SME - Unit 4
SME - Unit 4
SME - Unit 4
General Layout of vehicles
Layouts of an Automobile
Layouts of an Automobile
Chassis and its construction
• At the time of manufacturing, the body of a vehicle is flexibly moulded according to the
structure of chassis.
• Automobile chassis is usually made of light sheet metal. It provides strength needed for
supporting vehicle components and payload placed upon it.
• Automobile chassis helps keep an automobile rigid, stiff and unbending. Auto chassis
ensures low levels of noise, vibrations and harshness throughout the automobile.
Chassis of an automobile generally consists of the following components suitably
mounted on it
– Engine and the Radiator
– Transmission system(clutch, gear box, propeller shaft etc.)
– Suspension system
– Road Wheels
– Steering System
– Brakes
– Fuel Tank
• Types of Chassis
– Backward control ( conventional chassis)
– Forward control
– Semi – forward control
Backward control ( conventional chassis)
• Here engine is usually mounted in front of driver’s seat. This offers
advantage as safety of driver in case of head collision.
• Driver’s front view is reduced as well as space utilization for pay load
is also reduced.
Forward control chassis
• The engine is mounted completely inside driver’s cabin.
• Full utilization of space.
• Driver’s safety is reduced to large extent in case of head on collision
with other vehicle.
Semi- forward control chassis
• Half engine fitted inside driver’s cabin.
• This chassis layout gives advantage good drivers safety and more
space utilization.
Steering System
i. Helps in swinging the wheels to the left or right.
ii. Converts the rotary movement of the steering wheel into an angular
turn of the front wheels.
iii. Provide easiness to the operator by leverage in order to make it fairly
easy to turn the wheels.
iv. Absorbs a major part of the road shocks thereby preventing them to get
transmitted to the hands of the operator
Types of Steering system
Ackerman Steering System
this is to convert rotary motion of steering wheel into angular motion of
front wheel to turn vehicle
1. Axle beam
i. Vehicle chassis is supported on axle beam
ii. Axle beam take the weight of the vehicle and transmit it to stub
2. Stub Axle
i. It is pivoted at the two ends of the axle beam by king pins
ii. one end of stub axle is connected to wheel and otherend is
connected to tie rod
3. King Pin
King pin is used to pivots the the stub axle on axle beam
4. Tie Rod
i. Two stub axle connected together through tie rod
ii. The length of tie rod can adjust
6. Steering Wheel
To turn the vehicle we have to rotate the steering wheel
Steering wheel is connected to steering column
i. To turn the vehicle we have to rotate the steering wheel
ii. As steering wheel is connected to steering column, so as we rotate
the steering wheel, steering column also rotate
iii. When steering column rotates, the pinion mounted on steering
Column also rotate
iv. Now the rotary motion of the pinion is converted into linear motion
of rack and tie rod
v. As per the rotation angle the length of tie rod can adjusted
vi. Now as the tie rod is connected to stub axle, the linear motion of
the tie rod oscillate the stub axle about the king pin
vii. Stub axle is connected to wheel
viii. Hence as the stub axle oscillates, wheel takes a turn
i. Simple geometry and ease of calculations
ii. Avoids front tire slippage and helps in achieving pure rolling
iii. Easy to fabricate
iv. Takes minimum space compared to other steering geometry like the
Davis geometry
Many modern cars uses this mechanism
i. Single Plate Clutch is a type of friction clutch in which power is
transmitted by means of friction between the contact surface usually
called clutch plates.
ii. As name suggest a this clutch consists of only one clutch plate with both
side friction lining (frictional surface).
iii. These surfaces have high Coefficient of friction.
iv. Single plate clutch also called dry clutch because no lubricant is used as
i. A single plate clutch is consisting of various parts; for proper
ii. They are arranged in a systematical order. Mainly it consists of
following parts
1. Clutch plate:
i. In single plate clutch only one clutch plate is used.
ii. Clutch plate is main component of clutches.
iii. It is thin disc type metallic plate having both side frictional
iv. Clutch plate is assembled in between flywheel and pressure plate.
2. Pressure plate:
i. The pressure plate which is generally made up of cast iron.
ii. It helps in applying pressure on clutch plates to maintain the proper
contact between the surfaces of flywheel and clutch plate by means
of spring which are attached to it.
3. Springs:
i. Springs are used to maintain the pressure on pressure plate for
proper connection between clutch plate and flywheel
ii. prevent the slipping of contact surfaces.
4. Flywheel:
Flywheel is attached to engine output and its other side comes in contact
with clutch plate when pressure is applied by the pressure plate.
i. Working of single plate clutch is very simple.
ii. A mechanism is responsible for the engagement and disengagement
of clutch.
iii. We easily engage and disengage the torque transmitting shafts just
by apply some force on the paddle of automobile.
iv. A lever is attached to the paddle which is responsible for the force
transmission from the paddle.
v. When pedal is pressed spring is compressed and engine is free to
move without any load. lever is attached in such a manner when we
press the clutch paddle pressure plate moves away from the
flywheel; due to this the connection between the clutch plate and
flywheel released and shafts are disengaged.
vi. During this disengaged position, only driving shaft rotates
viii. This time we can easily change gears in case of automobiles.
Again if we want to engage the shafts just release the clutch
paddle; then springs attached to the pressure plate push the
pressure plate forward.
ix. Clutch plate has both side friction lining that’s why it mounted
in between pressure plate and flywheel and helps in torque
i. The working of the single plate clutch is simple.
ii. Single plate clutches have quick operation and respond fast.
iii. No requirement of coolant because less heat is generated
therefore they are called dry clutches.
i. It has less torque transmitting capacity
ii. It has bigger in size even for transmitting less torque.
iii. It requires high maintenance because they are dry clutches
and it is necessary to prevent them from moisture or any
leakage of lubricant/oil in machinery.
iv. Single plate clutches have high wear and tear rate
These are used in large size automobiles where radial space
is not constrain
Brake is the mechanical device used to slow down or completely stop the
motion of a moving system by applying an artificial frictional resistance.
Drum Brake
i. This system is also known as the ‘Internal Expanding Shoe Type’
brake system.
ii. This type of brake got its name from the drum structure of
Consists of following parts
i. A cylindrical drum itself made of cast iron
ii. A brake shoe actuating mechanism – either by a cam or a hydraulic
wheel cylinder
iii. A pair of brake shoes (one each of Leading & Trailing)
iv. Shoe adjuster
v. Return springs
vi. Anchor Plate / pins
vii. In this system, the brake shoes are actuated by a cam, which is pedal.
viii. When you press the brake pedal, the cam turns..
iii. Thus, it causes the brake shoes to expand outwards and rub against
the drum.
iv. The friction between the brake linings and the drum causes the drum
to stop rotating; thereby stopping the wheel.
v. When you release the brake pedal, the retracting springs bring the
brake shoes back to their original position.
vi. This results in a gap between them and the drum and to again spin it
vii. Simple design.
viii. Fewer parts.
ix. Easy & cheaper to manufacture.
x. Low maintenance
i. Low braking force compared to Discs.
ii. Brakes 'fade' when the driver applies them for a prolonged time.
iii. The brake shoe lining made of asbestos is harmful to humans.
iv. When wet, the braking grip reduces considerably.
Two-wheelers such as scooters, commuter bikes, three-wheelers
including auto-rickshaws
Disc brake
1. Wheel Hub
i. The disc rotor is attached to the wheel hub and it rotates with it.
ii. The wheel of the vehicle is bolted to the wheel hub.
2. Caliper Assembly
The caliper assembly consist of
(i) Brake pad: It makes contact with the rotor disc and due to the
friction between the brake pad and rotor disc the vehicle speed
reduces and it stops.
(ii) Caliper bracket
(iii) Caliper frame
(iv) Dust boots: It prevents the entry of dust into the caliper pin or slider
pin hole
3. Piston
It applies the brake force on the brake pads when brake lever is pressed
4. Disc Rotor
i. It is the rotating part of disc brake.
ii. When brakes are applied, a lot of heat is generated which can
decrease the braking efficiency, so the rotor has drilled vent holes on
it which dissipates the heat.
i. When brake pedal is pressed, the high pressure fluid from the master
cylinder pushes the piston outward.
ii. The piston pushes the brake pad against the rotating disc.
iii. As the inner brake pad touches rotor, the fluid pressure exerts
further force and the caliper moves inward and pulls the outward
brake pad towards the rotating disc and it touches the disc.
iv. Now both the brake pads are pushes the rotating disc, a large amount
of friction is generated in between the pads and rotating disc and
slows down the vehicle and finally let it stop.
v. When brake pad is released, the piston moves inward, the brake pad
away from the rotating disc.
vi. And the vehicle again starts to move.
i. It is lighter than drum brakes.
ii. It has better cooling
iv. It provides uniform pressure distribution
v. Replacement of brake pads are easy.
vi. It is costlier than drum brakes.
ii. Higher pedal pressure is required for stopping the vehicle.
iii. This brake system is installed with vacuum booster.
iv. It is difficult to attach a suitable parking attachment.
Suspension System
• The automobile chassis is mounted on the axles through some form
of springs. This is done to isolate vehicle body from the road shocks
which may be in the form of bounce, pitch, roll or sway. This will
give rise to uncomfortable ride and also cause additional stress in
the automobile frame and body.
All the parts which performs the function of isolating the vehicle
from the road shocks are collectively called a suspension system.
i. To maintain correct vehicle ride height
ii. To Reduce the effect of shock forces.
iii. To maintain correct wheel alignment.
iv. To Support vehicle weight.
v. To Keep the tyres in contact with the road.
Types of Suspension System
Tube Telescopic Shock Absorber
this type of shock absorber consists of
1. Tubes
i. This consists of two tubes
ii. one inner tube shown by symbol A and other outer tube shown by
symbol B.
2. 2 way valves
iii. There are two 2 way valves
iv. one is shown by V1 and other is by V2.
v. Valve V1 is connected with a piston rod and free to move vertically
inside the tube A.
vi. The Valve V2 is fixed at one end of the tube A.
3. Oil
Oil is filled inside the tube A below the valve V1 .
iii. At the initial position piston or we can say valve V1 is at middle of
the cylinder.
iv. The annular space between tube A and B is half filled with the oil.
iii. When the vehicle come across a bump, the eye E2 tends to move
iv. Therefor to absorb the bump valve V1 start to move downward
which compress the fluid trapped between the valve V1 and V2.
v. This will pressuring the valve V1 and V2 thus the oil start to move
from upper side of the valve assembly through valve V1 and also
some oil move in the annular space between tube A and B through
valve V2.
vi. This process converts all the vibration energy into fluid friction and
absorbs shocks.
vii. When the vehicle rebound, the valve V1 start to move upward which
again pressuring the valve V1 hence it open again and the oil start to
flow below valve V1.
viii. During its upward movement it also sucks some oil from the annular
space between tube A and B thus the vehicle get its initial condition.
i. This shock absorber is available in various size according to the
ii. Noise free operation
iii. Less maintenance required.
iv. Low manufacturing cost.
v. High operating speed.
vi. Simple Working
Cooling System
i. Normal process produces heat that must be carried away by coolant
ii. Cooling system transfers heat to cooler outside air when engine is
iii. Cooling system keeps heat in the engine when engine is not warm
iv. Modern cooling systems are designed to maintain an even
temperature of about 180 to 230°F (82 to 113°C).
Types of Cooling system
Air Cooling System -Use in two wheelers for that fins are provided on the
outer surface of engine.
Water Cooling System –Use in cars, buses, trucks.
Types of Cooling system
i. Thermo-syphon Water Cooling System is based on the fact that water
becomes light on heating.
ii. In this water is used as a coolant
this system consists of
1. Radiator
i. The radiator is cooled by causing air to flow over it
ii. The radiator consists of
Collector tank
Tubes with fins
2. Water Jacket
The top and bottom of the radiator are connected to the top and bottom of
the cylinder water jacket respectively with the help of pipes.
i. The engine is surrounded by a water jacket
ii. The water flows through a water jacket and absorbs heat from the
iii. Now this heated water flows through a radiator
iv. As the radiator consists of fins, heated water becomes cold.
v. This cooled water from the lower tank is passed into the cylinder
water jacket and
vi. hence circulated again for the process.
i. Higher heat transfer rates compared to air cooling
ii. More heat is removed because of higher heat capacity of liquid
iii. Very suitable for massive engines which need large amount of heat
to be removed
iv. Extra equipment like radiator, pipes, motor are required.
v. Extra power is required to drive the liquid(unlike natural motion like
vi. Need to build liquid jackets around cylinder to remove heat .
This system is highly effective used in four-wheelers
Multi Point Fuel Injection
Need For MPFI
i. Due to ever increasing stricter environmental regulations automobile
industry is required to meet very strict emission norms.
ii. Catalytic converters were introduced for this purpose.
iii. Now for catalytic converter to be effective very careful control of the
air-fuel was required.
iv. It was not feasible to achieve this type of close loop control with
v. Gradually new engines are equipped with MPFI system. MPFI have
a fuel injector for each cylinder.
vi. MPFI spray right at the intake valve and provide more accurate fuel
metering and quicker response.
Fuel Supply and Fuel injection for Petrol Engine
this system consists of
1. Fuel tank
Fuel is stored in tank
2. Fuel pump
i. Fuel pump increase the pressure of petrol before feeding it to the
fuel rail
ii. The fuel pump is driven by an electric motor
3. Fuel filter
Fuel filter is used to remove the dirt particles
4. Pressure regulator
Pressure regulator controls the pressure of fuel in fuel rail
5. Fuel injector
i. the fuel injector is placed at the top of every cylinder
ii. The high pressure fuel enters in the fuel injector and the fuel injector
injects the fuel into cylinder
Multi point fuel injection (MPFI) systems are used in Gasoline (or petrol)
engines to inject fuel.
Fuel Supply and Fuel injection for diesel
Propeller Shaft
It is the shaft which connects the transmission output shaft to the
differential mechanism at the rear wheels. In other words the shaft
which transmits the engine power from slip joint (sliding joint) to
wheels throw differential, this power used for to move the vehicle
from one place to another.
• It transmits rotary motion of the gearbox output shaft to the
• It transmits motion at some angle which varies frequently.
• It is made up of a steel hollow tube, which are connected
with slip joint and two universal joints.
• Having diameter 50 to 70mm and thickness from 1.5 to7.5
• The slip joint are made on the propeller shaft with external
splines on shaft and internal splines on the sleeve.
Propeller Shaft
Universal Joint
When the car is taking a turn, the outer wheels will have to travel greater
distance as compared to inner wheels in this case differential works. The less
rotation of a inner wheel and more rotation to outer wheel it is possible by
only using different gears in differential. Or inner wheel steady and outer
wheel in running condition. Due to every vehicle required differential.
• Reduce speed and increase torque
• Change the direction of torque as gearbox
output shaft is longitudinal.i.e. it turns the
drive of propeller shaft to that of the wheels.
Schematic dia. Of Differential
• An axle is a straight shaft that is fixed in location and is
used to mount rotating wheels or gears. The wheel or gear
can be attached to it with a built-in bearing or bushing. A
bearing or bushing fits inside the center of the wheel and
allows it to rotate without affecting the axle itself.
• In a vehicle, the axle absorbs braking and acceleration
forces, as well as the actual weight of the vehicle. It forms
a central part of the structural strength of the vehicle, and
it must be able to absorb the weight and transfer the
forces away from the wheels in order to reduce pressure
on the joints of the vehicle.
There are three different kinds of axles in vehicles :
Straight (single drive and non-drive) axle
Split axle
Gear Box
N=Speed of Gear
D=Diameter of Gear
T=No.Of teeth on Gear
The following formulae are used for solving the examples.
An anti-lock braking system (ABS) is a safety anti-skid braking system used
in cars, motorcycles, trucks, and buses
CNG Engine