First Aid - CPR Project
First Aid - CPR Project
First Aid - CPR Project
Jade Morris
Elizabeth McMullen
HLTH 145
Necessary Supplies For a First Aid Kit
Bleeding Emergencies
● Supplies
○ Gauze pads
○ Tourniquet
● Procedure
○ Apply direct pressure to wound using gauze pads
■ Do not remove gauze from the wound
○ Add new cloth as needed or every 10 min till bleeding stops
○ Tie tourniquet in place to keep bleeding minimal
○ Keep affected limb above heart level
Handling Unexpected Emergencies
● Procedure
○ Stand to the side and a bit behind the person choking
○ Give 5 back blows between the shoulder blades
■ If this fails give 5 abdominal thrusts
○ Stand behind the person
○ Make afist and place above their navel
○ Grasp fist with other hand and give quick upward thrusts
Handling Unexpected Emergencies
● Supplies
○ Bandages
○ Cool compress
○ Cool water
○ Burn ointment
● Procedure
○ Cool burn
■ Cold water
■ Cool compress
○ Don't break blister
○ Apply burn ointment
○ Bandage burn
■ Loosely wrap
Handling Unexpected Emergencies
● Supplies
○ Cold pack
● Procedure
○ Place cold pack on sprain for 20 min
○ Repeat every 3-4 hours to reduce swelling
Handling Unexpected Emergencies
Broken Bones
● Supplies
○ Sterile bandage
○ Splint
○ Sling
● Procedure
○ Apply pressure to wound
■ With sterile bandage
○ Immobilize injured area
■ Using splint or sling