STS Historical Devt

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Development of
Science and
Rosalina M. Makalintal
La Consolacion College Manila
Ancient Period
Science and technology had been
around from the beginning of
They can be traced from the
origin of human life two million
years ago .
The earliest known form of human
artifacts about 2.3 million years ago
were roughly shaped stones used for
chopping and scraping and found in
Eastern Africa
 Earliestscientific record of emerging science came
from Mesopotamia cultures around 400 BC are
disease symptoms
chemical substance
astronomical observations
Some mathematical calculations
currently used in Geometry and
Trigonometry such as angles ,
rectangles triangles volume of a
portion of a pyramid have been found
around thousands of years
From 300-400 BC there was rise in philosophers
who wrote topics on psychology biology.

Euclid considered as the Father of Geometry

Archimedes the founder of engineering mechanics
who calculated the value of pi
He invented the first water pump
 Peopleduring the ancient time have
developed and utilized tools , machines
and techniques without without fully
understanding how or why they worked
or comprehending their physical and
chemical composition
Middle Period
 The early middle period which began after the fall
of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD , the
coming of Islam in the 7th century and rise of
Charlemagne in the 8th century intellectual
scientific and technological activities were mainly
concentrated on the Christian faith.
 Medicine and botanical knowledge were used for the church
duty to help and tend the sick
 Scientific issues were hardly discussed in depth by the church
because of
 medieval intellectuals had no time for occupations like
 clerics and intellectuals thinkers did not have access to
the vast amount of scientific literature written in Greek before
and during Roman Empire

 Greek was the language in the middle period but
was lost later
 Latin prevailed in Western Christianity but only
few books were translated into Latin contain
scientific subject matter
 Plato ‘s work provided suitable clues for the view
of the natural world in the light of Christianity
 Aristotle thinks of the creation of the world as
being based on nature only
 Albertus Magnus stated that natural ways base
result of natural causes
 Roger Bacon taught that science must be based on
empirical methods
 In the latter part of middle ages inventions
discoveries were made
 Gunpowder
 Firearms that made mathematical knowledge
 Geometry and statistics that to construct Gothic
 New pumping device
 New method of extracting metals
Knowledge of human anatomy
Geocentric definition of universe
Introduction of the Gregorian
Modern Period
 Early modern period began in the 16th and 17th
 Scientific revolution started in Europe and spread
later to other parts of the world
 From 18th to 20th century science and technology
emphasized more on physical and biological
 Scientific knowledge was presented in a
progressive narrative in which theories replaced
false beliefs
Today there are scientific and
technological advancements to
enhance our daily activities
It is science and technology that
revolutionized society into a
cyberspace contemporary society.

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