Hydraulic Structure Pe 701c

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• Gravity Dam
• Cross Section
• Advantages & Disadvantages
• Forces Acting on Gravity Dam
Gravity dams are rigid concrete dams which ensure
stability against all loads by virtue of their weight alone.
They transfer all the loads to the foundation and hence
are built when the foundation is strong rock. A typical
section of a gravity dam is shown.
Typical Cross section of Gravity Dam

Forces acting on Gravity Dam
1) Water Pressure
2) Self Weight of the Dam
3) Uplift Pressure
4) Silt Pressure
5) Wave Pressure
6) Ice Pressure
7) Earthquake Pressure
8) Wind Pressure
1) Water Pressure

 It is the major external force acting on a dam.

 The water pressure on the upstream face depends
on the water surface level in the reservoir and acts
horizontally. In case the dam has a batter in the
upstream side, the load of water over the batter is
also present and acts vertically.
 The horizontal water pressure acts at a height of H/3
fromof the dam. Unit weight of water, γw = 1000 kg/m3 = 9.807 kN/m3
**Tail Water Pressure: Similarly, the water pressure on the
downstream face is due to the tail water and acts horizontally
while the weight of water on the downstream face acts
 The horizontal water pressure acts at a height of
H/3 from base of the dam, and is given by
 The vertical water pressure acts on the length ‘b’ portion of
the base. This vertical pressure is given by
2) Weight of the Dam
 Weight of the dam is the major resisting force.
 Total weight of the dam acts at the center of gravity of its
section. Unit length of the dam is considered in the
calculation of weight.

W = W1 + W2 +

Weight = Volume per unit length x Density of material

3) Uplift Pressure

 Uplift pressure is the

pressure exerted by water
as it seeps through the
body of the dam or its
 Seeping water exerts
pressure on the base of
the dam and it depends
upon water head.

 Uplift pressure is given

4) Silt Pressure
 Silt is deposited on the u/s of the dam.
 Sediment deposition in the reservoir results in a force
acting horizontally on the upstream face. This force is
assumed to have a hydrostatic distribution.
 Silt Pressure is given by acting at H/3
from base.
5) Wave Pressure
 Waves are generated on the surface of the reservoir by
the blowing winds, which exert a pressure on the
upstream side. Wave pressure depends upon wave
height, and is given by the equation
acting at above the reservoir surface.
6) Ice Pressure
7) Earthquake Pressure

 Earthquakes impart a horizontal as well as a vertical

acceleration to the dam and the stored water. This
results in additional forces, both in the horizontal and
vertical directions. Horizontal and vertical “seismic
coefficients” are used to appropriately modify these
forces to account for the effect of earthquakes.
8) Wind Pressure
A gravity dam may fail in following modes:

1. Overturning of dam about the toe

2. Sliding – shear failure of gravity dam
3. Compression – by crushing of the gravity dam
4. Tension – by development of tensile forces
which results in the crack in gravity
1) Overturning

□ If the moments of the destabilizing forces (such as water

pressure on the upstream face and uplift) about the toe
of the dam exceed those of the stabilizing forces (mainly
the weight of the dam), the dam can overturn.
□ If the resultant force cuts the base within the body of
dam there will be no overturning.
□ For safety against overturning.
1) Overturning
□ The horizontal forces act against the gravity dam causes
overturning moments. To resist this, resisting moments are
generated by the self-weight of the dam.
□ If the resultant of all the forces acting on a dam at any of its
sections, passes through / outside the toe, the dam will rotate
and overturn about the toe. This is called overturning failure of
gravity dam. If the resultant force cuts the base within the
body of dam there will be no overturning.
□ The ratio of the resisting moments about toe to the overturning
moments about toe is called the factor of safety against
overturning. Its value generally varies between 2 and 3.
□ FOS = sum of resisting moments / sum of overturning

□ F.O.S.= ≥ 1.5
2) Sliding (Shear Failure)
□ When the net horizontal forces acting on gravity dam at the
base / any plane in the dam exceeds the frictional resistance
(produced between body of the dam and foundation), The
failure occurs is known as sliding failure of gravity dam.
□ For safety against sliding

F.S.S = µ× >1
µ = coefficient of static earth pressure
= 0.65 to 0.75
2) Sliding (Shear Failure) cond…
3) Compression or Crushing
4) Tension
4) Tension cond..
However, if u/s face is vertical, φ = 0 and σ1 =
However, if u/s face is vertical, φ = 0 and τ = 0
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A gallery is an opening within a dam that provides access into
or through the dam. These may run either longitudinally or transversely
and may be either horizontal or inclined. The following are the common
types and uses of galleries:
(i)Drainage galleries provide a drainage way for
water percolating through the upstream face or seeping through
the foundation.
(ii)Grouting galleries provide space for drilling
and grouting the foundation.
(iii) Inspection galleries provide access to the interior of the structure
for observing its behaviour after completion.
(iv)Gate galleries (or chambers or vaults) provide access to, and room
for, such mechanical and electrical equipment as are used for the
operation of gates in spillways and outlet works.
(v)Cable galleries provide access through the dam for control cables
and/or power cables and related equipment.
(vi) Visitors’ galleries provide access routes for visitors.

Other galleries may be needed in a particular dam to meet special

requirements, such as the artificial cooling of concrete blocks, the
grouting of contraction joints, and so on.

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