Hazardous Environment
Hazardous Environment
Hazardous Environment
the exact point in the Earth’s crust where the energy is released
causing an earthquake
seismic waves waves of energy that travel through the Earth’s crust
15 countries
What countries are in the Ring of Fire?
There are 15 countries in the ring of fire;
Indonesia, New Zealand, Papa New
Guinea, Philippines, Japan, United
States, Chile, Canada, Guatemala,
Russia, Peru, Solomon Islands, Mexico
and Antarctica.
Where do earthquakes occur?
The Earth’s crust is like a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces are called Tectonic Plates.
Convection currents in the Earth’s mantle (the molten rock beneath the crust)
cause the plates to move.
However, the plates are not all moving in the same direction.
As the plates collide or move past each other, energy builds up.
An earthquake occurs when that energy is suddenly released.
They are securely fixed so that when the earth shakes they can record the
amount of movement. The recording output is called a seismogram. If the line is
straight, no seismic waves have been detected.
The recordings used to be on paper but are now digital.
This image shows a seismograph located at the Lick
Observatory in California.
What do you think someone is called
who studies earthquakes?
Earthquake Scales
Many earthquakes have been
measured on the Richter Scale
to show their intensity.
? ? ?
Predicting Earthquakes
Every earthquake is unique.
A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.
Divergent Boundaries
lives lost
gas pipes
broken water pipes
Devastation in Indonesia from the
broken tsunami that followed the 9.1
magnitude Sumatra-Andaman
earthquake 26th December, 2004
habitats lost mudflows
Can you add some more immediate and long term impacts?
tsunamis fires
What are the consequences of these impacts?
Do you think an area can fully recover from an earthquake?
Effects of Earthquakes :
1. Destroys infrastructure.
2. Destroys lives as the death toll increases.
3. Destroys crops and livestock.
4. Destroys homes and businesses.
5. Leads to our break of diseases.
6. Has a negative impact on the economy.
7. Increases the unemployment rate as
industries and businesses are destroyed.
8. Leads to large scale poverty.
Seismograph inside
Earthquake House
Case studies: case studies of hazardous
environments from different regions of the world.
read and analyze the case studies, take notes and
identify the causes, impacts, and possible solutions to
the hazardous environments.