Iii-Q1 Module 3
Iii-Q1 Module 3
Iii-Q1 Module 3
WHAT I NEED At the end of the lesson, you should achieve the following objectives:
TO KNOW 1. Select, cite, and synthesize related literature.
2. Use sources according to ethical standards
3. Gather and synthesize information from different sources of information
4. Familiarize the different citation styles and formats
5. Write citations correctly on the sources used in a research study
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
Review of Related Literature
• One of the major components of a research paper.
• It gives an overview of all the writings relative to a specific topic.
• Selecting the right sources for the literature review is very important in producing a quality
research paper.
Types of Sources
• Primary source- publications or writings wherein a researcher reports the results of his studies.
Example: Monthly, quarterly or annual journals.
• Secondary source- publications or writings wherein a certain author describes the work of
another author.
Example: Textbooks, encyclopedias, yearbooks as much as possible, use the
primary sources to avoid tampering and miscommunications on the data.
In identifying a possible source of your RRL, you can refer to the following characteristics
1. The sources that you should use must be updated and reliable.
2. It must be as fair and objective as possible.
3. It must be relevant to your topic.
4. It must provide accurately and enough information on your topic.
Direction:Visit your school library or utilize any available materials at home and look for writings or
materials that can be possible sources of information for your chosen research topic. List as many sources
as you can using the tablebelow: Please follow the given example
Example: Author: Jane C. dela Cruz Date
Published: 2010
1. Textbook on Food Handling
Publisher: MCA Publishing House
of Publishing: Manila City, PHL
Subject Matter: Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Topic: Citation of Related Literature
• Informing your readers that certain information came from a specific source and you
just borrowed it to widen the explanation of a certain situation or data of your research.
In the by topic manner, the word “and” will be replaced by a symbol “&”
which is known as the ampersand. The authors’ surname and the year of
publishing are separated by comma (,).
III. APA Citation for works with three (3) to five (5) authors
The information needed in this number of authors is still the authors’ surname and
the year of publication. The format varies on the manner of citation used and the
frequency of its usage.
By author: Kim, Lee, Young, and Yu (2015) discussed …
By topic: Today’s generation … (Kim, Lee, Young & Yu, 2015).
In the by topic manner, the replacement of the word “and” to “&” is still applicable.
Still, the author’s surname and the year of publication will be separated using a
comma. If you wish to use the same source for many times, another the format will
be followed.
By author: Kim et al. (2015) discussed that …
By topic: Today’s generation … (Kim et al., 2015).
In this format, the citation will be shortened by sustaining the first author and
replacing the others with the word “et al.” which means “and others”. In “et al.”, the
period will be placed only after the “al.”.
IV. APA Citation for works with six (6) to ten (10) authors
Citing literature with this number of authors follows the following format:
By author: Lee et al. (2015) discussed that …
By topic: Today’s generation … (Lee et al., 2015). This format will be used
in all of the citations made
First Citation: Department of Education [DepEd] (2012)…
Second Citation: DepEd (2012) discussed …
VI. APA Citation for works with indirect sources
Indirect sources refer to sources that were mentioned in another source. In this case,
the primary author is needed, the year it was published, and its page number.
Brown discussed that … (as cited by Smith, 2002, p. 92).
The primary authors’ last name, year of publication, and page are separated by
VIII. APA Citation for websites with author and year published
In the review of related literature from this source, the author-date format is still
By author: John (2010) states that the …
By topic: The … (John, 2010).
IX. APA Citation for websites without author but with the year published
In this style of citation, the title will replace the author and will follow the author-
date format. The title will be enclosed in quotation marks (“).
By author: “The Solar System” (2012) ….
By topic: It is said that … (“The Solar System”, 2012)
X. APA Citation for websites with an author but without year published
To cite these sources, dates will be abbreviated by “n.d.”, which means “no date”.
By author: Green (n.d.) stated that …
By topic: Accordingly, … (Green, n.d.)
XI. APA Citation for websites without author and year published
To cite these sources, use the title of the enclosed with quotation marks (“) in lieu of
the author, and write “n.d.” to specify no date.
By author: “The Hydrosphere” (n.d.) …
By topic: Accordingly … (“The Hydrosphere, n.d.)
2. Modern Language Association (MLA)
MLA is one commonly used citation style in research papers usually used in liberal arts
and humanities. Unlike APA, MLA follows an author- page format, wherein authors’
surname and the page number where it could be found is needed.
i. CMS - Notes and Bibliography system citation for works with one author.
In-text Citation:
Levi discussed that today’s tap water is not suitable for drinking
anymore. 1
John Levi, Our water of today, (New York, LMR Publishing, 2016), 305
ii. CMS- Notes and Bibliography system citation for works with two authors The
format for this system is the same as those with one author.
In-text Citation:
Levi and Charles discussed that today’s tap water is not suitable for
drinking anymore. 1
John Levi and Thomas Charles, Our water of today, (New York, LMR
Publishing, 2016), 305
iii. CMS- Notes and Bibliography system citation for works with four or more authors.
This system follows the same format like the preceding. This system follows the same
format as that of the preceding two. Only one name of the author will be presented,
followed by et al. to represent the remaining authors.
In-text Citation:
Levi et al. discussed that today’s tap water is not suitable for drinking
anymore. 1
John Levi et al., Our water of today, (New York, LMR Publishing,
2016), 305
• Other means of citing sources.
• Each citation style follows a different format in making a referencing list.
CITATION STYLES by Torneo and Clamor-Torneo (2017)
1. APA Citation Style
When using the APA Citation style, referencing list is found at the end of the paper. It
commonly contains all information of the literature that are cited in the paper. When
following the APA format, all references are listed alphabetically according to their
surnames. Some reminders when using the APA format is given below:
a) You should use a hanging indention. All lines, except the first one, must be
indented by 0.5 from the left.
b) When writing the author’s name, the last name must come first before the given
name. The given name must be represented by initials. When there are two or more
authors, ellipses must be used to separate them.
c) The first word of the title must be capitalized. Other necessary publication
information and proper noun should follow the same format.
James, B.N. (2009). The history of the universe: Knowing the truth out of our
existence. Los Angeles, California: LMS Publishing.
Format: Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author C.C. (Year). Title of the article.
Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages.
Gonzales, P. (2010). Chemistry and life: A study on the functions and importance of
chemistry in daily life. Chemistry Trivia. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 887-893.
Cruz, K.L. (2019, January 23). The election mania. KBS News. Retrieved
Format: Author, A.A. (Year). Title of article [file format].
Retrieved from http://www.address.com/full/url
Dela Cruz, A.N. (2019). The big bang theory [ppt].
Retrieved from
Format: Last name, First name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year
of Publication. Medium of Publication.
James, Brian. The history of the Universe: Knowing the Truth out of Our
Existence. Los Angeles, California: LMS Publishing, 2009. Print.
Format: Last name, First name. “Title of Article”. Title of Publication, volume
number, and issue number, (year of publication). Date of access.
[Note: (1) If the journal is exclusively available online, write “n.pag.” to denote
that there is no pagination of the publication. (2) If there is a print copy, provide a
copy of the page number and the medium of publication used.]
Gonzales, Pedro. Chemistry and Life: A Study on the Functions and Importance of
Chemistry in Daily Life. Chemistry Trivia. Vol. 3, No. 2, (2010):n.pag. 3 March
Cruz, Kyrie. “The Election Mania”. KBS News. (13 Dec. 2018).Web. 23 January
Dela Cruz, Angelo. “The Big Bang Theory”. 1 February 1998. PowerPoint
Format: Last name, First name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year
of Publication.
James, Brian. The history of the universe: Knowing the truth out of
our existence. Los Angeles, California: LMS Publishing, 2009.
Gonzales, Pedro. “Chemistry and Life: A Study on the Functions and
Importance of Chemistry in Daily Life”. Chemistry Trivia. Vol. 3, No. 2, (2010):
887-893. March 3, 2011.
Cruz, Kyrie. “The Election Mania”. KBS News. (Dec. 13, 2018).
http://www.kbsnews.com/the_election_mania. January 23, 2019
Dela Cruz, Angelo. “The Big Bang Theory”. February 15, 1998.
Direction: Determine whether the following is using APA, MLA, or CMS Citation Styles.
• Combination of information and discussion from one or more relevant
sources of information.
• When doing a synthesis, you need to extract the important information
coming from all your sources. You have to find the similarities and
differences from one source to the other and you must instill the
importance of this information in your research study.
According to the Divine Creation Theory, the world was created by the Almighty.
All creatures are made into life through his power. He crafted the universe in just 6 days.
He made the human beings from sand and blessed them with life through his breath.
• Argument synthesis enables a researcher to present his/her point of view from a certain topic
in a logical manner. Information that is written using an argument synthesis is usually
The world is made through evolution and scientific reactions, wherein all living
creatures undergo different mutations and reactions to become what it is right now. This
statement is supported by the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selectionwhich is published
by Charles Darwin.
The sources for the data and information for the crafting of Review of RelatedLiterature are
categorized into four (4).
1. Documents- these sources include those materials that are written or printed such as books,
newspaper reports, research articles, etc. This source can come in a published or non- published
2. Numerical records- This source is considered a subcategory of documents. This source
includes numerical data in written form such as census reports, school budgets, etc.
3. Oral statements- Stories, myths, legends, songs and other forms of oral data composes this
type of source.
4. Relics- this source commonly composes information about the past.
When you are going to write your synthesis, you can use the following techniques as your
1. Summary- the simplest way of organizing a synthesis. When using this technique, you are going
to write the most relevant information and sources
you gathered.
2. Example or illustration- it is a technique wherein you are going to synthesize information by
giving examples and illustrations of your specific information.
3. Two (or more) Reasons- this technique includes presenting the thesis and supporting it with
reasons why it is factual.
4. Comparison and Contrast- In using this technique, you are going to show the similarities and
differences of two or more data.
In using this synthesis matrix, you must understand the important terminologies. The Topic
above refers to your respective research topics and must be filled up before starting your synthesis.
The Main Idea A, B, n refers to the possible sections of your RRL. You are going to write the
things that can affect your research. if your topic would be focusing on the effectiveness of
different teaching strategies towards the
learning progress of students in VNHS, you can use teaching strategies as one of the main ideas.
These main ideas can help you to find the needed and relevant information for your RRL are. You
can have as many main ideas as you can, provided that this is related to your research topic. The
Sources nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, n, on the other hand, refers to the sources of your information. In this area,
you need to take note of all the details of your sources to be used for your citation. It would be
better to have many sources because it will give you a variety of information and can help you
elaborate more your main idea.
Directions: Using the outputs from your preceding activities, make the synthesis of your research
study using the matrix.
Subject Matter: Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Topic:Writing a Coherent Review of Related Literature
Rule 1. Define the topic and the audience. When defining a topic, consider factors such as
interest, significance, and recency.
Rule 2. Search and research reference list.
Rule 3. Prepare a conceptual diagram of the need for the different types of literature review.
Rule 4. Take notes while reading.
Rule 5. Choose the type of review you wish to write.
Rule 6. Keep the review focused and make it of broad interest.
Rule 7. Be critical and consistent.
Rule 8. Find a logical structure.
Rule 9. Make use of feedback.
In presenting your review of related literature, the following states are recommended
to showcase coherency.
1. There appears to be strong evidence that …
2. The literature has shown …
3. The foregoing literature has shown …
4. The data supporting the hypothesis are …
Another pointer in crafting a coherent review of related literature is to use an index card. It
is one of the most convenient and effective research tools that will help you in organizing your
information for this chapter. Here’s how to use your index cards.
• Make a separate card for each source.
• Give each source a racking number.
• For a book, include the author, title, date & place of publication, and publisher.
• For a periodical, also include the page numbers of the article.
• For a website, write the title, the sponsors and authors if known; the site and date when it was
created or uploaded, and the date when you access the site.
In using an index card, you must see to it that you have the following information:
• Where you found the information
• Topic
• Paraphrased information found
• The Page you found the fact on
Directions: Make individual index cards following the format given above. Use a
½ size index card.
Subject Matter: Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Topic: Use of Ethical Standards in Citing Related Literature
1) Honesty- a researcher must secure honesty in producing his/her study.Transparency is the key of
upholding honesty in research. Researchers must see to it that all borrowed intellectual property
must be cited accurately.
2) Objectivity- Researchers must see to it that she/he is free from any form of bias in all aspects of
his/her research paper.
3) Integrity- The researcher must secure that the study holds sincerity and
consistency. The researchers must see to it that all of the parts promised and presented during the
presentation of the proposal must be kept
4) Carefulness- The researcher must see to it that the conduct of the study must be free from any
carelessness and errors of negligence. All important data must be kept for future uses.
5) Openness- Researches must see to it that they are open-minded persons wherein they can accept
suggestions from others and they can handle constructive criticism.
6) Respect for intellectual property- A good researcher must see to it that she/he practices respect
for intellectual property. This principle can be executed upon proper citation of borrowed
statements and giving due credit to the owner.
7) Trustworthiness- A researcher must secure that he/she is maintaining his/her trustworthiness.
The researchers must see to it that any data or information in the research, especially those data
from surveys and other data gathering procedures, must be used according to its proper and allotted
usage only. The researchers must also keep the confidentiality of every data gathered and must
protect its privacy.
8) Social and legal responsibility- A researcher must abide by the legalities, rules,policies, and
regulations set by his/her partner institution or organization
The need for ethics is very vital in research because of these reasons:
1) Norms promote the aims of research such as knowledge, truth, understanding, and avoidance of
2) Norms promote the values that are essential to collaborative work such as trust,
accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. They also protect intellectual property interests and
encourage confidentiality even in collaboration.
3) Norms ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public. To a certain extent, they
draw parameters on which ideas to write and how they should be written.
4) Norms promote a variety of other important moral and social values. Ethical lapses in research
can significantly harm human and animal subjects, students,
other individuals, and the public in general.
5) Norms help build public support for research. This happens when individuals and organizations
believe in the integrity and credibility of the researcher/s, thus they will offer support for the
To further understand the function of ethics in research, here are some terminologies that
may aid you:
1) Ethical relativism- this refers to the view that values are relative in the sense that a person feels
his/her value is better than any other person’s value.
2) Ethical principles- this term refers to values that are translated into rules or standards of
3) Ethical dilemma- this refers to situations where there is an evident conflict between values and
principles and the choice of action needs to be decided
The following are the possible scientific misconducts that can be done in research:
Direction: Identify five (5) researchers in your local area, may it be a thesis writer, a research assistant, a
teacher teaching a research subject, etc. Interview the researchers regarding their experiences in applying
ethical standards in research. Ask them about the challenges that they have experienced during the conduct
of their studies. Generalize the answer and write your conclusion based on the information you gathered.
Follow the matrix below:
Subject Matter: Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Topic: Presenting Written Review of Related Literature
LESSON 6.1. Literature Review Structure
The structure of the literature review greatly depends on the type of the research and the
research area. In the structure, topic areas, controversial issues, and questions with varying themes
must be considered.
Direction: Write 5 citations on any material available at home. Use any citation style that you
Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose your answer from the given
options. Write the letter of the best answer.
1. It is defined as a means of informing your readers that a certain piece of information
came from a specific source and you just borrowed it to widen the explanation of a certain
situation or data of your research.
a. Literatures b. Review c. Citations d. Sources
2. This is defined as the extraction of information and discussion from one or more relevant
a. Synthesis b. Summary c. Conclusion d. Explanation
3. It is a manner of citation that refers to all of the citations that are found in all of the
chapters in the research paper.
a. In-text citation c. bibliography
b. Out-text citation d. referencing list
4. It is a chapter of your research paper wherein it is focused on giving an overview of all
the writings relative to your specific topics.
a. Introduction c. Methodology
b. Review of Related Literatures d. Results and Discussion
5. This guideline in citation secures that all data and information, facts, ideas, or principles
from your sources are discussed or explained separately.
a. by topic b. by author c. chronological d. bibliography
6. This is defined as the norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and
unacceptable behaviors.
a. attitude b. ethics c. humor d. behavior
7. This is a citation style that uses notes and bibliography and author-date format.
8. It is the guideline that is used in making synthesis.
a. Synthesis guide c. Synthesis matrix
b. Synthesis chart d. Synthesis graph
9. It is a source of your literature that is categorized by printed publications or writings
wherein a researcher reports the results of his studies.
a. Primary source c. Tertiary source
b. Secondary source d. General reference
10.This is a citation style that uses author-date format only.
• Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C. & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 1 for senior high
school: Qualitative. Quezon City, Metro Manila: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
• Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C. & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 2 for senior high
school: Quantitative. Quezon City, Metro Manila: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
• Torneo, A.R. & Clamor-Torneo, H.S. (2017). Practical research 2: An introduction to
quantitative research. Quezon City: SIBS Publishing House, Inc.