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Review of Related

Literature and Studies &

Document Citation

Dr. Susanita G. Lumbo

Professor VI
Research & Development Director
What is review of literature?

The literature review forms an important part of the

paper where its purpose is to provide the
background to and justification for the research

(Bruce, 1994)
Review of literature

• involves locating, reading, and

evaluating research reports related
to the planned project.

• obtains detailed knowledge about

the topic being studied.

(Borg & Gall, 1998)

Literature review provides…

 Background information about the problem and

related concepts.
 Theories that explain the existence of the problem
and the possible connection between certain
factors and the problem.
 Existence and seriousness of the problem.
 General and specific findings of related studies.
 Recommendations for further study.
Why review literature?

A review of literature is a must in


• Helps identify and define a research problem

• Helps justify the need for studying a problem
• Helps prevent unnecessary duplication of the
Why review literature?
• Supplies theoretical basis for the study
• Helps identify and operationally define variables
• Provides basis for identifying and using appropriate
research design
• Helps formulate and refine research instruments
• Provides lessons for data analysis and interpretation
When to start reviewing
related literature?

At problem
conceptualization .

At the start of a research

What to review and where to
get the materials?

General References
 show where to locate other
sources of information related to a
certain topic.
ex. Indexes, reviews and abstracts
- indexes are usually published by field
of education like Education Index and
Dictionary of Education Research.
Primary sources

 published studies in
journals are generally written by
those who actually conducted the
study, thus, they are called
primary sources.
ex. Research Journal
Secondary sources

 books, encyclopedia where authors cite the

work of others.
 good references in writing the
It is a method of giving credit to the
source of any borrowed idea, fact,
remark, or general observation used in
the paper.

Under the terms of scholarly fair play, the

researcher must say where the idea
came from and must allow the readers
trace the source (Winkler & McCuen,
Courtesy and ethics demand that any
borrowed information must be
acknowledged in writing, unless item is
of common knowledge.
Every source used is documented twice: the body of the paper

2.In the reference at the end of the
References include all
materials used and reviewed by the

• books/journals
• thesis/dissertation
• magazines/periodicals
• monographs/modules
• paper presented in the seminar etc.
• web page or internet, etc.
Do not include unpublished observations,
manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for
publication, publications that are not peer
reviewed, grey literature, or articles not
published in English.

Make reference list and the in-text citation

conform strictly to the style given in the Guide
for Authors.
Guide to systems of documentation
Author-work (MLA) for Language and

Author-date (APA)- for Agriculture,

Education, Psychology, and Sociology

Numbers (CBE)- for Chemistry,

Mathematics, and Medicine

Traditional footnote/endnote (CMS)- for

Philosophy and Religion
American Psychological
Association (APA)

The APA style is used by the social sciences and

other fields, such as education, business, and
nursing. The APA style uses parenthetical citations
within the text.

The emphasis on the author’ name and the date of

publication is justified by the nature of scientific
research which can quickly become obsolete.
Citations in the text
All sources of information used in the paper
are listed alphabetically at the end of the
paper in a section titled references.

No page number is needed in the citation

unless the source is used as a direct quote.

. Winkler & McCuen (2003)


The APA distinguishes between reference, a list of works

used in the research and preparation of the paper and
bibliography, a list of works used for background reading or
for further reading on the subject.

A paper in the sciences ends with references, not with a

APA Style
a. One work by single author
Williams (2008) reported that….

b. Subsequent references
Subsequent references do not include the year so long as the study
cannot be confused with other studies in the paper

In a more recent study, Garcia (2014) found that children are more
vulnerable to climate change effects. Garcia also found that….

APA Style
c. One work by two authors
When work has two authors, mention both names each time the
reference occurs in the text. In naming the two authors, join their
names by and in the text but by an ampersand (&) in the
d. One work by three to five authors
For works with three to five authors, mention all authors the first time the
reference occurs; but in the subsequent citations include only the
surname of the first author followed by et al. (not underlined and no
period after et and the year of publication

First citation:
Lopez, Miranda, Landicho, and Marcelo (2012) indicated that…

Subsequent citation:
Lopez et al. (2012) also found…
e. Work by six or more authors
When a work has six or more authors, name only the surname of the
first author followed by et al. (not underlined and no period after
et. and the year in the first and subsequent citations. In the
REFERENCES, list the names of all authors.
f. Corporate author
Sometimes a scientific work is authored by a committee, an institution, a corporation,
or a government agency. The names of corporate authors are spelled out each time
they appear as reference source in the text. Occasionally, the name is spelled out in
the first citation only and is abbreviated in the subsequent citation.

First citation:
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), 2005.

Subsequent citation:
DENR (2005)

If the name of the author is short or an abbreviation would not be understood easily,
spell out the name each time the reference occurs.

Silliman University (2002)

g. Works by an anonymous author or no author

Use the word Anonymous in parenthesis in the text, followed by a

comma and the date:

(Anonymous, 2005).

In the REFERENCES, the work is alphabetized under A, for

g. Works by an anonymous author or no author

When the work has no author, cite the first two or three words from the
title of the book or article, followed by a comma and the year.

In the REFERENCES, works without authors are alphabetized

according to the first significant word in the title. Articles (the, a, an),
prepositions (from, between, behind), and pronouns (this, those, that)
do not count. Statutes and legal materials are treated like references to
work without authors. Court cases cited in the text must be in italic.

(Carlos v. Santiago, 1990)

h. Authors with the same surname
If the paper includes two or more authors with the same surname, include the
authors’ initials in all text citations even if the dates differ:

D. L. Spencer (2005) and R. M. Spencer (2006) studied both aspects of…

i. References to specific parts of a source

If the reader is provided statistical information gathered from tables, charts, or graphs,
the source in the body of the paper where the information is referred to should be
cited. The page, figure number, or table number must be supplied.

(Carlos & Santiago, 1990, pp. 15-25)

(Harrison, 1999, Fig. 2)

(Table 4, p. 2)

Note: Words page, pages, and figure are abbreviated.

l. Two or more works in the same parentheses

If the paper requires citation of two or more works supporting the same
point, citations must be listed in the same order in which they appear
in the references.

 List two or more works by the same author(s) by year of publication.

Research in the past two years (Fernandez & Roman, 2001, 2002)
has revealed many potential….
l. Two or more works in the same parentheses

 Identify different works by the same author that have the same
publication date by a, b, c, and so on.

According to these studies (Reyes, 2012a, 2012b) the most

common problem….

 List two or more works by the different authors alphabetically

according to the first authors’ surnames. Use semicolons to
separate the studies.

Three separate studies (Alarcon & Lumbre, 1985; Basco &

Landicho, 1989; Zubiri, 1999) tried to build on the same theory,

Author(s). (Year). Title of publication. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Jones, E. M. (2012). Basic research. London: Hogarth.

Terman, L. P., & Merrill, R. S. (2015). Measuring intelligence.

Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press.
1. Journal article, one author

Harvey, O. L. (2009). The measurement of handwriting

considered as a form of
expressive movement. Quarterly Review of Biology,
55, 231-249.

*55 is volume number

2. Magazine article, magazine issued monthly

Kernan, M. (2001, October). Head’s up: From computer-

generated model…that looks like real thing. Smithsonian, 34-

Author(s). (Year). Title of publication. Place of

Publication: Publisher/Implementing


Author(s). (Year). “Title of

Thesis/Dissertation”. M.S.
Thesis/Ph.D. Dissertation, University.

Author(s). (Date). Title of article/paper. Source- a database, website, or on-

line magazine. Retrieved date. URL

Peterson, S. (2001, December 18). Business: The smaller the better. ZDNet News.
Retrieved January 5, 2005, from,5859,2833529,00.html

•URL – uniform resource locator. Parts: protocol, name of host, document path
•Example: 1. protocol- http:// (hypertext transfer protocol)
2. name of the host-
3. document path - zdnn/stories/comment/0,5859,2833529,00.html (hypertext
markup language

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