Hydraulic Structure Pe 701c
Hydraulic Structure Pe 701c
Hydraulic Structure Pe 701c
• Gravity Dam
• Cross Section
• Advantages & Disadvantages
• Forces Acting on Gravity Dam
Gravity dams are rigid concrete dams which ensure
stability against all loads by virtue of their weight alone.
They transfer all the loads to the foundation and hence
are built when the foundation is strong rock. A typical
section of a gravity dam is shown.
Typical Cross section of Gravity Dam
Forces acting on Gravity Dam
1) Water Pressure
2) Self Weight of the Dam
3) Uplift Pressure
4) Silt Pressure
5) Wave Pressure
6) Ice Pressure
7) Earthquake Pressure
8) Wind Pressure
1) Water Pressure
W = W1 + W2 +
□ F.O.S.= ≥ 1.5
2) Sliding (Shear Failure)
□ When the net horizontal forces acting on gravity dam at the
base / any plane in the dam exceeds the frictional resistance
(produced between body of the dam and foundation), The
failure occurs is known as sliding failure of gravity dam.
□ For safety against sliding
F.S.S = µ× >1
µ = coefficient of static earth pressure
= 0.65 to 0.75
2) Sliding (Shear Failure) cond…
3) Compression or Crushing
4) Tension
4) Tension cond..
However, if u/s face is vertical, φ = 0 and σ1 =
However, if u/s face is vertical, φ = 0 and τ = 0
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