Read Me!
Read Me!
Read Me!
one of the speech sounds or letters of the alphabet that is not a vowel.
Consonants are pronounced by stopping the air from flowing easily
through the mouth, especially by closing the lips or touching the teeth
with the tongue.
Diphthong comes from the Greek word diphthongos which means
"having two sounds."
Vowels combined like ai, au, ae, ou, ao ,ei and etc.
• vowel a and i which pronounce as I
• Examples are light, fight, might, cry, sight, like, dice, ice and more
• vowels a and u are combined and pronounce as O
• Examples are August, author, authenticate, oscar, awesome and more.
• vowel o and i that pronounce as oi or oy
• Examples are oil, soil, boy, toy, soy, boil and more
• vowel e and i which pronounce as ei or ey
• Examples are late, make, play, sake, pay, say and more
• vowel o and u which pronounce as “aw”
• Examples are down, ground, mouth, sound and more
Blends are also called clusters, which are group of two or more
consonant that make a distinct sound when combined.
These are two consonant combined to create new sounds such as fl, gl,
bl, fr, pl, gr, sp, sh, cl, ph, pr, tr and more
Examples are flag, flash, glue, gloom, free, friend, play, place, please,
group, grace, speech, space, shake, shy, clay, class, physical, pray, tried,
tree, three and more
Examples are west, where, why, will and yes, yell, yacht,
yellow, yarn and yogurt.
Short Vowels sounds
Short vowels are vowel sounds that are pronounced in a short
The term short vowel is used to refer to the sounds that most
often correspond to the letters 'a,' 'e,' 'i,' 'o,' and 'u' when the
vowel occurs individually between consonants.
Short vowel sounds
/a/ /e/ /i/ /o/
- mad /u/
- met - sit - hot - sun
- sat - bet - bit - top
- cat - fun
- net - fit - dog - run
- pan - red - rid - pot
- ran - cut
- tell - thrill - job - but
- tab - ten - clip - mop
- bag - mug
- trend - sip - box - sub
- sad - jet - tip - fox - cup
End of discussion