Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs
and run a business enterprise. The Govt. of India has defined women entrepreneurs based on women participation in equity and employment of business enterprise. Accordingly, a woman entrepreneur is defined as an enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial interest of 51 percent of the capital and giving at least 51 % of the employment generated in the enterprise to women. In nutshell, women entrepreneurs are those women who think of a business eneterprise, initiate it, organize it and combine the factors of production, operate the enterprise and undertake risks and handle economic uncertainty involved in running a business enterprise. Functions A women entrepreneur has also to perform all the functions involved in estabslishing an enterprise. These include idea generation and screening, determination of objectives, project preparation, product abalysis, determination of forms of business organisation, completeion of promotional facilities, raising funds, procuring men, machne and materials and operation of business. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exploration of the prospects of starting new business enterprise Undertaking of risks and the handling of economic uncertainties involved in business Introduction of innovations or imitation of innovations Coordination, administration and control Supervision and leadership.
Women entrepernurs encounter two sets of problems viz. general problems of entrepreneurs and problems specific to women entreprenrus. 1. Problem of finance finance is regarded as lifeblood for any enterprise, be it big or small. However, women entrepreneurs suffer from shortage of finance on two counts. Firstly, women do not generally have property on their names to use them as collateral for obtaining funds from external sources. thus their access to the external sources of funds is limited. Secondly the banks also consider women les credit-worthy and discourage women borrowers on the belief that they can at any time leave their business. Given such situation, women entrepreneurs are bound to rely on their own savings and loans from friends and relatives which are expectedly meager and negligible. 2. Scarcity of raw material most of the women enterprises are plagued by the scarcity of raw material and necessary inputs. Added to this is the high prices of raw material, on the one hand, and getting arw material at the minimum of discount, on the other. 3. Stiff competition women entrepreneurs do not have organizational setup to pump in a lot of money for canvassing and advertisement. Thus, they have to face a stiff competition for marketing their products with both orgnasied sector and their male counterparts. 4. Limited mobility unlike men, women mobility in india is highly limited due to various reasons. A single woman asking for room is still looked upon suspicion. Cumbersome exercise involved in starting an enterprise coupled with the officials humiliating attitude towards women compels them to give up idea of starting an enterprise. 5. Family ties in idnia, it is mainly a womans duty to to look after the children and other members of the family. Man plays a secondaru role only. In case of married women, she has to strike a fine balance between her business and family. Her total involevemnet in family leaves little or no energy and time to devote for business. Support and approval of husbands seem necessary condition for womens entry into business. Accordingly, the educational level and family background of husbands positively influence womens entry into business activities. 6. Lack of education in idnai, around 60 % of women are still illiterate. Illiteracy is the root cause of socio-economic problems. Due to the lack of education and that too qualitative education, women are not aware of business, technology and market knowledge. Also lack of education causes low achievement motivation among women. 7. Male-dominated society male chauvinism is still the order of the day in idnai. The constitution of India speaks of equality between sexes. But in practice women are looked upon as weak in all respects. Women suffer from male reservations about a womans role, ability and capacity and are treated accordingly. This in turn serves as a barried to women entry into business. 8. Low risk bearing ability women in India lead a protected life. They are less educated and economically self-dependent. All these reduce their ability to bear risk
involved in running an enterprise. Risk-bearing is an essenatial requisite of a successful entrepreneur. Development of women entrepreneurs recent trends Days are gone when women in India remained confined to within 4 walls of their homes and their immense strength and potential remained unrecognized and unaccounted fr. Now, they are increasingly participating in all spheres of activities