1. Pattern making
3. Melting
Pattern making
Definition :
A pattern may be defined as an element(similar to
the part being cast, replica) used for making cavity
or impression in the mould into which molten metal
is poured to produce a casting.
It is not exact replica of part to be cast. It
is slightly larger than the part due to various
allowances like shrinkage allowance, machining
allowance etc.
-It is the physical model of the casting used to make the
mould. Made of either wood or metal
-The mould is made by packing moulding sand,
surrounding the pattern.
-When the pattern is withdrawn, its imprint provides the
mould cavity. This cavity is filled with metal to become
the casting.
- If the casting is to be hollow, additional patterns
called ‘cores’, are used to form these cavities.
Pattern materials
I) Wood :
White pine, Mahogany, Teak, Deodar
Shisam , Kail, Cherry, Maple, beach,etc.
II) Metals:
Steel, C.I., Brass, Al & its alloys
White metal (tin base alloys)
III) Plastics
• Compositions based on epoxy, phenol
formaldehyde & polyester resins
• Polyacrylates
• Polyethylene
• Polyvinyl chloride most commonly used cold
curing plastics based on epoxy resins & acrylates
IV) Gypsum (POP)
V) Wax
VI) Rubber
Light in weight
Easily available & inexpensive
Good workability
Suitable for gluing & joining
Easy to repair
• Wooden pattern is first required to be made to
serve as master pattern which forms the mould
into which plastic resin is poured. Moulds may
be made from rubber plastics, metals or plaster
of paris(mostly used)
Advantages :
– More durable and accurate in size than wooden
– Resistant to wear, abrasion, corrosion & swelling
– Not affected by moisture so retain their shape
– Resistant to rough handling & hence do not warp
– Good machinability, dimensional accuracy and
stability, good surface finish
– Economy in material & labour cost
– Lighter, stronger & highly corrosion resistant than
wooden patterns
– No moisture absorption
– Smooth surface of patterns
– Less sticking of sand to patterns as compared to wood
– Strong & dimensionally stable
– Exclusively for investment castings
– Normally blends of several types of waxes are used
like paraffin wax, shellac wax, bees wax
– Normally wax patterns are formed by injecting semi
liquid or liquid wax into split die.
– The die is kept cool by circulating water around it. As
the wax sets on cooling the die parts are separated &
wax pattern is taken out
Plaster of paris (gypsum)
• It can be easily cast into intricate shapes and
can be easily worked also
• It has high compressive strengths
Factors to be considered for selection of
pattern materials
1) Number of castings to be made
2) Less- cheaper material , More- costlier material
3) Desired dimensional accuracy & surface finish
4) Nature of moulding process: sand casting-wood,
investment casting- wax
5) Method of moulding i.e. hand or machine
6) Shape, size & complexity of casting
7) Probability of design change, chances of future
orders etc.
Pattern allowance
Definition: The difference in dimensions of casting & pattern are due
to the various allowances considered while designing pattern for
casting. They are:These are the allowances which are usually
provided in a pattern.
shrinkage or contraction allowance: The various
metals used for casting contract after solidification in the
mould. ...
Draft allowance.
Finish or machining allowance.
Distortion or camber allowance.
Rapping or shaking allowance.
a) Liquidus contraction- for drop of
temperature from pouring temperature to
Liquidus temperature
5) Casting method/condition
2) Moulding method
3) Mould material
In the large castings, molten metal is usually
carried from the sprue base to several gates around the
cavity through a passage way called the runner.
The gate is passage that finally leads molten metal
from runner into mould cavity.
The location and size of gates are so arranged that
the mould can be filled in quickly with a minimum
amount of cutting of mould surfaces by the flowing of
The gates should be placed so as to avoid the
development of cracks after cooling.
The gate connection should be located so that they
can be removed readily without damaging casting.
Types of Gates: The gates are classified according to
position in mould cavity.
1) Top gates
2) Bottom gates
3) Parting gates
Top gates Bottom gates Parting gates
1) Top gates:
- Molten metals enters the cavity from top.
- since the molten metal falls directly in mould
cavity, the mould should be hard and strong enough
to resist erosion by dropping metal.
- The proper temperature gradients are formed
(hot metal at top ) to achieve proper solidification.
Advantages of top gate:
1) simplicity of molding.
2) low consumption of additional metal.
3) Achievement of proper temperature gradient.
•Erosion of mould surface due to dropping liquid .
•More chances of oxidation due to splashing of metal.
•More possibility of turbulence and air entrapment .
•Not suitable for non ferrous casting (Al & Mg)
because of tendency of dross formation
•For gray C.I.
•For castings with heavy bosses (like railway driving
wheels), centers and hollow cylinders.
•For moulds made of refractory materials.
2) Bottom Gates :
- made in bottom side of cavity in drag portion.
- used to minimize turbulence & prevent mould
- directional solidification is not achievable.
1. Minimum splashing ,reducing chances of
2. Minimum turbulence & metal erosion as compared
to top gate.
3. Quality of cast surface is good.
1. May result in incomplete mould filling due to metal
flow choke off ( as freezing take place at bottom)
2. Involves greater complexity of molding.
3. Creates unfavorable temp. gradient making it difficult
to achieve directional solidification.
1. employed for steel castings in order to reduce
erosion & gas entrapment .
2. to prevent splashing.
3. side gate or Parting line gate:
- metal enters the cavity at the parting line.
1. Simple to construct (even by pattern itself)
2. Less time taking and produce good results when
drag is not deep.
3. Best compromise between bottom & top gate.
4. Promotes directional solidification when it is used as
1. when P.L is not near bottom of mould cavity or drag
is deep. Results in turbulence.
2. May result in erosion or washing of mould.
A riser is hole cut or molded in cope to permit the molten metal
above the highest point in castings. The functions of riser are :
•To enable pourer to see the metal as it falls in mould cavity.
•To facilitate ejection of steam, gas and air from mould cavity.
•To serve as feeder to feed the molten metal in to the main
castings to compensate for its shrinkage.
Requirements of an effective riser
it should have sufficient volume as it should be the last part
of casting to freeze.
it should facilitate directional solidification towards riser.
it must be completely cover the sectional thickness that
requires feeding.
A. A thin layer cools and solidifies where
the metal touches the mold surface.
River beds
Natural sands
Synthetic sands
Loam sands
Refractory sand grains
Water (moisture)
Natural Sands
It can be used as soon as received from source.
It contains binding material (5-20%), water (5-8%) and
considerable amount of
organic matter.
It can maintain moisture contain for long time.
The finishing obtained on natural sand molds is good.
It is cheaper compared to other sands.
It has lesser refractoriness.
It is employed for casting CI and non-ferrous metals.
Molds made of natural sand can be easily repaired.
When mixed with Bentonite, the properties of the sand gets
improved and it gets
properties like Synthetic sand.
Synthetic Sands
A synthetic sand consists of natural sand with or without clay,
binder and moisture.
The organic matter is not present in synthetic sand.
Synthetic sand is a formulated sand, formulation is done to
impart certain desired
properties not possessed by natural sand.
Possesses good refractoriness, high permeability, uniform grain
size as compared
to natural sand.
It is more suitable for mass production and mechanized
Loam Sands
It contains much more clay (50% or more) as compared to
ordinary sand.
The ingredients of Loam sand may be fine sand, clay, finely
ground refractories, graphite and
fibrous reinforcement.
Refractory Sands
1. Silica sand
2. Magnite
3. Zircon
4. Dolomite
5. Olivine
6. Silimanite
7. Graphite / Carbon
Properties of Refractory Sands
They maintain their shape and other characteristics at
high temperature.
When packed to produce the mold cavity, they remain
sufficiently porous or permeable
to give out gases produced during solidification of molten
They can be molded into intricate shapes.
They are chemically immune to molten metals.
They can be used repeatedly to make molds.
They are inexpensive.
They can be made available without much difficulty.
Molding Sand Composition
Base Sand
Silica sand is most commonly used base sand.
Other base sands that are also used for making mold are zircon sand, Chromite sand and
olivine sand.
Silica sand is cheapest among all types of base sand and it is easily available.
Binders are of many types such as, Clay binders, Organic binders and Inorganic binders
Clay binders are most commonly used binding agents mixed with the molding sands to
provide the strength.
Bentonite can absorb more water than fire clay which increases its bonding power.
Water (Moisture)
Clay acquires its bonding action only in the presence of the required amount of moisture.
When water is added to clay, it penetrates the mixture and forms a microfilm, which coats
the surface of each
flake of the clay.
The amount of water used should be properly controlled.
This is because a part of the water, which coats the surface of the clay flakes, helps in
bonding, while the remainder helps in improving the plasticity.
Typical Composition of Molding Sand
Grain Size
The grain shape and size of molding sand defines the total surface area of grains
contained in unit mass.
Total surface area is known as Specific Surface.
Specific surface gives rough idea of amount of binder needed to coat the grains of
molding sand.
Types of Casting Defects and How to Prevent Them
Also known as porosities, pinholes are smaller holes in the upper part of a casting. They’re
usually in groups near or at the casting’s surface and visible to the naked eye.
Blowholes are larger holes that can appear in the inside of a cast piece. Invisible to the
naked eye, interior blowholes are detectable by x-ray, harmonic, ultrasonic, or magnetic
analysis. Blisters, a variant of blowholes, are thinly covered shallow holes.
Open Holes
A type of blowhole, open holes appear at the piece’s surface. These defects are caused by
air getting trapped as metal is poured into the mold. There is also a shallow variant of open
holes called a scar.
What Causes Gas Porosity?
Holes like these tend to show up in badly vented areas or where too much dampness is
present. More specifically, they can be caused by sand with too much moisture, wet
ladles, insufficiently gasified sand, or the by the molten metal’s overly high temperature,
which leads to over absorption of gas.
You should also use good melting practices by melting the material in a vacuum, around
low-solubility gases, or under a flux, which prevents air from touching the molten metal.
If nothing else works, try pouring the molten metal at a lower temperature during the
casting to keep it from absorbing as much gas.
Shrinkage Defects
Shrinkage defects appear because metal alloys shrink as they cool. It is normal for an
alloy piece to shrink as it solidifies (which should be included in calculations when
designing the mold). However, defects occur when the metal shrinks unevenly, causing it
to either distort the shape of the final product or create interior holes. This can also stress
the metal.
Open Shrinkage Defects
Open shrinkage shows up on the surface of a cast product either as a dip (also known as a
caved surface) or a hole (also known as a pipe). When metal shrinks unevenly, it draws
air inside the mold in that area to create these types of defects.
Closed Shrinkage Defects
Closed shrinkage appears in the form of holes inside of a casting, generally where a part
of the liquid metal was hotter than the rest of the material. It can appear in macro or
micro form. Micro shrinkage, also called shrinkage porosity, looks to the naked eye like
jagged marks or lines. The holes, which look angular, can only be seen with a
Warping can happen either during the metal’s solidification or afterward, changing the
casting’s dimensions and shape. This stresses the metal and causes curving, especially in
large and flat sections of castings.
What Causes Shrinkage Defects?
Shrinkage defects show up when the liquid metal in the mold is not all the same temperature.
There are two possible causes for this: either the metal being poured into the mold is too hot
or the metal is solidifying unevenly. Uneven solidification often happens when mold design
ignores the rule of directional solidification. This rule states that the thinnest pieces of the
molded shape should solidify first, and the thickest pieces solidify last, to ensure shrinkage
doesn’t alter or damage the piece.
Additionally, molds can be given padding, which widens the ends of narrow pieces attached
to thicker parts, as this helps ensure the thicker sections get enough liquid metal before the
thin part solidifies. Some manufacturers also place cooling ribs, cooling coils, or chills inside
the molds to disperse heat faster. Pouring the metal at a lower temperature may also help.
Mold Material Defects
As suggested by the name, mold material defects are caused by the mold material, but
they can also be caused by mold design problems. This makes up the largest category of
casting defects, with seven basic types.
Cold Shot
Cold shot is balls or drops loosely attached to the casting, left over from splatters of molten
metal as it was being poured. Since they’re smaller, the splatters cool before the rest of the
casting and become embedded or attached.
Cold Shut
Cold shuts occur when metal flows into a mold from two or more points, but it’s too cold
to merge into a seamless piece. That’s when it creates a crack through the middle with
rounded edges, which becomes a weak spot in the casting.
Misruns, the close relatives of cold shuts, happen when the metal is so cool it solidifies
before it can fill the entire mold. Misruns show up as castings with parts missing.
What Causes Pouring Metal Defects?
Defects from pouring the metal all stem from the overly cold temperature of the metal
once it reaches the inside of the mold. These defects can be caused by simply pouring
in metal when it’s not hot enough. However, even with metal originally poured at the
optimum temperature, defects can be caused by poor gating systems that allow the
metal to cool off too much before it gets into the mold, or by mold sections that are
too thin. Thin sections can solidify and block off other mold sections due to their thin
Slag Inclusion
Slag inclusion happens when metal isn’t properly cleared of slag before being poured. It
simply means the finished casting will have impurities or foreign material embedded in
it. When the inclusion is dirt, castings will have a honeycomb or spongy look.
Hot Tears
Hot tears, also known as hot cracks, show up when the cooling metal contracts. In this
state, when the metal is still weak, residual stress in the metal or poor mold design can
cause the metal to pull apart, resulting in branching, irregular cracks. Sometimes these
are difficult to see with the naked eye.
Hot Spots
Also known as hard spots, these defects occur when certain parts of a casting cool off
faster than the areas around them, creating harder parts of the casting. These can wear out
tools and interfere in the machining process.
What Causes Metallurgical Defects?
Metallurgical defects are caused by different factors depending on the defect.Slag
inclusion happens before the metal makes it to the mold, when the metal isn’t purified
properly or too much of the top of the metal (where the slag is) is included in the pour.
When dirt or other foreign material apart from slag shows up, it can also be a sign that
the molds weren’t clean.
Hot tears are generally caused by badly designed molds, which don’t allow the cast part
to shrink in all directions. However, they can also be caused when the metal doesn’t have
enough tensile strength, the excess heat of the poured metal makes it shrink more than the
mold is calculated to allow for, or the cooling is uneven, creating internal stresses. Hot
tears can also be caused by cores or a mold that doesn’t deform properly in heat.
How to Prevent Metallurgical Defects
With hot spots and hot tears, the mold is the key. The chances of both can be greatly
reduced by using well-designed molds that evenly cool the casting and that deform the
proper way in hot conditions. Alternatively for hot spots, changing the chemical
composition may help to solve the problem.Slag must be removed before pouring. This
can be done by adding elements to the liquid to make slag float to the top where it can be
removed, or by using a ladle that pours metal from its bottom. Slag can also be kept out
of castings by putting a ceramic filter into the gating system.
Casting Shape Defects
Defects in the shape of a casting appear as either mismatches or flash. Shape
defects are some of the easiest to fix, since they generally involve readjusting
existing molds.
Mismatches, also known as shifts, are when different parts of a casting come
out misaligned with each other, usually horizontally. Similarly, core shift (also
known as vertical displacement) happens with misaligned cores.
Also called casting fins or burrs, flash shows up as extra material attached to
the casting, usually as a thin sheet that forms where parts of a mold meet. Flash
is one of the most common casting defects
What Causes Casting Shape Defects?
Mismatches happen when the upper and lower parts of a mold aren’t
properly lined up before the metal is poured, or the flask (which contains
the mold) is misaligned. Core shift, on the other hand, can happen when
box or pattern dowel pins are loose or inaccurate. Flash comes from a mold
that isn’t weighed down or clamped properly. It forms when there are gaps
in the core or mold.
This includes:
Cavity shrinkage.
Dendritic shrinkage.
Filamentary shrinkage.
Sponge shrinkage.
Non-destructive methods used for finding casting Defects.
The various casting defects may be on the surface, under the surface of the
solidified casting. These defects are found out by the below mentioned non-
Destructive Inspection methods.
Ultrasonic sound waves are in the frequency decibel which cannot be heared by
a human ear. The bats use this kind of sound waves in-order to find the
obstacles while flying. These waves will be reflected back to the source when
obstructed. Similarly, in ultrasonic testing there is a probe which sends the
ultrasonic sound waves into the metal part that is to be inspected. The sound
waves will be reflected back after hitting the other end of the metal.
If there is a crack in the middle of the metal part, then the sound waves will be
reflected before in advance.
This process is shown in the monitor as a graph. Thus the crack is identified
and decided wheather to rectify the crack or reject the metal part.
2. LPT (Liquid Penetrant Testing)
Chemicals Used.
1. Cleaner
3. Developer.
Initially the Casted Metal Part to be inspected is cleaned using Cleaner. Dust, oil, Grease
etc are removed. Then potassium permanganate solution is sprayed over the surface of the
metal part and allowed to remain for 5 – 7 mins. Then the potassium permanganate
solution is cleaned.
Now developer is applied over the surface. Due to capillary action the rose/pink colour
potassium permanganate liquid will reach the surface of the crack. And now the crack will
be visible in pink/rose color.Thus the surface cracks are inspected on the casting.
Investment casting produc es very high surface quality and dimensional accuracy.
Investment casting is com monly used for precision equipment such as su rgical equipment,
for complex g eometries and for precious metals.
This process is commonly used by artisans to produce highly detailed art work.
The first step is to produce a pattern or replica of the finished mould. Wax is most commonly
used to form the pattern, although plastic is also used.
Patterns are typically mass-produced by injecting liquid or semi-liquid wax into a permanent
Prototypes, small production runs and specialty projects can also be undertaken by carving
wax models.
Casting with expendable mould:
Investment Casting
Ans: The various types of patterns which are commonly used are as follows:
5) Gated pattern
2 Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of die casting.
Ans: Advantages:
• Light in mass
• Surface id smooth
Ans: While pouring the mould with molten metal mould walls and cores heat up rapidly
and releases large amount of gases. In order to prevent casting defects these gases must be
vented out. For this purpose core venting are used. Core venting are incorporated in the
core box itself.
• Core provides a means of forming the main internal cavity for hollow casting.
Ans: Investment casting process is also known as Lost-wax process. The term
investment refers to a clock or special covering apparel. In investment casting, the clock is
a refractory mould which surrounds the precoated wax pattern.
2. They form core seats in the mould when pattern is embedded in the sand for
mould making.
4. Though the core prints are the part of pattern, they do not appear on the cast part.
8. What are the advantages and applications of ceramic moulds?
Ans: Advantages:
• It is less expensive
• Intricate objects can be casted.
• Castings of thin sections and which do not require machining can be
• It is mainly used for all material using better ingredient in slurry.
1) Wood
2) Metal
3) Plastic
4) Plaster
5) Wax
10. Explain the term fettling.
Ans: Fettling is the name given to cover all those operations which help the
casting to give a good appearance. It includes the removal of cores, sand, gates,
risers, runners and other Unwanted projections from the casting.
1.Squeezer Machine.
2.Jolt machine.
3.Jolt – squeezer Machine.
4.Slinging Machines.
5.Patten draw Machines.
1.Cupola Furnace. 2.Open Hearth furnace 3.Crucible Furnace. 4.Pot Furnace. 5.Electric
The tuyers are used to supply air to the coke bed for complete burning.
Here we’ve covered the basics of gas porosity, shrinkage, mold
material, pouring metal, metallurgical, and casting shape defects,
including specific examples of defects that can appear in your
castings. Are you ready to start sourcing, now that you’re more
familiar with the types of faults that can appear in castings? If so,
you can check out our Supplier Discovery page, which has
information on over 500,000 North American suppliers. Or, if
you’d like to see out other industrial guides, you can check out the
guides section of our website for actionable information to help
you source better.