Lesson 2 Primary and Secondary Sources GRP TASK

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Group task

1. Read articles from 5-7 different secondary

and primary sources (relevant to your
chosen topic) Using your notes, make a
topic outline with at least 3 major topics.

2. Then, compose a short essay using your

written expanded content of the outline.
Be guided by the rubric for scoring your
group’s output.
Primary Source: (research report) Secondary Source: (editorial)
World Health Organization While COVID-19 presents a
advised countries to strengthen healthcare crisis, the economic
public health surveillance for case paralysis that nations will
identification and contact tracing, experience because of current
including in low-resource, weak, and future expected shutdowns/
or high-risk settings and to lockdowns and mandatory
maintain essential health services quarantines will likely be even
with sufficient funding, supplies, more catastrophic. Even as there
and human resources. Countries is a critical need for the world to
were advised to implement fair collectively engage with the virus
measures and advice on travel, SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19
based on risk assessments, and to disease it causes, there is a visible
review these measures regularly. lack of leadership at a global level.
Thesis Statement: COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult challenge faced by the
government because it has brought massive breakdown to the economy,
destabilization of the educational system, and anxieties among families and
communities in the country.
Expanded content of an outline
I. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic
A. World Economy Notice that in the
1. Travel expanded content of
a. fair measures an outline, some
1. risk assessment important keywords
2. travel advice taken from primary
b. mandatory quarantine and secondary
2. Tourism sources were added.
3. Manufacturing Industries
4. Family Income

The topic outline is The topic outline is

The topic outline is logically arranged logically arranged
ADHERENCE TO logically arranged and but has some and but has several
REQUIRED and follows the issues in application issues in application
FORMAT/ standard format and of the standard of the standard
ELEMENTS elements. format and format and
elements. elements.

Mechanics in Mechanics in Mechanics in

writing such as writing such as writing such as
GRAMMAR AND capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
MECHANICS spelling are properly spelling are spelling are not
observed. No error somewhat observed; observed;
in grammar. two to three errors more than three
in grammar. errors in grammar.

The essay is well- The essay is slightly The essay is not

CONTENT organized and organized with organized and does
ORGANIZATION presents a clear unclear points/ not present clear
elaboration of ideas. ideas. ideas.

Appropriate and Some appropriate Some appropriate

consistent use of rich and consistent use and consistent use
words, expressions, of rich words, of rich words,
WORD CHOICE and images to expressions, and expressions, and
develop the topic images to develop images to develop
are evident. the topic are the topic are not
evident. evident.

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