3rd Quarter TLE 8 Reviewer

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3rd Quarter Reviewer

PICTORIAL DRAWING - A Pictorial Drawing is an image of an object (actual or imagined) viewed as it
would be seen by someone who looks at the object either in a chosen direction or from a selected point of
 Orthographic Drawing- also known as Multiview drawing. Involves visualization and
To be able to show the necessary information in any drawing presentation, more than one view
has to be shown. A system that allows you to make a two-dimensional drawing of a three-
dimensional object using 2 or more views.
Greek words:
orthos – graphos :
straight – to draw

First-angle projection
Used by many European countries
Object is projected onto planes from the first angle or quadrant
Third-angle projection
Standard for the United States
Third quadrant is used for projection

Most used views

Front View
Top View
Right Side View
Most descriptive view is typically designated as the Front View

All objects have 3 dimensions

 Distance from top to bottom
 Distance from side to side
 Distance from the front to back

Which line should be drawn when two lines coincide?

Visible line coincides with hidden or center line
 Visible line is shown
Hidden line coincides with center line
 Hidden line is shown
 Isometric Projection - Creates a three-dimensional picture from 2D objects where the top, front
and side views are presented in an almost real effect.
Composition of isometric object follows the strict rule of positioning three axes namely the
vertical, left 30 degrees and right 30 degree cross axes.
Procedural Steps:
1. Lay-out the horizon.
2. Establish the vertical axis where the height detail of the object can be marked and labeled.
3. Using the 30 x 60 degrees triangle, direct the position of the left and right 30 degrees axes
where the width and length can be marked and labeled.
4. Project all the necessary axes using the markings on the primary axes as reference points
towards the completion of the isometric box.
5. Detail the line composition of the object to be constructed.
6. Erase all the unnecessary lines and finalize the object by accenting the line or by inking.

 Oblique Projection - Another type of pictorial drawing where one side is positioned at an angle
of 45 degrees. The views creatively emphasize the front view as well as the side view of the
Procedural Steps:
1. Lay-out the horizon
2. Establish the vertical axis where the height detail of the object can be marked and labeled.
3. Mark along the horizon the width or the length of the object.
4. Using the 45x45 degrees triangle, direct the position of the left or right 45 degrees cross axis
where the depth of the object can be marked and labeled.
5. Project all the necessary axes using the markings on the primary axes as reference points
towards the completion of the oblique box.
6. Detail or mark and project the line composition of the object to be constructed.
7. Finalize the object by accenting the line or by inking.


• Computer Aided Design (CAD) is simply, design and drafting with the aid of a computer.
• Design is creating a real product from an idea.
• Drafting is the production of the drawings that are used to document a design.
• CAD can be used to create 2D or 3D computer models.
• CAD software is used by engineers, artists, and enthusiasts to create architectural designs, ray
traced images, animations, and physics simulations.
• CAD DRAWING is a file that consists of numeric data in binary form that will be saved onto a

History of cad and AutoCAD

French chemist Alphonse Lui Poitevin discovers a process involving sunlight and a substance
found in gum that allows original architectural drawings to be accurately reproduced. The process
creates a negative copy where blacklines turn white and blank space turns blue leaving users with
a blue print.

1936 ,
British code breaker Alan Turing
invents the
Turing machine which becomes the basis for the modern computer.
Patrick J. Hanratty
• computer scientist
• develop DAC design automated by computer
• the father of CAD
Douglas T. Ross
• computer scientist
• pioneer and father of computerized machining that coins the term CAD

• 1971, Hanratty introduces the CAD software known as Automated Drafting And Machinery or
ADAM for short.
• Estimated 90% of today's commercial drafting software can trace their roots back to Adam.

• 1977, CATIA the first 3D CAD system launches running only an exclusive proprietary hardware.
• By 1981 with the release of the IBM PC desktop. computing becomes affordable to the masses
for the first time and we see the beginning of the boom that would soon follow.
• 1982, John Walker founds Autodesk.
• and later that year introduces AutoCAD,
the first significant CAD program for the PC changing the world of design forever.

• 2007, Autodesk ships their 8millionth copy of AutoCAD.

• from 2010 on, advances continue to be made including a web-based mobile version of AutoCAD
that frees designers to work from anywhere.
• Autodesk ReCap, technology that allows users to create designs using real-world data captured
from photos and laser scans.
- file management, plus some specialized AutoCAD stuff such as zooming and panning.
- Contains commands and list for manipulating layers. This is AutoCAD’s fundamental tools for
organizing and formatting objects.
- Includes formatting options such as colors, line types, and line weights.
- holds the most commonly used commands from the Draw menu.
- holds the most commonly used editing commands from the Modify menu.
- Consists of commands for controlling which objects appear on top of which other objects.
- The large area in the center of the screen.
* The color of this area can be changed using Tools-Option-Display-Color
- use the cursor to locate points, make selections and draw.
*Size can be changed using Tools-Options-Display-Crosshair size
- where you enter commands and AutoCAD will prompt you to input information.
- switches your drawing between paper space and model space
Provides quick access to some of the most commonly used drawing tools. You can toggle settings such as
grid, snap, polar tracking, and object snap. You can also access additional settings for some of these tools
by clicking their drop down arrows.
- Inside the status bar
- displays your current settings, it can be turned on and off by clicking the tabs or using the
function keys.
- User Coordinate System, indicates the location of the origin.
- Appearance can be changed using View-Display-Icon-Properties

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