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Pathophysiology - for final exam.

(Edited Jan 2019)

Qestions from synopsis subject Textbook
1-5 PaPhys of cell injury Robb, Silb &Lang
11-17 Neo Robb
18 – 24 Allergy Robb, Silb &Lang,
Porth, Copstead
6-10 Microcirculation Robb, Guy
92 – 101 Metabolism Digestion - Harp or Guy, GI Paphys in
Silb &Lang, Porth, or Copstead
108 – 114 Water/ electrolyte and Porth: e-book - Unit VIII Ch 32-34, Ed.
Acid/base balances 2011: Unit 2 Ch 8;
Silb &Lang: Ch 5 and 4, Copstead?
50 - 55 Hypoxia Silb &Lang Ch 4, Copstead
25 -31 Inflammation Robb, Silb &Lang,
Porth, Copstead
32 – 34 Fever Silb &Lang
Porth e-book: Unit III Ch 10, Ed.2011:
63 – 69 Neoplasia Robb, McPhee
70 - 159 PaPhysiol of Systems* McPhee, Silb &Lang, Porth
Robb – Robins Basic Pathology
*Silb &Lang – Color atlas of pathophysiology – I recommend NS from this book also.
Guyton –Physiology or whatever physiology book you have
Harp - Harper’s Biochemistry
Porth – Carol Mattson Porth a) e-book: 2007, Concepts of Health and Disease; b) Ed 2011:
Essentials of pathophysiol
GI – gastrointestinal
*McPhee – Pathophysiology of disease – Lange Medical Books/Mc Graw-Hill – it is
important to read the “Physiology” in this book, because it is actually pathophysiology, not
only normal physiol. You do not need so much of the endocrine disorders in this book for the
Copstead – Lee-Elen Copstead and Jaquelyne Banasik – Pathophysiology, 5-th ed.

Apoptosis - 1) Robbins Figure 1-23. Mechanisms of .......The 2 pathways - just what is in this
figure. 2) Silb & Lang A. Triggering of apoptosis. B. Increased apoptosis C. Reduced
Cellular pathophysiology is o.k. from Robbins. Q 2 Effects and responses of the cells to
injury are probably hypertrophy, atrophy, hyperplasia, aplasia, cell death (necrosis, or
apoptosis). I think you can discuss in this question also mechanisms of ishemic, hypoxic and
toxic injury. You can look at the lecture to see what prof Stoynev meant about this.

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