CH 1

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Chapter I (Cont'd)

Fluid Machine

Characteristic Features Of Common Fluid
 is to transfer mechanical energy to a flow medium.

the classification,
 characteristic features,
operating principles
2.1 Classification of Fluid machines
Fluid machines are mostly classified:-
1. based on the flow medium they handle
2. and the principle of energy transfer

In the first case they are classified into pumps and gas
movers (fans, blowers and compressors ).
The classification of the gas movers is mainly based
on the discharge to suction pressure ratio: Pr =PD/PS.
In the second case they are classified into dynamic
and positive displacement machines.
Table 2.1 Characteristics of Fluid Machines

Fluid Machine Type of Fluid Pr=PD/PS Artificial Cooling

Pumps Liquid - No

Fans Gas <1.15 No

Blowers Gas 1.15<Pr<3 No

Compressors Gas >3 Yes

Fluid Machines

Positive Displacement

Turbo machines Special

Effect Reciprocating Rotary
-Jet pumps -lobe
-Axial flow
-Gas lift -Piston -vane
-Mixed flow
-Plunger - Gear*
1. Dynamic Fluid Machine
Energy is added to the flow medium mainly by
increasing its velocity in excess of what is required at
the discharge end.
Converting this excess velocity energy into pressure
energy at the discharge portion of the machine.

Turbo machines Special Effect

-Jet pumps
-Centrifugal -Gas lift
-Axial flow
-Mixed flow
*gear pump
1.1 Turbo Machines
Turbo machines are commonly divided into:-

axial flow mixed flow

• The classification is based on the direction of flow of the fluid inside the

Mixed Flow Impeller Axial Flow Impeller

Radial Flow Impeller

Figure 1. Types of impellers

a. Centrifugal
 the flow medium from the suction nozzle enters
the impeller through the impeller eye and is
distributed radially outwards between blade
 While passing through the Channel energy
transfer from the blades to the fluid.
 When the fluid leaves the impeller its velocity
increases significantly.
Figure 1. Centrifugal flow pump

Figure 2. Section of a centrifugal pump

b. Axial flow

In axial flow machines the flow medium flows axially,

parallel to the centerline of the shaft.

While passing through the impeller the blades increase

the velocity, which later may be converted to pressure
energy using stationary or moving vanes.
Axial fluid machines do not have a shroud.
Figure 1. Axial flow pump

Figure 2. Components of a centrifugal impeller

 An impeller that has both front and back shroud is called closed
impeller .

 One that has only the back shroud is called semi-open impeller.

 An impeller that does not have both shrouds is called open


shroud Blades

Figure . Semi open impeller

1.2. Special Effect
a. Jet Pumps
 use motive fluid to move another.(no moving part)
consist of two main parts, the nozzle and diffuser.
Jet pumps work by the Bernoulli principle.


Motive Discharge


Figure 1. general-purpose jet pump

 Jet pumps are sometimes used in combination with centrifugal

• It is specially used for pumping water from wells.
Jet pumps are less efficient than most mechanical pumps but
what makes it attractive:-
 their simple construction
 absence of moving parts
 their light weight
 compact design and low cost
b. Air Lift
The Air Lift Pump is a type of deep well pump, sometimes
used to remove water from mines. It can also be used to
pump a slurry of sand and water or other "gritty"
Compressed air is piped down a shaft. The air then returns
up a discharge pipe carrying water with it. The pump
works by "aerating" the water in the discharge pipe.
The added air lowers the specific gravity of the fluid
mixture. Since it is lighter than the surrounding water, it is
pushed upwards.
This type of pump can lift 20 to 2000 gallons per minute,
up to about 750 feet.
2. Positive Displacement
Energy is added to the flow medium by a direct
application of force.
This application of force directly increases the pressure
energy and no conversion from velocity to pressure
energy is required.
Positive Displacement

Reciprocating Rotary

-Piston -lobe
-Plunger -vane
-Diaphragm - Gear*

2.1 Reciprocating 2

3 5

 The basic Piston Pump is very simple having just two
valves and one stuffing box. In this example the
reciprocating piston is driven back and forth by a
rotating mechanism.

 This piston pump uses suction to raise water into the

chamber. The lower valvePlunger
can be placed below water

Figure Plunger pump
b. Diaphragm pump
 Cars often use a Diaphragm Pump to move gasoline from the
gas tank to the carburetor or fuel injection plugs.

 Diaphragm pumps are very common and come in many sizes

 Modern plastics are flexible and long lasting making this an
ideal low-maintenance pump for many applications.

Air bleed valve Discharge

Relief valve

Hydraulic fluid chamber

Relief valve
2.2 Rotary
a.Gear pump
 This is a type of Rotary Force Pump. Gear
pumps are extremely simple and reliable.
Depending on the number of teeth, the "idler"
gear might be driven directly by the "drive"
 Generally with six or more teeth this is possible.
 Mostly applied for viscous fluids.
b. Perstallistic pump
 One of the main advantages of the Peristaltic Pump is
cleanliness. It also utilizes another advantage: Fragile blood
cells are not damaged by this pump.
 There are usually three or four sets of rollers.
 Peristaltic pumps have a variety of medical applications.
They can be used to add nutrients to blood, to force blood
through filters to clean it, or to move blood through the
body and lungs during open heart surgery.
 It can also use in laboratory experiments.
2.2 Characteristics Features And Operating Principles
1. Pumps
 Both dynamic and positive displacement pumps are
 From the dynamic, centrifugal and axial flow pumps
are the most commonly used ones
1. Axial flow pumps are used when the flow rate
required is high and the head is low.
2. Centrifugal pumps are used in high head- low flow
rate applications.
 Although not as common, jet pumps are also used.
 Positive displacement pumps are used for low flow
rate high head applications and when the flow rate is
required to remain constant irrespective of variation
in head.
 Rotary positive displacement pumps are also
effective in handling viscous liquids.
 They are also preferred in high head–low flow rate
 Both reciprocating and rotary pumps are in use.
2. Fans
limited to centrifugal and axial flow
processes requiring low to medium flow rate and high-
pressure centrifugal fans are used.
In high flow rate-low pressure applications axial flow
fans are used.

Figure 2. Axial flow fan

Figure 1. Centrifugal Fan
3. Blowers and compressors
Both dynamic and positive displacement
From the dynamic, centrifugal and axial flow
compressors are the most commonly used.
Their basic features and operation principles are
similar to centrifugal and axial flow pumps
Both rotary and reciprocating positive displacement
compressors are used in process industries

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