2 Forces On Cofferdams and Their Load Combination

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ABSTRACT: This paper presents the forces on cofferdam and stability criteria of various types of cofferdams.

researchers has studied the stability of cofferdam by using finite elements software and the results are quite comprehensive.
These papers give the conventional method of stability of cofferdams, According to Indian code.
Keywords: cofferdams, stability, cell shear, sliding, bursting.

This chapter presents a review of relevant literature to bring out the background of the study undertaken in this special topic.
The research contributions which have a direct relevance are treated in greater detail. Some of the historical works which
have contributed greatly to the understanding of the stability of the structures are also described. First, a brief review of the
historical background is presented. The concepts of structural stability, strengthening the structure, live loads acting, and
failure of structures, related to work carried out in this thesis, are then discussed. The amount of the literature on the subject
has increased rapidly in recent years; particularly on deformation/stability of Structures.

Forces on cofferdams and their load combination.

Hydrostatic pressure:

The maximum probable height outside the cofferdam during construction and the water height inside the cofferdam during
various stages of construction need to be considered. These result in the net design pressure.

Forces due to Soil Loads:

The soils impose forces, both locally on the wall of the cofferdam and globally upon the structure as a whole. These forces
are additive to the hydrostatic forces. Local forces are a major component of the lateral force on sheet-pile walls, causing
bending in the sheets, bending in the wales, and axial compression in the struts

Current Forces on Structure:

With a typical cofferdam, the current force consists not only the force acting on the normal projection of the cofferdam but
also on the drag force acting along the sides. With flat sheet piles, the latter may be relatively small, whereas with z-piles it
may be substantial, since the current will be forming eddies behind each indentation of profile.

Wave forces:
Waves acting on a cofferdam are usually the result of local winds acting over a restricted fetch and hence are of short
wavelength and limited to height. However, in some cases the cofferdam should have at least three feet of freeboard or
higher above the design high water elevation than the maximum expected wave height. Wave forces will be significant
factor in large bays and lakes where the fetch is several miles. Passing boats and ships, especially in a restricted waterway,
can also produce waves. The force generated by waves is asymmetrical and must be carried to the ground through the sheet
piling in shear and bending. The waler system must be designed to transmit the wave forces to the sheet piles.

Seismic Loads:

These have not been normally considered in design of temporary structures in the past. For very large, important, and deep
cofferdams in highly seismically active areas, seismic evaluation should be performed.

Accidental loads:

These are the loads usually caused by construction equipment working alongside the cofferdam and impacting on it under
the action of waves.

Scour of the river bottom or seafloor along the cofferdam may take place owing to river currents, tidal currents, or wave-
induced currents. Some of the most serious and disastrous cases have occurred when these currents have acted
concurrently. A very practical method of preventing scour is to deposit a blanket of crushed rock or heavy gravel around
the cofferdam, either before or immediately after the cofferdam sheet piles are set. A more sophisticated method is to lay
a mattress of filter fabric, covering it with rock to hold it in place.

Load Combination:

Design of coffer dam shall be based on the most adverse combination of the probable load conditions which are most likely
to occur .Combination of transient load which have little or no probability of occurrence are not generally considered in the
design of cofferdams.
The combination of load for high flood level(HFL) is
The combination of load for low flood level(LFL) is
The cofferdams design shall be based on loading condition by using the factor of safety should not be less than 3.0

combination of the probable load conditions which are most likely to occur .Combination of transient load which have little
or no probability of occurrence are not generally considered in the design of cofferdams.

The combination of load for high flood level(HFL) is

The combination of load for low flood level(LFL) is
The cofferdams design shall be based on loading condition by using the factor of safety should not be less than 3.0



STABILITY REQUIREMENT: the stability requirement shall be check for sliding.

SLIDING: - Rock fill coffer dam with an impervious central core/upstream face would have a relatively high factor of safety
against sliding because of the large mass involved. Adequacy of the foundation
shall also be checked. However, the factor of safety against sliding between the rockfill material and the impervious
core/membrane shall invariably be checked, as this is very important.


STABILITY REQUIREMENT: the stability requirement shall be check for sliding, overturning.
Many of the loads on the coffer dam are horizontal or have horizontal components which are resisted by frictional or
shearing resistance along the horizontal or nearly horizontal planes in the body of the cofferdam and on the foundation. The
stability of a coffer dam against sliding is evaluated by comparing the minimum total available resistance along the critical
plane of sliding to the total magnitude of the forces tending to induce sliding.
The factor of safety against sliding may be computed by the following equation :
F = ( W-U) tan ∅+CA/P
F =factor of safety;
W= total weight of the dam;
U = total uplift force;
Tan ∅=coefficient of internal friction of the material;
C = cohesion of the material at the plane considered, if existing
A =area under compression; and
P = total horizontal force, including earthquake forces, considered, if any.
The values of cohesion and internal friction of the materials along the plane considered for analysis may be assumed, based
on the available data on similar or comparable materials. The factor of safety shall not be less than 3.0
Before the coffer dam overturns bodily, other types of failures may occur, such as cracking of the upstream material due to
tension, crushing of toe material and sliding. A gravity coffer dam is, therefore, considered safe against overturning if the
following criteria are satisfied.
a) The resultant of all forces shall normally fall within the middle third of the base.
b) The maximum compressive stresses at any point within the cofferdam and in the foundation below for the worst
combination of loading shall be within the permissible values for the dam and foundation materials respectively.


STABILITY REQUIREMENT: The stability requirement such type of cofferdam shall satisfy following condition of
a) Σ horizontal forces =0
b) Σ moments 0
c) (F4+F1-F2) < Gtan∅ (F3)
Further, the resultant of all forces shall lie within the middle third of the base, since earth cannot take any tensile force. The
compressive stresses developed at the foot of the sheet pile shall be within the bearing capacity of the foundation soil.


STABILITY REQUIREMENT: The stability of the cellular steel sheet pile cofferdam shall be checked for cell shear,
sliding, tilting, and bursting of cell.
Cell Shear - The safety against vertical shear failure at midsection of cell shall be examined as follows:
Vertical shear force (V) = 1.5 M/B-
Soil shear strength (S) = 0.5* γ KH^2 ( tan ∅ + f)
Factor of safety against cell shear failure (S/V)should not be less than l-25.
NOTE - Contribution of interlock friction should not be taken more than that
due to fill (f< tan+).
SLIDING- The safety against failure due to sliding of cell shall be examined as for a gravity structure shall not be less than
1.25.The factor of safety against sliding.
TILTING- The safety against failure due to overturning of the cell shall be examined according to Gumming’s method
outlined in Appendix The factor of safety against tilting shall not be less than 1.2.
BURSTING of CELL - The safety against failure of interlocking joints due to hoop tension developed due to active pressure of
fill shall be examined at a critical height equal to 0.75 I-I. The hoop tension developed shall not be greater than the
allowable interlock tension, which can be considered as 150 t/m.

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