1 To 3 Soil Water
1 To 3 Soil Water
1 To 3 Soil Water
A = R ×K×L×S ×𝐶×P
where, A = the average annual soil loss (tons per ha) predicted
by the equation;
R = the rainfall factor;
K = the soil erodibility factor (tons per ha per year);
L, S = the length and steepness of slope factor;
C = the cropping and management factor; and
P = the supporting conservation practice factor (terracing, strip
cropping, and contouring)
Wind erosion damages land and natural vegetation by removing soil from one place and
depositing it at another location. It causes soil loss, dryness and deterioration of soil
structure, nutrient and productivity losses and air pollution. Suspended dust and dirt are
inevitably deposited over everything. It blows on and inside homes, covers roads and
highways, and smothers crops. Most serious damage caused by wind erosion is the change in
soil texture. Damage caused by wind erosion is demonstrated
Climate, soil and vegetation are the major factors affecting wind
erosion at any particular location.
climatic factors -characteristics of wind itself (velocity and direction) in addition to the precipitation,
humidity and temperature.
Soil moisture conditions, texture, structure, density of particles, organic matter content
are the soil characteristics that influence erosion by wind.
Surface features like vegetation or other artificial cover (mulching etc) have the protective
effect on wind erosion problem as surface cover increases the roughness over the land surface
and thus reduces the erosive wind force on the land surface.
For each specific soil type and surface condition there is a minimum velocity required to move
soil particles. This is called the threshold velocity. Once this velocity is reached, the quantity of soil
moved is dependent upon the particle size, the cloddiness of particles, and wind velocity itself.
Strip Cropping Contour Farming
Abrasion - Soil particles mixed with the running water create an abrasive power in the water
which increases the capacity of flowing water to scour more soil particles. Due to thiseffect, larger
soil particles are eroded by the flowing water.
Attrition - This form includes mechanical breakdown of loads running along the moving water
due to collision of particles with each other. The broken particles are moved along with the flow
velocity, which generate abrasion effect on the bottom and banks of the water course. This effect
pronounces the water erosion.
Solution - This form is associated with the chemical action between running water and soil or
country rocks. This type condition is observed in areas where existing rocks or soils are easily
dissolved in the running water.
Types of soil erosion
Splash Erosion
It is also known as raindrop erosion because it is caused by the impact of raindrops on exposed soil
surface. The process of raindrop erosion can be described as: when raindrop strikes on open soil surface
it forms a crater. This is accomplished by forming a blast which bounces the water and soil up and
returns back around the crater.
The soil may be splashed into the air up to a height of 50 to 75 cm depending upon the size of rain
At the same time the soil particles also move
horizontally as much as 1.50 m on level land surface
Sheet Erosion:
• Sheet erosion may be defined as more or less uniform removal of soil in the form of a thin layer or
in “sheet” form by the flowing water form a given width of sloping land
• First process is the one in which soil particles are detached from the soil surface by falling of
raindrop and in the second one the detached soil particles are transported away by surface runoff
from the original place.
• The detached process is referred to as the splash erosion and transportation of detached particles by
flowing water is considered as the wash erosion. The erosion during these processes is called sheet
• The eroding and transporting power of sheet flow depends on the depth and velocity of flowing
water for a given size, shape and density of soil particles.
Rill Erosion
This type of water erosion is formed in the
cultivated fields where the land surface is almost
irregular. As the rain starts, the water tends to
accumulate in the surface depressions and begins
to flow following least resistance path. During
movement of water large amount of soil particles
are eroded from the sides and bottom of the flow
path, which are mixed in the flowing water. This
surface flow containing soil particles in
suspension form moves ahead and forms micro
channels and rills
Gully Erosion
Rills are small in size and can be leveled by
tillage operations. When rills get larger in size
and shape due to prolonged occurrence of flow
through them and cannot be removed by tillage
operation, these are called gullies (Fig. 3.4).
Large gullies and their network are called
ravines. It is the advanced and last stage of
water erosion. In other words it is the advanced
stage of rill erosion.
Some of the major causes of gully erosion are:
steepness of land slope, soil texture, rainfall
intensity, land mismanagement, biotic
interference with natural vegetation, incorrect
agricultural practices
Classification of Gullies
Based on Size (depth and drainage area)
Classification of Gullies
Based on Shape
Classification of Gullies
Based on the Formation of Branches or Continuation
The sediment grain, e.g. a small pebble, is
torn from the bottom by the fl ow and thus
briefly leaves the bottom. The fl ow drags it
along before it is deposited on the bottom
again. It appears as though the particle is
Bed load consists of solids that are moved along the bottom. The main factors are:
Discharge, slope, bed structure, amount of available solids
Suspended matter is solids that are suspended in the water and that have no
contact with the bottom.
The main factors are:
settling velocity (grain diameter, grain shape, grain density, density of the
flow parameters (velocity distribution in the flume, turbulence)
Graded bunds are laid out in areas where the land is susceptible to
water erosion, the soil is less permeable and the area has water logging
problems. A graded bund system is designed to dispose of excess
runoff safely form agricultural fields. A graded bund is laid out with a
longitudinal slope gradient leading to outlet.
TGCS have a life span of 3 to 8 years and they are pretty effective where the amount of
runoff is not too large. These are made of locally available materials. Basic purposes
they serve are to retain more water as well as soil for proper plant growth and prevent
channel erosion until sufficient vegetation is established on the upstream side of the
gully. TGCS are of many types:
• Woven wire check dams
• Brush dams
• Loose rock dams
• Plan or slab dams
• Log check dams
• Boulder check dams
Permanent Gully Control Structures
The drop inlet spillway is ideally suited to conditions when there is need to
control the downstream channel flow by providing a temporary storage
upstream of the structure. It consists of an earthen dam and a pipe spillway.
The drop inlet structure consists of the inlet, conduit and the outlet. Where the
inlet is funnel shaped, this type of structure is often called as Morning glory
or Glory hole spillway.
1. Drop inlet structures are used in gullies towards the downstream part to
create storage of water.
2. These structures not only help in protecting gullies but also create water
3. The stored water could be useful for irrigation or other farm use purposes.
4 . A large number of drop inlet structures will have a retarding effect on
downstream flows. A reduction in the sediment load could also occur.
5. An earthen embankment helps in storing the water and the drop inlet
essentially lets out the excess water safely.
6. These are frequently used for headwater flood control and as outlets for farm
ponds and reservoirs, silt detention reservoirs and settling basins.
7. They are suitable as gully control structures for the stabilization and control of
advancing gully heads when the gully is more than 3 m deep.
8. They are relatively simple to build.
Chute Spillway
Chute (open channel or trough) spillway is a spillway whose discharge is conveyed from
the upper reach of the channel or a reservoir to the downstream channel level through an
open channel placed along a dam, abutment (supporting wall), or through a saddle.
Chute structures are useful for gully head control and they could be used for drops upto
5 to 6 m. Chute spillways are constructed at the gully head to convey the discharge
from upstream area of gully into the gully through a concrete or masonry open channel,
when drop height exceeds the economic limit of drop structures. Chute spillway has
more advantage than a drop spillway, when a large runoff volume is required to be
discharged from the area. Flow in a chute spillway is at super-critical velocities.
Vegetated waterways
Vegetated drainage channels are also called
grassed waterways, or vegetated waterways.
Such types of channels are either naturally
formed or constructed as water courses and
planted with grasses. These channels are used
for the carrying excess runoff from crop land
safely without scouring the channel beds and
sides towards the outlets, which may be rivers,
reservoirs, streams etc. The vegetated outlets are
constructed prior to the construction of terraces,
bunds, etc. because grasses take time to establish
on the channel bed. Generally, it is
recommended that there should be a gap of one
year between the construction of grassed water
ways and the construction of terraces so that the
grasses can be established during the
intervening rainy season
Check Dams
Biological method of
soil erosion control
Biological conservation method
Grassland Management
Grass land management is more than just moving
livestock from one pasture to another. It involves
choosing and managing forages, soil fertility, fencing,
water development and distribution, harvesting, resting
grass lands and much more
Grassland improvement and UCER
management techniques
1.Weed control (Bush control)
2.Enclosure of grass lands.
4.Conservation of soil and moisture.
5.Grazing management
Forest management
Canal syphon
Super Passage
Reclamation of salt affected soil
Reclamation of salt-affected soils, also known as soil salinity
management or soil rehabilitation, is a crucial process to restore the
productivity and fertility of land that has been adversely affected by high
levels of salts. Excessive salt in the soil can be detrimental to plant
growth and can ultimately lead to land degradation.
Classification of salt affected soils
Water harvesting
Water harvesting UCER
Source- https://byjus.com/biology/rainwater-harvesting/
Typesof waterharvesting
Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is defined as the method for
inducing, collecting,storingand conservinglocal surfacerunofffor agriculturein arid and
semi-aridregions.Threetypesof waterharvestingarecoveredby rainwaterharvesting.
Water collectedfrom roof tops,courtyardsand similarcompactedor treatedsurfacesis used
for domesticpurposeor gardencrops.
Micro-catchment water harvesting Micro-catchment water harvesting is a technique
used to capture and store rainwater runoff on a small scale within a specific area or
catchment. This technique helps maximize water availability for vegetation,
agriculture, and other purposes in areas with limited water resources or unreliable
rainfall patterns. It involves diverting, collecting, and storing rainwater for later use,
reducing soil erosion and enhancing vegetation growth.
Flood Water Harvesting: involves collecting and storing excess rainwater that occurs
during heavy rainfall or flooding events. This practice helps mitigate the impact of
flooding by diverting and utilizing excess water for various purposes, such as
recharging groundwater, irrigation, and other non-potable uses.
Groundwater Harvesting: Ground water harvesting is a rather new term and employed to cover
traditional as well as unconventional ways of groundwater extraction. Qanat systems, underground
dams and special types of wells are a few examples of the ground water harvesting techniques.
Groundwater dams like Subsurface dam and Storage dam are other fine examples of ground
water harvesting.
Water Harvesting Technique-
Contour bunds
Semi-circular hoop
Pond, lakes,
Groundwater recharge is the process by which water from the surface, such
as rainwater or melted snow, infiltrates the ground and replenishes the
groundwater reservoir. This replenishment is vital for maintaining a
sustainable groundwater supply, which is an important source of fresh water
for drinking, agriculture, industry, and ecosystems.
Groundwater recharge or deep drainage or deep percolation hydrologic
process, where water moves downward from surface water to groundwater
Recharge is the primary method through which water enters an aquifer.
1. Injection type of
2. Gravity type of well
Advantages of Artificial Rechare
1. While recharging, rain and surface water infiltrate the soil and percolate down
through the various geological formations and get naturally cleaned
2. Very few special tools are needed to dig drainage wells.
3. In rock formations with high, structural integrity few additional materials may be
required (concrete, soft stone or coral rock blocks, metal rods) to construct the wells
4. Ground water recharge stores water during the wet season for use in the dry season,
when demand is highest.
5. Recharge can significantly increase the sustainable yield of an aquifer.
6. Recharge methods are attractive, particularly in arid regions.
7. Most aquifer recharge systems are easy to operate.
8. In many river basins, control of surface water run off to provide aquifer recharge
reduces sedimentation problem.
9. https://www.flexiprep.com/NIOS-Notes/Senior-Secondary/Environmental-
Science/NIOS-Environmental-Science- Chapter-28-Ground-Water-Resources-Part-
Disadvantagesof ArtificialRecharge UCER