Women Entrepreneurship

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Women Entrepreneurship

• Women Entrepreneur It may be defined as a woman or
group of women who initiate, organize and run a
business enterprise.

• Government of India has defined women

entrepreneurs as owning and controlling an enterprise
with a woman having a minimum financial interest of
51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the
employment generated in the enterprise to women
Concept of women entrepreneurs
• Women entrepreneurs may be defined as a
women or group of women, who initiates,
organizes and runs a business enterprise.
• According to Schumpeterian concept of
innovative entrepreneurs, woman who
innovate initiate or adopt a business activity
are called women entrepreneurs
Problems of women entrepreneurs
• The Indian women entrepreneurs are facing
some major constraints like:
– Lack of confidence: In general, women lack
confidence in their strength and competence. The
family members and the society are reluctant to
stand beside their entrepreneurial growth. To a
certain extent, this situation is changing among
Indian women and yet to face a tremendous
change to increase the rate of growth in
–  Socio-cultural barriers: Women’s family and personal obligations
are sometimes a great barrier for succeeding in business career.
Only few women are able to manage both home and business
efficiently, devoting enough time to perform all their responsibilities
in priority.
– Market-oriented risks : Stiff competition in the market and lack of
mobility of women make the dependence of women entrepreneurs
on middleman indispensable. Many business women find it difficult
to capture the market and make their products popular. They are
not fully aware of the changing market conditions and hence can
effectively utilize the services of media and internet.
– Motivational factors : Self motivation can be realized through a
mind set for a successful business, attitude to take up risk and
behavior towards the business society by shouldering the social
responsibilities. Other factors are family support, Government
policies, financial assistance from public and private institutions and
also the environment suitable for women to establish business
– Knowledge in Business Administration: Women must be educated and
trained constantly to acquire the skills and knowledge in all the
functional areas of business management. This can facilitate women to
excel in decision making process and develop a good business network.
– Awareness about the financial assistance : Various institutions in the
financial sector extend their maximum support in the form of
incentives, loans, schemes etc. Even then every woman entrepreneur
may not be aware of all the assistance provided by the institutions. 
– Exposed to the training programs : Training programs and workshops
for every type of entrepreneur is available through the social and
welfare associations, based on duration, skill and the purpose of the
training program. Such programs are really useful to new, rural and
young entrepreneurs who want to set up a small and medium scale
unit on their own
Successful women entrepreneurship

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