Read The Text and Answer The Questions

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If you get sick, call your doctor and follow his/her instructions.

Wash your hands thoroughly and use

Wear a mask when you go outside.

Cover your mouth with an elbow when you are

sneezing or coughing.
Don't touch your mouth,
nose and eyes.

Avoid close physical contacts Stay at home. Don‘t go in

and shaking hands. public if it‘s not necessary.

Keep the distance of 1 metre

and a half (5 feet).
1- Write true or false to these statements.
A. (v) Antibiotics can’t cure coronavirus.
B. (v) Contaminated objects and animal contact are means of transmission of coronavirus.
C. (f) Pills can cure coronavirus.
D. (v) There isn’t a cure for coronavirus yet.
E. (v) Wash the hands regularly and avoid contact with others people are way to protect ourselves of
F. (f) Coronavirus affect principally old people and animals.
G. (v) Keep environments well ventilated prevent contagion of COVID – 19.

2- Todas as informações abaixo estão corretas em relação ao CORONAVIRUS, exceto:

A. Wash your hands often for 20 seconds or use a sanitizer (70% alcohol).
B. Do not share personal items.
C. Close contact with people who are sick.
D. Avoid crowds.
E. Cover your face with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or use the inside of your
3- Quais dos sintomas abaixo não pertence à COVID-19?
A. Runny nose B. Chest pain C. Cough D. Vomit E. Fever
4-Match the pictures with the sentences( number the sentences)

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

A. ( 7) Don’t visit your friends or relatives/family.

B. ( 8) Use your sleeve if you haven’t got a tissue
C. ( 6) Contact/phone your friends and family.
D. ( 1) Use a tissue for coughs or sneezes.
E. ( 3) Stay at home.
F. ( 2) Wash your hands.
G. ( 4) Don’t touch your face.
H. ( 5) Don’t meet your friends.
5– Translate the sentences above into Portuguese.
Nao visite seus amigos ou familiars
Use uma manga ao tossir
Contante pelo telephone seus amigos e familiars
Use um lenço ao tossir
Fique em casa
Lave as maos
Nao toque no roste
Nao faça aglomeraçoes

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