What is the purpose of this text? The purpose of the exposition text is to provide information so that it can
add to the reader’s knowledge. Readers are expected to add precise, detailed, and clear knowledge of things
and events.
Exposition text structure
First: Statement of opinion (thesis). This is the section containing the author’s opinion, and is located at the
beginning of the text.
Second: Argument, this is the part that contains and contains reasons or arguments in strengthening the
writer’s writing which is aimed at accepting an idea or rejecting.
Third: Reiteration of opinion (reiteration). This is a section that reaffirms the author’s opinion.
If this is the arrangement, then what are the characteristics of the exposition text? Here we see the characteristics
of the exposition text
Characteristics of Exposition Text
5. The definition of exposition textThat is, the text which contains the meaning of an objec
6. Controversy exposition textThis is an exposition text in which an object contradicts another object. It usually
uses a conjunctive phrase such as “even so, on the contrary, but”.
7. Text analysis expositionIt is a process of separating the problem from the main idea into several subsections,
which will then be developed in an orderly and sequential manner.