Different Types of Mouse
Different Types of Mouse
Different Types of Mouse
By Arihant Awate
FYCM - (A) - 5
When PCs first hit the market for consumers,
the computer mouse was simple and had
limited functions. Today, there are numerous
types of computer mouse and trackball
designs to fit every computing style. This
guide will give you an overview of the
various models and their chief benefits to a
A wired mouse connects directly to your desktop or laptop, usually
through a USB port, and transmits information via the cord. The cord
connection provides several key advantages. For starters, wired mice
provide fast response time, as the data is transmitted directly through
the cable. They also tend to be more accurate than other designs.
This can make wired models great for gamers, digital artists, and
other users who rely on high accuracy.
Wireless mice transmit radio signals to a receiver connected to
your computer. The computer accepts the signal and decodes
how the cursor was moved or what buttons were clicked. While
the freedom or range with wireless models is convenient, there
are some drawbacks. The decoding process, for instance, means
that a wireless mouse is generally not as responsive to gestures
as a wired mouse. Gamers in particular might find the lag
frustrating. That said, there are specific wireless mice designed
for gaming that address the latency issue in their design and
have quicker response times. For most users, however, the lag or
lost accuracy with a wireless model will be negligible.
Wireless mouse designs and Bluetooth mouse
designs tend to look very similar, as neither need a
wired connection to operate. Most wireless mice
models use a dongle that connects to your PC, and
the mouse communicates back and forth in that
manner. A Bluetooth mouse, however, utilizes an
internal Bluetooth connection on your PC, allowing
you to connect the mouse to multiple devices at a
Wired Mouse Wireless Mouse Bluetooth Mouse
● Better accuracy ● Extended range ● Extended range
● Low-latency from computer from computer
● Not restrained by ● Not restrained by
● More affordable
cord length cord length
● No batteries
● Unrestricted ● Unrestricted
required movement movement
● Doesn’t require ● Doesn’t require
mousepad mousepad