Lecture 5-Bec411

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• Pile foundations are the part of a structure used to
carry and transfer the load of the structure to the
bearing ground located at some depth below ground
• The main components of the foundation are the pile
cap and the piles.
• Piles are long and slender members which transfer
the load to deeper soil or rock of high bearing
• The main types of materials used for piles are wood,
steel and concrete.
Introduction (cont.)

• Pile foundation is suitable under the following

situations :
– When the soil is very soft and solid bed is not
available at a reasonable
• depth to keep the bearing power within safe limits.
– When provision of pad and raft foundations
becomes very expensive.
– When the structure carries heavy concentrated
– When it is necessary to construct a building along
the sea-shore or river bed.
Introduction (cont.)

• Piles are generally classified into two categories :

– According to function:
• e.g. bearing piles, friction piles, friction-
cum-bearing piles, batter piles, guide piles,
sheet piles, etc.

– According to composition or material of

• e.g. timber piles, concrete piles, sand piles,
steel piles, etc.
Classifications of Piles
• Classifications of piles with respect to load
transmission and functional behaviours:

1. End Bearing Piles (point bearing piles)

2. Friction piles (cohésion piles )
3. Combination of friction and cohesion piles
Classifications of Piles (cont.)

End Bearing pile

• End bearing pile is a type of pile

which terminate in hard,
relatively impenetrable material
such as rock or very dense sand
and gravel.
• The loads are transferred to a
firm stratum.
• The pile behaves and is designed
as an ordinary column.
Classifications of Piles (cont.)

Skin Friction pile

• Friction pile obtains a greater part

of their carrying capacity by skin
friction or adhesion.
• This tends to occur when pile does
not reach an impenetrable
• This pile transmits most of its load
to the soil through skin friction.
Classifications of Piles (cont.)

Combination of friction and end bearing

Classifications of Piles (cont.)

Timber pile
• Are made of wood, should be free from
defects, decay, etc. and it should be well
• Can be circular or square in cross-section.
• Top of these piles is provided with an iron ring
to prevent it from splitting under blows of
• The bottom is fitted with an iron shoe to
facilitate sinking of piles.
• These piles are driven by blows of hammer of a
pile driving machine.
• Used for buildings, bridges and cofferdams but
is notrecommended to be used in sea water.
Classifications of Piles (cont.)

Concrete pile

• Are made of cement concrete,

strong, durable and can bear
more load than timber piles.
• They are free from defects and
cannot be attacked by insect,
white-ant, etc.
• The piles are fire-proof and water-
• Concrete piles are classified into
two types:
1. Pre-cast piles.
2. Cast-in-situ piles.
Classifications of Piles (cont.)

Steel pile
• Useful where driving
conditions are difficult and
other types of piles are not
• Usually used for building and
bridge foundations.
• The piles are in form of I, U,
H sections.
• Structures place on top of
the piles.
• Piles + Pile Cap = Pile
• Function : Distributes load
to the individual piles.
• Pile Cap will connect the pile
together and distributes the
superstructure loads to the
layer beneath.
• Designed as a short column unless it is slender and
the surrounding soil is too weak to provide restraint.
• Precast piles must also be designed to resist bending
moments caused by lifting and stacking, and the
head of the pile must be reinforced to withstand the
impact of the driving hammer.
• Accurate distribution of load of a pile group is very
difficult if not impossible to determine.
DESIGN (cont.)

• It is more realistic to use method that is simple but

• A vertical load on a group of vertical piles with an
axis of symmetry is considered to be distributed
according to the following equation, which is similar
in form to that for an eccentric load on a pad
DESIGN (cont.)

Pn is the axial load on the individual pile
N is the vertical load on the pile group
n is the number of piles
exx and eyy are the eccentricities of the load N about
the centroidal axes XX and YY of the pile group.
Ixx and Iyy are the second moments of area of the pile
group about axes XX and YY
xn and yn are the distances of the individual pile from axes
YY and XX respectively.
Loads in a pile group
Determine the distribution between the individual piles
of a 1000kN vertical load acting at position A of the
group of the vertical piles shown in the figure below.
EXAMPLE 1 (cont.)
EXAMPLE 1 (cont.)

1. Centroid of the pile group:

Taking moments about line TT:

Where n is the number of piles. Therefore, the

eccentricities of the load about the XX and YY
centroidal axis are:
EXAMPLE 1 (cont.)

EXAMPLE 1 (cont.)

EXAMPLE 1 (cont.)

Substituting yn and xn

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