Hydrographic Surveying

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History of Hydrographic Surveying
 In the years leading up to the Revolutionary War, and for half a century
after that, ships sailing through the U.S. coastal waters had to rely on
nautical charts with very little information or, too often, they had no
charts at all.
 In the 1790s, Congress began authorizing specific and limited surveys
of the coast.
 Congress and President Thomas Jefferson tried to rectify that on
February 10, 1807, when legislation authorized a “survey to be taken of
coasts of the United States.”
 Because of a number of factors, the Coast Survey was not permanently
organized until 1832.
 Finally, in 1834, the Survey took its first hydrographic soundings.
Hydrographic Surveying: Definition
 refers to surveying bodies of water for purpose of navigation, water supply,
or subaqueous construction
 the process employed in gathering information concerning any body of
water and its adjacent land areas
 hydrographic surveying is the science of measurement and description of
underwater features which affect maritime navigation, marine construction,
dredging, offshore oil exploration and drilling, and other related activities
Purpose of Hydrographic Surveying:
1. To determine the shoreline of harbors, lakes, and rivers from which to draw
an outline map of the body of water.
2. To determine by means of soundings, the submerged relief of ocean
3. To observe tidal conditions for the establishment of standard datum.
4. To obtain data, in case of rivers, related to the studies of flood control, power
development, water supply and storage.
5. To locate channel depths and obstruction to navigators.
6. To determine quantities of underwater excavations.
7. To measure areas to scour or silting.
8. To indicate preferred locations of certain engineering works by stream discharge
Basic Operations Involved in Hydrographic Survey
1. Reconnaissance
2. Establishment of Horizontal Control
3. Establishment of Vertical Control
4. Topographic Survey
5. Preparation of Hydrographic map
Sounding: Definition
 it is a process or method of determination of the relief of the bottom of a
body of water
 the process of measuring the depth of a body of water at a particular
 in hydrographic surveying, sounding is the measurement of depth
below the water surface
What is sounding in hydrographic survey?
 In hydrographic surveying, sounding is the measurement of depth
below the water surface. Sounding is most important for any water body
to improve its navigable properties, to know about silting and scouring
Location of Soundings:
 the determination of the relief of the bottom of a body of water is
made by sounding
 if the survey requires relatively few soundings, the soundings are
made with a rod or a line
 for surveys of greater scope echo sounders are used
 the sounder records a continuous profile of the bottom under the
survey boat
 when the bottom has a gradual slope it is advantageous to take
soundings along parallel lines that are right angles to the contours
of the bottom
 the depth of the sounding is referred to water level at the time it is
made and is corrected to the datum determined by the gage
Methods of Locating Soundings:
1. By means of boat towed at a uniform speed along a known range line
at equal intervals of time.
2. By means of range line and an angle from the shore.
3. By means of range line and an angle from the boat.
4. Two angles from the shore.
5. Two angles taken simultaneously at the boat by using sextant, and
three stations on the shore.
6. By transit and stadia.
7. By intersection of fixed ranges.
8. By a wire stretched along a river at known distances.
Equipment for Sounding:
1. Sounding Rods
2. Hand Sounding Lines
3. Sounding Leads
4. Sounding Machines
5. Echo Sounders
6. Signals and Ranges
Making Sounding:
 if an echo sounder is used, sounding are recorded continuously while the boat
travels along a range line
 if a leadline is used for sounding, the procedure used depends on the depth
and velocity of the current
 if the depth is not more than 75 ft., the sounding is made without stopping the
 soundings in deep, still water are taken by stopping the boat for each
 it is also necessary to stop the boat for each sounding when a wire
sounding machine is used
 the field record should show the locality, the date, the name of observers,
the designation of range or line, serial number of sounding in range, the
time, the two angles if sextants are used, the points sighted on the shore,
the depth of each sounding, the gage reading for water level, and the error
or correction of the sounding line
 if the angles are read from shore, each transitman records the azimuth of
the sounding, the time, the range and serial designation, and any other
information which might be useful in identifying his notes with those other
 tide-gage readings are taken from the gage reader’s record and record at
end of each day’s work
 soundings are sometimes taken when a lake or river are frozen by
boring a hole in the ice with ice auger
 if the weather is not too severe, the soundings are best located by the
transit-stadia method
 in very severe weather the soundings are best located by intersecting
range lines
Hydrographic Maps – is a map similar to ordinary topographic map but it has its
own particular symbol
 Hydrographic maps are a valuable source of information both above and
below water. Detail varies greatly but if a tackle store has a hydrographic
chart or map of a lake you will be boating and fishing, pick one up and study
 Above water, these maps or nautical charts provide information such as the
shoreline shape, and the location of boat ramps, coves, points, and any dam.
A hydrographic map also will give scale. It is important to have a good idea
just how far it is from point A to point B.  
 But perhaps just as valuable is the information a hydrographic map can
supply below water, in the form of contour lines. Widely spaced contour lines
mean a gradual slope or similar depth. Closely spaced contour lines are
locations of steeper slopes, ridges, or drop-offs.
 the amount and kind of information shown on a hydrographic map vary with
the use of the map:
1. a harbor map should show enough shore-line topography to locate and plan
wharves, warehouses, roads, and streets along the water front
2. a navigation chart should show only shore details which are useful aids to
navigation, such as church, spires, smokestacks, towers, and similar landmarks
3. maps of rivers should show both lower-water and high-water marks and all
topography within the zone between these marks
 a hydrographic map should contain the following information:
1. Datum used for elevations.
2. High-water and low-water lines.
3. Soundings, usually in meter or feet and tenths, with decimal point occupying
the exact plotted location of the point.
4. Lines of equal depths interpolated from soundings. On navigation chart for
offshore areas, the lines of equal depth are shown in fathom (1 fathom = 6 ft.) for
harbors, the lines of equal depth are shown in meter or feet
5. Conventional signs for land features is the same as on topographic maps.
6. Lighthouses, navigation lights, buoys, etc., either shown by conventional
signs or lettered on the map.
 discharge measurements of a stream are usually made in connection
with problems of water supply, power development, recreational use,
fish propagation, and flood flow
 measurement of flow in canals and diversion conduits is essential for
proper operation of irrigation, water supply, and hydroelectric facilities
 the discharge of natural stream is a function of the volume and
intensity of rainfall upon its drainage area and the characteristics of
that area and may vary from no surface flow to violent and destructive
 to acquire an accurate knowledge of stream flow requires regular
observations extending over a period of years
The following types of stream-flow data are collected:
1. Discharge measurements of a particular flow without regard to stage (phase
or cycle) of stream.
2. Measurement of instantaneous peak discharge for all floods during a
specified period of time. From this information the magnitude and frequency of
floods can be studied.
3. Continuous records of phase and discharge. This type of record requires
discharge measurements for a number of different phases throughout the total
range in stage or phase in order to develop a stage-discharge relation curve
(rating curve) for the station. The discharge is computed by applying this
rating curve to the continuous record of water stage obtained at the gaging
4. Continuous record of stage only.
5. Discharge measurement to obtain formulas or coefficients for dams, weirs,
or rating flumes.
Measuring the Cross-Section:
 Calculate the average cross-sectional area
 Cross-sectional area (A in the formula) is the product of stream width
multiplied by average water depth. To calculate the average cross-sectional
area for the study stream reach, volunteers should determine the cross-
sectional area for each being divided area, add the results together, and then
divide by 2 to determine the average cross-sectional area for the stream
 To determine the average cross-sectional area of the entire stream reach or
strech (A in the formula), add together the average cross-sectional area of
each transect and then divide by 2
 In this method, the stream channel cross section is divided into numerous
vertical subsections. In each subsection, the area is obtained
by measuring the width .
Three Distinct Method of Determining Stream Discharge or Flow in Open
1. Velocity-Area Method:
 The velocity–area method for the determination of discharge in open
channels consists of measurements of stream velocity, depth of flow and
distance across the channel between observation verticals.
 The velocity is measured at one or more points in each vertical by current
meter and an average velocity determined in each vertical.
 The discharge is derived from the sum of the product of mean velocity,
depth and width between verticals.
 The discharge so obtained is normally used to establish a relation between
water level (stage) and streamflow.
 Once established, this stage-discharge relation is used to derive discharge
values from records of stage at the gauging station.
2. Slope- Area Method:
Concept of Slope-Area Method:
 When it is not possible to make direct measurement especially during floods,
slope-area method is a most commonly used indirect method of
 In this method discharge is computed on the basis of a uniform flow equation
involving channel characteristics, water surface profile and a roughness
 The drop in water surface profile for a uniform reach of channel represents
losses caused by bed roughness.
 The well known Manning’s equation is used in this method. The discharge is
given by equation:
Q = 1/n A.R2/3 S1/2
Manning Formula:

k is a unit conversion factor: k=1.49 for English units (feet and seconds). 
k=1.0 for SI units (meters and seconds).
A=Flow area culvert, or channel.
P=Wetted perimeter which is the portion of the circumference that is in contact
with water.
Q=Discharge (flow rate).
S=Downward (longitudinal) slope of the culvert.
V=Average velocity in the pipe, culvert, or channel.
3. Weir Method
 a weir method is an obstruction placed in a channel, over which the water must flow
 weirs are structures consisting of an obstruction such as a dam or bulkhead placed
across the open channel with a specially shaped opening or notch
 the flow rate over a weir is a function of the head on the weir.
 discharge of a stream using this method involves the necessary information:
a. depth of water flowing over the crest of weir, H
b. length of crest, L for rectangular or trapezoidal weir
c. angle of side slopes if weir is triangular or trapezoidal
d. whether flat or sharp crested
e. height of crest above bottom of approach
f. width and depth of approach channel
g. Velocity of approach
h. Nature of end contraction
Types of Weirs:

Cipolletti Weir
Types of Weirs:
 A fairly simple method for measuring flow rate through an open channel is
the Float method. Although not as accurate as a measuring device such as a
flume or a flow probe, the float method can provide an educated estimate.
 Briefly put, this method involves measuring the surface velocity of the water
with a floating object, and then multiplying this velocity by the width and
average depth of the channel.
Commonly Used Type Floats:
1. Surface Floats
 A float is a natural or artificial body that is supported in the water by
buoyance forces and used in open channels to determine water velocities. ...
The surface velocity is seldom an indicator of the mean velocity in an open
channel: a rough interpretation is that the mean velocity is 0.7 times
the surface velocity.
1. It should be made of lightweight or hollow material in such a shape as to offer
the least resistance to floating debris, ripples, eddy currents and wind.
2. The general practice is to use improvised floats of jugs, bottles, blocks of
wood, flood debris, apples, oranges, etc.
3. The surface velocity is measured by timing the travel of surface floats at
various locations across the stream through the measured distance.
4. The observed velocity must be multiplied by a coefficient to reduce it to mean
velocity; if possible this coefficient should be determined by current meter; if not,
a coefficient of 0.85 to 0.90 is commonly used.
2. Subsurface Floats
 often used to obtain a more reliable estimate of mean velocity
 a centrally buoyant device, designed to drift at a specific depth below the
water's surface, used to measure water velocity at that depth.
1. This is sometimes called double floats, consist of small surface floats from
which suspended a second float slightly heavier than water.
2. The submerged float is a hollow cylinder, offering the same resistance in all
directions and the minimum vertical resistance to rising currents.
3. The velocity gained by the use of subsurface floats does not warrant the time
and trouble involved in their preparation; consequently, subsurface floats are
seldom used.
4. The use of the floats should be restricted to straight stretches of the stream
having a fairly uniform cross-section throughout the length of the reach.
5. The distance trough which the floats are timed should be at least 100 ft. as
much as 500 ft.
3. Rod Float
 It is usually a cylindrical tube of thin. Copper or brass 25 mm to 50 mm
in diameter
 The rod float method may be used in canals with straight stretches that are
regular and uniform in cross section and grade. Where these conditions exist
and the flow is free of cross currents and eddies, discharge measurements
may be made with a high degree of accuracy.
 This type of float may be made out of wooden-rod or a metal tube.
 It is weighted at the bottom to allow it to float vertically upright with only a
short length exposed above the surface of the water.
 The rod float method may be used in canals with straight stretches that are
regular and uniform in cross section and grade. Where these conditions exist
and the flow is free of cross currents and eddies, discharge measurements
may be made with a high degree of accuracy.
Measuring Stream Velocity
Picture of Surface Float, Subsurface Float and Rod Float
A current meter is oceanographic device for flow measurement by
mechanical, tilt, acoustical or electrical means.
An instrument for measuring the velocity of flow of a fluid (as water) in a
Any one of numerous instruments for measuring the speed alone, or both
speed and direction, of flowing water, as in a stream or the ocean; it is
usually activated by a wheel equipped with a set of revolving vanes or cups
whose rate of turning is proportional to the velocity of the current.
a current meter is an instrument used to measure the velocity of flowing
the principle of operation is based on the proportionality between the
velocity of the water that strikes it and the rate of rotation of the rotor of the
 if a current meter is placed at a point in a stream and the number of
revolutions of the rotor counted in a measure interval of time, the
velocity of the water at the point can be determined from the
calibration of the meter
 current meter : An instrument for measuring the speed of flow in a
watercourse. The most common type of current meters relate current
speed to the rate at which an impeller is rotated by the flowing water.
Picture of Current Meter:
1. Price Current Meter 2. Ellis Meter 5. Ott Meter

2. Haskell Meter 4. Fteley Meter

A. Measurement of Dredged Materials:
1. Measurement in place
2. Scow measurement
B. Measurement of Surface Current
C. Wire Drag or Sweep
D, Determination of Stream Slope
Capacity of Existing Lake or Reservoir
1. Contour Method
2. Cross-Section Method
Two General Method of Determining the Capacity of a Lake or Reservoir
1. Contour Method
a. End-Area Method
b. Prismoidal Formula
2. Parallel Cross-Section Method
a. End-Area Method
b. Prismoidal Formula
a. End-Area Method

= (+)
= (+)

= (+2+)
b. Prismoidal Formula:


V= +4+)
In this case the is
V= (+4+)
Below is the current meter notes for a river. Compute the discharge in liters
per second and the mean velocity in section.
from Dist. from Depth of Depth of No. of Time Vel. at
I.P.(m) Water (m) Obs. (m) Revolution (sec) Point
9.50 W.E.
20.00 1.25 0.75 35 20.0 0.450
30.00 1.70 0.34 55 20.5 0.739
1.36 50 17.2 0.720
40.00 2.30 0.46 95 21.0 1.251
1.84 90 19.4 1.243
50.00 2.85 1.71 75 14.3 0.852
60.00 1.55 0.93 50 20.0 0.524
70.00 0.90 0.18 35 22.0 0.473
0.72 30 18.2 0.469
78.35 W.E.

W.E. a b c d e f W.E.
1,25 1.70 2.3 1 2.85
2 1.55 0.90 6
3 4 5
Vel. at point:
= 0.45
= = 0.7295 = 0.852 = = 0.471
= = 1.2465 = 0.524
Average velocity at point: Computation of Area:
= = 0.225 = = 6.5625
= = 0.5898 = = 14.75
= = 0.988 = = 20
= = 1.049 = = 25.7
= = 0.688 = = 22.
= = 0.4975 = = 12.25
= = 0.2355 = = 3.7575
Computation of Discharge:
Q = AV No. Area Velocity Discharge
(sq.m.) (mps) (cu./sec)
1 6.5625 0.225 1.477
2 14.25 0.5898 8.700
3 20 0.988 19.760
4 25.75 1.049 27.012
5 22.0 0.688 15.136
6 12.25 0.4975 6.094
7 3.7575 0.2355 0.885

= 79.064 cu m/sec
= 79064 liters/sec
Example: The areas bounded by the water line of a reservoir is determined by a
planimeter. The contour interval is 2 m. The following areas are determined.
= 20,400 sq. m., = 18, 600 sq. m., = 14.300 sw. m., = 10, 200 sq. m. = 8,000
sq. m., = 4,000 sq. m. Determine the capacity of the reservoir using: (a) End-
Area Method (b) Prismoidal Formula

a) End-Area Method b) Prismoidal Formula
= = 39,000 cu. m. = 18,600
= = 32,900 cu. m. = [20,400 +4(18,600) + 14,300]
= = 24,500 cu. m. = 72,733.33 cu. m.
= = 18,200 cu. m. = 10,200
= = 12,000 cu. m. = [14,300 + 4(10,200) + 8,000)
= + + + + = 42,066.67 cu. m.
Capacity of reservoir: Solve the last volume by End-Area Method
= 126,600 cu. = = 12,000 cu. m.
=+ +
= 126,800 cu. m. (Capacity of reservoir)
Practice Problem: Solve in your notebook.
Suppose the area bounded by the water line of a lake and contours 1, 2,
3, 4, and 5 are as follows:
= 10,250 sq. m. = 6,900 sq. m.
= 8,350 sq. m. = 5,250 sq. m.
= 7,750 sq. m.
If the contour interval is 2 m., calculate the volume of water in the lake in
gallons using End-Area Method. Use 7.48 gallons = 1 cu. ft. Draw the

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