Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Basic Concepts t-test for one and two samples ANOVA Chi-Square Test for Categorical data
Hypothesis Testing
A technique of Statistical Inference Statistical Inference is the process of getting(or varifying) information about the population on the basis of sample drawn from the same population Hypothesis testing is the process of testing (or varifying) a hypothesis ( a conjecture, a belief, a statement, or a claim) regading population parameter(s) on the basis of information contained in a sample drawn from that population
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing
I believe the population mean age is 50 (hypothesis).
Hypothesis Testing
I believe the population mean age is 50 (hypothesis).
Hypothesis Testing
I believe the population mean age is 50 (hypothesis). Reject hypothesis! Not close.
Whats a Hypothesis?
Collect data Compute test statistic Compute p-value Make statistical decision Express decision
Basic Concepts
Null Hypothesis (H0): The hypothesis tested for possible rejection (nullification) Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The one which has to be accepted in case H0 is rejected. Also called the Research Hypothesis. A null hypothesis always assumes no difference or no effect Our aim in hypothesis is always to support the statement in H1.
Example of H0 and H1
For the Language teaching experiment, our null hypothesis would be: There is no difference between the means in the populations from which the two groups of scores were drawn That is, A = B or A - B = 0 The alternative hypothesis could be simply that A B , or A > B or A < B
Basic Concepts
Significance Level (): Probability of wrongly rejecting a true H0. Represents a kind of margin of error. Usually fixed at some small value like (0.05 (5%) or 0.01 (1%) Test-statistic: A statistic (calculated from sample data) used to test H0. Common such statistics are t-statistic, Chi-square statistic, F-statistic The corresponding statistical test of hypothesis is then referred to as t-test, chi-square test or F-test
Basic Concepts
Test-statistic: A statistic (calculated from sample data) used to test H0. Common such statistics are tstatistic, Chi-square statistic, Fstatistic The corresponding statistical test of hypothesis is then referred to as ttest, chi-square test or F-test
1. Probability of Obtaining a Test Statistic More Extreme (eor u
than Actual Sample Value Given H0 Is True 2. Called Observed Level of Significance
Smallest Value of E at which H0 Can Be Rejected If p-Value u E, Do Not Reject H0 If p-Value < E, Reject H0
Basic Concepts
Called t-test because the test statistic used is denoted by the symbol t A t-test is suitable when the data are measured on interval or ratio scale In case of one sample, t-test is used to test the hypothesis regarding the value of a population mean For example, we may be interested to test the hypothesis that the mean sentence length in a literary work is 20 That is, H0 : = 20
A two-sample t-test is used to compare two groups with regard to some (quantitative) characteristic For the Language teaching experiment, we would like to test H0 : A = B or H0 : A - B = 0
For the Language teaching experiment, our null hypothesis would be: There is no difference between the means in the populations from which the two groups of scores were drawn That is, A = B or A - B = 0 The alternative hypothesis could be simply that A B , or A > B or A < B Results for the test are in the SPSS session
Error gravity scores of ten native English-speaking teachers and ten Greek teachers of English for 32 sentences which appeared in the compositions of GreekCypriot learners of English were recorded with the results given in the table: We wish to test the hypothesis that the two groups of teachers give the same error gravity scores on average Results in the SPSS session
Group 2 (Greek)
25.03 6.25 32
28.28 7.85 32
Aim is to compare several groups (more than two) It is an extension of the two (idependent) samples t-test The null hypothesis states that all the groups are same (that is there is no difference among the groups) Symbolically, we state that H0 : 1 = 2 = 3 =. = k Vs. H1 : not all i are same (that is, not all groups are same)
ANOVA table
Source Sum of of Squares df Variation (SS) Between Poems 63.48 Within Poems 3 Mean Squares (MS) F p-value
Chi-Square Test
A common application of the chi-square test is to situations where we wish to test whether two characteristics are independent, or are associated in such a way that high frequencies of one tend to be coupled with high frequencies of other Suppose we want to investigate the relationship between tense and aspect in a particular language, and have classified the verbal phrases in a set of texts as being present or past tense, and also as either progressive or nonprogressive in aspect. We can arrange our data in the form of a 2x2 table, commonly known as a Contingency table (given on next slide)
Chi-square test
Our null hypothesis is: H0: There is no association between the two features: past/present and progressive/nonprogressive Alternative hypothesis is: H1:The two features are associated Test statistic: X2 = [ (O-E)2/E ] O = Observed frequency E = Expected Frequency Reject H0 if p-value = P( X2 > X2 (clac)) is small That is if p-value < 0.05 (5%)
Chi-square Test
O E (O E)2 / E
(308-349.9)2 / 349.9 = 5.02 (315-273.1)2 / 273.1 = 6.43 (476-434.1)2 / 434.1 = 4.04 (297-338.9)2 / 338.9 = 5.18 [ (O-E)2/E ] = 20.67
Chi-Square Test
P-value = 0.0000 Conclusion: Reject H0 and conclude that there is a significant association between Tense and Aspect. Note that the Chi-square test can be carried out for any rxc contingency table
A study was conducted to test a possible relationship between first language background and desire for a student-centered classroom in an adult ESL class, advanced level. Apply the chi-square test at an 0.05 level of significance to test for association between L1 background and the response on the question. H0: The two attributes (L1 background and stated opinion) are independent H1: The two attributes are associated
Undecided 16