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Stream flow, also known as runoff water, at a
particular outlet in a river is the total collection of
water coming from its watershed or drainage basin.
Watershed, drainage basin, catchment basin, or
outlet divide is a term interchangeably used to
represent the area that collects all runoff water into
an outlet of the river.

1. Overland Flow
2. Interflow
3. Groundwater Flow

1. Overland Flow
- also called as surface
runoff is that water
which travels over the ground surface to a

2. Interflow
- also known as subsurface storm flow is that
water which infiltrates the soil surface that move
laterally through the upper soil layers until it
enters a stream channel.

3. Groundwater Flow
- also called base flow or dry-weatherflow.
Water table intersects the stream channels of
the basin.

Surface runoff is influenced by rainfall

factors, watershed or drainage basin
characteristics, and soil factors.

1. Rainfall Factors
2. Basin Characteristics
3. Soil Factors
1. Rainfall Factors
This includes amount, intensity and
duration of rainfall; direction of movement of
the rain; areal distribution and coverage of
2. Basin Characteristics
Surface topography, slope, basin area,
drainage density, and type of surface cover
all affect runoff.
3. Soil Factors
Soil type and depth of soil strata
influencing infiltration rates of water into
and movement within the soil profile affect
Measurement of Streamflow
• Water Stage Measurement:
1. Manual Gage
2.Recording Gages
• Current Meters:
1. Cup-type
2. Propeller-type
• Water Stage Measurement :
River stage is the elevation above some
arbitrary zero datum of the water surface at a
station. The datum is sometimes taken as mean
sea level but more often is slightly below the point
of zero flow in the stream.
• Water Stage Measurement:
1. Manual Gage - The simplest way to measure
river stage is by means of a staff or stick gage, a scale
set, of concrete or wood, so that a portion of it is
immersed in the water at all times. The gage may also
consist of a vertical scale attached to a bridge pier, piling
wharf, or other structure that extends into the low-water
channel of the stream.
• Water Stage Measurement:
2. Recording Gages - Manual gages are simple
and inexpensive but must be read frequently to define the
hydrograph adequately when stage is changing rapidly. In
most situations water-stage recorders, in which the
motion of a float is recorded on a chart, should be used.
1. Float- type water- stage recorders - generally
installed in a shelter house and stilling well. The stilling well
serves to protect the float and counterweight cables from
floating debris and suppress fluctuations from surface
waves in the stream.
2. Bubbler Gages - record the pressure required to
maintain a small flow of gas from an orifice submerged in
the stream. The aim is to eliminate the costly stilling well
required with float-operated gages.
Float-type water-stage recorder Bubble Gage
• Current Meter:
- measures only the velocity of water at a point in a
stream. It operates on the principle similar to an
anemometer that measures wind speed. Discharge
through a section of the channel is computed by the
product of its measured cross-sectional area and average
velocity measured by the current meter.
• Current Meter:
1. Cup-type of current meter - consists of six
conical cups rotating about a vertical axis. Electric
contacts driven by the cups close a circuit through a
battery and the wire of the supporting cable to cause a
click for each revolution (or each fifth revolution) in
headphones worn by the operator. Electrical counting
devices are also used.
• Current Meter:
2. Propeller-type current meter - employ a propeller
turning about a horizontal axis. The contacting mechanism
of a propeller meter is similar to that of a vertical-axis type
meter, and similar suspension are used. The vertical-axis
meter has an important advantage in that the bearings
supporting the shaft can be enclosed in inverted cups which
trap air and prevent entrance of sediment-laden water. The
bearings of propeller meters cannot be so protected and are
exposed to damage by abrasion.
The relation between revolutions per
minute N of the meter cups and water
velocity V is found to be linear given by
V= a + bN
where b is the constant of proportionality and a
is the starting velocity required to overcome
mechanical friction.
Recalibration of current meter is required to correct the
relation between N and V. A channel of at least 10-m long
enclosed at both ends and containing still water and a stop
watch are necessary for calibration. With the current meter
maintained position below the water surface, traversed the
channel known length at constant speed and take note of the
time and the number of turns or revolutions the current meter
cups or propeller makes at the end of the channel length.
Repeat the same procedure at least 7 different speeds.
• Statistical regression- A more accurate method
of determining constants a and b instead of the
graphical approach is with the use of regression analysis
using the least-square method as follows. Given
measured values of N & V with sum of estimates as
computed in the Table above, constants a & b are
determined as:
• Statistical Regression
• Statistical Regression
• Statistical Regression
• Rectangular Method (Simpler, Less Accurate)
Multiply the average depth by the width if the depth is relatively uniform.
A = width X average depth
• Trapezoidal Method (More Accurate for Varying Depths)
1.For each interval between depth measurements, treat the section as a
2.Calculate the area of each trapezoid:
Area of trapezoid = (depth1 + depth2)/2 X interval width
Streamflow Discharge Calculation

Using the data below, determine the cross-sectional area and its
discharge. V= 3.1 m/s
Other Methods of Streamflow Estimation

1. Manning’s Equation: Used for natural

streams, considering channel roughness.
2. Float Method: Simple approximation
using surface velocity.
Other Methods of Streamflow Estimation
1. Manning’s Equation
Other Methods of Streamflow Estimation
2. Float Method

• Summary: Streamflow is central to hydrological

studies, with numerous factors and methods for
accurate measurement.
• Importance: Critical for water resource
management, flood control, and environmental
1. A more accurate method of determining constants a and b with the use of regression analysis.
2. It is also known as runoff water, at a particular outlet in a river is the total collection of water coming
from its watershed or drainage basin.
3. It consists of six conical cups rotating about a vertical axis.
4. A type of recording gage that is generally installed in a shelter house and stilling well.
5. This includes amount, intensity and duration of rainfall; direction of movement of the rain; areal
distribution and coverage of rainfall.
6. It is a method of streamflow estimation that is used for natural streams, considering channel
7. It is also called as surface runoff is that water which travels over the ground surface to a channel.
8. It measures only the velocity of water at a point in a stream.
9. It is the simplest way to measure river stage using a staff or stick gage, a scale set, of concrete or
wood, so that a portion of it is immersed in the water at all times.
10. It is also called as base flow or dry-weather flow which water table intersects the stream channels
of the basin.
1. A flow of 0.40 m3/s enters a 250 ha reservoir. Determine the time (in hours)
required to raise the water level 15 cm.

2. A rectangular channel is having depth 2m and width 3m, bed slope of 1 in

700. The value of manning’s roughness co efficient n = is 0.06, estimate the
discharge through the channel.

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