AI Intro

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to AI
What is Artificial Intelligence?
AI is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent
computer systems, i.e., computer systems that exhibit the
characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior -
understanding language, learning, reasoning and solving problems.

● Most AI systems can broken into:

○ Search
○ Knowledge Representation
○ And their applications
Artificial Intelligence..
● Knowledge representation deals with finding a means of encoding
knowledge so that a machine can use it.

● Tasks such a planning, reasoning, learning, understanding basically

involve some searching and perhaps updating of a knowledge base

● Tasks such as vision, natural language understanding, speech

recognition and robot planning involve searching knowledge
Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence
● learn new concepts and tasks

● reason and draw useful conclusions about the world around us

○ remember complicated interrelated facts and draw conclusions
from them (inference)

● understand a natural language or perceive and comprehend a visual

○ look through cameras and see what's there (vision), to move
themselves and objects around in the real world (robotics)
Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence..
● plan sequences of actions to complete a goal
● offer advice based on rules and situations
● may not necessarily imitate human senses and thought
○ but indeed, in performing some tasks differently, they
may actually exceed human abilities
● capable of performing intelligent tasks effectively and
● perform tasks that require high levels of intelligence
Components of AI Program
● AI techniques must be independent of the problem
domain as far as possible.
● AI program should have
○ knowledge base
○ navigational capability
○ inferencing
Knowledge Base
● AI programs should be learning in nature and update its
knowledge accordingly.
● Knowledge base consists of facts and rules.
● Characteristics of Knowledge:
○ It is voluminous in nature and requires proper structuring
○ It may be incomplete and imprecise
○ It may keep on changing (dynamic)
Navigational Capability
● Navigational capability contains various control
● Control Strategy
○ determines the rule to be applied
○ Some heuristics (thump rule) may be applied
● Inferencing requires
○ search through knowledge base
○ derive new knowledge
Sub-areas of AI
● Knowledge representation
● Theorem proving
● Game playing
● Common sense reasoning dealing with uncertainty and decision making
● Learning models, inference techniques, pattern recognition, search and
matching etc.
● Logic (fuzzy, temporal modal) in AI
● Planning and scheduling
Sub-areas of AI…
● Natural language understanding
● Computer vision
● Understanding spoken speech
● Intelligent tutoring systems
● Robotics
● Machine translation systems
● Expert problem solving
● Neural Networks, AI tools etc
Sub-areas of AI…
 Business : Financial strategies, give advice
 Engineering: check design, offer suggestions to create new product

 Manufacturing: Assembly, inspection & maintenance

 Mining: used when conditions are dangerous

 Hospital : monitoring, diagnosing & prescribing

 Education : In teaching

 household : Advice on cooking, shopping etc.

 farming : prune trees & selectively harvest mixed crops.

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