Health: Quarter 2, Wk. 5 - Module 5
Health: Quarter 2, Wk. 5 - Module 5
Health: Quarter 2, Wk. 5 - Module 5
Quarter 2, Wk. 5 - Module 5
Effects of Substance Use and Abuse
Health - Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2, Wk.5 - Module 5: Effects of Substance Use and Abuse
First Edition, 2020
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Management Team
Chairperson: Roy Angelo E. Gazo, PhD., CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Quarter 2, Wk. 5 - Module 5
Effects of Substance Use and Abuse
Table of Contents
What I Know.................................................................................................................................................iii
Lesson 1:
(Harmful Effects of Substance Use and Abuse on the Individual,
Family, School, and Community).....................................................................................
What I Need to Know......................................................................................................1
What’s New........................................................................................................................2
What Is It.............................................................................................................................3-4
What’s More......................................................................................................................5
What Is It.............................................................................................................................6
What’s More......................................................................................................................7
What’s New…...................................................................................................................8
What I Have Learned......................................................................................................9
What I Can Do..................................................................................................................10
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Key to Answers........................................................................................................................................
What This Module is About
This module discusses the harmful effects of substance use and abuse to the
individual, family, school, and community. Also explains the health, socio-cultural,
psychological, legal, and economic dimensions of substance use and abuse The two
lessons we will be tackling in this module will have sort of activities for students’
deeper understanding and further learning.
The harmful effects of substance use and abuse can destroy, firstly, you as an
individual in the society. Secondly, to the members of the family. Thirdly, it ignites
handful troubles at school. And lastly, to the community, that may put people lives at
risk, because use and abuse of drugs respects no one.
The effects can damage the health of every individual. It also creates unstable
balance to the socio-cultural aspect of the community. It alters psychological
perception and wavers the legal ways to heinous deeds. It also creates an unhealthy
effect to economic or financial dimensions.
In connection with the drugs situation in our country, this lesson will give you
profound understanding and learning based on real life situation present in the
1. Discuss the harmful effects of substance use and abuse to the individual,
family, school, and community,
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises honestly.
What I Know
Picture Analysis: Identify which among the pictures below shows the use and
abuse of drugs
Harmful Effects of substance use
and abuse to individual, family,
Lesson school, and community
What I Need to Know
The lesson of this module deals with the harmful effects of substance use and
abuse to you as individual, to your family, classmates and school mates, and within
the community.
Before we start with the discussion let’s have a warm up activity which will
prepare you for the lesson proper.
Fill up the boxes with words, terms, phrases associated with the topic, “what you
know, what you want to know, and What you want to learn.”
What’s New
The topic harmful effect of substance use and abuse to individual, family,
school, and community is a very interesting topic to discuss with.
Drug use and abuse does not only affect the person itself. The most affected
are the person that surrounds you. It will destroy you as a person and affects
relationship with your family. The use and abuse of drugs will not only change you
as an individual, but it can also affect your performance in school, as well as it can be
a threat to your community.
This activity will make you discover and know how bad and harmful drug is.
1. Newspaper or Magazines
2. Cut at least two drug related accidents/injuries/crimes
3. Paste it in your notebook / bond paper
Source: ______________________
Title of the Article: ______________________________Date: _______
What Is It
Drug abuse can affect not only from oneself, also by abusing the substances can
affect also to your family, to your school, to the community where you live.
Below are the Effects of drug use and abuse on 5 your family, school, and community.
A. Harmful effects of Drug Use and Abuse on Family
Pain in the Family
Broken and unhappy family ties
Ignored duties and responsibilities
Financial problems
Expensive treatment and rehabilitation
B. Harmful Effects of Drug Use and Abuse on School
Poor academic performance
High percentage of Absences and tardiness
Multiple incidence of school fights/trouble
Don’t have any achievements in school
Disrespectful to School Authorities and Policies
C. Harmful Effects of Drug Use and Abuse in the Community
High incidence of crime
High incidence of accidents
Affected economy due to low manpower production
Loss of government funds due to drug-related operations, treatment and
Process Question:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What is your realization after learning the effects of drugs?
3. Why do you think young people like you get easily affected by drugs?
4. As a citizen, what can you contribute to lessen the use and abuse of drugs?
What’s More
In this part of the lesson, is composed of activity that students will performed or do
written task. This will give learners better and more understanding about the harmful
effects of drug use and abuse to family, school, and community.
The written and performance activities will be done by the learner guided by the
Activity 4: Research
1. It could be done individually or by group
2. You / the group can choose/assigned on the following topics
Harmful effects of drug use and abuse on the family
Harmful effects of drug use and abuse on the school
Harmful effects of drug use and abuse on the community
3. Each will make thorough research about harmful effects of drug use and abuse
( data, leading effects of drug use and abuse, who are involved, protective
factors, and ways to prevent and control )
4. Prepare for a short presentation of your work
What Is It
What’s New
According to the news, addiction of drug and HIV-AIDS are often not related cases.
In the Philippines using (IDUs) Injecting drug user is one reason of transmission for Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which causes the (AIDS) or Acquired Immune Deficiency
HIV is a blood-borne virus which means, it is transmitted from one person to another
through blood transfusion, sexual intercourse, exchange of body fluids, and from mother to
child during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
AIDS is a syndrome because it is a complex pattern of symptoms. Is a disease
which attacks and weakens the body’s immune system.
There are thousands cases of infection. In relationship to drug use and abuse, the
two most recorded means of transmission of HIV-AIDS is through the following:
1. Risky sexual behaviour
2. Sharing of needles through drug use
This part of the lesson will showcase the learning of the learners. It will
enhance their confidence in performing and showing skills regarding on what they
have learned from the lesson discussed.
The harmful effect of the substance use and abuse to the family, school, and
community where the drug user lives. As part of the curriculum it will brighten up the
students mind on what are the danger the drugs brings.
Activity 7: Letter
1. Make a recommendation letter to your mayor or barangay captain about the
dangers brought by drug abuse in the community.
2. Sight possible evidences of drug abuse like the presence of “rugby boys” etc.
3. Submit it to your teacher for evaluation
4. Prepare a short presentation of your work in the class.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Letter parts
What I Can Do
Activity 8: Campaign Advocacy Video
1. Individual / Group Activity
2. Create an advocacy campaign about drug abuse and its effects
3. You can use mobile phone, digital camera, or tablets
4. Invite three teachers as a reviewer
5. Prepare for film viewing along with the reviewer and your classmates.
Criteria for rating
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Thoughtfulness in
Use of Media
(Music, Text,
Pictures, Video)
future. Alcoholics and other substance abusers are also likely to grow up in a highly unstable
home. It may damage the future of individual who are addicted to it.
Drugs by nature are good because it makes us feel better, it treats our illnesses, help
calm down patients with mental disorders or relieve patient’s pain and suffering. The
rampant use of drugs may result to a bad, harmful or dangerous effect to oneself, family,
school, and community. It also gives burden to health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal,
and economic dimensions.
Various risk of drug use has been discovered by medical science. These risks are
called effects. Effects are either short-term or long-term. One of the effects of drugs
particularly those injected into the blood stream is the risk of HIV-AIDS contamination. HIV-
AIDS in the Philippines is continuously growing and posing threat to every Filipino. We must
move now and make a difference to give our children hope of living a better life tomorrow.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple choice: choose the letter of your correct answer
c. School
d. Community
8. It generally meant to describe the emotional and mental process that is associated
with the development of human brain
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
9. The physical aspect of an individual will function abnormally.
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
10. The effects of drugs particularly drugs those injected into the blood stream is a risk of
a. Disease
c. Tuberculosis
d. Addictive
Key to Answers
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
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