02 Manuale Laser Sezione

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GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

CLUTCH PEDAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Removals and installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CLUTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CLUTCH MASTER CYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pressure plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Clutch disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fork, sliding sleeve, and thrust
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Technical features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Checks and adjustments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16



1 - Clutch and brakes hydraulic system supply tank 6 - Pressure plate

2 - Clutch pedal 7 - Thrust bearing
3 - Clutch master cylinder 8 - Sliding sleeve
4 - Engine flywheel 9 - Fork
5 - Diaphragm spring 10 - Clutch operating cylinder

The clutch is of single dry plate type; it is composed of The pressure exerted by diaphragm spring 5, drives
a clutch disk, pressure plate 6, fitted with a diaphram the driven plate.
spring 5, and a thrust bearing 7. The clutch disengagement is realized through master
The thrust bearing is kept in constant contact with the cylinder 2 which, operated by pedal 3, transmits the li-
diaphragm spring through a spring inside jack 10. quid pressure increase to the piston of operating cylin-
The clutch plate is circular for the models 110 or der 10. This last, acts on clutch disengagement con-
star-shaped for the models 130-150, it is made of a trol fork 9 throug a pushrod, and moves sleeve 8 and
high friction coefficient material with extremely limited thrust bearing 7 which overcomes the diaphragm
wear. spring action.
The clutch casing is fitted with air intakes to permit the Through the seal rings that exert friction on operating
heavily stressed components to be effectively cooled cylinder, the piston takes up the possible backlash,
down. thus automatically recovering the clutch plate wear.


1 - Split pin
2 - Return spring
3 - Pin
4 - Washer
5 - Seeger ring
6 - Adjuster
7 - Pedal support
8 - Screw
9 - Clutch pedal
10 - Washer
11 - Lever
12 - Eccentric pin
13 - Bracket
14 - Bolt
15 - Washer
16 - Pin
17 - Bracket
18 - Frame
19 - Spring retainer

1. Remove the tractor engine side lids, and unscrew
the two bolts securing heat shield 1 to rear bulkhead 2.

1 - Heat shield
2 - Rear bulkhead


2. Operating from the inside of the cabin, remove the

split pin 3 and take off the retaining pin 2 from the fork 4
the pedal 6 recovering the washer.

Take care not to press the clutch pedal since it is
fitted with a return spring that moves the pedal
abruptly to the end of travel.

3. Unloosen the two retaining screws 5 from the pump

to the bracket 7. Take off with caution from the engine
bay the pump without removing the entrance and exit

1 - Pedal retaining screw

2 - Washer
3 - Seeger ring
4 - Clutch pedal
5 - Bracket

1 - Lever
2 - Pin
3 - Split pin
4 - Master cylinder fork
6 - Pedal
7 - Lever support bracket and pedal return spring Visually inspect all the disassembled components,
and replace those that are worn or damaged, verifying
in particular the following:
1. Verify that both pedal and related pad are not defor-
4. Unloosen the two retaining screws of the bracket 5 med or strained.
displaced in the engine bay and beneath the instruc- 2. Check that pins and related seats are not too worn
tion panel, then unloosen the retaining screw 1 of the or seized.
pedal 4 to the support, remove the Seeger ring 3 and 3. Verify that spring is not damaged or strained.
the washer 2 then take off the pedal 4 from the support 4. Check that bearing rotates freely and that no exces-
integral with the instruction panel removing contem- sive backlash is present.
porarily the leverage of the pedal.


Install the clutch pedal by reversing the order of remo-
val, complying with the following.
— Refer to the enlarged view, and lubricate the
bush of pedal 9, pins 16 and 12 of lever 11, and
retaining pin of the pump fork, using the prescri-
bed grease.
— Replace the split pins.
— Adjust the clutch pedal (refer to: Adjustment).

After having installed the various components, per-
form the adjustments required following the procedure

1. Positioning of lever 1 and clutch pedal 6.

(1) Keep pedal 6 against end-of-travel 1
(2) Loosen locknut 2, tighten screw 3 until lever 1 is at
the end of travel; tighten locknut 2.

2. Adjustment of master cylinder control fork.

(1) With pedal 6 against lever 1 loosen locknut 9, and 1 - Lever
2 - Locknut
act on rod 10 (screwing or unscrewing it) until taking 3 - Adjusting screw
up the backlash between master cylinder piston and 4 - Master cylinder fork
pedal 6. 5 - Lock
(2) Act again on rod 10 to restore 0.5 to 1 mm (0.02 6 - Clutch pedal
to 0.4 in) backlash between master cylinder and pe- 7 - Bolt
dal 6 corresponding to pedal idle travel “C”. 8 - Eccentric pin
9 - Locknut
C = 4 to 8 mm (0.16 to 0.31 in) 10 - Control rod

(3) At the end of adjustment, tighten locknut 9.

3. Adjustment of pedal return device.

(1) Press pedal 6 fully, then release it, and verify that
return takes place gradually.
(2) If not, loosen bolt 7 and rotate the eccentric 8; lock
bolt 7, and repeat the check. Repeat the operation un-
til pedal returns gradually.
(3) Should the adjustment with eccentric 8 not be suffi- CLUTCH MASTER
cient, loosen locknut 2, and gradually change the posi-
tion of lever 1 by unscrewing screw 3, until the pedal
optimal return is obtained; tighten locknut 2.
1. Remove the clutch master cylinder (refer to: Clutch
Pedal - Removal - Steps 1. to 3.).

CAUTION 2. Referring to the following exploded view, discon-

The adjustment through screw 3 must be carried nect the entry and exit piping unscrewing the pipe
out only when strictly necessary, since it increa- union 2 and extract the union 5.
ses the load or pedal 6.



1 - Master cylinder 12 - Piston

2 - Delivery piping union 13 - Seal ring
3 - Supply piping 14 - Rod
4 - Clamp 15 - Support disk
5 - Union 16 - Seeger ring
6 - Spring 17- Boot
7 - Clamp disk 18 - Fork
8 - Spring 19 - Nut
9 - Spring shoulder 20 - Setscrew
10 - Seal ring 21 - Plug
11 - Intermediate ring 22 - Gasket

1. Withdraw boot 5, remove Seeger ring 2 and with-

draw rod 4 together with support disk 3.

1 - Master cylinder 4 - Rod

2 - Seeger ring 5 - Boot
3 - Support disk


2. Place the master cylinder on a vice fitted with pro- CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS
tective jaws, then, partially pushing the piston towards
master cylinder inside as shown in the figure, unscrew
the screw securing the piston and remove it together CAUTION
with the spring underneath. To clean and wash the master cylinder compo-
nents use only the oil prescribed for the brakes
and clutch. Do not use petrol, kerosene, or other
mineral oils to prevent damaging the rubber com-

1. Check for scratches on both inner and outer sliding

surfaces of piston. Replace it if required.
2. Verify that the seal ring seats are clean. If required,
blow compressed air into the seats.
3. Check conditions of seal rings and boot; replace the
damaged components.
4. Check all components, openings, and master cylin-
der internal passages, and verify that they are dean
3. Refer to the enlarged view and, working with the ap- and free from foreign matter.
propriate tool, remove the bowl and the second spring 5. Verify that springs are not strained or deformed, re-
from the inside of the cylinder pump taking care not to place them if required.
damage the inside surface.


1 - Spring
2 - Pump
3 - Piston
4 - Spring
5 - Bowl
6 - Shoulder ring
7 - Union
8 - Seal ring
9 - Intermediate ring
10 - Seal ring
11 - Support place
12 - Seeger ring
13 - Boot
14 - Nut
15 - Fork
16 - Rod
17 - Set screw
18 - Cap

Reassemble the master cylinder by reversing the or-

der of removal, complying with the following: — If fork 15 has been disassembled, verify that,
— Lubricate the relative motion sliding surfaces with with the rod 16 kept completely outwards, dis-
the grease prescribed. tance “X” between the master cylinder body res-
— When inserting the piston 3 into cylinder 2 verify ting plane and the centre of fork hole is that pres-
that the slot present on the piston is correctly ali- cribed for the model of tractor in object (refer to:
gned with the set screw 17. Technical Data and Specifications - Checks and
— Verify the master cylinder correct functioning, Adjustments).
making sure that the piston performs the whole If not so, remove the boot, loosen locknut 1 and
travel freely. screw or unscrew fork 2 accordingly, until the
locknut is blocked; refit the boot.


Install the master cylinder on tractor by reversing the
order of removal; then proceed to bleed the hydraulic
system (refer to: Hydraulic System Bleeding).

1 - Locknut
2 - Fork


1 - Operating cylinder body

2 - Bleeder plug
3 - Supply pipe union
4 - Spring
5 - Piston
6 - Seal ring
7 - Clamp
8 - Dust cover
9 - Clamp
10 - Pushrod

1. Cut clamp 5 securing boot 4 to fork 6.
2. Unscrew union 3 and disconnect supply pipe 2 of
Keep fork 6 in contact with the clutch sliding
operating cylinder 1 plugging it suitably.
sleeve, to prevent it unhooking.
3. Unscrew the two screws securing clutch operating
cylinder, and remove it recovering the pushrod.


1. Check for scratches on both inner and outer sliding

surfaces of piston. Replace it if required.
2. Verify that the seal ring seats are clean, if necessa-
ry, blow compressed air into the seats.
3. Verify conditions of seal rings, dust cover, and
spring efficiency; replace the damaged components.
4. Verify that bleeder ho le is free from impurities.


1 - Control lever
2 - Dust cover
3 - Pushrod
1 - Clutch operating cylinder 4 - Boot 4 - Piston
2 - Supply pipe 5 - Clamp 5 - Seal ring
3 - Union 6 - Fork 6 - Jack cylinder
7 - Spring
8 - Union

DISASSEMBLY Reassemble the clutch operating cylinder on tractor

by reversing the order of removal, complying with the
Refer to the exploded view and proceed as follows. following:
— Lubricate with the prescribed grease the relative
1. Loosen clamp 7, and remove it together with boot 8. sliding surfaces.
2. Supplying with low pressure compressed air, care- — Control the correct functioning of the operating
fully withdraw piston from cylinder. cylinder. being sure that the piston 4 makes the
3. Extract spring 4 from operating cylinder, and uns- full traverse freely.
crew bleeder screw 2 . Withdraw seal ring 6 from pis-
ton 5.
Reassemble the clutch operating cylinder on tractor
CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS by reversing the order of removal, complying with the
— Verify that fork is correctly secured to the clutch
CAUTION sliding sleeve.
To clean and wash the operating cylinder components — Before connecting the operating cylinder, fill it
use only the oil prescribed for the brakes and clutch. Do with the prescribed oil to facilitate the bleeding
not use petrol, kerosene, or other mineral oils to pre- operation.
vent damaging the rubber components. — Bleed the hydraulic system (refer to: Hydraulic
System Bleeding).



1. Visually inspect that all piping and unions of the sys-
tem are in good conditions. Replace the damage com-
2. In the event of oil leaks from unions, if due to loose-
ning, restore the correct tightening and, if required, re-
place the damaged components.


1. Remove the plug of brake and clutch hydraulic sys-
tem supply tank and, by means of syringe, suck the oil
from the tank.
2. Loosen the clamps securing the hose connecting
tank to master cylinder, and remove it.
3. Unscrew the unions of the pipe connecting master
cylinder to clutch operating cylinder and remove it.
4. Install the piping by reversing the order of removal,
providing for system bleeding (refer to: Hydraulic Sys-
tem Bleeding).

3. Loosen the bleeder screw and, at the same time,

fully press the clutch pedal; then tighten the bleeder
screw, and slowly release the pedal.
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING Repeat the operation until the air bubbles are elimina-
Bleeding of brake and clutch hydraulic system is to be 4. With the pedal fully pressed, tighten the bleeder
carried out each time the system is connected or when screw and remove the hose.
air enters it.

— Do not reuse the oil drained during the bleeding To facilitate the bleeding operation, it is possible to
operation. disconnect the supply pipe from the clutch operating
— During the bleeding operation, keep the oil level in cylinder, and push the pushrod into the operating cy-
the tank above the min. mark. linder so that the air is eliminated from the supply pi-
ping. This operation is required in the event that the
pedal becomes spongy when carrying out normal
1. Remove the top-up plug from the hydraulic system
supply tank and, if necessary restore the level using 5. Restore the oil level in the tank using the oil prescri-
the oil prescribed. bed; refit the relative plug.
2. Fit a hose on the bleeder screw of clutch operating 6. Verify the correct functioning of the system, and ad-
cylinder, and submerge its end into a transparent just the clutch disengagement and speed engage-
container filled with the same oil of the system. ment.



1 - Engine flywheel
2 - Clutch disk
3 - Pressure plate
4 - Dowel pin
5 - Sliding sleeve
6 - Splines
7 - Fork
8 - Lever
9 - Split pin
10 - Thrust bearing

3. Carefully remove both pressure plate and clutch
1. Disconnect the engine (refer to: Engine Removal). disk.
2. Insert centering tool 5.9030.256.0/10 with bush 4. Remove sliding sleeve 1 by withdrawing it from the
5.9030.541.0 on the flywheel, and unscrew the nine support of mini reduction gear main shaft.
screws securing pressure plate.

Should washing of the inside gearbox be required,
protect the self-lubricated thrust bearing that
must not be washed in any case.

1 Sliding sleeve


5. Operating on the gearbox, cut the clamp securing

the clutch operating cylinder boot to control lever.
6. Remove split pin 1, and withdraw outer lever 2 to
the left, keeping fork 3 still. During the operation, reco-
ver the two splines 4.

1 - Split pin
2 - Fork control lever
3 - Fork
4 - Spline


Before carrying out the checks and verifications, use
the appropriate solvent to wash all components, ex-
cept the thrust bearing, to eliminate any traces of dirt
and grease.

1 Flywheel
2 Flywheel working surface
FLYWHEEL 3 Pressure plate resting plane

Verify that the flywheel working surface 2 is free form

signs of overheat, irregular wear, scratches or mate-
rial removal.
1. If required, disassemble the flywheel (refer to: PRESSURE PLATE
Engine - Disassembly - Preliminary Operations) and
grind both working surface and resting plane 3 of pres- Check for signs of overheat, irregular wear. scratches,
sure plate. material removal on pressure plane working surface
2. The same quantity of material removed when grin- 2; check also for signs of excessive wear on the thrust
ding the working surface 2 shall be removed also from bearing resting plane. If required, replace the pres-
pressure plate resting plane 3, so as not to modify di- sure plate.
mension “A".


4. Check that the clutch hub is in good conditions and

that it slides without excessive backlash or seizing on
direct drive shaft. If required, replace the clutch disk.


1. Verify that the clutch control fork is free from defor-
mations, cracks, or excessive wear in the working
areas. Replace it if required.
2. Visually inspect that both sleeve and thrust bearing
are free from deformations or signs of excessive wear
in the working areas. In the event of bearing hardening
or seizing, replace it. Check also that the sliding surfa-
ces of both bearing and sleeve are free from signs of
seizing or excessive backlash. Replace the damaged

1 - Pressure plate REASSEMBLY

2 - Pressure plate working surface
3 - Diaphragm spring NOTE

Clutches are marked with a point having different co-

CLUTCH DISK lour in relation to the models, as shown in the following
1. Check that all gaskets of clutch disk are free from
burns and grease, the securing rivets correctly riveted
and for Models 100 that the springs are in good condi- Colour Model
2. In the event of clutch malfunctions due to oil leaks Green 150
from engine or gearbox, replace the seal rings where
the leaks occurred. Wash the clutch disk, or replace it Red 130
if required.
3. Use a gauge to check that the gasket wear is uni- White 110
form and that the thickness of clutch disk is not near
the limit value for the model of tractor in object (refer
to: Technical Data and Specifications - Checks and Install the clutch by reversing the order of removal,
Adjustments). complying with the following.
— Refer to the exploded view and lubricate the fol-
lowing components with the grease prescribed:
lever 8 on gearbox, through the side grease nip-
ples, and the inner sliding surface of sliding
sleeve 5 through the appropriate grease nipple.
— Once the fork has been reassembled, insert the
split pin by bending one end only.
— Mount the clutch disk and pressure plate, by cen-
tering them on the engine flywheel by means of
tool 5.9030.256.0/10 with bush 5.9030.541.0

The protruding part of clutch disk must face the gear-
box. An arrow is marked on clutch disk indicating the
rotation direction (clockwise, seen from the gearbox

— Install the engine (refer to: Engine - Installation).


1 - Engine flywheel 12 - Clutch main shaft 23 - Seal ring

2 - Rivet 13 - P.T.O. shaft 24 - Piston
3 - Clutch plate 14 - Flanged sleeve 25 - Spring
4 - Shoulder ring 15 - Coupling fork 26 - Union
5 - Flat spring 16 - Pin 27 - Screw
6 - Clutch plate 17 - Clutch secondary shaft cover 28 - Rivet
7 - Clutch plate hub 18 - Nut 29 - Safety button
8 - Thrust bearing cover 19 - Pin 30 - Screw
9 - Thrust bearing 20 - Operating cylinder shaft 31 - Toothed bush connecting flywheel
10 - Thrust bearing inside ring 21 - Boot P.T.O. shaft
11 - Sliding sleeve 22 - Operating cylinder body




Gearbox clutch

110 130 150

Constructor VALEO

Circular single disk

Clutch type with diaphram 7 point star single disk with diaphram spring

Control type Hydrostatic

Sleeve coupling traverse mm 110+1

Disk diameter mm 348

Clutch disk thickness mm 7,5 (max use) 9,7 + 10,2 - under thrust 1260 - of N

Friction material type Cerametallik

Pump type Benditalia Ø 1



Unit: mm (in)

Dimension quota
110 130 150

Clutch plate minimum thickness 7,5 (0.295) 9,7 (0.381)

Distance ”X” between face and fork hole

162 ± 3 (6.377 ± 0.188)


Fluids and lubricants

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Lever work bushes and sleeve

Grease AGIP GREASE 30 110 -
and fork contact surface

Inside sleeve surface Grease AGIP GREASE 30 130 -

Topping up hydraulic oil tank

Hydraulic oil AGIP ATF DEXRON 150
clutch operating control

Tool no. Denomination Page ref.

5.9030.256.0/10 Centering pin 11, 13

5.9030.541.0 Centering pin bush 11, 13

5.9030.48S.4 Clutch disassembly bench -



Condition Probable cause Corrective action

Replace the front gear box and rear en-

gine retaining ring
Traces of lubricant in clutch housing
Clean with petrol the gasket contact sur-
The clutch slides face and verify the functioning efficiency

Worn clutch plate Replace disk

Thrust bearing hardened on the seat Replace and clean the seat

Dirty plate surface Clean the friction surface

Deformed plate surface Replace disk

The clutch jerks
Worn plate Replace disk

Loose plate gasket Replace disk

Worn clutch plate Replace disk

Check the traverse of the piston and re-

Inefficient hydraulic pump
place the worn part

Clean with meta I brush and petrol the

The clutch does not disconnect Clutch plate stuck to the flywheel
contact surface
(with engine on the gears engage
with difficulty) Incorrect oil Replace oil

Inefficient jack drive Overhaul and/or replace

Piping clogged or damaged Overhaul and if necessary replace

Air present in the system Release the air

The clutch is noisy when discon-

Worn parts in the clutch mechanism Replace the parts





GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Play adjustment of the gearbox main and
Rear gearbox pump cover removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 counter shaft bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Removal of axle shaft side support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Play adjustment of clutch shaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Engine gearbox separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Epicyclic reduction gear withsuper
Removal and reattachment of back and reduction play adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
front gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 REAR GEARBOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
EXTERNAL GEARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Epicyclic reduction gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
FRONT GEARBOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Rods and forks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Clutch P.T.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Shafts and gearing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Shaft P.T.O. for front traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Preliminary operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Gearbox with mini reduction gear and Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
reversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Crown gear and pinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Gearbox with super reduction gear and Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
reversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Standard gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Remounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Differential blocking system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Preliminary operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 TECHNICAL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS. . . . 100
Gearbox with mini reduction gear and Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
reversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Gearbox counter shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Super reduction and reversal gearbox . . . . . . . 58 General prescriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Reversal shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CORRECTIVE
Standard gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Final operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112



1 - Valve
2 - Oil union
3 - Gasket
The transmission has been designed to stand up to 4 - Seeger ring
5 - Spacer
the most rigorous conditions of use of the whole trac- 6 - O-ring
tion guarantees a more complete manouverability. 7 - Cap
8 - Gear shaft registration screw
9 - Nut
It is constructed with two fundamental parts: 10 - Gasket
— the gearbox completely synchronized 11 - Gearbox cover fixing screw
— the epicyclic reduction gear with movable sleeve. 12 - Washer
13 - Gearbox oil introduction cap
14 - Gasket
15 - Front gearbox lever cover
On models 110 the gearbox comes complete with four 16 - Lever cover gasket
gears and the reverse, which coupled with 3 speed 17 - Pump support cover gasket
epicyclic reduction gear (switch range) puts twelve 18 - Rear gearbox pump cover
forward gears and three reverse gears at the disposi- 19 - Hydraulic lifting housing
tion of the driver. 20 - Hydraulic lifting box fixing screw
On request for models 110, models 130 and 150 come 21 - Gasket
already mounted with a supplementary reduction 22 - Lifting group oil sump collector
(mini reduction gear) on the main gearbox, necessari- 23 - Spring
ly accompained by the reversal, which increases the 24 - Oil sump
25 - Hydraulic lifting Box gasket
range of gears to twenty forward and twelve reverse, 26 - Gasket
this solution is necessary in order to use the tractor in 27 - PTO back shaft cover
particularly difficult jobs or transport. On request, it is 28 - PTO protection
always possible to alternate the assembly for a sup- 29 - Washer
plementary reducer with a particularly high reduction 30 - PTO protection fixing screw
(super reduction gear) always accompained by a re- 31 - PTO flange support fixing screw
versal, on models in the range. The gearbox on mo- 32 - Gasket
dels 130 and 150 is equipped with epicyclic gears, and 33 - PTO flange support
is guaranteed a notably silent working and high me- 34 - Flange gasket
35 - Back support
chanical efficiency; the lubrication of the pressure 36 - Differential block shaft plug
type, is obtained through an independent pump. 37 - Grease nipple
The crown wheels of all models are mounted on taper 38 - Transmission oil relief
rollered bearings, the mounting doesn’t require spe- 39 - Rear geabox
cial tools. 40 - Oil relief plug
Two final epicycle type reduction gears, situated in the 41 - Lower gasket cover
rear supports of the brakes, permit a notable reduction 42 - Lower cover
in the transmission stress. 43 - 4 Wheel drive PTO oil filter
44 - Plug
45 - Washer
46 - Plug
47 - Clutch spare cover
48 - Gear oil relief plug
49 - Gasket
50 - Holding washer
51 - Shaft reversallock screw
52 - Oiling
53 - Secondary mini reduction gear/super reduction gear
54 - Nut
55 - Holding washer
56 - Flanged sleeve
57 - Support link
58 - Front gearbox




The preliminary operations, given below, include, REMOVAL OF AXLE SHAFT SIDE
where necessary, specific instructions before each SUPPORT
single dismounting.
130 - 150
Follow the procedure given in Brakes - Rear Brakes -
Dismounting - Steps from 1. to 14 until step (4).
1. Follow the procedure in: Brakes - Rear Brakes . Dis-
mounting - Steps from 1. to 10.
2. Loosen the thirteen nuts fixing the flange and those
fixing the brake housing to the bell using an adequate
1. Loosen the three socket head screws fixing the deli- method to hold the bell during the removal of the rear
very pipes 2 and 12. gearbox.
2. Loosen the four socket head screws fixing the oil in-
take pipes 5 and 9.
3. Collect the O-rings found under the unions of the
pump pipes.
4. Disconnect the pipes 4 loosening the two unions
positioned on the pump support and on the lifting hou-
5. Loosen the twelve screws 6 fixing the cover 8 and

Accurately check the balancing of the tractor
and the bell to prevent them clashing during the
removal operation.

3. Remove the final reduction gear bracket taking it

from the brake discs.

1 - Screw
2 - Hydrostatic steering oil delivery pipe ENGINE GEARBOX SEPARATION
3 - O-ring
4 - Lubrication pipe 1. Separate the engine from the gearbox (refer to:
5 - Hydrostatic fixing screw Complete Engine - Removal - Including the removal of
6 - Pump cover fixing screw the Front Axle).
7 - Screw 2. Cut the clutch piston dust guard band 1 and loosen
8 - Pump cover the two screws fixing to two brackets 2 to the gearbox.
9 - Hydraulic fitting pump intake pipe Remove the brackets.
10 - Screw
11 - O-ring
12 - Hydraulic lifter oil delivery pipe
13 - Screw


1 - Band 1 - PTO shaft

2 - Diesel tank holding bracket 2 - PTO pump control shaft

CAUTION 4. Remove the fuel tank (refer to: Feeding - Tank

Always use a soft metal hammer and punch when Removal).
it is necessary to tap on metal parts. 5. Place a container under the back gearbox, loosen
the plugs of the section you’re working on and bleed
the oil (numbers 38, 40, 43 and 48 of the enlarged dia-
3. Remove the friction clutch sleeve and control fork (re- 6. Loosen the unions 1 and 5 of the two pipes 4 of the
fer to: Gearbox Friction Clutch - Clutch - Removal). oil leveller and only for models 130-150,the unions 3 of
the oil discharge and remove excess.

Only for models 130 - 150

4. Loosen the nut fixing the valve 1 to the gearbox and

remove it together with its piping.

1 - Gear oil pressure limit valve


1. Remove the driving cabin (refer to: Cabin - Com-
plete Cabin - Removal).
2. Remove the pump cover from the rear box (refer to: 1 - Union
Preliminary Operations). With the help of a hammer 2 - Excess oil discharge pipe
and punch take out the pin fixing the shaft 1 to the con- 3 - Excess oil discharge pipe union
(Only for models 150-130
trol shaft at the pump 2.
4 - Oil levelling pipe
5 - Union


7. Place a jack under the rear gearbox, being careful 11. Levering between the two boxes, carefully remove
not to touch the metal parts by placing a wooden block the front gearbox being careful not to lift it too high so
in between. as not to damage the PTO control shaft, then place the
8. Sling the front gearbox in order to hold it in a lifted gearbox on a stand
position during the removal of the rear gearbox.

Be careful that the epicyclic reduction gear which
is not fixed in the differential box, does not move.
Accurately check the balance of the tractor and
the bell in order to avoid dangerous clashing du-
ring the removal operation.
Remount the gearbox working in the reverse order ad-
hering to the following instructions:
— Check that the box is not cracked.
— Check that the upper cover surface is not dama-
9. Remove the front gearbox lever cover (refer to: ged, and that it has sufficient holding for the gas-
External Controls - Dismounting - Steps from 1. to 3.). kets.
10. Place the gearbox sling in traction loosen the — Eliminate any defect, eliminate them with the
twelve nuts fixing the two boxes. help of a file. Change the very damaged or worn
— Check that the epicyclic reduction gear is in it’s
correct position in the differential box.
— Spread the mating area of the differential hou-
sing and the gearbox with prescribed sealer.
— Insert the PTO control rod and check the paralle-
lism of the box during the mounting.
— It is advisable to manually engage a gear and
turn the main shaft to help the insertion of the se-
condary gear shaft in the epicyclic reduction
— Tighten the fixing screws of the two boxes to the
prescribed torque.

Tightening torque
Nuts fixing gearbox to differential housing

Refer to: GENERAL

Nut tightening

— Top up the level of the oil using the prescribed




Version with Super - reduction gear

1 - Bracket 18 - Shoulder washer 33 - Starter switch

2 - Adjusting plate 19 - Spring 34 - Protection cap
3 - Bracket 20 - Lock pin 35 - Plate
4 - Epicyclic reduction gear control rod 21 - Support link 36 - Rubber bellow
5 - Gear control rod 22 - Gearbox cover 37 - External control support
6 - Shims 23 - Screw 38 - Gear control box
7 - Acoustic panel 24 - Spring 39 - Epicyclic reduction control rod
8 - Single bellow 25 - Gear lever control 40 - Bush
9 - Mini reduction gear reversal lever 26 - Tapered screw 41 - Mini reduction gear reversal control bar
10 - Knob 27 - Nut 42 - Ball pin
11 - Cover 28 - Epicyclic reduction control lever 43 - Bracket
12 - Epicyclic reduction lever 29 - Mini reduction gear and reversal 44 - Mini reduction gear and reversal control
13 - Gear lever control lever bar
14 - Double bellow 30 - Stop ring 45 - Mini reduction gear and reversal control
15 - Acoustic panel 31 - Rod bar
16 - Leverr 32 - Gasket
17 - Split pin


Always use a soft metal hammer and punch when
working on ferrous metal.

1. Remove the drive cabin (refer to: Cabin - Complete

Cabin - Removal).
2. Take out the safety clip 2and remove disconnecting
the rod 1 from the PTO clutch coupling control lever 2.

1 - Return rod 1 - Bracket

2 - Safety clip 2 - PTO clutch coupling return lever control
3 - PTO clutch coupling control lever

6. Loosen the four screws fixing the lever support 8 to

the cover. Remove the support complete with the rod.
7. If necessary, remove the three rods of the gear con-
3. Loosen the eleven screws fixing the cover to the trol 6 and the reduction gear controls 1 and 5 from the
gearbox. Remove the cover complete with the relative lever support using the following procedure:
gaskets, being careful not to loose the springs which (1) Loosen the two screws fixing the bracket 4 to the
keep the gear lock ball bearings in place. lever support. Remove the brackets and epicyclic re-
4. Loosen the two screws fixing the PTO clutch cou- duction gear control rod 5 recovering the spacers.
pling return 2 to the control lever and remove. (2) Take off the split pin 7 and remove the gear control
5. Loosen the two screws fixing the bracket 1 to the from the base of the rod 6 recovering the spring, shoul-
control lever and remove it. der ring and ball bearing.
(3) Using a hammer and punch, remove the pin 3
fixing the lever 2 to the mini reduction gear and rever-
sor to the rod 1. Remove the spring, gear and ball bea-
ring from the base of the rod.


12. Carefully take off the bars 3 and 5 together with the
bellow 2 and the plate 1. Collect the levers 9 and 6, the
spring 7 holding ring 10 and the three holding rings
found in the cover.
13. If necessary, take off the two bars from the relative

1 - Mini reduction gear and reversal control rod

2 - Lever
3 - Pin
4 - Bracket
5 - Epicyclic reduction gear control rod
6 - Gear control rod
7 - Split pin
8 - Lever support

8. Loosen the starter motor switch and remove it from

the cover, with the help of a magnet remove the cap.

Before beginning to dismount the bar lever,
mark the lever positions on the bar to help you in
remounting them.

9. Loosen the screws fixing the lever 7 to the bar 4 of

the epicylic reduction gear control. Take off the bar 1 - Plate
2 - Rubber bellows
and collect the lever.
3 - Mini reduction gear control and reversal control bar
10. Loosen the tapered screw fixing the lever 8 to the 4 - Epicyclic reduction gear control rod
gear control bar 5. 5 - Gear control rod
11. Loosen the screws fixing the lever 9 to the mini re- 6 - Epicyclic reduction gear control lever
duction gear and reversal control bar 3. Using ham- 7 - Spring
mer and punch remove the pin fixing the holding ring 8 - Gear control lever
10 to the bar 3. 9 - Mini reduction gear control and reversal control lever
10 - Holding ring



1. Clean the metal parts of the controls with solvant
and control their good working.
2. Check the amount of wear of the joints between the
rods and bars.
3. Check the rubber bellows. Change any that are
worn or damaged.
4. Check that the return springs are not deformed or
twisted. Change them if necessary.

Remount the external controls working in the reverse
order adhering to the following instructions:
— Mount the new support links being careful that
the larger diameter is turned towards the outside
of the cover.
— Lubricate the lever joints with prescribed

1. Position the three levers on their respective rods re-

ferring to the signs made on the rods when dismoun-
ting, checking that the notches present on the grooved
part of the bar are correctly positioned to allow the
fixing of the lever with respective screws.
2. Se careful to exactly position the springs, then ha-
ving positioned the cover on the box, check that the
three levers are correctly positioned in the slots.
1 - Adjustment plate
3. After mounting, adjust the position limit of the epicy- 2 - Bracket
clic reduction gear control rod 3 using the following 3 - Epicyclic reduction gear control rod
(1) Loosen the four screws fixing the brackets 2 and
the adjustment plate 1.
(2) Carefully put the rod into action 3 and connect the
reduced speed.
(3) Position the bracket 2 in such a way that the inter-
nal edge is approximately a millimetre from the rod 3.
Block the bracket.
(4) Connect the slow reduction and position the plate 1
using the same method as when connecting the brac-



Version with super-reduction gear

1 - Spring 15 - Lock pin 30 - Reversal coupling fork

2 - Ball 16 - Screw (mini reduction gear version)
3 - 1st and 2nd gear coupling rod 17 - Washer 31 - Lock pin
4 - Connecting plate 18 - Cap 32 - Rod
5 - Screws 19 - Spring 33 - Bracket
6 - Washer 20 - Ball 34 - Mini reduction gear coupling fork
7 - Seeger ring 21 - Safety pawl 35 - Lock pin
8 - 1 st and 2nd gear coupling fork 22 - Screw 36 - Pressure pad
9 - 3rd and 4th gear coupling rod 23 - Washer 37 - Gasket
10 - 3rd and 4th gear coupling fork 24 - Screw 38 - Nut
11 - Screw 25 - Washer 39 - Safety pawl
12 - Washer 26 - Cap 40 - Adjusting screw
13 - Mini reduction gear 27 - Spring 41 - Reversal coupling fork
(super reduction gear coupling rod) 28 - Ball (super reduction gear version)
14 - Return lever 29 - Reversal coupling rod


1 - Lock pin
2 - Nut
3 - Washer
4 - 1st and 2nd gear fork adjustment screw
5 - 1st and 2nd gear control rod coupling
6 - Control prong
7 - 3rd and 4th gear fork coupling
8 - Spring
9 - Ball
10 - 3rd and 4th gear control rod coupling
11 - Block rod gear coupling with inserted reversal
12 - Block rod reversal coupling
13 - Control rod reversal coupling
14 - Control area
15 - Bush
16 - Mini reduction gear control rod coupling
17 - Reversal fork coupling
18 - Ball
19 - Spring
20 - Spacer
21 - Reversal lever block coupling with mini reduction gear
22 - Mini reduction gear fork coupling
23 - 1st and 2nd gear fork coupling


Preliminary operations Operations for 130-150

1. Separate the two gearboxes (refer to: Preliminary 1. Remove rod and mini reduction gear fork coupling
Operations). using the following procedure.
2. Remove the lever cover of the front gearbox (refer (1) Using a hammer and punch remove the pin fixing
to: External Controls - Dismounting - Steps from 1. to the fork 1 to the rod 2 and the lever 3 to the rod 2.
3.). (2) Take off the rod, the fork, the lever and collect the
3. Recover the two springs 7 and the balls 6 using a safety pawl 4.
4. Loosen the two cups 5 and take off the spacer 3
spring 2 and the ball 1 with a magnet.

1 - Fork
2 - Mini reduction gear rod coupling
3 - Gear control lever coupling
4 - Safety pawl

2. Remove and reversal fork coupling using the follo-

wing procedure.
(1) Remove the pin fixing the fork 2 to the rod 3 and
take it off.
(2) Loosen the two screws fixing the brackets 3 to the
box. Remove the bracket.

1 - Rod positioning ball

2 - Spring
3 - Spacer
4 - Gasket
5 - Cap 1 - Reversal rod coupling
6 - Ball 2 - Fork and support
7 - Spring 3 - Bracket


3. Remove rod and fork I - II and rod and forks III - IV

using the following procedure:

(1) Remove the screw adjusting the position of the fork

coupling fork I and II.
2) Loosen the three screws fixing the fork coupling 5 III
and IV of fork 3 to the relative rod. Remove the plate 1
take out the rod 2 and relative fork 3.
(3) Take off rod 4 and remove the fork 5 being careful
that the movable pads do not slip off it. Recover the sa-
fety pawl found in the box between the two rod seats.

1 - Coupling plate
2 - I and II gear rod coupling
3 - I and II gear fork coupling
4 - III and IV gear rod coupling Mini reduction gear not inserted Mini reduction gear inserted
5 - III and IV gear fork coupling
1 - Bush
2 - Block lever
3 - Mini reduction rod gear coupling fork
4 - Blocking push rod
Interventions for models 110 5 - Reversal rod
6 - Control rod
1. Remove rod and mini reduction gear coupling using
the following procedure:
(1) With a lever move the fork 3 towards the back of the
box in order to take out the lock pin of the block lever 2
without interfering with the back gear wheels.
(2) Using a hammer and punch extract the pin fixing
the bush 1 the block lever 2 and the fork 3. 2. Remove the rod and the reversal coupling fork
(3) Take out the control rod 4 and recover the fork 3, using the following procedure:
the lever 2 and the bush 1. Using a magnet recover the
reversal gear blocking pushrod found under the lever (1) Take the Seeger ring 1 found at the extreme end of
2. the rod 5 off.
(2) Using a hammer and punch extract the pin that
blocks the fork 2 and the control sector.


4. Remove the rod and fork coupling I and II gears

operations as follows:
(1) Referring to the enlarged diagram on page 11, loo-
sen the blocking nut 2 until you are able to remove the
adjusting screw 4 of the fork coupling I and II and re-
move it together with the gasket 3.
(2) Remove the final run Seeger ring 2 found on the
control rod 3.
(3) Using a hammer and punch extract the pin fixing
the fork 1 then take off the rod and recover the fork.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Reversal coupling fork
3 - Control sector
4 - Reversal coupling rod

(3) Take out the rod 3 and recover the fork 2 and the
control sector.
3. Remove rod and fork coupling III and IV using the
following procedure:
(1) Using a hammer and punch extract the lock pins
that block the prong 1 and the fork 2.
(2) Take out the rod 3 and recover the fork 2 and the
prong 1. 1 - Fork coupling I and II gear
(3) Using a magnet, remove the push rod that stops 2 - Final run Seeger ring
the reversal coupling when a gear is inserted from the 3 - Control rod coupling I and II gear
passage hole in the bulkhead.
(4) Using a hammer recover the second pushrod bloc-
ker working through the passage hole of the rod pre-
sent on the bulkhead.


Before carrying out the following operations accurate-
ly clean ali the parts. This is in order to be able to accu-
rately check for damage and wear to some of them.

1. Check that the forks are not over worn or deformed.

2. Check that the control rods have not been defor-
3. Check that the cables on the control rods present
no splits.
4. Check that the rod positioning pawl and the safety
coupling pawl are not split or show signs of wear.

1 - Prong
2 - Fork coupling III and IV gears
3 - Rod coupling III and IV gears


Remount the rods and the forks working in reverse or- Check that the spring, pawls, rods all work together
der and adhering to the following procedure: correctly, and that the gear coupling takes place wi-
— Position the two safety pawls before positioning thout forcing and that the sleeve runs smoothly along
the relative rods. the whole course of the coupling.
— After mounting the fork coupling I and II tighten Also check that when the center rod is in position cou-
the adjustment screw 1 until it touches the fork, pling cannot take place on the side rods, if this is pos-
then loosen the screw by one turn and block it sible, check that you have correctly mounted the safe-
with the nut. ty pawl.

— Only for models 130 and 150

Check that cables that couple the forks III and IV
3 and that of the plate 2 of the fork I and II are
perfectly facing each other.

1 - Adjusting screw
2 - Coupling plate 130 and 150
3 - Fork coupling III and IV gear 130 and 150



For 130 - 150
1 - Support link
2 - External Seeger ring
3 - Compression ring
4 - External gasket
5 - Shim
6 - Internal gasket
7 - Ball bearing
8 - Shell
9 - Bush
10 - Clutch shaft
11 - Retainer
12 - Seeger ring
13 - Shaft gear
14 - Shoulder ring
15 - Synchronizer ring
16 - Ball
17 - Spring
18 - Toothed hub
19 - Grooved sleeve
20 - Synchronizer ring
21 - Reduction gear wheel
22 - Bush
23 - Reversal gear
24 - Internal tapered retainer track
25 - External track
26 - Lubrication manifold
27 - Lubrication bush
28 - Bush
29 - Gear conduit III
30 - Synchronizer ring
31 - Pad
32 - Ball pin
33 - Spring
34 - Grooved sleeve
35 - Synchronized ring
36 - Bush
37 - Gear conduit IV
38 - Gear conduit I
39 - Spacer
40 - Gear conduit Il
41 - Shim adjustment ring
42 - Shim
43 - Shim adjustment ring
44 - External track
45 - Internal tapered retainer track
46 - Bush
47 - Ring nut
48 - O-ring
49 - Shoulder
50 - Internal track
51 - External retainer track
52 - Fixed gear
53 - Seeger ring
54 - Seeger ring
55 - Retainer
56 - Grooved sleeve
57 - Shoulder
58 - Spacer
59 - Retainer
60 - Moveable gears
61 - Reversal shaft
62 - Sleeve
63 - Cap
64 - External Seeger ring 76 - Ring nut 89 - Synchronized ring
65 - Shoulder ring 77 - Internal retainer track 90 - Toothed hub
66 - External retainer track 78 - External track 91 - Grooved sleeve
67 - Internal track 79 - Bush 92 - Synchronized ring
68 - External Seeger ring 80 - Shim adjustment 93 - Bush
69 - External Seeger ring 81 - Shims 94 - Gear conduit Il
70 - Reduction gear 82 - Lubrication bush 95 - Spacer
71 - Spacer 83 - Lubrication manifold 96 - External track
72 - Reduction gear 84 - Gear conduit III 97 - Internal retainer track
73 - Reduction gear secondary shaft 85 - Spacer 98 - Secondary gear shaft
74 - Spacer 86 - Gear conduit IV 99 - Roller bearing
75 - Retainer 87 - Bush 100 - Seeger ring
88 - Gear conduit I


For 110

1 - Flanged sleeve
2 - Sleeve fixing screw
3 - Shim adjusting ring
4 - O-ring
5 - Support link
6 - Seeger ring
7 - Bearing
8 - Seeger ring
9 - Support link
10 - Bush
11 - Clutch shaft
12 - Mini reduction gear input
13 - Seeger ring
14 - Crown nut coupling
15 - Synchronized ring
16 - Compression ring
17 - Coupling collar
18 - Toothed hub
19 - Pad
20 - Mini reduction gear outlet
21 - Seeger ring
22 - Spacer ring
23 - Spacer ring
24 - Shoulder ring
25 - External bearing track
26 - Internal bearing track
27 - Gear conduit I
28 - Spacer
29 - Gear conduit II and reversal
30 - Bush
31 - Gear conduit III
32 - Gear conduit IV
33 - Shovel ring
34 - Bearing
35 - Compression ring
36 - Main gear shaft
37 - Ring nut
38 - Seeger ring
39 - Bearing
40 - Inserted bearing seat
41 - Reversal shaft
42 - Retainer
43 - Gear
44 - Toothed hub
45 - Coupling collar
46 - Seeger ring
47 - Bearing
48 - Gear
49 - Seeger ring
50 - Secondary mini reduction gear shaft cover
51 - O-ring
52 - Seeger ring
53 - Bearing
54 - Seeger ring
55 - Seeger ring
56 - Gear
57 - Seeger ring
58 - Gear
59 - Mini reduction gear secondary
60 - Seeger ring
61 - Shims
62 - Bearing
63 - Shoulder ring
64 - Bush
65 - Gear conduit I
66 - Gear conduit II
67 - Secondary gearbox shaft
68 - Flange
69 - Compression ring
70 - Bearing
71 - Gear conduit IV
72 - Spacer
73 - Gear conduit III



FOR 130 - 150
The following procedure is to be used only in ope- Clutch shaft and countershaft of the mini
rations on the whole of the gearbox.
To work on a single part of the shaft it is possible reduction gear
to use a reduced dismounting which will be explai-
ned as you go along, telling you what you don’t The dismounting of the clutch shaft and countershaft
need to dismount. of the mini reduction gear are interdependent because
it is impossible to remove the clutch shaft without re-
moving the countershaft, because of the teeth of the
1. Separate the two gearboxes (refer to: Preliminary synchronizer and the lower gear. In order to work the
Operations). mini reduction gear is not necessary to separate the
2. Separate the front gearbox from the engine (refer two gearboxes and remove the rod and fork.
to: Preliminary Operations).
1. Loosen the four nuts fixing the sleeve 1 and the co-
ver 2. Partly take out the cover with the countershaft
until the gearwheels and the spacers fall onto the bot-
CAUTION tom of the gearbox.
Always use a soft metal hammer and punch when
you are working with ferrous metal. During the
dismounting of gear wheel packs mark the side to
be mounted first of the non-symmetric parts.

3. Remove the PTO shaft 1 and take out the support

link 2 from the inside of the main shaft 3.

1 - Clutch shaft flanged sleeve

2 - Mini reduction gear countershaft cover

2. With the help of light taps as illustrated in the dia-

gram, take out the shaft and collect the parts.

1 - PTO shaft
2 - Support link
3 - Main shaft

4. Remove rods and forks (refer to: Rods and Forks -



3. Referring to the technical drawing, collect all the 6. If you need to work on the synchronizer or on the
shims and gaskets 3 taking note of the total thickness, gears mounted on the gearbox main shaft it is neces-
to use as an indication in the remounting. sary to remove the main shaft and separate the two
4. If necessary, remove the bearing 4 using the follo- gearboxes (refer to: Rods and Forks - Dismounting).
wing procedure: 7. Completely take off the cover 15 with the counters-
(1) Block the shaft in a vice with protective teeth and haft 16 and collect from the bottom of the gearwheels
remove the Seeger ring 20 and remove the bearing. 10 and 8 from the bottom of the box together with spa-
5. If necessary, remove the Seeger ring 18 and extract cers 9 and 7.
the retainer 19. 8. If necessary, remove the bearing 13 using the follo-
wing procedure:
(1) Remove the Seeger ring 12 and take off the bea-
ring and shaft from the cover 15.
CAUTION (2) Remove the Seeger ring 14 and take off the bea-
Take care not to move the coupling collar of the ring from the shaft.
synchronizer so as not to free the spring loaded

1 - Clutch shaft flanged

sleeve support
2 - Support link
3 - Shims and gaskets
4 - Ball bearings
5 - Clutch shaft
6 - Synchronized ring
7 - Spacer
8 - Gearwheel
9 - Spacer
10 - Gearwheel
11 - Seeger ring
12 - Seeger ring
13 - Roller bearing
14 - Seeger ring
15 - Cover
16 - Mini reduction gear
control shaft
17 - O-ring
18 - Seeger ring
19 - Retainer
20 - Seeger ring


Gearbox main shaft CAUTION

Always keep the external rings of the bearings pai-
To dismount the main shaft you must carry out all the red with their respective crowned roller and inside
preliminary operations, the removal of the clutch shaft rings.
and the mini reduction gear control shaft.
1. Loosen the force feed lubrication union of the gear- NOTE
box. It is advisable to dismount the synchronizer group
2. Remove the ring nut fixing the main shaft. working inside a box in order to avoid losing the parts
that are spring loaded.

1. Remove the two synchronized external rings.

2. Working as shown in the diagram, carefully remove
the hub 2 from the grooved sleeve 1 being careful not
to lose the three balls and three pads 3 which are
spring loaded.

3. Lightly tapping with a hammer, take off as indicated

in the diagram, the main shaft keeping the gearwheel
and the synchronizer with the spacers. 1 - Grooved sleeve
2 - Toothed hub
3 - Pad

Gearbox counter shaft

1. Loosen the ten screws fixing the flange 1 to the box
and remove.

4. If necessary take the gear synchronizer I and Il to

pieces (refer to: Synchronizer).
5. If necessary, to remove the external tracks of the ta-
pered bearings, using a hammer and punch lightly tap
the tracks from the inside of the gearbox towards the
outside. 1 - Epicyclic reduction gear crown wheel fixing flange


2. Extract the retainer 2 from inside the shaft then loo- 2. Take off as indicated in the diagram, the reversal
sen the ring nut 1 fixing the main shaft. shaft, holding the gearwheel pack.

FOR 110

Clutch shaft
To remove the clutch shaft you only need to remove
the fork coupling and the mini reduction gear.

1. Loosen the four screws fixing the flanged sleeve 1.

1 - Ring nut
2 - Retainer

3. Take off, as shown in the diagram, the countershaft

keeping the gearwheel pack with the relative synchro-
nizer and spacers.
4. If necessary, remove the tapered bearing external
ring working as described for the main shaft.
1 - Clutch shaft flanged sleeve
Reversal shaft 2. Using light taps with a hammer, take off the main
shaft from the clutch as shown in the diagram.
The dismounting of the reversal shaft is possible wi-
thout first having to remove the other gear.

1. Loosen the screw fixing the reversal shaft to the


3. Take off the synchronizer ring 1 and the shim ad-

justment rings 2 from the clutch main shaft, measuring
the total thickness to be able to use as an indication
when remounting.


1 - Synchronizer ring 1 - Seeger ring

2 - Shim adjusting rings 2 - Gear wheel

(2) Remove the Seeger ring 1 that blocks the bearing

4. If you have to remove the synchronizer complete 2.
with the following wheel, you will have to partially (3) Tap on the shaft 3 to loosen the bearing 2 of the
move back the gearbox main shaft, which is only pos- flanged sleeve 6 and take off together with the shaft
sible if you separate the two gearboxes (refer to: Preli- and bearing.
minary Operations). It is now possible to take off the (4) Take off the bearing 2 from the shaft.
synchronizer 1 the second synchronized ring 2 gearw- (5) Remove the shell 5 placed on the inside of the flan-
heel 3 and bush 4 from the very end of the main shaft. ged sleeve 6.

1 - Synchronizer
2 - Synchronizer ring
3 - Mini reduction gear outlet gear
4 - Bush

5. If necessary, remove the bearing which is left in the

flange, or the flange internal shell, working as follows 1 - Internal Seeger ring
(1) Block the flange into a vice with protective teeth 2 - Bearing
and remove the Seeger ring 1 that blocks the gear 2 3 - Seeger ring
and remove the gear wheel. 4 - Main shaft
5 - Shell
6 - Flanged sleeve


Synchronizer 3. Remove the Seeger rings 1 and 2 and completely

remove the cover collecting the gear wheel 3.
If necessary, dismount the synchronizer group using
the following procedure:
(1) Remove the two compression rings 1.
(2) Take out the hub 2 of the toothed sleeve 3.
(3) Collect the three pads 4.

1 - Compression ring 1 - Seeger ring

2 - Toothed hub 2 - Seeger ring
3 - Toothed sleeve 3 - Gear wheel
4 - Pad 4 - Gear wheel
5 - Seeger ring
Mini reduction gear counter shaft
To dismount the counter shaft of the mini reduction 4. If necessary, change the bearing found on the in-
gear, it is necessary to remove the shaft from the side of the cover as follows:
clutch but it isn’t necessary to separate the two gear- (1) Remove the Seeger ring 1 inside the cover 2.
boxes. (2) Block the shaft 3 in a vice with protective teeth.
1. Loosen the four screws fixing the cover 1 from the
clutch side.

1 - Mini reduction gear secondary shaft cover

1 - Seeger ring
2. Partially take off the cover, remove the Seeger ring 2 - Cover
5 and take off the gearwheel 4. 3 - Shaft


(3) Tap on the edge of the cover until you take out the
bearing 2 of the shaft 3 and take out the bearing 2.
(4) Remove the Seeger ring 1 on the shaft 3 and take
out the bearing 2.

Spacer section

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Spacer
3 - Shoulder ring
4 - Outer ring and rollers
5 - Inner ring
1 - Seeger ring
2 - Bearing 4. If necessary take the III and IV gear synchronizer to
3 - Shaft pieces (refer to: Synchronizer - Dismounting).

Gearbox counter shaft

5. If necessary, collect the roller crown nut inserted in To remove the gearbox counter shaft, you must re-
the gearbox counter shaft. move the clutch shaft and the main shaft and counter
shaft of the mini reduction gear.

1. Loosen the ten flange screws fixing the crown

wheel to the epicyclic reduction gear.
2. Take off the Seeger ring 1 mounted on the tip of the
Gearbox main shaft shaft, protruding into the space of the mini reduction
gear and collect the shim adjustment rings 2 and the
To remove the gearbox main shaft it is necessary to shoulder ring.
carry out all the preliminary operations and the remo- 3. Take off, as indicated in the figure, the counter
val of the clutch shaft. shaft, keeping aside the relative gear wheel pack with
the spacers and synchronizer.

1. Loosen the ring nut fixing the main shaft as explai-

ned for models 130 and 150
2. With the help of light taps with a hammer and wor-
king as explained for models 130 and 150, take off the
main shaft towards the space of the main shaft mini re-
duction gear keeping hold of the gear pack.
3. If necessary, remove the main shaft front bearing,
still mounted on the shaft working as follows.
(1) Extract the Seeger ring 1 that fixes the bearing on
the shaft.
(2) Take off the spacers 2 the shoulder ring 3 the outer
ring with rollers 4 and finally the inner ring 5.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Shim adjustment ring


4. If necessary, remove the rear bearing 1 and the

shaft 2 by pushing the flange 4 and taking off the bea-
ring 1 from the shaft 2. Finally remove the compres-
sion ring 3 from the bearing outer ring.

Reversal shaft
It is possible to remove the reversal shaft without the
other gears and without separating the gearbox from 1 - Rear bearing
2 - Gearbox counter shaft
the engine. You only need to separate the gearboxes 3 - Compression ring
(refer to: Preliminary Operations). 4 - Epicyclic reduction gear toothed flange

1 - Seeger ring 6 - Retainer

2 - Gear wheel 7 - Reverse gearshaft
3 - Toothed sleeve 8 - Bearing
4 - Coupling roller 9 - Seeger ring
5 - Gearwheel

1. Loosen the ten screws fixing the toothed flange 1

and turn it so as to bring the milling into line with the re-
versal bearing of the shaft 2.

1 - Toothed flange
2 - Reversal shaft bearing


2. Take off the Seeger ring that block the reverse gear
wheel, placed in the area of the mini reduction gear
and take off the gear wheels 1.

1 - Seeger ring

5. If necessary, remove the Seeger ring 1 and take the

1 - Reverse gear wheel rear bearing to pieces.

3. Partially take out the shaft by tapping on the front tip

until it comes out as shown in the diagram.

1 - Seeger ring

6. If necessary, remove the front bearing outer track

from the internal wall of the gearbox by tapping with a
soft metal hammer and punch.

4. Remove the second Seeger ring 1 and completely

take out the shaft collecting the parts.



1 - Flanged sleeve 12 - Gearbox main shaft 23 - Seeger ring

2 - Seal ring 13 - Spacer 24 - Gear wheel
3 - Seeger ring 14 - Toothed hub 25 - Seeger ring
4 - Seeger ring 15 - Coupling collar 26 - Seeger ring
5 - Shims 16 - Bush 27 - Internal bearing ring
6 - Ball bearing 17 - Gear wheel 28 - Retainer
7 - Support link (Seal ring) 18 - Gear wheel 29 - Shoulder ring
8 - Bush 19 - Retainer 30 - Seeger ring
9 - Clutch shaft 20 - Shoulder ring 31 - O-ring
10 - Retainer 21 - Super reduction gear counter shaft 32 - Counter shaft cover
11 - Seeger ring 22 - Reversal gear coupling sleeve

Clutch shaft
The removal of the clutch shaft follows the same procedure as given in “Clutch Shaft” for models 130 and 150 being
careful not to remove the counter shaft of the super reduction gear because it is very easy to take out the shaft wi-
thout interferring with the gear wheels under it. It is not necessary to proceed with the separation of the gearbox and
the removal of the rods and forks.
1. Using a hammer and punch take out the lock pin fixing the coupling forks, the super reduction gear and the re versaI.
2. With reference to the enlarged diagram above removethe sleeve 1 together with the clutch shaft 9 as shown in
steps 1. and 2. of the gearbox with mini reduction gear and reversal for models 130 and 150 “Clutch Shaft and Mini
Reduction Shaft”.


3. 3.lf necessary, remove the bearing 6 opening the 4. If necessary, extract the retainer 19 from the inside
Seeger ring 3 and taking the bearing from the shaft 9. of the gearbox counter shaft.
4. If necessary, remove the retainer 10 opening the
Seeger ring 11 taking it out from it’s seat on the shaft 9.
5. If necessary, extract the holding ring 2 from the in- Gearbox main shaft
side of the sleeve 1 after having taken off the shaft 9.
6. If necessary, remove parts 13,14, 16, 17 and 18; in Dismount the gearbox main shaft working as given in:
which case it will be necessary to proceed with the se- Gearbox with mini reduction gear and reversal 130
paration of the gearbox (refer to: Preliminary Opera- and 150. Gearbox main shaft, taking note that it is not
tions). necessary to first remove the super reduction counter

Super reduction gear counter shaft Gearbox counter shaft

1. Loosen the four screws fixing the lid 32 to the gear- Dismount the gearbox counter shaft working as given
box. in: Gearbox with mini reduction gear and reversal 130
2. Open the Seeger ring 23 and take off the lid with the - 150 Gearbox counter shaft.
gearbox shaft collecting the shoulder ring 20 the
sleeve 22 and the gear wheel 24.
3. If necessary, remove the bearing 28 opening the Reversal shaft
Seeger ring 26 and take out the shaft with bearing Dismount the reversal shaft working as given in: Gear-
from the cover 32 then open the Seeger ring 25 and box with mini reduction gear and reversal 130 and 150
take out the bearing. - Reversal Shaft.

1 - Flanged sleeve
2 - Shims
3 - O-ring
4 - Seal ring
5 - Seeger ring
6 - Bearing
7 - Seeger ring
8 - Seal ring
9 - Bush
10 - Super reduction gear
outlet gear wheel
11 - Seeger ring
12 - Super reduction gear
entry gear wheel
13 - Clutch shaft
14 - Retainer
15 - Super reduction gear
control counter shaft
16 - Seeger ring.
17 - Super reduction gear
conduit gear wheel
18 - Super reduction gear
conductor gear wheel
19 - Seeger ring
20 - Seeger ring
21 - Bearing
22 - Seeger ring
23 - O-ring
24 - Super reduction gear
counter shaft cover


Clutch shaft
T o remove the clutch shaft it is not necessary to carry
out the separation of either the gearbox or the dis-
mounting of the rods and forks.

1. Using a hammer and punch remove the lock pin of

the fork 1.

1 - Cover

2. Open the Seeger ring 1 and 2 and run them to-

wards the centre of shaft 5 then move gearwheel 3
and remove the Seeger ring 4. Take off gearwheel 3
and the Seeger ring 1 and 2 then extract the shaft 5
collecting the gearwheel 6.

1 - Super reduction gear coupling fork

2. Remove the super reduction gear main shaft. Use

the following procedure given in: Gearbox with mini re-
duction 110 Mini reduction gear main shaft steps from
1. to 3.
3. Referring to the enlarged diagram on page 29 the
Seeger ring 11 and take out the gear wheel 12. Open
the Seeger ring 7 and take out shaft 13 with the bea-
ring 6 mounted in the sleeve 1.
4. If necessary, remove the bearing 6 of the shaft 13
open the Seeger ring 5 and take out the bearing of the

To remove gearwheel 10 which bears the coupling
hook it is necessary to remove the super reduction
gear countershaft or the clutch shah. 1 - Seeger ring
2 - Seeger ring
3 - Gear wheel
4 - Seeger ring
5 - Super reduction gear counter shaft
6 - Gear wheel

Super reduction gear counter shaft

3. Take off the main gear wheel 1 with it’s sleeve, from
1. Loosen the four screws fixing the cover 1 and the the tip of the gearbox main shaft 2.
clutch side.


Reversal shaft
Dismount the reversal shaft working as given in: Gear-
box with Mini Reduction Gear and Reversal 110 Re-
versal Shaft.

Gearbox main shaft
1. Referring to the relative diagram, remove the flange
1 loosening the four screws 2.
2. Loosen the ring nut 17 and remove it.
3. Tap with a soft metal hammer on the back tip of the
main shaft 5 until it comes off. Recover the gear wheel
pack, the synchronizer 13 and the spacers 10 and 15.

1 - Gear wheel Gearbox countershaft and reverse gear

2 - Gearbox main shaft shaft
1. Loosen the ring nut 34 until you can remove it and
then take out the gear wheel 33.
2. Tapping with a soft metal hammer, take off the
WARNING countershaft 21, and collect the gearwheel pack, the
The procedure previously described is extreme- synchronizer 29 and the spacers 25 and 31.
ly difficult because of the restricted working 3. Loosen the fixing screws 23 of the flange 19, re-
area. It is therefore advisable to separate the two move and turn the flange, then remove the Seeger
gearboxes (refer to: Preliminary Operations) to ring 39 and take off the gear wheel 40. Then tapping
allow the gearbox main shaft to be moved back- with a soft metal hammer on the front tip of the reverse
wards, if you also need to work on the main gearshaft, take it off collecting the gear and collar 43.
shaft, completely remove it leaving the dis- 4. If necessary, collect the support link 4 inside the
mounting of the countershaft until last. sleeve 1.
5. If necessary, extract from the gearbox the bearing 8
by tapping with a soft metal hammer and punch on the
outer ring.
4. If necessary, remove the bearing found inside the 6. If necessary, extract the outer ring of bearing 32 by
cover as given in step 5. of section “Gearbox with mini tapping on the outer ring.
reduction gear and reversal” 110 - Mini reduction 7. If necessary, dismount the synchronizer 13 and 29
counter shaft. (refer to: Synchronizers.
5. If necessary, recover the retainer track found on the 8. If necessary remove the bearing 18 taking off the
inside of the gearbox counter shaft. flange 19 by unscrewing the ten fixing nuts 23.

The reverse gearshaft can be removed without wor-
Gearbox main shaft king on the other gears and without separating the en-
gine gearbox.
Dismount the main shaft working as given in “Gearbox
with Mini Reduction Gear and Reversal 110 - Gearbox
Main Shaft.
Gearbox counter shaft Before carrying out any checks, accurately wash the
parts. In this way you will be able to make a closer ins-
Dismount the gearbox counter shaft working as given pection of the wear and efficiency of the various parts.
in “Gearbox” with Mini reduction gear and Reversal -
110 Gearbox counter Shaft.


Gearwheels and grooves REMOUNTING

1. Check that the gearwheel teeth and the shaft groo-
ves are working on all sides. If you find gearwheels PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS
that are worn or with clipped teeth they must be chan-
ged. Also check that the other gearwheels of each pair NOTE
are not damaged. — Accurately wash the gearbox with adequate sol-
2. Follow the same procedure for the grooved shafts. vant and dry with compressed air.
Also verify that the teeth and grooves on the synchro- — On remounting, change all the support links, the
nizer ring are free from splits, signs of rubbing and ex- gaskets and the O-rings.
cessive wear. Change all parts that are imperfect. — Lubricate the parts before mounting them on
their respective shafts with a film of grease.
— In order to keep the parts in position during re-
mounting it is advisable to use adequate grease.
— It is advisable to carry out the remounting with
the help of a second operator.
Bearings — Pay particular attention to the method of remoun-
ting the parts, referring to the diagram given in
1. Carefully examine all bearings turning them slowly. the section.
If a bearing is in good working order it should not vi-
brate, make noise or stick.
2. Examine the surfaces of the rings and moving parts
to see if they are scratched, dented or show signs of
rubbing due to foreign matter. Change any imperfect GEARBOX WITH MINI REDUCTlON GEAR
For 130 - 150
Referring to the technical drawing proceed with the re-
mounting as follows.

Check the wear of the main shaft and counter shaft Gearbox counter shaft
bushes, to see that the surfaces working together with
the gearwheels are not scratched or show signs of 1. If previously dismounted, remount the tapered bea-
sticking. Check that the measurements of the bushes ring external rings working in the reverse order.
are within those given in “Technical Data and Pres- 2. If previously dismounted, remount the synchronizer
criptions” relative to the tractor in question. (refer to: Synchronizer - Remounting).
3. Open the gearwheel pack on the workbench and
Change any parts that are not in good condition. pay particular attention to the order of remounting of
the spacer 31 of the lubrication bush 39 and the lubri-
cation manifold 40.

Syncronization device Prepare the shim pack 41 so that it is thicker than
when it was dismounted. This is in order to make the
Check that all moveable areas are free of indenta- adjustment of the bearing spring load easier.
tions, that the sleeves move freely on their respective
hubs and that the syncronizer rings are not excessive-
ly worn, by fitting them on their respective gears ma-
king certain that they are in beat and that the internal
surfaces still have the lubrication grooves. Check that
the helical spring for Models 130-150, and the retai-
ning rings for Model 110 are not twisted. Check the
wear of the pads.

Change any parts which are not integral.


Gearbox standard - 110

1 - Flanged sleeve
2 - Flanged sleeve fixing screw
3 - O-ring 18 - Bearing 34 - Gearbox counter shaft fixing ring nut
4 - Support link 19 - Epicyclic reduction gear toothed flange 35 - Front gearbox oil discharge plug space
5 - Gearbox main shaft 20 - Tapered pinion roller bearing 36 - Cover fixing screw
6 - Seeger ring 21 - Gearbox counter shaft 37 - Cover
7 - Shoulder ring 22 - Compression ring 38 - O-ring
8 - Bearing 23 - Screw 39 - Seeger ring
9 - 1 st gear 24 - Gearbox main shaft ring lock nut 40 - Reverse ring
10 - Spacer 25 - Gearbox main shaft 41 - Retainer
11 - 2nd gear and reverse gear 26 - 3rd gear 42 - External ring
12 - 3rd gear 27 - Rear gearbox oil discharge plug space 43 - Coupling gear with collar
13 - 3rd and 4th synchronizer 28 - 2nd gear 44 - Inserted bearing seat
14 - 4th gear 29 - 1 st and 2nd gear synchronizer 45 - Bearing
15 - Spacer 30 - 1 st gear 46 - Seeger ring
16 - Bearing 31 - Shoulder ring
17 - Main shah fixing ring nut 32 - Bearing
33 - Reverse gear


Gearbox with mini reduction and

reversal 130 - 150
1 - Clutch shaft
2 - Flanged sleeve
3 - Support link
4 - Seeger ring
5 - Flanged sleeve fixing nut
6 - Bearing
7 - Retainer
8 - Seeger ring
9 - Synchronizer
10 - Gearbox entry gear
11 - Bush
12 - Reversal gear
13 - Tapered roller bearing
14 - Main shaft lubrication manifold
15 - Main shaft lubrication bush
16 - 1 st gear
17 - 1st and 2nd synchronizer
18 - 2nd gear
19 - 3rd gear
20 - Spacer
21 - 4th gear
22 - Spacer
23 - Shim package
24 - Gearbox main shaft ring lock nut
25 - Gearbox main shaft
26 - Tapered roller bearing
27 - Gearbox countershaft
28 - Tapered roller bearing
29 - Toothed flange fixing screw
30 - Epicyclic reduction gear toothed flange
31 - Spacer
32 - 4th gear
33 - 3rd and 4th synchronizer
34 - 3rd gear
35 - Bush
36 - 2nd gear
37 - Spacer
38 - 1 st gear
39 - Countershaft lubrication bush
40 - Countershaft lubrication manifold
41 - Shim package
42 - Tapered roller bearing
43 - Retainer
44 - Countershaft ring lock nut
45 - Spacer
46 - Mini reduction gear manifold
47 - Mini reduction countershaft
48 - Gear
49 - Seeger ring
50 - Seeger ring
51 - Mini reduction gear cover fixing nut
52 - Roller bearings
53 - Countershaft mini reduction cover gear
54 - Seeger ring
55 - O-ring
56 - Shims and gaskets
57 - Reversal shaft fixing screws
58 - Washer
59 - O-ring
60 - Shoulder ring
61 - Roller bearing
62 - Reversal gear entrance
63 - Reversal gear
64 - Coupling collar
65 - Reversal gear outlet
66 - Shoulder ring
67 - Oil sump
68 - Roller bearings


4. Partially fit the shaft into the seat in the gearbox and
mount on it the gear wheel parts one by one.
5. Fit the shaft completely into its seat tightening the
ring fixing nut tightening it to the prescribed torque. Lo-
osen it then tighten it.

Tightening torque
Gearbox secondary shaft gearwheel tightening
ring nut
46,5 ÷ 51,5 Nm
(4,75 ÷ 5,25 kgm; 34.34 to 37.96 ft lb)

1 - Synchronized rings
6. Proceed with the adjustment of the tapered rollers 2 - Grooved sleeve
(refer to: Checks and Controls-Play Adjustment of 3 - Hub
Gearbox Main and Counter Shaft). 4 - Spring
5 - Ball
7. Caulk the ring nut. 6 - Ball pin
8. Block the epicyclic reduction gear flange fixing 7 - Pad
crown wheel on the gearbox by means of the ten
screws tightening them to the prescribed torque.

Gearbox main shaft

Tightening torque
1. It previously dismounted, remount the external ta-
Epicyclic reduction gear flange fixing crown
pered bearings rings working in reverse order.
wheel on the gearbox
2. It previously dismounted, remount the synchronizer
140 ÷ 154 Nm
(refer to: Synchronizer).
(14,25 ÷ 15,75 kgm; 103.03 to 113.87 ft-lb)
3. It still to be mounted, place the mini reduction gear
pack the inside of the gearbox placing the retainer 43
on the inside of the gearbox counter shaft.
4. Put the complete gearwheel pack on the work-
bench and check the mounting order of the lubrication
Synchronizer bush 15 and the lubrication manifold 14.
It is advisable to remount the synchronizer from inside
a container in order to avoid losing the spring loaded NOTE
parts. To make adjustment of the bearing spring load easier,
prepare the shim package 23 in sue h a way that the fi-
Referring to the following diagram proceed to remount nal shim thickness is greater than that when dismoun-
using the following procedure: ted.
1. Position in the special hub seats the three groups of
springs 4, the ball pin 6 and the pad 7 with the help of
very thick grease to keep them in position.
2. Partly mount the grooved sleeve 2 on the hub, 5. Partially fit the shaft in the gearbox and mount the
checking that the three pads 7 are inserted under the gearwheel pack on it one by one. To help position in
sleeve. the internal bearing track 13 tap lightly with a hammer
3. With the help of a screwdriver, position a spring 4 on the shaft.
with its ball 5 in their seats on the hub, then lower the 6. Fit the shaft completely into its seat, tightening the
sleeve until it blocks the ball in place. ring fixing nut 24 and tighten to the prescribed torque.
4. Use the same procedure for the other two balls
being careful not to loose the balls already in position.


Tightening torque 6. Find and if necessary, adjust the play at point A fol-
Gearbox main shaft gearwheel pack ring fixing nut lowing the procedure given in Checks and Adjust-
46,5 ÷ 51,5 - Nm ments - Clutch Shaft Play Adjustment - Gearbox with
(4,75 ÷ 5,25 - kgm; 34.34 to 37.96 ft lb) Mini reduction Gear and Reversal 130 and 150.

7. Proceed with the adjustment of the roller bearing

(refer to: Checks and Adjustments - Adjustment of
Main and Secondary Shaft Bearings).
8. Caulk the ring nut.

Clutch shaft
Place the mini reduction gear gearwheels with the
spacers in the correct sequence, turned the correct
way, into the gearbox, referring to the diagram on 1 - Shims 2 - Flanged sleeve
page 34.

1. If previously dismounted, remount the ball bearing 7. Verify the efficiency of the adjustment checking that
6 on the clutch shaft, the retainer 7 on the inside of the the shaft turns independently to that of the main shaft.
clutch shaft and the tapered bearing on the counters-
haft working in the reverse order.
2. Mount the clutch shaft, with the help of light taps Mini reduction gear countershaft
with a hammer to help the bearing Iie correctly.
3. Mount the new support link 3 on the inside of the With reference to the figure on page 34 proceed as fol-
shaft flanged sleeve support 2 and lubricate with lows:
grease. 1. Mount a new O-ring 55 on the cover 53.
4. Mount the flanged sleeve 2 on the shaft checking 2. Partially fit the mini reduction gear of the counters-
that the hold on it is turned towards the bottom. haft 47 in its seat on the gearbox and mount on it, one
by one, the parts of the gearwheel pack.
3. Mount the new washers with the rubber lip on the
studs to ensure a good oil seal, then fit the four nuts 51
and tighten them to the prescribed torque.

Tightening torque
Nuts fixing mini reduction gear countershaft co-
ver to gearbox

Refer to: GENERAL

Nut tightening methods

Reversal shaft
1. Place the gearwheel pack in the box without ente-
ring the shouldering 60. Check that the new O-ring 59
is correctly placed.
2. Insert the shouldering 60 and fit the shaft 62 into its
seat. Check that the sump 67 of the shaft is in a vertical
5. Position the shim package 56 on the sleeve 2 tur- position.
ning it correctly, referring to the figure on page 46. 3. Fix the shaft 63 to the gearbox with its screws 57
Then mount the new washer with the rubber lip on the and block it to the prescribed torque.
studs so as to ensure a good oil seal, then tighten the
nuts 5 to the prescribed torque. Tightening torque
Screw fixing reversal shaft to the gearbox

Tightening torque Refer to: GENERAL

Screws fixing flanged sleeve to gearbox Nut tightening methods

Refer to: GENERAL 4. Having mounted the reversal shaft, check that it
Nuts screws tightening torque turns freely, without sticking on the bearings.


Gearbox with mini reduction gear and

for 110

1 - Clutch shaft
2 - Flanged sleeve
3 - Support link
4 - Flanged sleeve fixing screw
5 - O-ring
6 - Ball bearing
7 - Seeger ring
8 - Mini reduction entry gear
9 - Seeger ring
10 - Synchronizer
11 - Gearbox entry gear
12 - Bush
30 - Gear IV 48 - Ball bearing
13 - Roller bearing
31 - Spacer 49 - Inserted bearing seat
14 - Gear I
32 - Bush 50 - Reversal shaft
15 - Spacer
33 - Gear III 51 - Roller crown
16 - Gear II and reverse gear
34 - Gear IV 52 - Reversal gear
17 - Gear III
35 - Synchronizer I and II 53 - Toothed hub
18 - Bush
36 - Gear oil drain plug 54 - Reversal coupling collar
19 - Synchronizer III and IV
37 - Gear I 55 - Seeger ring
20 - Gear IV
38 - Shoulder ring 56 - Roller bearing
21 - Shoulder ring
39 - Retainer 57 - Reversal gear
22 - Ball bearing
40 - Shim package 58 - Seeger ring
23 - Gearbox main shaft fixing ring nut
41 - Seeger ring 59 - Cover fixing screw
24 - Gearbox main shaft
42 - Mini reduction gear conduit 60 - Mini reduction gear counter shaft
25 - Epicyclic reduction gear toothed flange
43 - Seeger ring 61 - Seeger ring
26 - Tapered pinion roller bearing
44 - Gear 62 - Bearing
27 - Gearbox countershaft
45 - Mini reduction gear oil drain plug 63 - Seeger ring
28 - Ball bearing
46 - Seeger ring 64 - Mini reduction gear countershaft cover
29 - Toothed flange fixing screw
47 - Seeger ring 65 - Shims


Gearbox countershaft 2. Cover the outside of the bush with grease

1. If previously dismounted, reposition the rear bea- 3. If previously dismounted, remount the mini reduc-
ring on the gearbox shaft. tion gear of the countershaft first.
2. If previously dismounted, remount the synchronizer 4. Fit in the shaft and mount the other parts.
(refer to: Synchronizers). 5. Fit in the internal track of the front bearing then the
3. Open the complete gearwheel’ and check their external track with the rollers and drive them into the
exact positions. bulkhead.
4. Cover external bush faces with grease, 6. Fit the shoulder ring taking care to mount it correctly
MOLYKOTE Type BR 2 to avoid seizing. (refer to the figure on page 37) and the spacer, then
5. Partially fit the shaft complete with flange, then close with the Seeger ring.
mount the other parts. 7. Fit the ring nut, tighten, loosen and then tighten to
6. Tighten the flange screws to the prescribed torque. the given torque.

Tightening torque
Tightening torque Ring nut fixing the gearwheels of the main shaft of
Fixing screws blocking the epicyclic reduction the gearbox
gear flange 46,5 ÷ 61,5 Nm
140 ÷ 154 Nm (1,75 ÷ 5,25 Kgm; 12.65 to 37.96 ft lb)
(14,25 ÷ 15,75 - Kgm; 103.03 to 113.87 ft lb)
8. Caulk the ring nut.

— Insert the front bearing into the mini reduction

gear space and drive it into its seat. Mini reduction gear and countershaft
— Slip in the shoulder ring and the shim package.
— Close with the Seeger ring. 1. If previously removed, re-insert the roller crown 2
— Carry out the play adjustment of the countershaft on the inside of the gearbox counter shaft 1.
of the gearbox (refer to: Checks and Adjustments 2. If previously dismounted, remount the bearing 9 on
of Main and Counter Shaft Bearings). the mini reduction gear countershaft fixing it with a
Seeger ring 10 then place it in the cover 11 and block
with Seeger ring 12.
3. Fit the Seeger ring 8 on the shaft.
Synchronizer 4. Fit the shaft in the box and slip on the gearwheel 7.
5. Block the gearwheel 7 with the Seeger ring 6.
Proceed with remounting working in reverse order. 6. Insert the Seeger ring 5 and then slip on the gearw-
heel 4 and block it with a Seeger ring.
7. Fit the shaft fully into place being careful not to da-
mage the roller bearing retainer 2 fitted into the coun-
Gearbox main shaft tershaft.

1. If previously dismounted remount the bearing in the

rear bulkhead. This bearing is part of the final moun-
ting of the lock pin mounted on the outside track that
has to be turned towards the back as indicated in the

1 - Gearbox countershaft 7 - Gear

2 - Roller bearing 8 - Seeger ring
3 - Seeger ring 9 - Bearing
4 - Gear 10 - Seeger ring
5 - Seeger ring 11 - Cover
6 - Seeger ring 12 - Seeger ring


8. Mount the new rubber lipped washer to avoid oil 6. Read the play at point “G” as indicated, and if the
leaks, then fit the four screws and tighten to the given values are not within those of 0.4 to 0.6 mm (0.0157 to
torque. 0.0236 in) adjust the play as indicated in: Checks and
Adjustments - Clutch Shaft Play Adjustment - Gear-
Tightening torque box with Mini Reduction Gear and Reversal 110.
Screws fixing mini reduction gear countershaft
cover to gearbox

Refer to: GENERAL

Nut tightening instructions Reversal shaft
As in the dismounting; the remounting of the reversal
shaft is dependent on other remounting. We give be-
Clutch shaft low the instructions for the correct remounting.
1. If the rear bearing 2 has been removed, remount
1. If previously moved, remount the support link 2 in them on the shaft and fix with a Seeger ring 1.
the flanged sleeve 9. 2. If moved, insert the front retainer 3 in its shaft.
2. Remount the bearing 4 on the shaft fixing it with a
Seeger ring 3.
3. Fit the shaft into the flanged sleeve taking care not
to damage the support link 2 then fix with a Seeger ring
4. Mount gear 6 and fixed it with Seeger ring 7.
5. Fit the shaft with the flanged sleeve into the gearbox
correctly positioning the sleeve hole, and insert the
synchronizer ring 8. Mount the new rubber lipped was-
her to avoid oil leaks, then fit the four sleeve fixing
screws and tighten to the given torque.

Tightening torque
Screws fixing flanged sleeve to the gearbox

Refer to: GENERAL

Nut tightening instructions

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Rear bearing
3 - Roller bearing

1 - Flanged sleeve
2 - Support link 3. Turn the profiling on the countershaft flange in such
3 - Seeger ring a way as to insert the shaft in the hole on the rear bulk-
4 - Bearing
5 - Seeger ring head of the gearbox.
6 - Gear 4. Insert the shaft being careful not to damage the
7 - Seeger ring gear 1 and the coupling collar 2 or the roller bearing 3.
8 - Synchronizer ring
9 - Clutch shaft
10 - Shims


Fit the shaft home and tap on the rear bearing until it
enters its seat.
If moved insert the internal track with the front roller
bearing 1 and tap with a soft metal hammer and punch
until it lies flat. Fit the gearwheel 2 into the mini reduc-
tion gear space and fix with a Seeger ring 3.

1 - Gear
2 - Coupling collar
3 - Roller bearing

1 - Roller bearing external track

2 - Gear
5. By way of the Seeger ring, fix the coupling collar. 3 - Seeger ring

5. Partially fit the shaft into the gearbox and slip on the
gearwheel pack one by one. To help position the inter-
nal track of the rear bearing lightly tap with a hammer
on the front tip of the shaft.
SUPER REDUCTION ANDREVERSAL 6. Slip the fixing ring nut and tighten, loosen then tigh-
GEARBOX ten again to the given torque.
For 130 - 150
Gearbox countershaft
Refer to Mini Reduction and Reversal Gearbox - Tightening torque
Countershaft Gearbox. Ring nut fixing the gearwheel pack on the gearbox
main shaft
385 ÷ 441 Nm
Gearbox main shaft (40 ÷ 45 - Kgm; 289.2 to 325.35 ft-lb)
1. If still to be mounted, remount it on the inside of the
countershaft gearbox of the upper reduction, positio-
ning the retainer on the inside of the gearbox coun- 7. Proceed with the adjustment of the tapered bea-
tershaft. ring: refer to Checks and Adjustments - Play Adjust-
2. If previously dismounted, remount the external ta- ment of Main and Counter Shaft.
pered roller bearing working in reverse order. 8. Caulk the ring nut.
3. If previously dismounted, remount the coupling col-
4. Fit parts (8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the technical dra-
wing on page 41) of the super reduction gear onto the
main shaft, then the internal ring of the tapered roller
bearing and prepare the main shaft gearwheel pac-
kage on the workbench paying attention to the order
you mount 4 and 5 of the technical drawing on page
Enfiler complètement I’arbre et battre sur le roulement
postérieur jusuq’à I’insérer dans le siège.


1 - Stud
2 - Flanged sleeve fixing nut
3 - Shims
4 - Bearing
5 - Retainer
6 - Seeger ring
7 - Clutch shaft
8 - Spacer
9 - Coupling collar
10 - Toother hub
11 - Reversal gear
12 - Bush
13 - Gearbox gear entrance
14 - Gearbox counter shaft
15 - Retainer
16 - Shoulder ring
17 - Gearbox counter shaft
18 - Super reduction gear
counter shaft
19 - Coupling sleeve
20 - Seeger ring
21 - Gear
22 - Seeger ring
23 - Seeger ring
24 - Super reduction gear
counter shaft fixing nut
25 - Stud
26 - Super reduction gear
counter shaft cover
27 - Seeger ring
28 - Bearing
29 - O-ring
30 - Flanged sleeve
31 - Support link
32 - Seeger ring

Tightening torque for nuts fixing super reduction

Super reduction gear counter shaft gear countershaft cover
1. If previously dismounted, remount the bearing 28 Refer to: GENERAL
on the countershaft 18 and then insert it in the cover 26 Nut tightening information
after having mounted a new O-ring 29.
Working in reverse order.
2. If previously moved; insert the retainer 15 on the in-
Clutch shaft
side of the countershaft 14.
1. If previously moved, insert the retainer 5 on the
3. Fit the Seeger ring 22 on the shaft and then partially
main shaft then block it with a Seeger ring 6.
fit the shaft and the gearwheels 21 blocking them with
2. If previously moved, remount the support link 31 on
the Seeger ring 21 then fit the sleeve 19 and the shoul-
the inside of the flanged sleeve 30.
der ring 16.
3. It previously dismounted, remount the bearing 4 on
4. Fit the cover on its seat and change the rubber lip-
the inside of the sleeve 30 working in the reverse or-
ped washer to ensure that there is no leak. Fit the nuts
der, then tit the main shaft 7 on the inside of the sleeve
24 on the studs 25 and tighten to the prescribed
30 being careful not to damage the support link 31.


1 - Flanged sleeve fixing

2 - Flanged sleeve
3 - support link
4 - Seeger ring
5 - O-ring
6 - Bearing
7 - Seeger ring
8 - Entry gear
9 - Clutch shaft
10 - Seeger ring
11 - Exit gear
12 - Seeger ring
13 - Shoulder ring
14 - Internal ring (I part)
15 - External bearing ring
16 - Internal ring (Il part)
17 - Gearbox main shaft
18 - Gearbox countershaft
19 - Retainer
20 - Shoulder ring
21 - Bearing
22 - Shims
23 - Seeger ring
24 - Seeger ring
25 - Conduit and reversal
26 - Seeger ring
27 - Seeger ring
28 - Conduit gear
29 - Seeger ring
30 - Super reduction gear
countershaft cover
fixing screw
31 - Seeger ring.
32 - Su per reduction gear
33 - Seeger ring
34 - Bearing
35 - Super reduction gear
countershaft cover
36 - O-ring

Tightening torque for nuts fixing flanged screws

4. Insert the sleeve 30 into its seat with the shims 3
properly alternated and adequately shimed (refer to: Refer to: GENERAL
Checks and Adjustments - Play Adjustment of Clutch Method of fixing nuts
Shaft - Super Reduction Gear and Reversal - Gearbox
130 and 150). Change the rubber lipped washer in or- REVERSAL SHAFT
der to ensure no oil leaks then tighten the nuts to the
prescribed torque. Refer to: Mini reduction Gear and Reversal 130 - 150
Reversal Shaft.

Gearbox countershaft Gearbox main shaft

Pour 110
Refer to the Mini reduction and Reversal Gearbox 110 Proceed working in reverse order being careful to fit
Gearbox Counter Shaft. the super reduction gear 11 before mounting the su-
per reduction counter shaft.


1. If previously moved, remount the retainer 19 on the STANDARDGEARBOX

inside of the countershaft 18. For 110
2. If previously moved, remount the bearing 34 on the Gearbox countershaft
shaft fixing it with a Seeger ring 33 then fit it in the co-
ver 35 and fix with a Seeger ring 31. Remount the gearbox countershaft working in reverse
3. Mount a new O-ring 36 on the cover 35. order taking care to spread the bushes 5 and 6 with
4. Mount the Seeger ring 29 on the shaft 32 partially MOLYKOTE BR-2 grease so that it doesn’t seize, then
fitting the shaft into the gearbox. fit the ring nut 1 and tighten, loosen and tighten again,
5. Fit the gearwheel 11 on the main shaft of the gear- that caulk it.
6. Fit the gearwheel 29 on the countershaft 32, slip on Tightening torque
the Seeger rings 27; and 26 and gearwheel 25. Fix Gearbox countershaft blocking ring nut
with a Seeger ring 24 then put Seeger rings 27 and 26 46,5 ÷ 51,5 Nm
into their seats. (4,75 ÷ 5,25 Kgm; 34.34 to 37.96 ft-lb)
7. Fit the cover 35 into its seat, change the washer and
ensure that the oil doesn’t leak, then tighten the screw
30 to the prescribed torque. Gearbox main shaft
Remount the gearbox main shaft working in the re-
verse order, taking care to spread the bushes 3 and 4
Tightening torque with MOLYKOTE BR-2 grease to avoid seizing, then
Super reduction gear countershaft cover fixing slip on the ring nut 2 tightening, loosening then tighte-
screw ning again to the prescribed torque, then caulk.

Tightening torque
Refer to: GENERAL Main shaft blocking ring nut
Nut tightening regulations 46,5 ÷ 51,5 Nm
(4,75 ÷ 5,25 kgm; 4.34 to 37.96 ft-lb)

Clutch shaft
1. If previously moved, insert the seal ring 3 into the in-
side of the flanged sleeve 2.
2. If previously moved, remount the bearing 6 onto the
clutch shaft 9 blocking, it with a Seeger ring 4.
3. Mount a new O-ring on the sleeve 2.
4. Slip the shaft 9 into the sleeve 2, insert the bearing
into its seat 6 and block with a Seeger ring 7.
5. Fit the gearwheel 8 on the shaft 9 and block it with a 1 - Gearbox countershaft fixing ring nut
Seeger ring 10. 2 - Gearbox main shaft fixing ring nut
3 - Bush
6. Fit the shaft into the gearbox; change the rubber lip- 4 - Bush
ped washer to ensure that there is no oil leak, then 5 - Bush
tighten the screw 1 into the sleeve 2 and tighten to the 6 - Bush
prescribed torque.
Reverse gear shaft
Remount the reverse gear shaft working in reverse order.
Tightening torque
Flanged sleeve fixing screw

Refer to: GENERAL If previously removed - remount:

Nut tightening regulations 1. Rods and forks.
2. Rejoin the two gearboxes.
3. Re-unite the gearbox and engine.
4. Remount the control lever cover.
5. Only for models 110 equipped with super reduction
Reversal shaft gear proceed with the adjustments of the reduction
gear lever run for the series (refer to: Checks and
Refer to: Mini reduction and Reversal Gearbox - Re- Adjustments).
versal Shaft. 6. Remount the rear gearbox pump cover.
7. Remount the hydraulic lifter cover.
8. Remount the drivers cabin.


9. Top up the level of the gearbox oil pouting the lubri- 1. Using a hammer lightly tap on the shaft to settle it.
cant through the special hole on the half shaft, after, 2. Mount the magnetic base support 5.9030.267.0
having removed the stick 1. with a centesimal comparator 5.9030.272.0 and fix the
gauge on the tip of the shaft.
3. Using a lever, move the shaft to one side to start the
4. Always using a lever, move the shaft to the other
PLAY ADJUSTMENT OF THE GEARBOX side and wait for the comparator needle to stop mo-
MAIN AND COUNTER SHAFT BEARINGS 5. Find the axial play of the shaft. If it is different from
the prescribed 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) adjust the shim
package 1 then tighten the ring nut 4 to the prescribed
Gearbox counter shaft torque and caulk.
For 130 - 150
1. Proceed to find the axial play of the shaft after
mounting the various parts as described below. Tightening torque
Gearbox counter shaft ring nut
395 ÷ 441 Nm
NOTE (40 ÷ 45 - Kgm; 289.2 to 325.35 ft lb)
It is better to use one shim of 0.2 mm (0.0078 in) rather
than two of 0.1 mm (0.0039 in).

1 - Shim package
2 - Gearbox counter shaft
3 - Tapered roller bearing
4 - Gearbox counter shaft ring nut


Gearbox countershaft (version with mini-reduction gear reversal and super-reduction

gear reversal for 110)
Check, with a spessimetre inserted between the shoulder ring 2 of the bearing and the closing Seeger ring 1. that
the play is less than 0.3 mm (0.0118 in). If not place some shims between the Seeger ring 1 and the shoulder ring 2
so as to correct the value.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Shoulder ring
3 - Gearbox counter shaft

Gearbox main shaft (For 130 - 150)

1. Find axle play “G” following the same procedure used for the counter shaft for models 130 and 150 then tighten
the ring nut 3 to the prescribed torque and calk.
Tightening torque
Gearbox main shaft ring nut
395 ÷ 441 Nm
(40 ÷ 45 - Kgm; 289.2 to 325.35 ft-lb)

1 - Shim package
2 - Gearbox main shaft
3 - Ring nut


PLAY ADJUSTMENT OF CLUTCH SHAFT Keep the magnetic gasket in contact with the wall of
the gearbox and the various metal shims interposed
Gearbox with mini reduction and reversal with magnetic gaskets.
for 130 - 150 Insert, after having changed the rubber lipped washer
6 against the sleeve 1, then tighten the nut 7 to the
Using a gauge, find out the distance “A” between the prescribed torque.
grooved hub 4 surface and the mating surface on the
gearbox and the distance “B” between the clutch shaft
2 surface and the compression ring 3 mounted on the Tightening torque far nut fixing flanged sleeve
Refer to: GENERAL
The difference B - A should give a to13l value bet- Nut tightening method
ween 0.2 mm (0.0078 in) and 0.4 mm (0.0157 in).

If not modify the shim package A accordingly, paying For 110

attention that you correctly alternate the gaskets and 1. Find the play between the synchronizer 1 and the
shims as indicated in the figure. gearwheel 2 of the mini reduction gear with the help of
a spessimeter, inserted as shown.

1 - Flanged sleeve
2 - Clutch shaft
3 - Compression ring
4 - Toothed hub 1 - Synchronizer ring
5 - Bearing 2 - Entry gears
6 - Washer 3 - Flanged sleeve
7 - Flanged sleeve fixing nut 4 - Shim package


2. If the value is not within that of 0.4 to 0.6 mm EPICYCLIC REDUCTION GEAR WITH
(0.0157 to 0.0236 in) work on the shims 4 found under SUPER REDUCTION PLAY
the flanged sleeve 3 until you obtain the correct value ADJUSTMENT
being careful to place them in the same way as given For 110
above. Place the super-reduction gear in neutral and the re-
duction gear in the “fast” position then adjust the screw
Gearbox with super reduction and rever- 1 until you reach the quota of 0.3 to 0.5 mm (0.0118 to
sal 0.0196 in) from the fork 2.
For 130 - 150
Fing the “A” play existing between the toothed hub 1
and the entry gear 2. If you are unable to find the cor-
rect value of 1.3 to 1.7 mm ( 0.0511 to 0.0669 in) work
on the shim package 3 as explained in step 2. and in
the following paragraph.

1 - Toothed hub
2 - Entry gear
3 - Shim package 1 - Super reduction gear rod run adjusting screw
2 - Speed range coupling fork



1 - Reduction gear coupling rod 11 - Screw

2 - Cap 12 - Toothed sleeve
3 - Gasket 13 - Shouldering
4 - Spring 14 - Guide pin
5 - Rod positioning pin 15 - Crown wheel
6 - Pin 16 - Mill holder with three side pinions
7 - Coupling fork 17 - Shim adjustment
8 - Side pinion 18 - Mill holder with four side pinions
9 - Pin 19 - Shim adjustment
10 - Small roller 20 - Crown wheel flange fixing


1. Separate the two gearboxes (refer to: Preliminary 4. Using a hammer and punch remove the pin fixing
Operations). the coupling fork 1 to the rod 2. Take out the rod, the
2. Take off with caution; as shown in the figure, the re- fork and extract the sleeve.
duction group collecting the rear shouldering.

1 - Coupling fork
2 - Reduction coupling fork

5. If necessary, remove the side pinion of the mill hol-

3. Loosen the cap 1 and take off the spring 3 and the der taking it off the pin. Recover the rollers.
pawl (or the ball) 4 using a magnet. 6. If necessary, extract the external ring 2 and the rol-
ler crown wheel 1 of the front bearing, housed on the
inside of the gearbox counter shaft 3.

1 - Cap 1 - Roller crown wheel

2 - Gasket 2 - External ring
3 - Spring 3 - Gearbox counter shaft
4 - Rod positioning pawl



Examine the surface of the rollers checking that they
NOTE are not scratched, dented show signs of rubbing due
Accurately wash the parts and carefully check them to foreign matter. If necessary always change all the
for surface defects. rollers at once.

Rod and fork REMOUNTING

1. Check that the fork is not worn or deformed. Remount the epicyclic reduction gear working in re-
2. Verify that the control rod is not deformed. verse order and adhering to the following:
3. Check that the cable on the control rod is not split. — Lubricate the parts with a film of prescribed
4. Verify that the rod positioning pawl is not split or grease before mounting on the shafts.
show signs of seizing. — If previously moved, remount the side pinions
maintaining in position the rollers with prescribed
— On mounting, turn the fixing pin so that the slit fa-
Gears ces the axial so as to limit the deformation of it.
— Pay particular attention to the method of moun-
1. Check that the reduction gear teeth work properly ting the parts referring to the figure on page 48.
on all edges. If you find gearwheels that are irregular
and with chipped teeth you must change them and
also check that the gearwheels with which they are
paired are in good working order. TESTING
2. Check that the teeth and grooves on the solar that
you examining are not split, show signs of seizing or After having moved the back and front gearboxes,
excessive wear. Change any elements that are not check that they work properly with the spring, roller
perfect. and rod, checking that the coupling of the reductions is
done smoothly and that the sleeves move along the
whole of the coupling run.


CLUTCH P. T.O. (For 130 - 150)


1 - P.T.O. Shaft 23 - Gear conduit 45 - Gasket

2 - Compression ring 24 - Spacer 46 - Cap
3 - Pump support shaft 25 - P.T.O. main shaft 47 - Ball bearing
4 - Ball bearing 26 - Seeger ring 48 - Seeger ring
5 - Spacer 27 - Retainer 49 - Seal ring
6 - Positioning screw 28 - Seeger ring 50 - P.T.O. counter shaft
7 - Ball bearing 29 - Union 51 - Studs
8 - Compression ring 30 - Gasket 52 - P.T.O.
9 - P.T.O. pump 31 - Clutch pump pipe joint 53 - Washer
10 - P.T.O. middle pump shaft 32 - Pump filter 54 - Nut
11 - P.T.O. clutch 33 - Breather pipe 55 - P.T.O. protection
12 - Registering bracket 34 - Spring 56 - Pin
13 - Washer 35 - Filter container 57 - Spring
14 - Screw 36 - Ring nut 58 - P.T.O. speed insertion gear control
15 - Retainer 37 - Shoulder ring 59 - Knob
16 - Seeger ring 38 - External track and retainer 60 - Compression ring
17 - Ball bearingv 39 - Internal track 61 - O-ring
18 - Bush 40 - Bush 62 - Spring
19 - Seeger ring 41 - Gear conduit 63 - Tongue
20 - Shoulder ring 42 - Grooved bush 64 - P.T.O. speed coupling lever
21 - Outside track and retainer 43 - Grooved sleeve 65 - Pad
22 - Inside track 44 - Gear conduit


(For 110)

1 - Compression ring 19 - Seeger ring 37 - Shoulder ring

2 - Connecting shaft 20 - Shim adjustment ring 38 - Bearing
3 - Bearing 21 - Cover gasket 39 - Ring nut
4 - Spacer 22 - Cover 40 - Oil delivery pipe
5 - Blocking screw 23 - P.T.O. protection hood 41 - Union
6 - Bearing 24 - P.T.O. grooved tang 42 - Drag pipe
7 - Compression ring 25 - Reference pin 43 - Gasket
8 - P.T.O. oil pump 26 - Counter shaft 44 - Gasket
9 - P.T.O. clutch 27 - Seal ring 45 - Knob
10 - Registering plate 28 - Seeger ring 46 - Control lever
11 - Screw 29 - Bearing 47 - Key
12 - Seeger ring 30 - Flange bearing holder 48 - Pin
13 - P.T.O. front main shaft bearing 31 - Bush 49 - Seal ring
14 - P.T.O. counter shaft bearing 32 - Gearwheel 50 - Spring
15 - P.T.O. main shaft 33 - Coupling collar 51 - Transmission lever
16 - Gear wheel 34 - Grooved sleeve 52 - Coupling fork
17 - Spacer 35 - Gearwheel
18 - Rear bearing 36 - Bush


— Always use a soft metal hammer and punch
when it is necessary to tap on ferrous parts.
— During the dismounting of the gear package
mark the order of the non symmetric parts.

Preliminary operations

1. Remove the cover that mounts the hydraulic lifter

pump and the hydraulic Iifter (refer to: Lifting Group
Lifting Housing - Removal).
2. Loosen the three screws fixing the rear P.T.O. pro-
tection drive shaft to the gearbox and remove it.
3. If mounted, remove the trailer hook after having ta-
ken out the fixing pins of the gearbox.
4. Remove the P.T.O. protection unscrewing it.
5. Loosen the two screws fixing the oil collector sump
1 of the hydraulic lifter and remove it lifting it up. Re-
move the spring found on the lower end of the sump. 1 - Rear Seeger ring
2 - Roller bearing

3. Turn the shaft 2 until the two wing nuts of the front
Seeger ring 3 do not appear in the bush space.

1 - Hydraulic lifter, hydraulic oil sump

1 - Bush
2 - P.T.O. of main shaft
P.T.O. main shaft (For 130-150) 3 - Front Seeger ring

1. Referring to the previous diagram, loosen the four

screws fixing the cover of the P.T.O. main shaft to the 4. Working as illustrated, keep the front Seeger ring
gearbox. open with pliers and at the same time move the shaft
2. Remove the rear Seeger ring 1 positioning the backwards keeping the gearwheel 1 still.
middle bearing 2.


For 110
1. Loosen the four screws fixing the cover 1 and reco-
ver the shim adjustment rings 2.

1 - P.T.O. gearwheel

5. Remove the shaft from the gearbox collecting the

rear Seeger ring, the internal ring of the middle bea-
ring consisting of two parts, and the P.T.O. gearwheel.
6. If necessary, remove the bearing 3 using the follo-
wing procedure. 1 - P.T.O. main shaft cover
(1) Remove the Seeger ring 2 then separate the shaft 2 - Shim adjustment ring
and bearing from the cover 4.
(2) Block the shaft 1 in a vice with protective jaws and 2. Dismount the differential control lock working as fol-
the Seeger ring 5, and using hammer and punch give lows.
light taps on the inside bearing ring until you remove it.
Only for model 110

(1) Remove the split pin 1 that blocks the pin 2.

1 - P.T.O. main shaft

2 - Seeger ring
3 - Roller bearing
4 - Cover 1 - Split pin
5 - Seeger ring 2 - Control plate pin

7. If necessary, remove the bearings still mounted in

the gearbox; working on the external rings of the bea-


(2) Remove the compression ring 4 of the shaft 1.

(3) Take out the shaft, collecting the bush 8, the spring
7, the fork 6, the shoulder ring 5 the spacer 3 and the
other spring 2.

1 - Differential lock shaft

2 - Spring
3 - Spacer
4 - Compression ring
5 - Shoulder ring
6 - Fork
7 - Spring
8 - Bush

Only for models 110

(1) Loosen the two screws fixing the shaft 7 to the 1 - Spring
gearbox and remove it. 2 - Fork
3 - Shouldering
(2) Loosen the tapered screws fixing the pin 6 to the 4 - Stop pin
fork 2. 5 - Differential control rod lock
(3) Remove the pin 6 taking it out before it comes com- 6 - Pin
pletely out of the fork. 7 - Bracket
(4) Remove the pin fixing the stop ring 4 on the rod 5. 8 - Cover
Collect the pin before it comes completely out of the
(5) Take off, towards the right; the rod 5 and remove
the spring 1, the fork 2 (being careful of the pads which
are loose) the shouldering 3 and the stop spring 4.
(6) Take off towards the left, the rod 5 and tap lightly 3. Open and take out the front Seeger ring 2 from the
with a hammer until you completely remove the cover middle bearing 3 in order to allow the shaft 1 to move
8. Recover the cover and extract the rod. freely.


7. If necessary, change the rear bearing 9 open the

Seeger ring 10 and take out the bearing from the
P.T.O. main shaft 11.

1 - Front bearing front Seeger ring

2 - Front bearing
3 - Rear bearing front Seeger ring
4 - Middle bearing front Seeger ring
5 - Middle bearing
6 - P.T.O. entry gear conduit
1 - P.T.O. main shaft 7 - Spacer
2 - Front Seeger 8 - P.T.O. gear exit
3 - Middle bearing 9 - Rear bearing
10 - Rear bearing Seeger ring
4. Tap on the rear gear wheel teeth 1 to extract the 11 - P.T.O. main shaft
front and rear bearings from their seats.

P.T.O. clutch pump

1. Turn the safety catch 2 downwards and unhook the
clutch coupling rod 1 of the lever 3.
2. Remove the split pin 5 and take out the spring 6
from the differential block coupling levers.
3. Remove the cap 4 containing the positioning pawl
of the clutch coupling lever.

1 - Rear crown wheel

5. After having partially removed the shaft remove the

Seeger ring 1 of the front bearing 2, take out the bea- 1 - Clutch coupling rod
ring and completely extract the shaft recovering the 2 - Safety clamp
gear wheel 6 and the spacer 7. 3 - Clutch coupling lever
6. If necessary; work on the middle bearing 5 tapping 4 - Cap
on the outside ring until you extract it from its seat. 5 - Split pin
6 - Reactor spring


4. Using a hammer and punch take out the pin fixing 9. As illustred, give light taps on the P.T O. pump until
the P.T.O. Shaft 1 of the control shaft 2 of the pump. you push it against the shouldering of rear gearbox.
Unblock the shaft by lightly tapping with a hammer.

1 - P.T.O. shaft
2 - Pump control shaft
(Diagram VALEO Clutch 130 - 150) (Diagram: VALEO clutch 130 - 150)

10. Move the shaft back 1 until you free the clutch, and
5. Loosen the two screws fixing the plate 1 to the gear- remove it.
box and remove it.
6. ERemove the pin fixing the fork 4 to the lever 5 of
the clutch coupling.
7. Loosen the screw fixing the union 2 of the oil delive-
ry pipe to the clutch. Disconnect the pipe from the
8. Loosen the positioning screw 3 of the shaft bearing
of the P.T.O. pump.

1 - P.T.O. clutch, pump pinion shaft

(Diagram VALEO models 130 - 150)

11. Take out the pump and if necessary remove the re-
tainer mounted on the inside of the shaft, breaking it
from the clutch shaft.
1 - Plate 12. If necessary dismount the clutch (refer to: P.T.O.
2 - Union Clutch - Clutch - Dismounting).
3 - Bearing positioning screw 13. Place a bowl under the differential box and loosen
4 - Fork the cap 3. Remove the filter 1 of the P.T.O. pump.
5 - Clutch coupling lever
(Diagram VALEO Clutch 130 - 150)


15. If necessary, dismount the pump (refer to: P.T.O.

Clutch - Clutch Pump - Dismounting).
16. If necessary remove the pump control shaft and
the bearings 2 and 4 using the following procedure.
(1) Remove the pump control shaft 1.
(2) Fix the shaft on a vice with protective jaws and re-
move the compression ring 5.
(3) Using a hammer and punch give light taps on the
bearing ring 4 until you remove it. Proceed in the same
way for the bearing 2.

1 - Filter
2 - Gasket
3 - Cap

14. As illustrated, give light taps on the shaft 2 until you

free the pump1. Remove the pump together with the
filter casing.
1 - P.T.O. pump control shaft
2 - Ball bearing
3 - Spacer
4 - Ball bearing
5 - Compression ring

P.T.O. counter shaft

1. Loosen the fixing ring nut of the P.T.O. countershaft
using a special spanner. Recover the ring nut and the
spacer underneath.

1 - P.T.O. pump
2 - P.T.O. pump control shaft
2. Loosen the four nuts fixing the rear flange support
of the shaft. With the help of a lever, extract the flange
complete with the shaft holding up the relative gear


4. If necessary, dismount the control coupling of the

two P.T.O. speeds using the following procedure:
(1) Remove from the bottom towards the top; the pin 7
fixing the control lever 2 to the coupling lever. Remove
the lever 2, the tongue 8 underneath and, from inside
the box, the coupling lever with the relative pad.
(2) Loosen the knobs 1 of the control lever and remove
them together with the relative spindles 4 and springs

3. If necessary, take the counter shaft support flange

to pieces using the following procedure:
(1) Fix the flange 2 on a vice with protective jaws and
loosen the six fixing screws of the P.T.O. 6 of the shaft
1. Remove the P.T.O.
(2) With the help of a hammer extract the shaft 1 of the
flange 2.
(3) Remove the compression ring 5 with a screwdri-
(4) Remove the Seeger ring 4 and give light taps on
the external bearing ring 3 until you remove it.

1 - Knob
2 - P.T.O. speed control lever
3 - Spring
4 - Spindles
5 - Spring
6 - O-ring
7 - Pin
8 - Tongue

1 - P.T.O. counter shaft

2 - Shaft support flange CHECKS AND CONTROLS
3 - Ball bearing
4 - Seeger ring Accurately wash the parts and carry out a careful
5 - Compression ring check for eventual surface defects.
6 - P.T.O.


Gears and grooves

1. Check that the ‘teeth of the gearwheels and of the
grooved shafts work on all sides. If you find gears that
are irregularly worn or with chipped teeth you must
change it, and verify that the gears they are coupled
with are not damaged. Proceed in the same way with
the grooved shafts.
2. Also check that the toothing under scrutiny is not
split, does not stick or show signs of excessive wear.
Change any parts that are no longer perfect.

Check the wear of the bushes on the P.T.O. counter
shaft, making certain that all the surfaces of the gears
are not scratched nor show signs of sticking. Change
the parts that are no longer perfect.

1. Carefully examine the bearings turning them slo-
wly, if a bearing is in good condition it should not vi-
brate, make noise or stick.
2. Examine all rings and moving part surfaces, making
certain that they are not scratched, dented, or show
signs of rubbing from foreign bodies. Change any
parts that are no longer perfect.


REMOUNTING (For 130 - 150)


1 - Reduction gear shaft 18 - Seal ring

2 - P.T.O. clutch bell 19 - P.T.O. grooved tang
3 - Distributor 20 - Stud
4 - Seeger ring 21 - P.T.O. protection tang
5 - P.T.O. front main shaft bearing 22 - P.T.O. tang fixing nut
6 - Bush 23 - Flange fixing nut
7 - Seeger ring 24 - Bearing
8 - P.T.O. main shaft 25 - Gear
9 - Seeger ring 26 - Bush
10 - Shoulder ring 27 - Coupling collar
11 - Bearing 28 - Toothed hub
12 - Gear 29 - 1000 rev gear
13 - Spacer 30 - Bearing
14 - Bearing 31 - Shoulder ring
15 - P.T.O. main shaft cover 32 - Ring nut
16 - Flange 33 - P.T.O. counter shaft
17 - Seeger ring 34 - Bush


For 110

1 - Reduction gear shaft 18 - Seal ring

2 - P.T.O. clutch hub 19 - Reference pin
3 - P.T.O. clutch bell 20 - Tang protection
4 - Distributor 21 - Grooved tank
5 - Seeger ring 22 - Stud
6 - P.T.O. front main shaft bearing 23 - P.T.O. tang fixing nut
7 - P.T.O. main shaft 24 - Bearing
8 - Seeger ring 25 - Gearwheel
9 - P.T.O. main shaft middle ring 26 - Coupling collar
10 - Gear 27 - Toothed hub
11 - Spacer 28 - Gearwheel
12 - P.T.O. rear main shaft bearing 29 - Shoulder ring
13 - Shims 30 - Bearing
14 - P.T.O. main shaft cover 31 - P.T.O. counter shaft
15 - Seeger ring 32 - Ring nut
16 - Flange 33 - Bush
17 - Seeger ring


REMOUNTING Tightening torque

P.T.O. countershaft gearwheel pack, fixing ring
Remount the P.T.O. working in the reverse order nut
paying attention to the mounting order of the non sym- 422 ÷ 441 - Nm
metrical parts referring to the previous figure and ad- (43 ÷ 45 - Kgm; 310.90 to 325.35 ft lb)
hering to the following:

— Pay attention when inserting the lock pins that Verify that play “G” between the rear shaft of the
you don’t bend them. Use a special tool opera- P.T.O. 1 and the front shaft 2 is within the values 0.4 to
ting as shown in the figure. 0.8 mm (0.0157 to 0.0314 in). If it is greater or less,
add or remove shims from the package placed in “A”
under the rear cover. Adjust the position of the mani-
fold 3 (refer to: P.T.O. Clutch – Adjustments. Play ad-
justment between the manifold and the clutch body).
Check that the reading “Q” is equal to 1.8 to 2.2 mm
(0.0708 to 0.0866 in).

blunting at 45”

— On remounting, change all the seal rings, the

gaskets and the O-rings, lubricating them with
prescribed grease.
— Apply the prescribed fixative on all the seal
rings with metal on the outside.
— Lubricate the parts with a film of prescribed
grease before mounting them on their respec-
tive shafts.
— To make more simple the remounting use the
prescribed grease to maintain in position the
— It is advisable to use two operators when
mounting the shafts.
— Pay particular attention to the order when re- 1 - P.T.O. rear shaft
mounting the parts and refer to the enlarged fi- 2 - P.T.O. front shaft
gure on page 51 and 52 and to the technical 3 - Manifold
— If dismounted, remount the coupling lever of
the two P.T.O. speeds, before mounting the
counter shaft.
— Block the two screws fixing the clutch positio-
ning plate with some prescribed fixative.
— Tighten the fixing ring nut of the counter shaft
to the prescribed torque.




1 - Pin 16 - Return control rod 31 - Pin

2 - Return control lever 17 - Single pad 32 - Adjusting nut
3 - Spring 18 - Shoe 33 - Positioning plate
4 - Bracket 19 - Front drive coupling lever 34 - Washer
5 - Front drive control rod 20 - O-ring 35 - Pin
6 - Knob 21 - Front drive control lever 36 - Seal ring
7 - Lock pin 22 - Double pad 37 - Seeger ring
8 - Split pin 23 - Gasket 38 - Shims
9 - Seeger ring 24 - Lever cover 39 - Shaft
10 - Cover 25 - Socket head screw 40 - Sleeve
11 - Tapered roller bearing 26 - O-ring 41 - Pad
12 - Spacer 27 - Gasket 42 - Return control lever
13 - Gear wheel 28 - Parking brake control lever 43 - Gear wheel
14 - Grooved bush 29 - Oil drain plug
15 - Disc 30 - Parking brake coupling lever


8. Loosen the seven screws and the two nuts fixing

CAUTION the cover to the gearbox. Remove the cover carefully,
Always use a soft metal hammer when working on recovering the P.T.O. pump filter, its protection and its
ferrous metals. spring.
9. With the help of a screwdriver, take out the seal ring
from the front P.T.O. shaft.
1. Stop the tractor on the flat with the gear in neutral
and place a suitable container under the differential
box to collect the oil.
2. Remove the transmission shaft (refer to: Engine
Removal and Replacing - Preliminary Operations
Step 2.).
3. Remove the split pin 2 and take out the pin joining
the parking brake control lever 3 and the relative rod.
4. Remove the split pin and take out the pin connec-
ting the front injection lever 5 to the relative rod.
5. Loosen the cap 8 placed in the cover 24 of the par-
king brake and wait for the oil to drain out.
6. Loosen the screw fixing the combustion by-pass
pipe support 7 to the cover and lower it.
7. Loosen the two screws fixing the P.T.O. pump filter
block sensor protection 1 and remove it. Disconnect
the sensor cables.

10. Remove the Seeger ring, the spacer and the shims
underneath the seal ring, being careful to accurately
separate the shims for their eventual remounting.
11. Loosen the screws fixing the positioning plate 2 of
the lever 1. Partially extract the lever.

1 - P.T.O. pump filter blocking sensor protection

2 - Split pin 1 - Front drive injection control lever
3 - Parking brake control lever 2 - Positioning plate lever
4 - Split pin
5 - Front drive injection lever 12. Remove the P.T.O. shaft working as follows.
6 - Cover
7 - Combustion by-pass pipe
8 - Oil drain plug
Only for 110

(1) With the help of a lever move the shaft forwards un-
til you free the external ring of the bearing 5.


(2) Remove the bearing 7 from the shaft then take out 13. If necessary, fix the shaft in a vice with protective
the shaft keeping the gear wheel 11 the three discs 12 jaws and lightly tap with a hammer and punch on the
the toothed hub 13 and the sleeve 1, separate. internal ring until you remove the bearing 5 from the
(1) With the help of a lever move it forwards until you shaft 6.
free the external bearing ring. 14. To remove the external bearing ring 7 it is neces-
(2) Remove the bearing 5 from the shaft 6 then take sary to remove the Seeger ring 9 and the cover 8
out the shaft holding the gear wheel 11 with the res- found on the inside of the differential box (refer to:
pective bush 14 the three discs 12 and the sleeve13. Rear Gear Box - Differential P.T.O - Removal) then re-
move the external ring.

Take care when removing the shaft not to damage
the tracks and the tapered bearing seats.

1 - Shell
2 - Seeger ring
3 - Shoulder ring
4 - Shims
5 - Front tapered bearing
6 - Front drive P.T.O. shaft
7 - Rear tapered bearing
8 - Cover
9 - Seeger ring
10 - Spacer
11 - Gear wheel
12 - Parking brake discs
13 - Toothed hub
14 - Front drive coupling sleeve 15 - Gear
16 - Bush


15. If you have to remove the coupling lever of the front REMOUNTING NOTE
drive, refer to the enlarged diagram on page 64 and
take out the pin 31 fixing the control lever 21 to the cou-
pling lever 19 then remove the two levers, collecting the
pad 41. NOTE
16. If necessary, change the pads of the parking brake — Change the seal rings, gaskets and O-rings on
(refer to: Brakes - Parking Brake - Removal). remounting, and lubricate them with prescribed
— To make remounting easier, it is advisable to use
CHECKS AND CONTROLS NOTE sufficient grease to keep the parts in place.
— Pay particular attention to the order of mounting
NOTE the parts referring to the enlarged diagram on
Accurately clean the parts and check them for defects. page 64 and the technical drawings on page 66.

Gears and grooves 1. Referring to the enlarged figure on page 64, if pre-
viously dismounted, remount the Seeger ring 9 cover
1. Check that the gear teeth of the grooved shaft and 10 and the external ring of the tapered bearing.
the grooved sleeve work on all sides. If you find irregu- 2. Mount the front drive coupling lever 21 and the rela-
lar or chipped teeth you must change the gear and tive control working in reverse order.
then check that the gear with which it is paired is not 3. Remount the shaft working in the reverse order and
damaged. Carry out the same check on the shaft groo- adhering to the following instructions.
ves and the sleeve.
2. Verify that the teeth are free from splits, signs of sei-
zing or excessive wear. Change any parts that are not
perfect. With reference to the technical figure on page 66.

— Turn the grooved sleeve 14 with the blunt teeth

towards the front.
— Place the shim package 4 between the shoulder
Bearings ring 4 and the tapered roller bearing 5 so as to
make the Seeger ring mounting easier 2.
Examine all the surfaces of the rings and other turning — Check that the bearings turn freely in their seats.
parts to make certain that they are not scratched, den- — Mount the seal ring 1.
ted, show signs of rubbing from foreign matter.
Change any parts that are imperfect.

With reference to the technical figure on page 64.

Discs 4. Check that, by working on the lever 21 you have a
complete coupling - and disengaging of the front drive
Check the wear of parking brake discs making certain using the sleeve 40. If this does not occur, loosen the
that all areas work with the pads and don’t show signs eccentric nut 32 regulating it until you arrive at the cor-
of scratching or sticking. Change any that do. rect control working, then block the position using the
relative lock nut.
5. Remount the pad housing cover working in the re-
verse order taking care until the discs 15 and the gears
Pads 13 are alternated with the pads correctly.

Measure the thickness of pads and check that they

have no signs or irregular wear. If the thickness of the
pads is less than that given in Brakes - Parking Brake -
Technical Data and Prescriptions, change all of them.



(For 130 - 150)


1 - Flange 73 - Shim
2 - Differential shaft adjusting shims 74 - Tapered roller bearing
3 - Tapered roller bearing 75 - Ring nut
4 - Differential half box fixing screw 76 - Roller bearing
5 - Differential half box 77 - Seeger
6 - 5th wheel 78 - 5th wheel
7 - Crown wheel 79 - Block able crown wheel
8 - Seeger ring 80 - Side pinion shaft
9 - Half ring shouldering
10 - Centering bush
11 - Side pinion
12 - Key CAUTION
13 - Differential lever control block — Always use a soft metal hammer and punch
14 - Bush when you have to tap on ferrous metal parts.
15 - Pin — During the dismounting of the gearwheel pac-
16 - Screw kage, mark the order of mounting of non sym-
17 - Support
18 - O-ring metrical parts.
19 - Differential rod block — Two operators are necessary to carry out the
20 - Stop ring following operations.
21 - Split pin
22 - Screw
23 - Washer
24 - Screw 1. Separate the two gearboxes (refer to: Preliminary
25 - Washer Operations).
26 - Washer 2. Remove the hydraulic lifting gearbox (refer to: Lif-
27 - Screw
28 - Washer ting Group - Lifting Housing - Removal).
29 - Bracket 3. Remove the epicycle reduction gear (refer to: Epi-
30 - Nut cyclic Reduction Gear - Removal).
31 - Differential control rod lever 4. Remove the P.T.O. (refer to: P.T.O. - Dismounting).
32 - Nut 5. Remove the axle shaft bell support (refer to: Preli-
33 - Support minary Operations).
34 - Screw
35 - Shock absorber
36 - Washer
37 - Bush
38 - Spacer
39 - Return rod control WARNING
40 - Fork During the removal of the bells take care that the
41 - Differential control rod cover differential box remains well balanced on the
42 - Crown wheel stands that are holding it up.
43 - Shouldering
44 - Fork
45 - Spring
46 - Cover 6. Remove the rod and differential blocking control
47 - Tapered screw
48 - Pin using the following procedure.
49 - Pad (1) Loosen the screws fixing the bracket 7 to the box
50 - Differential blocking screw and remove it.
51 - O-ring (2) Loosen the tapered screw fixing the pin 6 to the fork
52 - Flange 2.
53 - Reduction shaft (3) Remove the pin 6 being careful to remove it before
54 - Oil dip stick it is completely out of the fork.
55 - Gasket (4) Remove the pin fixing the stop ring 4 to the rod 5.
56 - Cap Recover the pin before it comes completely out of the
57 - Grease nipple
58 - Pinion ring.
59 - Barrel roller bearing (5) Take out the rod 5 towards the right hand side, and
60 - Spacer remove from it the spring 1 and the fork 2 being careful
61 - Gearwheel of the pads which are loose, the shouldering 3 and the
62 - Seeger stop ring 4.
63 - Spacer
64 - Key
65 - Tapered roller bearing
66 - Shim
67 - Shim
68 - Support flange pinion
69 - Washer
70 - Screw
71 - Spacer
72 - Shim


(6) Move the rod 5 towards the left and tap lightly with a 7. Remove the differential using the following proce-
hammer until you remove the cover 8. dure.
Then extract the rod. (1) Punch some marks on the tapered roller bearing
support and on the differential box in order to find the
correct position when remounting.
(2) Remove the differential tapered roller bearing
flange support, if necessary, with the help of light taps
with the hammer on the flange from the inside of the
differential box.

Remove the second flange being careful that you
hold the differential so that parts don’t fall on the
oil sump underneath.

(3) If necessary remove the external bearing rings

using the holes on the flange, and collect the shims
underneath, taking care to keep them separate to
make remounting easier.
(4) Loosen the seventeen screws1 fixing the crown
wheel to the differential.

1 - Screw

1 - Spring
2 - Fork
3 - Shouldering
4 - Stop ring (5) Remove the differential box from the side, then ex-
5 - Differential control rod blocking tract the crown wheel turning it so that it comes from
6 - Pin
7 - Bracket the special space in the gearbox.
8 - Cover


1- Seeger ring
2 - Half ring shouldering
(6) Extract the oil sump. 3 - Centering bush

8. Dismount the differential adopting the following pro-

cedure. (5) Tighten the union of the extractor 5.9030.618.4/10
(1) Fix the differential in a vice fitting with protective on the centering bush 1 and extract it. Recover the
jaws and loosen the two screws fixing the half box. key.

(2) With the help of light taps with a hammer, divide the 1 - Centering bush
two half boxes then collect the 5th wheel and the
crown wheel.
(3) Punch some marks on the head of the side pinion (6) Proceed in the same way for the Seeger ring, the
shafts and on the half box in order to remember the cor- half rings shouldering and the centering bush moun-
rect order when remounting. ted on the other side of the shaft.
(7) Remove the shaft and the two side pinions.
NOTE: Immediately remount the side pinions with their (8) If mounted, remove the other two side pinions in
respective 5th wheels on their shafts as soon as you the same way.
have dismounted them so that they don’t get confused. (9) Remove the crown wheel and the 5th wheel.
(10) If necessary to remove the tapered bearings,
(4) Remove the Seeger ring 1 and the half ring shoul- work as indicated in the diagram.
dering 2 underneath.


(2) Remove the Seeger ring 1 from its seat and leave it
on the pinion.

1 - Seeger ring
1 - Tapered roller bearings
2 - Differential blocking sleeve
(3) Give light taps on the pinion and remove it from the
9. Remove the pinion using the following procedure. back holding the parts held on it. Recover the key
(1) Undo the ring nut 1 fixing the pinion 2 and loosen it mounted on the pinion.
using the proper tool. (4) If necessary, remove the barrel roller bearing.
(5) If necessary, remove the flange pinion support loo-
sening the four screws that fix it to the box and remove
it recovering the shims underneath being careful to
group them together, after having accurately measu-
red the thickness, in case they are used when re-

1 - Ring nut
2 - Pinion


Only for model 110

1 - External tie rod control 19 - Pin 40 - Flange

2 - Joining fork 20 - Spring 41 - O-ring
3 - Pin 21 - O-ring 42 - Ring nut
4 - Washer 22 - Cover 43 - Front pinion bearing
5 - Plate 23 - Tapered screw 44 - Bearing seat on pinion front
6 - Washer 24 - Pin 45 - Ring nut
25 - Coupling fork 46 - 4RM transmission gear and/or
26 - Pad parking brake
27 - Coupling fork 47 - Key
7 - Split pin 28 - Bush 48 - Shim adjustment ring
8 - External tie rod 29 - Spring 49 - Rear pinion bearing
9 - Plate 30 - Coupling fork 50 - 5th wheel
10 - Pin 31 - Shoulder ring 51 - Blockable crown nut
11 - Ring 32 - Compression ring 52 - 5th wheel
12 - Pin 33 - Spacer 53 - Side pinion
13 - Screw 34 - Spring 54 - Side pinion pin
14 - Washer 35 - Control shaft 55 - Ring nut
15 - Bracket 36 - Differential box 56 - Grooved crown nut
16 - Control shaft 37 - Differential blocking roller 57 - Pinion
17 - Stop ring 38 - Tapered roller bearing 58 - Compression ring
18 - Shoulder ring 39 - Shim ring


— Always use a soft metal hammer and punch
when it is necessary to tap on ferrous metal
— During the dismounting of the gear wheel pack
mark the order of the parts to help you when re-
mounting them.
— Carry out the following operations with the
help of a second operator.

1. Separate the two gearboxes (refer to: Preliminary

2. Remove the hydraulic lifting box (refer to: Lifting
Group. Lifting Box. Removal).
3. Remove the epicyclic reduction gear (refer to: Epi-
cyclic Reduction Gear - Removal).
4. Remove the main shaft of the P.T.O. (refer to: P.T
.O. Dismounting).
5. Remove the bell support of the axle shaft (refer to:
Preliminary Operations).

During the removal of the bell ensure the diffe-
rential box is well balanced on the stand which
holds it up.

6. Only for model 110

Remove the rod and the differential blocking control

fork working as follows:
(1) Loosen the two screws fixing the bracket 7 to the
box and remove it.
1 - Spring
(2) Loosen the tapered screw fixing the pin 6 to the fork 2 - Fork
2. 3 - Shouldering
(3) Remove the pin 6 taking care to recover it before it 4 - Stop ring
actually falls out of the fork. 5 - Differential blocking control rod
(4) Remove the fork fixing the stop ring 4 to the rod 5. 6 - Pin
Recover the pin before it comes completely away from 7 - Bracket
the ring. 8 - Cover
(5) Take out from the right hand side of the rod 5 and
remove from it the spring 1, the fork 2 (paying attention
to the pads which are loose) the shouldering 3 and the
stop ring 4.
(6) Move the rod 5 towards the left lightly tapping with Only for model 110
a hammer until you remove the cover 8. Recover the
cover and extract the rod. Remove the differential blocking control rod working
as follows:


(1) Take out the split pin 1 that blocks the pin that con-
trols the bevel square 2.
(2) Remove the blocking compression ring 3 on the
shaft 4.
(3) Take the shaft out from the right hand side and col-
lect the parts.

1 - Flange

8. Extract the differential box turning it so that it enters

the space occupied by the flange.
9. If necessary, remove the external rings complete
with the retainer, using an extractor inserted into the
special grooves of the differential box.

1 - Split pin
2 - Bevel square
3 - Compression ring
4 - Shaft

7. Holding the shaft from above, take out the flange 1

and the opposite flange by pressing on the differential
If the operation means that you have to change parts
that require differential or axle play adjustment, such 10. If necessary, remove the collar 1 coupling the dif-
as the tapered roller bearing of the differential box, re- ferential block, extract the internal track 2 of the bea-
move from the flange 1, the external bearing rings, re- ring then take out the collar.
covering the shims underneath being careful to keep
them grouped ready for their remounting.


12. Remove the pinion working as follows:

(1) Open the fixing ring nut 2 of the pinion 1 found in
the space left free by the epicyclic reduction gear and
unscrew it completely.

1 - Differential block collar

2 - Internal tapered roller bearing track
11. Dismount the differential working as follows.
(1) Fix the differential group on a vice with protective
jaws and then loosen the fixing screws 7 of the crown
wheel 6 to the differential box and remove.
(2) Extract with a hammer and pin remover the lock pin
2 that blocks the side pinion pins 1 and remove it.
(3) Turn the crown wheel 3 until you bring the side pi-
nion 4 in line with the opposite opening then recover
the side pinion with the respective bronze 5th wheel.
(4) Extract the crown wheel 3 with the respective
1 - Pinion
bronze 5th wheel 3. 2 - Ring nut

(2) Loosen the second ring nut 1 found in the space left
free by the P.T.O. Clutch and that blocks the P.T.O.
gear wheel 2 of the four wheel drive tractor.

1 - Ring nut
1 - Differential box 5 - Bronze 5th wheel 2 - P.T.O. gear wheel of the four wheel drive tractor and
2 - Lock pin 6 - Toothed crown nut of the parking brake
3 - Crown wheel gear 7 - Crown nut fixing screw
4 - Side pinion gear 8 - Side pinion pin


(3) Tapping on the front end of the shaft take out the pi- — Only for models 130 and 150
nion collecting the gear wheel and the ring nut. Block the two screws fixing the half box with the
13. If it is necessary to change the external ring of the prescribed fixative after having removed the tra-
front bearing, unblock it, by tapping on the rear end of ces of the old fixative.
the bearing support flange then separate the bearing — Check that the wheels turn freely.
from it.
14. If necessary remove, using the correct tool, the in- For 130 - 150
ternal ring of the rear bearing. 2. Mount the pinion inserting the shim package found
15. If necessary, remove the external ring of the rear when dismounting and then adjust the bearing spring
bearing left in the gearbox. load (refer to: Pinion Bearing Play Adjustment Models
130 and 150).
3. Mount the differential without the crown wheel and
adjust the preload of the differential bearings (refer to:
CHECKS AND CONTROLS Differential Bearing Preload Adjustment).
4. Adjust the position of the pinion without removing
the differential in that the bearing support flange can
Accurately wash the parts and then work as follows. be taken out in front without moving the pinion (refer
1. Verify that the moving parts of the rotating track do to: Adjustment of the Pinion Position).
not show signs of irregular wear, cuts, signs or seizing 5. Take out the flange and mount it on the differential
or overheating. If so change the parts. the crown wheel blocking the screws to the prescribed
2. Check that the tapered pinion teeth work in all si- torque.
des, if you find chipped teeth you must change the pi-
nion and the crown wheel. Also check that both parts
do not have signs of seizing and splits, or are excessi- Tightening torque
vely worn. Differential crown nut fixing screws 127
127 Nm
(13 Kgm; 93.99 ft lb)

6. Adjust the play between the toothing of the pinion
and the crown wheel (refer to: Play Adjustment Bet-
NOTE ween the Pinion Teeth and the Crown Wheel).
— Accurately wash the differential box with solvent
and dry with compressed air. For 110
— On remounting change all the seal rings, the 2. Mount the crown wheel on the differential to the
gaskets and the O-rings lubricating them with prescribed torque tightening the screws.
prescribed grease.
— Lubricate the parts before remounting with a film
of prescribed grease. Tightening torque
— In order to keep the parts in position during the Differential crown nut fixing screws 107
remounting, it is advisable to use a suitable 107 Nm
grease. (11 Kgm; 79.53 ft lb)
— It is advisable to carry out the remounting with a
second operator.
— Pay particular attention to the order of remoun- 3. Adjust the preload of the differential bearings (refer
ting of the parts referring to the enlarged diagram to: Differential Bearing Preload Adjustment).
on pages 68 and 73. 4. Remove the differential and mount the pinion, ad-
justing the preload of the bearings and the position of
1. Remount the differential box working in the reverse the pinion (refer to: Pinion Bearing Preload Adjust-
order using the following instructions: ment 110 and Pinion Position Adjustment.
— Mount the 5th wheel so that the grooved side fa- 5. Remount the differential and adjust the play bet-
ces the half box. ween the toothing of the pinion and the crown wheel
— Remount the side pinion and the relative shafts (refer to: Play Adjustment between the Pinion Teeth
checking the punch marks made during the dis- and the Crown Wheel).
mounting. 6. Mount the brake housing 52 and the support bells of
the axle shaft working in the reverse order to the follo-
— Only for models 130 and 150 wing instructions.
Be careful that you mount the Seeger ring fixing — Spread the internal surfaces of the flange 40,
the side pinion shafts so that their openings are mounted on the right side, the internal surfaces
not the same as those between the half shoulde- of the brake housing 52 and the two surfaces of
ring rings 16. the crown wheel 50 with prescribed grease.


Differential bearing preload adjustment

1. Mount the differential box in the rear gearbox inser-
ting the flange 1, the shim package found on dismoun-
ting if necessary made smaller, then fix the flange
using the found nuts 3 and the respective spacers 2.

— Only for models 130 and 150

Check that the middle disc of the brake housing
42 is properly in its seat.
— Tighten to the prescribed torque the fixing nuts of
the brake housing and the bell support of the
axle shaft.

Tightening torque
- Nuts fixing brake housing to the differential box
130 - 150
130 - Nm (13 - Kgm; 93.99 ft lb)

88 - Nm (9 - Kgm; 65.07 ft lb) 1 - Flange
2 - Spacer
3 - Nut
Nuts fixing the axle shaft support bell to the brake
2. Using a hammer tap gently on the differential to bed
housing 130-150
it in.
130 - Nm
3. Mount the magnetic base 5.9030.267.0 with the
(13 - Kgm; 93.99 ft lb)
centesimal comparator 5.9030.272.0 on the differen-
tial box and place the gauge perpendicular on the
crown wheel flat.
7. Mount the differential block control working in the
4. Using a lever move, as illustrated in the figure, the
reverse order adhering to the following instructions.
differential, totally towards the left then zero the com-
— Mount the pin 37 with the hole for the fixing
screw 36 turned the correct way.
— Spread the cover 51 with the prescribed grease
after having mounted it.
— Check that the control works properly, if neces-
sary adjusting the rod run 31 by tightening or loo-
sening the screw 28.

When using the shim adjustments it is always preferable to
group more shims in one e.g. it is better to use one shim of
0.2 mm (0.0078 in) rather than two of 0.1 mm (0.0039 in).


5. Always using a lever move the differential package

to the other side and wait for the comparator needle to
stop moving.
6. Take the reading of the differential axle play and
then prepare the shim package, the size of which
should be increased by 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) with res-
pect to the value found.
7. Mount the prepared shim package under the exter-
nal ring of one of the bearings inserted in the flange in
one of the positions indicated in the figure.

1 - Shim package
2 - Differential
3 - Shim package

8. Check, after having correctly adjusted, that the dif-

ferential box turns freely even though it has a slight

Pinion bearing play adjustment

For 130 - 150
1. Mount the pinion working in the reverse order.
Mount the shim package 2 removed at the dismoun-
ting and then mount the pinion or the tapered bearings
and if than that removed.
2. Tighten the fixing ring nut of the pinion, then loosen 1 - Bearing preload shim adjustment package
and tighten again to the prescribed torque. 2 - Shim adjustment package for pinion position

Tightening torque
Pinion fixing ring nut (130 - 150) Pinion and bearing preload adjustment
290 ÷ 340 Nm
(30 ÷ 35 - kgm; 216.9 to 253.05 ft lb)
Tighten the ring nut 1 to the prescribed torque.

3. Using a comparator 5.9030.272.0 and the magnetic

base 5.9030.267.0 positioned as in the figure and le-
Tightening torque
vered as shown, take an axle play reading of the pi-
Pinion bearing preload ring nut
nion. If the reading does not enter into the value of
107 Nm
0.03 to 0.05 mm (0.0011 to 0.0020 in); correct the
(11 kgm; 79.53 ft lb)
amount until you bring it within the correct reading by
working on the shim package 1.


Pay particular attention to the fact that if you in-
crease the shims for models 130 and 150 you also
increase the given quota, while for model 110 in-
creasing the shims the quotas decreases and vice
a versa.

6. In order to avoid repeating the operation you must

take care to calcolate the difference between the
amount stamped on the pinion which has been remo-
1 - Pinion tightening ring nut ved and on the new one to be mounted. This amount
added, or decreased from the shim package will allow
you to find the correct amount.
Adjustment of pinion position
Example of calculation No.1
1. Mount the pinion positioning the shim package 1
— amount stamped on removed pinion qv= + 0,20
under the flange 4 on the bearing 3 and proceed if ne-
— amount stamped on the new pinion qn= - 0,20
cessary, to adjust the preload of the bearings then
— difference between the two
mount the differential.
(qv - qn) = S: + 0,20
2. Take a note of the number stamped on the end of
- (- 0,20)
the pinion teeth in the position indicated in the dia-
+ 0,40
3. Add or subtract this number as shown from the spe-
S = +0.40 mm10.0157 in = thickness to be added to
cification for the model or version of tractor in question
the present shims
and as given in the table “Pinion” (refer to: Technical
Data and Prescriptions - Checks and Adjustments).
Example of calculation No.2
4. The number obtained rounded to the nearest 5 cen-
— amount stamped on removed pinion qv= - 0,10
tesimal, should be the same as the reading between
— amount stamped on the new pinion qn=+ 0,30
the pinion and the rectified surface of the differential
— difference between the two
(qv - qn) = S: - 0,10
5. If you are not satisfied with the reading take the mea-
- (+0,30)
surement of the “T” reading working on the shim pac-
kage 1.
- 0,40
S = - 0.40 mm 10.0157 in = thickness to be removed
from the present shims

Play adjustment between the pinion teeth

and the crown wheel
1. After having carried out the adjustment of the pre-
load of the differential bearings, the preload of the pi-
nion bearings and the position of the pinion, mount the
magnetic base 5.9030.267.0 with the centesimal com-
parator 5.9030.272.0 on the differential box placing
the test pin in contact with the teeth of the crown

1 - Shim adjustment package for pinion position

2 - Pinion


2. Block the pinion rotation and turn the crown wheel Checks, controls and adjustments
taking a comparator reading of the play existing bet-
ween the teeth of the pinion and the crown wheel. Proceed to accurately clean the parts with solvant and
3. Check that the measurement given is between the then check the movable surfaces and the toothing and
values given on the table “Pinion and Crown Wheel” grooves. If you find chips, cracks, dents or excessive
for the mode in question (refer to: Technical Data and wear change the parts then proceed to adjust the con-
Prescriptions - Checks and Adjustments). trol working as follows:
4. If the play is more than that required remove some 1. Position on fork A adjust the position of lever B so
shims from the pack 1 to pack 2 or vice a versa. Re- that in the removal position the hole C of the lever B on
peat the measurement until you reach the given fi- the tie rod is at 140 ± 1 mm (5.51 ± 0.04).
gure. 2. Keeping lever B still adjust the stop D placing the
rubber at lever B.
3. Adjust the position of the pedal P so that it has a suf-
ficient run to be able to connect and disconnect the dif-
ferential block and that at the same time it can always
guarantee the hooking or unhooking of pedal P with
the bevel plate S.

High level gearbox

1 - Left shim package

2 - Right shim package
3 - Differential box


General characteristics

The blocking system of the differential is made up of a

movable sleeve, controlled by a fork, which by way of
the coupling of its teeth to special seats on the external
side of the pinion blocks the differential box making it
one with the two axle shafts and therefore allows it to
use its strength on the wheel; making the movement of
the tractor on heavy soil easier.
The external control levers are equipped with a tie rod
controlled from the cabin which allow you also to block
the front differential.


Dismount the internal command of the differential box

following the instructions given in: Bevel Gear - Dis-
mounting step 6. (for 130 - 150) - step 7. (for 110).




Clutch - Transmission Ratios

110 130 150

base 12 AV +3 RM -

with mini reduction gear and re-

24 - AV +12 - RM
Number of gears versal

with super reduction gear and

20 - AV +12 - RM

First gear 21/41 = 1/1,9524 24/41 = 1/1,8636

Second gear 26/36 = 1/1,3846

Gear ratio Third gear 30/32 = 1/1,0667

Fourth gear 35/29 = 1/0,8289

Reverse gear 26/32 =1/1,2308

(24/39) x (36/23) x
Reversal ratio 27/31 = 1/1,1481
(27/26) = 1/0,9997

(36/36 + 72) x (36/36 + (36/36+72) x

72) = 1/9,000 (36/36+72)=1/9000
Reduction gear ratio
Normal (36/36 + 72) = 1/3,000 (36/36 + 72) = 1/3,000

Fast 1/1 = 1/1,000

(24/39)x (36/26) =
Minireduction gear ratio (27/36) x (33/29) = 1/1,1717

(24/39)x (17/45) =
Superreduction gear ratio (27/36)x (26/53) = 1/2,7179

25 km/h
8/45 = 1/5,6250
(15.53 mi/h)
Bevel gear
30 km/h
9/42 = 1/4,6667
(18.63 mi/h)
Front axle ratio
25 km/h
1/26,8333 1/33,8462
(15.53 mi/h)
Total ratio
30 km/h
1/32,4237 1/28,3846
(18.63 mi/h)



Unit: r.p.m.

110 130 150

Minimum engine revs 650 ÷ 700

Minimum 540 179 ÷ 193 168 ÷ 182

P.T.O. revs engine
revs 1000 306 ÷ 330 284 ÷ 307

Maximum engine revs when idling 2340 ÷ 2360 2440 ÷ 2460 2360 ÷ 2380

Minimum 540 645 ÷ 651 632 ÷ 638 611 ÷ 617

P.T.O. revs engine
revs 1000 1101 ÷ 1111 1067 ÷ 1077 1032 ÷ 1042



Clutch with mini reduction and reversal gear / Clutch with super reduction and reversal gear

Main and counter shaft 130 - 150 Counter shaft 110

Unit: mm (in)

Type of check
110 130 150

a) Axle play of bearing of the main shaft, adjustable

- 0,1 (0.004)
with shim packs A and B

b) Axle play “G” of bearing of counter shaft adjustable

0 ÷ 0,3 (0 to 0.012) -
with shim pack “S"


Clutch with mini reduction and reversal gear - Clutch shaft

For 130 - 150

For 110

Unit: mm (in)
Type of check
110 130 150

Play “G” of the clutch shaft adjustable with shim pack 5 0,4 ÷ 0,6
0,2 ÷ 0,4 (0.008 to 0.015)
(1) (0.015 to 0.023)

(1) For the correct placing of the shims and gaskets refer to “Clutch with super reduction and reversal gear - Adjust-
ment of clutch shaft play”.

Clutch with super reduction and reversal gear - Clutch shaft

For 130 - 150

Unit: mm (in)
Type of check
110 130 150

Play “N” of the clutch shaft adjustable with shim pack C

1,3 ÷ 1,7 (0.051 to 0.067)

(1) For the correct positioning of the shims and gaskets refer to: “Clutch with super reduction gear” and reversal -
Adjustment of clutch shaft play".


Starter lever - Super reduction gear

Position “speed”

For 130 - 150

Position “Stop”

Unit: mm (in)
Type of check
110 130 150

Coupling run “R” of the lever 0,3 ÷ 0,5 (0.012 to 0.019)

P.T.O. - Rear shaft

Unit: mm (in)
Type of check
110 130 150

Axle play “G” of the rear shaft adjustable with shim pack
0,4 ÷ 0,8 (0.015 to 0.031)




Unit: mm (in)
Type of check
110 130 150

Bearing preload adjustable with shim pack D and E 0,1 (0.004)

Pinion and Crown Wheel

Unit: mm (in)
Type of check Version
110 130 150

a) Pinion axle play adjustable with shim package S 0,03 ÷ 0,05 (0.012 to 0.020)

25 km/h 0,20 ÷ 0,28

0,22: 0,30 (0.08 to 0.011)
With bevel (15.53 mi/h) (0.008 to 0.010)
b) Play between pinion teeth
gear for
and crown wheel
speed 30 km/h 0,21 ÷ 0,29
0,23 ÷ 0,32 (0.009 to 0.012)
(18.63 mi/h) (0.008 to 0.011)



For 130 - 150

For 110

Unit: mm (in)
Type of check Version
110 130 150

25 km/h
16 (0.629) 23 (0.905)
With bevel (15.53 mi/h)
Minimum quota “T” of pinion
gear for
positioning (1) & (2)
speed 30 km/h
16 (0.629) 23,5 (0.925)
(18.63 mi/h)

(1) The nominal value corresponds at random to the amount stamped = to zero.
(2) The amount to be varied from the shim package F is according to the working tolerance of the pinion. For the cor-
rect use of this value refer to “Adjustment of Pinion position”.




Unit: Nm (Kgm)
110 130 150

Fixing screws M14 132 (13,5)

147 (15)
Engine clutch flange M12 88 (9)

46,5 ÷ 51,5 (4,75 ÷

Lower clutch tightening ring nut 385 ÷ 441 (40 ÷ 45)

46,5 ÷ 51,5 (4,75 ÷

Main clutch gearwheel fixing ring nut 385 ÷ 441 (40 ÷ 45)

Lower clutch shaft fixing ring nut - 385 ÷ 441 (40 ÷ 45)

P.T.O. counter shaft gear wheel fixing ring nut 422 ÷ 441 (43 ÷ 45)

P.T.O. - Differential

Unit: Nm (Kgm)
110 130 150

P.T.O. counter shaft fixing ring nut - 421 ÷ 441 (43 ÷ 451)

Nut fixing brake box to the rear gearbox 88 (9) 127 (13)

Screw fixing crown wheel of differential 127 (13)

Ring nut fixing pinion 107 (11) 290 ÷ 340 (30 ÷ 35)

Screw fixing pinion flange 59 (6)


General specifications
Fluids and Lubricants

Application Type Details Model Q.ty

Differential gearbox Oil AGIP ROTRA THT 110 76l

Bearings & various parts Grease AGIP GREASE 30 130 -

Gearbox main & counter shaft

Grease MOLYKOTE BR-2 150 -

Sealants and Fixatives

Application Type Details Model Q.ty

Differential gearbox
Joining surface of gearbox - Sealant SILASTICK 738 -

Seal ring with metal outside

and diametre more than 10 LOCTITE N 222 -

Screw fixing P.T.O. clutch po- Fixative -
sitioning plate
Bevel gear 110 - 130 - 150
Screw fixing differential half -

Differential bearing support

right flange internal surface
Sealant HYLOMAR -
Internal & external surfaces of
the crown wheel of the epicy-
clic rear axle

Cover of the introduction hole

Sealant SILASTICK 738 -
of the differential blocking rod



Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Find the origin of the noise, not necessarily from the engine and with the following pro-
cedure, localize the noisy area:
- take the engine up to the rev; where the noise begins
- keeping the engine at this rev insert various gears.

Determine the cause of the noise and change or repair the defective parts.

Loss of oil from gaskets & seal rings Change the gaskets &/or seal rings
Noisy transmission in forward gear
Pinion shaft bearings (noisy only when
Change the bearings
gear inserted & in all gears)

Pinion shaft bearings (in this case the

Change the bearings
noise should occur even when in neutral)

Insufficient oil level or inadequate lubrifi-

Top up the correct level of prescribed oil
cant characteristics of oil

Bevel pinion bearing noisy Check &/or change

Noisy when vehicle moving even Differential support bearing broken or sei-
Change the bearings
when in neutral zing

Counter shaft bearing noisy Change the bearings

Contact surface of the gearwheel teeth

A specific gear is noisy Change the gearwheels
worn or slightly sticking

Lack of oil Top up the level

Transmission noisy in neutral (ve-
hicle still)
Irregular changes in the torque Adjust the minimum rev of the engine

Transmission noisy when turning

Gearwheel and side pinion and crown
both in gear and in neutral (check Change the differential box
wheel teeth worn, damaged or sticking
the axle shaft)


Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Excessive play of bevel gear wheel Check & eventually change

Excessive play of gear pack Adjust the packs

“Pull & release” noisy (check the
Bevel gear fixing screw loose Tighten the screws
axle shaft)
Differential gearwheel worn or damaged Change the gearwheel

Blocking ring nut of the pinion shaft loose Check pinion parts and tighten the nut

First of all determine the origin of the problem & decide whether it is the speed gear or
the control system. If the clutch transmits couping when the pedal is lowered, it doesn’t
disconnect. If the clutch couples when the pedal is left, or discouples when the pedal is
lowered, the engine to the gearbox in the correct way. If the clutch is not faulty, then it is
the speed clutch or the system of control that is at fault.

Syncronizer group faulty Refer to “Faulty Syncronizer Group”

Difficulty in inserting & letting out
the gears, mini reduction reversal, External tie rod control not adjusted &/or Check the tie rod and/or control the con-
epicyclic reduction there is a lack of oil in the joints trol joints

Lack of oil in the differential gearbox Top up the correct oil level

Insufficient run of the tie rod external parts Check the system and if necessary
due to excessive play change the worn parts

Internal controls deformed or worn Repair and change the defective parts

Sleeve gearwheels worn or damaged Change the worn parts

The gears jump out Excessive axle play for gearwheels that
Check the adjustment of the gear pac-
disengage on their own (Pull & release
also noisy)

Spring either worn or broken

Milling of the rod worn or deformed Change the rods

Gear coupling sensibility scarce
Fork and/or lever worn or damaged Change the fork &/or the levers

Pawl worn or damaged Change the pawls


Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Distance between front teeth of the gear

Change the defective parts
wheel & sleeve incorrect

Sleeve and gearwheel with front teeth

Syncronizing group defective or Change the defective parts
worn or damaged
Syncronizer ring worn Change

Sleeve grooves worn or damaged Change

Change the defective parts & use correct

Shortage of oil or oil incorrect type

Adjustment of bearings & gear- wheel in-

Seizing, sticking or breaks
Change the defective part and retighten
Fixing screws loose

Adjust the play and change the defective

Insufficient play

Movement on the external control lever

Change the part that need changing
The control levers of the mini reduc- wrong
tion reversal and the epicyclic re-
Refer to noisy gears
duction gears make a noise and vi-
brate Return spring of the lever not working pro-
Change the spring

Front wheel drive coupling control exter-

Check the levers &/or check the control
nal levers not adjusted &/or shortage of oil
in the joints

Difficulty in engaging & disengaging Internal controls damaged or worn Repair or change the defective parts
the front traction
External lever run insufficient due to ex- Check the system & if necessary repair or
cessive play change the worn parts

Shortage of oil in the differential gear box Top up the oil level

The rear drive coupling signal light switch

Change the switch
On inserting the front clutch the si- not working properly
gnal light does not work
Electrical wiring faulty Check the wiring

Internal controls worn or not working cor-

The front wheel drive disengages Change the defective parts



Tool Number Name Page No.

5.9030.267.0 Magnetic base support

5.9030.596.0 Pinion ring nut spanner

Extractor for centering diffe-

rential side pinion bushes

5.9030.627.0 Centesimal comparator



GEARBOX LUBRICATION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . 114 Oil radiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Oil pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Oil filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 TECHNICAL DATA AND
Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Pressure relief valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Technical details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120



Only for 130-150, the gearbox is lubricated through an
independent system. This system, through a forced
lubrication, guarantees a suitable oil delivery to all
gearbox components at any r.p.m., thus ensuring
components long-life, low noise, and lower leaks due
to friction. Ali this results in a reduced maintenance. 1 - Oil filters 25 m
The system is composed as follows: 2 - Hydraulic pumps
— One gear pump directly operated by crankshaft 3 - Auxiliary hydraulic valves
through a flange integral with drive pulley 4 - Hydraulic rear lift
— One radiator mounted on the upper side of air 5 - Oil filters 15 m
duet, permitting the oil to be kept at such a tem- 6 - Hydraulic pumps
perature so as not to alter its features 7 - Power steering directional control valve
— One pressure relief valve that, in the event of ex- 8 - Radiator
cessive pressure increase, opens, thus causing 9 - By-pass valve
the back gearbox oil to be discharged 10 - Hydraulic circuit of the transmission lubrication
— Two filters located on the left-hand side of ve-
hicle, permitting any oil impurities to be elimina-




1 - O-ring
2 - Support link
3 - Cap
4 - Gasket
5 - Heart
6 - Gasket
7 - Key
8 - Bearing
9 - Bush
10 - Pinion duct
11 - Pump housing
12 - Base
13 - Pinion conductor




1. Operating from under the vehicle and using wrench 1. Unscrew the two bolts of upper bracket 1 suppor-
5.9030.512.0, ‘unscrew the two filters 1 and remove ting right-hand tank 2.
them. 2. Unscrew the two screws securing bracket 3 suppor-
ting right-hand tank lower side, and tilt the tank by res-
ting it on a suitable support.

1 - Oil filter

2. When reassembling, fill the new filters with the oil

prescribed, lubricate the related gasket, and tighten
them manually on filter support.

3. Run the engine and check for oil leaks from filter

1 - Upper bracket
2 - Fuel tank
3 - Lower bracket


3. Place a tank to collect the oil under valve unit 1 and OIL RADIATOR
disconnect piping 2 and 3 from unit itself.
4. Unscrew the valve unit 4 and remove it from gear- REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
1. Unscrew the wing nuts, and remove the side
left-hand engine lids.

2. Unscrew the unions of piping 1 and 2 from radiator,

then remove radiator 3, handling it with extreme care
to avoid excessive oil leaks during removal.

1 - Pressure relief valve unit 3

2 - Oil delivery pipe 2
3 - Excess ail drain pipe

1 - Oil delivery pipe

5. Install a new valve unit by reversing the order of re- 2 - Oil return pipe
moval. At the end of the operation check the gearbox 3 - Gearbox ail radiator
oil level.

3. Install the radiator by reversing the order of remo-

val, checking good condition of radiator rubber bus-
hes. Check also the gearbox oil level; top up if neces-


1. Thoroughly clean the radiator honey-comb with a

jet of compressed air and a wooden stick.
2. Use a spray gun to wash with solvent the radiator in-
side until the solvent comes out clean.



Gear lubrication

110 130 150

Type -
HY/ZFS 11/BL201-0510-425-307

Maximum engine speed l/1’ - 17,5

Pressure relief valve setting - 1 (14.5)

Lubricating oil pressure (with hot oil) - 1 (14.5)

Total capacity of gear box and hydraulic circuit l 76

Constructor FIAAM

Type FT 4952 IN

Oil filters Quantity 2

Degree of filtration µm 25

Filtering area cm 7550 x 2

Type - In-flow of air not adjustable

Gear oil cooler
Constructor - LANGERER 5 & REICH


Gear Oil - Differential

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Lubrication gear-differential Oil AGIP ROTRA THT (API - GL3) 110 - 130 - 150 96 l

— The above quantity refers to the maximum capacity. The good functioning of the group is guaranteed also
with a slightly inferior quantity as long as the level is between the minimum and maximum marking shown on
the dipstick.
— Control oil level every 150 hours.

Sealants and Fixatives

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Safety valve screw thread

connector of gear lubrication Fixative LOCTITE 270 130 - 150 -


Tool number Denomination Page ref.

5.9030.512.0 Oil filter wrench 5



GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Clutch operating-pressure check . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

CLUTCH CONTROL LEVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Adjustment of play between the manifold
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 and the clutch body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Adjustment of the distributor piston position . . . . . 133
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 HYDRAULIC PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
CLUTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
(Clutch VALEO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
(Clutch SAME). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 TECHNICAL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS. . . . 136
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
(Clutch VALEO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 General prescriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
(Clutch SAME). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CORRECTIVE
Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Play adjustment between the starter
piston and the band brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132



engaging phase disengaging phase

Pressurized oil

1 - Clutch control lever 7 - Filter

2 - Starter lever 8 - Spring
3 - Distributor 9 - Disc package
4 - Clutch PTO 10 - Pistons
5 - Brake band 11 - Pistons
6 - Clutch fuel pump 12 - Safety valve


The clutch P.T.O. is completely independent of the other mechanical parts of the tractor. It is of the multi-disc type in
an oil bath with hydraulic controls. The control lever 1 actions, by way of a series of levers 2, the distributor 3, allo-
wing pressurized oil to work on the piston 10; and so allowing the joining of the driving plates with the pressure pla-
tes transmitting this to the external drive shaft of the power thrust.

The oil necessary for the working of the clutch is taken from the differential gearbox, and filtered, reaches the pump
and gears 6 in direct drive with the engine. The pistons 11 also controlled by the hydraulic distributor 3 at the same
time work on the upper plate and the brake band 5 to block the disc housing bell when the clutch is disengaged, and
finally to stop the rotation of the external shaft (disengaging phase).

A safety valve 12 eliminates any damage to the hydraulic circuit in the event of an increase in oil pressure caused by
bad functioning.


1 - Control lever 14 - Transmission rod

2 - Split pin 15 - Pin with safety clip
3 - Washer 16 - Transmission lever
4 - Pin 17 - O-ring
5 - Fork 18 - Bush
6 - Transmission rod 19 - Starter lever
7 - Dust cover bellow 20 - Pin
8 - Nut 21 - Plug
9 - Transmission lever 22 - Gasket
10 - Bush 23 - Spring
11 - Switch 24 - Cap
12 - Bracket 25 - Bracket
13 - Fork


REMOVAL 5. Working from underneath the cabin unhook the sa-

fety catch 7 and remove unfastening the rod 6 from the
1. Working from inside the cabin loosen the screws lever 8. If necessary remove the transmission rod 6
fixing the knobs 1 present on the right side control pa- pulling it from inside the cabin together with the protec-
nel. Remove the knobs. tion cover.
2. Unscrew the ten fixing nuts on the control panel 3 6. Loosen the nut 4 fixing the lever 8 to the rod catch.
and remove. Remove lever 8 with drawing it on the right.
7. Unhook the safety chain 2 and remove unfastening
the rod 3 from the lever 1.
8. If necessary, loosen the two screws fixing the
switch 9 and remove.

1 - Knobs
2 - Clutch control lever
3 - Control panel 1 - Transmission lever
2 - Safety catch and pin
3 - Transmission rod
4 - Nut
5 - Pin
6 - Transmission rod
7 - Safety catch and pin
3. Remove the split pin 4 and slip out the pin 3 joining 8 - Transmission lever
the control lever 1 and the transmission rod fork 2. 9 - Switch
4. Loosen the bracket fixing nut 5 and remove toge-
ther with the control lever 1.

9. Remove the hoisting box from the gearbox (refer to:

Hoisting Group - Hoisting Box Removal) and the cap
of the support pump.
10. With the help of a hammer and punch, remove the
pin fixing the coupling lever 1 to the transmission lever
2. Remove both the levers.

1 - Clutch control lever

2 - Transmission rod fork
3 - Pin
4 - Split pin 1 - Clutch coupling lever
5 - Lever support bracket 2 - Transmission lever



1. Clean the metal parts of the clutch coupling control
with adequate solvant and visually check their worka-
2. Control the wear between the levers and rod.
3. Control all the rubber bellows. Change any that ap-
pear worn or damaged.

Reassembly the clutch control levers working in the
reverse order.
— Change the O-ring greasing it with the prescribed
— Lubricate the linkages with the prescribed
— Reassembly completed, control the correct func-
tioning of the levers checking that the engaging
and disengaging of the clutch is correct and that
the levers do not slip from the working position.
— Proceed with the adjustment of the clutch control
lever (see: Adjustment).

Proceed with the necessary adjustments after the
reassembly of the various parts as described in
“Reassembly”, scrupulously adhering to the following
1. With rod 2 disconnected, turn the lever 9 in the di-
rection indicated by the arrow and check that the dis-
tance “X” between the transmission lever 3 and the re-
lative support 4 is the same as that given in “Technical
Data and Prescriptions - Checks and Adjustments” for
the model in question.
2. If unable to obtain the correct distance, either loo-
sen or tighten the fork 6 of the rod 5 until you obtain it.
3. Remount the lever 2, move lever 1 to the ON/OFF 1 - Clutch control lever
and check that the distance “Y” between the control le- 2 - Transmission rod
ver 1 and the panel 7 is the same as that given in 3 - Transmission lever
“Technical Data and Prescriptions and Checks and 4 - Support
Adjustments” for the tractor in question. 5 - Transmission rod
4. If unable to obtain the correct value, loosen or tigh- 6 - Fork
7 - Control panel
ten the fork 8 of the rod 2 until it is reached. 8 - Fork
9 - Lever


For 130 - 150

1 - Retaining ring 17 - Main piston 33 - Gasket

2 - Safety ring 18 - Shock absorber piston 34 - Plug
3 - Parcelling ring 19 - O-ring 35 - Seeger ring
4 - Metal discs 20 - Spring 36 - Gasket
5 - Clutch discs 21 - Shoulder disc 37 - Fuel pipe
6 - Toothed wheel 22 - Seeger ring 38 - Gasket
7 - Brake band 23 - O-ring 39 - Union
8 - Secondary pistons 24 - Union block 40 - Washer
9 - O-ring 25 - Gasket 41 - Metal support link
10 - Shims 26 - Pin 42 - Clutch body
11 - Blocking plate 27 - Distributor 43 - Pistons
12 - Plate 28 - Plug 44 - Support link
13 - Main piston band brake fixing screw 29 - Gasket 45 - Support link
14 - Shock absorber cylinder 30 - Spring 46 - Spring
15 - Union 31 - Safety valve 47 - Retainer
16 - Gasket 32 - Distributor body 48 - Compression ring


For 110

1 - Plug 19 - Blocking plate 37 - ShouIder ring

2 - Gasket 20 - Plate 38 - Ring with external teeth
3 - Spring 21 - Shims 39 - Ring with internal teeth
4 - Spacer 22 - Band brake 40 - Spacer
5 - Transmission levers 23 - Piston 41 - Compression ring
6 - Nut 24 - Drive shaft 42 - Support discs
7 - Notched washer 25 - Spring 43 - Shoulder ring
8 - Coupling lever 26 - Manifold 44 - Compression ring
9 - Pin 27 - Shock absorber fixing nut 45 - Spring
10 - Main piston 28 - Compression ring 46 - Cap
11 - O-ring 29 - Clutch body 47 - Support link
12 - Secondary piston 30 - Headless screw 48 - Shock absorber piston
13 - Screws 31 - Piston 49 - Shock absorber cylinder
14 - Notched washer 32 - Gasket 50 - Gasket
15 - Gaskets 33 - Support link 51 - Distributor
16 - Union 34 - Spring 52 - Distributor body
17 - Rigid union tube 35 - Spring
18 - Band brake fixing screw 36 - Compression ring


Remove the clutch from the differential box (refer to:
Gearbox - P.T.O. - Disassembly).

Only far models 130 and 150 (Clutch VALEO)
1. Unscrew the plug 4 fixing the safety valve, and
using a magnet extract the spring 5 and the valve 6.
2. Loosen the screw fixing the shock absorber 1 to the
clutch and remove.

1 - Clutch body
2 - Band brake
3 - Distributor
4 - Distributor body
5 - Washer
6 - Seeger ring

5. Slip piston 3 and piston 4 with the band brake from

the distributor body. Remove the pin 5 and take off the
distributor upwards.

1 - Shock absorber
2 - Distributor
3 - Clutch
4 - Plug
5 - Spring
6 - Spring

3. Refer to the enlarged diagram if necessary, and dis-

mount the shock absorber. Remove the Seeger ring
22 together with the shoulder disc 21 and extract the
spring 20 and the piston 18.
4. Refer to the following diagram and remove the See-
ger ring 6 and the washer 5 under it. Carefully remove
the distributor body 4 with the band brake 2 from the
clutch body 1. Remove the metal support links from
the clutch body.
1 - Distributor body
2 - Distributor
3 - Piston
4 - Band brake piston
5 - Pin


6. Dismount the clutch body using the following proce- (5) Hold the retainer 4 still, and remove the compres-
dure. sion ring 3. Remove the retainer 4 and the spring 5.
(1) Block the clutch body on a vice with protective jaws (6) Using compressed air remove the piston 2.
and move the safety ring 1 so that the end of it coinci-
des with one of the slits in the clutch body.
(2) Using pliers, carefully remove the safety band 1.
(3) Remove the compression ring 2.
(4) Remove the packaging ring 3 the disc package 5
and the indented wheel 6.

1 - Clutch body
2 - Piston
3 - Compression ring
4 - Retainer
5 - Spring

Only for model 110

1. Take off the support 1 and the shovel ring 2 from the

1 - Safety band
2 - Compression ring
3 - Packaging ring
4 - Clutch body 1 - Disc support
5 - Disc parcel 2 - Shovel ring
6 - Indented wheel


2. Referring to the first enlarged diagram, unscrew the

nut 27 take off the cylinder 49 and then open the com- 6. Remove the manifold 1 from clutch body and extract
pression ring 44 and withdraw the shoulder ring 43, the piston 2, the spring 3 and the drive shaft 4.
the spring 45, the support link 47 and the piston 48.
3. Flatten the wings of the two screws 1 fixing the
block plate and the band 3 to the main piston 6, loosen
the two screws and remove the block plate 2 the band
brake 3 and the secondary plate 4 and the shims 5.

1 - Manifold
2 - Piston
3 - Spring
4 - Drive shaft

7. It necessary, remove the compression band 1 ope-

1 - Sand fixing screws ning the clips.
2 - Block plate
3 - Sand brake
4 - Secondary plate
5 - Shims
6 - Main piston

4. Loosen the two screws 2 fixing the distributor body

4 and remove.
5. If necessary remove the distributor 1 and the two
pistons 3 from the distributor body 4.

1 - Compression band

8. It necessary, dismount the discs using the following

1 - Distributor (1) Open the compression band 1 take off the disc 2
2 - Fixing screws and the spring 3.
3 - Piston
4 - Distributor body


(2) Check the wear and tear of cylinder and pistons. If

there is too much play change the complete cylinder or
(3) Check that the piston thrust disc does not show
signs of tempering or marks. If so, change it.
(4) Check the conditions of the support links, changing
the faulty parts.
(5) Check all the spaces, openings and internal passa-
ges of the clutch and distributor bodies are clean and
free from particles.

2. Clutch disc check

(1) Check that all the sliding areas of the discs are not
worn; chipped or scratched. Change any faulty discs.
(2) Check that the discs move freely in their seats.

3. Check that the teeth of the indented support work

on all sides. If you find broken or faulty teeth must
change the wheel. If you find teeth with bumps, re-
move them with a file.
1 - Compression ring
2 - Disc 4. Control the fix efficiency of the springs checking
3 - Spring that they are not twisted or deformed. If necessary
change them.

5. Check that the distributor and safety valve are not

(2) Take off the compression band 1 and take out the deformed, scratched or have excessive play in their
spacer 2 and the disc package 3 then, using compres- seats. If necessary, change the faulty parts.
sed air, extract the piston 4 from the clutch body 5.
6. Check the wear of the friction gasket of the brake
band and the relative piston. Change the parts if too

7. Only for models 130 and150 (Clutch VALEO)

Temporarily position the metal support links 1on the
inside of the distributor body 2.
Using a feeler gauge, check that the play between the
end of the links is not less than the value given in
“Technical Data and Prescriptions - Checks and Con-

1 - Compression ring
2 - Spacer
3 - Disc package
4 - Piston
5 - Clutch body


Wash all parts of the clutch with prescribed solvant
and dry them with compressed air. Proceed to check
each part, particularly the following, carefully for de-
1. Check the distributor and the clutch body pistons. 1 - Metal support link
(1) Check that the inside of the cylinders and the pis- 2 - Distributor body
tons are not rusty. If necessary change them.


Remount the clutch working in the reverse order adhe-
ring to the following instructions.
— On remounting change all the support links, the
gaskets and the O-rings, lubricating them with
prescribed oil.
— Pay particular attention to the- manner in which
the parts are mounted referring to the enlarged
— Remount the disc package checking that the first
and last disc are metal.
— After having remounted the disc package check
that they have enough play.
— Block the threaded unions with the prescribed

Only for model 110

— Spread the unions between the manifold and the 1 - Shims
distributor body with the prescribed sealant. 2 - Plate
3 - Band brake


Remount the clutch in the differential housing (refer to:
Gearbox - P.T.O. - Remounting) and carry out the ne- 1. Using the correct spanner, loosen the shock absor-
cessary adjustment (refer to: Adjustments). ber and remove it.
2. Screw a flexible pipe 5.9030.517.0 and manometer
5.9030.510.0 onto the union block.

Proceed with the necessary adjustments after moun-
ting the various parts as described in “Remounting
and Reassembly”, carefully adhering to the following


1. Press with the finger on the main piston as shown in
the diagram, and at the same time lift the band brake
with a screwdriver.
2. Sensitivity check that the play is around 1 to 2 mm
(0.0393 to 0.0787 in).
3. If the play is not that given, increase or reduce the
shims 1 until you obtain the correct value.

So that the band brake does not break under
strain, correctly position the shims 1 touching the
pistons and covered by the plate 2.


3. Start the engine, action the P.T.O. clutch and check ADJUSTMENT OF THE DISTRIBUTOR
the pressure value reading on the manometer PISTON POSITION
5.9030.510.0 is the same as that given in “Technical For 110
Data and Prescriptions - Technical Data” for the trac- — Check that the piston is free from the rod lever.
tor model in question. Se certain that when the control lever is fully pus-
4. If the value is not correct, proceed with another ac- hed back, the distributor is in line with the back
curate check of the clutch and/or the fuel pump (refer edge of the distributor body.
to: Hydraulic Pump Check). To adjust the position of the distributor, first loo-
5. Having checked, remount the shock absorber, sen the screw 1 then screw 2 at the same time
blocking the union threads with the prescribed sealer. moving the distributor body 3 until you bring it to
the correct position, then tighten first screw 2
then screw 1.


For 110
— Find out what play there is between the manifold
and the clutch body. If it is not within the values
of 1.8 to 2.2 mm (0.0708 to 0.0866 in) adjust it
as follows.
(1) Loosen the two screws 1 fixing the bevel square 2.
(2) Move the manifold 3 in such a way to reach values
given above, then tighten the screws 1.

1 - Fixing screw
2 - Adjusting screw
3 - Distributor body

1 - Fixing screws
2 - Adjusting screws
3 - Distributor body



1 - Pump
2 - Pump fuel pipes

1 - Pump body
3 - External gears
4 - Pin Accurately wash the parts and visually check each
5 - Pump cover one for defects.
6 - Gasket 1. Check that the teeth of the gears works on all sides.
7 - Union
8 - Delivery pipe to clutch If not, change any that are faulty.
9 - O-ring 2. Also check that the teeth are not chipped or show
10 - Fuel piping signs of excessive wear. If necessary change them.
11 - Spring 3. Check that the mating surfaces of the two parts of
12 - Cover the pump body are free from splits; bumps or chips. If
13 - Filter necessary change the defective parts.
14 - Plug 4. Check that the spaces and internal passages of the
pump body are dean and free from particles.

Remove the pump from the differential box (refer to:
Gearbox - P.T.O. - Dismounting). Remount the pump working in the reverse order,
changing the O-ring and the gaskets.

1. Fix the pump onto a vice with protective teeth and
loosen the screws fixing the pipes 2 to the pump. Re-
move the pipes together with the O-ring.
2. Loosen the six screws fixing the pump. Open the
pump and remove the two internal gears.


Remount the pump into the differential box (refer to: Gearbox - P.T.O. - Remounting).

1 - Pump gear lever pin

2 - Pump gear lever
3 - Gear conductor
4 - Bearing
5 - Union
6 - Oil pump PTO body
7 - External gears
8 - Internal gears
9 - PTO clutch brake piston
10 - O-ring
11 - Safety valve
12 - Manifold
13 - PTO clutch body
14 - Shovel ring
15 - Seeger ring
16 - Band brake
17 - Disc package
18 - Packaging ring
19 - PTO pump closing screw
20 - PTO pump cover




Clutch PTO

110 130 150

Clutch manufacturer Manufacturer VALEO

Type hydraulic multidisc with band brake

Number of discs 4 7

Diameter of discs mm (in) 149 (5.87) 140 (5.51)

Number of shoulder rings 5 8

Disc lubrification pressure (P.T.O. release) bar 10 ÷ 14 7,5

Free run of brake control piston mm (in) 1,5 (0.06) 1,5 ÷ 2 (0.06 to 0.08)

Hydraulic pump as gears

Max. engine rev. I/1 9 ÷ 11 25

Max. calibrating pressure (P.T.O. disengaged) bar 10 ÷ 14 12 ÷ 17

Oil filter in metal

Filtration capacity micron 90

Filtration area mm (in) 330 (12.10)

Hydraulic distributor run mm (in) 14 (0.55)

Play between piston ring ends mm (in) 0,2 (0.008)



1 - Support
2 - Return lever
3 - Drive lever
4 - Panel

Unit: mm (in)

Type of check
110 130 150

“X” distance between the return lever and relative sup-

45 (1.77)

“Y” play between drive lever and panel 2 ÷ 3 (0.08 to 0.12)

Play between starter piston and band brake 1 ÷ 2 (0.04 to 0.08)

Play between manifold and clutch body 1,8 ÷ 2,2 (0.07 to 0.09)

Fluids and Lubricants

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Topping up of differential gear

Oil AGIP ROTRA THT (API - GL3) 110 - 130 - 150

Fixatives and Sealants

Part Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Distributor body manifold Sealant HYLOMAR 110 - 130 -

Threaded unions Fixative LOCTITE 270 150 -



Tool Number Tool Name Page No.

Manometer in glycerine bath O

5. 9030.510.0
to 40 bar (0 te 580 p.s.i.)

5.9030.517.0 Flexible union piping



Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Incorrect distributor run Register control lever

Distributor position incorrect Register distributor position

Distributor body position incorrect Register distributor body position

Overpressure valve damaged Check the valve

P.T.O. is late starting Piston rings worn Change piston rings

Brake discs deformed Change brake discs

Dismount and clean the clutch body

Piping blocked
and distributor

Pump capacity insufficient Adjust fuel pump PTO

Control course incorrect Adjust distributor and levers

Brake discs worn Change discs

P.T.O. slides under stess
Check oil level
Insufficient pressure control Adjust the pump and distributor hou-
Band brake worn Change band brake

P.T.O. doesn’t stop when disengaged Leakage in starter piston Adjust piston and distributor housing

Incorrect control run Adjust levers and distributor





GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 WHEEL HUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

FRONT AXLE ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Disassembly and reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 WHEEL SHAFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Disassembly and reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
POWER STEERING.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 TRACK VARIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Disassembly, checks and verifications, TOE -IN CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 END - FLOAT ADJUSTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 TECHNICAL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS. . . . 156
STEERING TIE RODS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Tightening torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
STEERING CENTRE LEVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 CORRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150




1 - Steering tie rod
2 - Clamp
3 - Sleeve
4 - Ball joint
5 - Steering central lever
6 - Grease nipple
7 - Seeger ring
8 - Fifth wheel
9 - Gasket
The group of telescopic type, substitutes the driving 10 - Power steering
axle in the two-wheel drive models, although maintai- 11 - Shovel ring
ning the same robustness and solidity. It is composed 13 - Gasket
14 - Bush
of a central axle which is secured to the front mounting 15 - LH side axle
through a pin, and two side axles. It permits the track 16 - Cover’
to be adjusted according with the use requirements. 17 - Gasket
In addition to the shafts and wheel hubs, the side 18 - Castle nut
axles, also hold the steering tie rods through levers. 19 - Shoulder ring
The steering movement is obtained through two po- 20 - Outer bearing
wer steering and transmission levers placed in central 21 - Wheel hub
position. 22 - Spacer
23 - Inner bearing
24 - Seal ring
25 - Wheel shaft
26 - O-ring
27 - Thrust bearing
28 - Pin
29 - Central axle
30 - Pin securing axle
31 - Shim
32 - Pin
33 - Disk
34 - Lower tapered roller bearing
35 - Steering central lever
36 - Upper tapered roller bearing
37 - Cover



REMOVAL 6. Unscrew the two screws securing pin 1 to axle

mounting 2.
1. Leave the vehicle on a level surface, operate the
parking brake, and position a safety stand 2 under the
engine oil sump, interposing a wooden block to pre-
vent metal parts coming into contact.
2. Unscrew the six nuts securing wheels 1.
3. Sling front axle 3 with a chain, and lift the vehicle.
4. Remove the wheels, then lower the vehicle resting
it on safety 2.

1 - Pin
2 - Axle support

7. Use a light alloy hammer and punch to tap on rear

end of pin 1.

1 - Wheels
2 - Safety stand
3 - Front axle
5. Place appropriate containers under the power stee-
ring; unscrew unions 1 of power steering 3 from hoses
2 side.

1 - Pin

1 - Unions
2 - Hoses
3 - Power steering


8. By means of two levers 1, withdraw pin 2 forwards, 11. Position axle 1 on three stands 2, ensuring that it
and recover the shims interposed between flange and rests safely.
front mounting.

Keep the two shim packages separated so that the
correct positioning can be maintained on reassem-

1 - Front axle Assembly

2 - Stands

1 - Levers
2 - Pin
9. Remove the axle from front mounting by slightly 1. Verify that bushes 1 of central axle are not worn,
tapping on central axle with a hammer. checking that indentations are still present. If required,
10. Lower axle 1 very slowly, ensuring that operation remove the bushes using a hammer and a punch.
is not hindered, then remove shovel rings 2.

1 - Bush
2 - Central axle

2. Verify that pin surface is free from cracks, deforma-

tions, or splinters. Replace the pin if required.
1 - Front driving axle
2 - Shovel rings


Carry out installation by proceeding as follows.
1. Use very fine abrasive paper to eliminate any signs of oxidation from the pin and front mounting.
2. Grease the bushes and the pin using the grease prescribed.
3. Lay a coat of grease on the shovel rings of front mounting to facilitate the positioning.
4. By means of a light alloy hammer and punch, tap on spacer 6, moving it forwards.
5. Insert pin 5 into the spacer.
6. Lift the axle and insert the pin into bush 3.
7. Push the pin almost fully home.
8. Position shims 7, and screws 7 securing the pin to front axle.

1 - Front axlet
3 - Axle bushes
5 - Pin
6 - Spacer
7 - Shims
8 - Screw

9. Complete the installation by reversing the order of removal, complying with the following.
— Check the end-float, and adjust it if necessary (refer to: End - Float Adjustment).
— Restore the oil level in the hydrostatic steering system and bleed it (refer to: Hydrostatic Steering - Hydraulic
System Assembly - Bleeding).


1. Remove the front axle from vehicle (refer to: Front Axle Assembly - Removal).
2. Remove Seeger ring 1, fifth wheel 2, and gasket 3, on the outer connection point, wheel hub side.
3. Repeat the same operations on the connection point with the central lever.
4. Unscrew grease nipple 5 on pin 6.
5. Use a lever to facilitate removal of power steering 4 from the two securing pins, and recover the two gaskets 3 un-
derneath. Should the power steering be blocked by pin 6, remove it by operating as follows.
(1) Withdraw the split pin, and unscrew castle nut 7.
(2) By means of a light alloy hammer, tap upwards on pin 6 until extracting it from the steering centre lever, and re-
move the power steering together with the pin.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Fifth wheel
3 - Gasket
4 - Power steering
5 - Grease ripple
6 - Pin
7 - Casti e nut


Proceed to install the power steering by operating as described in “Hydrostatic Steering - Power Steering Housing”.

Install the power steering housing by reversing the order of removal, complying with the following.
— Thoroughly grease the pins securing power steering housing using the grease prescribed.
— Tighten the castle nuts of the pins securing the jacks to the prescribed torque.

Tightening torque
Castle nuts securing power steering housing
157 N-m
(16 Kgm; 115.68 ft lb)

— Verify that the nut slot coincides with the split pin hole obtained on the pin; if the slot and the hole do not
coincide, tighten the nut further until they coincide. Use a new split pin.



6. If required, remove the ball joints at the end of tie
1. Remove the front axle from the vehicle (refer to: rods, by operating as follows.
Front Axle Assembly - Removal). (1) Secure tie rod 1 on a vice fitted with protective
2. Extract the split pin securing castle nut 1. jaws.
3. Unscrew the castle nut securing ball joint 2 to exter- (2) Loosen locknut 2, then unscrew ball joint 3, taking
nal lever 3. care to count the number of turns necessary to re-
move it.

1 - Tie rod
2 - Locknut
3 - Ball joint


1. Check that ball joints of the steering tie rods, are not
worn or damaged, and verify that they rotate without
1 - Castle nut seizing or remarkable backlash in their seat. If not so,
2 - Ball joint replace them.
3 - Steering external lever 2. Check for good conditions of ball joints rubber pro-
tection; if not so, replace the joints.
4. Repeat the same operations as for the two ball 3. Check for damage or deformations of the tie rods.
joints 2 secured to control lever 3.
5. Withdraw the pins of ball joints 2, and remove tie
rods 1.

Install the steering tie rods by reversing the order of re-
moval, complying with the following.
— If previously removed, install the ball joints taking
care to screw the joint by the same number of
turns counted when unscrewing.
— Carefully lubricate the pins securing the ball
joints with the grease prescribed.
— Tighten the ball joint castle nuts to the prescribed
torque given in the following table, according with
the threading features.

1 - Steering tie rods

2 - Ball joints
3 - Steering central lever


Tightening torques
Ball joint castle nuts
Threading Tightening Tightening
meas. torque torque
unit Nm kgm
M14x1,5 73,6 7,5
M12x1,5 49,1 5
M10x1 34,3 3,5
M20x1,5 157 16
M18x1,5 132,5 13,5
M15x1,5 118 12,0
M18x1,5 157 16

— Verify that the nut slot coincides with the split pin
hole obtained on the pin; if not so, tighten the nut
further until they coincide. Use a new split pin.


1. Remove the front axle from the driving axle, and re- 4. By means of a universal puller, remove centre lever
move the power steering housing 2 (refer to: Power 1 together with bearing 2.
Steering Housing - Removal).
2. Detach the steering tie rods from the central lever
by operating as follows.
(1) Extract the split pin securing nuts 2, and unscrew
(2) Withdraw the pins of ball joints 3, and disconnect
tie rods 1 from lever 4.
3. Extract split pin 7 unscrew castle nut 5 securing
steering wheel central lever 4, and remove cover 6.

1 - Steering central lever

2 - Upper tapered roller bearing

1 - Steering tie rods 5. By means of a universal puller, remove bearing 3,

2 - Castle nut then remove disk 2 with related O-ring 1.
3 - Ball joint
4 - Steering centre lever .
5 - Castle nut
6 - Cover
7 - Split pin


7. Install the centre lever by reversing the order of re-

moval, complying with the following.
— Before reassembly, lubricate thoroughly the ta-
pered roller ‘bearings and related races with the
grease prescribed.
— Before mounting the lower bearing on the axle, fit
a new disk, and a new O-ring.
— Comply with the following when fitting the castle
• Tighten fully the nut to set the bearings.
• Loosen the nut and retighten it until the bac-
klash is eliminated, then insert a new shake-
proof split pin. Should the pin hole not coincide
with the nut slot, tighten the nut further, until a
new split pin can be inserted.
— At the end of reassembly, grease the pin and the
bearings with the grease prescribed through the
grease nipple housed on the lever..


1. Check that the lever is not deformed or damaged. If
1 - O-ring not so, replace it.
2 - Disk 2. Carefully examine the bearings by letting them ro-
3 - Lower tapered roller bearing
tate slowly, checking for vibrations, noisy or slight sei-
3. Examine the conditions of both rolling elements and
6. If required, secure central lever 1 on a vice and, by races surfaces checking for scratches, prints, grinding
means of a hammer and punch, remove outer races 2 signs due to scoring generated by foreign matter. Re-
of tapered bearing, housed in the central hole, taking place the damaged components.
care to extract first the upper race having smaller dia-
meter, by tapping outwards.

1 - Steering centre lever

2 - Bearing outer races


DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 7. Use a universal puller to withdraw hub assembly 2
from pin 1.
1. Place the tractor on a level surface, operate the par-
king brake, and position a safety stand 2 under the
2. Unscrew the six nuts securing wheels 1.
3. Sling front axle 3 with a chain, and lift the vehicle.
4. Remove the wheel, then lower the tractor resting it
on safety stand 2.

1 - Wheel hub pin

2 - Hub assembly
1 - Wheels
2 - Safety stand 8. By means of the appropriate puller, remove front
3 - Front axle ball bearing 1, and withdraw spacer 2.
9. By levering, extract seal ring 5, then remove rear
5. Unscrew the four screws securing cover 3; remove ball bearing 4 with the appropriate puller.
the cover and gasket 2 underneath.
6. Remove split pin 1, and unscrew nut 5 securing hub
4 bearings, and remove the shoulder ring underneath.

1 - Front ball bearing

2 - Spacer
1 - Split pin 3 - Wheel hub
2 - Gasket 4 - Rear ball bearing
3 - Cover 5 - Seal ring
4 - Hub
5 - Nut


10. Reassemble the hub by reversing the order of di- CAUTION

sassembly, complying with the following. If a bearing can no longer be used, replace both in-
— Before reassembly, lubricate the internal bearing ner and outer ones.
2 and 4 and the new seal ring 1 with the grease
— Carefully insert the seal ring 1 by means of a 3. Check that the wheel shaft is not damaged, and that
light alloy hammer and punch. the threading is in good condition; replace it if required
— Mount the hub 3 on the pin 7 by slightly tapping (refer to: Wheel Shaft - Disassembly and Reassem-
with a hammer. bly).
— Tighten the castle nut 5 to the prescribed torque. 4. Verify that through hole, 1 securing outer cover is
not obstructed by foreign matter; if so, remove the
obstacle to permit the hub to be lubricated.
Tightening torque
Castle nut securing hub

Method of tightening nuts

— Verify that the nut slot coincides with the split pin
hole obtained on pin; if not so, tighten the nut fur-
ther until they coincide. Use a new split pin.
— Check that the hub 3 has an axle play of 0.12 to
0.48 mm (0.0047 to 0.0188 in) with respect to
the wheel shaft pivot 7.

1 - Through hole
2 - Wheel hub

1. Remove the wheel hub (refer to: Wheel Hub - Di-
1 - Real ring
2 - Internal ball bearing sassembly and Reassembly).
3 - Wheel hub 2. Extract the split pin, and unscrew nut 3.
4 - Outside ball bearing 3. Withdraw the ball joint 2 pin from lever 4.
5 - Castle nut 4. Unscrew and remove bolt 5 securing lever 4 to
6 - Shovel ring wheel shaft 6.
7 - Wheel shaft pin
8 - Spacer


Support the wheel shaft suitably to prevent it from
Thoroughly clean the bearings and the other compo- dropping accidentally.
nents, and dry them with compressed air.
1. Examine the bearings carefully by letting them ro-
tate slowly checking for vibrations, noisy, or slight sei-
2. Examine the conditions of both races and rolling
elements surfaces checking for scratches, prints, grin-
ding signs due to scoring generated by foreign matter.
If so, replace the bearing.


6. Remove thrust bearing 2 and O-ring 3 by withdra-

wing them from shaft 1.
7. If required, remove race 4 of thrust bearing using a
light alloy hammer and punch.

1 - Steering tie rod

2 - Ball joint
3 - Castle nut
4 - Steering outer lever
5 - Bolt 1 - Wheel shaft
6 - Wheel shaft 2 - Thrust bearing
3 - O-ring
5. Support wheel shaft 3, remove lever 1 and gasket 2 4 - Thrust bearing race
underneath; withdraw wheel shaft.

8. If required, remove the bushes inside the side axle,

using a light alloy hammer and punch.
9. Reassemble the wheel shaft by reversing the order
of disassembly, complying with the following.
— Fit a new O-ring on the shaft seat, and lubricate
the O-ring seat.
— Lubricate the bushes of outer axle on which the
shaft rotates.
— When reassembling, keep the wheel shaft forced
— Fit the bolt securing the steering outer lever to
wheel shaft, with the nut pointing forwards.
— At the end of reassembly, grease the unit using
the grease nipple located on the side axle.

1 - Steering outer lever

2 - Gasket
3 - Wheel shaft



Wash the components thoroughly, and dry them with

compressed air.
1. Check for signs of oxidations on wheel shaft; if so
remove them using very fine abrasive paper.
2. Check that the wheel shaft is not deformed or da-
maged; if so, replace it.
3. Carefully check the thrust bearing for signs of grin-
ding, scratches, or prints on the rolling elements or the
races; if so, replace the worn components.
4. Check that both upper and lower bushes 1 of side
axle are not worn, ensuring that indentations are still
present; if not so, replace them.

1 - Bushes


1. Unscrew the nuts securing pins 2 for positioning

side axles 3. Remove pins 2 and shake proof washers
4 and 5.
2. Unscrew the bolts of tie rods 1, and remove them.
3. Lift the vehicle by means of lift, and extract both side
axle and steering tie rod by the quantity required by
tapping, if necessary, with a light alloy hammer.
4. Insert pins 2, fit washers 4 and 5, and the nut.

1 - Steering tie rod

2 - Pin
3 - Side axle
4 - Washer
5 - Washer


5. Rotate sleeve 1 around its axis so that joint 2 is in

the position shown in the figure (i.e verify that joint
working angle is 90°), then insert and tighten the two
bolts securing the sleeve.

Left side (front view)

Right side (front view)

1 - Sleeve
2 - Ball joint

1. Place the vehicle on a level surface with the stee- (2) Repeat the same operations on the other tie rod.
ring wheel in central position and, by means of a sui- (3) Loosen locknuts 2 and screw or unscrew both ball
table caliper, measure distances A and B on a hori- joints 4 by the same number of turns in order to leng-
zontal plane passing through the wheel axes always in then or shorten the two steering tie rods by the same
the same point of the rim. quantity, so as to restore the correct toe in valve.
(4) Tighten locknuts 2, and install tie rods 1 be rever-
sing the order of removal.


2. Rotate the wheel by half turn, and repeat the pre-

vious operations to take note of any rim deformations.
3. If the difference A-B between the two measures is
not within the values given in the table “Axle Assem- 1 - Tie rod
bly” (refer to: Technical Data and Specifications - 2 - Locknut
Checks and Adjustments) for the model of tractor in 3 - Castle nut
object, carry out the adjustment by proceeding as fol- 4 - Ball joint
lows. 5 - Steering outer lever
(1) Remove the split pin, and unscrew nut 3, then dis-
connect the pin of ball joint 4. (5) Repeat the operations described until obtaining
the correct toe-in valve.


1. Push the axle towards the rear side, and by means of a feeler gauge, verify that the max backlash “G” does not exceed
0.4 mm (0.02 in).
2. If the measured value exceeds the value prescribed, operate as follows.
(1) Unscrew screws 5 securing pin 2 to front mounting 1.
(2) Slightly move the pin and remove such a number of shims 4 from underneath the flange to restore the correct
(3) Screw screws 5 and recheck the backlash.

Sect. A-A

1 - Front mounting
2 - Pin
4 - Shims
5 - Screw


Complete axle

Type Model 110

wheels up to 20" mm 2÷6

Toe - in
wheels from 20" to 30" mm 3÷9

Axle swing 12°

Camber 30

Tyre air pressure kg/cm2 (bar) 2,40 (2,35)

Right 70°
Steering angle
Left 50°



Complete axle

Type of control Model 110

Max. axle play “G” between

0,4 mm
front bearing and axle

Angle “a” of work of steering Left side (front view)

rod ball joint

Right side (front view )


Toe-in “A- B” 2 ÷ 4 mm



Unit of measure: Nm (kgm)

Particulars Model 110

157 (16)

M14x1,5 73,6 (7,5)

Retaining nuts for steering jack pins (1)
M12x1,5 49,1 (5)

M10x1 34,3 (3,5)

M20x1,5 157 (16)

M18x1,5 132,5 (13,5)

Retaining nuts for ball joint pins (1)
M15x1,5 118 (12)

M18x1,5 157 (16)

(1) If after tightening, the nut slot does not coincide with the split pin hole tighten further until they do coincide.

Fluids and Lubricants

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Bushes and holding shaft pin -

Front bearing spacer -

Steering jack retaining pins -

Ball joint retaining pins -

Grease AGIP Grease 30 - (Grease 30) 110 - 130 - 150
Central drive lever roller bea-

Hub bearing and holding link -

Bush and wheel shaft -



Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Disassemble the components, check

No grease in the hubs and/or steering
for good conditions, then grease as
pins and/or in the axle rocking bushes
Noisy when running prescribed

Axle and/or hub bearings worn Replace

Excessive end - float of axle Restore correct backlash

Noisy during pick up
Nuts of the pins securing side axle lo-
Tighten the nuts

Tyres too worn Replace if required

Wheels oscillates
Steering ball joints worn Replace if required





GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

FRONT DRIVING AXLE ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . 162 Flange supporting differential . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
ROCKING MOUNTINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Crown wheel and pinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Differential casing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Pinion crown wheel position adjustment. . . . . . . . 185
HUB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 DIFFERENTIAL LOCK SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Reassembly and adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Fork and axle body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 TOE-IN CHECK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Axle shafts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 STEERING ANGLE ADJUSTMENT . . . . . . . . . . 190
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 TECHNICAL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS. . . . 191
Fork bearings preload adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
EPICYCLlC REDUCTION GEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 General prescriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Pins and gears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CORRECTIONS . . 197
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
CROWN WHEEL AND PINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180



1 - Axle body
2 - Front support
3 - Shim
GENERAL FEATURES 4 - Shoulder ring
5 - Bush
The peculiarity that distinguishes the front wheel 6 - Rear floating mounting
drive, consists in the fact that the propeller shaft rota- 7 - Spacer
tion centre coincides with the centre of front axle. 8 - Seal ring
9 - Pin
The propeller shaft is without universal joints. It trans- 10 - Hydrostatic steering jack
mits motion to the two front drive wheels through a dif- 11 - Dust cover
ferential and two final epicyclic reduction gears inser- 12 - Spacer
ted into the hubs. 13 - Front brakes control hose
Two anchor pins permit the axle to perform a wide 14 - Shim
oscillation which, besides making the tractor very 15 - Pin
agile also on very steep terrains, also permits the axle 16 - Fork
to be easily disconnected from the front support in the 17 - Dust cover
event of any repair operations, thus requiring only the 18 - Shoulder ring
19 - Roller bearing
end-float check to be performed on reassembly. 20 - Steering angle adjusting screw
Two pins, inserted into tapered bearings, connect the 21 - Ball joint
side hubs to the central part of axle, thus permitting the 22 - Front differential control tie rod
friction generated by hub rotation when steering to be 23 - Differential lock control lever
reduced. 24 - Threaded pin
25 - Pin
26 - Tie rod
27 - Oil drain plug
28 - Shoulder ring
29 - Bush
30 - Front floating mounting
31 - Grease nipple
32 - Front flange
33 - Shims




Always use a light allow hammer or a punch when
tapping on cast iron components.

1. Remove the propeller shaft protection and remove

the driving shaft (refer to: Engine - Engine Removal
Preliminary Operations).
2. Unscrew the screws securing the two brackets 1
supporting hose 2.
3. Place a suitable container for collecting the braking
system oil, under fork 4.
1 - Screw securing pin
4. Unscrew union 3 on fork 4, and disconnect hose 2 2 - Pin securing jack
plugging it suitably. 3 - Hydrostatic steering housing
4 - Dust cover
5 - Spacers

7. Extract split pin 1, withdraw pin 2, and disconnect

tie rod 3.

1 - Split pin
2 - Pin
3 - Differential lock control tie rod

1 - Brackets 8. Position a support stand under the engine taking

2 - Braking system oil hose care to interpose a wooden wedge to prevent metal
3 - Union components coming into contact.
4 - Fork 9. Loosen the screws securing the front wheels, lift the
vehicle by means of an hydraulic jack, and remove the
wheels; lower the vehicle.

5. Unscrew screw 1 securing pin 2 to fork, and extract Ensure that vehicle is safely positioned on the
the pin by removing it with a lever. support
6. Repeat the same operations for the other three
pins, detach Rower steering housing 3, and recover
dust covers 4, and spacers 5. Support the power stee-
ring housing by securing them temporarily to the ve- 10. Sling the front axle suitably and keep sling taut.
hicle. 11. Unscrew the four nuts securing rocking mountings
1, and remove the nuts and washers.
12. Lower axle 2 and with the aid of the levers, with-
draw supports 4 and spacers 3 from studs; remove the
CAUTION axle from the front side, and position it on a suitable
Do not disconnect the related supply piping from support.
the power steering housing.


1 - Feeder gauge
2 - Shoulder ring
3 - Differential casing

1 - Rocking mountings (3) If the backlash value is not correct, loosen the four
2 - Front axle nuts securing front rocking mounting 3 to axle 1, and
3 - Spacers add or remove shims 2 accordingly, until obtaining the
4 - Rocking mounting correct backlash.

13. Proceed to install the front axle by reversing the or-

der of removal, complying with the following.
— Tighten the nuts securing the rocking mountings
to the prescribed torque.

Tightening torque
Nuts securing rocking mounting

Front 142 Nm
(14,5 kgm;104.84 ft lb)
Rear 89 Nm
(9,1 kgm; 65.79 ft lb)

— Proceed to check (and adjust if required) the

end-float by operating as follows.

(1) Move axle forwards by tapping with a non-cast iron

hammer. 1 - Front axle
2 - Shims
3 - Front rocking mounting
(2) By means of feeler gauge 1 check that the
end-float between shoulder ring 2 and differential ca- — Bleed the braking system (refer to: Brakes - Bra-
sing 3 is within the values given in the table “Driving king System Bleeding).
Axle Assembly” (refer to: Technical Data and Specifi- — Proceed to check the toe-in (refer to: Toe-in
cations - Checks and Adjustments). Check) and if required, adjust the differential lock
control tie rod. (Refer to: Differential Lock Sys-
tem - Reassembly and Adjustments - Step 11.).


1. Proceed to remove the front axle as indicated in 4. Only if required, remove the bushes housed inside
“Complete Front Driving Axle - Removal and Installa- the rocking mountings securing these last into a vice,
tion”. and using a hammer and a punch for the rear support,
2. Remove both front 1 and rear 2 rocking mountings and a suitable puller for the front one, respectively.
together with shoulder rings 3. 5. Carry out installation by reversing the order of re-
3. Only if required, unscrew the four nuts securing moval, complying with the following.
front flange 4 to axle body 5, and remove it together — If previously removed, install the front flange ta-
with the shims underneath. king care to fit underneath the shims removed
during removal.
— By means of the appropriate grease nipples,
grease the two mountings before using the ve-
— Proceed to check (and adjust if required) the axle
end-float by operating as indicated in “Complete
Front Driving Axle - Removal and Installation”.
— Bleed the braking system (refer to: Brakes - Bra-
king System Bleeding).
— Proceed to check the toe-in (refer to: Toe-in


1. Visually check that the bushes housed inside the
rocking mountings are free from signs of excessive
wear, seizing or deformation. Verify also that the bush
bore is within the values given in the table “Rocking
Mountings” (refer to: Technical Data and Specifica-
tions Checks and Adjustments). If not so, replace
2. Visually check that the mating surface of pins with
the mountings are free from signs of seizing, deforma-
tion or excessive wear: if not, replace the damaged
3. Visually check that mounting outer surfaces are
free from cracks, deformation, or any type of damage
that could compromise the correct functioning. If not,
replace the mounting.

1 - Front rocking mounting

2 - Rear rocking mounting
3 - Shoulder rings
4 - Front flange
5 - Axle body



1 - Dust cover 15 - Bleeder screw 29 - Bearing

2 - Shoulder ring 16 - Valve 30 - Seal ring
3 - Roller bearing 17 - Fork 31 - Differential carrier
4 - Axle body 18 - Dowel pin 32 - Oil drain plug
5 - Seeger ring - internal 19 - Seal ring 33 - Roller bearing
6 - Bearing 20 - O-ring 34 - Side pinion
7 - Seal ring 21 - Brake piston 35 - Pin
8 - Axle shaft 22 - Counter disk and intermediate disk 36 - Bearing
9 - Cross journal 23 - Brake disks 37 - Internal gear
10 - Constant velocity joint 24 - Flange 38 - O-ring
11 - Wheel shaft 25 - Cover 39 - Adjusting shims
12 - Shim 26 - Spacer 40 - Flange
13 - Pin 27 - O-ring 41 - Protection
14 - Grease nipple 28 - Seeger ring 42 - Seeger ring


DISASSEMBLY 5. Unscrew the screw securing pin 6 to fork; extract

the pin using a lever, and recover dust covers 7 and
spacers 5.
6. Unscrew the securing screw, and remove valve
protection 3.
Always use a light alloy hammer or punch when
tapping on cast iron components.

1. Position a support stand with wooden wedge inter-

posed, under the engine to prevent metal components
from coming into contact.
2. Loosen the screws securing the front wheels, lift the
vehicle with an hydraulic jack, and remove the wheels;
lower the vehicle.

Ensure that vehicle is safely positioned on sup-

3. Place appropriate containers underneath – forks,

unscrew the two plugs located in the lower side of
forks, and plug 1 located underneath the front rocking
mounting, and drain the oil.

1 - Braking system oil hose

2 - Union
3 - Valve protection
4 - Fork
5 - Spacers
6 - Pin securing jack
7 - Dust cover
8 - Hydrostatic steering jack

7. Withdraw split pin 1, and unscrew nut 2 securing

kingpin 3 to fork.
8. Use the appropriate puller to remove from its seat
kingpin 3 of tie rod 4 between the two forks. Repeat the
1 - Front axle oil drain plug same operation for the other kingpin, and remove the
tie rod.

4. Position a suitable container to collect the braking

system oil under fork 4. Unscrew union 2 on fork 4, and
disconnect hose 1 plugging it suitably.


1 - Split pin
2 - Nut
3 - Kingpin
4 - Tie rod

1 - Seeger ring
9. Unscrew cover 6 placed at the centre of hub, and 2 - Seal ring
remove it. 3 - Seeger ring
10. Extract seeger ring 5 located in front of spacer 4; 4 - Spacer
use tool 5.9030.618.4/10 with appropriate union to re- 5 - Seeger ring
move the spacer. 6 - Bearing
11. Remove seal ring 2, and seeger ring 3.
12. Unscrew the ten nuts securing epicyclic reduction
gear 1 to fork 2.
13. Screw the two longest screws 3 into the holes wi-
thout studs, by tightening them fully home onto fork;
remove reduction gear 1 and the O-ring underneath.

1 - Epicyclic reduction gear

2 - Fork
3 - Screws


14. Unscrew the twelve self locking screws securing

brake unit flange 1, and remove it together with the oil
deflector sheet steel 2.

1 - Brake disks
2 - Intermediate disk
3 - Counter disk
4 - Brake control piston
1 - Brake unit flange
2 - Oil deflector sheet plate 16. Sling the fork and support it with the aid of a sui-
table lift.
17. Unscrew the three screws securing upper pin 1.
15. Extract brake discs 1, intermediate disc 2, and Tighten partially screws 2 into the three threaded ho-
counter disk 3, then let compressed air into the brake les normally not used. Repeat the same operations for
oil union, and remove brake control piston 4. the lower pin.

For the models where it is present, countermark
the mounting position of both counter disk and in-
termediate disk.

Models 110 have one disk only, and are without inter-
mediate disk.

1 - Upper pin securing fork

2 - Screws
3 - Shim

18. Tighten thoroughly the six screws previously posi-

tioned, and extract the two pins 10, and shims 9, then
remove fork 1. Recover dust covers and shoulder
rings 3.

Take care not to drop the lower tapered roller bea-
ring 4.


If required, remove the outer race of tapered roller bearing 4, by heating uniformly the fork in correspondence with
the race.

19. Withdraw axle shaft 8 complete with constant velocity joint and wheel shaft, by pulling it outwards.
20. If required, remove seal ring 7, and seeger ring 6 from axle 1 then, by means of the appropriate puller, extract
bearing 5.

1 - Axle body
2 - Dust cover
3 - Shoulder ring
4 - Tapered roller bearing
5 - Roller bearing
6 - Seeger ring
7 - Seal ring
8 - Axle shaft
9 - Shim
10 - Pin
11 - Fork

21. If required, disassemble the constant velocity joints by operating as follows.

(1) Extract the two seeger rings 1 of one pin of cross journals 2 by tapping, if required, with a non-cast iron hammer
and punch.
(2) Secure the constant velocity joint fork on a vice fitted with protective jaws.
(3) Lightly tap with a hammer on the fork of wheel shaft 1 so that bearing can be withdraw upwards from its seat on
fork 1. Separate cross journal 4 from fork 1.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Constant velocity joint cross journal



Before examining the components, wash them tho-
roughly with appropriate solvents, and dry them im-
mediately after with compressed air.
Check brake conditions (refer to: Brakes - Front Bra-
kes - Checks and Verifications).
Verify the epicyclic reduction gear (refer to: Epicyclic
Reduction Gear - Checks and Verifications).


Check that the pin surfaces are not damaged or worn;

if the damage is slight, smooth the surfaces with very
fine abrasive paper. If not replace the pins. Proceed li-
kewise for the pin seats on forks.


1. Carefully examine the bearings by letting them ro-

tate slowly: check for vibrations, noise or slight sei-
2. Examine the conditions of ring surfaces and rolling
elements checking for scratches, prints, grinding
signs due to scoring generated by foreign matter. Re-
place the damaged components.


Visually inspect that forks and axle body are free from
1 - Wheel shaft fork damage, scratches or dents that could someway af-
2 - Roller bearing fect the efficiency and safety of functioning. If not, re-
3 - Roller bearing
4 - Cross journal place the damaged components.

(4) Following the same procedure, separate the cross

journal from the constant velocity joint fork and axle AXLE SHAFTS
shaft fork.
(5) Recover bearing rollers 1, and the related dust co- 1. Check that teeth on axle shafts are not worn or da-
ver rings 2. maged. In presence of scratched elements, check that
the gears meshing with the defective tooth are not da-
2. Verify that the rolling surfaces are very smooth and
free from cracks. If required, proceed to smooth them
with a very fine abrasive paper.
3. In presence of seizing, or if movement is difficult or
noisy, verify the wear degree of needle bearings and
races on constant speed joints cross journals.
Verify also good conditions of bearing dust covers. In
presence of damaged components, replace the whole
cross journal.

1 - Rollers
2 - Dust cover rings


REASSEMBLY (For 130 - 150)

1 - Axle body 21 - Valve 41 - Oil drain cap

2 - Crown wheel 22 - Cover 42 - Brake discs
3 - Differential half casing 23 - Intermediate disc 43 - Counter disc
4 - Shoulder ring 24 - Flange 44 - O-ring
5 - Spider pin 25 - Epicyclic reduction gear 45 - Brake piston
6 - Side pinion 26 - O-ring 46 - Support link
7 - Differential flange casing 27 - Side pinion 47 - Lower pin
8 - Flange supporting differential 28 - Seal ring 48 - Constant velocity joint
9 - Adjusting shims 29 - Roller bearing 49 - Roller bearings
10 - Differential flange casing 30 - Pin 50 - Seeger ring
11 - Differential lock control lever 31 - Seeger ring 51 - Cross velocity joint
12 - Axle shaft 32 - Cap 52 - Seeger ring
13 - Roller bearing 33 - Spacer 53 - Spacer
14 - Seal ring 34 - O-ring 54 - Coupling
15 - Tapered roller bearing 35 - Ball bearing 55 - Contrate Coupling
16 - Shoulder ring 36 - Wheel shaft 56 - Ball bearing
17 - Dust cover 37 - Spider pin casing 57 - Shoulder ring
18 - Upper pin 38 - Ball bearing 58 - Crown wheel
19 - Adjusting shims 39 - Dowel pin 59 - Tapered roller bearing
20 - Fork 40 - Flange


For 110

1 - Axle body 21 - Valve 41 - Brake discs

2 - Crown wheel 22 - Cover 42 - Counter disc
3 - Differential half casing 23 - Flange 43 - O-ring
4 - Shoulder ring 24 - Epicyclic reduction gear 44 - Brake piston
5 - Spider pin 25 - O-ring 45 - Support link
6 - Side pinion 26 - Side pinion 46 - Lower pin
7 - Differential flange casing 27 - Seal ring 47 - Constant velocity joint
8 - Flange supporting differential 28 - Roller bearing 48 - Roller bearings
9 - Adjusting shims 29 - Pin 49 - Seeger ring
10 - Differential flange casing 30 - Seeger ring 50 - Cross velocity joint
11 - Differential lock control lever 31 - Cap 51 - Seeger ring
12 - Axle shaft 32 - Spacer 52 - Spacer
13 - Roller bearing 33 - O-ring 53 - Coupling
14 - Seal ring 34 - Ball bearing 54 - Coupling
15 - Roller bearing 35 - Wheel shaft 55 - Contrate coupling
16 - Shoulder ring 36 - Spider pin casing 55 - Ball bearing
17 - Dust cover 37 - Ball bearing 56 - Shoulder ring
18 - Upper pin 38 - Dowel pin 57 - Crown wheel
19 - Adjusting shims 39 - Flange. 58 - Tapered roller bearing
20 - Fork 40 - Oil drain cap


Refer to cross section on page 173 for models 150 and FORK BEARINGS PRELOAD
130 (page 174 for models 110) and reassemble the ADJUSTMENT
hub by reversing the order of disassembly, complying
with the following. After having assembled the various components as
— If previously disassembled, proceed to assemble de, scribed in “Reassembly” proceed to measure the
the constant velocity joint. To facilitate the posi- fork end-float by strictly following the procedure be-
tioning of the needles of bearing 49 (48), it is low.
good practice to lay a coat of the grease prescri-
bed on the bush containing them.
— Use the grease prescribed to lubricate tapered NOTE
roller bearings 15 of fork 20, and position shoul- When using shim package, pack several shims into
der rings 16 and dust cover 17. one: e.g. it is better to use a shim 0.2 mm (0.0078 in)
— When inserting axle shaft 22, take care not to da- thick instead of two 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) thick.
mage roller bearing 13 and seal ring 14.
Enclencher correctement I’éxtremité du demi-
axe 12 sur les planétaires 57 (58) différentiel. - 1. Apply the magnetic base support N. 5.9030.267.0
Insert the end of axle shaft 12 correctly onto with centesimal comparator N. 5.9030.272.0 on the
crown wheels 57 (58). Verify that the axle shaft axle, and place the related probe perpendicularly with
rotates freely. respect to lower pin, in proximity to the centre, and re-
— After having installed the bearings and dust co- set it.
ver, fit fork 20 set a shim (0.5 mm; 0.0196 in 2. By means of lever 1, move the fork completely up-
thick) underneath lower pin 47 (46) and by wards (as shown in the figure), and read the backlash
means of a hammer insert the pin. Tighten the value on the comparator.
screws. 3. Unscrew screws 2, and remove the shims from pac-
— Insert under the upper pin 18 a shim package kage 3 so as to remove the backlash without preloa-
greater than that removed. Insert the pin and ding the bearings.
tighten the screws.
— Replace O-rings 44 (43) of brake control piston
45 (44) and refit piston into its seat with the oil
slots pointing outwards. CAUTION
— Install counter disk 43 (42) disks 42 (41) and, Gradually reduce the backlash by repeating the
only for 150 - 130), intermediate disk 23, cou- reading with comparator each time, so as not to
pling with the marks made on disassembly. preload the bearings.
— Mount the epicyclic reduction gear 25 (24) hol-
ding axle shaft as shown in the following figure,
levering outwards with cross journal 1 to prevent 4. Once the backlash has been removed, remove the
axle shaft moving inwards. shim package 0.10 to 0.15 mm (0.0039 to 0.0059)
thickness, so that the correct bearing preload can be
5. Tighten screws 2 and 4 to the prescribed torque.

Tightening torque
Screw securing fork pin

Refer to: GENERAL

Instructions for tightening

1 - Constant velocity joint cross journal


1 - Lever
2 - Screws
3 - Shim package
4 - Screws
5 - 0.5 mm (0.0196 in) shim

6. After having correctly performed the adjustment,

check that the tapered bearings of shaft rotate freely
into their seats although a slight preload can be sen-


Always use a light alloy hammer or punch when
tapping on cast iron components.

1. Remove the epicyclic reduction gear from front axle

(refer to: Hub - Disassembly).
2. Referring to Diagrams on pages 173 and 174, uns-
crew the nine screws securing the flange 24 (23) of the
reduction gear, and remove the flange itself, and
shims underneath.
3. Rest epicyclic reduction gear 1 on two wooden
blocks as shown in the diagram and by means of a
press and a punch act on the centre of spider by poin-
ting outwards until withdrawing spider 2, bearing 3,
and seal ring 4 downwards.

Should leaks occur through seal ring 4, this can be re-
moved by withdrawing it from its seat, without extrac-
ting spider. Replace seal ring 4 each time it is remo-
ved, since this operation damages it seriously.

4. If required, replace bearings 3 and 5, and tap on

them with a hammer and punch until they are remo-

1 - Epicyclic reduction gear 4 - Seal ring

2 - Spider 5 - Bearing
3 - Bearing


5. Withdraw pins 1 securing side pinions 2; remove 2. Examine the conditions of ring surfaces and rolling
side pinions and needle bearings 3. elements checking for scratches, prints, grinding
signs due to scoring generated by foreign matter. Re-
place the damaged components.
3. Use a very fine abrasive paper to smooth the outer
surface of the internal gear on which the O-ring mates;
clean with compressed air.


1 - Pins
2 - Side pinions
3 - Needle bearings


Before examining the components, thoroughly wash
them with appropriate solvents, and dry them imme-
diately after with compressed air.


1. Check for damages of spider pin surfaces and their

seats on epicyclic reduction gears. If slightly dama-
ged, smooth the surfaces using a very fine abrasive
paper. In presence of serious damage, replace the
pins. 1 - Internal ball bearing
2 - Side pinion
2. Verify that all teeth are not worn or damaged, and 3 - Needles
that all teeth work along the whole surface; if not so, 4 - Epicyclic reduction gear casing
replace the worn components. 5 - Outer ball bearing
3. In the event of gears with splintered teeth, replace 6 - Seal ring
them, and check that the gears they mesh with are not 7 - Pin securing side pinions
damaged. 8 - Flange
9 - Screws securing flange
10 - Shims
11 - Spider

1. Examine the bearings carefully by letting them ro- Refer to the cross section and reassemble the epicy-
tate slowly; check for vibration, noise or slight seizing. clic reduction gear by reversing the order of disassem-
bly, complying with the following.


— If previously removed, install bearing 4 on spider

11, taking care to position it in the correct moun-
ting direction.
— Install side pinions 2 complete with bearings 3
into spider, directing the cylindrical part of pins 7
towards hub centre.
— Let the side pinion and internal gear teeth coin-
cide without damaging them when inserting spi-
der into epicyclic reduction gear casing 4.
— If previously removed, install bearing 1 using a
hammer and a punch by tapping slightly and uni-
formly on outer race.
— Fit a new seal ring 6 using tool N. 5.9030.638.0,
as shown in the following figure.
— Ensure that hub rotates without sticking, al-
though a slight preload can be sensed. If hub ro-
tates too loose, remove flange 8 and a few shims



1 - Flange 21 - Spacer 41 - Spacer

2 - Adjusting shims 22 - Adjusting shim 42 - Seeger ring
3 - Tapered roller bearing 23 - Tapered roller bearing 43 - Shoulder ring
4 - Crown wheel 24 - Shoulder ring 44 - Adjusting shims
5 - Pinion** 25 - Crown wheel 45 - Rod
6 - Pinion* 26 - Shoulder ring 46 - Cup
7 - Dowel pin 27 - Side pinion 47 - Thrust spring
8 - Gasket 28 - Crown wheel 48 - Return spring
9 - Flange supporting differential 29 - Threaded pin 49 - Transmission lever
10 - Tapered roller bearing 30 - Differential lock control lever 50 - Pin
11 - Spacer 31 - O-ring 51 - Fork
12 - Seal ring 32 - Pushrod 52 - Dowel
13 - Flange connecting propeller shaft* 33 - Seeger ring 53 - Differential lock control fork
14 - Shim* 34 - Differential casing flange 54 - Pad
15 - Shim** 35 - Bearing 55 - Spider pin
16 - Flange connecting propeller shaft** 36 - Adjusting shims 56 - Differential half-casing
17 - Spacer 37 - Differential flange
18 - Front differential lock control tie rod 38 - Differential lock sleeve
19 - Pin 39 - Contrate coupling * Only for 130, 150
20 - Adjusting shims 40 - Balls ** Only for 110


DISASSEMBLY 5. Release spring 6 from lever 4 and remove.

6. Withdraw split pin and extract pin 7.
7. Extract dowel 3 securing lever 4 to fork 1; withdraw
CAUTION lever 4, and remove the fork together with the two
Always use a light alloy hammer or punch when pads.
tapping n cast iron components. 8. Extract Seeger ring 2, recover the shims under-
neath, and remove the complete differential unit.

1. Remove the front axle (refer to: Front Driving Axle Take care, not to drop the balls located inside the
Removal and Installation). differential lock control sleeve.
2. 2 Rotate the axle body 90 so as to bring the flange
supporting rear differential in vertical position.
3. Unscrew the nuts securing flange supporting diffe- 9. Withdraw rod 5.
rential 1 to axle body 2, and move the flange by tap- 10. Unscrew the four screws securing flange 8, and re-
ping with a hammer. move it together with the shims underneath by slightly
4. Screw two eyebolts 3 on flange 4, and lift the com- tapping with a hammer.
plete assembly; to facilitate the operation, use of a le-
ver to withdraw the assembly from studs 6 and dowel
pins; remove gasket 7.

1 - Differential lock control fork

1 - Flange supporting differential 2 - Seeger ring
2 - Axle body 3 - Dowel
3 - Eyebolts 4 - Transmission lever
4 - Flange connecting propeller shaft 5 - Rod
5 - Differential 6 - Return spring
6 - Studs 7 - Pin
7 - Gasket 8 - Flange


11. Repeat the operation of the previous step for — Only for 110
flange 1, and remove shims 2.
12. Using a suitable puller, extract tapered roller bea- Secure flange 4 on a vice; remove split pin, and uns-
ring 3, then extract differential casing 4. crew nut 12 with shoulder ring 13, then carry out disas-
sembly as described for the models 150-130 taking
into account that in the models 110 a spacer 15 is also

1 - Flange
2 - Shims
3 - Tapered roller bearing
4 - Differential casing

13. Remove the flange connecting the propeller shaft

by operating as follows.

1 - Pinion
— Only for 150-130 2 - Flange supporting differential
3 - Tapered roller bearing
(1) Secure flange 8 on a vice, unscrew screw 11, and 4 - Spacer
withdraw washer 10 and shoulder ring 9. 5 - Tapered roller bearing
(2) Remove the flange from the vice, and withdraw it 6 - Spacer
7 - Seal ring
from tang of pinion 1 by tapping with a hammer. 8 - Flange connecting propeller shaft
(3) Use a wooden mallet to tap on tang of pinion 1, and 9 - Shoulder ring
extract the pinion together with inner race of bearing 3, 10 - Washer
spacer 4, and shim rings. 11 - Screw
(4) Remove seal ring 7, spacer 6 and inner rage of 12 - Castle nut
bearing 5 from flange supporting differential 2. 13 - Shoulder ring
(5) If required, remove the outer races of bearings 3 14 - Flange connecting propeller shaft
and 5 by tapping on races themselves with a light alloy 15 - Spacer
hammer and punch. 16 - Pinion tang

14. Secure the differential casing on a vice fitted with

NOTE protective jaws, unscrew the twelve screws securing
Behind the outer race of bearing 3, are located the crown wheel 1 to differential casing 3, and remove the
shims for adjusting the pinion-crown wheel position. crown wheel.


15. Unscrew the twelve screws securing flange 2 to

half-casing 4; remove flange 2 with crown wheel 3 and
shoulder ring 1.
16. Use a hammer and a punch to remove lock pin 4
securing pin 3 of the side pinions; tap on pin and with-
draw it, then remove side pinions 2, and shoulder rings
17. Withdraw crown wheel 5, and the shoulder ring un-

1 - Crown wheel
2 - Differential casing

1 - Shoulder ring
2 - Side pinions
3 - Spider pin
4 - Lock pin


Before examining the components, provide to wash
them thoroughly with the appropriate solvents, and
dry them immediately after with compressed air. In
particular, remove any traces of sealant or previous
gaskets; then visually check for any damage to the


1. Verify that the support flange is free from cracks or

2. In particular, check for good condition of outer rings
of both pinion shaft and differential casing tapered
1 - Shoulder ring bearings.
2 - Differential casing flange 3. Check that the threads of securing holes are not da-
3 - Crown wheel maged.
4 - Half-casing



1. Check for noise or seizing signs in the pinion shaft bearings by letting them rotate freely. If in order there should
be no noise.
2. Verify that both teeth are free from dents, seizing, or excessive wear. In presence of broken teeth, replace the
crown wheel and pinion.
3. Verify that the teeth of bevel pinion works uniformly on the whole surface.

Since the spare crown wheel and pinion assembly is supplied in pairs, replacement of one component only is not
possible. Check that the crown wheel and pinion assembly to be installed has the same coupling reference desi-
gnations marked on crown wheel and pinion respectively.

1. Check for noise or seizing signs of bearings by letting them rotate slowly.
2. Visually check that the teeth of gears, side pinions, and crown wheels are free from signs of seizing, and that they
work uniformly, noiselessly and without excessive backlash on the whole surface. If required, replace the differen-
tial casing taking care, in this case, to replace also the tapered bearings.
3. Check for good condition of both rings and rolling element surfaces making sure that they are free from signs of ir-
regular wear, grinding, due to scoring, seizing, or overheating. Replace the damaged components taking into ac-
count that the bearings must be replaced in pairs.


1 - Flange 9 - Shoulder ring 17 - Flange

2 - Shims 10 - Shims 18 - Ball bearing
3 - Flange supporting differential 11 - Differential lock control sleeve 19 - Differential casing flange
4 - Tapered roller bearing 12 - Ball 20 - Crown wheel
5 - Crown wheel 13 - Differential lock coupling sleeve 21 - Side pinion
6 - Differential half-casing 14 - Seeger ring 22 - Shoulder ring
7 - Dowel 15 - Adjusting shims
8 - Spider pin 16 - Spacer


Reassemble the differential casing by reversing the (4) Remove shims accordingly, from one side or the
order of disassembly, complying with the following. other of the flange supporting bearings, until obtaining
a backlash value of 0.03 to 0.04 mm (0.0011 to
0.0015 in). Repeat the measurement until the correct
value is obtained.
— Before reassembling the components, lubricate — Remove the differential casing from the flange
them with the grease prescribed. supporting differential, and mount the pinion as-
— Replace all gaskets, seal rings, and O-rings. sembly complete, with all components, taking
— Tighten the following screws to the prescribed care to position the same shim package 12 re-
torque. moved on disassembly. Verify manually that the
pinion rotates freely without backlash. If required,
change the number of shims 12; if pinion rotates
too loose, remove shims, add shims in the oppo-
Tightening torque site case.
Screws securing flange to differential half-casing
118 Nm
(12 Kgm; 86.76 ft lb)

Screws securing crown wheel to differential ca-

11,3 ÷ 11,8 Nm
(11,5 ÷ 12 Kgm; 83.15 to 86.76 ft lb)

— Refer to the cross section, and carry out reas-

sembly taking care, when reassembling the diffe-
rential casing on support flange 3, to house roller
bearing 4 on the side of crown wheel 5, and ball
bearing 18 on the opposite side.
— Proceed to adjust the differential casing bearings
by operating as follows.

(1) Together with flanges 1 and 17, position a number

of shims greater than that measured on disassembly.
(2) Refer to the following diagram and position magne-
tic base No. 5.9030.267.0 on the flange supporting the
differential with the probe of the comparator
5.9030.272.0 on the outer surface of the crown wheel.
(3) Reset the comparator, and with the aid of a lever,
move the differential casing measuring the backlash.

1 - Pinion
2 - Tapered roller bearing
3 - Flange supporting differential
4 - Spacer
5 - Tapered bearing
6 - Spacer
7 - Seal ring
8 - Flange connecting propeller shaft
9 - Shoulder ring
10 - Washer
11 - Screw
12 - Adjusting shims
13 - Spacer
14 - Flange connecting propeller shaft
15 - Shoulder ring
16 - Castle nut

— Proceed to adjust the pinion-crown wheel position

(refer to: Pinion-Crown Wheel Position Adjust-


PINION-CROWN WHEEL POSITION 2. According to the sign, add or subtract the value
ADJUSTMENT marked on the contour of pinion tooth, up to the value
given in the table “Pin-ion - Crown Wheel” (refer to:
Technical Data Specifications - Checks and Adjust-
CAUTION ments).
Adjustment is to be performed only if the pinion or
the bearings have been replaced, by operating as
per the following procedure. On the contrary, use
the same shim package, if the original compo-
nents are being reassembled. Example

Value read in the table 5 mm

1. Use feeler gauge 1 to measure the distance D bet-
ween pinion head 2 and spider pin on differential ca- Value read on contour of pinion tooth 0,10 mm
sing 3.
Correct adjustment value 4,9 mm

3. Compare the value thus calculated with those cal-

culated with feeler gauge: if the measured value is
greater, increase shim package 4 and viceversa. Re-
peat the measurement until obtaining the correct
4. Mount the magnetic base support N. 5.9030267.0
with centesimal comparator N. 5.9030.272.0 onto dif-
ferential casing, and place the probe perpendicularly
with respect to one tooth of crown wheel.

1 - Feeler gauge
2 - Pinion head
3 - Spider pin
4 - Shims


5. Block pinion rotation, and rotate the crown wheel reading on comparator the backlash value between pinion teeth
and those of crown wheel
6. Verify that the measure value is within the values given in the table “Pinion-Crown Wheel” (refer to: Technical
Data and Specifications" - Checks and Adjustments") for the model of tractor in Question.
7. If the backlash is greater, move the shims from package 1 to package 2, and viceversa. Repeat the measurement
until the correct value is obtained.

1 - Shim package
2 - Shim package


The differential lock system is composed of a sliding sleeve, operated through a fork that is controlled by levers on
the axle. The sleeve, due to a front claw coupling, makes the two axle shafts into a single unit which discharges the
power on the wheel that grips, thus facilitating tractor motion on mud or friable terrains.
This system is very simple, and can be adjusted through two shim packages. It is made into a single unit with the dif-
ferential assembly through a splined sleeve and a Seeger ring. The control to the outer levers is given by a tie rod
that can be operated from the cab, which permits both front and rear drive differentials to be blocked simultaneous-


DISASSEMBLY 6. Withdraw rod 10, and if required, disassemble the

unit, by unscrewing fork 12 and locknut 11, then reco-
1. Remove the differential assembly from the axle ver cups 8 and spring.
body (refer to: Crown Wheel and Pinion - steps 1. to 7. Remove Seeger ring 7, and withdraw pushrod 5
4.). outwards, recovering O-ring 6.
2. Release spring 13 from lever 4 and remove it.
3. Withdraw the split pin and extract pin 14.
4. Extract dowel 3 securing lever 4 to fork 1; withdraw
lever 4, and remove the fork together with the two CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS
5. Extract Seeger ring 2 recovering the shims under- Thoroughly clean the components using the appro-
neath, and remove the differential lock system assem- priate solvent, and check the rolling surfaces and spli-
bly. ned section toothing. Should cracks, deformations, or
excessive wear be present, replace the damaged
CAUTION components.
Take care not to drop the balls located inside the Verify also that all control system components, and in
differential lock control sleeve. particular the spring and rod, are in good condition.


1. If previously disassembled, assemble the differen-
tial lock unit, positioning balls 3 between sleeve 2 and
coupling 1.

The number of balls, changes according to the mo-
dels, as shown in the following table.

Model 150 110, 130

Ball number 19 18

2. Position shoulder ring 8, and fit spacer 4, then

mount all shims 7, and shoulder ring 6 on Seeger ring
5 side; refit this last.
3. By means of a feeler gauge, verify that, the bac-
klash of spacer 4 is within 0 to 0.05 mm (0 to 0.0019
4. Move sleeve 2 and visually verify that the sleeve flat
surface 9 is in contact with balls 3.
5. If not remove Seeger ring 5, shoulder ring 6, and
move the 0.02 mm (0.0007 in) shim package from its
initial position and place them in front of spacer 4.
6. Reinstall the components, and repeat the verifica-
tion described at step 4. Repeat operation of step 5.
until obtaining the correct position of sleeve 2.

1 - Differential lock cont. fork 9 - Thrust spring

2 - Seeger ring 10 - Rod
3 - Dowel 11 - Locknut CAUTION
4 - Transmission lever 12 - Fork Sleeve 2 must always slide freely both in the cou-
5 - Pushrod 13 - Return spring pling and decoupling phases.
6 - O-ring 14 - Pin
7 - Seeger ring
8 - Cup


1 - Fork
2 - Locknut
3 - Thrust spring
4 - Cup
5 - Rod
6 - O-ring
7 - Pushrod

1 - Contrate coupling
2 - Sleeve
3 - Balls
4 - Spacer
5 - Seeger ring 10. Complete reassembly by reversing the order of di-
6 - Shoulder ring sassembly.
7 - Adjusting shims 11. After having reconnected the front axle to vehicle,
8 - Shoulder ring proceed to adjust the differential lock control by opera-
9 - Flat mating surface ting as follows.
(1) Ensure that the rear differential lock control is cor-
rectly adjusted (refer to: Gears - P.T.O. and Differen-
tial Unit - Differential Lock System).
7. If previously disassembled, reassemble rod 5 with (2) Withdraw the split pin and remove pin 4.
cups 4 and spring 3 then screw locknut 2 and fork 1, (3) Bring lever 6 in contact with pushrod 7.
until obtaining dimension L = 96 mm (3.78 in) as (4) Centre the hole of fork 2 onto lever 1, eliminating
shown in the figure. the backlash between tie rod 3 and lever 6, and bet-
8. Verify that the distance “L1" between the axis of the ween fork 2 and hole of lever 1.
pin on fork 1 and the resting plane of spring 3 is 128 ± (5) Once these operations have been carried out
0.5 mm (5.04 ± 0.0196 in). screw further fork 2 by one turn so as to preload the in-
9. Refit pushrod 7 with a new O-ring 6, then insert pus- ner spring of the device; then tighten locknut 5, and re-
hrod 5. fit pin 4.

1 - Transmission lever
2 - Fork
3 - Tie rod
4 - Pin
5 - Locknut
6 - Lever
7 - Pushrod



1. Place the vehicle on a level surface with the stee- (2) Repeat the same operations on the other side of tie
ring wheel in central position, and using a suitable cali- rod, and remove tie rod 5.
per, measure the distances A and B on a horizontal (3) Loosen locknuts 4 and screw or unscrew both ball
plane passing through the wheel axes in the same joints 3 by the same number of turns, in order to shor-
point of wheel rim. ten or lengthen the distance between the centres of
pins and ball joints by such a quantity to restore the
correct toe-in value.
(4) Tighten locknuts 4 and install tie rod 5 by reversing
the order of removal.

1 - Split pin
2 - Castle nut
2. 2. Rotate the wheel by a half turn and repeat the 3 - Ball joint
previous operations to ensure that wheel rim is not de- 4 - Locknut
formed. 5 - Tie rod
3. If the difference A-B between the two measures is
not within the values given in the table “Driving Axle
Assembly” (refer to: Technical Data and Specifica-
tions Checks and Adjustments) for the model of tractor
in question, carry out the adjustment by operating as
(5) Repeat the operations described until obtaining
(1) Remove split pin 1, unscrew nut 2 and by means of
the correct toe-in value.
the appropriate puller, disconnect the pin of ball joint 3.



1. Place the vehicle on a level surface with the wheels

straight, then switch on the engine and turn the wheels
to the right or to the left until the rear projection of inner
fork, with respect to the steering direction, is in contact
with the axle or, for the models 150-130-110 with spa-
cer 2 (where present according with the wheel types),
on the rear side of axle.

1 - Locknut
2 - Adjusting screw
3 - Front projection clamping fork

1 - Rear projection clampling fork

2 - Spacer 3. Steer the wheels to the opposite direction, and re-
peat the operations described at steps 1. and 2.

2. Acting on the outer wheel with respect to steering

direction, loosen locknut 1, and position adjusting NOTE
screw 2 in contact with fork front projection 3; tighten For the models 150-130-110,a few spacers having dif-
the locknut. ferent thickness (in relation to the tyre dimensional
can be mounted in order to prevent tyre colliding
against the engine side lids when the axle oscillates
when the wheels are completely steered. For the spa-
cer thickness, refer to “Technical Data and Specifica-
tions - Steering Convergence and Range”.




110 130 150

25 km/h
35/50=1/1,4286 34/51=1/1,5000
115.53 mi/h)
Reduction gear -
front drive
30 km/h
39/46=1/1,790 37/47=1/1,2703
118.63 mi/h)

Side epicyclic reduction gear (12/12+ 69) = 1/6,7500

25 km/h
Front axle 115.53 mi/h)
Bevel gear 13/34=1/2,6154 13/35=1/2,6927
30 km/h
118.63 mi/h)

25 km/h
1/25,2204 1/27,2595
115.53 mi/h)
Total reduction
30 km/h
1/20,8228 1/23,0852
118.63 mi/h)

25 km/h
1,2824 1,2738 1,2375
115.53 mi/h)
Mechanical ratio (No. front wheel
turns/back wheel turns)
30 km/h
1,2887 1,2725 1,2255
118.63 mi/h)

No. of ball bearing mounted on the control sleeve 18 19

Degree of axle swing 10°

Inside wheel 50°

Steering angle
Outside wheel 37° 30’

Radial clearance angle 7°

Angle of tilt 1°



Complete axle

Unit: mm (in)

Type of check
110 130 150

a) Axle play between the shoulder ring and differential

0.1 to 0.4 (0.0039 to 0.01571

b) Fork bearing thrust shims “s” to be removed when play

0.10 to 0.15 (0.0039 to 0.00591
on gauge is nil

Floating bearings

Type of check
110 130 150

Amount of work tolerance See Fig. a) and b)


Pinion - Crown gear

Unit: mm (in)

Type of check
110 130 150

a) Pinion position adjustment - crown gear: - distance “D”

5 (0.20)
between pinion head and differential box

b) Coupling play between teeth of the crown gear and the

0,18 ÷ 0,24 0,17 ÷ 0,23 0,18 ÷ 0,24


Unit: mm (in)

Type of check
110 130 150

a) Play “G’ between differential box & relative support

0.03 to 0.04 (0.0011 to 0.0015)

b) Differential lock device - axle play “g” of spacer 0 to 0.05 (0 to 0.00191

c) Steering rod device of differential lock:

96 (3.781
- “L” distance between faces of spring

- “L1” distance between face of spring and pin axis on

128 ÷ 0,5 (5.04 to 0.0196)


Toe in and steering angle

Unit: mm (in)

Type of check
110 130 150

Toe in check:


Difference ”A-B”

14.9/13-28 12 -

14.9/13-30 7 7
Steering limit spacer thickness Tyres
16.9/13-30 - 7

16.9/14-24 5 -

Unit: Nm (Kgm)

110 130 150

Differential - bevel gear clamping screws 113÷118 (11,5 ÷ 12)

Bevel pinion clamping nut 225 (23)

Flange screw stock fixing screws 29 (3)

Flange clamping screws for fork 88 (9) 88 (9) 68 ÷ 78 (7 ÷ 8)

- front pin 89 (9,1)

Pin clamp screws floating axle
- rear pin 142 (14,5)

Front engine bearing clamp screws 275 (28)

Hydraulic jack clamp pin 157 (16)

Ball bearing crown nuts 132 (13,5)

Flange propeller shaft clamp screws (1) 49 (5)

Differential half casing clamping screws 113 ÷ 118 (11,5 ÷ 12)

NOTE: before tightening all screws must be cleaned and greased

(1) Add a small amount of Loctite 242 to the nut



Fluids and Lubricants

Application Type Make Model Q.ty

Front epicyclic reduction gear Oil AGIP ROTRA THT (API - GL3) -

Front differential Oil AGIP ROTRA THT (API - GL3) -

110 - 130 - 150
Bearings and various grease
Grease AGIP Grease 30 -

Sealants and fixatives

Application Type Make Model Q.ty

Transmission shaft clamp

Fixative LOCTITE 242 110 - 130 - 150 -



Tool Number Name Page No.

5.9030.267.0 Magnetic base

5.9030.270.0 Thickness gauge

5.9030.272.0 Comparator

5.9030.618.4/10 Puller

5.9030.648.0 Seal ring rubber



Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Excessive wear of universal joints Replace worn universal joints

Only use original front loads ballasting

Front axle overloaded
rear of vehicle as well

Too little oil in the differential unit Top up and check there are no leaks
Noisy running
Change the bevel gear and overhaul the
Pinion - crown - coupling incorrect
differential unit

Change the bevel gear and overhaul the

Bevel gear teeth damaged
differential unit

Differential bearing housing worn Change bearings

Over play between side pinion and crown Change shoulder rings, if necessary
Noisy pick up
wheel change complete differential box

Seal ring worn Replace worn seal ring

Loss of oil
Oil valve blocked Clean oil valve

Tyres excessively worn Change if necessary

Wheel swing
Steering rod ball bearings worn Replace if necessary






GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Adjustment of the axle shaft ball

REMOVAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 bearing positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
DISMOUNTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Track variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Gear teeth and grooves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Bell axle shaft support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 General prescriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
REASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
INSTALLATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND
Spring load adjustment of tapered CORRECTIVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
roller bearing 130 - 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209



Fixed carriage version

Variable carriage version

For 130 - 150

1 - Reduction gear crown wheel 14 - Air breather valve 29 - Timing case protection
2 - Final reduction gear shaft 15 - Bush 30 - O-ring
3 - Reduction gear and axle shaft 16 - Grease nipple 31 - Axle shafts
clamping screws 17 - Tapered roller bearing 32 - Wheel fixing column
4 - Flange 18 - Spacer 33 - Spacer ring
5 - Shoulder ring 19 - Ball clamp screw 34 - Continual cycle axle shaft
6 - Spider pin 20 - Studs 35 - Spanner
7 - Pin 21 - Washer 36 - Tapered sleeve
8 - Side pinion 22 - Bell supporting axle shaft 37 - Wheel fixing column
9 - Retainer 23 - Dust cover gasket 38 - Wheel hub boss
10 - Final reduction gear and spider 24 - Internal tapered roller bearing 39 - Spanner
pin housing 25 - O-ring 40 - Clamp screw for tapered sleeve
11 - Cabin holding arm 26 - Flange of wheel hub boss
12 - Silent block holding arm 27 - Shims 41 - Seeger ring
13 - Nut 28 - Screw lock spacer 42 - Spanner lock pin


For 110

1 - Final reduction gear 10 - Spider pin clamp pin 19 - Bell fixing screw to brake housing
2 - Reduction crown nut 11 - Spider pin 20 - Support link
3 - Axle shaft reduction clamp screw 12 - Retainer 21 - Protection timing case
4 - Screw lock spanner 13 - Inside ball bearings 22 - Outside ball bearing
5 - Flange 14 - Wheel column fastening 23 - Spacer
6 - Shim 15 - Column substitution cap 24 - Axle shaft
7 - Final reduction side pinion housing 16 - Cap fixing screw
8 - Shoulder ring 17 - Axle shaft support bell
9 - Side pinion 18 - Washer

The back axle has been designed with particular attention to strength, in order to stand up to the toughest condi-
Two epicycle reduction gears have been mounted on the inside of the axle shaft bell supports which allow the en-
gine to brilliantly perform the pick up phase. The presence of the reduction gears also allows a notable reduction of
stress on the transmission.
For specific jobs models 150 and 130 are available, on request, with a continual axle shaft track.
These axle shafts allow the back track to be constantly changed quickly and accurately within the field.


8. Position a safety gantry under the tank and loosen
the thirteen nuts and the two bolts fixing the axle shaft
support bells to the differential.
1. Park the vehicle on the flat and disengage gears. 9. Use an adequate means to keep the bell lifted du-
2. Remove the back wheel as follows. ring the removal of the brake housing.

To remove the wheels you need two people. Accurately control that the tractor and the bell
are balanced in order to avoid oscillation during
the removal operation.

(1) Loosen the eight clamp screws of the wheel. 10. Remove the bell taking care to sling it properly.
(2) Position a lever jack under the back axle, and with 11. If necessary, use light taps with a hammer to re-
a wedge of wood lift the tractor. move the crown wheel 1 from the brake housing 2.
(3) Remove the wheel from the hub with caution.
(4) Place the safety gentry under the brake housing
and lower the tractor.
3. Put a bowl under the brake housing, unscrew the
cap and drain the brake lubricating oil.
4. Loosen silent block 1 cabin fixing nuts.
5. Loosen screws fixing the cabin support bracket 2 to
the bell 3.
6. Lift the cabin in a sling sufficiently to be able to re-
move the support.
7. Remove the split pin and slip off the pin 4 fixing the
stabilizer 5 to the bell 3.

1 - Crown wheel
2 - Brake housing

1 - Silent block
2 - Cabin support brake
3 - Axle shaft bell support
4 - Pin
5 - Stabilizer


CAUTION 3. Remove the epicycle reduction gear and take apart
Always use a soft metal hammer and punch when as follows:
it is necessary to tap iron parts. (1) Using a hammer and a punch remove the fixing pin
pivot 1 of the side pinion 2.

1. Screw extractor 5.9030.618.4/10 onto the locking

spacer 1 with the help of a reduction gear if necessary,
and remove the spacer.

1 - Pivot
2 - Side pinion

(2) Slip off the pin and remove the side pinion com-
plete with the retainer and the two shoulder rings.
(3) Remove the tapered bearing for model 150 and
130 and the ball bearing for model 110,using the cor-
rect extractor.

1 - Locking spacer

2. Loosen the screws fixing the spider pin casing 2 to

the axle shaft. Remove the flange 1 and take out the
shim package under it.

1 - Flange 1 - Bearing
2 - Reductor spider pin case 2 - Carriage loader


4. Using a hoist, lift the bell 1 and remove the axle

shaft 2.

1 - Spacer
2 - O-ring
3 - Axle shaft
4 - External tapered roller bearing

Only for model 110

If necessary, remove the bearing 1 and the axle shaft

3 and spacer 2.

1 - Outside ball bearing

2 - Spacer
3 - Axle shaft

6. Only for models 130 - 150

If necessary remove the outside tracks of the tapered
bearings and the dust cover washers mounted on the
1 - Axle shaft support bell bell.
2 - Axle shaft

Only for model 110

5. Using the correct extractor, remove the axle shaft If necessary remove the support link 1 found on the tip
bearings 4, and if necessary, the spacer 1 with its rela- of the bell.
tive O-ring 2.


7. Only for models 130 - 150

If present disassemble the steeples change axle shaft
from the track working as follows.
(1) Remove the Seeger ring 1.
(2) Loosen the four screws fixing the hub 2to the tape-
red sleeve 3.
(3) Unscrew the two screws in the holes 4 until the hub
comes away from the tapered sleeve.
(4) Remove the hub and the axle shaft jack 5.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Wheel hub
3 - Tapered sleeve
4 - Holes
5 - Axle shaft
1 - Support link


2. Examine the condition of the surface of all turning

NOTE rings and see that they are not scratched, marked or
Accurately clean all components and visually check have rubbed by foreign bodies. Change all parts that
for worn or damaged parts. are worn.

Only for models 130 and 150
GEAR TEETH AND GROOVES If the tapered roller bearing can no longer be used,
change both of them.
1. Check that the gear teeth and serrated shaft teeth
on all edges are in order. If the teeth are irregular or
broken they must be changed. The same check must
be made for both parts. BELL AXLE SHAFT SUPPORT
2. Verify that all the teeth are without cracks, chips or
excessive wear. Change any parts that are damaged. 1. Check that the bell is free from cracks and that the
seats of the bearings are not worn or damaged.
2. Verify that the mating surface of the brake housing
is not damaged because of insufficient fixative.
3. Having eliminated these faults, remove any even-
BEARINGS tual dents with a file. If there is excessive wear replace
the damaged parts.
1. Examine bearings careful turning them slowly. If the
bearings are in good condition they should run smoot-
hly and not make noise or vibrate.



For 130 - 150

1 - Wheel attachment flange 19 - Spider pin fixing pin 37 - Differential tapered roller bearing
2 - Dust cover washer 20 - Locating pin 38 - Shims
3 - Spacer 21 - O-ring 39 - Brake disc
4 - Grease nipple 22 - Brake fluid bleeding valve 40 - Middle disc
5 - O-ring 23 - Flange 41 - Brake disc
6 - Outside tapered roller bearing 24 - O-ring 42 - Brake piston
7 - Axle shaft 25 - Differential block rod seat cap 43 - O-ring
8 - Axle shaft support bell 26 - Differential block rod 44 - Oil drain plug
9 - Air breather valve 27 - Differential block fork 45 - Brake drum
10 - Support link 28 - Spacer 46 - Lock washer
11 - Inside tapered roller bearing 29 - Differential block fork pin tightening nut 47 - Flange
12 - Final reduction spider pin casing 30 - Differential box 48 - O-ring
13 - Spider pin 31 - Spider pin fixing pin 49 - Shim
14 - Retainer 32 - Spider pin 50 - Spacer
15 - Nut fixing bell to brake housing 33 - Portable crown wheel 51 - Axle shaft reduction clamp screws
16 - Studs 34 - Final reduction shaft 52 - Fifth wheel
17 - Side pinion 35 - Side pinion
18 - Crown wheel 36 - Differential block crown wheel


For 110

1 - O-ring 15 - Spider pin 29 - Final reduction shaft

2 - Flange 16 - Side pinion 30 - Locating pin
3 - O-ring 17 - Final reduction spider pin housing 31 - Shim
4 - Studs 18 - Internal ball bearing 32 - Brake disc
5 - Screw fixing brake housing to gearbox 19 - External ball bearing 33 - Brake housing
6 - O-ring 20 - Spacer 34 - Shims
7 - Brake piston 21 - Support link 35 - Differential tapered roller bearing
8 - Brake union 22 - Protection sump 36 - Fifth wheel
9 - O-ring 23 - Wheel bar 37 - Lock pin
10 - Crown wheel 24 - Axle shaft 38 - Rear gearbox
11 - Screw 25 - Reduction fixing screw
12 - Axle shaft support bell 26 - Shims
13 - Retainer 27 - Flange
14 - Fifth wheel 28 - Spacer lock


— Accurately wash the bell with solvant and dry with compressed air.
— On reassembly, replace all support links, the washers and O-ring lubricating with prescribed grease.
— Lubricate with a thin laver of prescribed grease, all parts before assembling.
— To make re-assembly easier, it is advisable to apply a thin layer of prescribed grease to the parts in order to
hold them in place.
— Refer to the diagram in question for the correct reassembly order.

Reassemble the axle shaft working in the reverse order to the disassembly as follows:

Only for models 130 and 150

If necessary, change the felt seal 2 mounted on the bell.

Only for model 110

If necessary change the support link 21.

— If previously removed reassemble the external bearing on the axle shaft.

Only for models 130 and 150

To make reassembly of internal and external rings and tapered roller bearings easier on models and, it is
advisable to heat them to a temperature of not more than 100°C (212°F).

— Reassemble the epicyclic controls on the axle shaft taking care that the holes on the shaft are placed pro-
perly to enable the three fixing screws to enter.
— Only for models 130 and 150
Proceed with the adjustment of the tapered bearings 6 and 11.
— Only for model 110
Proceed with the adjustment of the ball bearings 18 and 19.
— Only for models 130 and 150
Mount a new O-ring 48 on the spacer 50 then spread the part of the spacer 50 which comes in contact with
the axle shaft 7 with prescribed sealer.
— Tighten to the prescribed torque the screws fixing the epicyclic reduction gear to the axle shaft.

Tightening torque
— Screws fixing epicyclic reduction gear to axle shaft
96 ÷ 106 Nm (9,8 ÷ 10,8 kgm; 70.85 to 78.08 ft lb)
59 ÷ 63 Nm (6 ÷ 6,5 kgm; 43.38 to 47 ft lb)

Remount the support bell on the tractor working in the reverse order to that of dismounting keeping in mind the follo-

— Spread the two faces on the crown wheel with prescribed sealer and mount.
— Tighten to the prescribed torque the screws fixing the bell to the brake housing.

Tightening torque
Screw fixing axle shaft support bell to the brake housing
130 Nm (13 kgm; 93.99 ft-lb)
88 Nm (9 kgm; 65.07 ft-lb)

Top up the differential oil to the correct level using the prescribed oil.


SPRING LOAD ADJUSTMENT OF 3. Remove the screws and the flange 1 underneath
TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and measure with an internal gauge, the existing dis-
For 130 - 150 tance “X” between the flat of the spacer 2 and that of
Before final mounting of the spacers with the sealant the flange 1.
carry out the loading of the bearings scrupulously fol-
lowing the instructions given below:

For 130 and 150 of the support bearing are of the tape-
red roller type.

It is always better to use a larger shim package a smal-

ler one for the adjustment. E.G. One shim of 0.2 mm
(0.0078 in) is better than two of 0.1 mm (0.0039 in).

1. Fix the axle shaft 6 in a vertical position and block

the rotation with the correct tool. Fix the support 5, the
reduction group 1 and the spacer 4 complete with
O-ring on the axle shaft 6. Apply Hylomar or similar
sealant between the axle shaft and the spaces. Mount
the flange 3 and tighten the screws 2 fixing the epicy-
clic reduction gear to the axle shaft to the torque of 5
Nm (0.5 kgm; 3.615 ft lb). 1 - Flange
2. Turn the support about ten turns then check that the 2 - Spacer
tightening torque is still 5 Nm. Should the screws have
loosened re-tighten.

4. Position a shim package to the same value as “X”

previously spread with prescribed sealant on the side
that comes into contact with the axle shaft, then re-
mount the flange and the three screws tightening to
the prescribed torque.

Tightening torque
Screws fixing epicyclic reduction gear to the axle
shaft (The screws must be greased with engine
For 130 - 150
(96 ÷ 106 Nm)
(9,8 ÷ 10,8 Kgm; 70.85 to 78.08 ft-lb)

5. After having done the adjustment check that the

bearings of the axle shaft turn freely in their seats.
6. If necessary, repeat the adjustment until you obtain
the correct registration.
1 - Reduction group
2 - Screws fixing epicycle reduction gear to axle shaft
3 - Flange
4 - Spacer
5 - Support
6 - Axle shaft


ADJUSTMENT OF THE AXLE SHAFT 2. Loosen the four screws 1 fixing the wheel hub 2 to
BALL BEARING POSITIONS the tapered sleeve under it, then unblock the hub from
the sleeve working on the wheel so as to move the hub
Follow the same procedure as laid down in “Preload to the necessary position. Fully tighten the screws 1 in
adjustment for tapered roller bearings 130 and 150. a crosswise order.
The adjustment serves, in this case, to cancel the axle 3. Repeat the operation on the other side of the trac-
play on the shaft and guarantees the better working tor.
conditions and the correct positioning of the ball bea-
rings which support it. On completion of the registra-
tion, tighten all screws of the axle shaft spider pin to
the prescribed torque.

Tightening torque for screws fixing spider pin to

axle shaft
58 ÷ 63Nm
(6 ÷ 6,5 Kgm; 43.38 to 47 ft-lb)

Models 130 and 150 can be equipped with a final axle
shaft with step less change tracks which permit the
back track to be quickly and precisly adapted for va-
rious jobs. Carry out the variation with the help of ano-
ther operator working as follows:
1. Park the tractor on the flat. Engage the hand brake
to the maximum. Lift one of the wheels with a jack and
use a stand to keep the vehicle steady.

1 - Screws fixing tapered sleeve to the hub

2 - Wheel hub




110 130 150

12 1 12 1 10 1
Final epicycle reduction gear reading = = =
12+57 5,75 12+63 6,25 10+59 6,9


Unit: Nm (Kgm)

110 130 150

59 ÷ 63 96 ÷ 106
Screws fixing spider pin to back axle shaft
(6 ÷ 6,5) (9,8 ÷ 10,8)

Screws fixing axle shaft support to the brake hou- 88 130

sing (9) (13)

Fluids and Lubricants

Application Type Make Model Q.ty

Differential group Oil AGIP ROTRA THT (API - GL3) 110 -

Bearing grease nipples Grease AGIP GREASE 30 (Grease 30) 130 - 150



Application Type Model

Mating surfaces between axle shaft bell and brake


Mating surfaces between brake housing and diffe- 110 - 130 - 150
rential box

Crown wheel surfaces HYLOMAR

Mating surfaces axle shaft - spacers HYLOMAR 130 - 150


Tool Number Name Page No.

5.9030.618.4/10 Extractor


Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Lack of grease in bearings 130 - 150 Grease the bearings

Pulls and banging if sudden change in
torque loading
Bearing lubrication insufficient 110 Top up oil level

Gearbox oil vapour breather valve bloc-

Clean or change valve
ked 130 - 150
Axle shaft losing oil
Support link worn 110 Change the support link

Axle play on bearings excessive 110 Adjust bearings

Loss of oil from the joint with the brake

Insufficient sealant Re-apply sealant



GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING . . . . . . . . . . . 230

SERVICE BRAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 PARKING BRAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Pedal assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Check and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Brake unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Check and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
PIPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 HYDRAULIC BRAKING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Removals and installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
FRONT BRAKES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 TECHNICAL DATA AND
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Technical features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Check and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
REAR BRAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 TROUBLESHOOTING AND CORRECTIONS. . . 240
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229



The braking system is of hydraulic type; it is composed

of two circuits which are equal and separate: one acts
on the front and rear right-hand wheels, and the other
on the left ones. The front brakes are provided only for
the models of tractor fitted with front wheel drive.
This system permits the brakes to be used indepen-
dently so as to reduce the turning radius and, conse-
quently, the possible overheating of brakes discs.
The rear service brakes 20, are located between the
differential casing and the final reduction gears; the 1 - O-ring
front service brakes 16 are located between differen- 2 - Rear brake piston
tial and epicyclic reduction gear. This arrangement 3 - Rear brake disk
guarantees an accurate and safe braking. 4 - Intermediate disk
5 - Plug far trailer hydraulic braking
The pedal control, independent for each circuit, acts 6 - Parking brake
on master cylinder which sends oil under pressure to 7 - Rear brake control pipe
the two pistons, one for the front brake, and the other 8 - Auxiliary distributor braking
for the rear one, which pack the brake discs together. 9 - Braking distribution
When the two pedals, previously connected with the 10 - Hydraulic brake oil tank
special latch, are operated at the same time, a duct 11 - Master cylinder brake
opens 12, this connects the two hydraulic circuits to 12 - Master cylinder brake coupling fitting
balance the braking pressure on both circuits. 13 - Front brake control pipes
The clutch and brake oil tank 10 is subdivided into 14 - Front brake disk
15 - Shoulder ring
three separate sections so as to prevent a leak in one 16 - Intermediate disk
of the two circuits from affecting the other two. 17 - Parking brake operation lever
The discs of front 14 and rear 3 brakes are made of 18 - Parking brake pad
sintered material, and operate in oil; their wear is ex- 19 - Parking brake disks
tremely limited. 20 - Rear brake
Parking brake is of mechanical type and acts, through
a lever 6 control housed in the cab, on a lever that cau-
ses a series of pads 18 to be packed together on discs
19 fitted on the front drive direct drive shaft. Further-
more, an hydraulic 8 system for the braking of trailer is
also supplied as, an optional, or standard, according
with each Market.




1 - Manual accelerator lever 9 - Pedal connection latch 17 - Oil delivery pipe

2 - Bracket 10 - Spring 18 - Securing plate
3 - Split pin 11 - Washer 19 - Master cylinder supply pipe
4 - Manual accelerator transmission rod 12 - Pedal support 20 - Clamp
5 - Seeger ring 13 - Pin 21 - Tank
6 - Washer 14 - Rubber anti-slip protection 22 - Support
7 - Brake pedal 15 - Brake master cylinder 23 - Pipe connecting master cylinder
8 - Pin 16 - Plate


REMOVAL 5. Operating from the passenger compartment, re-

move split pins 4, and withdraw pins 2 securing master
1. Remove the tractor side engine lids, and unscrew cylinder forks 3 to pedals 1. Withdraw latch 6.
the two bolts securing heat shield 1 to rear bulkhead 2. 6. Unscrew the four screws 5 securing master cylinder
to dashboard sheet panel. Remove the two master cy-
linders from the engine compartment.

1 - Heat shield
2 - Rear bulkhead

2. Use a screwdriver to extract unions 1 of master cy-

linders 3 supply piping, plugging them suitably. 1 - Brake pedals 4 - Split pins
3. Unscrew unions 2 and disconnect the delivery pi- 2 - Pins 5 - Screws
3 - Forks 6 - Latch
ping from master cylinders.
4. Unscrew the unions securing pipe 4 connecting
7. Unscrew the two screws securing manual accelera-
master cylinders, and remove it.
tor level 1. Remove the lever.
8. Remove lid 2 which has been pushed into place.

1 - Unions for master cylinder supply piping

2 - Unions for delivery piping from master cylinders
3 - Brake master cylinders 1 - Manual accelerator lever
4 - Pipe connecting master cylinders 2 - Engine lid


9. Operating from the engine compartment, unscrew 15. Release return springs 4 of pedals 3.
the two nuts securing the brake-clutch liquid tank sup- 16. Remove seeger ring 1, withdraw washer 2, and re-
port bracket. move pedals 3 with interposed washer 5.
10. Withdraw split pin 1 and the washer underneath.
Disconnect rod 2 from accelerator control transmis-
sion lever 4.
11. Unscrew screw 3 securing the manual accelerator
support bracket.

1 - Seeger ring 4 - Springs

2 - Washer 5 - Washer
3 - Pedals
1 - Split pin
2 - Manual accelerator transmission rod
3 - Screw
4 - Manual accelerator transmission lever CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS
Visually inspect all the disassembled components; re-
place those that are worn or damaged, verifying in par-
12. Operating from the passenger compartment, par- ticular the following.
tially extract the brake-clutch oil tank from the dash- 1. Verify that pedals and the related pads are not de-
board. formed or damaged.
13. Withdraw split pin 3, washer 2, and remove rod 4. 2. Check that pins and related seats are not too worn
14. Unscrew the two screws securing bracket 1 to or seized.
dashboard and remove it from below. 3. Verify that springs are not damaged or strained.
4. Check that the rubber protections of pedal pads are
not worn.

Install the brake pedals by reversing the order of re-
moval, complying with the following.
— Refer to the enlarged view and lubricate the bus-
hes 13 of pedals, pins 12, and latch 9 with the
prescribed grease.
— Replace all split pins.
— After having reassembled the pedals and master
cylinders, proceed to adjust them by operating as
1 - Manual accelerator support bracket follows.
2 - Washer (1) Lift the pedals completely.
3 - Split pin
4 - Manual accelerator transmission rod


(2) Pull the master cylinder forks completely, keeping them taut to take up the backlash, and verify that the fork ho-
les are perfectly aligned with those in the pedals.
(3) If required, loosen the locknut and unscrew or screw the master cylinder rod accordingly until the holes are per-
fectly aligned.
(4) Block the rod with the locknut, and secure the forks to pedals by means of pins and new split pins.
— Proceed to adjust the accelerator control (refer to: Fuel Supply - Accelerator Control Adjustment).
— Proceed to bleed the braking system (refer to: Hydraulic System Bleeding).


For 150


REMOVAL 3. Refer to the enlarged view and unscrew the two pis-
tons; separate them recovering spring 11.
Disconnect the brake master cylinder (refer to: Pedal 4. Remove retaining rings 12 and 15 and washer 13
Assembly - Removal - steps 1. to 6.). from piston 14.
5. Remove Seeger ring 7, and withdraw spacers 8,
and seal rings 9 from piston 10.
1. Withdraw boot 1, remove Seeger ring 3, and with- CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS
draw rod 2 together with collar 4.

To clean and wash the master cylinder compo-
nents use only the brake fluid prescribed. Do not
use petrol, kerosene or other mineral oils to pre-
vent damaging the rubber components.

1. Check for scratches and rust inside cylinder and on

pistons. Replace them if required.
2. Check the wear degree of cylinder and pistons. In
the event of excessive backlash, replace the cylinder
assembly or piston assembly.
3. Verify the conditions of retaining rings and dust co-
1 - Boot ver, replace the faulty components.
2 - Rod 4. Check all compartments, openings, and master cy-
3 - Seeger ring linder internal passages, and verify that they are clean
4 - Collar
5 - Master cylinder and free from foreign matters.
5. Verify that springs are not strained or deformed.
2. Place the master cylinder on a vice fitted with pro- Replace them if required.
tective jaws then, partially pushing the pistons to-
wards master cylinder inside as shown in the figure,
unscrew the screw securing the pistons and remove
them together with the spring underneath.



For 110 - 130

1 - Spring 9 - Piston 17 - Gasket

2 - Master cylinder 10 - Seal ring 18 - Setscrew
3 - Intermediate piston 11 - Disk support 19 - Seal ring
4 - Spring 12 - Boot 20 - Seal ring
5 - Fitting 13 - Rod 21 - Spacer
6 - Gasket 14 - Nut 22 - Seeger ring
7 - Seal ring 15 - Fork
8 - Washer 16 - Seeger ring

Reassemble the master cylinder by reversing the order of disassembly, complying with the following.
— Lubricate the relative motion sliding surfaces with the prescribed grease.
— Tighten thoroughly the two pistons 3 and 9 so that a certain backlash is present between them.
— When inserting the pistons into cylinder verify that the slot present on the external piston 9, is correctly ali-
gned with the setscrew seat 18.
— Verify the master cylinder correct functioning, making sure that the pistons perform the whole travel freely.

Install the master cylinder on tractor (refer to: Pedal Assembly - Installation).



1. Check the braking system piping (pipes and hoses) and verify that they are free from deformations, scratches or
evident signs of external oxidation. Replace the faulty components.
2. In the event of hydraulic fluid leaks, restore the tightening if they are caused by loosening; if required, replace the
faulty components.


If replacement or installation of brake piping is required, comply with the following.
— Remove the plug of brake and clutch hydraulic system supply tank and, by means of a syringe, suck the oil
from the tank.
— Each time the piping is disassembled, plug the ends to prevent foreign matter from entering.
— To remove the pipes, unscrew the unions from both ends.
— To remove the hoses, unscrew the unions connecting pipes to hoses, then remove them. Subsequently, dis-
connect the hose from the other side.
— Unscrew all clamps securing piping to tractor.
— When reassembling piping on tractor take care not to twist them.
— At the end of reassembly, restore the oil level in the tank, and carry out bleeding (refer to: Hydraulic System


1 - Flange 3 - Intermediate disc 5 - Seal ring

2 - Brake disc 4 - Piston 6 - Fork


1. Leave the vehicle on a level surface with speeds di-
2. Operate the parking brake.
3. Remove the front wheel.

Two operators are needed to remove the wheels.

(1) Loosen the eight nuts securing the wheel.

(2) Place a lifting jack under the front axle, interposing
a wooden wedge; lift the tractor.
(3) Carefully withdraw the wheel from hub.
4. Place a container under the fork, unscrew the plug
placed under the fork, and drain the oil.

Always use a light alloy hammer or punch when 1 - Cover
tapping on cast iron components. 2 - Seeger ring
3 - Plug with threaded hole
4 - Retaining ring
5. Unscrew the securing screw and remove protection 5 - Seal ring
1 of oil drain valve. 6 - Bearing
6. Unscrew union 2, and remove brake piping 3.
10. Unscrew the ten nuts securing epicyclic reduction
gear 1 to fork 2.
11. Screw the two longest screws 3 into the holes not
used for the fixing and remove the epicyclic reduction
gear and the O-ring by tightening the screws fully
home on the fork.

1 - Valve protection
2 - Union
3 - Braking system pipe

7. Unscrew cover 1 placed at the center of hub, and

remove it.
8. Extract Seeger ring 2, placed in front of the plug with
threaded hole 3. Remove the cover, by screwing a
screw on the grease nipple and pulling outwards. 1 - Epicyclic reduction gear
9. Remove retaining ring 3, and Seeger ring 4. 2 - Fork
3 - Screws


CAUTION 13. Extract brake discs 1, and intermediate disc 2,

When removing the epicyclic reduction gear, use then let compressed air into the brake oil union, and
lever 1 as shown in the figure, and act on cross remove the brake control piston 3.
journal 2 in order to prevent the axle shaft from
moving unintentionally with consequent damage
of the seal rings housed inside the fork.

1 - Brake discs
2 - Intermediate discs
3 - Brakes control piston

1 - Lever
2 - Cross journal
12. Unscrew the twelve self locking screws securing
the brake assembly flange 1 and remove it together Wash all brake components with suitable liquid, and
with oil deflector plate 2. dry them with compressed air.
Perform an accurate visual inspection verifying in par-
ticular the following.
1. Check for scratches on both inner and outer sliding
surfaces of piston. Replace it if required.
2. Verify that the seal ring seats are clean. If required,
blow compressed air into the seats.
3. Verify the seal ring conditions; replace them if requi-
4. Verify that the ground surfaces mating with the
brake discs are free from excessive scratches.
If not, replace the damaged components.
5. Check the discs by operating as follows.
(1) Verify that the sliding surfaces of discs are not
worn, splintered or scratched. Replace the damaged
(2) Check that discs can slide freely into their seats.
(3) Use a gauge to check that the thickness of disc
package is not lower than the value given in “Techni-
cal Data and Specifications - Checks and Adjust-
ments” for the model of, tractor in object. Replace if re-

1 - Brake assembly flange

2 - Oil deflector plate


(4) Examine the disc broachings, checking for wear or

damage signs.
— Tighten the screws securing the brake assembly
flange, and the nuts securing the epicyclic reduc-
REASSEMBLY tion gear to the prescribed torque.

Carry out reassembly by reversing the order of disas-

sembly, complying with the following. Tightening torques
— Lubricate the piston sliding surfaces with the - Nuts securing epicyclic reduction gear
grease prescribed, and fit it in place keeping the - Screws securing brake flange
slots present on piston itself pointing outwards.
Then fit the intermediate piston and the flange; See: GENERALITY
screw a few of the screws securing the flange so Rules for tightening of nuts bolts
as to push the piston into its seat uniformly until
fitting it onto the inner retaining rings.
— When reassembling the brake discs, verify that — Carry out bleeding (refer to: Braking System
the intermediate discs are correctly housed into Bleeding).
their seats.
— Install the epicyclic reduction gear taking care to
hold the axle shaft by levering on the cross jour-
nal, to prevent the axle shaft from with drawing
from brake discs when moving backwards.



1 - Flange 4 - Seal ring 7 - Bleeder

2 - Brake disc 5 - Piston 8 - Brake housing
3 - Intermediate disc 6 - Protective cap

1 - Cap 7 - Nut 13 - Disc

2 - Bleeder 8 - Stud 14 - Seal ring
3 - Oil dipstick 9 - Pin 15 - Flange
4 - Gasket 10 - Housing 16 - Shim
5 - Stud 11 - Piston seal ring 17 - Shim
6 - Washer 12 - Piston


1. Operate the parking brake and leave the tractor on a level surface with speeds disengaged.
2. Remove the rear wheel.
Two operators are needed to remove the wheels.
(1) Loosen the eight nuts securing the wheel.
(2) Place a jack under the rear axle, interposing a wooden wedge; lift the tractor.
(3) Carefully remove the wheel from hub.
(4) Place a safety stand under the differential casing.
3. Place a container under the brake housing, unscrew the related cap, and drain the brake lubrication oil.
4. Remove split pin 8, and withdraw pin 7 securing stabilizer 6 to bell housing 1.
5. Remove split pin 10, and unscrew the nut securing lifting arm 5. Detach the arm from the related pin.
6. If mounted, unscrew the screw securing pin 9, withdraw it, and disconnect cylinder 4 from brake housing 11.
7. Unscrew the bolt securing the cab to rubber bushing 3.
8. Unscrew the four screws securing cab support bracket 2 to bell housing 1.
9. Sling the cab suitably and lift it enough to remove cab support.
10. Unscrew the unions securing brake piping 12 to brake housing and disconnect them. Plug the piping suitably.

1 - Drive shaft bell housing

2 - Cab support bracket
3 - Rubber bushing
4 - Lifting cylinder (optional)
5 - Lifting arm
6 - Stabilizer
7 - Pin
8 - Split pin
9 - Pin
10 - Split pin
11 - Brake housing
12 - Braking system piping


11. Place a safety stand under the tank and unscrew (2) Remove the drive shaft by withdrawing it from the
the thirteen nuts and the two bolts securing the drive brake discs; recover the brake disc.
shaft bell housing to brake housing. (3) Let compressed air into one of the brake oil inlets
12. Use a suitable lifting device to support the drive on the housing to facilitate the brake piston removal.
shaft bell housing when removing it from the brake Recover the washers of piston dowel pins without
housing. mixing them.


Carefully check that both tractor and bell hou- Wash all brake components using a suitable liquid,
sing are well balanced to prevent dangerous os- and dry them with compressed air. Perform an accu-
cillations during the removal operation. rate visual inspection taking special care for the follo-
13. Carefully remove the bell housing from brake hou- 1. Check for scratches or rust inside the cylinder and
sing. on piston. Replace them if required.
14. Only for 150-130 2. Check the wear degree of both cylinder and piston.
(1) Remove crown gear 1 from brake housing 4, by If excessive backlash is present, replace cylinder or
slightly tapping with a hammer. piston.
(2) Remove drive shaft 2 by withdrawing it from brake 3. Verify conditions of the seal rings mounted on cylin-
discs 3. der. Replace them if required.
(3) Unscrew the thirteen inner nuts 6 and the outer nut 4. Check that the ground surfaces mating with a brake
securing brake housing 4 to differential casing 5. disc are free from evident scratches. If not, grind the
(4) Carefully remove the brake housing recovering friction surfaces taking into account that the thickness
brake discs 3 which are not secured. of the material removed shall not exceed 2 mm (0.08
5. Check the brake discs for models 130 - 150 (or the
single disc for model 110) by operating as follows.
(1) Verify that the disc friction surfaces are not worn,
splintered, or scratched. Replace the damaged discs.
(2) Check that discs slide freely into their seat.
(3) Use a gauge to check that thickness of each disc is
not lower than the value given in “Technical Data and
Specifications - Checks and Adjustments”, for the mo-
del of tractor in object. Replace if required.

1 - Crown gear 4 - Brake housing

2 - Inner drive shaft 5 - Differential casing
3 - Brake disc 6 - Nut

(5) Let compressed air into one of the brake oil inlets
on the housing to facilitate the brake piston removal.
Recover the washers of piston dowel pins taking care
not to mix them.

15. Only for 110

(1) Unscrew the thirteen nuts of the flange securing
brake housing to differential casing; withdraw the hou- (4) Examine the disc broaching making sure that they
sing taking care not to drop the brake disc, since it is are not worn or damaged.
not axially secured.


REASSEMBLY 6. Use a feeler gauge, as shown in the figure, to mea-

sure the distance between brake disc 1 and surface 2
1. Check that shim washers 1, removed during disas- mating with the differential casing.
sembly, are present inside the reference pins.

1 - Brake disc
2 - Mating surface with differential casing

7. Verify that the value measured is equal to that given

in “Technical Data and Specifications - Checks and
Adjustments” for the model of tractor in object. If not
so, add or remove the shim washers located under-
neath the piston. Repeat the measurement until the
correct value is obtained.
1 - Reference pins 8. Refer to the enlarged view, and reassemble brake
2 - Brake housing housing 8 and the drive shaft bell housing by reversing
the order of disassembly complying with the following.
2. Mark a reference on both piston and brake housing — Apply the sealant prescribed on the inner surface
in correspondence with a reference pin in order to faci- of brake housings 8 and the two surfces of the
litate reassembly. epicyclic reduction gear crown wheel.
3. Apply the prescribed grease on the surface of pis- — For models 130 and 150 verify that, when reas-
ton 1 mating with the brake housing seal rings. sembling the brake housing, intermediate disc 3
is correctly housed into its seat.
— Tighten the nuts securing the brake housings
and the drive shaft bell housings to the prescri-
bed torque.

Tightening torques
Nuts securing brake housing to differential casing
150 127 Nm 110 See: GENERAL
130 (13 - Kgm; 94 ft lb) Nuts bolts

Nuts securing drive shaft bell housing to brake

150 127 Nm 110 88 Nm
130 (13 Kgm; 94 ft lb) (9 - Kgm; 66ft lb)

— Carry out bleeding (refer to: Hydraulic System

1 - Piston

4. Carefully fit the piston into the brake housing.

5. Fit the brake discs into brake housing, and for mo-
dels 130-150 the intermediate disc.



Bleeding of brake and clutch hydraulic system is to be 3. Fit a hose on the bleeder screws of both front and
carried out each time the system is connected or when rear brakes, and submerge its end into a transparent
air enters it. container filled with the same oil of the system.
4. Operate one of the pedals several times then, kee-
ping it fully pressed, slightly unscrew the related blee-
der screws and tighten them immediately after.
CAUTION 5. Repeat this operation several times until oil comes
— Do not reuse the hydraulic fluid drained during out of bleeder screw without air bubbles.
bleeding. 6. Fully press the pedal and check whether after its ini-
— Operate carefully to prevent the oil coming into tial idle stroke, a direct and non-spongy action can be
contact with the paint, since this could be da- felt. If not, repeat bleeding.
maged. 7. Restore the oil level in the tank using the brake oil
— During the bleeding operation, keep the oil le- prescribed; refit the related plug.
vel in the tank above the min. mark.

1. Remove the plug of the hydraulic system supply

tank; if required, restore the level using the oil prescri-
2. Disconnect the two brake pedals by removing the
latch. Operate first on the brake of one side, then re-
peat the same operations for those on the other side.



1 - Pushbutton
2 - Spring
3 - Pin
4 - Lever
5 - Rubber pad
6 - Scroll gear
7 - Pin
8 - Cable
9 - Support bracket
10 - Pin
11 - Seeger ring
12 - Pin
13 - Bracket
14 - Boot
15 - Nut
16 - Split pin
17 - Washer
18 - Fork
19 - Switch
20 - Rod
21 - Interlock plunger


1. Operating from under the tractor, remove split pin 2 and washer 3, then withdraw pin 5 and disconnect transmis-
sion fork 4 from parking brake control lever 1.



1. Place control lever support bracket 2 on a vice, re-

move Seeger ring 3, and withdraw stud 4. Remove pin
5 using a hammer and a punch.

1 - Parking brake control 3 - Split pin

lever 4 - Fork
2 - Washer 5 - Pin

2. Operating from inside the cab, lift trim 1 placed un- 1 - Lever 4 - Stud
der the seat, and unscrew the four screws securing 2 - Support bracket 5 - Pin
bracket 3 to floor. 3 - Seeger ring 6 - Scroll gear
3. Remove lever 2 together with bracket 3, control
cable, and rubber pad
4. If required, operating from under the cab, discon- 2. Overturn lever 8, withdraw pin 3, remove control
nect wiring of the brake warning lamp, unscrew the cable 10 scroll gear 2 and the lever
two screws 4 securing the switch, and remove this 3. Remove split pin 7, washer 5 underneath, and with-
last. draw pin 6. Remove interlock plunger 4 and, from the
handgrip, pushbutton 9, together with the spring and
rod underneath.

1 - Support bracket 6 - Pin

2 - Scroll gear 7 - Split pin
3 - Pin 8 - Lever
1 - Cab floor trim 3 - Lever support bracket 4 - Interlock plunger 9 - Pushbutton
2 - Parking brake lever 4 - Screws 5 - Washer 10 - Control cable


CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS — Install the first cable 8 on lever 4 trough pin 7.
— Install the ratchet gear replacing split pin 16.
1. Visually inspect that each component is not exces-
sively worn or damaged. In particular, check the pin
surfaces and the wear degree of the teeth of interlock
plunger and scroll gear. INSTALLATION
2. Check for interruptions in the electric cables and
that the switch signalling that parking brake is in ope- Install the control lever on tractor by reversing the or-
rates correctly. der of removal, complying with the following.
3. Check that spring is not strained or deformed. — Refer to the exploded view and lubricate pin 3
4. Replace the faulty or worn components. with the prescribed grease; replace split pin 16.
— Verify that tractor starts being braked when lifting
the parking brake control lever by 3 to 4 notches;
REASSEMBLY whilst, when the lever is completely released ,
the tractor must be free.

Reassemble the lever by reversing the order of disas-

sembly, complying with the following. If not so, Ioosen locknut 15, and unscrew or screw fork
— - Lubricate pins 3, 7 and 10, scroll gear 6 and in- 18 accordingly until obtaining a correct braking action.
terlock Plunger 21 with the grease prescribed.


1 - Shoe 8 - Engagement lever

2 - Single pad 9 - Screws
3 - Discs 10 - Parking brake support
4 - Splined bush 11 - Control lever
5 - Gear 12 - Gasket
6 - Double pad 13 - O-ring
7 - Seeger ring 14 - Gear



1. Detach the parking brake support (refer to: Speed Reassemble the brake by reversing the order of disas-
gear - Front Drive P.T.O. - Disassembly - steps 1. to sembly, complying with the following.
12). — Replace the O-ring, and lubricate it with the
2. Unscrew one of the two screws securing pads 2 to grease prescribed.
support 1. Withdraw pads and shoe 3. — Carefully install the pads interposing them bet-
3. Remove Seeger ring 5, withdraw engagement lever ween brake discs.
4 and, operating from the outside, control lever 6 reco- — Once reassembly has been carried out, verify
vering the O-ring. that tractor starts being braked after the parking
brake control lever, in the cab, has been lifted by
3 to 4 notches, whilst with control lever released,
the tractor must be perfectly free.
— If not, loosen locknut 1 and unscrew or screw
fork 2 accordingly, until obtaining a correct bra-
king action.

1 - Support
2 - Pads
3 - Shoe
4 - Engagement lever
5 - Seeger ring
6 - Control lever


1. Thoroughly wash all components and carefully

check for superficial defects.
2. Measure the pad thickness and check for irregular
wear. If pad thickness is lower than the limit value gi-
ven in “Technical Data and Specifications - Checks
and Adjustments” for the model of tractor in object, re-
place all of them.

1 - Locknut
2 - Control cable fork



1 - Connector
2 - Support
3 - Pipe
4 - Notched washer
5 - Screw
6 - Pipe
7 - Fitting
8 - Gasket
9 - Nut
10 - Notched washer
11 - Screw
12 - Nut
13 - Union
14 - Fitting
15 - Bleeder valve
16 - Distribution valve
17 - Reduction
18 - Rear brake connection pipe
19 - Fitting
20 - Fitting
22 - Pipe
23 - Pipe
24 - Screw
25 - Notched washer


1. Without disconnecting the piping, remove the hy-
drostatic steering tank 1 loosening the clamp screw 2.

1 - Fitting
2 - Clamping screw
3 - Screwed union
4 - Fitting
5 - Fitting
6 - Rear brake connection pipe

1 - Hydro steering oil tank Proceed with the installation in reverse order to that of
2 - Tank fastening band the removal, taking care to replace all the fitting gas-
kets, then on completion of work, remove the air from
the system by joining a pipe in a container partially fil-
2. Lower the tank left of the fuel in order to have suffi- led with hydraulic oil, to the bleeder valve, present on
cient space to work, loosen fittings 1,4 and 5 and the the distribution valve, and follow the procedure descri-
threaded union 3, then unloosen the screw 2, the bed in “Hydraulic System Bleeding”.
connection pipe 6 and remove the distribution valve.



Service Brakes

110 130 150


Type Plates in oil bath

Front 1 2
Number of disks per brake
Rear 1 2

Front 223,4
Disk outside diameter
Rear 302

Front 4,80
Originai disk thickness
Rear 10

Front 3,80
Minimum permissible disk thickness
Rear 9

Pump type BENDITALIA 81”

Parking brake

110 130 150

Type Plates in oil bath

Number of single surface braking plates 2

Number of double surface braking plates 2 3

double brake
mm 5
Original plate thickness
single brake
mm 3,5

double mm 4,2
Plate minimum permissible thickness
single mm 3,1

Number of brake disks 3 4

Traverse of the parking brake lever 120



Unit: mm

Dimension quota
110 - 130 - 150

3,80 (0.14)
Front plate minimum thickness

Rear plate minimum thickness 9 (0.35)

Brake plate distance from connection surface 0,3 (0.01)

double brake surface 4,2 (0.16)

Minimum thickness parking brake plate
single brake surface 3,1 (0.12)


Measuring unit: Nm (kgm)

110 130 150

Fixing nuts - brake holder box to rear gear box Tightening torques 127 (13)
nuts and bolts

Fixing nuts - axle shaft support to brake holder box 88 (9) 127 (13)

Fluids and Lubricants

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Rear axle and differential oil refill Oil AGIP Rotra I HT (API GL-3)

Hydraulic AGIP ATF DEXRON (GM Type à

Hydraulic circuit drive refill
oil Suffix A)

- Brake operation piston surface lubri-


- Lubrication for:
Bearing 110 - 130 - 150
Front axle
Grease AGIP GREASE 30 (Grease 30)
a) bush, pins and pedal latch
b) pump inside sliding surfaces
c) brake piston surfaces in contact with
brake holder box support links
d) parking brake components and pins



The following are indispensable in any search for defects in the brake system:
— Check wear of tyres
— Check pressure of tyres
— Check brake fluid and anyway verify that it is within the maintenance programmed

Fault Probable cause Corrective action

Loss of fluid from brake plant unions Tighten unions

Loss of fluid from brake pump Overhaul brake pump

The pedal goes the full run (oil in the
float lowers) Internal draw-by in brake unit Overhaul brake unit

Piston holding gasket or sliding surface

Change gaskets or sliding surfaces

Air in the unit Bleed the unit

Holding gasket of command pump inef-

The pedal goes the full run (oil in float Overhaul the brake pump
does not lower)
Flexible pipe swollen a therefore ineffi- Change flexible pipes and bleed the
cient or pipes used of poor quality unit

Air in the brake system Bleed the unit

Breather hole on tank cover blacked Clean a bleed the unit

Pedal resilient
Work of brake fluid with boiling point too
Change the brake fluid a bleed the unit

Check brake pump a wheel cylinders to

Loss of fluid from the brake unit pipes
fend eventual loss a repair

Air in brake unit Bleed the brake unit

Brake action poor Friction unit worn Change discs

Overhaul control piston a change if ne-

Control piston worn or seized

Brake pump not working correctly Repair or change


Fault Probable cause Corrective action

Brake action poor Mechanical obstacles in pedal fun Free as necessary

Tyre pressure incorrect Pump to correct pressure

Pump piston loose Overhaul brake pump

Connection pipe damaged or blocked Change pump connection pipe

Control piston seal ring worn Change seal rings

Brakes uneven
Clearing pipe blocked or bicken Repair or change

Delivery pipe blocked or bicken Change piping

Brake disc gasket worn on one side of

Change brake discs

Unevenly worn or chipped brake Change damaged discs

Brake vibrating
Oil polluted with water Change oil in unit

Grease the connection check the wear

Movement of pedal obstructed
of return spring

Brake pump piston seized Overhaul pump a bleed the unit

Discs very worn Repair of or change disc

Brake does not move forward
Hand brake does not return Check a repair

Brake pump cylinder blocked Overhaul pump a bleed the unit

Piping blocked Check a dean

Adjustment incorrect Adjust

Parking brake doesn’t
Plates worn Change plates

Cable return blocked Unblock a change cables

On removing parking brake the tractor
The unlock lever button doesn’t return Dismount a unblock or change the lever
remains braked
Plates sticking to discs Unblock or change the defective part


Fault Probable cause Corrective action

Electrical connection broken Repair the connection

Brake light does not light up Switch faulty Change

Light faulty Change

Trailer hydraulic brake distributor Repair or change

Trailer brake inefficient
Rear brake distributor connection pipe
Change the piping




Excessive wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 OF WHEELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245



1. Check the condition of the tread. If it is deformed or too worn, change the tyre.
2. Removes bits, stones or any other foreign matter which is trapped between the lugs of the treads.
3. Check that the tread and the sides of the tyres are not cracked; split of otherwise damaged.
4. Verify that there is no loss of air or, in the case of ballasting, no loss of water from the valve.

In case of excessive wear of tyres work in conformity with the following table:

Fault Probable cause Corrective action

Insufficient inflation pressure (rapid

Measure and regulate the pressure
wear of treads threads)

Shoulders worn

Tyre too old Increase inflation pressure (within gi-

ven limits)

Ballast within the load limits allowed for

Too slippery when ploughing tyres

Irregular wear
Circumference slits of the front bars

Too much inflation Measure & regulate the pressure

Tread threads worn in the middle



WARNING 5. Place a safety tripod 2 with a block of wood placed
To carry out the following operations it is advi- between it and the wheel, under the back support 1 or
sable to have two operators, necessary in any under the front support and than take the wheel off the
case when working on the back wheels. hub and lower the hoist.

1. Park the vehicle on the flat with the handbrake on.

2. Using a spanner with a long handle, loosen the
eight nuts fixing the wheel 1.

1 - Back support
2 - Safety tripod

1 - Wheel CAUTION
When working on the back wheel keep the chain
pulled tight during the removal of the wheel so as
3. Working on the back wheel, lift the wheel with the
to avoid it falling. When working on front wheels,
help of a chain to the necessary height.
even though they are smaller, be extremely care-
4. Position a wheel jack 2 with a block of wood placed
ful during their removal especially if you are not
between it and the wheel, under the front support if
using any hoisting.
you are working on the front panel, and jack up the ve-
6. Proceed with the remounting of the wheel working
in the reverse order taking care to tighten the eight
fixing nuts properly.

1 - Rear support
2 - Wheel jack





GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 PIPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

STEERING WHEEL AND STEERING Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
COLUMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Flexible pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Rigid pipes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Unions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Pipes leading out of the distributor . . . . . . . . . 269
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Pipes entering and coming out of the pump . . 270
DISTRIBUTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 RESOUNDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 OIL PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Cleaning checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Axial play adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
POWER STEERING HOUSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Double effect for 4 wheel/drive tractor . . . . . . . . . 261 COMPLETE HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . 276
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Safety valve calibration check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Removal of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Oil removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 TECHNICAL DATA AND
Single effect for 2 wheel/drive tractor . . . . . . . . . . 266 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Controls and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 General prescriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
ACTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281



The steering system which is without any direct me-

chanical link between the wheels and the steering
wheel, stops vibrations going from the tyres to the dri-
ver. Designed with reactive open center, it consents
the driver to feel turning movement on the steering
wheel so that he can quickly change direction.
The movement which is felt on the steering wheel in-
creases the effect of the self centering, so that, when 1 - Oil filters 25 µ
you leave the steering wheel, the wheels automatical- 2 - Hydraulic pumps
ly align themselves with the tractor. 3 - Auxiliary hydraulic valves
The oil from a special tank 1 is sent in pressure 4 - Hydraulic rear lift
through a resounder 12 to the distributor 3 of a pump 5 - Oil filters 15 µ
14 found on the upper lid 15 of the gearbox, and actio- 6 - Hydraulic pumps
ned continuously by a speed gear. 7 - Power steering directional control valve
By turning the steering wheel 2 you work on the distri- 8 - Radiator
butor positioning helical, and on the capacity shutter 9 - By-pass valve
which permits the flow of oil in pressure to the control 10 - Hydraulic circuit of the transmission lubrication
cylinders 10 in the necessary quantity for the required
turning. Depending which way you turn, the oil which
is found in the opposite cylinder chamber, returns
through the pipes 5 to the distributor and from it
through the pipe 8 to the tank.
Before the oil is taken in by the pump it passes through
a filter which removes impurities in the oil.
The presence of the resounder, allows variations in
pressure and consequently vibrations, to be absor-
bed, therefore reducing the noise of the engine.
The two control cylinders, either double effect (for the
4 RM model) of single effect for (the 2 RM model) joi-
ned to the front hub 11 ensures the necessary thrust
for turning in any conditions.
This system also offers the advantage of being able to
drive the tractor even if the engine stop motor fails. A
valve situated in the distributor, consents the capacity
shutter to take in oil from the exhaust circuit when the
pump delivery circuit has insufficient pressure.


150 bar



8 bar



1 - Cover
2 - Steering wheel fixing nuts
3 - Notched washer
4 - Left steering switch cover
5 - Covering
6 - Protector
7 - Sealed bearing
8 - Steering wheel shell
9 - Spacer
10 - Shaft
11 - Handle
12 - Lever
13 - Steering column tilt adjusting screw
14 - Spacers
15 - Support
16 - Holding pin
17 - Bracket
18 - Seeger
19 - Right steering switch cover
20 - Steering wheel


1. Unscrew and remove the cover 1 from the middle of
the steering wheel 2.
2. Loosen the steering wheel fixing nut 3.

1 - Steering switch release wiring connections

6. Loosen the two screws fixing the right steering

switch release group 1 in which the ignition change
over switch 2 is found, and remove the cover.

1 - Cover
2 - Steering wheel
3 - Steering wheel fixing nut

3. Using extractor 5.9030.443.0 remove the steering


1 - Right steering switch release cover

2 - Ignition change aver switch

4. Remove the instrument panel (refer to: Cabin 7. Loosen the two inside screws of the left cover 1 of
Dashboard). the steering switch release and remove it.
5. Disconnect the four wiring connections 1 of the
steering switch release.


1 - Steering column
1 - Left Steering switch release cover 2 - Shaft

8. Loosen the two screws of the cover 1 from the stee- 10. Loosen the four screws fixing the shaft 1 to the
ring column of the steering wheel and remove it. supports 2.

1 - Shaft
2 - Supports

11. Lift the steering wheel column 1 off, removing the

spacer 2 placed under the holding plate 3.

During the removal of the steering column take
care to hold the distributor properly so that it
doesn’t fall and get damaged.
1 - Steering column cover

9. Loosen the four screws fixing the steering column

to the shaft 2 and to the distributor under it.


1 - Steering column
2 - Spacer
3 - Holding plate 1 - Regulator screw
2 - Spacer
3 - Shaft
4 - Clutch spacer
12. Loosen the two screws fixing the steering wheel tilt
lever 1 to the regulator screw 2.
1. Fix the steering wheel housing 1 onto a vice, and re-
move the rubber protection 3 with the help of a pointed
2. Extract the Seeger ring 2 then carefully tap with a
rubber hammer on the upper part of the steering co-
lumn 4 then slip it out from below.

1 - Steering wheel tilt regulator lever

2 - Regulator screw

13. Loosen the regulator screw 1 and remove the spa-

cer 2.
14. Lift the shaft 3 off upwards complete with the clutch
spacer 4. 1 - Steering wheel housing
2 - Seeger ring
3 - Rubber protection
4 - Steering column



1. Check that the bearing 1 inserted in the shell 2 is not à graisser
damaged, nor presents any form of malfunction. If so
change the shell.

1 - Rubber protection
2 - Steering column

1 - Bearing
Reassemble the steering column of the steering
wheel working in the reverse order adhering to the fol-
2. Verify the integrity of the steering column. In parti- lowing instructions.
cular verify that the working seat of the bearings are — Take care that the steering column is placed un-
not scratched, and that the teeth of the grooves are not der no stress during the reassembly.
worn or damage. — Take care to correctly match the distributor and
3. Verify the integrity of the support shaft and if neces- the steering column.
sary, change it. — Regulate the tightening of screws fixing the stee-
ring wheel tilt lever in such a way as to obtain the
required position.
— After tightening all parts, verify that the maximum
range of the steering wheel (full up and full
REMOUNTING down) works correctly.
— Mounting completed, verify that the steering
Proceed with the reassembly working in the reverse switch and the warning horn work correctly.
order, adhering to the following instructions.
— Tap, carefully, on the shaft until it touches the
bearing inside the steering housing.
— Neither grease nor lubricate the bearing inserted
in the shell.
— Verify that the steering column turns freely wi-
thout sticking, but that it does not have excessive
— Before remounting the rubber protection 1
spread the steering column 2 with prescribed
grease in the position indicated in the diagram.



1 - Fixing screw 10 - Pressure limit valve 19 - Short circuit valve

2 - Lower cap 11 - Capacity shutter 20 - Coupling
3 - Shim 12 - Spring holder 21 - Grooved hub
4 - Spacer 13 - Helical entrainer 22 - Bearing
5 - O-ring 14 - Distributor 23 - Fifth wheel
6 - Stator 15 - Anticavitation valve 24 - Teflon ring
7 - Rotor 16 - Distributor body 25 - Upper cap
8 - Intermediate flange 17 - Antishock valve
9 - Non return valve 18 - Anticavitation valve

1. Remove the steering wheel and steering column (refer to: Steering Wheel and Column - Removal).
2. Carry out the bleeding of the hydraulic circuit (refer to: Complete Hydraulic Circuit - Bleeding of oil from Hydraulic

Keep the distributor pipes in a vertical position so as to avoid the loss of too much fluid.

3. Loosen the unions of the four pipes 1 and remove the distributor 2.


1 - Distributor pipes
2 - Distributor
1 - L union
2 - Lock nut
3 - Positioning ring
4 - O-ring

1. Fix the distributor 1 in a horizontal position in a vice.

2. Loosen the unions 2 and remove the copper was- 4. Loosen the unions 1 and remove the copper was-
hers 3 underneath. hers 2 underneath.

1 - Unions
1 - Distributor 2 - Washers
2 - Unions
3 - Washers
5. Only if necessary, having had to change the seal on
the cover, work as follows:
3. Loosen the lock nut 2 and remove the L union 1 to-
gether with ring 3, O-ring 4 and the washer 5.


— Only two of the seven fixing screws of the dis- (5) Remove the teflon ring 6, the high pressure O-ring
tributor body caps must be only loosened, in 5 and then the ring 3 and the low pressure O-ring 3 pla-
order to proceed with the timing of the distribu- ced inside the cover, with the help of a pointed imple-
tor during the remounting. ment.
— Before proceeding to take the distributor apart,
mark the relative position between the upper
cover and the distributor body with a notch.
— Proceed to remove the parts taking care not to
drop any or loss their order.

(1) Loosen five of the seven fixing screws of the upper

cover 4 and lower cover 1 of the distributor body 2 then
loosen the other two screws.
(2) Remove the upper cover complete with the joint 3.

1 - Cover
2 - O-ring
3 - Low pressure O-ring
4 - Teflon low pressure ring
5 - High pressure O-ring
6 - Teflon high pressure ring
7 - Fifth wheel
8 - Axle bearing
9 - Grooved hub
10 - Joint

(6) Lubricate the new seals then proceed with the re-
mounting of the low pressure seals, first inserting the
1 - Lowe r cover O-ring 1 in the external radial grooves of the hole in the
2 - Distributor body cover 3, then the Teflon ring 2, being careful to bend
3 - Joint
4 - Upper cover the ring into a heart shape and to place it on the O-ring
so that it lies properly all the way round.

(3) Pushing from the outside towards the inside, re-

move the grooved hub 9 the axle bearing 8 and the
fifth wheel 7.
(4) Pick off the O-ring placed on the top inside of the
cover 1 with a pointed instrument.


1 - Lower cover
2 - Spacer
3 - Rotor
4 - Stator
5 - Flange
6 - Capacity shutter

(3) Remove the O-rings on the stator and the flange

from their seats and lubricate the new O-rings and re-
place them correctly.


1. Proceed with an accurate cleaning of the distributor
2. Check that all reconditioned areas present no trace
of excess wear, scratches nor other faults; if so
change them.
3. Check that the grooves of the capacity shutter, ro-
tors and stator are not worn or cracked. If so change
the damaged parts.
1 - O-ring 4. Verify that the distributor body is not craked or da-
2 - Teflon ring maged in any way. If so change the distributor.
3 - Cover 5. Check the condition of the threads on the distributor
and on the outside of unions. If they are worn or dama-
ged change them.
(7) Referring to the previous enlarged diagram mount
the new high pressure seal first placing the O-ring 5
and then ring 6.

Press down the Teflon rings after you have positioned
them in order to get them to lie correctly.
If during remounting; you loose the order of the
parts of the entrainer with respect to those of the
distributor, insert the entrainer 1 in the distributor
6. Use the following procedure only if you have had to
2 in such a way that the helical cables are turned
change the seals placed in the back part of the distri-
towards the front of the distributor, and the helical
is placed in such a way that its upper part enters
(1) Completely loosen the last two fixing screws.
the distributor by about 1.5 mm (0.0590 in).
(2) Remove the lower cover 1, the spacer 2, the rotors
3, the stator 4, the flange 5 and the capacity shutter 6.


3. Position the intermediate flange being careful to

correctly center the holes for the fixing screws.
4. Position the stator 1 centering the fixing screw ho-
les with those of the intermediate flange.
5. Position the rotor 2 keeping the cable housing bet-
ween the rotor and the stator turned down and aligned
with centreline X-X.
6. Couple the spigot 3 of the capacity shutter in the ro-
tor, with the line of the two bolts perpendicular to cen-
terline X-X.

1 - Entrainer
2 - Distributor

1. Position the control spigot of the capacity shutter 1

taking care that the pin 2 is fixed inside the two cables
of the distributor which are aligned with the serration of
the hook of the entrainer 3.

1 - Stator
2 - Rotor
3 - Spigot

7. Proceed to check the axle play only if it has been

necessary to change one of the parts (refer to: Axle
Play Adjustment).
8. Mount the spacer 2 and the lower cover 1 and insert
the seven fixing screws.

1 - Capacity shutter
2 - Pin
3 - Entrainer

2. Turn the capacity shutter until the two nuts are in

line, as shown on the serration, and are parallel with
the external face of the distributor body.

NOTE 1 - Lower cover

During the following steps keep the entrainer and the 2 - Spacer
capacity shutter in the indicated position.


9. Proceed with the remounting of the front parts wor- AXIAL PLAY ADJUSTMENT
king in the reverse order and adhering to the following
— Lubricate the grooved hub on the front cover be- CAUTION
fore mounting. The adjustment which is indispensable if there
— Check that the notches on the upper and the dis- have been replacements and anyway necessary if
tributor body coincide. the inside of the distributor has been taken to pie-
— Tighten the fixing screws to the following torque: ces, serves to determine the spacer thickness,
placed between the metering pump and the spigot
lever, so as to correctly position the distributor in
Tightening torque its housing.
Distributor cover fixing screws
20±3 Nm (196 ± 2,94 kgm; 1417.08 ± 21.26 ft lb)

— During the tightening of the fixing screws try a Before attaching the comparator to the distributor
turn the hub on the upper cover, this is in order body place it flat and zero it.
to guarantee a uniform distribution of the spring
1. Using the test bar 5.9030.333.0 together with a cen-
10. Remount the unions of the distributor working in tesimal comparator 5.9030.272.0 positioned on the
the following manner. upper part of the distributor body 1, push the feeler pin
(1) Position the washer 7 and tighten the unions 6 to 2 into contact with the groove 3 of the helical entrainer
the prescribed torque. and take the reading.

Tightening torque
Refer to: GENERAL
Bolt tightening regulations

(2) Position the washer 5 on the unions 6, fit ring 3 and

O-ring 4 on the L union and tighten it until the O-ring
touches the washer underneath it.
(3) Keeping the position of the union 1 use a box
wrench to tighten the lock nut 2 to the prescribed

Tightening torque
Refer to: GENERAL
Bolt tightening regulations

1 - Distributor body
2 - Knob
3 - Entrainer groove

Turn the distributor body with extreme caution so
as not to move the internal parts.

2. Turn the distributor and position the spacer 1 then

position the test bar 5.9030.333.0 together with the
centesimal comparator 5.9030.272.0 on the distribu-
tor body 2 in such a way that the feeler pin 3 touches
the edge of the spacer.
3. Turn the entrainer and take a reading: if the medium
movement between the two values is greater than
0.05 mm (0.0019 in) insert a spacer 1 of an adequate
1 - L union 5 - Washer
2 - Lock nut 6 - Union
3 - Positioning ring 7 - Washer
4 - O-ring


Proceed with the reassembly of the distributor working
in the reverse order (refer to Steering Wheel Steering
Column - Reassembly) adhering to the following ins-
— Top up the level of the hydrostatic circuit oil (re-
fer to: Steering Oil Tank - Reassembly).
— Deareate the circuit (refer to: Complete Hydraulic
Circuit - Deaereation of the Hydraulic Circuit).

1 - Spacer
2 - Distributor
3 - Feeler pin



1 - Gudgeon pin
2 - Cylinder
3 - Lock nut
4 - Piston
5 - Support link
6 - Bush
7 - Gasket
8 - Dust cover ring
9 - Compression ring
10 - Ring nut
11 - Shaft
12 - Compression ring
13 - Ball bearing
14 - Spacer
15 - Grease nipple


REMOVAL 4. By pulling it from the inside, extract the shaft 1 com-

plete with the bush 2 and the piston 3.
Unfasten the unions and remove the power steering
housing (refer to: Front Axle - Removal).


Never put the cylinder in a vice blocking it from the
cable end.

1. Fix the jack ball bearing in a vice with protective

2. Loosen the ring nut 1 of the bush 2 and push it in-
side the cylinder.

1 - Ring nut
2 - Bush

3. Remove the compression ring 1 from its seat on the

cylinder 2 using a pointed tool.
1 - Shaft
2 - Bush
3 - Piston

5. Fix the roller 6 on the shaft in a vice and loosen the

lock nut 2.
6. Remove the piston 1 the bush 4 and the ring nut 5
by pulling it off the shaft. It necessary push the support
link 7 on the piston with a pointed implement.

1 - Compression ring
2 - Cylinder


8. If it is necessary to change the gasket 1 on the in-

side of the bush 2, first remove the dust ring 3 then re-
move the gasket.

1 - Gasket
2 - Bush
3 - Dust ring
1 - Piston 4 - Extruder ring
2 - Self locking nut
3 - Shaft
5 - Ring nut
6 - Roller
7 - Support link 1. Check that the support links and dust rings are not
worn. If so, change them.
7. If necessary, with the help of a pointed implement, 2. Check that all the sliding areas of the shaft and the
take the compression rings 1 from their seats then, cylinder are not scratched, too worn or are damaged in
tapping with a hammer and punch, extract the ball any way. If they are change them.
bearing 2 from the side you have taken the compres- 3. Check the fixing roller works correctly; in particular
sion ring from. check for excessive wear, scratches or oxidization. If
damaged change it.


1. If previously moved, mount the support link on the

piston working as follows:
(1) Heat the support link in water heated to a tempera-
ture of 90°C (194°F) for approximately five minutes.
(2) Using tool 5.9030.501.0 place it on the inside of the
piston 1 and slip on it the support link 2.
(3) Press the support link into its seat on the inside of
the piston 1 with the sleeve of the tool. Then using a
ring gauge press and keep this position until the ring is
completely cold.

1 - Compression ring
2 - Ball bearing


1 - Piston
2 - Support link

2. Proceed with the remounting of the power steering working in reverse order adhering to the following instruc-
— If it has been necessary to remove the gasket inside the bush be careful not to damage the new parts when
remounting them as shown in the diagram.
— Remount the compression ring placed in front of the bush, first inserted one end and then the other so as to
avoid the bending of the ring.
— Accurately lubricate the dust ring and the roller.
— Correctly position the two conical parts of the piston and shaft then tighten the fixing screws.



1 - Dust ring
2 - Ring nut
3 - Gasket
4 - Bush
5 - Cylinder
6 - Support link
7 - Self locking nut
8 - Ball bearing
9 - Compression rings
10 - Piston
11 - O-ring
12 - Shaft

Proceed with the reassembly of the power steering working in the reverse order (refer to: Front Axle - Reassembly)
adhering to the following instructions.
— Reassembly completed, grease the fixing pins by way of the grease nipples.
— Top up the level of the hydraulic circuit oil (refer to: Steering Oil Tank. Reassembly).
— Proceed with the deaereation of the circuit (refer to: Complete Hydraulic Circuit - Deareation of the Hydraulic



1 - Cylinder
2 - Support link
3 - Rubber ring
4 - Dust cover
5 - Piston
6 - Compression
7 - Roller


Loosen the cylinder and remove the power steering (refer to: Front Axle -Power Steering - Removal).


Referring to the initial enlarged diagram operate as follows:

1. Fix the roller of cylinder 1 in a vice with protective jaws then extract the piston 5.
2. If necessary pick out the compression ring 6 and extract the roller 7 from the side you have removed the compres-
sion ring using a hammer and punch.
3. If necessary, pick out with a pointed tool, the dust cover 4 the plastic support links 2 the rubber ring 3.


1. Verify that the sliding areas both of the shaft and the cylinder do not show signs of scratching, are excessively
worn or are damaged in any way. If they are change the damaged parts.
2. Verify that the support links and the dust guard rings are in good condition. If not change them.
3. Verify that the roller works correctly. Also check far excessive wear, scratching or signs of oxidization. If faulty
change it.


Proceed with the remounting of the power steering working in the reverse order adhering to the following instruc-
— Remount the support links in the order given in the diagram and then the dust guard.
— Accurately lubricate the dust guard and the rollers.


1 - Cylinder
2 - Support link
3 - Rubber ring
4 - Dust guard
5 - Piston
6 - Compression ring
7 - Roller


Proceed with the reassembly of the cylinders working in the reverse order (refer to: Front Axle - Remounting) adhe-
ring to the following.
— Reassembly completed, lubricate the fixing pins by way of the nipples.
— Top up with the level of the hydraulic oil (refer to: Steering Oil Tank - Reassembly).




CHECKS AND CONTROLS 6. On remounting the pipes be careful not to twist
With reference to the diagram on page 1 (Circuit Dia- 7. On completion of the operation tighten all the
gram) proceed with a careful visual check of all the pi- unions to the torque prescribed and top up the oil to
ping and unions. the quantity and type prescribed. Tightening torque
(refer to: Steering Oil Tank - Reassembly)

FLEXIBLE PIPES b. Special procedure for various types of pipes

Check that the pipes 9, 6 and 12 are not damaged, and

in particular do not show signs of rubbing, slits, holes
or porosity or are in any way damaged. If necessary Pipes leading out of the distributor
change the pipes that are damaged.
Above all check that the flexible pipes do not touch or
interfere with the engine block should that move 1. Remove the steering wheel and the steering co-
through vibrations. lumn (refer to: Steering Wheel Steering Column - Re-
2. Remove the side hoods.
RIGID PIPES 3. Disconnect the electrical connections 1 and the
cable mass 2 fixed to the back of the panel board 3
Check that pipes 5, 7, 13 and the union pipes on the then loosen the two fixing screws, one on the left and
power steering are not damaged and in particular do one on the right hand side of the panel board.
not show signs of marks, oxidization or are deformed. 4. Working with great care, remove the panel board
If necessary change the pipes that are damaged. without damaging the pipes, electric cables or any-
thing else near them.

— Check that the threaded unions present are tigh-
tened properly and have no traces of oxidization
or are otherwise damaged.
— If there are oil leaks, gently tighten the unions
and clean the leak. If it insists, change the union.

On union where there is an O-ring present, or a gas-
ket, if the leak persists check the integrity of the part
and if necessary change it.

a. Common procedure for all piping.

Operate with care if the engine is hot.

1. Bleed the hydraulic circuit (refer to: Oil Bleeding).

2. When you start dismounting pipes block the ends to
avoid the entry of foreign matter. 1 - Electrical connections
3. To remove the rigid pipes, loosen the unions from 2 - Cable mass
both ends. 3 - Back of panel board
4. To remove the flexible ones, disconnect the flexible
5. Bleed the steering oil (refer to: Oil Bleeding).
pipes from the other end then remove.
6. Disconnect the unions 1 from the engine side pipes
5. Loosen all the bands that fix the pipes to the tractor.
2 loosen the lock nut 3 and remove the pipes 4 from
the inside of the cabin.


2. Loosen the three socket head fixing screws of the

intake pipe 1 and that of the breather pipe 2 of the oil
pump 3.
3. If necessary, then loosen the other end of the pipe
and remove it, either from the tank or from the left side
of the tractor.

1 - Intake pipe
2 - Breather pipe
3 - Oil pump

To facilitate the operation it is necessary to lower the
left tank (refer to: Fuelling - Tanks - Removal steps
from 1. - 9.).

1. Loosen the pipe unions 1 and 3 using a contrast

spanner on the resounder union, then remove the re-
sounder 2.
2. Proceed with the reassembly of the new resounder
working in the reverse order and tightening the pipe
unions with a contrast spanner.

1 - Unions 3 - Lock nut

2 - Engine side piping 4 - Distributor pipes

7. Only if it is necessary to remove the rigid side pipes

of the steering, loosen the T unions placed on the end
of the unions already removed.
8. Following the run of the rigid pipes, loosen all the
parts that fix to the engine and remove.

Pipes entering and coming out of the pump

1. Lift the tractor onto a stand, remove the back 1 - Pipe joining resounder to pump
wheels and then lower the tank (refer to: Fuelling - 2 - Resounder
Tanks - Removal steps from 1. - 9.). 3 - Pipe joining resounder the hydrostatic distributor



1 - Hydraulic lifting pump 9 - Hydrostatic steering breather 15 - Pivot

2 - Gasket pipe pump 16 - Shoulder ring
3 - Spacer 10 - O-ring 17 - Ball bearing
4 - Ball bearing 11 - Hydrostatic steering hydraulic pump 18 - Seeger
5 - Joint 12 - Hydrostatic steering delivery 19 - Gear wheel
6 - Universal joint pipe pump 20 - Lifting pump breather pipe
7 - Gear wheel 13 - Cover 21 - Lifting pump oil delivery pipe
8 - Lubrication pipe 14 - Pin

1. Hold the tractor on a stand and remove the back wheels, then lower the tank (refer to: Fuelling - Tanks Removal
steps from 1. - 9.).
2. Referring to the original enlarged diagram loosen the three socket head screws fixing the delivery pipe 12 and lo-
osen the fixing bands of the flexible breather pipes 19 from the oil pump.
3. Loosen the four screws fixing the pump 11 to the cover 13.
4. Remove the pump together with the gasket 2 and the O-ring 10 of the delivery pipe 12.
5. With reference to the original enlarged diagram remove the spacer 3 and the joint 5 then using a magnet remove
the two universal joints 5 joining the joints 5 to the gear 7.
6. Only if you have had to work on the main pump, use the following instructions.
(1) Remove the lifting housing (refer to: Lifting Group Lifting Housing - Removal).
(2) Loosen the unions for the lubrication pipes 8.
(3) Loosen the three socket head screws fixing the oil pump delivery pipe 21.


(4) Loosen the bands from the pump breather pipe 20.
(5) Loosen the four screws fixing the lifting pump 1 and remove it together with the gasket 2, the spacer 3 and the
joint 5.
(6) Loosen the twelve screws fixing the cover and remove it 13.
(7) Fix the cover in a vice, then using a hammer and punch extract the pin 14.
(8) Extract the pivot 15 using a hammer and punch, then remove the gear 19 together with the shoulder ring 16.
(9) Extract the gear 7 together with the two ball bearings 4 from the cover 13.


1 - O-ring
2 - Support link
3 - Cover
4 - Gasket
5 - Segment core
6 - Gasket
7 - Key
8 - Bearings
9 - Bushes
10 - Pipe union
11 - Pump body
12 - Engine block
13 - Conductor pinion

Pumps that have bearings, pinions or sumps which are damaged or worn cannot be repaired because of
their construction.
During a check, because of the possible loss of oil or a irregular delivery pressure it is only possible to
change the gaskets listed in the spares list.
When remounting, use in any case, a new set of gaskets, after having verified that the pump does not show
signs of wear because of rubbing or any other damage.
It is also indispensable to mark each single part in order to be sure that you remount them in the correct or-

1. Loosen the four screws fixing the cover 1 and the engine block 3 to the pump body 2. Remove the washers under-
neath and then the cover.


4. Using a pointed implement lift out the gaskets 2

then extract the bearings from their seats pushing
from the inside towards the outside being careful not
to loose the joint pin.

1 - Bearings
2 - Gaskets

5. Lift off the two pinions 1 and remove the bushes 2

from the bearings 3 on the engine block 4.

1 - Cover
2 - Pump body
3 - Engine block

2. Remove the pump body 1 complete with the gasket


1 - Pinion
2 - Bushes
3 - Bearing
4 - Block

6. In order to help with the remounting mark the two

bearings on the block.
7. Remove the bearings being careful not to damage
the joint pin.
1 - Pump body 8. Put the block 1 in a vice with the under side upwards
and remove the seeger ring 2.
3. In order to help with the remounting, mark the bea-
ring 1 of the pump body.


4. Check both the bearings and the pinions and make

certain that they are not worn, rubbed by foreign mat-
ter or dented.

With the reference of gaskets, if any of the parts are
worn or damaged you must change the whole pump.

Do not press on the antiextrusion ring to avoid da-
maging it.

5. Check with a micrometer, that the height of the an-

tiextrusion ring in within 21+0,05 mm, if not change it
remembering to check the height of the new ring.
6. If the value is higher than that given mount the new
ring and correct the height with a very fine file.
1 - Block
2 - Seeger ring

9. Remove the support link 1.

1. Lubricate all parts with oil before mounting.
2. Correctly position all the gaskets in their seats, ta-
king particular care to correctly position the antiextru-
sion ring 1 and the gaskets 2 in the bearing seats 3.

1 - Antiextrusion ring
2 - Gaskets
3 - Bearings

1 - Support link
3. Place the pump body 1 on the block 2 and keep it in
CHECKS AND CONTROLS position by placing in the holes on the pump body two
of the fixing screws 3 of the cover.
1. After having removed all the gaskets present both 4. Being careful to remember the references made
on the cover and on the pump body, proceed with an during the dismounting, spread the block with a thin
accurate cleaning of all the parts with solvant. layer of grease then replace the lower bearings 4.
2. Accurately dry all the parts with compressed air
being careful that no solvant remains on them and so
damages the parts.
3. Visually check the inside of the pump body to see
that it is not damaged.


The open side of the gasket must be turned towards
the suction side of the pump body. Proceed to install the pump working in the reverse or-
der to the removal adhering to the following instruc-
tions. If it has been necessary to remove the gearbox
5. Insert the two pinions 5 making certain that they are cover first fit the fixing screw 1 of the cover then the lif-
correctly positioned and that they rotate freely. ting pump 2.

1 - Pump body
2 - Base
3 - Screws 1 - Screw
4 - Bearings 2 - Hydraulic lifting pump
5 - Pinions

— Top up the oil level (refer to: Steering Oil Tank

6. Remove the two screws previously used to fix the
pump and insert the upper bearings.
— Proceed to remove the air from the hydraulic cir-
7. Spread the inside of the cover with a thin layer of
cuit (refer to: Complete Hydraulic Circuit - Hy-
grease then fit the pump body and tighten the four
draulic Circuit Air Removal).
fixing screws to the prescribed torque.

Gradually tighten the screws at the same time ma-
king certain that the rotors turn freely.

Tightening torque
Pump cover fixing screws
- M8
20 ± 3 Nm
(2,04 ± 0,30 kgm; 14.75 ± 2.17 ft lb)

- M10
41 ± 5 Nm
(4,2 ± 0,5 kgm; 30.37 ± 3.62 ft lb)




1. Place a manometer 5.9030.513.0 with the help of a REMOVAL OF AIR

flexible pipe 5.9030.517.4 and union 5.9030.579.0 on
the internal union 1 of the power steering 2. 1. Switch on the engine and let it run at minimum.
2. Loosen the two unions found on the power steering
and turn the steering wheel both ways until all the oil
with air bubbles comes out from them.
3. Tighten the two unions and check the level of the oil
in the tank. Top up if necessary.

— It is recommended to change the oil every 1200
working hours by first emptying out the circuit
(refer to: Removal of Oil from Hydraulic Circuit)
and then refilling it (refer to: Reassembly - Stee-
ring Oil Tank).

1 - Union
2 - Power steering 1. Loosen the oil feeder unions on the power steering.
2. Switch on the engine.
3. Slowly turn the steering wheel both ways for not
2. Switch on the engine and let it run in idle for a few more than ten seconds each way so as to avoid sei-
seconds. zing the pump.
3. Turn the steering as far as it will go, then turn the
steering wheel clockwise until the manometer pin
stops at a maximum value.
4. If the indicated value is different to that of the maxi-
mum operating pressure for the model in question,
change the valve taking care to use one with the same
identification number so that you do not change the
calibration value (refer to: Technical Data and Specifi-
cations - Technical Details).
5. Repeat the same operation with the manometer
and relative union mounted on the external union of
the power steering, turning the steering wheel




110 130 150

Manufacturer BOSCH

Type of pump HY/ZFS 11/]1 - L201

Dinamic oil
Max. engine rev. capacity l/1 41

Max. oil temperature °C 90


Distributor type SERVOSTAT 8494.955.186

Rotor size mm (in) 11.1 (0.44) 25.4 (1)

Steering wheel volume capacity cm3 84 191

Necessary capacity for servopump I/min 9 17

Allowed capacity for servopump I/min 6 ÷ 30 12 ÷ 50

Max. capacity I/min 80

delivery 210
Max. operating pressure bar
return 130

Max. operating Temp. °C 80

Hydraulic dis-
tributor Pressure of pressure limiting calibration
bar 120

Antishock valve calibration pressure bar 180

Antinoise valve calibration pressure bar 1,2

Identification plate readings

(1) From 8490 to 8497 open circui

From 8470 to 8477 closed circuit

(2) Pump rotor height 955

(3) Calibration rating 102

(4) Safety valve calibration value 100

(5) Serial number 0878

(6) Guarantee date 10/82

Thrust capacity Kg 4560

Power stee-
Max. piston run mm 185
Steering wheel turns for a complete turn 3,14

Oil filter Type with wire net cartdridge in the tank



110 130 150

Entrance “d” 1,5 mm

Helical distribution positioning

Normal move-
0,05 mm
ment “s”

Distributor axial play

height “h” 21+0,05-0,15 mm

Antiextrusion ring hydrostatic oil pump plant

Unit: Nm (kgm)

110 130 150

20 ± 3
Distributor cover fixing screws
(196 ± 294)




Application Type Make Model Q.ty

AGIP ATF Dexron (GM Type

Working fluid Oil 110 - 130 - 150 2l
à Suffix A)

AGIP Grease 30 - (Grease

Steering column Grease

Distributor support links Oil AGIP ATF Dexron

110 - 130 - 150
Hydrostatic distributor grooved hub Oil AGIP ATF Dexron

Power steering fixing pin Grease AGIP Grease 30

Lever ball bearings and dust rings Oil AGIP ATF Dexron



Tool No. Name Page Ref.

5.9030.272.0 Comparator

5.9030.333.0 Comparator support

5.9030.443.0 Steering wheel puller

5.9030.513.0 Manometer

5.9030.517.4 Flexible pipes



Before carrying out other trouble diagnosis first check:

— The pressure and wear of tyres
— Toe in check
— Vehicle must be on flat and dry land with the engine at minimum.

Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Distributor support links inefficient Change support links on distributor

Loss of circuit oil Tighten union to prescribed torque.
Loss of oil from unions on distributor, on
pump and on power steering housing If necessary change union gasket

Straining of distributor or power steering Change worn rings

Presence of air in circuit Remove air from circuit

Correct the calibration or change the

Safety valve calibration inadequate

Pump delivery pressure too low Check and if necessary change pump
Steering wheel hard and/or wheels
rubbing Oil level too low Top up oil level

Change position of pipe if necessary,

Air breather pipe position wrong

(Only 2 RM) excessive play in steering Adjust play and if necessary change worn
rod parts

Power steering nut loose Tighten to prescribed torque

Top up oil to correct level, then proceed to

Too little oil in the section
remove the air

Presence of air in the circuit Deaerate the circuit

Air breather unions loose Tighten unions to prescribed torque

Servosteering noisy
Pipes interferring with the engine block or Change the lie of pipes or if necessary
axle change them

Oil tank filter blocked Change the filter

Screws fixing the steering column distri-

Tighten the screws
butor loose


Trouble Probable cause Corrective action

Distributor oil not arriving

- Tank filter blocked Change the filter

Check the piping and eventually change

- Delivery pipe damaged
any that are damaged
Tractor doesn’t turn
- Flexible breather pipes crushed or obs- Change the lie of the pipes and if necessa-
tructed ry change

- Irregular function of pump Check and if necessary change the pump

- Presence of air in circuit Deaereate the circuit

Oil very dirty Change oil

Oil too hot

Distributeur bloqué
Pressure limit valve blocked Unblock valve and if necessary change it

Front axle too heavy Unload the axle

Change the worn parts and fill the circuit

Inadequate oil
with correct oil
Delivery shutter of distributor worn
Filter blocked Change the filter and the worn parts

COMPLETE CABINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 SEATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Sable seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Preliminary operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Gear engagement lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Locking leverage differential and P.T.O . . . . . 286 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Double traction engagement leverage Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
and parking brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Grammer seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Auxiliary distributor tie rod and Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
hydraulic hoister tie rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Hydrostatic steering circuit pipe . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Cab removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Bostom seat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
CAB ROOF AND INSIDE ROOF TRIM. . . . . . . . . 290 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Cab roof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Sun roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 INSIDE TRIM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Inside roof trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Post, sill and cross trim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Left wheelhouse trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
DOOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Right wheelhouse trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Complete door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Floor trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Lock and handle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 FINISHING PROFILE AND
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 EXTERNAL ACCESSORIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Glass and gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Finishing profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 External accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Side windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 HOODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Upper hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Rear window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Hood position adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
FIXED GLASS AND GASKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Upper hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Front glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Dashboard frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Side hoods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 MUDGUARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Rear glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Rear mudguard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Front mudguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
DASHBOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 TECHNICAL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS. . . . 333
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Instruction panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308




Operating from the right side, proceed with the dis-

mounting as follows:
1. Unloosen the three fastening nuts from the guide
vane of the engine side hoods and remove.
2. Separate the battery terminals.
3. Unscrew the four fastening nuts of the spoiler 1 pla-
ced on the right side and remove together with the ex-
haust manifold guard 2.

1 - Speedometer cable
2 - Pilot engine
3 - Stop engine cable
4 - Accelerator
5 - Brake circuit pipe fittings
6 - Panel

8. Disconnect, on both sides, the fastening clamps 1

of the conditioner-heater unit of the cab.
9. Trig the air conveyor union 2 of the cab.

1 - Spoiler
2 - Exhaust manifold

4. Unscrew the fastening nuts of the pilot engine 2, the

fastening nut of the stop engine cable 3 and the nut of
the cable 1 of the speedometer and remove them.
5. Unscrew the fittings of the two brake circuit flexible
tubes 5.
6. Unloosen the two fastening screws (on both sides)
of the panel 6 placed between the engine and cabin.
7. Disconnect from the rear the accelerator control rod
4 from the relative control lever, extracting the faste-
ning split pin.

1 - Clamp
2 - Air conveyor union


10. Remove from the alternator of the heating system, 5. Disconnect the two connectors 2 and Unloosen the
the multiple plug 1 and the cable 2. fixing screw from the resistance and remove together
with the electric cables 1.

1 - Multiple plug
2 - Cable
1 - Resistance
Working on the left side, proceed with the dismoun- 2 - Connectors
tings as follows:
1. Unloosen the three fastening nuts from the guide 6. Cut the cable fastening clamps and take off the ca-
vane of the engine side hoods and remove. bles from the alternator.
2. Unloosen the five fastening screws and remove the 7. Proceed with the removal of the upper hood (see:
thermoprotective panel 1 of the heater. Hoods - Upper Hood - Dismounting and Installation).
3. Disconnect the connectors 4 of the electric circuit, 8. Drain the oil from the steering system (see: Hydros-
unscrew the nut 3 and remove the earth cables 2. tatic Steering - Complete Hydraulic Circuit - Oil Drai-
NOTE 9. Unscrew the fittings of the four hydro steering pipes
Disengage the cables from the fastening clamp. 1 (of which only two are visible in the diagram) positio-
ned at the centre of the front cab bulkhead.
4. Disconnect all the electric contacts of the starter

1 - Thermoprotective panel 1 - Hydro steering pipes

2 - Earth cables
3 - Nut
4 - Connectors


10. Unscrew the fitting 1 and remove the pipe 2 from 1. Remove the fastening split pin of the pivot 4 slip off
the clutch pump 3. the pivot and disconnect the differential lock lever 3.
2. Open and extract the safety fastener 1 and discon-
nect the engagement lever.

1 - Fitting
2 - Clutch control circuit pipe 1 - Safety fastener
3 - Clutch pump 2 - P.T.O. control lever
3 - Differential lock control lever
4 - Pivot
1. Remove the bellows 3 from the gear engagement
lever, taking off from their seats and unscrew the fixing
screw of the lever to the gear sector 1.
1. Take off the split pin, extract the pivot 4 and discon-
2. Remove the two sound proofing panels 2 placed
nect from the left side the parking brake control lever
under the gear level.
2. Take off the split pin, extract the pivot 1 and discon-
nect the double traction control lever 2.

1 - Gear selector
2 - Sound proofing panels
3 - Rubber bellows


To be avoided, during the remounting, the leve- 1 - Pivot
rage adjustment, disconnect these without tou- 2 - Double traction control lever
ching the adjustment nuts. 3 - Parking brake control lever
4 - Pivot



1. Open and extract the three fasteners 3 and discon-
nect the three tie rods 1 from the lever 2, to the right of
the lifting housing.
2. Extract the two clips 6 and disconnect the two lifter
control rods 7 from the shafts 4 and 5.

1 - Parking brake warning light connector

2 - Double traction warning light connector
3 - Rear connector


1. Disconnect on the left side, unscrewing the fitting,
the delivery pipe 1 of the hydrostatic steerage.
2. Unloosen the clamp and extract the hydrostatic
steerage oil return pipe 2.

1 - Auxiliary distributor tie rod

2 - Lever
3 - Safety fastener
4 - Outside shaft
5 - Inside shaft
6 - Metal clip
7 - Lifter control rod

ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 1 - Oil delivery pipe

2 - Oil return pipe
1. Disconnect the connects 1 and 2 from the parking
brake warning light and the double traction warning
2. Disconnect the two big connectors 3 from the rear
end of the vehicle. 1. Unscrew and remove the fastening bolts 1 of the
four silent blocks that support the cab.


1 - Fuel supply pipe

2 - Fuel recovery pipe
1 - Silent block fastening bolt

5. Remove with caution the cab, checking that no

2. Remove the tour fastening screws (Ø12 mm; 0.47 component hinders the removal.
in) of the root, and screw in their place tour eyebolts
then using a spring equalizing rocker arm and a hois-
ter, lift with precaution the cab about 10 cm (3.9 in). CAUTION
Do not carry out any repairs on the components il-
lustrated in the diagram, as they are subject to ho-

3. Disconnect on the right side, the electric cables of 1 - Cab front structure
the fuel level indicator, the fuel reserve warning light 2 - Cab frame
and the stop light.
4. Loosen the clip and remove the fuel supply pipe 1,
the fuel recovery pipe 2 from the injectors and the
pump injector, and the fuel air vapor pipe.


INSTALLATION — Clutch control circuit pipe.

— Hydrostatic gear circuit pipes.
1. Position the cab above the vehicle about 10 cm (3.9 — Starter motor electric cable.
in), so that the fastening points of the silent-block are — Connector on the cab front side.
aligned. — Earth cables.
2. Recover, working in reverse order to that of the re- — Heater resistance and relative cables.
moval, the following components: — Heather alternator electric cable
— Fuel supply pipes — Thermo protective side panels.
— Fuel recovery pipe of the injectors and the pump — Air conveyor union
injector — Accelerator control leverage.
— Fuel air vapor pipe — Bulkhead between engine and cab.
— Electric cables of the fuel level indicator, fuel re- — Brake circuit pipes.
serve indicator and the stop indication light. — Engine stop cable.
— Speedometer cable.
3. Leave the cab on the silent-block, screw the faste- — Air deflector.
ning bolt of the silent block and working in reverse or- — Battery terminals.
der to that of the removal, fasten the following compo- — Hood sides.
— Hydrostatic steering circuit oil return and oil reco- 4. Remove the spring equalizing rocker-arm, unscrew
very pipes. the eyebolt and rescrew the screws on the cab roof,
— Parking brake warning light and double traction and seal with a suitable silicone product to avoid pos-
electric cables. sible infiltration to the under structure.
— Connections on the rear end of the vehicle. 5. Proceed with the air bleeding of the clutch hydraulic
— Hydraulic lifting control leverage. system (see: Clutch - Gear Clutch - Hydraulic System
— Auxiliary hydraulic distributor leverage Bleeding) of the hydraulic brake system (see: Brakes
— Double traction engagement leverage Hydraulic System Air Bleeding) and of the hydrostatic
— Parking brake leverage. steering system (see: Hydrostatic Steering - Com-
— P.T.O. control leverage. plete hydraulic Circuit - Deareation).
— Differential blockage control leverage.
— Gear engagement lever.



1 - Sun roof 14 - Sun shade

2 - Fork 15 - Radio socket bracket
3 - Pivot 16 - Consol
4 - Retaining ring 17 - Screw anchor
5 - Shock absorber 18 - Ceiling cab trim
6 - Bracket 19 - Retainer block
7 - Clinch 20 - Connecting link
8 - Shoulder ring 21 - Sunroof trim
9 - Plug 22 - Split pin
10 - Sunroof lock handle 23 - Washer
11 - Sunroof canopy gasket 24 - Pivot
12 - Cab roof 25 - Hinge
13 - Cab roof gasket


CAB ROOF 5. Remove the gasket 1 from the cab roof 2 inserted
by pressure, being careful to not deform the metal in-
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION sert in case of reuse.

1. If the cab has a sunroof, with reference to the pre-

vious diagram, remove the retainer block 19, the
connecting link 20, and the sunroof gasket 11 inserted
by pressure.
2. With reference to the following diagram, remove the
compartment glass ceiling bowl 1, (see: Electrical
System – Internal lighting - Ceiling bowl).
3. Unloosen the screws as shown in the diagram and
remove the cab roof from the sunroof trim (unloosen
the screws 2 only when the cab is fitted with a sunro-

1 - Cab roof gasket

2 - Cab roof

6. Remount the cab roof working in reverse order to

that of the removal, taking care to apply a suitable si-
licon product to the fastening screws of the cab roof to
avoid infiltration to the understructure.

1 - Compartment ceiling bowl SUNROOF

2 - Screw
4. Unloosen the screws shown in the diagram and re-
move the cab roof. 1. Unhook the shock absorbers 3 from the fork 2 pus-
hing upwards the sunroof 1.

1 - Cab roof

1 - Sunroof
2 - Fork
3 - Shock absorbers


2. Unloosen the screws indicated in the diagram and

remove the sunroof 1 from the cab roof 2.
3. Remove the split pin 4, slip off the pivot 5 together
with the washer 6 and remove the hinge 3.

1 - Sunroof
2 - Cab roof
3 - Hinge 1 - Screws
4 - Split pin 2 - Fork
5 - Pivot 3 - Sunroof trim
6 - Washer
6. Remove the clinch 2 and unhook the shock absor-
4. Extract the plug 3 and remove the handle 1 together bers 1 from the bracket 3.
with the shoulder ring 2. 7. Unloosen the screw shown in the diagram and re-
move the bracket.

1 - Sunroof lock handle

1 - Shock absorber
2 - Plastic shoulder ring
2 - Clinch
3 - Plug
3 - Bracket

5. Unloosen the screws 1, remove the fork 2, then un- 8. Unloosen the fastening screws 1 of the connecting
loosen the screws shown in the diagram fastening the link of the retaining block 3 and remove.
trim 3 to the canopy and remove. 9. Remove the gasket 2, paying attention not to de-
form the metal insert in case of reuse.


2. Remove the trim from the post (see: Inside Trim

3. Unloosen the screws shown in the diagram and re-
move the consol 1, and if present, the digital clock
connector 3.
4. Remove the bowl 2 (see: Electric System - Inside
Lighting - Compartment Ceiling Bowl).

1 - Connecting link
2 - Gasket
3 - Retaining block

10. Refit the sunroof, working in reverse order to that

of the dismounting and according to the following spe-
— Lubricate with the specific grease the hinge, the
pivot of the lock handle and shock absorber at-
tachment points.
— Do not tighten excessively the fastening screws
of the roof trim, of the connecting link and the 1 - Consol
2 - Bowl
fastening block. 3 - Digital clock

5. If the cab is fitted with a sun roof, remove the gasket

INSIDE ROOF TRIM of the sun roof and the retaining block (see: Sun Roof
Dismounting and Installation).
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 6. Unloosen the screws of the screw anchor shown in
the diagram and remove the inside roof trim 1, paying
NOTE attention not to deform it.
If removed, replace always the screw anchors.

1. Unloosen the screws shown in the diagram, fixing

the sun shade 1 on both sides of the cab, and remove
the shade.

1 - Inside cab roof trim

7. Whenever the tractor is predisposed for the fitting of

a radio, unloosen the screws shown in the diagram
and remove the radio rack bracket 1.

1 - Sun shade


8. Remount the internal trim working in reverse order

to that of the dismounting, taking care not to tighten
too much the screws.

1 - Radio rack bracket


1 - Pin
2 - Pivot
3 - Upper hinge
4 - Plastic bush
5 - Plastic cap
6 - Shock absorber
7 - Pivot
8 - Clinch
9 - Outside gasket
10 - Frame
11 - Knob
12 - Gasket
13 - Door lock handle
14 - Pivot
15 - Lower hing
16 - Spring
17 - Door lock mechanism
18 - Plastic cover
19 - Adjusting screw
20 - Handle
21 - Spring
22 - Lock
23 - Window weather strip
24 - Glass window


4. Remove the rear view mirror (see: Profile of Finis-
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION hing and External Accessories - Outside Accesso-
1. Using a screwdriver, remove the plastic clinch 3 5. If necessary, strip the hinge working as follows:
and take off the shock absorbers 2 from the pivot 1. (1) Extract the pin 2 and take off the pivot 4.
(2) Remove the hinge 1 and take off the bush 3.

1 - Pivot
2 - Shock absorbers
3 - Plastic clinch

2. Remove the rubber plugs 1.

3. Hold the door, unloosening the screws 2 that fix it to
the hinge and remove them, preferably with the help of
a second person.
1 - Hinge
2 - Pin
CAUTION 3 - Plastic bush
Take care not to let the screws fall on the inside of 4 - Pivot
the door frame.

6. Install the door working in reverse order to that of

the removal, taking note of the following:
— Lubricate with the specified grease the pivot and
bush of the hinge.
— Orientate with a screw driver the pivots of the
hinge so as to coincide the pin holes present on
the pivots and the hinge.



1. Loosen the screws 1 and remove the plastic cover

2. Unhook the spring 3 and unscrew the threaded pi-
vot 4.
3. Extract upwards the lever 5.

1 - Rubber plugs
2 - Screws


1 - Screws
2 - Plastic cover
3 - Spring
4 - Threaded pivot 6. If necessary, remove the lock block 1 working as
5 - Door lock lever
(1) Loosen the lock nut 4, unloosen the adjusting
screw 5 and remove together with the washer and
shoulder ring 3.
4. Unloosen the fastening screws of the lock mecha-
(2) Take off the lock block 1 together with the spring 2.
nism 1 and remove.

1 - Lock mechanism
1 - Lock block
2 - Spring
3 - Shoulder ring
5. Unscrew the nuts indicated in the diagram and re- 4 - Lock nut
move the handle together with the lock block. 5 - Adjusting screw
6 - Handle


7. Refit the handle and door lock mechanism, working

in reverse order to that of the dismounting taking note
of the following.
— Lubricate with the specified grease the door lock
— If necessary, adjust the run of the lock clamp by
way of the adjusting screw and the lock nut.
8. Remounting completed, control the functioning of
the door lock mechanism and if necessary, loosen the
two fastener adjusting screws 1 and orientate until a
perfect closing of the door is made.

1 - Glass weather strip

2 - Door frame

1 - Lock fastener 5. Remove the weather strip fixed end mounted on the
window taking it off towards the outside.
6. Remove the outside weather strip from the door ta-
king it off towards the outside. If necessary, reuse the
GLASS AND GASKET weather strip, taking care not to stretch the metal lip in-
sert where the door sheet frame is fixed.

1. Remove the door (see: Complete Door - Removal INSTALLATION

and Installation).
2. Position the door horizontally, leaning the outside of 1. Insert the weather strip on the glass.
the frame on a wooden block. 2. Lean the glass complete with weather strip on a le-
3. Using a screwdriver, move the weather strip 1 from vel, keeping it lifted with some wooden blocks.
the edge of the glass unsticking it from the frame 2 in 3. Spread the weather strip with non oil y lubricant li-
the places where it may have been glued (1st phase). quid (e.g. neutral soap and water solution) so as to
4. Push the glass downwards (external side of the make the handling of the weather strip easier when in-
door) and at the same time take off the weather strip serted on the frame.
from the metal border of the frame (2nd phase). 4. Place around all the perimeter the weather strip 1,
and in the slot seat of the border of the sheet frame,
sheather cable 3, flexible and quite strong (in hemp or
nylon with a diameter of 3 mm; 0.12 in).

Carry out the operation the full perimeter paying
attention not to damage the glass especially at the
corners. Remove then the glass, together with the
weather strip from the frame.


6. Pull slowly one end of the cable in order to trig the lip
of the weather strip 2 on the border of the sheet frame
3. Taking care, especially to the glass corners, with
the help of a screwdriver, position the weather strip in
the positions where it, has not been inserted correctly.

1 - Weather strip
2 - Glass
3 - Cable
1 - Sheather cable
2 - Weather strip
5. Place on top of the glass, the door frame with the 3 - Frame
external side downwards, taking care to keep together
and facing upwards the two ends of the sheathed
cable 1.
7. Insert the outside weather strip to the door frame,
closing the lip with the metal insert on the border of the



1 - Window glass
2 - Movable part of the hinge
3 - Retaining ring
4 - Pivot
5 - Fixed part of the hinge
6 - Rubber small block
7 - Spacer
8 - Washer
9 - Nut
10 - Cap
11 - Frame
12 - Fork
13 - Pivot
14 - Retaining ring
15 - Window blockage handle
16 - Threaded pivot
17 - Washer



1. Remove the two caps 4 of the window fastening

nuts from the rear hinges 1.
2. Holding the window, unscrew the two nuts 2 and re-
move the washer 3. Free the lock handle 5 from the pi-
vot and remove the window.

1 - Pivot
2 - Retaining ring
3 - Hinge
4 - Rear post trim

7. With reference to the diagram on page 299, take off

the spacers 7 present on all four touching points of the
1 - Rear hing window glass, and remove the rubber small block.
2 - Nut 8. Remove the weather strip 11 mounted on the glass.
3 - Washer In case of reuse of the strip, attention must be paide
4 - Cap not to deform the metal insert lip where the glass is
5 - Window lock handle placed.
9. Proceed with the installation of the window working
in reverse order to that of the removal, lubricating with
3. With reference to the diagram on page 299, remove the specified grease the hinge pivots and the lock
the cap 10 that covers the fastening nuts 9 of the was- handle pivots.
her 2 to the glass, remove the nuts and the washer and
the lock handle 15.
4. Remove the retaining ring 14, the pivot 13 and se-
parate the handle 15 from the fork 12.
5. With reference to the following diagram, remove the
trim of the rear post 4, unloosen the fastening screws
of the hinge 3 and remove.
6. Remove one of the retaining rings 2, take off the pi-
vot 1 and separate the two parts of the hinge.



1 - Glass shutter 7 - Pivot 13 - Block catch

2 - Rubber small block 8 - Retaining ring 14 - Nut
3 - Spacer 9 - Weather strip 15 - Window lock handle
4 - Spacer 10 - Frame 16 - Plastic clinch
5 - Fixed part of the hinge 11 - Cap 17 - Threaded pivot
6 - Mobile part of the hinge 12 - Washer 18 - Shock absorber

2. Holding the window, unloosen the two screws that

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION fix the glass to the hinge and remove the complete
1. Remove the clinch 2 that keeps the shock absor-
bers 1 in position on the pivots 3 and disconnect the
rods of the shock absorbers taking them off sideways.

1 - Shock absorbers
2 - Clinch
3 - Pivot


3. Remove the shock absorbers 1 from the frame 3.

Remove the cap 8 that cover the contact points of the
frame 3 to the glass 2, then unloosen the two screws
and the nuts shown in the following diagram and sepa-
rate the glass from the frame 3 recovering the washer
4. Take off the spacers 6 and remove the small rubber
blocks 5.
5. Remove the weather strip 4 fixed by pressure on all
the perimeter of the glass. In the need that the weather
strip has to be reused, take care not to stretch the me-
tal insert of the lip where the glass fits.

1 - Spacer
2 - Hinge
3 - Screw
4 - Retaining ring
5 - Pivot

8. With reference to the diagram on page 301, uns-

crew the nut 14 and remove the handle 15 from the
frame 10.
9. If necessary, with reference to the following dia-
gram, unloosen the two screws 1 that fix the lock
clamp 2 to the cab and remove them.
10. For the installation work in the reverse order to that
of the dismounting, taking note of the following specifi-
— Lubricate the hinge pivot and the blockage
handle with the recommended grease.
— Check the correct closing of the window and if
necessary regulate the position of the lock clamp
2 blocking it with the screws 1.

1 - Shock absorbers
2 - Glass
3 - Window frame
4 - Weather strip
5 - Small rubber block
6 - Spacer
7 - Washer
8 - Cap

6. Unloosen the two screws 3 that hold the hinge 2 to

the cab and remove the hinge and the spacer 1.
7. Remove one of the two retaining rings 4, slip off the
pivot 5 and separate the two parts of the hinge. 1 - Screws
2 - Lock clamp



1 - Front work floodlight

2 - Bolt

3. Unscrew the fastening nut of the windscreen wiper

arm 2 and move it sideways so as not to obstruct the
removal of the glass.

1 - Glass windscreen
2 - Gasket
3 - Intermediate structure
4 - Side glass
5 - Gasket
6 - Rubber insert
7 - Rear glass


1 - Nut
CAUTION 2 - Windscreen wiper principle arm
— It is advisable to take off the glass, in one piece,
only if necessary considering how it is fragile.
— To remove the glass from the cab, two opera- 4. Remove the sun screen (see: Cab Roof and Roof
tors are needed. Internal Trim - Roof Internal Trim).
5. Working from the inside of the cab, slip off the lip of
the gasket 1 with two screwdrivers, so as to bring it be-
1. Remove the inside trim of the cab roof (see: Cab low the border of the frame sheet 2 as shown in the fol-
Roof and Inside Roof Trim - Inside Roof Trim). lowing diagram, carry out this operation along all the
2. Unscrew the fastening bolt 2 of the work floodlight 1 perimeter of the windscreen glass.
on the cab and remove it without disconnecting the
electric cables (if necessary leave it on the cab roof);
recovering the nuts on the inside of the cab frame.


— During the operation support the glass from
the outside of the cab.
— Avoid creating dangerous flexion of the glass.

6. Free the glass windscreen from the gasket.

7. Remove the intermediate structure 3.
8. For the dismounting of the side windows 4 proceed
as for the windscreen windows.

It is possible to remove the side glass without first ha-
ving removed the windscreen glass.

1 - Windscreen glass
2 - Gasket

4. Working from the inside of the cab, trig the gasket

lip on the border of the cab sheet, working with a poin-
ted instrument.

Start the operation on the posts proceeding parallel so
as not to create dangerous flexions in the glass, then
work on the upper side.

1 - Front glass gasket

2 - Cab frame
3 - Intermediate structure
4 - Side glass
5 - Windscreen glass

9. Remove the gasket of the front glass.


1. Trig the gasket on the glass windscreen 1 then co-

ver the gasket with a non greasy lubricating liquid (for
example: neutral soap and water solution) to ease the
2. Lean the lower end of the windscreen glass on its
cab frame seat, fixing the border of the sheet in the 5. Fix in position the intermediate structure 1, apply on
seat of the gasket. the zone indicated in the diagram the sealer Loctite
3. Press lightly the windscreen glass against the cab. 495, then mount the side glass 2 in the same way as
the windscreen glass was mounted.



1. Place the seal 3 in the cabin seat then spread the

seal with non oil liquid lubricant (e.g. neutral soap and
water solution).
2. Position the glass 1 and trig the lip of the seal on the
glass with a pointed implement.
3. Using the implement 4 shown in the diagram, put in
the rubber insert 2 into the seal.

1 - Intermediate structure
2 - Side glass

6. Install the windscreen wiper arm, the lights, the

sunscreen and the cab ceiling trim.

REAR GLASS 1 - Rear glass

2 - Rubber insert
REMOVAL 3 - Seal
4 - Special tools
1. Take out the rubber insert 2 from its seat in the gas-
ket 3 and remove.
2. Push the rear glass 1 towards the outside and re-
3. Remove the gasket from the seat in the cab.

1 - Rear glass
2 - Rubber insert
3 - Gasket



1 - Ring nut 11 - Jogging unit 21 - Fuse carrier

2 - Bracket 12 - Pallet opening 22 - Instruction panel
3 - Speedometer 13 - Nut 23 - Diffuser
4 - Group of warning light signals 14 - Stop engine 24 - Current plug
5 - Ring nut 15 - Push button 25 - Ventilation regulation lever
6 - Bracket 17 - Knob 26 - Cover
7 - Indicator 16 - Switch 27 - Frame
8 - Ventilation ducts 19 - Plate 28 - Ring nut
9 - Clamp 18 - Nuts 29 - Speedometer cable
10 - Instrument panel 20 - Ventilation control unit 30 - Return




— Always mark the cables before disconnecting
them to facilitate the installation.
— Disconnect the earth cable from the battery.

1. Remove the steering wheel (see: Hydrostatic Stee-

ring - Steering Wheel and Column).
2. Unloosen the six screws as shown in the diagram
and remove with care the instrument panel 1 from the
dashboard 2.
1 - Speedometer
2 - Speedometer cable
3 - Ring nut

4. Disconnect the five connectors 2 and remove the

instrument panel 1.

1 - Instrument panel
1 - Instrument panel 2 - Connector
2 - Dashboard

5. Unscrew the ring nut 10 and remove the bracket 11.

3. Disconnect the cable 2 of the speedometer 1 by
6. Detach the lamp 2 from the speedometer and ex-
unscrewing the ring nut 3.
tract it towards the outside of the instrument panel.
7. Disconnect the connector faston 8 and detach the
lamp 3 from the indicator instrument 4.
8. Unscrew the ring nut 6, remove the bracket 5 and
extract the instrument towards the outside of the ins-
trument panel.
9. Compress the spring 7 and extract towards the out-
side of the warning signal unit 9.


1 - Speedometer bulb 1 - Hand accelerator control lever

2 - Bayonet bulb 2 - Jogging unit
3 - Bayonet bulb 3 - Connector
4 - Indicator instrument 4 - Screw
5 - Bracket 5 - Connector
6 - Ring nut
7 - Bodkin
8 - Faston connector 7. Disconnect the cables of the emergency light
9 - Warning signal unit switch 3, unscrew the ring nut 4 and extract the emer-
10 - Ring nut
11 - Bracket gency light switch.
8. Disconnect the cables of the work floodlight 5 press
the plastic springs of the switch and remove.
10. Install the instrument panel working in reverse or-
der to that of the removal.


— Always mark the cables before disconnecting
them to facilitate the installation.
— Detach the earth cable from the battery.

1. Detach the cab (see: Complete cab - Dismounting).

2. Remove the instrument panel (see: Instrument Pa- 1 - Engine stop control cable
nel - Removal and Installation). 2 - Nut
3. Remove the protection from the devioguide unit 3 - Emergency light switch
and the column, remove the column (see: Hydrostatic 4 - Ring nut
Steering - Steering Wheel and Column). 5 - Floodlight switch
4. Unloosen the screws shown in the diagram and re-
move the lever 1.
5. Disconnect the connectors 3 and 5, unloosen the 9. Remove the cover 1 forcing it towards the outside
two screws 4 and remove the jogging unit 2. with a screwdriver.
6. Unscrew the nut 2 and take off the engine stop con- 10. Unscrew the nuts 4 and remove the fuse holder unit
trol cable 1. cover 3 then unscrew the nuts 2, disconnect the fuse
holder cables 5 and remove.
11. Unloosen the screws shown in the diagram extract
towards the outside the current plug 6 and disconnect
the cables.


1 - Ventilation flow regulation lever

2 - Threaded dowel

14. Disconnect the cables of the air conditioning unit.

15. Loosen the dowels shown in the diagram and take
off the knob 4 unscrew the nuts 2 and take off the air
conditioning control unit 1.
16. Unloosen the screw 5 and remove the plate 3.
1 - Cover
2 - Nut
3 - Fuse holder unit cover
4 - Nut
5 - Fuse holder
6 - Current plug
7 - Dashboard

12. Remove, on both sides of the dashboard, the ope-

ning 1 and the diffuser 2 unhooking the springs 3.

1 - Air conditioning control unit

2 - Nut
3 - Plate
4 - Knob
5 - Screw

17. Disconnect the cables 1 on the tank 2.

1 - Opening
2 - Diffuser
3 - Spring

13. Loosen the threaded dowel 2 and take off the lever 1 - Cables
1. 2 - Clutch and brake circuit oil tank


18. Unscrew the four fastening bolts 2 of the frame 1 23. Remount the dashboard working in reverse order
and remove. to that of the removal, taking care to adequately lubri-
19. Cut and remove the four clamps 3, then take off the cate the seal.
air conditioning conveyor 4.

1 - Frame
2 - Bolts
3 - Clamp
4 - Air conditioning conveyor

20. Unscrew the instrument panel fastening bolts to

the cab.
21. Spread with a non oil lubrication liquid (e.g. neutral
soap and water solution) the seal 1.
22. Making a lever with an appropriate implement,
take off the dashboard 2 from the cab seat.

Do not excessively flex the cabin frame to avoid
breaking the glass windscreen.

1 - Dashboard seal
2 - Dashboard



1 - Safety belt 11 - Mobile frame 21 - Lever unit

2 - Bush 12 - Spring 22 - Grooved roller
3 - Right armrest 13 - Swinging slide 23 - Bush
4 - Back rest 14 - Fixed frame 24 - Lock block
5 - Bush 15 - Bellow 25 - Bush
6 - Back rest reclining regulation knob 16 - Plastic nail 26 - Seat height regulating knob
7 - Pivots 17 - Shock absorber regulating knob 27 - Right seat drive
8 - Left armrest 18 - Spring unit 28 - Seat
9 - Safety belt clamp 19 - Plastic roller
10 - Left seat drive 20 - Block


REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION (2) Working on the mover control lever, bring comple-
tely backwards the seat and then unloosen the rear
1. Unloosen the four screws 1 fastening the seat to the screws 3.
cab 2 and remove the seat complete with the shock
absorber mechanism.

3 - Rear seat fastening screws

3. Install the seat working in reverse order to that of the

removal taking note to lubricate the drive with the spe-
cific grease.


1. Remove the plastic nails 1 and take off the bellow 2.

1 - Complete seat
2 - Cab floor

2. If necessary, remove only the seat without the

shock absorber mechanism, operating in the following
(1) Working on the mover control lever 2, bring com-
pletely forward the seat and then unloosen the front
screws 1.

1 - Plastic nail
2 - Bellow

2. Move backwards completely the mobile part of the

drive 1 then unscrew the rear bolts 2.
3. Move forwards completely the mobile part of the
drive, then unscrew the front bolts 4 and remove the
drive 1 from the mobile frame 3.
4. Compress the shock absorber mechanism so as to
1 - Seat fastener screw bring the mobile frame to that of the fixed one. Keeping
2 - Seat mover control lever the mechanism compressed, unloosen the screw
shown in the diagram and remove the lock block 5.


1 - Seat drive
2 - Rear bolt
3 - Mobile frame
4 - Front bolt
5 - Lock block 1 - Spring
2 - Rocking slide
5. Unloosen the screws fastening the block 6 to the 3 - Fixed frame
mobile frame 7. 4 - Shock absorber regulating knob
6. Take off the fixed frame 1 complete with the lever
unit 8 from the mobile frame 7 taking it out from the
rear side. 11. Close the lever unit arms 1 and take off the fixed
7. Unloosen the lock nut 2 and the nut 3, unscrew the frame 2.
knob 5 and take off the bush 4. 12. Unhook the spring unit 3 from the fixed frame slit
and remove.

Avoid unscrewing the nut 4 until the spring unit is
dismounted: the remounting will otherwise be
particularity difficult.

1 - Fixed frame
2 - Locknut
3 - Nut
4 - Bush
5 - Knob
6 - Block
7 - Mobile frame 1 - Lever unit
8 - Lever unit 2 - Fixed frame
3 - Spring unit
4 - Nut
8. Unhook the spring 1 from the fixed frame 2 and re-
move it. 13. Take off the pivots of the lever unit 2 the blocks 1,
9. Remove the rocking slide 2. the plastic rollers 5 and the channelled roller 3 with the
10. Remove the shock absorber regulating knob 4. plastic bush 4.


17. Separate the seat back 2 from the seat 4 and ta-
keoff the pivot 5.

1 - Blocks
2 - Lever unit
3 - Channelled roller
4 - Plastic bush
5 - Plastic roller

14. Unscrew screw 3 then remove the arm 1 together

with the safety belt 2 and bush 4.
15. Unscrew the bolt 5 fastening the seat back to the
1 - Nut
2 - Seat back
3 - Seat inclination regulating knob
4 - Seat
5 - Pivot


— Check that the plastic rollers the bush and the

channelled roller that will be used in the spring
unit are whole.
— Check that the shock absorbers of the spring unit
are still efficient and have no oil leaks.
— Check that the shock absorber mechanism bel-
low has no holes or lacerations; if so replace.

2 - Safety belt
3 - Screw Proceed with the remounting of the seat, working in re-
4 - Bush
5 - Bolt verse order to that of the removal, lubricating with the
recommended grease the rollers, the pivots, the
threads of the regulation knob and the drive of the mo-
16. Holding blocked the nut 1 unscrew the knob 3 and bile and fixed frames.
remove it.



1 - Seat 13 - Fixed frame 25 - Ball bearing

2 - Mobile part of the right drive 14 - Bracket 26 - Shoulder ring
3 - Mobile part of the left drive 15 - Bezel 27 - Rubber ring
4 - Roller unit 16 - Shock absorber regulating puller 28 - Spring
5 - Fork 17 - Knob 29 - Plastic roller
6 - Spring 18 - Pin 30 - Lever unit
7 - Pivot 19 - Plastic nail 31 - Bellow
8 - Antifriction bush 20 - Roller 32 - Plastic nail
9 - Shock absorber 21 - Graduated strip 33 - Mobile nail
10 - Spring 22 - Bracket 34 - Fixed part of the drive
11 - Pivot 23 - Threaded bush 35 - Listel
12 - Retaining ring 24 - Spacer


REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 2. Unloosen the screws that fasten the fixed part of the
drive 1 to the mobile frame 2 and remove, together
1. Unloosen the four screws fastening the shock ab- with the listel 3.
sorber mechanism 2 to the cab floor 3 and remove the 3. Remove the plastic nails 5 that fasten the bellow 4
seat and complete shock absorber mechanism. to the shock absorber mechanism.
2. It necessary, remove only the seat without the
shock absorber mechanism, working on the seat mo-
ver lever 1 of the shock absorber mechanism 2.

1 - Fixed part of the movable seat drive

2 - Mobile frame
3 - Listel
4 - Bellow
5 - Plastic nail

1 - Complete seat
2 - Shock absorber mechanism 4. Unscrew the nuts that fasten the bracket 1 to the
3 - Cab floor fixed frame 2.

3. To replace the seat work in the reverse order to that

of the removal, taking care to lubricate the drive with
the specified grease.


1. Unloosen the screws that fasten the mobile part of

the drive 2 to the seat 1 and remove.

1 - Bracket
2 - Fixed frame

5. Fold with a lever the tab of the upper pivot 2 that

joins the mobile frame 1 to the lever unit 4.
6. Using a hammer and punch in soft metal, hit on the
pivot 2 end without a tab, and take off together with the
antifriction bush 3.
1 - Seat
2 - Mobile part of the drive


1 - Mobile frame
2 - Upper pivot
3 - Antifriction bush 1 - Lower pivot
4 - Lever unit 2 - Antifriction bush

7. Remove the retaining ring 3 take off the pivot 2 and 11. Unhook the spring 6 and remove the lever unit 4
remove the shock absorber 4 from the seat on the mo- from the fixed frame.
bile frame 1. 12. Remove the retaining ring 2, take off the pivot 3
8. Take off the mobile frame of the lever unit 5 extrac- and remove the shock absorber 1 from its seat on the
ting it forwards. fixed frame.

1 - Mobile frame
2 - Pivot
3 - Retaining ring
4 - Shock absorber
5 - Lever unit 1 - Shock absorber
2 - Retaining ring
3 - Pivot
9. Bend with a lever the pivot tab 1. 4 - Lever unit
10. Using a punch and hammer in soft metal knock on 5 - Lower pivot
the end of the pivot with a tab 1 and remove it together 6 - Spring
with the antifriction bush 1.
13. Remove the bush 3 from the seat of the lever unit
14. Unhook the spring 2 and remove, then take off the
rollers 4 from the pivots of the lever unit.


1 - Lever unit
2 - Spring
3 - Bush in antifriction material 1 - Shock absorber adjustment stay bolt
4 - Plastic roller 2 - Knob
3 - Bracket
4 - Threaded bush
5 - Spacer
6 - Ball bearing
7 - Shoulder ring
15. Remove the pin 10 and take off the fork 9. 8 - Small rubber
16. Unhook, with a lever, the central pivot of the roller 9 - Fork
unit 11 from the fork 9. 10 - Pin
17. Remove the nails 13 and the graduated strip 14. 11 - Roller unit
18. Unscrew and remove the stay bolt 1 and remove 12 - Spring
13 - Plastic nail
the knob 2.
14 - Graduated strip
19. Using a robust spring puller unhook the spring 12 15 - Roller
of the fixed frame and remove, then remove the brac- 16 - Frame
ket 3, the threaded bush 4, the spacers 5, the ball bea-
ring 6 the shoulder ring 7 and the rubber 8.

— Check the wear of the antifriction bush, of the rol-

lers and ball bearings, and if necessary replace
— Replace the shock absorber if inefficient or if
there is an oil leak.
— Check that the shock absorber mechanism bel-
low has no holes or lacerations, if necessary re-


Remount the seat and the shock absorber mechanism

working in reverse order to that of the removal, res-
pecting the following specifications.
— Do not knock on the roller ball bearing.
— With reference to the diagram on page 315, lubri-
cate with the recommended grease the rollers,
pivots, anti-friction bush, roller unit, fork, threa-
ded bush, shock absorber adjustment tie rod and
seat drive.



1 - Seat 10 - Rubber tampon 19 - Split pin

2 - Mobile part of the right drive 11 - Plastic nail 20 - Screw
3 - Mobile part of the left drive 12 - Bellow 21 - Spring
4 - Screw 13 - Bracket 22 - Seat height adjustment knob
5 - Adjustment knob of the springs 14 - Rubber tampon 23 - Suspension mechanism
6 - Dented disk 15 - Lock block 24 - Fixed part of the right drive
7 - Plate 16 - Shock absorber 25 - Fixed part of the left drive
8 - Tap 17 - Pivot
9 - Index 18 - Retaining ring



1. Unloosen the four screws fastening the suspension

mechanism 1 to the cab floor and remove the seat
complete with the suspension mechanism.
2. If necessary, remove only the seat 2 without the
suspension mechanism working the seat traverse
block lever and take off the seat from its drive.

1 - Fixed part of the right drive

2 - Suspension mechanism
3 - Fixed part of the left drive

3. Unscrew the fastening screws of the bracket 1 and

4. Unhook the clinch 3, remove the plastic nails that fix
the bellow 2 and remove.

1 - Suspension mechanism
2 - Seat

3. To install the seat, work in reverse order to that of

the removal taking care to lubricate the drive with the
recommended grease.

1 - Bracket
3 - Clinch
1. Unloosen the fastening screws of the mobile part
left drive 1 and of the mobile part right drive 3 and re-
move the seat 2. 5. Unloosen the screw 2 and remove the spring ad-
justment knob 1 and the dented disk.
6. Remove the plate 3, take off the tap 5 and remove
the index.

1 - Mobile part left drive

2 - Seat
3 - Mobile part right drive

1 - Spring adjustment knob

2. Unscrew the fastening screw of the fixed part of the 2 - Screw
right drive 1 and of the fixed part left drive 3 and of the 3 - PIate
suspension mechanism 2. 4 - Index
5 - Tap


7. Unloosen the screw 4 remove the spring 3, the knob

2, and the lock block 1.
8. Remove the rubber tampon 5.

1 - Shock absorber
2 - Retaining ring
3 - Pivot
4 - Mobile frame

1 - Lock block
2 - Seat height adjustment knob
4 - Screw
5 - Rubber tampon — Replace the shock absorber if it is inefficient or
has oil leaks or scratched rod.
9. Remove the rubber tampon 2. — Check that the suspension mechanism bellows
10. Remove the retainer ring 4 extract the pivot 3 and have no holes or lacerations, replace if necessa-
separate the shock absorber 1 from the fixed frame. ry.


Remount the seat working in reverse order to that of

the dismounting, taking care to lubricate with the re-
commended grease -the toothed disk the seat drive
and the shock absorber pivots.

1 - Shock absorber
2 - Rubber tampon
3 - Pivot
4 - Retaining ring

11. Remove the retaining ring 2, extract the pivot 3 and

the shock absorber 1 from the mobile frame 4.



1 - Front post trim 8 - Right wheelhouse corner trim 15 - Double rubber bellow
2 - Ashtray 9 - Left wheelhouse trim 11 - Right wheelhouse corner trim
3 - Rear post trim 10 - Template 17 - Rear mat
4 - Sill trim 11 - Grill 18 - Front mat
5 - Rear cross trim 12 - Sound proof panel 19 - Border
6 - Screw anchor 13 - Single rubber bellow
7 - Gear protection lever 14 - Left wheelhouse trim



To remove the screw anchor that fixes the inside trim,
the plastic screws must be unscrewed and then ex-
tract the anchor from its seat, when remounting re-
place the anchor screw previously removed.


1. Unhook the lock handle 1 from the fastener pivot 2

of the side window.
2. Remove the screw anchor indicated in the diagram
that fixes the central post trim 3 to the cab. 1 - Shock absorber
2 - Rear post trim
3 - Centre post trim
4 - Centre sill trim
5 - Clinch
6 - Pivot

7. Remove the four anchor screws that fix the rear tra-
verse 1 and remove from the cab.

1 - Rear traverse trim


1. Unloosen the screws of the wheelhouse corner trim

3 and remove.
2. Remove the anchor 1 that fastens the left wheel-
house trim 2, then disconnect from the cab.

1 - Window lock handle

2 - Pivot fastener
3 - Centre post

3. Remove the screw anchor that fastens the centre

post trim 3 on the door side and remove the trim.
4. Remove the anchor that fixed the centre sill trim 4
and remove it.
5. Remove with a screwdriver the clinch 5 then dis-
connect the shock absorbers 1 from the pivot 6.
6. Remove the screw anchor that fixes the rear post
trim 2 to the cab and remove the trim. 1 - Anchor
2 - Left wheelhouse trim
3 - Left wheelhouse corner trim



1. Unscrew the screw that fastens the knob 2 to the le-

ver 4 and remove from the knob.
2. Unloosen the screws and the bolt shown in the dia-
gram and remove the template 3 and the grill 1.
3. Remove the anchor that fixes the trim to the corner
right wheelhouse and remove.

1 - Double rubber bellow

2 - Gear lever
3 - Single rubber bellow
4 - Screws
5 - Gear lever protection

7. With reference to the previous diagram, unloosen

the screw that fastens the protection 5 and remove, to-
gether with the sound proofing panels.

1 - Lifter control lever grill

3 - Template
4 - Lever 1. Remove the seat 1 (see: Seats) unscrew the two
5 - Right wheelhouse corner trim screws shown in the diagram and remove the bracket
2 if present.

4. Remove the seat (see: Seats).

5. Lift the mats, remove the anchor 2 and the four
screws fixing the right wheelhouse trim 1, then remove
the trim together with the inside padding.

1 - Seat
2 - Bracket

1 - Right wheelhouse trim 2. Remove the retaining ring shown in the diagram
2 - Anchor and remove the engagement-disengagement double
traction handle 1.
3. Remove the rear mat 2.
6. Lift the rubber bellow 1 and 3, loosening the screws
4 and take off the lever 2 together with the bellows.





1. Unloosen the screw of the anchor screw shown in

the diagram, removing the anchor and the two finis-
hing profiles.
2. Remount the profile 1 working in reverse order to
1 - Engagement-disengagement double traction that of the removal taking care to replace the anchor
2 - Rear mat screws previously removed.

4. Unloosen the screw 3, unscrew the nut 2 and uns-

crew from the inside of the cab the differential lock
control pedal rod 1.

1 - Differential lock pedal rod

2 - Nut 1 - Finishing profile
3 - Screw

5. With reference to the diagram shown on page 323

unloosen the fastening screws of the two borders 19
and remove them.
6. Remove the front mat 18.

Reassemble the inside trim working in reverse order
to that of the dismounting, noting the following specifi-
— Do not tighten excessively the anchor screw
— To replace the glued trim and padding, eliminate
the residual traces of the glue, then put the spe-
cified glue on both surfaces and join with light
— In the case of the removal of the floor trim pro-
ceed with the adjustment of the differential lock
pedal (see: Gear - Rear Gearbox - Differential
Lock System).



REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 1. Unscrew the bolts 2 and remove the plate 1.
2. Unscrew the bolts 4 and remove the plate holder
Rear view mirror bracket 3.

1. Unloosen the screw shown in the diagram and re-

move the rear view mirror 1.

1 - Rear view mirror 1 - Plate

2 - Bolt
3 - Bracket plate holder
2. Install the rear view mirror working in reverse order 4 - Bolts
to that of the removal.
3. Install the plate holder working in reverse order to
Handle that of the removal.

1. Remove the side view unit (see: Electric System Ramp

Side View Unit - Removal and Installation).
2. Unscrew the nut 1 and the screws 4. 1. Unloosen the two screws and the bolt 1 fastening
3. Extract the cables 2 and remove the handle 4 toge- the ramp to the cab.
ther with the gaskets. 2. Unloosen the bolts fastening the bracket 3 to the
ramp and remove the ramp.
3. Unscrew the three bolts fastening the protector 2 to
the ramp and remove the protection.

1 - Ramp
1 - Nut 2 - Protection
2 - Cables 3 - Bracket
3 - Handle
4 - Screw 4. Install the ramp working in reverse order to that of
the removal.
4. Install the handle working in reverse order to that of
the removal.



1 - Rubber clip 7 - Heating feeder cables 13 - Rear bulkhead

2 - Heater 8 - Silencer 14 - Front bulkhead
3 - Air prefilter adaptor pipe 9 - Bracket (only for 150) 15 - Front template
4 - Clip 10 - Resistance cables 16 - Upper hood
5 - Windscreen washer liquid tank 11 - Electric ventilator cable
6 - Thermosoundproof panel 12 - Earth cable


REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 8. Unscrew the earth cable fastening bolt 12 coming
from the cab and disconnect.
9. Only for 150, unscrew the bolts of the fastening
With reference to the previous diagram, remove the bracket 9 of the silencer 8 and remove the silencer
upper hood as follows: from above.
1. Unscrew the guide vane nuts and remove the side
2. Unloosen the fastening screw of the clamp 4 and re- Only for 130 - 110. With reference to the following dia-
move upwards the air prefilter adaptor pipe 3. gram, unloosen the screws and the fastening nuts
3. Unloosen the five fastening screws of the right and from the antiheat protector 1 and recuperate the pro-
left thermo-soundproofing panels 6 and remove. tector and the rubber spacer 2.
4. Disconnect the window wiper liquid tank pipe 5
blocking the electric pump feeder.
5. Unscrew the two fastening nuts of the heater feeder NOTE
cables, on both sides of the heater 2. The bolts of the silencer fastening bracket fasten also
6. When the conditioner is assembled, carry out the the protector 3, therefore recuperate the protector be-
following procedure. fore proceeding with other operations.
— Discharge the system by the valves shown in the

— Disconnect the two fittings shown in the diagram

using a contrast spanner.

1 - Exhaust pipe antiheat protector

2 - Rubber spacer
3 - Silencer antiheat protector

10. With reference to the diagram on page 327, dis-

connect the cables 11 and 10.
11. Unloosen the seven screws 16 fastening the upper
hood to the front template 15, to the front bulkhead 14
and to the rear bulkhead 13. Remove with care the

7. With reference to the diagram on page 327 discon- CAUTION

nect the rubber clip 1 connecting the heater 2 to the Two operators are needed to remove the upper
cab on both sides. hood.


12. Install the upper hood working in reverse order to that of the removal, noting the following specifications.
— Check and eventually top-up the level of the windscreen wiper liquid.
— Proceed with the recharging of the conditioner if present.
— Proceed with the eventual adjustment of the hood position (see: Hood Position Adjustment).


The correct procedure is hereby given and the quotas to be respected for assembly of the fastening link and the
frame to -obtain the alignment of the hoods and their correct spacing.


1 - Side hood fastening link

2 - Side hood fastening link
3 - Side hood fastening link
4 - Rear small window frame
5 - Dashboard rim
6 - Front support
7 - Side hood
8 - Front frame
9 - Upper hood



Adjust at assembly the upper hood position by the rear frame 4, until the quota of 735 mm (28.94 in) is reached bet-
ween the engine axis and the lower border of the upper hood. Adjust the position of the front frame 8 until the quota
50,5 mm (1.99 in) is reached between the centre of the frame and the front profile of the hood, then fix the hood to
the front support.


Adjust the position of the dashboard frame 5 until in alignment to the upper border of the upper hood, and is at a quo-
ta of 17 mm (0.67 in) between the upper hood and the rim 5.


By using a special template and by working on the plates 1, 2 and 3 in a suitable way, adjust the position of the side
hoods so as to reach the following quotas:
1) a space of 5 mm (0.20 in) between the side hoods 7 and the upper hood 9.
2) a space of 5 mm (0.20 in) between the side hoods and the front support 6.
3) Alignment between the side hood and the front profile of the upper hood.


1 - Splash guard
2 - Supplementary splash guard
3 - Strap
4 - Frame
5 - Gasket
6 - Rear mudguard
7 - Gasket


REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 8. Unscrew the bolts indicated in the diagram and re-
move the mudguard 1 with the gasket 2.
1. Remove the rear wheel (see: Wheel and Pneuma-
tics - Disassembly - Assembly).
2. With reference to the previous diagram, remove the
supplementary splashguard 2 (if fitted) unscrewing
the bolts and recuperating the strap 3 and the gasket
3. With reference to the previous diagram, unscrew
the ring nut 5 and disconnect the container 2 from the
rear optic unit.
4. Detach the cable terminal 3 of the connector 2 un-
hooking the lock spring of the cable with a thin pointed
5. Take off the connector, the cap 4 and the ring nut 5.

1 - Mudguard
2 - Seal

9. Unscrew the bolt shown in the diagram and remove

the frame 1.
10. Remove the seal 3 mounted on the front border of
the mudguard 2.

1 - Rear optic unit 4 - Cap

2 - Connector 5 - Ring nut
3 - Cable terminal

6. Disconnect the connectors from the plate light 2.

7. Unscrew the bolts shown in the diagram and re-
move the splashguard 1.

1 - Frame
2 - Mudguard
3 - Seal

11. Install the mudguard working in the reverse order

to that of the removal.

1 - Splashguard
2 - Plate light connector


1. With reference to the diagram, unscrew the four
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION screws 5, remove the frame 3 complete with the mud-
guard 2 and spacers 4.
2. Unscrew the eight bolts 1 and separate the mud-
guard 2 from the frame 3.
3. Install the front mudguard working in reverse order
to that of the removal.

1 - Bolt
2 - Mudguard
3 - Frame
4 - Spacer
5 - Screw





Application Type Denomination Model

Places to put the


Fixing LOCTITE 495 110 - 130 - 150

Corners of profile held between front

and dashboard

Roof fastener screw

Cable passage hole in the front floo-

Fixing BOSTIK 122 110 - 130 - 150
dlight shell

Covering wheelhouse




GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 SENSITIVE MACHINE MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Distributor functional diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Lifting phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Neutral phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Lowering phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
OIL FILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 SECONDARY HYDRAULIC CYLINDER . . . . . . . 361
Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
OIL PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
RESOUNDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
LIFTING HOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 LIFTING CONTROL LEVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Levers inside of the cabin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Lifting control arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Support levers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Co-axial shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Cylinder and piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Distributor control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 PIPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Secondary distributor removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Adjustment of the position control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
DISTRIBUTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 External controls of the lifting housing . . . . . . 367
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Lifting housing inside controls . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Assembled distributor checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Checking of the strain command . . . . . . . . . . 368
Dismounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Checking of the lifting sensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . 369
Distributor control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Control of the working pressure . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Distributor body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 TECHNICAL DATA AND
Rear body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Front body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Control and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Remounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 General prescriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
LIFTING MECHANISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CORRECTIONS . . 378
Checks and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357


DESCRIPTION — For the versions with the trailer hydraulic braking
system, the oil coming from the pump crosses
the brake control distributor before entering the
• The automatic command system of the lifter ma- lifting housing.
kes the vehicle a complete working instrument. — Inside the lifting housing; special oil galleries
• The lifter controls are grouped on a dashboard send oil to the auxiliary distributor (refer to: Sup-
situated to the right of the operator. plementary Hydraulic Circuit) and then to the lif-
ting distributor.

— The lever with the yellow knob; permits the lifting

and lowering of the implement and determines NOTE
the desired work position for controlled position The engaging of the auxiliary distributor excludes the
jobs. functioning of the lifter (with excepetion of the position
— The lever with the green knob permits the auto- “FLOAT”).
matic control of the implement’s work depth in
function with any resistance that the implement
may encounter. — The distributor, at open center, sends oil to the
— Suitably positioning the control levers, the mixed cylinders of the lifter and controls the lifting and
command strain-position is obtained. lowering of the implement.
— For certain versions two outside auxiliary hydrau-
lic cylinders; working on the lifting lever, increase
the lifting capacity.
• A special valve (valvematic device) regulates the — The hydraulic circuit oil is accumulated in the
flow rate of the oil in the circuit during the lowe- gearbox, completing the cycle.
ring of the implement, reducing the speed during
the last 20 to 30 cm (7.8 to 11.7 in) of descent, SECONDARY
independent of the implements weight.
• An anti-shock valve, mounted on the delivery to
the: cylinder allows the avoidance of sudden
pressure increase provocated by the bouncing of SAFETY
the implement, with repercussions to the distribu-
tor, cylinder and hydraulic circuit components.
• The automatic strain control device (SAME origi-
nal system) is connected directly to the lower TRAILER BAKE TRAILER HYDRAULIC
arms of the lifter. This solution allows an extraor-
dinary sensitivity in appraising the load variations
on the implement.
• The sensitive machine part, placed to the right of
the lifting housing, is achieved by a lever of the
arms of the three point connection In function
with the load variations on the implement, the
sensitive machine part controls the distributor
shaft so as to vary the work depth of the imple- PUMP FILTERS GEAR

• The circuit utilizes the gear oil and consists of the
following components.
Pressurized oil
— Two parallel filters; placed before the pump; eli-
minate eventual impurities present in the oil. A Draining oil
special pressure sensor permits the signalling in
the cabin of any eventual blockages of the filters. DISTRIBUTOR FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM
— A large capacity hydraulic pump positioned on
the cover of the gearbox; draws out the engine in LIFTING PHASE
a continuous way by a change wheel and sends
pressurized oil to the lifting unit and to the auxi- The movement towards the left of the distributor shaft
liary distributor. 5 allows the oil coming from the pump to flow over the
— A beeper placed between the pump and the lif- external area of the start up pilot valve. The valve 6
ting housing, absorbes pressure variations and then moves left allowing the pressurized oil to work on
eliminate vibrations and the consequent noise of the start up valve 7 so as to close the flow to the drain.
the system.


The flow of oil towards the distributor shaft 5 (minor quantity) and the intake valve 7 can flow towards the non-return
valve 4 and the valvematic 8 and feed the lifting cylinder.

1 - Piston
2 - Push rod
3 - Intake valve
4 - Non return valve
5 - Distributor shaft
6 - Start up pilot valve
7 - Start up valve
8 - Valvematic
9 - Anti-shock valve

External action

Pressurized oil

In neutral, the distributor shaft 5 is in a position to block the flow of oil to the pilot start up valve. In consequence the
start up valve does not close the flow to drain but allows the down flow of the oil coming from the pump.
The arms of the lifter remain in position whilst the non-return valve 4 remains closed, stopping the oil in the lifting cy-
linder 2 from flowing down towards the drain. The pressure of oil in the section of circuit between the lifting cylinder
and the non-return valve 4 is determined by the weight of the part.

1 - Secondary piston
2 - Push rod
3 - Intake valve
4 - Non return valve
5 - Distributor shaft
6 - Start up pilot valve
7 - Start up valve
8 - Valvematic
9 - Antishock valve

Oil coming fromthe pump

Pressurized oil


By moving the distributor shaft 5 to the right a certain quantity of oil is permitted to come from the pump and presses
on the outside surface of the secondary piston 1.
De ce fait, le petit piston 1 se déplace vers la droite et pousse l’embout 2, qui agit sur la bille à I’intérieur de la sou-
pape de non retour 4.
Consequently the secondary piston 1 moves towards the right and pushes the push rod 2 which works on the ball on
the inside of the non-return valve. The movement of the ball allows a small amount of oil present in the inside cham-
ber of the valve 4 to down flow towards the outside provocating a fall in pressure. The difference in pressure esta-
blished between the upstream of the valve 4 and the relative internal chamber determines the movement of the
valve towards the right, therefore the conduit completely opens towards the drain. The speed of the down flow of the
lifting cylinder oil is kept constant to the valvematic 8 independent of the weight of the lifter.

1 - Secondary piston
2 - Push rod
3 - Intake valve
4 - Non-return valve
5 - Distributor shaft
6 - Start up pilot valve
7 - Start up valve
8 - Valvematic
9 - Anti shock valve

External action

Oil flowing fowards the drain

Oil coming fromthe pump



1. Operating underneath the vehicle and using span-
ner 5.9030.512.0 unloosen then remove the two filters
2. On remounting refill the new filters; with the recom-
mended oil, lubricate the gasket and hand tighten to
the filter support.
3. Start the engine and check that there is no oil leak
from the filter gaskets.

1 - Hydraulic circuit oil filters

For the overhauling of the oil pump lifting control hou-
sing circuit follow the procedure described in “Hydros-
tatic Steering - Oil Pump”.
NOTE On remounting the pump it is advised to refill the
The lifting control circuit oil pump is found in front of pipe between the pump and oil filters with oil in
that of the steering circuit. To facilitate the dismoun- such a way as to facilitate the priming of the pump.
ting and remounting it is advised to support the tractor
with an adequate jack and remove the left back wheel
and lower the fuel tank.

For working ease it is advisable to remove the right
rear wheel supporting the, tractor with an adequate

1. Loosen the pipe fittings 1 and 2 using a contrast

spanner for the fitting of resounder 3. Remove the re-
2. Proceed with the remounting using the reverse or-
der and tighten the pipe fittings using a contrast span-

1 - Resounder connection pipe - lifting housing

2 - Pump connection pipe - resounder
3 - Resounder



1 - Seeger ring
2 - Right arm
3 - Bush
4 - Bush
5 - Seeger ring
6 - Rear position control lever
7 - Strain control lever
8 - Sensitive machine part lever
9 - Distributor with control lever
10 - Tie rod
11 - Shim adjustment ring
12 - Spacer
13 - Cam return lever
14 - Fuel vapour air valve
15 - Plate
16 - Retainer
17 - Air cap
18 - Cover
19 - Gasket
20 - Tie rod
21 - Adjustable tie rod
22 - Roller
23 - Fork
24 - Tie rod
25 - Lever
26 - Pin
27 - Strain check return lever
28 - Spring
29 - Sensitive machine part return lever
30 - Shaft
31 - Connecting rod
32 - Lock pin
33 - Inside arm
34 - Oil level pipe
35 - O-ring
36 - Left arm
37 - Lifting house
38 - Position control return lever
39 - Trailer hydraulic brake distributor with brackets and pipes
(only for certain models)
40 - Resounder lifting pipe - lifting house
41 - Piston
42 - Gasket
43 - O-ring
44 - Gasket
45 - Cap
46 - Secondary lifting cylinder control pipe fitting (only for certain models)
47 - Cap
48 - Cylinder
49 - Teflon ring
50 - O-ring
51 - Position control lever
52 - O-ring
53 - Bush
54 - Tie rod
55 - Secondary distributor with brackets and control lever





REMOVAL 5. Unhook the clamping springs of the pivots 3 joining

the forks 1 and the lever 2. Slip off the pivots and dis-
1. Support the central strut 3 and remove the pin 6 and connect the lever.
slip off the pivot and remove the strut. 6. Unhook the spring 6 which fix the rods 7 to the shaft
2. Remove the split pin 2 support the side tie rod 7 and 4 and 5 and separate.
slip off the pin 1.
3. Unloosen the clamp screws and remove the sup-
port 4.

1 - Pin 5 - Pivot
2 - Split pin 6 - Pin
3 - Central strut 7 - Side tie rod
4 - Support

4. For models with secondary hydraulic cylinders, re-

move the cylinder as follows.
(1) Loosen the fitting 1 of the fuel pipe of the cylinders 3.
(2) Remove the fixing split pin and slip off the pivot 2
and the relative bush and turn the cylinder down-

1 - Fork
2 - Distributor control lever
3 - Pivot with bracket
4 - Outside shaft
5 - Inside shaft
6 - Metal clip
7 - Lower rod

7. Remove sensitive machine parts (refer to: Sensi-

tive Machine Parts - Dismounting).
8. Disconnect the pipes working as follows.
(1) Take off from the two fuel tanks the relative air pi-
(2) Disconnect the union fitting tube 3 on the lifting
(3) Unscrew the clamp screw and remove pipe 2 from
the pump 6.
(4) For models with hydraulic brake distributor for trai-
lers, unscrew the union and separate the pipe 5 from
the gear cover. Separate also the pipe 5 from the fit-
1 - Fitting ting of the trailer brake distributor.
2 - Secondary cylinder fixing pivot of the arm of the lifter
3 - Secondary hydraulic cylinder


10. Unhook the lifting housing 1 and using a crane. Lift

the unit, slipping off the studs and the balancing pin
found on the gear box. If present; also remove gasket

Work with particular so as not to damage the ca-

1 - Resounder
2 - Pressurized oil delivery pipe
3 - Pipe far pump bearing lubrication
4 - Pipe far trailer brake distributor
5 - Oil return pipe far trailer brake
6 - Hydraulic circuit pump
9. Unscrew the clamp nuts of the tank 1 and of the plug
4 and move to the side. Unloosen sere 3 and all remai-
ning nuts fixing the lifting housing 1 to the gear box.

1 - Lifting housing
2 - Gasket


1. For models with a trailer hydraulic brake system

unscrew the bolt 2 and disengage the bracket 3 of the
plate 1.
2. Unloosen the two clamp screws of the plate 1 to the
lifting housing, move the plate to the side without dis-
connecting the secondary distributor pipes.

2 - Lifting house 4 - Plug for trailer lights

3 - Screws


1 - Pipe support plate

2 - Bolt 1 - Tie rod
3 - Pipe holding arm for trailer hydraulic brake 2 - Adjustable tie rod
4 - Lifting housing cover 3 - Seeger ring
4 - Fork

3. Unloosen the clamp screws of cover 2 of the lifting

housing and remove with its gasket. 2. Remove the Seeger ring 2 on the right side and take
off the arm 1 of the shaft 3 knocking the arm with a mal-
let of soft metal.

One of the screws fixes the fuel vapour air valve.

1 - Right arm
2 - Seeger ring
3 - Shaft

3. From the left side of the lifting housing remove shaft

3 with arm 1 and bush 2. From the inside of the hou-
1 - Fuel tank air pipe
2 - Lifting housing cover sing remove lever 6 with the relative inside bush, fork 5
with the shim adjusting ring and the inside arm 4 com-
plete with connecting rod.

1. Unhook the Seeger clamp rings of the tie rod 1 and CAUTION
2 and remove, also remove the clamping Seeger ring The lifting shaft can only be removed from the
3 of the fork 4. housing from the left hand side.


4. Take the lifting housing and the bush complete with CYLlNDER AND PISTON
O-ring from the shaft.
1. For models with trailer hydraulic brake distributor, it
is advisable to remove the distributor, working as fol-
(1) Unscrew the pipe fitting 1 and remove the lifting
(2) Loosen the two bracket 2 clamp screws of the lif-
ting housing and remove the distributor 3 complete
with pipes and bracket.

1 - Left arm 4 - Inside arm

2 - Bush 5 - Fork
3 - Shaft 6 - Return lever with cam 1 - Oil delivery pipe to the lifting housing
2 - Bracket
DISTRIBUTOR 3 - Trailer hydraulic brake distributor
1. Remove the tie rod 1 and 2, separating the relative 2. Unloosen the six clamping screws of the flange 1
fixing range. and take off the cylinder complete with piston and
2. Loosen the two screws shown in the diagram and O-ring situated behind the flange.
remove the distributor 3 together with the underlying 3. If necessary, for models with secondary hydraulic
O-ring. cylinders, unscrew the union 2 and remove complete
with its gasket and secondary cylinder delivery pipe.

1 - Tie rod
2 - Tie rod 1 - Lifting control cylinder flange
3 - Lifting control distributor 2 - Union fitting


4. Gradually blow compressed air into the cylinder 3. If necessary substitute the O-rings on the inside of
fuelling conduit in order to push the piston to the out- the bush 1.
side. 4. If necessary, remove the bush 1 pusing it towards
the outside with punch and hammer.
Work with caution so that the piston is not expel-
led violently from the cylinder.
1. Working from the outside of the lifting housing, uns-
crew the lever bolts that need removing, take the le-
vers off the return pins and recuperate the tongue.

1 - Bush


1. If necessary, remove the secondary distributor to

the outside of the lifting housing (refer to: Supplemen-
1 - Position control lever tary Hydraulic Circuit - Distributor Dismounting).
2 - Strain check lever
3 - Position control lever
4 - Tie rod
5 - Sensitive machine part lever CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS
2. From the inside of the housing; take off the return le-
1. Accurately clean all components.
2. Check that the grooved profiles of the inside and
NOTE outside of the lever and of the lifting shaft are not den-
Before removing the return lever 1 from the sensitive ted or show signs of excessive wear; if they do, re-
machine part unhook the spring 2. place the defective components.
3. Check that the bush of the lifting gear shaft is not
scratched or show signs of seizing or excessive wear.
Replace the components that are not damaged.
4. Check that all the bushes on the lever and on the lif-
ting housing are not worn and that they are firmly in-
serted in their seats.
5. Note the diameters “d” and “D” of the piston and lif-
ting cylinder and check that they are within the value li-
mit in the table “Piston, Cylinder and Secondary Cylin-
ders” (refer to: Technical Data and Specifications
Checks and Adjustments).

1 - Sensitive machine part return lever

2 - Spring
3 - Strain check return lever
4 - Position control return lever


Proceed with the reassembly of the lifting housing
working in reverse order to the disassembly, taking
note of the following specifications.
— Clean and accurately degrease all the coupling
surfaces of the components.
— Replace all the gaskets and the O-ring, and
check that they are correctly in their seats.
— Replace the gasket on the lifting cylinder piston.
— Apply recommended sealer to the coupling area DISTRIBUTOR
and the cylinder flange and lifting control hou-
sing. 1 - Front body
— Tighten to the prescribed torque the following 2 - Spring fixing pin
components. 3 - Spring
4 - Cover
Tightening torque 5 - O-ring
Cylinder clamp screw to the lifting housing 6 - Shim adjustment ring
7 - Non return valve piston control
275 ÷ 295 Nm 8 - Spring
(28 ÷ 30 Kgm; 202.44 to 216.9 ft lb) 9 - Washer
10 - Non return valve control push rod
— Lubricate with recommended grease, the groo- 11 - Distributor shaft
ved profiles of the lifter arms and the ends of the 12 - Non return valve
shaft where they have to be mounted. 13 - Spring
— When remounting the shaft on the outside arms 14 - Gasket
and on the inside arm observe the position of 15 - Pivot
oversized teeth markings on the grooved profi- 16 - Spring
les. 17 - Limit stop lever
— When remounting the shaft knock, with a soft 18 - Adjustment screw
19 - Lock pin
metal hammer, to set and allow mounting of the 20 - Pivot
Seeger ring of the outside arms. 21 - Fork
— Replace the gasket between the lifting housing 22 - Pivot
and the relative cover, remount temporarily, the 23 - Lever
cover without blocking it, as after installation you 24 - Lever
must proceed with the adjusting of the inside 25 - Intermediate fork
components. 26 - Pivot
27 - Small plate
28 - Spacer
30 - Lever support
Proceed with reassembly of the lifting housing using 31 - Cap
the reverse order to that of the disassembly, using the 32 - Intake valve
33 - Rear body
following recommendations. 34 - Start up valve
— Clean and degrease accurately the coupling area 35 - Spring
between the lifting housing and gear box and ap- 36 - Spring
ply the recommended sealer. 37 - Start up pilot valve piston
— Position the lifting housing on the gearbox cen- 38 - Spacer
tral pin. 39 - Shoulder ring
— Lubricate with the recommended grease the lif- 40 - Retaining ring
ting mechanism joints before joining. 41 - Washer with retaining ring seat
— Reassembly completed, start the engine and 42 - Distributor spring
43 - Spring
work the lifter in such a way that the oil in the hy- 44 - Spacer
draulic circuit circulates. Stop the engine, control 45 - Valvematic piston
the oil level in the gear and if necessary top up. 46 - Union
47 - Anti-shock valve
Because the oil travels slowly from the lifting housing
.to the gearbox, wait for a few minutes before checking
the oil level.
— Carry out the adjustment on the lifting housing
and check the sensitivity of the lifter (refer to:
Checks and Adjustments).



REMOVAL 2. Remove the Seeger ring 4 and slip off the pivot 5 so
as to free the fork 3 of the distributor.
Remove the distributor from the lifting housing, wor- 3. Remove the spring 2 and if necessary unscrew the
king as described in “Lifting Housing - Disassembly”. pivot 1.


Before dismounting the distributor proceed with the
control of the seal of the non return valve, using the fol-
lowing instructions.
1. Push the O-ring 6 into the seat of the space 5 indica-
ted in the figure and fix a plate 4 below the distributor
with two bolts, so that the space 5 is perfectly closed.
2. Unloosen the anti-shock valve 1 keeping the fitting
3 blocked with a contrast spanner. Remove the valve
with its gasket 2.
3. Join the hydraulic pump 5.9030.520.4 to fitting 3,
pressurize the oil with the pump and check that there
are no leaks from the distributor.

1 - Spring fixing pivot 4 - Seeger ring

2 - Spring 5 - Pivot
3 - Fork

4. Working on lever unit 5 partially extract the distribu-

tor shaft 3, and remove the split pin fixing the pivot 4.
Take off the pivot 4 and remove the lever group 5, re-
covering the washer 2 and the spacer 1.

1 - Anti-shock valve
2 - Gasket
3 - Union - fitting
4 - Plate
5 - Lifting cylinder delivery oil hole
6 - O-ring

4. If there is oil leakage it could be caused by the ineffi-

ciency of the non return valve, therefore proceed with
overhauling of the distributor.


1. Fit the distributor on a suitable implement fixed by a

clamp. 1 - Spacer 4 - Pivot
2 - Washer 5 - Lever unit
3 - Distributor shaft

GROUPE élévateur

5. If necessary strip the lever unit taking off the relative 2. Unloosen the lower screw indicated in the diagram
fixing lock pin with hammer and punch. and separate the two distributor bodies.
6. If necessary dismount lever 2 so as to remove the
fixing lock pin 4 from the pivot 5, freeing the spring 1
and extract the pivot 3 with the lever 2. CAUTION
Work with the necessary caution so as to avoid
damaging the inside compartments.

1 - Spring 3 - Pivot
2 - Limit stop lever 4 - Lock pin

1. Unloosen the three screws shown in the diagram.
Remove the lever support 1.

1 - Front body
2 - Rear body


1. Remove from the rear body the push rod 1 and the
relative washer 2, the spring 5 and the relative spacer
3 and the piston 6 from the start up valve.
2. If necessary, remove the lock pin at the end of the
distributor shaft 7 and extract the shaft 7 from the front.
3. If necessary, loosen the valve 4 and remove.

1 - Lever support



1. Remove the O-ring and take off springs 1 and 3.

1 - Non return valve control push rod

2 - Washer
3 - Spacer
4 - Intake valve 1 - Distributor spring
5 - Start up pilot valve spring 2 - O-ring
6 - Start up valve piston 3 - Spring
7 - Distributor shaft

2. Using pliers take from the body front the piston 1

4. Fix the rear body onto a clamp, unscrew cap 2 and and the inside shim adjustment ring.
extract from the front end the piston of the start up pilot
5. Unscrew the cap 2, extract the spring and valve 3
with pliers.

1 - Non return valve control piston

3. Fix the front body onto a clamp, unscrew the antis-

hock valve 1 keeping blocked the fitting 2 with a con-
trast spanner.
4. Unscrew fitting 2 and take off in the following order:
piston, spacer, spring and gasket.

1 - Start up pilot valve cap

2 - Non return valve cap
3 - Non return valve cap


1 - Front body
2 - Non return control valve push rod
3 - Rear body
4 - Non return valve
5 - Ball
6 - Washer
7 - Non return control valve piston
8 - Shim adjustment ring
1 - Anti-shock valve
2 - Fitting
5. Check that the calibrated specifications of the
spring are within the values specified in the table “Dis-
tributor Spring” (refer to: Technical Data and Specifi-
cations Technical Details).
1. Accurately clean all components of the distributor.
2. Check that the distributor shaft, the various pistons
inside the distributor body and the relative work seats
Proceed with the remounting working in the reverse
are not scratched or show signs of excessive wear.
order to that of dismounting, taking note of the follo-
3. Check that the distributor shaft and pistons of the
wing instructions:
various valves move smoothly in their seats.
— Clean with specified solvant the cap threads and
4. Check the relative dimensions of the push rod 2 and
the fittings.
the pistons 7 working as follows:
— Replace the copper gaskets and support links.
(1) Insert the valve 4 into the distributor rear body and
— Apply the specified sealer to the cap threads.
press the ball 5 against the seat on the same valve.
— Tighten to the necessary torque the following
(2) Insert the push rod 2 to make contact with the ball 5
and note the protrudence “B” of the push rod with res-
pect to the distributor body surface.
Tightening torque
(3) Insert the shim adjustment ring 8 and the piston 7 in
Anti-shock valve to the distributor
the seat on the distributor front body and note the di-
78 ± 4,8 Nm
mension “A” between the inside area of the small rod
(8 ± 0,5 kgm; 57.84 ± 3.62 ft lb)
and the distributor body surface.
(4) Check that the dimensional difference shown cor-
responds to the recommended value.

A – B ³ 0,5 mm REASSEMBLY

If the recommended value is not found adjust the Proceed with the remounting of the distributor on the
thickness of the shim ring 8 or replace the push rod 2. lifting housing working in reverse order to the dis-
(5) Insert the washer 6 and check that the value bet- mounting taking note of the recommendations descri-
ween the outside surface of the washer and the distri- bed in “Lifting Housing - Remounting”.
butor body surface is as follows:

C ³ 0,5 mm

If not eliminate the washer 6.



1 - Pivot
2 - Left stabilizer 110
3 - Adjustable strut
4 - Joint
5 - Ring nut stopper
6 - Threaded coupling
7 - Left tie rod 110
8 - Pivot with fastener
9 - Left adjustable tie rod 130-150
10 - Pivot
11 - Flange
12 - Fastener
13 - Greaser
14 - Upper fork
15 - Adjustable coupling
16 - Adjusting screw
17 - Lock nut
18 - Lower fork
19 - Right adjustable tie rod 130-150
20 - Crank handle
21 - Capped fork
22 - Gear wheel
23 - Adjusting screw
24 - Axle bearing
25 - Adjusting body device
26 - Lower fork
27 - Adjustable tie rod device 110
28 - Spacer
29 - Washer
30 - Notched nut
31 - Split pin
32 - Bracket
33 - Joint
34 - Coupling
35 - Threaded tie rod
36 - Fork
37 - Right stabilizer 130-150
38 - Threaded coupling
39 - Coupling with joint
40 - Right stabilizer 110
41 - Pivot.
42 - Bracket
43 - Contour fastener
44 - Lower right arm
45 - Control lever for sensor parts
46 - Oil retainer ring
47 - Connecting shaft lower arm
48 - Left lower arm
49 - Left stabilizer 130-150
50 - Cord
51 - Handle
52 - Lever
53 - Spring
54 - Spring
55 - Pivot



REMOVAL 4. Take off the split pin and extract the pivot 10, collec-
ting the relative washers and separate the stabilizer
1. Support the central strut 2, extract the pin 3. Take 11 from the support 9.
off the pivot 4 and remove the pin. 5. Take off the split pin 15 from both sides of the sen-
2. If necessary, unloosen the support clamp screws 5 sor parts of the control shaft and loosen the two nuts
from the lifting housing and remove the support. 13.
3. Extract the pin 6. Support the lifting unit, tak off the 6. Take off the split pin, extract the pivot 1 and remove
pivot and separate the side tie rod 8 from the lifting the lever 4 from the sensor part.
arm. Place the lower arm 12 on the floor.

1 - Pivot 9 - Support
2 - Central strut 10 - Pivot
3 - Pin 11 - Right stabilizer
4 - Pivot 12 - Lower right arm
5 - Support 13 - Notched nut
6 - Split pin 14 - Control lever for
7 - Pivot sensor part
8 - Right side tie rod 15 - Split pin


7. Unscrew the nut 4 and take off the pivot of the lever 10. Only for models 110
6, the washer 3, the arm 5 and the spacer 2. When necessary, proceed with the dismounting of the
8. If necessary unscrew the bolts 1 and remove. side tie rod length adjusting device as follows.
Meanwhile remove the lever 6 from the grooved (1) Unloosen the four screws 2 and separate the cover
shape of the sensor part control shaft. 1 from the body 3.

If necessary hit with a soft metal hammer, on the in-
side of the sensor part control lever.

1 - Forked cap
2 - Screw
3 - Adjusting device body

(2) Referring to the enlarged diagram on page 21, ex-

1 - Bolt tract the pin 17 and remove the gear wheel 22 of the
2 - Spacer cranking handle 20 and the adjusting screw 23.
3 - Washer (3) Loosen the adjusting screw 23 and take off the
4 - Castellated nut bearing 24.
5 - Lower right arm
6 - Command lever sensor part
9. If necessary remove the shaft 2 as follows:
(1) Drain off oil. 1. Accurately clean the components.
(2) Take off the shaft 2 on the left side of the gear. 2. Check that the articulated joints do not show exces-
(3) Remove the oil guard ring 1 from both sides of the sive play or signs of oxidization.
gearbox. 3. Check that the lower arms, the stabilizers and the
tie rods are not deformed and are functioning correc-
tly. If not, replace the defective components.

4. Only for models 110

Check the correct functioning of the tie rod length ad-
justing device, in particular check that the gear wheels
of the device are not damaged.

Proceed with the remounting operating in the reverse
order to the dismounting taking note of the following
— Lubricate all the pins of the mechanism joints be-
fore remounting.
— If the shaft has been removed from the inside of
the gearbox replace the oil guard rings and top
up the oil in the gearbox.
1 - Oil guard ring — Lubricate with the recommended grease, the nip-
2 - Shaft ples on the side of the mechanism.



1 - Cover 10 - Spacer 130-150

2 - Tie rod 11 - Rear spring
3 - Shoulder ring 12 - Spacer
4 - Front spring 13 - Spacer ring 110
5 - Front spacer 130-150 14 - Sensitive machine members
6 - Front spacer 110 15 - Pivot
7 - Ring 16 - Fork
8 - Rear spacer 17 - Sensitive machine member
9 - Central spring 130-150 control lever


1. Remove the split pin and take off the connecting pi- 1. Fix the sensor part onto a clamp and loosen the bolt
vot 1 between the lever 2 and the fork of the sensor 1.
part. 2. Unscrew the cover 2 and remove.

1 - Bolt
2 - Cover
3. Loosen the nut 1 keeping the fork 2 blocked with a
contrast spanner.
1 - Pivot
2 - Sensitive machine member control lever

2. Unscrew the two nuts shown in the diagram. Re-

move the sensitive machine member 2 and the two
spacers 1.

1 - Nut
2 - Fork

1 - Spacer 4. Unscrew the fork 2 keeping the tie rod 1 blocked

2 - Sensor part with a contrast spanner.


3. Check that the calibrated specifications of the

spring are within the recommended value of the table
“Sensitive Member Part Spring” (refer to: Technical
Data and Specifications - Technical Details).

1. Remount the tie rod 1 all the components of the
sensor parts including the shoulder rings 4, then tigh-
ten the nuts 2 by hand, until you eliminate the play bet-
ween the two nuts 4.
For models 110 fit the spacer 3 between the nut 2 and
the shoulder ring 4.

1 - Tie rod
2 - Fork

5. Take off from the box the complete spring unit.

6. Fix the end of the tie rod 1 on the clamp. Unscrew
the nut 2 and take off the sensor part components.

1 - Tie rod
2 - Nut
3 - Spacer 110
4 - Shoulder rings
5 - Spacer 130-150
6 - Rear spring
7 - Rear spacer
8 - Center spring 130-150
9 - Ring
10 - Front spring
11 - Front spacer

2. Grease the spring unit and place into the relative

casing and tighten by hand the fork on the tie rod.
3. Tighten the nut by a half turn so as to give the two
outside springs a preload, then block the fork against
1 - Tie rod the nut.
2 - Nut 4. Tighten by hand the casing cover so as to eliminate
the play between the spring unit and the casing. When
this is done tighten the lock bolt.
1. Accurately clean the components of the sensor
parts. Proceed with remounting working in the reverse order
2. Proceed with a careful visual examination of the to the dismounting, then carry out the check of lifting
components and check that there are no signs of oxi- sensitivity (refer to: Checks and Adjustments - Checks
dization. of Lifting Sensitivity).



1. Unloosen the fitting 1 of the cylinder 3 fuel pipe.

Keep the pipe turned upwards to avoid loss of oil.

2. Support the cylinder, extract the holding split pin

and take off the pivot 2 and its relative bush.

1 - Fittings
2 - Fixing pivot of the secondary cylinder on the arm
of the lifter
3 - Secondary hydraulic cylinder

3. Only for model 150

Unloosen the screw 3, take off the pivot 2 and remove
the cylinder 1. If necessary take off the bush 4 from the
1 - Bush 9 - Cylinder cylinder seat.
2 - Upper arm 10 - Gasket
3 - Shaft 11 - Fitting
4 - Lock ring 12 - Bush (150)
5 - Seal ring 13 - Lower pivot (150)
6 - Guide ring 14 - Spacer (110)
7 - Teflon ring 15 - Seeger ring (110-130)
8 - Seal ring 16 - Bracket (110-130)


3. Working with caution, unhook the retaining ring 4,

and then take off the shaft from the cylinder and collect
the retaining ring.

1 - Secondary hydraulic cylinder

2 - Lower pivot
3 - Lower pivot clamping screw
4 - Bush

Only for models 110-130

Remove the Seeger ring 3 and take off the cylinder 1 1 - Fitting
from the bracket 2 pin. 2 - Gasket
3 - Shaft
4 - Retaining ring
5 - Cylinder

4. Remove the oil seal ring and the rubber ring from
the cylinder.

Work with caution so as not to damage the gasket


1. Accurately clean the shaft and the seat of the cylin-
der gasket.
2. Check the sliding area of the shaft is not scratched,
has no trace of excessive wear or signs of damage, if it
has substitute the shaft.
3. Measure the diameter “d1” of the shaft and check
that it is within the value limits given the table “Piston,
Cylinders and Secondary Cylinder” (refer to: Techni-
1 - Secondary hydraulic cylinder cal Data and Recommendations - Control and Adjust-
2 - Bracket ments).
3 - Seeger ring

1. Unscrew the fitting 1 and remove together with the Proceed with the remounting of the hydraulic cylinders
gasket 2. working in the reverse order to the dismounting taking
2. Extract the shaft 3 of the cylinder until the retaining note of the following instructions.
ring 4 mounted on the extreme end of the shaft, is ac- — Lubricate the new gasket and fit into the seat on
cessible from the hole on the fitting already dismoun- the cylinder as shown on the diagram.


— Place the shaft in the cylinder and push the retai-

ning ring into its seat working through the fitting

Work with particular caution so as not to damage
the shaft and the fitting screw thread.

Proceed with remounting of the hydraulic cylinders on
1 - Oil seal ring
2 - Spring ring the vehicle, working in reverse order to that of the dis-
3 - Teflon ring mounting and lubricate the bushes and clamping pi-
4 - Seal ring vots.

— Position the retaining ring 1 in the cavity of the

shaft 3 before placing it in the cylinder 2.

1 - Retaining ring
2 - Shaft
3 - Cylinder



1 - Clasp
2 - Knob
3 - Dial panel
4 - Panel
5 - Teflon ring
6 - Shoulder ring
7 - P.T.O. control lever
8 - Support
9 - Bracket
10 - Support lever pivot
11 - Lever
12 - Lever
13 - Retaining ring
14 - Tie rod
15 - Position control lever
16 - Threaded head
17 - Lock nut
18 - Lower rod control position
19 - Strain control lever
20 - Stress control lower rod
21 - Pivot
22 - Bracket
23 - Inside small shaft
24 - Tongue
25 - Washer
26 - Metal clip
27 - Outside small shaft
28 - Bellow
29 - Upper rod
30 - Strain control lever
31 - Spring
32 - Position control lever


1. Remove the control panel and the right wheelhouse
trim on the inside of the cabin (refer to: Cabin Inside
Trimmings - Removal Right Mudguard Trim).
2. Unhook the clips 7 and disconnect the levers 1 from
the rod 6.
3. Unscrew the nuts 5, take the spring 2 and the rings 3
and 4 and disengage the lever 1 from the support 8.
4. Unloosen the screw shown in the diagram. Take off
the pivot 9 keeping aside the washers between the le-
vers 1. Remove the levers 1 and the P.T.O. lever.

1 - Washer 5 - Spacer
2 - Split pin 6 - Pivot
3 - Bracket 7 - Lever support
4 - Secondary distributor control lever

1. Undo the clips 2 and disconnect the rod 1 from le-
vers 3 and 7.
2. Unloosen the bolts of the levers 3 and 7 and remove
them from the small shafts 4 and 5, keeping the rela-
tive tongues.
3. Remove the bellow 6 from the shaft 5.

1 - Lifting control lever 6 - Rod

2 - Spring 7 - Metal clip
3 - Teflon ring 8 - Support
4 - Shoulder ring 9 - Pivot
5 - Bolt

1. Take off the split pin 2 and extract the washer 1.
2. Unloosen the clamp screws of the pivot 6, take off
the pivot and disconnect the levers 4, keeping the spa-
cer 5 and the washers placed between each lever se-
For models with four distributors, the spacer 5 is subs-
tituted with a fourth control lever.
3. Unscrew the eight nuts fixing the support 7 to the
cabin, and the two screws that fix the bracket 3. Re- 1 - Rod 5 - Outside shaft
move the support 7 taking it off from the coaxial small 2 - Metal clips 6 - Bellows
shaft. 3 - Lever 7 - Lever
4 - Inside shaft


4. Working from the rear of the vehicle, undo the clips PIPING
that fix the rods 3 to the shafts 2 and 1 and separate.
5. Remove the shaft 2 from the lower support pivot, CHECKS AND CONTROLS
then tilt the shafts 1 and 2 and take off from under-
neath. 1. Check the hydraulic circuit pipes for signs of defor-
6. If necessary, disconnect the rear end of the rod 3, mation, or outside oxidization and/or and signs of de-
removing the retaining ring. toriation. Replace the damaged components.
2. If there are oil leaks from the fitting tighten the faulty
fitting and clean the area. If, during the functioning, the
leak persists, proceed with the replacement of the
gaskets (for fittings that have them) or of the complete

In case of removal and installation of piping, take not
of the following recommendations:
— To avoid the entry of foreign matter in the circuit,
clean the pipe connecting area that has to be re-
moved, and after the disconnection block the fit-
tings disconnected.
— Having disconnected the pipe joining the gear-
box to the filters, completely drain the oil of the
— Put new gaskets on fitting that need them.
— For pipes with a connection flange, fit with preci-
sion, the clamp screws and tighten gradually, in
cross order.
— Mounting completed, start the engine, action the
lifting circuit to check that there are no leaks from
the fittings.
— Then refill the gear oil.

1 - Outside shaft
2 - Inside shaft
3 - Lower rod

Proceed with the remounting of the levers working in
reverse order to that of the dismounting, observing the
following recommendations.
— Lubricate with the recommended grease the
joints of the levers and control lever of the two
co-axiale shafts.
— Remounting completed, start the engine, and ac-
tion the levers to check the correct functioning of
the lifter checking that the control levers move
freely without force.
— If necessary, proceed with the adjusting of the
length of the control lever. (Refer to: Checks and



NOTE (1) Disconnect the head 5 of the lever 2.
The following adjustments must be made keeping (2) Loosen the lock nut 4 and loosen or unscrew the
note of the correct order. head 5 until you are able to connect to the lever 2 (in
beat on the pivot 1).
— Before proceeding with the adjustments, apply a (3) Tighten the lock nut 4 and reconnect the head 5 to
counterweight of approximately 300 kg (660 lb) the lever 2.
with point linkage to vehicle.
— The internal adjustment of the lifting housing is
necessary whenever the housing has been dis-
mounted and/or whenever detective inside com-
ponents have been replaced.



1. Move the position control lever 2 (yellow knob) to

the end of section “POSITION” and the stress control
lever 1 (green knob) to graded section “12".

1 - Block pin
2 - Lever
3 - Lower position control rod
4 - Lock nut
5 - Threaded head


1. Remove the cover of the lifting housing and its rela-

tive gasket.
2. Remove the oil level holding pipe on the inside of
the lifting housing and replace with a shorter pipe, so
that components to be controlled are above the level
of oil during the check.
3. Start the engine and engage the parking brake.
4. Check that the with the lever 2 in beat on the pivot 1
the piston 5 of the litter protrudes from the cylinder by
the recommended “A”.
1 - Strain command lever
2 - Position control lever A = 10 +0-1 mm

5. It you are unable to verity the above, loosen the nuts

2. Check that the lever 2 is in beat on the pivot 1. If not 3 and tighten or untighten the tie rod until the piston
proceed with the adjustment of the rod 3 length, wor- protrudes from the cylinder by the recommended quo-
king as follows: ta, then lock the nuts 3.


Lengthening the adjustable tie rod increases the pro-
trudence of the piston and vice-versa.

1 - Position control lever

2 - Strain control lever

2. Check that in this position the piston 1 of the lifter

protrudes from the cylinder by the recommended “B”

B = 15 +0-1 mm

3. It the above cannot be verified unloosen the nut 2

and tighten or loosen the screw 3 until the piston pro-
trudes from the cylinder to the specified quota, then
block the nut 2.

Loosening the adjustment screw increases the protru-
dence of the piston and vice-versa.

1 - Block pin
2 - Lever
3 - Nuts
4 - Adjustable tie rod
5 - Piston

6. Proceed with the checking of the strain command



1. With the engine running move the position control
lever 1 (yellow knob) to the end of section “CONTR.”
and the strain control lever 2 (green knob) to the posi- 1 - Piston
tion “O” of the graduated section. 2 - Nut
3 - Adjusting screw


4. Keep the control position lever 1 (yellow knob) to 6. After checking, remount the oil lever hold pipe and
the end of the section “CONTR.”, and move the strain the lifting housing cover together with the relative gas-
command lever 2 (green knob) to the position “4" of kets.
the graduated section and check that the lifter start to
come up.
The centerline of the lever must be in alignment with SENSITIVITY
the notch of position “4".
To carry out this operation it is also necessary to hook
a counterweight of about 300 kg (660 lb) to the 3rd po-

1 - Position control lever

2 - Strain command lever

5. If the lifter does not start to come up as it should, 1. Start the engine.
proceed with the adjustment of the rod length 2 as fol- 2. Keep the drive position lever 1 (yellow knob) to the
lows: end of the “CONTR.” section; move the strain com-
(1) Disconnect the head 4 from the lever 1. mand lever 2 (green knob) so that the lifting equipment
(2) Loosen the lock nut 3 and tighten or untighten the lifts slightly, then stop the lifter in a balanced position
head 4 until it starts to lift with the strain command le- (lever in a position around “4" of the graduated sec-
ver in position “4". tion).
(3) Tighten the lock nut and reconnect the head 4 to
t-he lever 1.

1 - Lever 3 - Lock nut 1 - Drive position lever

2 - Lower strain command 4 - Threaded head 2 - Strain command lever


3. Check that: For models without secondary hydraulic cylin-

— Manually pulling the counterweight upwards the ders
lifter continues to ride with ease.
— Manually pushing down the counterweight the lif- 1. Working from under the cabin unscrew the cap po-
ter continues to lower with ease. sition on the lifting cylinder 1 and attach the flexible
4. If the unable to obtain the described conditions pipe 5.9030.517.0 with gauge 5.9030.513.0.
check that the lifting mechanism and all the kinematic
position drivings are reacting and are not forced.


Models with secondary hydraulic cylinders.

Unscrew from the cylinder 3 the pipe 1 fitting and apply

suitable T union between pipe and cylinder.
Join to the T union, flexible pipe 5.9030.517.0 with
gauge 5.9030.513.0.

1 - Lifting cylinder

2. Start the engine, put the lifter into action and note on
the gauge the effective working pressure of the circuit.

1 - Cylinder fuel pipe

2 - T union
3 - Secondary hydraulic cylinder



Hydraulic lifting circuit

Measurement unit: mm

110 130 150

Lifter type original with open center distributor

Pump type 6OSCH HY/ZFS 11/22,5 L 215

Pump capacity (max engine speed) I/1 64

Safety valve calibration pressure (auxiliary distributor) bar 180+100

Anti shock calibration pressure bar 210+100

Auxiliary cylinders shaft stroke capacity mm 170

Lifting capacity with load concentratedon rotule at center

kg 4600 5400
rear wheels height

As above, with auxiliary cylinders kg 6400 7000

Constructor FIAAM

Model FT 4952 IN

Oil fiIters Quantity 2

Filtration grade 25

Filtration area cm2 7550 x 2


Distributor spring

Measurement unit: mm
110 130 150

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 1,4

Consenst valve Outside diameter “D” 7,8

spring Free spring length “L” 54

4,115 kg 47,5

6,727 kg 43,37

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 0,9

Consenst pilot Outside diameter “D” 7,8

valve spring Free spring length “L” 25,5

2,133 kg 15,2
Spring length under load
2,899 kg 11,5

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 1,2

Hydraulic distribu- Outside diameter “D” 10,4

torrod spring Free spring length “L” 110

4,4 kg 65
Spring length under load
4 kg 60

Quantity n 2

Wire diameter “d” 1,1

Non return valve Outside diameter “D” 8,8

spring Free spring length “L” 25

2,96 kg 17
Spring length under load
4,43 kg 13

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 1,2

VaIvematic spring Outside diameter “D” 12,2

Free spring length “L” 70

Spring length under load 2,7 kg 40


Sensitive member part spring

Measurement unit: mm

110 130 150

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 9

Outside diameter “D” 51,5 ± 0,5

Front spring
Free spring length “L” 62

Spring length under load 245 ± 5 kg 53

Flexibility mm/kg 0,0367

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 10,5 13

Outside diameter “D” 51,5 ± 0,5 65

Free spring length “L” 163 160

Rear spri ng
596 ± 10 kg 132 -

Spring length under load 272 kg - 149,7

790 kg - 130

Flexibility mm/kg 0,05197 0,038

Quantity n 1

Wire diameter “d” 7

Outside diameter “D” 37

CentraI spring
Free spring length “L” 62

Spring length under load 221 kg 50

Flexibility mm/kg 0,0542



Piston, cylinder and slave cylinders

Measurement unit: mm

Dimension check
110 130 150

Piston minimum diameter allowance ”d” 129,900 144,900

Cylinder maximum diameter allowance ”D” 130,100 145,100

Slave cylinder rod minimum diameter allowance ”d1” 49,900

Adjustment of position control lever and Strain control

1 - Piston
2 - Adjustable tie rod
3 - Adjusting screw

Measurement unit: mm

Dimension check
110 130 150

100-1,0 (1) (2)

Piston protrudence “S" from the cylinder
150-1,0 (3) (4)

Lever position when being checked:

(1) Strain command lever (green knob) in position “12’
(2) Position control lever (yellow knob at the end of the sector “POSITlON” (lever on the outside ot the lifting housing
at end stroke against the stop).
(3) Strain command lever (green knob) in position “0”
(4) Position control lever (yellow knob) at the end of sector “CONTR”



1 - Small piston
2 - Washer
3 - Push rod
4 - Non return valve

Measurement unit: mm

Checking dimensions
110 130 150

Gap between push rod and inside of the non return valve drive
pin (1) ”A-B” ≥ 0,5

Gap “C” between the washer outside surface of the washer and
the surface of the distributor casing front ≥ 0,5

(1) The dimensions should be measured with the push rod being supported by the ball and the ball touching its seat
of the non return valve


Measuring unit: Nm

110 130 150

Cylinder clamp screws to the lifting housing 275 ÷ 295 (28 ÷ 30)

Anti shock valve to the distributor 78 ± 4,8 (8 ± 05)

All screw threads should be degreased and cleaned before tightening



Fluids and lubricants

Application Type Make Model Q.ty

Gear box 76 l
Lifting housing (1) 20 l (1)

Lifter arms drive shaft grooved

GREASE Molikote MOLY - PASTE 450 - P -
Lever joints and control rod

Sensitive machine part spring GREASE AGIP - GREASE 30 -

Lifter greasing mechanism

(1) Only during the functioning 20 I (4.4 imp. Gall) of oil accumulated in the inside of the lifting housing; with the en-
gine stopped all the oil gradually goes to the gear box. (Only for models 110-130-150)

Sealant and Fixatives

Application Type Make Model Q.ty

Distributor cap screw threads Mastic Loctite 971 -

Contact surface between lifting

Mastic Loctite 510 -
housing and gearbox



Tool Number ToolName Ref. page

Hydraulic circuit oil filter

5.9030.512.0 5

Gauge 0 to 250 bar (0 to 3625

5.9030.513.0 36
p.s.i.) in glycerine bath

Flexible pipe for hydraulic cir-

5.9030.517.0 36

5.9030.520.4 Hydraulic pump 16



The following trouble diagnosis describes the possible conditions of the hydraulic circuit of the lifter with the pre-
sumption that the mechanism of the lifter is in working condition.
Therefore, check that the lifting mechanism is adjusted correctly, that the load of the lifter is not above the maximum
recommended weight and that the levers and tie rods are not damaged.
In the following diagram there is shown the geometric configuration of the lifter with the maximum permissible load,
in function with the implement category.


Measuring unit: mm

Implement type 2nd category 3rd category

110 - 130 - 150 150

A: Distance between load application point and the lower

510 560
arm hook

B: Distance between lower arm hooks 825 ± 1,5 965 ± 1,5

C: Movement towards the outside of the lower arm hook 125 125

D: Movement towards the inside of the lower arm hook 125 125


Condition Probable cause Corrective action

Avoid overloading above the maximum

Overloaded lifter
bearable weight

Replace with the recommended quality

Incorrect quality of oil in the circuit
of oil

Check gearbox oil level, and if necessa-

Insufficient oil in the circuit
ry top-up

Oil filter blocked (warning light) Replace oil filters

Excessively worn gaskets on lifter pis-

Replace the gaskets
The lifter is unable to lift or is lifting too ton
Distributor in-take valve blocked Overhaul the distributor

Worn or defective oil pump Overhaul and eventually replace

Check that the fittings are correctly tigh-

Emulsified oil
tened and that the gaskets are efficient

Supplementary hydraulic circuit defec- Refer to: Supplementary hydraulic cir-

tive cuit

Check the calibration pressure; if ne-

Incorrect calibration of the safety valve
cessary adjust

The lifter hoists only partially Control lever incorrectly adjusted Adjust correctly

The distributor shaft does not slide in its

Overhaul the distributor
The arms of the lifter remain blocked in seat
the raised position, or they lower too
slowly Valvematic device or non return valve
Overhaul the distributor

Start the engine for some minutes and

Air present in the circuit (entered during
engage the distributor, in this way the
the maintenance work )
air present is eliminated

Worn or defective oil pump Overhaul and if necessary replace

The lifter works irregularly (jerking)
Replace with the recommended quality
Emulsified oil or incorrect quality of oil
of oil

Overhaul and if necessary replace the

Defective non return valve
defective valve


Condition Probable cause Corrective action

Incorrect adjustment of control lever Adjust correctly

Defective safety valve or scarce grip of Overhaul and proceed with the correct
The lifter swings (unable to remain in the non return valve calibration
reached position)
Excessive wear of the piston gaskets
and/or of the secondary hydraulic cylin- Replace the gaskets
ders (if mounted)

When the lifter arms are raised to the

Incorrect adjustment of the Distributor
maximum height, the safety valve dis- Adjust correctly
control lever and/or of the safety valve
charges oil

Overhaul the distributor and check the

Defective non return valve
non return valve
With the engine OFF the lifter arms lo-
wer Excessive wear of the piston gasket
and/or of the secondary hydraulic cylin- Replace the damaged gaskets
ders Of mounted)

Check that the fittings are tightened cor-

Air is present in the circuit
rectly and that the gaskets are efficient
Excessively noisy system (with circuit
pipe vibrations)
Move the pipes so there is no contact
Interference in the pipes (visual check)
between them and other components

Loosened pipe fittings Tighten correctly

Circuit oil leakage Worn or defective gaskets Replace

Damaged pipes Replace

Wrong fixture or fixture incorrectly cou- Check the fixture and that it is also cor-
pled rectly attached

Overhaul the lifting meccanism and eli-

Excessive play of the lifting meccanism
minate any excessive play
Slowness or absence of movement of
Overhaul sensitive machine part and
the lifter whilst working with control of Sensitive machine part wrongly adjus-
eventually replace the damaged com-
the strain ted or damaged

Incorrect adjustment of the control lever Adjust correctly

Hardening of the lower arms support

Overhaul the lifting meccanism
shaft of the lifter



GENERAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Double effect distributor with float position . . . . . . 400
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Working diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Neutral phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Working phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
OIL FILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (*) Transformation of distributor from double
OIL PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (*) to single effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
SAFETY VALVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 DISTRIBUTOR CONTROL LEVER . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Checks and adjustment of maximum Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
operating pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Disassembly and reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Control rod length adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 PIPES AND FITTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
DISTRIBUTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 WORKING PRESSURE CHECK OF
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 THE IMPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Simple/double effect distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 TECHNICAL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS. . . . 406
Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Checks and adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Simple/double effect distributor with General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
automatic centering (Kick-out effect) . . . . . . . . . . 395 SPECIAL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Démontage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CORRECTIONS . . 409
Checks and verifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Checks and adjustment of the automatic
centering pressure calibration device. . . . . . . . . . 398

(*) Seer: Lifting Group


DESCRIPTION • - Double effect distributor with float position: as
well as the normal double function, it also
• The supplementary hydraulic circuit system per- consents the distributor shaft to move to the
mits the rapid joining of various hydraulic imple- position FLOAT, in this way the machine is
ments to the rear of the vehicle. free to self regulate for external actions.
• The circuit that fuels the auxiliary distributor is • - For specific requirements it is possible to ins-
the same as for the lifting drive (see: Lifting tall a fourth distributor in order to obtain a con-
Group General Specifications). trol unit with a total of 8 outlets.
• The distributors are of the modular type and the
following models are equipped with a six way fit- WORKING DIAGRAMS
ting for double effect use:
• Simple/double effect distributor: a special de- NEUTRAL PHASE
vice allows the transformation of the distributor
to simple effect for particular jobs. In the neutral phase the distributor shaft 9 is positio-
• Simple/double effect distributors with automa- ned in such a way as to block the oil flow to the users
tic centering (kickout effect): offer the possibili- two delivery fittings 3. The pressurized oil crosses the
ty of being transformed to single effect. A spe- distributor body and flows to the safety valves 10 and
cial device also allows the distributor shaft to from there, by way of the pipe 8, to the lifting distribu-
be kept in one of the two control, positions. tor.
The return to neutral is automatic when the Whenever the circuit pressure value is higher than
machine has completed the given operation that of the calibrator value of the security valve, the oil
and consequently the circuit pressure value is is drained by way of the pipes 5. In this position of the
higher than that of the device. shaft 9 the fittings 3 are not connected with the ex-
haust pipes, therefore the implement controlled by the
distributor is maintained in the reached position.

Pressurized oil
Oil to discharge (when
exceeding the maximum
operating pressure)

1 - Safety valve body 7 - Oil delivery pipe (pressurized)

2 - Maximum operating pressure adjusting screw 8 - Delivery pipe to lifting distributor (by way of neutral pi-
3 - Connection fittings to utilizer pes)
4 - Distribution casing 9 - Distributor shaft
5 - Oil backflow pipes (exhaust) 10 - Safety valve
6 - Non return valve



The moving of the distributor shaft 10 to the right In shaft position 10, oil does not flow to the lifting distri-
(Work position) determines the pressurized oil delive- butor because the distributor neutral pipe b is closed.
ry flow 5 to the utilizer; simultaneously allowing the The movement of the shaft towards the left 10 deter-
flow of oil 3 from the utilizer to the exhaust (crossing fit- mines the reverse flow 3 and 5. In any case the pre-
tings 4) vious instructions are still valid.
The pressurized oil also flows to the safety valve 11.
Whenever pressure in the circuit exceeds that of the
calibrated value of the safety valve, the oil is drained
by way of pipe 7.

Pressurized oil

Oil to discharge

Oil to discharge (when

exceeding the
maximum operating

External action

1 - Security valve casing

2 - Maximum operating pressure adjusting screw
3 - Oil backflow pipe (exhaust)
4 - Utilizer connection fitting
5 - Oil delivery pipe (pressurized)
6 - Distributor casing
7 - Oil backflow (exhaust)
8 - Non return valve
9 - Neutral conduit (delivery to the lifting distributor)
10 - Distributor shaft
11 - Securing valve


For distributors equipped with the simple/double ef- In this way the delivery pipe 2 to the utilizer is stopped
fect transformation device, the previous instructions and therefore, the distributor can, at the same time,
are valid. In this version working on screw 3, it is pos- fuel single effect functional tools.
sible to send direct to exhaust (pipe 5) the pressurized
oil coming from the pump (pipe 7).

Double effect transformation device Single effect transformation device

1 - Oil backflow pipe (discharge)

2 - Delivery pipe to utilizer
3 - Single/double effect transformation device Pressurized oil
4 - Distributor casing
5 - Oil backflow (discharge) Oil to discharge
6 - Non return valve
7 - Oil delivery pipe (pressurized)

External action



1 - Spring
2 - Gasket
3 - Adjusting screw
4 - Lock nut
5 - Rear cap
6 - Cap
7 - Spacer
8 - Valve body
9 - O-Ring
10 - Teflon ring
11 - Security valve push rod
12 - Gasket
13 - Valve
14 - Washer
15 - Built in hexagonal plug

2. Start the engine, insert the parking brake and start

CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS OF the distributor which is connected by a fitting to the
1. Join the gauge 5.9030.513.0 with the suitable fitting NOTE
to a rear quick coupling plug. When the distributor is equipped with an automatic
centering device, it is necessary to keep it inserted
manually to attain the maximum pressure in the cir-

3. Check the gauge reading and verify that it is within

the prescribed value.

Safety valve pressure calibrating value

180+100 bar

4. When the recommended values have not been ve-

rified adjust as follows:
(1) Unscrew cap 4 keeping locked the locknut 1 with a
contrast spanner. Remove the cap and the gasket.
(2) Loosen locknut 1 and unscrew adjusting screw 2
until the correct pressure value is reached.


NOTE 2. Loosen the lock nut 1 and unscrew the adjusting

— Loosen the screw to reduce pressure. screw 4 and remove together with the gasket.
— Tighten the screw to increase pressure.

(3) On completion of the check, tighten lock nut 1 to re-

commended torque. Fit a new gasket 3 and the cap 4,
tightening to the recommended torque.

Tightening torque
Cap and locknut on rear side of safety valve
50 ÷ 55 Nm
(5 ÷ 5,5 kgm; 36.15 to 39.77 ft lb)

1 - Locknut
2 - Adjusting screw
3 - Gasket 1 - Lock nut
4 - Rear cap 2 - Rear gasket
3 - Cap
4 - Adjusting screw
3. Remove the spring 2 and the spacer 1 from the
1. For the disassembly of the safety valve, refer to: valve casing.
Distributors - Disassembly steps 1. -7. taking care not
to strip distributor box.
2. Reassemble in reverse order observing the follo-
wing instructions.
— Accurately clean the connecting surface between
valve body and distributor.
— Fit new O-Rings and teflon ring in the four seats
of the hydraulic circuit on the valve body.
— On completion of the re-assembly, control the re-
gistration of the maximum operating pressure
(refer to: Checks and Adjustments of the Maxi-
mum Operating Pressure).
— Check gear oil level, and if necessary refill.

1. Fit the safety valve on a clamp with protective jaws
1 - Spacer
and unscrew the cap 3, keeping the lock nut 1, secure
2 - Spring
with the contrast spanner, remove the cap and gasket


4. With reference to the enlarged diagram, unscrew — Replace all O-rings, copper gaskets and the
cap 15 and remove the washer 14, O-Ring 9, valve 13 hexagonal built-in washer.
complete with push rod 11 and gasket 12 from the — Tighten the following components to the recom-
valve casing. mended torque.
5. If necessary unscrew and remove the caps 6 toge-
ther with their gaskets. Tightening torque
Hexagonal built-in cap on front
24 ÷ 27 Nm
(2,4 ÷ 2,7 - kgm; 17.35 to 19.52 ft lb)

CHECKS AND VERIFICA TIONS — Fit adjusting screw and partially tighten so that
the valve is tightened to a pressure lower than
1. Accurately clean the valve components and their that recommended.
seats. — After the refitting of the safety valve to the distri-
2. Check that parts are not scratched or oxidized. butor box, proceed with the calibration (refer to:
Checks and Controls Maximum Operating Pres-
— Refit locknut and cap with the gaskets, tightening
to the specific torque.
Tightening torque
Reassemble in reverse order using the following spe- Rear side safety valve cap and locknut
cifications. 50 ÷ 55 Nm
— Degrease cap and fitting threads with specified (5 ÷ 5,5 kgm; 36.15 to 39.77 ft lb)
— Apply specified sealer on cap and fitting threads.



1 - Plate (three distributors version) 10 - Safety valve 19 - Relay rod

1a - Plate (two distributors version) 11 - Fitting 20 - Pin
2 - Pipes. 12 - Fitting 21 - Split pin
3 - Gaskets 13 - Simple/double effect distributor 22 - Connecting link
4 - Seeger ring 14 - Double effect distributor with float posit. 23 - Washer
5 - Plate 15 - Single/double effect distributor with 24 - Spacer
6 - Quick connector automatic centering (kickout effect) 25 - Lock pin
7 - Retainer 16 - Teflon ring
8 - Distributor control lever 17 - O-Ring
9 - Plastic bush 18 - Lever support


The inside distributor pivot has two washers.
The operation refers to a vehicle with three distribu-
tors, but can also be applied to vehicles with a different
number of distributors.

1. Working behind the vehicle, unhook the fixing

spring of the pivots 3, connecting fork 1, and the lever
2. Slip off the pivots and separate the levers.

1 - Washers
2 - Split pin
3 - Pivots

4. Unscrew the nuts indicated in the diagram and re-

1 - Fork move the plate 2 complete with relay rod leaving the
2 - Distributor command lever
3 - Pivot bushes 1 mounted on the internal support.

2. Unscrew distributor pipe fittings 2 that need remo-

ving, holding firm with contrast spanner, the connector
1 on the distributor.

1 - Plastic bush
2 - Plate
1 - Distributor fitting
2 - Pipe fitting 5. Mark the assembly position of the distributors so as
to facilitate reassembly.
3. Slip off the pivot 3 holding split pin 2. Remove pivots 6. Collect the four spacers 3, and slip off the valve 2
and collect the washers 1. and the distributors 1.


NOTE 8. Fix the distributor on the clamp with protective jaws.

For versions with four auxiliary distributors it is neces- Slip off the split pin 1, remove the pivot 4 the washers 3
sary to unscrew and remove the four fixing studs as and the plates 5
there is insufficient space to slip the components off si- 9. If necessary, unscrew and remove the connectors 2
deways. and relative gaskets.

1 - Distributors
2 - Safety valve
3 - Spacers

7. Recover the four O-rings 3 and the relative teflon

rings 2 for each component.

1 - Split pin
2 - Fittings
3 - Washer
4 - Pivot
5 - Connecting link

1 - Safety valve
2 - Teflon ring
3 - O-ring



1 - Support 8 - Teflon ring 14 - Spring fixing screw

2 - Oil guard ring 9 - Transformation screw for simple/ 15 - Cap
3 - Teflon ring double effect 16 - Non return valve
4 - Distributor casing 10 - Distributor shaft 17 - Spring
5 - O-ring 11 - Shovel ring 18 - Non return ball valve
6 - Retaining ring 12 - Bell socket 19 - Teflon ring
7 - Fitting 13 - Spring

Single/double effect device

1. Fix distributors into clamp with protective jaw.

Unscrew the fitting 1 and remove it together with

1 - Fitting


2. If necessary remove the retaining ring 1, undo the 2. Unscrew the cap 2 then slip off the distributor shaft
screws 3 and replace the O-ring 5 and the teflon ring 4. complete with spring.

1 - Retaining ring
2 - Fitting
3 - Simple/double effect transformation screw 1 - Distributor shaft and spring group
4 - Teflon ring 2 - Cap
5 - O-ring

Distributor shaft 3. Slip off the oil guard ring, the teflon ring and the
shoulder ring 4 from the distributor shaft.
1. Unscrew the two clamp screws of the support 1, re-
move the support and the oil guard ring.
Operate with caution so as not to damage the dis-
tributor shaft.

1 - Distributor shaft
2 - Oil guard ring
3 - Teflon ring
4 - Shoulder ring

4. Only when absolutely necessary, remove the distri-

butor shaft spring as follows.

1 - Support


The operation should be carried out only when ab-
solutely necessary as the spring clamp screw is
fixed to the specified torque with sealer and for
this reason the operation can be difficult.

(1) Fix the end of the distributor shaft onto the clamp.

So as not to provocate bending stress to the distri-
butor shaft, it is advisable to insert it into the dis-
tributor casing.

(2) With the suitable implement compress the spring 3

in order to remove the bell 2 of the screw 1.
(3) Loosen screw 1; release the spring gradually and
then remove it.

It is advisable to heat the distributor shaft to ap- 1 - Distributor casing
proximately 150°C (302°F) before loosening the 2 - Teflon ring
screw so as to eliminate the sealer action. 3 - Oil guard ring

Non return valve

1. Push the valve 2 to the inside and remove the retai-

ning ring 1.

1 - Retaining ring
2 - Non return valve

1 - Screw
2 - Outside bell
3 - Spring 2. Screw a threaded screw M5, onto the valve 1 and
4 - Inside bell take off the valve from the distributor. Remove spring
4 and the ball 5 from the seat.
5. It necessary remove teflon ring 2 and the oil guard 3 3. Remove the O-ring 3 and the teflon ring 2 from the
from the distributor casing 1. valve 1.


Check also that the shaft slides easily into the distribu-


Proceed with the remounting working in the reverse

order, taking note of the following instructions.
— Degrease the threads of the caps and fittings
with solvant.
— Apply recommended sealer to the threads of the
— Replace all the copper gaskets and all the seal
— Tighten to the recommended torque the following

Tightening torque
Clamp screw spring to the distributor shaft
16 ÷ 20 Nm
(1,5 ÷ 2 - kgm; 10.85 to 14.46 ft lb)

Distributor rear end cap

35 ÷ 50 Nm
(3,5 ÷ 5 kgm; 25.31 to 36.15 ft lb)
1 - Non return valve
2 - Teflon ring
3 - O-ring
5 - Ball
5 - Sphère


1. Accurately clean the components and the seats of

the distributor.
2. Check the distributor shaft and working seat are not
scratched or show signs of excessive wear.




1 - Pin 14 - Threaded bush 27 - Shoulder ring

2 - Spring 15 - Built-in hexagonal headless screw 28 - Teflon ring
3 - Washer 16 - Threaded coupling 29 - Oil guard ring
4 - Retaining ring 17 - Shim adjustment ring 30 - Shoulder ring
5 - Ring nut 18 - Outside bell 31 - Pin valve
6 - Cap 19 - Spring 32 - Distributor shaft
7 - Outside bush 20 - Inside bell 33 - Non return valve
8 - Shim adjustment 21 - Distributor body 34 - Spring
9 - Inside cap 22 - O-ring 35 - Non return ball valve
10 - Shim ring 23 - Fitting 36 - Teflon ring
11 - Spring 24 - Teflon ring 37 - Support
12 - Pin 25 - Single/double effect transformation screw
13 - Ball 26 - Push rod



Single/double effect device

For the dismounting refer to: Distributor Single/double

Effect - Dismounting - Single/double Effect Device.

Distributor shaft

1. Fix the distributor on a clamp with protective jaw,

unloosen the two clamping screws of the support 1 re-
move the support and oil guard ring beneath.
1 - Shim adjustments
2 - Threaded coupling

4. Fix the end of the distributor shaft onto the clamp,

push the outside bush 2 towards the threaded cou-
pling 3 so as to reach the notching of the threaded
bush 1.

In order not to provocate bending stress on the
distributor shaft it is advised to insert it into the
distributor casing.

5. Unscrew and remove the bush 1 complete with out-

side bush, and recover all the components indicated in
the diagram.

Unscrew the bush with caution as the spring is

1 - Support

2. Loosen the ring nut 1, then unscrew the cap 2.

1 - Ring nut
2 - Cap

3. Recover the shim adjustment 1, loosen the threa-

ded coupling 2 and take off from the distributor body
the shaft, complete with outer devices.

WARNING 1 - Threaded bush 6 - Spring

Operate with caution so as not to damage the dis- 2 - Outside bush 7 - Shoulder ring
3 - Threaded coupling 8 - Teflon ring
tributor shaft.
4 - Shim adjustment ring 9 - Oil guard ring
5 - Bells


6. Blow into the hole indicated by the arrow, until valve CAUTION
6 and the push rod 4 complete with seal ring, slips off Do not excessively force the pin 2 so as not to da-
the distributor shaft. Then slip the shoulder rings 3, mage the internal components of the device.
two teflon rings 5 and the O-ring 2 off the push rod 4.

1 - Distributor shaft
2 - O-ring
3 - Shoulder ring
4 - Push rod
5 - Teflon ring
6 - Pin valve

7. If necessary remove the teflon ring 2; oil guard ring

1 - Retaining ring
3 from the distributor casing 1. 2 - Pin

2. Slowly remove the clamp jaws in order to gradually

unload the spring of the device and remove from the
inside: the washer 4 the spring 3 the pin 2, then slip off
the bush 5 and recover the three balls 1.

1 - Distributor casing
2 - Teflon ring 1 - Ball
3 - Oil guard ring 2 - Pin
3 - Spring
Automatic centering device 4 - Washer
5 - Outside bush
1. Fix the device onto the clamp with protective jaws 6 - Threaded bush
axially using a suitable pin 2. Using the clamp jaws in
such a way as to load the spring on the inside of the 3. Loosen the headless screw shown by the arrow in
device in order to remove the retaining ring 1. the diagram then unscrew the cap 2 end slip off the
shim adjustment ring 3 the spring 4 and the pin 5.


Tightening torque
Threaded bush which clamps spring to the distri-
butor shaft
15 ÷ 20 Nm
(1,5 ÷ 2 kgm; 10.85 to 14.46 ft lb)

Cap on the rear of distributor

35 ÷ 50 Nm
(3,5 ÷ 5 kgm; 25.31 to 36.15 ft lb)



1. Fit a suitable T fitting between the quick coupling 1

and the control pipe 2 to be examined.
2. Apply the gauge 5.9030.513.0 to the T fitting.

1 - Threaded pin
2 - Inside cap
3 - Shim ring
4 - Spring
5 - Pin

Non return valve

For the dismounting refer to: Single/ double Effect Dis-

tributors - Dismounting - Non Return Valve.


1. Accurately clean the components of the distributor

and relative seats.
2. Check that the distributor shaft and relative work
seat are not scratched or show signs of excessive
wear. Also check that the shaft moves freely in the dis-
1 - Distributor quick coupling with automatic centering
2 - Implement control pipe
3 - T fitting

Remount using the reverse order to that of the dis-

mounting following the instructions given below: 3. Start the engine and insert the parking brake and
— Clean with solvents the cap threads and fittings. action the distributor with the automatic centering de-
— Apply the recommended sealer to the cap vice.
threads. 4. Observe the gauge and lower the pressure of the
— Change all the copper gaskets and seal rings. gauge when the automatic centering device interrupts
— With reference to the diagram page 15 proceed the flow of oil to the implement. The pressure released
with the remounting of cap 9 in the bush 14, turn in this way corresponds to the calibration value of the
cap 9 until the screw 15 coincides with the hole device.
on the bush 14; then tighten screw 15. 5. Should the calibrating value not correspond to the
— Tighten to recommended torque the following recommended value, proceed with the adjustment as
components. follows.


(1) Remove the distributor from the vehicle (refer to; Removal) and proceed with the dismounting (refer to: Dis-
(2) Referring to the diagram, after having dismantled the entire device, add or remove the shim rings 7 to change the
calibrator pressure of the device.

Adding a shim ring the same thickness as that already mounted you obtain an increase of approximately

10 bar (145 p.s.i.) of the calibrated pressure; and vice-versa, by removing the shim ring there will be a reduction of
the adjusting pressure of approximately 10 bar (145 p.s.i.).

(3) Proceed with the reassembly and installation of the distributor and check the calibrating pressure again.

1 - Distributor shaft
2 - Threaded coupling
3 - Threaded bush
4 - Outside bush
5 - Pin
6 - Inside cap
7 - Shim ring
8 - Spring
9 - Pin
10 - Push rod
11 - Pin valve



1 - Shim ring 10 - Ring nut 19 - Distributor casing

2 - Fitting 11 - Cap 20 - Non return valve
3 - Threaded bush 12 - Outside bell 21 - Teflon ring
4 - Ball 13 - Spring 22 - O-ring
5 - Outside bush 14 - Inside bell 23 - Spring
6 - Pin 15 - Shim ring 24 - Non return ball valve
7 - Spring 16 - Teflon ring 25 - Teflon ring
8 - Washer 17 - Oil guard ring 26 - Support
9 - Retaining ring 18 - Distributor shaft


With reference to the previous diagram carry out disassembly as described in “Simple/double Effect Distributors
with Automatic Centering” noting the following differences:
— The distributor is not equipped for the transformation to a single effect, therefore it does not have the relative
transformation screws.
— In the distributor shaft 18 there is no pin valve.


— The threaded bush 3 is not equipped with the au- TRANSFORMATION OF DISTRIBUTOR
tomatic centering device. FROM DOUBLE TO SINGLE EFFECT
— There is no shim adjustment at C between out-
side bush 5 and fitting 2. For certain requirements it is possible to change the
distributor from double effect to single effect. To carry
out the transformation from double to single effect it is
necessary to unscrew the screw 1; by 4 to 5 turns, kee-
CHECKS AND VERIFICATIONS ping the fitting blocked 2. And vice-versa by totally
unscrewing to double effect.
Refer to: Simple/double Effect Distributors - Checks
and Verifications.


Proceed to remount using the reverse method to that

of the dismounting taking note of the following recom-
— Clean with suitable solvant the cap threads and
— Apply recommended sealer on the cap threads.
Replace all the copper gaskets and the seal
— Tighten to the recommended torque the following

Tightening torque
Threaded bush which clamps spring to distributor
15 ÷ 20 Nm
(1,5 ÷ 2 kgm; 10.85 to 14.46 ft lb)

Cap on the rear end of distributor

35 ÷ 50 Nm
(1,5 ÷ 2 kgm; 25.31 to 36.15 ft lb)

— Referring to diagram on page 400, remount the

outside bush 5 with the outside notching towards
the cap 11.
1 - Transformation screw - single/double effect
2 - Fitting

Proceed to reassemble the distributors and safety
valve using the reverse order to that of the disassem-
bly taking note of the following instructions.

— Replace the teflon rings and O-rings on the sur-

face of the distributor couplings and the safety
— Clean with recommended solvant the fitting
— Apply recommended sealer to the fitting threads
on the distributor.
— Tighten the fittings on the distributor inserting the
new copper gaskets.
— When the reassembly is completed, start the en-
gine and the distributor so as to check the cor-
rect functioning and the absence of leaks.
— Control and eventually refill the gear oil level.



1 - Panel 7 - Washer 14 - Support lever pin

2 - Pin 8 - Pin 15 - Bracket
3 - Split pin 9 - Rod 16 - Support
4 - Knob 10 - Rubber bellow 17 - Washer
5 - Distributor control lever 11 - Rubber cap 18 - Lever lock plate
6 - Spacer 12 - Lock nut
(or lever for 4 distributor version) 13 - Fork

1. Remove the command panel and the right wheelhouse trim on the inside of the cabin (refer to: Cabin, Hoods and
Mudguards - Internal Trim - Disassembly - Right Wheelhouse Trim).
2. Slip off from each lever, the split pin 3 and the washer 2 and remove the pins 4.

It is advisable to mark the position of the lever before removing.

3. Unscrew the clamping screw of the pin 5, slip off the pin and collect the spacer 6, the lever 1 and the washers.

For versions with four distributors the spacer 6 is substituted by a fourth command lever.


Reassemble using the reverse order to that of the di-
sassembly and observing the following instructions:
— Lubricate the lever joints and control rod.
— Reassembly completed, check that the control
lever moves freely.
— If necessary carry out the adjustment of the rod
length (refer to: Adjustment of Control Rod


1. Start the distributor control lever and check that the
“neutral” position of the distributor coincides with the
central position of the control lever (shown on the dial).
2. Having started the adjustment, move the lever 1 to
the central position and block them, removing the le-
ver lock plate 2.

1 - Distributor control lever

2 - Washer
3 - Split pin
4 - Pin
5 - Lever support pin
6 - Spacer

4. Working behind the vehicle, unhook the small faste-

ning springs of the pins 3 joining the fork 1 and the le-
ver 2. Slip off the pins and disconnect the lever.
5. Remove the rods 4 together with the rubber bel-

1 - Distributor control lever

2 - Lever lock plate

1 - Fork
2 - Distributor control lever
3 - Pin with bracket
4 - Rods


3. Separate the forks 2 from the lever 3; slip off the

connecting pin 4.
4. Check that the levers 3 are in a neutral (central posi-
5. Loosen the lock nut 1 and tighten or loosen the fork
2 until the hole is in line with the hole on the lever 3,
lock the lock nut 1 and rejoin the fork to the lever by
means of the pin 4.
6. After adjusting check that the levers move smoot-

1 - Lock nut
2 - Fork
3 - Distributor control lever
4 - Bracket with pin
5 - Rod



1. Check that the connecting pipes from the distributor
to the quick coupling are not damaged in any way or
Replace any damaged pipes.
2. Check that the unions are not oxidized or deteriora-
ted in any way.
3. If there is an oil leak from the fittings, close off the fit-
ting and clean the area. If the leak persists, replace the
gaskets (for fittings that have them) or the complete pi-

1 - Fitting on the distributor
When removing and replacing pipes follow the given 2 - Pipe fitting
1. To avoid the entering of foreign bodies in the circuit,
clean the pipe joint area you are removing and then
close off the fitting. 3. If necessary remove the quick coupling 2, and slip
2. Loosen the fitting 2 of the pipe, being careful to keep off the Seeger ring.
locked with a contrast spanner the fitting 1 on the dis-


4. On remounting, position the pipes in such a way so

that they do not get tangled.
5. Apply recommended sealer to the threads.
6. Mount the new gaskets where necessary and
close-off the unions.
7. Check and eventually top-up the oil level.

1 - Seeger ring
2 - Quick coupling


To obtain the working pressure of an implement joined

to the auxiliary hydraulic distributor, operate as fol-
1. Join a suitable T fitting between the quick coupling 1
and the control pipe 2 of the implement to be exami-
2. Apply the gauge 5.9030.513.0 to the T fitting.
3. Start the engine and for safety insert the parking
brake, and put into action the distributor which con-
trols the implement.
4. The gauge reading provides the working pressure
in the implement (and in the circuit).

1 - Quick coupling
2 - Implement control pipe
3 - T fitting



Supplementary hydraulic system

110 130 150

Type BOSCH HY/ZFS 11/22,5 L 214

Capacity (at maximum engine speed I /1 64

Hydraulic distri-
butor SB 2 and 6 way (optional 8 way) double effect with a
one way transformable to single effect.


Type FT 4952 IN

Oil filter Quantity 2

Filtration grade  25

Filtration area cm 7550 x 2


Calibrator pressure

Measurement unit: bar

110 130 150

Safety valve calibration pressure 180

Automatic centering device calibration pressure

(kick-out effect)



Measurement unit: Nm (kgm)

110 130 150

Hexagonal built-in cap on the front side of safety valve 24 ÷ 27 (2,4 ÷ 2,7)

Oistributor shaft spring fixing screw 15 ÷ 20 (1,5 ÷ 2)

Threaded bush for spring fixing to the distributor shaft 15 ÷ 20 (1,5 ÷ 2)

Cap and locknut on the rear end of safety valve 50 ÷ 55 (5 ÷ 5,5)

Cap on rear end of distributor 35 ÷ 50 - (3,5 ÷ 5)

All the threads must be degreased and cleaned before tightening

Fluids and lubricants

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Gear box 76l

Lifting housing (1) 110-130-150 20 l (1)

Control lever joint GREASE GREASE 30 -

(1) Only whilst working 20 I (4.4 imp.gall) of oil accumulates inside the lifting housing; with the engine stopped, all
the oil gradually enters the gear box.

Sealants and fixatives

Application Type Denomination Model Q.ty

Distributor cap and fitting threads Fixative LOCTITE 971



Tool No. Tool Name Page Ref.

Hydraulic circuit oil filter

5. 9030. 512. 0

Gauge 0-250 bar in glyce-

5.9030. 513. 0
rine bath

Flexible pipe for hydraulic




Condition Probable cause Corrective Action

Implement incorrect for that particular hy-

Avoid using incorrect hydraulic parts.
draulic circuit

Defect in hydraulic lifting circuit: Refer to lifting Unit

Incorrect quantity and/or quality of oil in

Replace or top up oil level in the gear box

The pumps attached to the hydrau- Blocked oil filter Replace

lic circuit are not functioning cor-
rectly Worn or defective oil pump Overhaul and eventually replace

Worn distributor shaft (with drawing on the

Overhaul and/or replace the distributor

Control the calibrating pressure, if neces-

Calibration of the safety valve incorrect
sary proceed with adjustment

Control lever registration incorrect Adjust correctly

Check that the fittings have been tighte-

Air present in the circuit ned correctly and that the gaskets are effi-
Excessively noisy (with vibrations cient
of the pipe system)
Move the piping so there is no contact with
Interference of the pipes (visual check)
other components

Loose pipe fittings Tighten correctly

Oil leak from the circuit Defective gaskets Replace

Damaged pipes Replace

Overhaul the automatic centering device;

Incorrect functioning of the auto- Inside components of the device dama-
replace defective components if necessa-
matic centering device ged or forced

Incorrect adjustment of the control lever Adjust correctly

The distributor control lever does
not remain in gear Automatic centering device defective or
Overhaul the device
incorrectly adjusted





HEADLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 REAR LIGHTING GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

Front headlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Bulb replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Bulb replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 NUMBER PLATE LIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Rear headlamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Removal, bulb replacing, installation . . . . . . . . . . 418
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 INTERNAL LIGHTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Bulb replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Cabin roof light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
SIDE LIGHT GROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Bulb replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Bulb replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 WINDSCREEN WIPERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
FRONT HEADLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 WINDSCREEN WASHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Disassembly and reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Bulb replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416



1 - Rim
2 - Optical centre
3 - Bulb
4 - Headlamp
5 - Rubber wiring holder
6 - Clip
7 - Wiring harness


1. Loosen the screws 4 fixing the rim 2 and remove.

2. Referring the enlarged diagram, remove the faston connectors 7 and remove the optical centre 2.
3. Remove the rubber wiring holder 5 and slip the electrical wiring from the headlamp shell 4.
4. Refer to the following diagram and loosen the nut 5 and remove the headlamp shell from the harness 1.

1 - Harness
2 - Rim
3 - Optical centre
4 - Screws
5 - Automatic lock nut


5. Reassemble the front headlamps working in the re-

verse order taking care to close the wiring passage
hole with silicone sealer.


1. Remove the headlamp rim, disconnect the optical

centre 5 and keep suspended.
2. Unfasten the clip 6.
3. Disconnect the faston connector 1 and remove the
bulb 7.

Don’t touch the bulb 7 with your bare hands.
Should you do so clean it with alcohol.

4. Replace the bulb and reassemble in reverse order.

1 - Faston connector
2 - Headlamp
3 - Rubber wiring holder
4 - Faston connector
5 - Optical housing
6 - Clip
7 - Bulb

1 - Rim
2 - Optical housing
3 - Bulb
4 - Headlamp shell
5 - Rubber wiring holder
6 - Wiring harness


1. Loosen the screws 1and remove the rim 4. 3. Loosen the nut 3 and remove headlamp shell from
2. Disconnect the internal wiring and remove the opti- the clamp on the cabin.
cal housing working as described for front headlamps.


4. Reassemble the headlamp working in the reverse

order taking care to seal the wiring hole with a silicone


Refer to: Front Headlight - Bulb Replacing.

1 - Screws
2 - Optical housing
3 - Nuts
4 - Rim


1 - Optical centre shell

2 - Cover
3 - Shield
4 - Lamp holder
5 - Position light bulb
6 - Indicator light bulb
7 - Glass cover


1. Loosen the screw 3 which fixes the cover 2 to the
handle 1 and remove the cover.


1 - Handle
2 - Cover
3 - Screw

2. Referring to the following diagram of the bumper,

loosen the two screws 8 and remove the glass cover 7.
3. Remove the frame 9 and the shield 5 and discon- 1 - Handle
nect the wiring 10. 2 - Nuts
4. Unscrew the nuts 2 and remove the shell 3 from the 3 - Headlamp shell
handle. 4 - Direction indicator bayonet bulb
5. Reassemble the optical group using the reverse or- 5 - Shield
6 - Parking light bayonet bulb
der. 7 - Glass cover
8 - Screws
9 - Frame

1. Loosen the two screws 8 that fix the glass cover 7 3. Change the bulb and reassemble working in the re-
and remove. verse order.
2. Remove the direction indicator bayonet bulb 4 and
the parking light bayonet bulb 6.


1 - Rim 6 - Shield
2 - Glass 7 - Bulb
3 - Trimming 8 - Internal wiring
4 - Frame 9 - Headlamp shell
5 - Spring 10 - External wiring


REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 3. Loosen the frame fixing screws 1 remove the frame
itself, the glass 2 the rim 4 and the trimming 3.
1. Unscrew the winged nuts and remove the engine
side hood.
2. Disconnect the connectors 1.
3. Press the fixing clip as indicated in the diagram, and
remove the complete front headlight.

1 - Frame
2 - Glass
3 - Trimming
4 - Rim
1 - External wiring connector
2 - Front headlight
4. Remount the front headlight working in the reverse
4. To remount the front headlight work in the reverse

DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 1. Without removing the headlight from the tractor, re-
move the optical group (refer to: Dismounting and Re-
1. 1.Loosen the four screws 1 and remove the optical mounting).
group 2 from the headlamp shell 4. 2. Unhook the clips (3) by lifting them, and slip out the
2. Loosen the two screws 7 and remove the shield 6 bulb (1).
and remove the spring 5.

1 - Bulb
2 - Clips

3. Change the bulb and remount the headlight wor-

1 - Screws
2 - Optical group king in the reverse order.
3 - Internal wiring connector
4 - Light shell
5 - Spring
6 - Shield
7 - Screws



1 - Glass 3 - Parking light bulb 5 - Light shell

2 - Stop light bulb 4 - Indicator light bulb 6 - Wiring

1. Loosen the screws fixing the glass 2 to the shell of
1. Unscrew the ring nut 2 and remove the wiring 1. the light 1 and remove the glass.
2. Loosen the nut 3 fixing the light, and remove.

1 - Light shell
2 - Glass

1 - Wiring 2. Remove the defective bulb and change it.

2 - Ring nut
3 - Back light

3. If necessary, loosen the screws fixing the glass and

take out the light.
4. Remount the back light working in the reverse or-


3. Re-install the back light parts working in the reverse


1 - Indicator light bulb

2 - Parking light bulb
3 - Stop light bulb


1 - Glass 1 - Wiring connection

2 - Trimming 2 - Bulb holder
3 - Bulb
4 - Bulb holder
5 - Wiring connection 2. Referring to the diagram remove the glass 1, the
trim 2 and the bulb 3.


To change the bulb it is not necessary to remove the
1. Disconnect the connection 1, loosen the two nuts bulb holder from the tractor.
fixing the bulb holder 2 and remove.
3. Remount the number plate light working in the re-
verse order.





1. With the help of a screwdriver slip out the glass 1

(complete with bulb) from the relative holder 2.

1 - Roof light glass

2 - Roof light holder

2. Loosen the two screws indicated in the diagram and

disconnect the wiring. Remove the roof light holder 1. 1 - Threaded pin 6 - Transmission mechanism
2 - Gasket 7 - Motor
3 - Cap 8 - Arms
4 - Nut 9 - Brushes
5 - Gasket

1. Roll the caps 1 protecting the arms 3 and 4 towards

the outside.
2. Unscrew the nut 2 and unhook the left arm 3.

1 - Roof light holder


Remove the glass from the roof light and change the
bulb which is pressure inserted the two contacts.

1 - Cap
2 - Nut
3 - Left arm
4 - Right harm

3. Unscrew the lock nut 3 and nut 2 and remove the

arm 7 the threaded pin 8 and the gasket 1.
4. Slip off the cap 6 unscrew the nut 5 and slip off the
gasket 4.


8. Loosen the three screws indicated in the diagram

and the nut 3 and separate the motor 1 from the trans-
mission mechanism 2.

1 - Gasket
2 - Nut
3 - Locknut 1 - Motor
4 - Gasket 2 - Transmission mechanism
5 - Nut 3 - Nut
6 - Cap
7 - Left arm
8 - Threaded pin
9. Loosen the nut 1 and remove the brushes 3 from
the arms 2.
5. Remove the bracket (refer to: Cabin and Cabin
Root Internal Root Covering).
6. Disconnect the connection 2.
7. Loosen the screws fixing the motor 1 and the trans-
mission remove the motor complete with mechanism

1 - Nut
2 - Arms
3 - Brushes

10. Remount the windscreen wipers working in the re-

verse order being careful to lubricate the arm attach-
1 - Motor ments and the transmission mechanism with the pres-
2 - Connection cribed lubricant.
3 - Transmission connection



1 - Sprayer
2 - Lateral tube
3 - Tank
4 - Main tube
5 - Bracket


5. Disconnect the main tube 4 and the side tube 3 and
1. Loosen the winged nuts and remove the engine remove the T union
side hood. 6. Slip off the sprayers 1 and remove them from the
2. Disconnect the connections 6 and the tube 5 from upper hood 5.
the pump 4 taking care to plug the tube and unions so
that they don’t leak.
3. Unhook the band 2 and remove the tank 3.
4. It necessary, unscrew the nuts indicated in the Dia-
gram and remove the bracket 1.

1 - Sprayers
2 - T Union
3 - Side tube
4 - Main tube
5 - Upper hood
1 - Sprayer
2 - Lateral tube
3 - Tank 7. Reassemble the windscreen washing circuit wor-
4 - Windscreen washer pump king in the reverse order, then top up the windscreen
5 - Main tube washing liquid.
6 - Connections




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