %
2. Soil depth (D) 90cm
3. Water logging (W) No
4. Infiltration (I) Good
5. Texture (T) Clay loam
6. Stoniness (S) Moderate
7. Past erosion (E) Moderate
3. What would be your role if the farmer is using the land currently
for other purpose?
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Soil Loss Tolerance
“Soil loss tolerance for a specific soil is the maximum annual soil loss
expressed in ton/ha/year that will permit current production levels to be
maintained economically and indefinitely.”
Soil loss tolerance of different soil types based on their depth is different.
But in general, 11.2 ton/ha/year is considered as permissible erosion limit.
The assumption of this limit is that rate of soil erosion equals the rate of
soil formation.
Recommended tolerance values of specific soils are used as a guide for soil
conservation planning.
Soil losses beyond these average values are taken as productivity reducing
level. Areas having severe erosion (soil losses greater than the permissible
value) needs special treatment = soil and water conservation measures.
Consists of driving a pin into the soil so that the top of the pin gives a
datum from which changes in the soil surface level can be measured.
A pin made of wood, iron, bamboo, steel, etc with commonly 300mm
length and 5mm diameter will be driven in to the soil.
The pin must not be rot or decay while staying in the soil. Length
300mm is an average; it could be less for shallow soils, and more for
loose soils. 116
Five mm diameter is preferred because thicker pins will interfere the
flow of runoff/surface flow/ and cause scour.
Finally, the average of each pin will be found and the final
soil loss will be calculated by the following formula;
In a one year experiment of soil loss estimation 28 erosion pins were driven in to the soil on
1mx1m square grid corners and the following records were taken.
Since 1m = 1000mm; 1mm = 0.001m
• This 0.001m soil loss is lost from 28 m2 area.
• Therefore, the volume of soil loss = Area (28m2) x depth (0.001m) = 0.028m3
The ground surface lowered
after erosion
D= Depth of soil not eroded (due to the effect of the stone and the root)
120 are
• Therefore, using the lost soil depth ‘ D ’ we can estimate the amount of
soil lost. For example,
• If D=7 cm and the area where the soil eroded was10 m2, the soil loss by
volume will be expressed as multiplying 7 cm by its area, or 0.07m x
10m2 = 0.7m3.
Sheet guiding
the runoff
A = Estimated gross soil loss in ton/ha/yr e d a s the
gth i s d efi n
R= rainfall erosivity factor Slope len f ro m t h e point
u la ti ve d istance
c um ta rts up
K= soil erodibility factor r u n o ff s
at which e ru n o ff r
L= slope length factor h e re t h e surfac
to w c h a n ne l
e fi n e d
S= slope factor a well-d
C= Crop cover/ crop management factor
P= Supporting conservation practices
Rainfall erosivity factor:- is calculated as a product of the kinetic
energy of a rainfall times its maximum 30-minute intensity of fall.
For simplicity, the following summarized table can be used for utilizing in USLE
Rain Length Slope
R Soil texture K L S Cover C Practice P
fall (m) %
500 300 5 - 5 0.4 Cereals, Pulses 0.15 Plowing up 1.00
Sand 0.02 & down
550 330 10 0.67 10 1.0 Teff 0.25 Strip 0.8
Loamy Sand 0.04
600 360 15 0.81 15 1.6 Sorghum, 0.1 Applying 0.6
Coarse Sandy Loam 0.07
Maize mulch
650 390 20 0.95 20 2.2 Fallow land 0.05 Contour 0.8
Fine Sand 0.08
700 420 25 1.05 25 2.6 Degraded grass 0.05 Inter 0.8
Loamy Fine Sand 0.11
750 450 30 1.15 30 3.0 Hard badland 0.05 Dense inter 0.7
Sandy Loam 0.13 cropping
800 480 Heavy Clay 0.17 35 1.25 35 3.4 Soft badland 0.4
850 510 Fine Sandy Loam 0.18 40 1.35 40 4.8 Dense forest 0.01
900 540 Sandy Clay Loam 0.20 45 1.42 45 4.05 Other forest 0.05
Example 1
A farmer having a sorghum field wants your advice about the declining of the productivity of his
land. The land has 15 % slope gradient, black soil, and the length of the land (flow length) was
80 m. The area has an annual rainfall of 1200 mm. The soil loss tolerance/ or permissible
limit/ was estimated 15 ton/ha/year. Then calculate the total soil loss? take the present
• However, the calculated soil loss rate (18.22) is > the permissible (15).
Climate (R) and soil (K) factors are set for a given parameter since we
can do nothing on R and K
Slope grade (S) and length (L) can be adjusted with difficulty
Therefore, Modifying L and S is also difficult than C and P.
First you must look at alternative smallest values for C and P from the
table so that the calculated value can be lower or equal to 15 ton/ha/year.
For P factor the value 0.6 is the minimum, we cannot adjust P. But
we have small values for C, C= 0.001, and 0.01 which can make the
average soil loss value less than the permissible.
Note:- The difficulty here is, if you use 0.001, or 0.01 for C factor, the
farmer should change his sorghum land to dense forest, or at least to
forest land.
If this is the case, it is seen well that looking at L factor. If you advice the
farmer to construct bund at the middle of his field and reduce the length to
40 m, i.e. the L value will be 1.4.
Therefore, substitute the value of P by 1.4 than 1.9 and predict the possible
soil loss rate in the future.
= 666 x 0.15 X 1.4 x 1.6 X 0.1 X 0.6
A = 13.4 ton/ha/year < the permissible value.
The farmer is better to construct a suitable bund at the middle of his land
and the soil loss rate will be reduced from 18.22 to 13.4 ton/ha/year.
Consequently, soil loss will be minimized .
Example 2
In an area subjected to soil erosion, the following information is available:
Rainfall erosivity index (R): 1200 MJ-mm/ha-h-y
Soil erodability index (k): 0.20 t-ha-h/
Crop management factor ( C): 0.60
Conservation practice factor (P): 1.0
Slope length factor (LS): 0.1
What will be estimated annual soil loss? Explain how this soil loss will
decrease by adopting conservation practices.
Using the USLE, the soil loss is obtained as
A = 1200×0.20×0.60×1.0×0.1=14.4 tonnes/hectare per year
To reduce the soil loss, if conservation are introduced by contouring and factor P is
now 0.6.
The soil loss is given by:
A = 14.4×0.6 = 10.44 tonnes / hectare per year.
Limitations of USLE
a) It predicts average annual soil loss
b) It does not compute sediment deposition
c) It does not compute rill and gully erosion (USLE assumed that runoff
was uniform over the catchment) 137
6.3. Modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE)
The USLE was developed to estimate soil erosion at the plot and annual
time scales. Therefore, its application to storm-wise sediment yields at the
watershed scale may lead to substantial errors.
Replacing the rainfall factor from the former USLE with a runoff factor
as a function of runoff volume (Q) and peak discharge (Qp).
The general form of the sediment yield equation in the MUSLE
model is expressed as follows:-
Y= 95 (Qqp)0.56 KLSCP/100A
Y is the sediment yield (t ha−1),
Q is the volume of runoff (m3),
Qp is the peak discharge (m3 s−1),
A is the drainage area (km2),
K is the soil erodibility factor (t h MJ−1 mm−1),
LS is the topographic factor (dimensionless),
C is the cover management factor (dimensionless),
P is the support practice factor (dimensionless), 139
6.4. Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE)
RUSLE maintains the basic structure of USLE but the algorithms used to
calculate the individual factors have been changed significantly.
RUSLE maintains the same empirically based equation as USLE to
compute sheet and rill erosion.
Where USLE assumed that runoff was uniform over the catchment, RUSLE
takes better into account that some runoff is channeled into rills and gullies.
In RUSLE, soil loss is predicted by converting the input data (rainfall data,
soil data, digital elevation model, and land use) into geographical
information system format, following which it is implemented in the
geospatial framework.
1. Rainfall Erosivity Factor (R)
Rainfall is a precondition for the existence of any form of water erosion.
The amount and even intensity of rainfall are the two important attributes
for rainfall.
Water induced erosion is more pronounced when the two rainfall attributes
are on the higher side.
R= 8. 1 2 + (0. 562 x P)
Where, R is rainfall erosivity value in MJ mm ha/hr/yr , P is spatial
distributed 17 years (1998–2015) mean annual rainfall depth in mm.
2. Soil Erodibility Factor (K)
The K factor is defined as the inherent susceptibility of soil to soil erosion.
Soils that have low silt levels have less erodibility regardless of high
fractions of both sand and clay.
K is the soil erdibility factor (tons ha−1 R unit−1),
OM is the percentage soil organic matter content,
M is particle size parameter and is given by M = (%Silt + %Very Fine
Sand) * (100 - %Clay),
S is soil structural code, and
P is the soil profile permeability rating were obtained using a combination
of field observation.
From the definition of slope length, the amount of soil that is lost from a
given area of land increases as the slope length increases.
The slope gradient factor expresses the effect of the steepness of the slope
on soil erosion.
The slope length (L) and slope steepness (S) define the landscape’s
topography, which mostly influence the extent of soil erosion .
L and S are the two most important parameters with regard to soil erosion
modeling and most importantly when calculating the transporting power of
surface runoff.
The LS factor therefore combines the effects of slope length and slope
steepness, both of which account for the landscape’s topographical e ffects
on erosion.
Soil erosion is noted to increase when both the slope angle and length
increase .
The slope gradient’s effect on soil erosion is much more compared to that
brought about by slope length.
Where, λ=slope length or distance of an overland flow measured in (m) and m is
slope length exponent that depends on site slope gradient (θ)
Since slope gradient of the watershed exceeds 25% and varies over a wide range,
a general equation proposed for such area is:-
Therefore, LS =L * S
4. Cover Management Factor (C)
It is used to determine the relative effectiveness of soil and crop mnagement
systems in terms of preventing soil loss
The common parameters that define vegetation cover are mainly ground
cover and plant canopy cover.
The C factor is defined as the ratio of soil lost from cropped land under
specified conditions to that lost from bare soil
C= soil loss from Area treated or covered/ soil loss from Area fallow
The value ranges from 0.001 for dense forests to 1.0 for bare land
5. Support practice factor (P)
The P factor accounts for management practices that affect soil erosion
through modifying the flow pattern, such as contouring, strip cropping, or
The P factor is expressed as the ratio between the rate and the amount of
soil lost when a specific support practice is used and similar soil loss
when row farming is executed in an up- and downslope manner.
P= soil loss from Area of SWC practice/soil loss from Area of up-
down plough
The P value is 1 for soils without any support practices and close to zero
when proper erosion control measures are implemented
6.5. Soil loss estimation due to Wind erosion
• Soil erosion by wind is initiated when wind speed exceeds the
saltation threshold velocity for a given land surface condition, which
is highly dependent on the erodible material and surface roughness.
7.1. Sedimentation of water resources
Sedimentation is the deposition of rock fragments, soil, organic
matter, or dissolved material that has been eroded, that is, has been
transported by water, wind, ice, or gravity.
Sedimentation could occur in different places such as on land,
sea or river ecosystems.
6.1.2. Sources of sedimentation
Sediment sources in any given watershed vary with location and
There are two broad categories of sediment sources:- upland
sediment sources, and channel sediment sources.
Too much sediment can cause poor water quality, algal blooms, and
deposition build-up.
Too little sediment can alter an ecosystem to the point that native
species cannot survive.
Impacts caused due to sedimentation
1. Loss of Reservoir Storage Capacity
Sediment deposition is a key factor reducing the life of dams and
2. Effects on hydropower operations and reservoir operations
Higher sediment accumulation results in blockage of the reservoir
Abrasion of hydraulic machinery may also occur, decreasing its
efficiency and increasing maintenance costs.
3. Impacts on Infrastructure
Excessive erosion leads to incidents such as bridge collapses and cracks.
Too much sediment in canal systems can disrupt the normal functioning
of irrigation pump house and irrigation practices.
5. Navigational Issues
The sedimentation of water courses can also make them unsuitable
for navigation.
6. Impacts on Wetlands and In-stream Ecosystems
Where dams do not exist to trap sediment, excessive sediment
inputs may have negative impacts on wetland areas.
7. Impacts on Water Quality
Sediment is a pollutant in its own right; often contain chemical pollutants
which may pose a risk to human health and the surrounding ecosystems.
6.2. Sediment Transport
Sediment transport is the movement of organic and inorganic
particles by water.
The greater the flow, the more sediment that will be carried.
It differs from the suspended load because it will not settle to the
bottom of a waterway during a low or no flow period.
Instead, these particles remain in permanent suspension as they are small
enough to bounce off water molecules and stay afloat.
However, during flow periods, the wash load and suspended load are
Turbidity in lakes and slow moving rivers is typically due to wash load.
Note:- Bed load is transported by rolling, sliding, and bouncing along the bed
of the channel, While dissolved and suspended load are transported by
Mechanics of sediment transportation
The four modes of particle transport in water are sliding, rolling,
saltation and suspension.
Sliding particles remain in continuous contact with the bed.
Rolling grains also remains in continuous contact with the bed,
Saltation grains ‘jump’ along the bed in a series of low trajectories.
Sediment accumulates in the reservoir, is called reservoir
It is the gradual accumulation of the incoming sediment load
from a river.
Reservoir Operation
Whether the reservoir is built for single or multi- purpose affects the
accumulation of sediment.
Inflow Pattern of the Stream
Vegetal Growth
• The presence of vegetation in upstream area of the reservoir, helps in
trapping the sediments and thus reducing the entry of silts amount
into the reservoir
Sediment load in river flow
Shape of Reservoir
Shape affects the depth of sediment deposition at the bottom
Reservoir Sedimentation Control
A combination of strategies will usually be used, and the
techniques most suitable for implementation will change over
time as sediment conditions change.
1. Reducing sediment yield
This can be done by minimising sediment production in the
catchment through erosion control methods and trapping
sediment before it reaches the reservoir.
Scouring of the sediment by completely emptying the reservoir
and mechanical excavation of sediment from the bottom are
among the major means of redistributing or removing sediments.
4. Adaptive strategies
are actions to mitigate the impacts of sedimentation that do not
involve handling the sediment.
8.1. Water Quality
Water quality describes the condition of chemical, physical, and
biological characteristics of water.
8.1.2. Standards of Water Quality for Different Uses
For any water body to function adequately in satisfying the desired
use, it must have the corresponding degree of purity.
Therefore, to set the standard for the desired quality of a water body,
it is essential to identify the uses of water in that water body.
Although pure water is rarely found in nature (because of the strong
tendency of water to dissolve other substances), the characterization of
water quality (i.e., clean or polluted) is a function of the intended use of
the water.
For each typical use, water quality criterion should take into
account the special constraints on water quality imposed by that use.
Based on this, any water body or its stretch can be designated for
some particular best use which can be termed as the designated best
The water resources can be classified or zoned depending upon the
designated best use of the water.
Some of the parameters include;
- Total Dissolved Oxygen
- Temperature
- pH
- Turbidity
- Suspended solids
Drinking Water Standards
Drinking water is the water intended for human consumption for
drinking and cooking purposes from any source.
High value of sodium may also damage the sensitive crops because
of sodium phyto-toxicity.
Soil scientists use the following categories to describe irrigation
water effects on crop production and soil quality:-
- Salinity hazard – total soluble salt content
- Sodium hazard – relative proportion of sodium to calcium
and magnesium ions
- pH – acid or basic
- Alkalinity – carbonate and bicarbonate
- Specific ions: chloride, sulfate, boron, and nitrate
- microbial pathogens.
8.2. Water Pollution
Water pollution: the release of substances into water bodies to the point
that the substances interfere with beneficial use of the water or with the
natural functioning of ecosystems.
8.2.1. Types of Water Pollution
1. Surface Water Pollution
Surface water refers to all bodies of water above the Earth’s surface,
such as oceans, lakes, and rivers.
3. Microbial Pollution
It is the natural form of water pollution that is caused by
microorganisms in uncured water.
5. Nutrient Pollution
Nutrients are usually found in wastewater and fertilizers.
These suspended particles form fine silt and make water cloudy,
harming the marine life by restricting oxygen diffusion into the water
Nutrient pollution
7. Chemical Pollution
From industrial plants and farms, runoff with chemicals flows into
the nearby rivers and water sources.
Metals and solvents flow out of factories into the water, polluting
the water and affecting wildlife.
8.2.2. Sources of water pollution
Based on the sources, water pollution is broadly divided into two
1. Point Sources
Contamination that enters a waterway from a single, identifiable
source, traced to a specific source is considered as point source
pollution of water.
Point source water contamination includes:-
Leaking chemical tanks,
Effluents coming from a waste treatment of industrial plant,
Manure spill from a hog confinement lagoon,
Discharge from a sewage treatment plant, factory, city storm
Industrial storm water,
Discharge from construction sites,
Leakage of oil tankers
Municipal landfills,
Underground storage tanks containing pollutants such as gasoline,
Public and industrial wastewater treatment plants
2. Non-point Sources
Contamination that does not originate from a single discrete
source is called non-point source pollution.
They come from many mixed or diffuse sources rather than from
an single identifiable and specific point.
Non-Point source water contamination includes:-
Water washed off from roads and highways (urban runoff).
Parking lots,
Storm-water runoff from city and suburban streets (oil gasoline, dog feces,
Pesticides and fertilizers from croplands.
Notice:- Point sources of water pollution are easier to control than non-point
sources, because the contaminated water has been collected and conveyed
Generally the sources of water pollution include;
– Central sewer systems
– Septic tanks
– Storm water runoff
– Fertilizer and pesticides
– Discharges from farmlands
– Sediment from construction sites
– Industry
– Domestic sewage
– Solid waste
– Thermal pollution
– Petroleum (oil) pollution
8.2.3. Effects of water pollution
The effects of water pollution are very noticeable in our
Toxic Effects: are caused by pollutants such as heavy metals,
biocides, cyanide and other organic and inorganic compounds
having detrimental effects on organisms.
Other consequences of water pollution include:
Disruption of the ecosystem
Threats to marine life
Increased risk of water-borne diseases
Increases toxic chemicals (such as mercury) in water bodies
Impact on drinking water
Destruction of ecosystems