Motivation No. Statements Likert Scale

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No. Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Likert

Agree Disagree Scale
1. In my English class
the teacher approaches
individual students 8 2 7 3 - 78%
with good humor and
encouraging remarks.
2. The English teacher
shows interest in
5 3 7 3 1 72%
students’ personal
3. The English teacher
adopts a friendly,
8 5 7 - - 85%
4. The English teacher
presents materials in 11 3 5 1 - 88%
an interesting way.
5. The teacher links
concepts back to 7 6 6 1 - 77%
students’ experiences.
6. The teacher chooses
topics that he/she
6 6 6 2 - 80%
thinks are relevant to
students’ lives.
7. The teacher
encourages students to
13 4 3 - - 94%
play speaking games
in class.
8. The teacher does not
always follow the 8 3 2 6 - 77%
students’ textbook.
9. The teacher allows
students to choose
5 4 9 2 - 75%
topics for
10. I do not get anxious
when I have to answer
4 10 5 - - 83%
a question in my
English class.
11. It does not worry me
that other students in
my class seem to 7 4 7 2 - 80%
speak English better
than I do.
12. I am never anxious
that other students in 9 7 2 2 - 87%
class will laugh at me
when I speak English.
13. I never feel hesitant to
ask questions in front 10 7 3 - - 91%
of the class.
14. I keep up to date with
English by working on 9 6 5 - - 88%
it almost every day.
15. I enjoy the activities
of my English class
3 5 11 - - 76%
much more than those
of my other classes.
16. I want to be fluent in
17 1 2 - - 100%
17. The English textbook
I use now is 4 5 9 2 - 74%
18. Studying English is
important because I
will be able to interact
12 7 1 - - 95%
more easily with
native speakers of
19. Studying English is
important to me
because I will be able
to participate more 11 7 2 - - 93%
freely in the cultural
activities of native
speakers of English.
Mean (Strongly

Percentage Value
0% - 19.99% Strongly Disagree
20% - 39.99% Disagree
40% - 59.99% Neutral
60% - 79.99% Agree
80% - 100% Strongly Agree



Strongly Agree
10 Agree
Strongly Disagree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

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