Eng Presentation
Eng Presentation
Eng Presentation
• Regular personal hygiene can ensure a longer life. There are many people
who have lived long lives despite having been very sick, simply because they
maintained good personal hygiene. When we work or study along with
maintaining good personal hygiene, the results will be better and quicker.
The memory also improves if we maintain a clean body and mind.
Benefits of Personal Hygiene
Maintaining good personal hygiene also helps us to be more confident. If we look and feel
clean and tidy, we will certainly be more confident than those who are not. Maintaining
good personal hygiene is a social habit. If everybody practices it, there will be no need for
any special regulation or supervision of public places by the local authorities.
Hence, it can be seen that there are many benefits of maintaining good personal hygiene.
It should become a habit to practice proper personal hygiene for prevention of many
diseases, appearance and personality development.