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‘y SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME OF A RIGHT CIRCULAR CONE j wTRoDUCTION " 1 discuss problems on the volume and surface area of aright Greular the wolume and surface area ofa right circular cone are very useful in resetpter we shall ‘The ecome across conical figures almost at every step. Fe rmulae for cone veya life, since w CIRCULAR CONE we come across objects like an ice-cream cone, a conical tent, a conical i tapered end of a pencil etc. These objects bring to our ‘mind the ‘ofaright circular cone, which may be defined as follows: aigHTCIRCULAR CONE Aright circular coneisa solid generated by revolving a line segment which through afized point and which makes a constant angle with a fixed line. InFig. 20-1, Vis a fixed point, VO isa fixed line and VA is the v Having line which makes a constant angle with VO. When rectivalving line VA revolves around the fixed line VO such that ZOVA remains same in every position of A,aright circular one's generated. Clearly, the point A will describea circle with centre O such that the line segment VO is perpendicular to the plane of the circle. only thesegment VA revolves about VO, it generates a hollow cone with open base. Ifthe segments VA and OA of the right triangle VOA or the triangle VAB revolves about VO, we get a hollow cone with closed circular base with centre O and. radius OA. Ifthe triangular lamina VOA revolves about VO, we obtaina solid cone. The following are some terms related toa right circular cone. VERTEX The fixed point V is: called the vertex of the cone. AXIS The fixed line VO is called the axis ‘of the cone. pa Aright circular cone has a plane end, which is in circular shape. This is called the base of the Inki , me 20.1, Ois the centre and OA is the radius of the circular base of the cone. vertex of a right circular coneis farthest from its base. —$—$$ —~ se. wetnticncnge ee tga re nee Engh YOtenagteone ca | estima eae leet mt ig Nr 0h oe i . Seelam stoke and Vous highs ce : aa emn Oth alle mato ne f a el re Teg SE eine a, rps cree 224) eh d MARK an entoconeftc ise fecome stl gM anette ee i ee cere is rere ey eo uneeufcx fen of eseA renga a hazerxt een sesetnecavesrsota igh ere tacusraist ht He o rims: @ seat fern mace ete ern ye | sogxcmx) Reletigirrgc ete ve eh cron cene of Mgt halt ght and x “5 Zatemfrt it hh} seh a Cry 2104 = 9% sapere icone = Cabarete ty Pytaportnres ete se detent weenie sox Tiere uric facon nascar oot Patan a “hiss renin between the height-slatheightand radiasof a * ‘Thigh ular come follows fom this relation that we ca Jae Seany one he emaiing two these three are ven. rams 203 SURFACE AREA OF A RIGHT CIRCULAR CONE ‘Tocbtninthesrfae aoa of aright creularconwofradius anaes the lowing experiment. ins eight hand slate! EXPERIMENT Corsiderabollow ight ccularcone of ra hownin Fig.203 Thebseoftheconeisactrceof raiusr- Tereore, Length ofthe circular edge = 22 and, Are ofthe plane en Cot thecone ng the sant height VA and spend outit on plane surface. You wi oghthandsbnt eh As LUSTRATWE EXAMPLES: snits Tedimelerofaconi Tcmans sat ight 9 nt hae of tcured se se yoko thatthe ara ofthe curved surface aright conectradir ninth Fn givenby ‘Sem em =7emandt = 9em 2. S=2ae7x9em! «198m? Ber xgem? = rama Fade arf tse women ase a —, » ada, crruren Wesnon buternletcese SOFHEN CT Hat gg Sing ingiventy ge Sem vata arte el fm and I= 9 suf Bessncaso}nt 720° He 1b eran oft con eet and eral hight i om Find exaunecs Theis of We Fy ee setnow Weave = Semand item cerrrebethesantheighf he cone Then, Patek bere te VBem=sem \ prwoftecurvedstice = oS 2 maltese «[2eaxon Bxarxrs 12m? 22 = teBagares 8 r= team = 120m Hen, the tao he bas ofthe cones asesuns, The cicnfeencef te as of 10 high cout tent metres Cale anes sig tet feihfcesis 2 (Use = 227). | rh a epg theta fhe bose, hmbethe eight and mbe hese sph) ‘ecane Then, ‘Grcumference = #4 metres 2 aerats @ 2x2x i ore 7 metres Inisgiventhat = 10 metres, Bap oi te WP ait = NBT 10 » M8 22m Now, Surtaceareaofthetent = nim? = 2272122 = 2664 anette un io NEUMECE ARH ORCA cone ont “av ortaconae ied 26840 evekthofthecanvasis2m trefoil wna sn, ea i tonto eg Sate meters hmbeliehip an mbe eat hte |» OTST = BB = 25 orien «tnt =(247028)a o00! spent cae sed = 550? Sfp thatthe width he canvas im. nevwed = AE 580 engthofthe canvassed = AI = 30m « 100m je of ainda cared arf fone Ih rina Theatre and Th tr eg thee on slant igh hone Tee ernie cna Ee icbchapen heating hc Ta al pind = Cantor debe rt => dat Bed pss he nd i of oe we Be a3. Th ee sia ecard Heehinedendmalnceensevtoeone nsgreta 3 bene hd lar-tandie 3 Ko Aree the base = Stem? - nr =154 = Bate ase . Besta? Zerg? =154 * °. pxiét6 * **Yig"a™ 7M, aa 7 rey e4xZem=7em, and k= 3% Jom =7 2m, and k= 3 FSS casio . eee eee cane sce nee 8 71 ot eS? Cn ie tet Fl ee i dec tecomegt Sour Seen econ cb Ser Tt re tte coencod» Number rn fom Lg “ o roms ow, ew fst find te curved surface ares the com co. | Wiehave,r=21 and fh=20 Tea the slant eight the conical cor cok Then, te Fao wo VORP oa = ERT e WOO » VARA = 20.01 Curved surface arm thecom cub = 7 2 ayca0 nent 13272601? =12273en? Herce, Total oumber of grins the com cob = 192794 = $3092 Sovthere would be approximate 53 grains ofcorn.on the ob, ExarLei0 Alef sf he shape fart cul ule pts ‘Romer igi cone ths xan ht of 3 Smetrescboe he cate ing nese eta ete RS 2 per saree, ght Seana Coa rani ems at SOLUTION. Letrmetresbetheradins the bse beat Then = Minand= 3 oftheeylindsand iets on LV rrr . ronnie hn (2B aie ea? an d lot e2 seeratasttbebanh mb ehihtand mbethedat ihot cnt va ey 138 -9)= 108 2 net ae eB ea 17S Conedaurace are hecone™ A By si7s ie? = 70m arvalanch tobe panied = Curvedsuarearestheylindr + Curves surface fthecone $264 770) 104m tanec pining Re(1031%2) = Rs 2068 exeRcise 201 [pt crv surface area of cone slant eights cman the rads oF 8 else 1. Tela fone Sco and vet heights 12 em. Find the are ofthe curves ie Thera of cone a7 cm and area of curved surfaces 176m. ind thestant hth (Ctheghofnconefe 2m Find the ata of thea ifthe slant height 28 om te ota race aon ight ele cne wih rau 6 cm an ght ‘Fo the carved sunfce aren of cone with base radius 525.m and lant eight tha INCERT etal aren of cone fitsslanghis 2 mand ameter fs bas ies INceRN, | Tnaenofthecurved js ofthe curved surface ofa cone cr? he slant height he conee 3m, Sind therachs the base ve ware 0, 9 Tecorvedunacearen cone Regu = 22/7) ee ee coraecrmarinteato of 71rd Fee edits = 22/7 i ws (Un gael cone ASS P2dH7 Oa orventontinslaneter 70m Vai, "m sn abherscep ninth n. Aehercop tin te read ae LOH A one I Riera acral eon ame Rees garnet #2. oe 2 Seach Seger latina rather seca etn bsp es Ai Rrovtrercarved uoce ete earn eoels2087 and tlt high em Fn Seo surface aren fe cove Fr tetany ene ig apd tse ce of coal tmp ae 25 m and Lm : Ete ee ent een ane Lat an Actes ih Ascaihectart ers cs va tcc em kere tumeutil by co Thedie resin et a poneni whether ghey The el hc ee rte tee atalino ny ‘Agraria ol prion #59 cake he ag ema Memmi tc reqase a eS nota Ym ght ce et 8 me Cy Beceem (eh fine ain seenecrmistomeascectet teh henge ate ne Heh fata wl bee a a age inctingiopeonnsy cm be = ‘Nar sect he remaining pat of hero by wing Ohlone Sr ee onehc ase dame of aemandhet nt band ac punted ane tect of pangs pr Stand ft =a) ise | ru thradiocf is bseis 24m. Find thestrt hag eR 1 cee | rome testo sarc def recycled car the outer side ofeachot aareebe the coat of panting llthese cones. (Sex = BP Aegina cone hnaag a fn and equal eight ihe Arlington ao, show that he rau of ech 1 hehehe an _ 078 cu? 5. WI Tiem ans T Seen? 2 20428em? Rom te5cm? 7.124457? & 75cm 9. 37.em 10 em oS ks al S| 8 Zenattow Je ReTISs 17, 26m, Re 137280 1B 1320m?_ 18, 17 20 gan 2 Bm. RIKI Ogee cw tan. 2, soe remanda = 18 Baier yc l= napa eet AER «BIH 76 on ipncrneae a Ba(r) cm? = 07cm? erancticae =f = 22a. wet, Wamand = 2m a eptem(rot)e Bana eat te sateen = Bae = ao! ions uteGin and t=8em > a Wand = 8-21= 2 ore aie tomand #5 9 Farin! t= Wom a vetave, ede 7x and w= 32 Now, art = 152 = Barts T= = 9-93 reMemand! = 21am ML Wetare, Pa Temandh = Wem LVEF = OTE = 25m Required aren oat tease! «so a; ou OF ANGI CULAR CONE Marin pasa 08 Minn, Ye taco 00 = 2h + 12, Wehave, smh nt * aie pemandh =dnh 82 5 aah 3 0 ued BANE OI atLesn He! 43, Wehave, “ oy =2leypvandly * Aho nh BAM ned ow Let sa ergtrofm dean ‘Wehave, ae “ we 2 penmangest n & A annaha We ma piondanero were, 5 0 OTT = AB ae (PES ptr 1 ATT aE 2 = Bareid= 989 1= Ton Braid = 38 Byacmad enterenene MU 284 Bi Ate | mate 16 Wena, pa mandl = 25m 0 pte ee eam Fae =F G em 10m ace ofthecone = wl = 3Mx6x10m 20) oof Bra )e2) sy costae eel content «an 2 awit cet Samii eran «2826 12 VP oi = S576 FTO = 26m * a i snaps tn catego s20e36)} =n a eel Bak arms Hotta <20= 02 hog ene 18 Foreylindrical par weave reitmhatim 1a FTF SORT Tn = VE = 102 Force part weave Heihtethecone = (6 11) = 5m Santheght SPS m= 8m canedsunace aren ofacone = m= 31402102 Hence Aes ofthecanvas reir! of pining = Ro (3140212512) 30] = F384 reg tenaceaea ftone + Carvedsuracearexof cylinder Costing =Rlsenearagesaaeatl= BSE = 2B Faris wehave set eh = (142) « 29 +28)" = 1D! Ysera eight = 19, Forylindrica part weave 5, = Curved sure = 20 Ferconenehave pe Heght 9m resadias = "Pm neta | te and, 5, == ai oF Forconical part websve Slant height 532, 5 rh 8 A SPAS Gee 8 Fei os a tsi = 16 168 ae OW 6? he ar nw a? i? 16 168 we ted sos vou oF 1 ONT CNEWLAN CONE eer ite ont ‘expenent Take aconicalcupot radius and heighth Also, take acylindy; can rene Tine ana ea Co aad Sonne a roel “pa venta coneaal awh “(Volume ofacylinderoradisr and height) «mh ele unig eiasectacaneetndunrsndbeghh= be? cent Volume of tne cone radius and height Ate ary « Letane ofthe bse (height ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES rast Ft roomegargh crave LOE mi Fe df here, erst a ce Vola ghcir cont arson hah aenty . 1 vale jah Hee, r=28em and h= 102 1 v= Se Berm 2 inzem = 6776" [EXAMPLER The are of Uiseofrghtchculreone is 316 om ands height 15cm Fate cameo com SOLUTION. Weinow that the volume Vofarightcrcularcaneisgivenby = J x(Areaof the base)» Height Here, Atcaofthobase ean height = 15cm 1 v= Liaitxisem’ =1570m" fon 1370 passa , Mrreeattbecane = 4m Sy cantata tie > b= EE 7 eigntatthecone’s9em. uo VOLUME OF A RIC CIRCULAR CONE esate fa or ne Soman is hme $8 em Wah Mem «Sem menace 12490? chee eco inten Fn | val iagtinecone 2? x40 = 18480 cm and V= Volume of he cone = 1850 cm (pe IMODEDRT gah ap r= Tom tem 5 Tues ri seer a St = Dif hand Vs wojer nih g ges aha ts y hove tberaioof the volumes of two conesis9 25. DAMES A right cular coneis3 6m fe right ciel conse the same ight rn thera 35. Find arabe radiof wocoesand and Vibe tesla the 3 ReGiven, gh and ratios seis cm. is mete AM gh cedar came wih rads ofits cas 2m Find shih STEN Webave, Fitcone Radit ryetben, Heights 236m Volumes i ‘Cty oceneshave the same volume. 8, Secondcone elem ie? % pu wien ne, = thd aE ay py = BEEEAS Sco w MEHTA IG ied het pw oT izaa 7 neti “4m iran iS de 2 at, seanmte7 Aco vse ho th nr ris Tem Find gl BORNE cupric Sirs NS, pet eran theconcl ves Sam sree econ ann 2tem a rac hydro cree erase pie ight cin thins vse 2 Ceniy, vue of watern conical vessel Volume of walt in yids 2 sesexteaionioeh = SE ce ehh rina dcn Soran Ae nt pant ops. ‘the tak holies. * 275m Findthcanng Sein have r=17s mandh=3 Capacity ofthe tank = 277 2em eee) LB carsn rom ca Capactyofthetank = 96251" = 9625hiolitre [1m = Lhd ie] xADMELE® A right rime ABC uh ese Sem 12 cman 13cm crea Re a ef fe ing ABC ted son Sm at Pisin beet ane Preah sated (wea, C=Son + Capacityothe tank = SOWTION. Let ABCbeatright triangle ith AB= 12cm, BC Scmand A ‘When his trengeisrevelved about 4, oem aright circular cone: andhaght B= T2em, ih csuacconectacis w : ; cg tne nee Pf aot ei ormed Sie =e cent cot hg Sem Dona as =20rer pote boeabens ee aac Fert 18 Ce enone seep TH 1 pen Yeh Naomi rr maniecnrotoesne tine wee Lg? oath Shah 3 | by 3 ag Mths ded . it i thebght ofthe cone and cyineris 3:1 efi midi hee oe terres eh ft it ight of tbe cone bem Then 1 Baesxsxhem red ina cylinder ofraivs 10cm thee ol teen nacido Bante s08 swaiect necone ee water nb cove is Pu pebren elumeofthowater = theater -vohumeofacyfiner fradiustOcmandheigh'22% 5 Votumcotthewatr = 2 10 «10% 2am? be Volmesfthecone + Vlone y 2 yspasowd = HoT owe ght of teconeis 2 tun Aucoin bse fthecome. i Sion Wenave “Vtumeotthecabe = (ide? =m? = 3800" fnew n a Basesih= 7 tet to mate acne of eigh emf raf ng gp nee . Lethe radiusofthebase ofthe cone be rm. Then, MT pasngne Se essa pig = 17 F Pom = 5am = 10m Volumeat thecone = 55 ane respectively te eight hcuve surface an he vt of cone, roe sinc the sold cube set Yo mabe a one: “Vote afthecabe = Volume oftecone 1 Barns = eh 2 IAT 728 esa oer xs" 10 roma right cca ender sth eight 10 ema radia ofan IEA. = 8050, pana ce rare Hille eee iy SRUMON Tena vabe the vakumes of righ crear eying Then coer, 2 : ye Bexoetoen 7 Teg iho ey 1,2 2 66 x10em? ies 7 [sn =a ‘Volume ofthe emainingsolid = Vy Vs Volume of heremsiningsolid = + Volumeoftheremainingsoid <> Volumeot theremaining solid = 754.28 om? [AMPLEDE Theraixsand ight of scone ar the ratio 3:4 Ys selune is 30h ‘sisi? Wht itsalnt height? Take m= 3.18 SOLUTION Lettheradiusandslant height ofthe cone be’ cm and &xemrespcti Then, Volume = 301.48 em" = path= s0144em? = Petbeancaeds «20rd = Sa WA gare \ | > Vtunetiensiningslt o(2x6x6%10- J+ Broxex0) ont x6x6x10%{1-3)om? “Seaxaid? * ~ 3768 | | oe es Be oy =o = Ci enone especialy te aw et lof abuse andlant height the coe- 1 = nth ond C= mt avy ae a9 Pere yen eso of Teen rR eet Taw PPR aE AH eat =0 sa cured sre aen 0 cm? ind its ume Take bree eel naent 288-7 se came sgt 242 er erin eetanetontetmni Tm BaP esT6 a EIR 0 ea Curved surface area = 550 cm? a) | Bans FR = 80 ee ees 2 NF yieease7 = Pe +6 = 0587 2 14 576r? ~(25? x77) = 0 5 rere (05x) = yeast 9A -eses9=0 a 7? + 605)~ 49 (7 +628) = 0 = Pras -)=0 Capoten = Vole hoop Carey tecsp «2 hen? copay tteg = 2a Bir ta! «2226! mn A yor yas oF ANON enc CoN a Toe ge ttt mbigh ond eal - be eesatgbcmes nat : ta, cot te free 1m 9 | Wen epee topo eso nto te the Bx 2X7 47 x2hem? «1m? | oreo chores oe emt ofthe baer he corel ten = en ae een a ta cers wie se Tm eb, 1 eutbecoiam, Sa acme ge ing ' : eure ei ree aia, re pntepet craton AE suopmrett etn mong |, ———_— stancttcton sttnda? «that an? adn Fane Veet ce 1520 92m os Lehane gs “| yn 99 ABA 2 Diving by) we ge “ ota 28100 smote caion == ata enveiee215 tal Rn et iH height of the 151 ae “ tec heh th cone te so. psec noghape ere caer Avon co of tal of meee et io an pee , m Mtematepenson tm toms | gn ele erodes ofthe brane santa Notun tbecona n= 3x Anchen ap ted te creates of he sheet Bane te Stufouceclstsetecre Votan ofthc = lan ep of coil cup = em om. . Leeram beth radia and nem the eight (depth ofthe conical Tse | 5 votune fie coal te ‘cup. Then, ae rvon = 15m? “Creumisrmce fr bataofthconcalcup»Cireuneret test Wins Argan ‘3 2 on 2 No.of persons who will have enough air space to breathe in = i oye we | somen226and 90 thesouller numbers. Re Pere - ode. eso peore cme - rn BAMPLER® “Find the value ofthe largest right circular come that canbe cutout of «exbesohOse ae > fit =F = 7Sem sence Theboseof he lrgestnightrularcone wile theclenecribedin afc of 2 vidiaae fitted eee ul soenege othe Depthatbecupe 22am y ad Fig. 20.10 ar ay AMPLE RA cylinder wii the cle uci le WH fas. Ag fendi ghar th hese hee fate tl een SRition Lethe lengivoleahedgeortwecube beaut Then, Y= Volume of theeube » #evbic unis, Since syle nvttan coat ches lth Vera aes he, thee Caanemene eaten, | Ve Volume tender «eh nd Ne Ime si en, _Acaneiscrowminsethecyindrsch thatthe same icedndsameteight = Votumeotthecone = 1m % det (J acubic nits n = me HPeabicunts Ne Me Laan Wyte the Be? waneas ros ng 1 Find the vue of ight circular cone with (@ radibem,beaght7em 4) radius35em, eight !2em (i) height 21cm apd slant height 28 con. a. athe cape nef conic veel wit ip setan Fem dantheight sem) Regi em, lantheght Sem (NCE 4. tho cones hive el hahisin the ao Sand the ado ei Bsr nee TPindineranoot eevoiomes ‘Tashan the eight ght sesarcone ae inthe to 2 itso Masiecmer, ind est ephtend hea Use = 81. 4. conor and eight ofa ight eel cone ae nthe 93: Iban sve Brtccn Presa ig on ai 98 8). Je rao ooluesol wo consis 4: Sand that thera tsbaesh Fath of tn eral gh 4/Aoylnerandacneaveequ rai hirbesesn ual highs So a (olumes reine yf Weratiuscthetseofaconeishalved keeping heeigtsame wate thevolumeo!theraace cone ttt teal oe? Ice TEN enorme 15 Nose ma ssithaormota cna tN fant mandhgh Fie teh nut pana ee ofa td ce Ws eo ter nd ete a ae ngthemaboilel which Rwinadewepheldeameperabam $e neg wane of wc he eng the gh ee me onan Chstieaign eedettan rd tehiogs i Fin eens ote mins i oer itr du junet te epotgtembrcontatarietediactevsehe 2 PH oti cones Sn! he ntl bs fi gate (8) sanhegeroecane INCERT) cee nen sre en cf hein. ae 1 pty Sumter me. Wht scp ke a jeanne hn nt Sih son toca tae ba cay mish etn mous apponmasy nse volumeafe eat meee a _ voces ae what, whe? Oe ot apne LO ki iba sta eee ammaet | mT eT waa HINTS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS: ee _______ “Teme gun tw nese nd rots and he tf er bebe 7 ethene ves Fi ae 3 yale? tends = ey eT “a Wetuve, r= Sand = 122 Volume re Sond he 12 Now, te Po 9 Le VET = 1 S letr= Sead 12x Mena, id? oo Lab eh mite oT oT Vohame= 2512 02 Sx 14281 #1BE #2122 2 4 Fa Wamand hi» 2am anes, = (FoF « VADISI = 26. 6 Weta, Vivy=4: Sanda: 3 je Weta fred 14. ere B87 Lai po 3t

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