Lecture 4

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Training &


Naveed Ahmed Wahla

of Last
Lectures on
Simple Question What is

• Simple Answer, Various

Motivation Theories
A state of mind, desire,
energy or interest that
translates into action.
Why Do We Care?



Motivation Opportunity

Performance =
f (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity)
Hierarchy of
Alderfer’s ERG
A three-level hierarchical need theory of
motivation that allows for movement up
and down the hierarchy.

• Existence Needs
• Relatedness Needs
• Growth Needs
Theory X
Management view that assumes
workers generally dislike work and
must be forced to do their jobs.
Theory Y
Management view that assumes
workers like to work and under
proper conditions, employees will
seek responsibility to satisfy social,
esteem, and self-actualization needs.
David McClelland’s Theory of
Need for achievement Need for affiliation
The drive to excel, to achieve in The desire for friendly and
relation to a set of standards, to interpersonal relationships..
strive to succeed.

Need for power nPow

The need to make others
behave in a way that they would
not have behaved otherwise.

nAch nAff
Need for achievement.
– The desire to do something better or more
efficiently, to solve problems, or to master complex
– High need for achievement people:
• Prefer individual responsibilities.

• Prefer challenging goals.

• Prefer performance feedback.

Need for affiliation.
– The desire to establish and maintain friendly
and warm relations with others.
– High need for affiliation people:

• Are drawn to interpersonal relationships.

• Seek opportunities for communication.

Need for power.
– The desire to control others, to influence their
behavior, or to be responsible for others.
– High need for for power people:
• Seek influence over others.

• Like attention.

• Like recognition.
Equity Theory
Individuals compare their
job inputs and outcomes
with those of others and
then respond to eliminate
any inequities
Equity Theory
• Are your outcomes (eg., rewards or pay)
fair when compared to others’ outcomes?
– Peers
– Yourself in other situations

Self Input ? Other Input

Self Outcome
= Other Outcome
Equity theory.
– People gauge the fairness of their work outcomes
in relation to others.
– Perceived inequity occurs when there is an
unfavorable social comparison of work outcomes.
– When perceived inequity occurs, people will be
motivated to remove the discomfort.
Equity restoration behaviors.
– Change work inputs.

– Change the outcomes received.

– Leave the situation.

– Change the comparison points.

– Take actions to change the inputs or outputs of

the comparison person.
Expectancy Theory
A process theory that states that
motivation is determined by the
outcomes that people expect to occur
as a result of their actions on the job.
Expectancy Theory
People will be
motivated to perform in
those work activities
that they find attractive
and that they feel they
can accomplish.
Expectancy Model of

Effort Performance Reward

Perceived effort - Perceived

performance performance -
value of reward
probability reward probability

“If I work hard, “What rewards “What rewards

will I get the job will I get when do I value?”
done?” the job is well

What I What I
put in get back Can I get it?
Do I want it?

Equity Theory Expectancy Theory

Goal-Setting Theory
(Edwin Locke)
A motivational technique
that uses specific,
challenging and
acceptable goals and
provides feedback to
enhance performance.
What Kinds of Goals
are Motivational?
• Goal Specificity

• Goal Challenge

• Goal Acceptance

• Goal Feedback
Enhancing Goal
• Participation

• Rewards

• Supportiveness
Managerial Implications

of Goal Setting Theory

• Set specific and challenging

• Provide ongoing feedback so

that individuals can compare
their performance with the goal.
Theory (Frederick
Theory of Motivation
•• Company
& Motivation factors increase
administration job satisfaction
• Supervision
•• be present to avoid
Interpersonal relations
• Working conditions • Achievement
•• Salary
dissatisfaction • Achievement recognition
• Status • Work itself
• Security • Responsibility
• Advancement
• Growth
Hygiene factors avoid • Salary?
job dissatisfaction
Two-factor theory.
– Developed by Frederick Herzberg.
– Also known as motivation-hygiene theory.
– Portrays two different factors — hygiene
factors and motivator factors — as the
primary causes of job dissatisfaction and job
Hygiene factors.
– Sources of job dissatisfaction.
– Associated with the job context or work
– Improving hygiene factors prevent people
from being dissatisfied but do not contribute
to satisfaction.
Motivator factors.
– Sources of job satisfaction.
– Associated with the job content.
– Building motivator factors into the job enables
people to be satisfied.
– Absence of motivator factors in the job results
in low satisfaction, low motivation, and low
Two-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction
Hygiene factors
• Quality of supervision
• Pay
• Company policies
• Physical working conditions
• Relations with others
• Job security
Job Dissatisfaction
• Promotion opportunities
• Opportunities for personal
• Recognition
• Responsibility
• Achievement
Job Satisfaction
t o p
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L th e

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