Work Shop On Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Work Shop

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Volume Method (FVM)
• FVM is a numerical technique used in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to solve partial differential equations
(PDEs) that govern fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. It is a widely used approach for simulating and analyzing
fluid flows in various engineering and scientific applications.
• The key concept behind the Finite Volume Method is to divide the computational domain into a collection of control
volumes or cells. These cells are three-dimensional regions that cover the entire domain, and they serve as the basis for
discretizing the governing equations.
 Discretization of Governing Equations: The PDEs describing fluid flow (such as the Navier-Stokes equations) are discretized over each
control volume by approximating the derivatives using finite differences. This process involves converting the continuous PDEs into a set of
algebraic equations that can be solved numerically.

 Integral Averaging: Within each control volume, the quantities such as velocity, pressure, temperature, and other properties are averaged
over the volume. This averaged value is used to represent the behavior of the fluid within that cell.

 Conservation Equations: FVM is based on the principle of conservation, where the net flow of a property (mass, momentum, energy)
across the faces of each control volume is related to the change of that property within the volume. This leads to the formulation of discrete
conservation equations for each property.

 Flux Calculation: Fluxes of properties (mass, momentum, energy) at the faces of each cell are calculated based on the gradients of these
properties. These gradients are determined by interpolating the neighboring cell values.

 Linear System Solver: The system of algebraic equations resulting from the discretization of the governing equations is solved iteratively
using numerical techniques such as the Gauss-Seidel method, Conjugate Gradient, or other advanced solvers.

 Boundary Conditions: Boundary conditions are applied to the control volumes at the domain boundaries to represent the behavior of the
fluid at the walls or inlets/outlets.

 Time Stepping: For transient simulations, time-stepping techniques are employed to advance the solution in time. Implicit or explicit time
integration schemes can be used based on stability and accuracy requirements.

 Iteration: The simulation is advanced in time through iterations until a steady-state solution or the desired transient behavior is achieved.
Governing Equation
Types of Flow Analysis

Internal Flow External Flow

2-D Analysis

Y+ Estimation
The dimensionless variable Y-plus represents the distance from the wall to the first grid cell's
center or the maximum height of the cell from the wall.

CFD Online tools  Online tools Y+ Estimation

Collecting the Airfoil Co-ordinate

Airfoil tools >> Select the NACA 4 Digit Airfoil >> Select NACA 0012.
Copy the Coordinates in the note pad and save it in .txt format
Mesh Generation
Contents for 2-D Meshing

Structured Meshing Unstructured Meshing

1.Geometry Preparation 1.Geometry Preparation
I. Importing the Geometry or Coordinate file
I. Importing the Geometry or Coordinate file
II. Running a topology check
II. Running a topology check
III. Creating the Domain
III. Creating the Domain(creating Surface for Domain)
IV. Naming the parts
IV. Naming the parts
I. Initializing the Block
II. Associating the Block to the domain I. Setting the Global Mesh Setup
III. Splitting the Block near the Airfoil II. Setting the Shell Meshing Parameter
IV. Associating the Block to the Airfoil III. Surface Mesh Generation
V. Setting the Premesh Values IV. Checking the Mesh Quality
VI. Checking the Premesh Quality V. Smoothing the Mesh if required
VII. Smoothing the Mesh if required
VIII.Converting into Unstructured Mesh
3.Select the Solver options.
4.Assigning the Part Boundary Condition.
3.Select the Solver options. 5.Saving the Output Mesh
4.Assigning the Part Boundary Condition.
5.Saving the Output Mesh
 Open the Work bench and Save the project.
 File >> Save >> Enter the Project Name >> OK
Importing the Co-ordinate file

File >> Import Geometry >> Formatted Point Data >> Select the Co-ordinate file >> Apply.
Co-ordinates imported

Mouse Right and Left Button  Rotate the Geometry

Mouse Scroll Up and Down  Zoom In and Out
Mouse Scroll Click or Middle Click  Pan
Joining the points for creating the Airfoil

Geometry >> Create/ Modify Curves >> From Points >> Select the points one by one.
Mouse Left Click Selecting the Entity
Mouse Right Click Deselecting the Entity
Delete all the un wanted points after joining the points by using Delete point options
Creating points in the Airfoil for Association


Geometry >> Create Points >> Parameter along the curve >> Set the parameter as 0.475 >>
Select the curve(a) >> Set the parameter again as 0.525 >> Select the curve(a) >> Curve ends >>
Select the small curve(b)
Splitting the Airfoil into 4 Curves

Geometry >> Create / Modify Curves >> Segment the curve >> Select the curve and points >>
Types of Domain

Rectangular Domain
 Good Quality of mesh
 Computational time is high

C-Shaped Domain
 Computational time is less
 Quality of mesh is less

Circular Domain
 Only Farfield Boundary condition
 Domain Should be larger
Creating the Domain

Geometry >> Create points >> Explicit Coordinates/ Base point and Delta >> Give the
coordinates >> Join the Points By using Create / Modify Curves.
Domain with Airfoil

15-20 Chord 20-30 Chord

Naming the Parts


Inlet Outlet


Right Click on Parts in the tree on the right side of the window >> Create part >> Type the part
Name >> Select the entities like Points, Curve and Surface >> Apply
2-D Structured Meshing
Initializing the Block

E1 C1 3,3’
Vertex 1’

Point 1

Edge 2


Curve 2

2’ E3 C4 4,4’

Blocking >> Create Block >> Initialize the Block >> Change the Part Name to Fluid(Not Necessary)
>> Apply
Associating the Block to the Domain

Blocking >> Associate >> Associate Vertex >> Associate vertex 1’ to Point 1 ( Vertex Colour
changes from black to red) >> Associate 2’ to 2, 3’ to 3 and 4’ to 4 >> Associate Edge to Curve >>
Associate Edge 1,2 and 3 to Curve 1,2 and 3 ( Edge Colour changes from Black to Green) >>
Associate E4 to C4.
Splitting the Block near the Airfoil

Blocking >> Split Block >> Split Block >> Select any one Edge and drag the split edge near the
Airfoil. Repeat the split edge for other three edges also.
Associating the splitted Block to the Airfoil

1’ E1 4’

1 3
E2 C2 C4 E4

2’ E3 3’

Blocking >> Associate >> Associate Vertex >> Associate vertex 1’ to Point 1 ( Vertex Colour changes from
black to red) >> Associate 2’ to 2, 3’ to 3 and 4’ to 4 >> Associate Edge to Curve >> Associate Edge 1 to
Curve 1 ( Edge Colour changes from Black to Green) >> Associate E2 to C2, E3 to C3 and E4 to C4.
Generating the “O” Grid around the Airfoil

Blocking >> Split Block >> O grid Block >> Select the Block >> Check mark the Around block(s) >>
Enter the value for Offset >> Apply
Straightening the splitted Edges

Blocking >> Move Vertex >> Set Location >> Select in which direction the vertex to be moved >>
Select the Reference Vertex >> Middle Click >> Select the vertex to be moved >> Middle Click >>
Deleting the Block inside the Airfoil

Blocking >> Delete Block >> Select the Block inside the Airfoil >> Middle Click
Meshing the Blocked Parts

S1, R1 S2, R2

Blocking >> Pre Mesh Parameter >> Edge parameter >> Select the Edge which is shown in the upper Figure >> Check mark the Copy Parameter
>> Enter the number of nodes >> Enter the Spacing 2 (S2) and Ratio 2(R2) Values { S2= Y+ Value, R2 = 1.0 to 1.2}.
Enter the values of Nodes, Spacing and Ratio for all the edges.
Spacing = Cell height, Ratio = Cell Growth Ratio
S1 & R1 refers to the beginning end of arrow(base of arrow)
S2 & R2 refers to the edge end where the arrow is pointing (arrow tip)
Viewing the Mesh

Expand the Blocking tree >> Check mark the Pre-mesh >> Enter Ok.
The values of Nodes, S1 and R1 are given such that the mesh size should increase from the airfoil
to the domain.
Checking the Quality of Mesh

Blocking >> Pre Mesh Quality Histograms >> Select the Quality in Criterion >> less than 0.7
Quality elements should not present near the airfoil. Similarly check the Aspect ratio.
Converting pre mesh into Mesh

Check the pre mesh info (No. of mesh and nodes).

Expand the Blocking tree >> Right click on Pre mesh >> Click on Mesh info.
Converting pre mesh into mesh.
Expand the Blocking tree >> Right click on Pre mesh info >> Click on Convert to Unstruct Mesh.
Selecting the Output Solver

Output Mesh >> Select solver >> Select the solver in which the analysis is done in the output
solver >> Apply
Assigning the Boundary condition

Output Mesh >> Boundary Condition >> Select the Each part and assign the Boundary Condition>> Accept
Fluid (Mesh) = Fluid
Airfoil = Wall
Inlet = Velocity Inlet
Outlet = Pressure outlet
Saving the Output Mesh

Output Mesh >> Write Input >> Save the Current file >> Ok >> Open >> Ok >> Select the type of
Analysis >> Done.
2-D Unstructured Meshing
Creating the Surface for the Domain

Geometry >> Create / Modify Surface >> Simple Surface >> Select the option From Curves in
Methods >> Select all the curves in a cyclic manner >> Middle Click >> Apply
Splitting and Deleting the Surface inside the Airfoil

Geometry >> Create / Modify Surface >> Segment / Trim Surface >> Select the created Surface
>> Middle Click >> Select the Curves of Airfoil >> Middle Click >> Apply >> Delete the Surface
Inside the Airfoil.
Geometry >> Delete Surface >> Select the surface inside the Airfoil >> Middle Click.
Setting the Mesh Parameter
Global Mesh Setup

Step 1 Step 2

Select Shell
Under the “ Mesh Tab” Meshing Parameter
Select Global Mesh Setup
Select Mesh Type :
All Tri
Click Apply

Under global Mesh Size ,

Enter the “ Max Element
Size” for the entire mesh.
Then Click Apply
Part Mesh Setup

Curve Mesh Setup Part Mesh Setup:

The Element size is given
for the entire part.

Curve Mesh Setup:

The Element size can be
given to a single curve or
multiple curve.
Computing the Mesh

Mesh >> Compute Mesh >> Surface Mesh Only >> Compute
Mesh Info

Info >> Mesh Info

Checking the Quality of the Mesh

Edit Mesh >> Display Mesh Quality >> Select the Quality in Criterion >> less than 0.7 Quality
elements should not present near the airfoil. Similarly check the Aspect ratio.
Selecting the Output Solver

Output Mesh >> Select solver >> Select the solver in which the analysis is done in the output
solver >> Apply
Assigning the Boundary condition

Output Mesh >> Boundary Condition >> Select the Each part and assign the Boundary Condition >> Accept
Fluid (Mesh) = Fluid
Airfoil = Wall
Inlet = Velocity Inlet
Outlet = Pressure outlet
Saving the Output Mesh

Output Mesh >> Write Input >> Save the Current file >> Ok >> Open >> Ok >> Select the type of
Analysis >> Done.
3-D Analysis
Unstructured Meshing
1.Geometry Preparation
I. Importing the Geometry
II. Running a topology check
III. Creating the Domain
IV. Naming the parts
I. Setting the Global Mesh Setup
II. Setting the Shell Meshing Parameter
III. Surface Mesh Generation
IV. Checking the Mesh Quality
V. Smoothing the Mesh if required

3.Select the Solver options.

4.Assigning the Part Boundary Condition.
5.Saving the Output Mesh
Axis Systems

General Axis System (theoretical)

Axis System ANSYS Fluent


Importing the File

Select the file Select the proper format( In our

case Catia v5)

File >> Import Model >> select the proper format >> Select the file >> Open >> In Import Model
>> Convert units >> Select millimeter >> Apply
Topology Colors
Yellow : One of the two surface meeting at curve is missing.
Red : 2 Surface meeting at each Curve.
Blue : More than two surface meeting at curve.
Green : Free Edge without any surface attaching to it.
Topology check

Geometry >> Repair Geometry >> Build Diagnostic topology >> Enter the value of Tolerance
(Minimum dimensional value of the geometry) >> Apply
Splitted the Geometry according to the mesh requirement

Geometry >> Surface Parameter >> Build Diagnostic topology

Named the parts according to the Geometry.
Creating the Domain around the Geometry

2-5 chord 0C h or d
2 0- 3

Ch ord
2-5 Span 10-15

2-5 chord

Geometry >> Points >> Base point / Delta >> Give the coordinates, points will

be created >> Line >> From points >> select the points >> Surface >> Simple Surface
>> Select the curves >> Middle click.
Creating the Part

m e t ry



Right click on the part in the tree >> Create Part >> Enter the part name >> Select the surface, curves and points >> Middle Click.
Inlet  Surface in front of the wing.
Outlet  Surface behind of the wing.
Symmetry  Surface adjacent to the wing
Wall  Remaining surface
Wing  Wall
Creating the Material point

Geometry >> Create Body >> Centroid of two points >> Select the two points >>Apply
Fluid Select the outermost point of the geometry and the point in the domain
ORFN Select the two extreme points of the Geometry
Setting the Mesh Parameter
Global Mesh Setup

Step 1 Step 2

Select Shell
Meshing Parameter
Under the “ Mesh Tab”
Select Global Mesh Setup
Select Mesh Type :
All Tri
Click Apply

Under global Mesh Size ,

Enter the “ Max Element
Size” for the entire mesh.
Then Click Apply
Setting the Mesh Parameter
Global Mesh Setup
Step 4

Select Volume Meshing Select Volume Meshing

Parameter >> Change the Mesh Parameter >> Change the Mesh
Method to Quick Delaunay >> Method to Robust Octree >>
Uncheck the Smooth mesh >> Apply
Part Mesh Setup

Parts where prism Height ratio of the Used for small Growth ratio of
layers has to be Surface Mesh curved Surface Prism layer
created ( Geometry) ( Usually maximum
size divided by 10)

Maximum element
size on the part Growth ratio of
Tetra mesh
Surface Mesh Generation

Mesh >> Compute Mesh >> Volume Mesh >> Check the Mesh method( Robust Octree) >>
Surface Mesh Generation

Once the mesh is generated , delete all the volume mesh.

Edit Mesh >> Delete Elements >> Select all Volume Elements >> Apply
Check Mesh
Evaluating the Mesh Quality
Smoothing the Mesh

Edit Mesh >> Smooth mesh Globally >> Enter the Smoothing iteration ( Enter the No of
smoothing iteration that’s need to be carried out) >> Enter the up to value (Enter the Quality
value up to which the mesh to be smoothed).
Volume Mesh Generation
Prism Layer Generation
Prism Layer Generation

Note :
1. Prism Layer need to be generated on all the parts
that are going to be given as “ Wall” Boundary
Condition during Simulation
2. In case Pyramids are getting generated
( Pyramids are not acceptable by CFD Software)
, Some ways to prevent them.
I. Try Lowering the Prism Height Limit
Factor from the Global value provided
only for the parts where pyramids are
getting generated
II. Try giving a specified height or height
ratio locally to the parts where pyramids
are being generated.
III. Try local smoothing of the surface mesh
on the parts where pyramids are getting

Mesh >> Compute Mesh >> Select the Prism Mesh >> Select Mesh as Existing Mesh >> Compute
Prism Layer Generation
Saving the Output Mesh

Output Mesh >> Select solver >> Select the solver in which the analysis is done in the output solver >> Apply
Output Mesh >> Boundary Condition >> Select the Each part and assign the Boundary Condition >> Accept
Fluid (Mesh) = Fluid , Airfoil = Wall
Inlet = Velocity Inlet, Outlet = Pressure outlet
Symmetry = Symmetry, Wall = Wall
Output Mesh >> Write Input >> Save the Current file >> Ok >> Open >> Ok >> Select the type of Analysis
>> Done.
Solution Methods

Simple Algorithm
Solution Methods

Simpler Algorithm
Solution Methods

PISO Algorithm

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