HCI Assignment No.2

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Virtual Reality (VR)

 Virtual Reality allows a user to interact with a computer- simulated environment, be it a real or
imagined one. Real Environments- Simulations for pilot or combat training. Imaginary
Environments- Differ significantly from reality, as in VR games
 Components of VR System Rendering Processor Create the sensations that are output to the user.
Separate rendering processes are used for visual, auditory, haptic and other sensory systems.
Each renderer takes a description of the world stat from the simulation process or derive it
directly from the World Database for each time step.
 Why Virtual Reality is needed? Scientific Visualization Scientific Visualization provides the
researcher with immediate graphical feedback during the course of the computations and gives
him/her the ability to 'steer' the solution process. Application at NASA Ames Research Center is
the Virtual Planetary Exploration. It helps planetary geologists to remotely analyze the surface of
a planet. They use VR techniques to roam planetary terrains.
 Technologies of VR--Software Toolkits Programming libraries. Provide function libraries (C &
C++). Authoring systems Complete programs with graphical interfaces for creating worlds
without resorting to detailed programming.
 ADVANTAGES • Interaction with the environment. • User interface • User can see and even feel
the shaped surface under his/her fingertips. • Flight simulators and games. • CAD/CAE •
Biomedical Engineering the projects mentioned are use of virtual reality for viewing of X-RAY's
and MRI ‘s. • Rendering and 3-D lighting, modeling for resource management.

Smart Home
 What is smart home? Smart Home technology intelligently gives you ultimate control over your
home by automating the lighting system, dimming, blinds, electrical appliances, audio and
security systems. Smart homes connect all the devices and appliances in your home so they can
communicate with each other and with you.
 Why Smart Home: Comfort/Ease of Control, Smart Home offers ease of controlling devices
around the home. This is one of its outstanding feature. These features offer automation and
remote control of devices around the home from any location within such as: Automatic control
of garage door and gate(s); Automatic shutdown of appliance when not in use; Automatic setting
and maintenance of right temperature for each room; Automatically adjust/ regulate light
intensity based on room luminosity.
 Why Smart Home: Entertainment Smart Home offers multi room entertainment network which
enables listening of audio music and watching of movies from any part in the house. Easy Control
Parental control feature on television channels for children to watch only certain programs.
Digital Access: Access favorite CD’s, DVD’s from any music system and television around the
home; Digital Storage System automatically stores most played music based on number of play.

 How does it work? Anything in your home that uses electricity can be put on the home network
and at your command. Whether you give that command by voice, remote control or computer,
the home reacts. Smart homes work with fairly simple systems: receivers and transmitters
Receivers detect a certain signal from the transmitter, that issues a command.
 Conclusion: Keeping in mind that technology is rapidly changing, it is important to recognize how
technology is changing how we function within our households. The cost of smart home
technologies is really high. In a middle or lower class families are can’t afford this technology. The
minimum cost is $1000. also cost is depends on how ‘Smart’ you really want. The smart home
technology is not available in India. But it will come in near future.

 What is smartwatch? A smart watch is a computerized wristwatch with functionality that is
enhanced beyond timekeeping. While early models can perform basic tasks, such as calculations,
translations, and game-playing. Modern smart watches are effectively wearable computers.
Many smart watches run mobile apps, while a smaller number of models run a mobile operating
 Features: Camera, accelerometer, thermometer, altimeter, barometer, compass, chronograph,
calculator, cell phone, touch screen, GPS navigation, Map display, graphical display, speaker,
scheduler, watch, SD cards that are recognized as a mass storage device by a computer, and
rechargeable battery. It may communicate with a wireless headset, heads-up display, insulin
pump, microphone, modem, or other devices.
 Smartwatches give access to: News, Weather, Sports, Instant Messenger, Microsoft Outlook,
Receive Phone calls, Read text messages/ emails All from A Wrist Watch.
 Technology Used: S- Smart P- Personal O- Object T- Technology Introduced by MICROSOFT. The
new android Smartwatch can be used only if it is in This wrist watch allows you to a sync with cell
phone. Receive calls, read text messages or emails when the cell phone is not with you.
 The Smartwatch, is a wearable gadget which keeps our hands free and yet allows us to use our
smart phones, which might be at home, while we are away. The only disadvantage of this device
is that it is useless without a cell phone.

Smart glasses
 Introduction. • Wearable computers that adds information to what the wearer sees. • Are
computerized internet connected glasses. • With transparent heads up display. Like other
computers smart glasses also collect information from internal and external sources. • Smart
glasses have all the features of smart phones. • Supports Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS. • Some also
have activity tracker functionality features (such as distance walked or run, calories burned,
heartbeat count etc.).

 Augmented Reality(AR) • Is a direct/indirect view of physical, real world environment. • By

contrast Virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. • Augmentation is
conventionally in real time and in semantic context with environment elements, such sports
scores on TV during a match. • With help of AR Technology information of real world becomes
interactive and digitally manipulability.
 Camera • Video. • Pictures. • Hands-free. • Personal. • Point of view. • No obscured sight.
Convenience e• Navigation. • Time. • Notifications. • Memory aid. Medical • Track medicine
consumption. • Subtitles for hearing impaired (future). • VR to distract from pain in physical
therapy. • Software adjustable seeing aid. • Lenses that measure blood sugar.
 Safety • Warn when in danger. • Accident detection and reaction. • Video & Audio stream to
police. • Possibility for surveillance by government.
 Education • Living history. • Augmented professor. • Sophisticated simulations for training. •
Virtual objects to experience physics. • Virtual classroom. Productivity • Stream Video to co-
worker, instructor, expert or trainee. • Watch instructions during work. • Real time translation.
• Guide warehouse employees. • Augment construction sites with model. • Monitor employees
eye movement. Sports • Performance measurement. • Performance comparison. •
Communication. • In combination with other hands free features.
 Data Inaccuracy. • Charging (Battery runs down quickly). • Not feasible for prescription eye-ware
users. • Lack of availability. • Expensive. • Accidents. • Lack of privacy. • Promising hardware Will
probably need a few iterations to get it right. • Many unique and useful applications possible
Often easy to implement. • Interesting for business and entertainment industry funding for
research and development.

Smart Vehicle
 “SMART VEHICLE SECURA” is based on computer programming by which, owner of the vehicle
can make safe their vehicles from the thief and unauthorized persons. “SMART VEHICLE SECURA”
is the combination of the existence equipment like -sensor, navigator, chip, Network interface
card (NIC) and Auto braking system. All devices are interconnected with each other.
 Introduction: “SMART VEHICLE SECURA” is the combination of the existence equipment like -
sensor, navigator, chip, Network interface card (NIC) and Auto braking system. All devices are
interconnected with each other. The main thing of the “SMART VEHICLE SECURA”, is that It
connected with server and all information of the vehicle store on server, user can be locating of
the vehicle from any place by login on the server and find the current location of the vehicle. The
Device is fully protected by user Id and Password…...
 Features; Sensor- The sensor works to check the unauthorized persons and maintain security. so,
we can easily connect sensors with owner mobile phones especially smart phones, have all
components. Modern smart phones having some helpful interfaces like- Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and

 Navigation: System Navigator is use to navigate the vehicle using by GPS. GPS car navigation
system can plot routes of travel to a given destination as well as. GPS allows safety and security
in lots of cars. This expertise can not only solely track the placement of your automobile but also
be used to call for assist in emergency situations. This can be connected easily with your mobile
phones. NIC: Network Interface Card, which provides the connectivity of the Network and also
use to transfer data form vehicle to owner number.
 Auto Braking; System Automatic braking, this system actually brakes the car to prevent a collision
or the impact from whatever is in front of you.
 The Device has designed as when any person touch or damage the part of vehicle then sensor
release an information to the owner by SMS. When vehicle is running or standing mode then the
navigator system automatic activated and IT is moving from one area to another area then it save
the location in the storage device and release a SMS to the owner number. It always uses Network
Interface Card for connection between vehicle and owner’s mobile phone. The owner can easily
search the location of his vehicle by using login your account on server and type the Number of
the Device. The whole system based on the chip and programming. The SMART VEHICLE SECURA
also inform you about the crashing of the vehicle.
 Thinking like an Analyst How can we improve & apply this device for saving human life? We have
skills and practices that we use when we think like analysts. We know where to focus of our
attention and what can be safely ignored.

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