Hydrographic Surveying
Hydrographic Surveying
Hydrographic Surveying
1.0 Introduction:
o The survey conducted on water bodies (stream, river, lake or an ocean) is
known as hydrographic surveying.
The objectives of the hydrographic surveying may be listed as below:
o To determine navigation routes/ preparation of nautical charts using
surface data of shore area.
o To make underwater investigations for designing port and harbour facilities.
o To find scouring and silting data on subaqueous floor.
o To collect discharge data of rivers.
o To plan engineering projects like bridges, dams and reservoirs.
o To determine the shoreline of water bodies.
o To collect data of tides to find mean sea level.
1.1 Shoreline Survey
o Shoreline survey is to record location of shorelines, prominent features on
the shoreline and data of high and low tides.
1.1.1 Controls
o Hydrographic surveying involves measuring the depth of water at points on
the water body surface and location of the points at which depth is measured.
o Finding depth of water at a point on the water body surface is known as
sounding. For sounding data to be useful vertical control (benchmark) on the
shore is necessary.
o As the water level in a water body may frequently vary, the reduced levels of
points on the water surface have to be related to the depth of water as well.
o To locate the points where soundings are taken, horizontal control is required
and triangulation points/ shoreline traverse points are used for this purpose.
1.1.2 Tides
o The theory of tides is based upon Newton’s equilibrium theory. All celestial
bodies exert a force of attraction (gravitational force) which is directly
proportional to masses and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
o Thus the ocean on the Earth are under influence of the Sun and the Moon,
however influence of the Moon is more due to its proximity with the Earth.
o The generally accepted tidal theory has two important assumptions: (i) the
Earth is covered all around by an ocean of uniform depth (ii) the sea is
capable of taking, instantaneously, any new position as per the forces
exerted on it. Lunar Tides
o Lunar tides are the variations in the ocean surface level due to the moon.
o The moon has two types of motion, i. e., rotation about its own axis and
revolves around the Earth.
o At first, consider the gravitational attraction between them without the motion.
This force is not uniform as the distance of mass particles from the moon
varies for different locations of the earth.
o Secondly, the rotation of the earth will cause centrifugal forces on its mass
particles. This force will be almost uniform all around.
o The non-uniform force of moon will have more effect the earth face nearer to
the moon and less effect on the surface away from the moon.
o The water rises to the maximum level on the side facing the moon and this is
known as superior tide. On the opposite face, the water rises to a minimum
level and known as inferior lunar tide.
o On the other two surfaces, the water level will be low and this is the phase of
low tide.
o Rotation of the earth about its own axis, will keep on changing the positions of
the numbers shown as 1, 2, 3, 4 facing the moon with time and further the
motion of the moon also changes due to its motion around the earth. Thus the
tidal positions keep on changing and all the points will experience high and low
tides at some point of time. Solar Tides
o Tidal phenomenon due to the sun is of the same pattern as the same due
to the noon. If Dm is the distance between the earth and the moon.
o As known that (Ms/ Mm)= 27111716 and (Dm/ Ds) = 0.00257; the tide
producing force due to the Sun is 0.46 times that due to the moon. Spring and Neap Tides
o The combined effects of the lunar and solar tides result in spring and neap
o Spring tides occur during full moon when the sun and the moon have the
same celestial longitude.
o Assuming that the sun and the moon lie along the same horizontal with the
equator, the effect of tidal forces of the sun and the moon are additive giving a
maximum tide known as spring tide.
o After about 7.5 days, the longitudes of the sun and the moon are at 90° and
crest of the moon tide coincides with the trough of the sun tide counteracting
the influence of each other and known as neap tide.
o In the spring tide, the high water level goes above the average tide and the low
water level is below the average. In contrast, the neap tide is characterized by
high water level below the average tide and low water level is above the
o The cycle of spring and neap tides repeats after about 29.5 days.
o The prediction of tides is thus very difficult and should be mainly based on the
observational data of actual occurrences of tides. Measurement of tides
o The elevations of high and low waters or tidal positions are measured using
various types of gauges.
o There are two types of gauges: Self registering and Non-registering types
A weight gauge consists of a wire or chain to which the weight is attached. The
arrangement of weight and chain is passed through a pulley to maintain vertical
position of the hanging weight. A graduated scale with an index mark is placed
near the wire for taking the reading. During measurement, the weight is lowered
to touch the water level and a reading is taken against the index mark. The
reduced level of the zero of the graduated scale is determined using a level and
staff. The staff is held touching the bottom of the weight when it touches the
water level, at the same time placing the index over the zero mark of the scale.
The reduced level of the zero mark is thus established.
(d) Self-registering gauge
1.2 Soundings
o Sounding is the determination of the depth of water at different points on the
surface of a water body.
(ii) Sounding rod or pole: It is a thick wooden pole 5-8 m long and about 80
mm in diameter. Sounding rods are suitable for shallow water sounding
only. A weight of lead is attached at the end for stability and for holding it
(iii) Lead lines: These are made of cord, rope or a brass chain with a sounding
lead weight attached to it. The line is graduated in a stretched position after
wetting it. It should be dried and stored. It is wetted for about one hour
before it is used for sounding. The lead weight may be hollow at the bottom
for sampling the material. It is bell shaped with a ring at the top to attach the
lead line. The weight should be sufficient for the line to be stable in flowing
(v) Fathometer: It works on the principle of echo sounding. It can be used for
greater depths and hence mostly used in ocean sounding. A fathometer
determines the water depths by measuring the time taken by sound waves
to travel through water and back. The instrument can directly give the depth
or may record it on paper giving the profile of the bed ground. The velocity of
sound waves in water depends on many factors, the instrument can be
adjusted to the velocity in a particular stretch of water based on its
A fathometer has a transmitter for generating and transmitting
sound waves and a receiver unit for receiving the echo sound waves.
It also has recording and power units. The signal is transmitted to travel through the water
and the reflected signal is received in the receiving unit. The time of travel of signal is
recorded. As the distance travelled is two times the depth of the water and V is the velocity
of sound that takes the time t, then D = V t/ 2, where D is the depth of water.
A correction may be applied if the boat is in motion, i. e., the position of transmission
and receiving of the signal is not the same. The circuitry is so designed that when the
sounding is taken, the depth is automatically calculated, displayed and recorded as a
Advantages of Fathometer:
(i) It is more accurate than other methods.
(ii) It can be used in strong currents where other methods may not suit.
(iii) A true vertical sounding is obtained.
(iv) It is very fast method.
(v) It can be used in adverse weather conditions.
(vi) It provides a continuous record of soundings, the profile of the ground can be seen
later after the field work is over.
(vi) Modern Systems: Oceanographic studies or large scale harbour projects use echo
-sounding systems with side-scan/ single or multiple beam scanning systems. Multiple
-beam scanning systems use a number of transducers and scan the floor in parallel
lines in two perpendicular directions. These airborne devices are known as SONAR
(sound detection and ranging) and LIDAR (light detection and ranging)
1.2.2 Methods in sounding
(ii) If a lead line is used, it is thrown forward and the boat keeps on moving.
The reading is taken when the line becomes vertical. This action requires
experience so for soundings experienced staff is required.
(iii) In placid water, the above methods are used. In turbulent water, tide
gauge is required and the water level variations are noted with time. The
sounding party will also note the time of reading of the sounding. It may
now be possible to reduce the readings to a common datum.
1.3 Locating Soundings
In order to determine the topography of the floor of a river or an ocean, it is
essential to know the locations of soundings in addition to depth of water.
There are many ways to locate sounding positions. The following relevant
terms are required in this regard.
Range Line: The soundings are generally taken along straight lines laid at
intervals, at right angle to the shore or banks of a river. Fig. below shows the
range lines. In case the shoreline is not straight, the range lines are laid out
as radiating from a prominent point on the shore.
Signals: In order to range the line, shore signals are placed on both the
banks or at two different points far apart. The signals are rods or tripods fixed
to the ground with a coloured flag on top. The signals must be clearly visible
from a considerable distance. They are accurately located with respect to the
traverse or triangulation points. The location of soundings can be related to
shore points on the plan through the signals.
1.3.1 Location by Cross Ropes
One of the commonly used methods is to locate soundings by a Cross
Rope as shown below. This method consists of stretching a rope or wire
across the width of a river, lake or harbour area. The stretched line has
tag marks indicating distances with respect to a zero position on the
shore. As soundings are taken, there positions with respect to these tags
are noted and recorded along with the depth and time. This a simple
technique and commonly applied.
The advantage of this method is that the exact range line is not required.
This method is suitable when there is difficulty in rowing the boat accurately
along a range line.
1.3.6 Two Angles from the Boat
Similar to the previous method, in this method two angles are measured
from the boat. As shown in the fig. angles and are
measured from the boat. The two angles are
measured at the time of sounding.
The three stations P, Q and R on the shore should
either be the prominent features or the three points
established by traverse or triangulation. The position
of the three points are known in the plan.
Range lines and range signals are not required. The method is best
suited for measuring soundings at isolated points. There is a better
control over the operation as the whole party works from one boat.
1.3.7 One Angle from Shore and One Angle from Boat
As measuring two angles from the boat or shore simultaneously is difficult.
Other method, which uses one angle from shore and one from boat may
be used. As shown in the figure two shore signals are required in this
case. P and Q are the shore signals and S is the location of sounding.
Both the angles and sounding measurements should be done
Let be the measured QPS and be the PSQ, then
PQS = 180 – ( + ) = γ.
Thus the problem reduces to the same as the measurement of two angles
from the shore. Therefore,
1.3.8 Intersecting Range Lines
If soundings are to be taken at number of times on the same point (to
determine silting and scouring), two sets of range lines can be set out by
suitable signals from the shore. Sounding points are fixed on the intersection
of the range lines.
The advantage of this method is that no angles are to be measured.
The signal points are fixed in the plan by the intersecting lines, which are
located by the traverse or triangulation points on the shore.
1.3.9 Reduction and Plotting
Sounding directly measures the depth of water and the data obtained may
be used to know the ground profile of the bed as done in leveling. If the
water level changes frequently due to tides, the tidal gauge readings are
taken at the time of the soundings. Tidal readings can be used to reduce the
sounding readings to a common datum. The most commonly used datum is
the mean sea level.
The datum used can be the mean level of low water of spring tides
(LWOST) or the mean low water springs (MLWS). A correction is applied to
reduce the soundings to mean datum reading of the sea.
Example: The following soundings were taken when the gauge reading was
3.65 m.
1.75 m, 3.8 m, 4.5 m, 7.8 m, and 8.6 m
If the mean datum reading at LWOST is 2.85 m, reduce the sounding to
LWOST. Gauge Reading (3.65 m)
Sounding (1.75 m)
Sol: Mean datum reading(LWOST) (2.85 m)
Reduced sounding (0.95m)
Ground level
Mean datum reading at LWOST = 2.85 m
Gauge reading at sounding = 3.65 m
Correction to sounding = 2.85 – 3.65 = - 0.8 m
Reduced soundings are:
s1= 1.75 – 0.8 = 0.95 m, s2=3.8-0.8=3.0 m, s3=4.5-0.8=3.70 m
s4=7.8-0.8=7.0 m, s5=8.6-0.8=7.8 m.
Plotting: Soundings are plotted on the plan. If the range lines are fixed on the
plan, the soundings are plotted on the range lines depending upon
the distances measured on the cross rope or by any other means. If
angles are used, distances are calculated or angles are laid out to
locate the soundings.