Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Get the ball rolling by introducing the lesson's key
concepts and its corresponding definitions.
Duplicate this page as many times as needed to
give you more space for discussion. Pair the
concepts and definitions with relevant images too
for a more visualized presentation of the lesson.
Are you excited for a
fun learning session?
Make sure y ou have
the following before
List the start:
things your students need to get
ready before class. It can be a particular
textbook, the accomplished homework due for
the day, or any specific materials for the
topic you're about to discuss. You can also
match it with corresponding photos or icons.
Class Rules and
1 2
Rules provide the structure Objectives inform students the
necessary for an engaging and learning outcomes of the class.
productive class. Keep it simple What will they know? What will
and easy to follow. It can be they be able to do? Why is this
general to cover different important to know?
situations or very specific to It's an effective way to
your students. assess their learning
Get the ball rolling by introducing the lesson's key
concepts and its corresponding definitions.
Duplicate this page as many times as needed to
give you more space for discussion. Pair the
concepts and definitions with relevant images too
for a more visualized presentation of the lesson.
Ex amples and
I llustrations
1 2 3
Seatwor Question 1: Write the question you
want to ask your students and allot
a space below for their answers.
Add instructions Question 2: Write the question you
or guidelines want to ask your students and allot
here. a space below for their answers.
Add instructions or guidelines here. You can
also put in the amount of time allotted for
1 2 3
Write the question you want to Write the question you want to Write the question you want to
ask your students and allot a ask your students and allot a ask your students and allot a
space below for their answers. space below for their answers. space below for their answers.
Add instructions or guidelines here.
Like seatworks, student-led activities that can be done by
pairs or by group widen their grasp and interpretation of
the lesson. Be creative with the activity with clear directions
and a set number of minutes to finish. Duplicate this page
as many times as needed to give you more space for
tal Video
Let your students watch relevant educational
videos that help reinforce the lesson for the day.
It’s no secret that it helps students stay
interested and engaged. Duplicate this page as
many times as needed to give you more space
for discussion.
Additional Resources
Photos or screenshots of relevant articles are also effective in reinforcing a class
On Ty peform On Canva
1. Create or log in to your 4. Connect your Typeform account to your
account. Canva account. On the left side of the editor,
2. You will see a duplicate of the click More and select Typeform under Apps
form in your account. and Integrations.
recolorable icons and
illustrations in your
Canva design
I llustration
Use these free
recolorable icons and
illustrations in your
Canva design