Case Study Rubric

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Humber the School of Business

Course Title: Operations Management

(MGMT 2500)

Dr. Nabeel Mandahawi

Case Study Details

Excellent Good Fair

Project Report Excellent and Inspiring amount of in- Sufficient amount of knowledge are Inadequate amount of knowledge
depth knowledge are used to provide used to provide full and are used to provide clear
full and comprehensive understating comprehensive understating of the understating of the case study.
(3%) of the case study. case study.
The analysis of the solutions is vague
A comprehension analysis of the Analysis of the solutions is provided and indirectly addresses the problem
solutions is provided that show the that show the student knowledge of statement.
student in-depth knowledge of the the problem, tools and proposed
problem, tools and proposed solutions, but some errors are Project report is not well organized
solutions. present or details analysis omitted. and easy to follow. Table and figures
format are not proper formated.
Furthermore, No references within
Project report is well organized and Project report is well organized and the paper content.
easy to follow. The report is well easy to follow but have minor errors
structured; Table and figures format in formatting. Table and figures The report is difficult to read and
in a proper way. format may have minor inaccuracy. there are many spelling, grammar,
or punctuation errors and the Length
The references are written within the The references are written within the of the report is not appropriate.
paper content in a proper way. paper, but some of them may be
There are no spelling, grammar, or
punctuation errors and the Length of There are some spelling, grammar,
the report is appropriate. or punctuation errors and the Length Grades Range (1-0.5)
of the report is appropriate.
Grades Range (3-2)
Grades Range (2-1)

Student speaks clearly with precise Student speaks clearly with precise Student incorrectly pronounces
Presentation skills pronunciation for all the Engineering pronunciation for most of the Engineering terms, students is not
terms, students capture the case Engineering terms, students capture able to capture the case and the
study and the proposed solutions the case study and the proposed solutions and there is no proper
and he/she seldom returning to the solutions and he/she seldom sequence of the information to
notes. returning to the notes, with minor attract the audience attention.
Students presents information in a
proper and very interesting and Students presents information in a Grades Range (1-0.5)
logical way and audience is excited proper way and most of the audience
and understood the case and the is excited and understood the case
solutions. and the solutions.

Grades Range (2-1.5) Grades Range (1.5-1)

Students are able to show full Students are able to show Students are not able to answer
Case Understanding understanding of the case study and understanding of the case study and questions clearly and some of the
(3%) are able to answer questions in a are able to answer some of the answers are vague and not direct
proper and comprehensive way with questions with some errors. related to the case study.
applicable practical examples.
Grades Range (2-1) Grades Range (1-0.5)
Grades Range (3-2)

Excellent and Inspiring amount of Sufficient amount of references are Inadequate amount of references are
references are used to provide full used to provide full understating of used to provide full understating of
Literature Review and Outside understating of the case study and the case study and the proposed the case study and the proposed
the proposed solutions. Furthermore, solutions. Furthermore, sufficient solutions. Furthermore, insufficient
sufficient papers are used to provide papers are used to provide research papers are used to provide
comprehensive solutions. comprehensive solutions but with comprehensive solutions but with
(2%) minor comments. minor comments.

Grades Range (2-1.5)

Grades Range (1.5-1)

Grades Range (1-0.5)

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