Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment


By the end of this presentation you

will know:
 What risk assessment is;
 Who’s responsibility are they?
 Where the need for risk
assessment comes from; and
 What risks should be assessed?
Risk Assessment -
What Is It?
 Identification of hazards

 Determining the likelihood that

these hazards will cause harm.

 Prioritising prevention and control

 It is a requirement of the Permit to
Work procedure employed within CCIC
that a Risk Assessment is carried out
before a permit is issued to carry out on
CCIC site.

Risk Assessment
Permit to Work

All Task
 Area Authority
 Site Manager
 Performing Authority
 The person who will undertake the task
 HSE specialist (if necessary)
What are Risk
 A careful examination of what in your work,
could cause harm to:

 The aim is to make sure no one gets hurt or

becomes ill.
What is a HAZARD?

 Human injury or loss of life

 Damage to the environment
 Damage to material assets
 Or a combination of these
What is a risk?

“The likelihood of harm resulting

from a hazard”
The analysis of risk will always consider
the severity of harm, the numbers likely
to be exposed to it and the consequences.

Risk = Severity x Probability

Risk Assessment
Three escalating levels of Risk Assessment can be
used depending upon the complexity & inherent
risk of the task. Task may be classified as:

 Tasks carried out without a Permit to Work

Tasks classified as moderately low risk
Tasks and activities requiring a formal
Risk Assessment.
Why do we have to do
risk assessment?
 So that no one is hurt or becomes ill.
 Part of safety culture
 Increase’s awareness.
 Reduce claims
 Increase morale
What risks should be


Standards for Action
1. Low Risk – Action within 1 month

2. Medium Risk – Action within 2


3. High Risk – Stop job until action

Risk Assessment

5 Step Process
1. Look for and list the hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate risks arising from hazards and
decide whether existing controls are
4. Record the findings
5. Review assessment when necessary
Step 1

Look for the hazards

 Involve employees and safety responsible

 Hazards may include what ?
Step 1
Identify Hazards & Potential Accidents

 Search for HAZARDS!

 Produced by Work
 Produced by Environment
 Repeat job observation as many times as
necessary to identify all hazards

 Recognize the Hazards?

 Think how we can control them
Step 2
 Decide who might be harmed

Evaluate the risks and decide whether

existing controls are adequate or should
more be done.

 Safe Working Procedures

 Reasonably practicable
 Cost / benefit

E.g. To reduce risk drive at 10 mph.

 Reduce chance of crashing

 Reduce injuries
 Inconvenience to you & others
 Outweighs the benefit
 Not reasonably practicable

You must record the significant findings

of your assessment.
Tell your employees about your
findings .

Suitable and sufficient - not perfect.


Review your assessment and revise it if


 New machines
 New substances
 New procedures
 Look for the hazards
 Decide who might be harmed
 Evaluate the risks
 Record your findings
 Review your assessment

Good HSE is good business.

Formal Risk Assessment
Check Sheet

We wouldn't!
 But we do
We wouldn't

 But we do
We wouldn't

 But we do

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